Remove unused imports in Melange modules.
[Melange.git] / app / soc / views / helper /
1 #!/usr/bin/python2.5
3 # Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
17 """Helpers used to render lists.
18 """
20 __authors__ = [
21 '"Chen Lunpeng" <>',
22 '"Pawel Solyga" <>',
26 from soc.logic import dicts
27 from soc.logic.models.user import logic as user_logic
29 import soc.views.helper.forms
37 ('10', '10 items per page'),
38 ('25', '25 items per page'),
39 ('50', '50 items per page'),
40 ('100', '100 items per page'),
44 ('500', '500 items per page'),
45 ('1000', '1000 items per page'),
49 def getPreferredListPagination(user=None):
50 """Returns User's preferred list pagination limit.
52 Args:
53 user: User entity containing the list pagination preference;
54 default is None, to use the current logged-in User
55 """
56 # TODO: eventually this limit should be a User profile preference
57 # (stored in the site-wide User Model) preference
61 OFFSET_KEY = 'offset_%d'
62 LIMIT_KEY = 'limit_%d'
65 def makeOffsetKey(limit_idx):
66 return OFFSET_KEY % limit_idx
69 def makeLimitKey(limit_idx):
70 return LIMIT_KEY % limit_idx
73 def getListParameters(request, list_index):
74 """Retrieves, converts and validates values for one list
76 Args:
77 list_index, int: which list to get the values for.
78 (there may be multiple lists on one page, which are multiplexed
79 by an integer.)
81 Returns:
82 a dictionary of str -> str. field name -> field value.
83 """
85 offset = request.GET.get(makeOffsetKey(list_index))
86 limit = request.GET.get(makeLimitKey(list_index))
88 if offset is None:
89 offset = ''
91 if limit is None:
92 limit = ''
94 try:
95 offset = int(offset)
96 except ValueError:
97 offset = 0
99 try:
100 limit = int(limit)
101 except ValueError:
102 limit = getPreferredListPagination()
104 offset = max(0, offset)
105 limit = max(1, limit)
107 if user_logic.isDeveloper():
108 limit = min(DEF_MAX_DEV_PAGINATION, limit)
109 else:
110 limit = min(DEF_MAX_PAGINATION, limit)
112 return dict(limit=limit, offset=offset)
115 def generateLinkFromGetArgs(request, offset_and_limits):
116 """Constructs the get args for the url.
119 args = ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in offset_and_limits.iteritems()]
120 link_suffix = '?' + '&'.join(args)
122 return request.path + link_suffix
125 def generateLinkForRequest(request, base_params, updated_params):
126 """Create a link to the same page as request but with different params
128 Params:
129 request: the request for the page
130 base_params: the base parameters
131 updated_params: the parameters to update
133 params = base_params.copy()
134 params.update(updated_params)
135 return generateLinkFromGetArgs(request, params)
138 def getListContent(request, params, filter=None, order=None,
139 idx=0, need_content=False):
140 """Returns a dict with fields used for rendering lists.
142 TODO(dbentley): we need better terminology. List, in this context, can have
143 one of two meanings.
144 Meaning 1: the underlying list, which may be very large.
145 Meaning 2: the returned list, which is at most 'limit' items.
147 Args:
148 request: the Django HTTP request object
149 params: a dict with params for the View this list belongs to
150 filter: a filter for this list
151 order: the order which should be used for the list (in getForFields format)
152 idx: the index of this list
153 need_content: iff True will return None if there is no data
155 Returns:
156 A dictionary with the following values set:
159 'data': list data to be displayed
160 'main': url to list main template
161 'pagination': url to list pagination template
162 'row': url to list row template
163 'heading': url to list heading template
164 'limit': max amount of items per page,
165 'newest': url to first page of the list
166 'prev': url to previous page
167 'next': url to next page
168 'first': offset of the first item in the list
169 'last': offset of the last item in the list
172 # TODO(dbentley): this appears to be unnecessary indirection,
173 # as we only use this logic for getForFields, which is never overridden
174 logic = params['logic']
176 limit_key, offset_key = makeLimitKey(idx), makeOffsetKey(idx)
178 list_params = getListParameters(request, idx)
179 limit, offset = list_params['limit'], list_params['offset']
180 pagination_form = makePaginationForm(request, list_params['limit'],
181 limit_key)
183 # Fetch one more to see if there should be a 'next' link
184 data = logic.getForFields(filter=filter, limit=limit+1, offset=offset,
185 order=order)
187 if need_content and not data:
188 return None
190 more = len(data) > limit
192 if more:
193 del data[limit:]
195 newest = next = prev = export_link = ''
197 base_params = dict(i for i in request.GET.iteritems() if
198 i[0].startswith('offset_') or i[0].startswith('limit_'))
200 if params.get('list_key_order'):
201 export_link = generateLinkForRequest(request, base_params, {'export' : idx})
203 if more:
204 # TODO(dbentley): here we need to implement a new field "last_key"
205 next = generateLinkForRequest(request, base_params, {offset_key : offset+limit,
206 limit_key : limit})
208 if offset > 0:
209 # TODO(dbentley): here we need to implement previous in the good way.
210 prev = generateLinkForRequest(request, base_params,
211 { offset_key : max(0, offset-limit),
212 limit_key : limit })
214 if offset > limit:
215 # Having a link to the first doesn't make sense on the first page (we're on
216 # it). It also doesn't make sense on the second page (because the first
217 # page is the previous page).
219 # NOTE(dbentley): I personally disagree that it's simpler to do that way,
220 # because sometimes you want to go to the first page without having to
221 # consider what page you're on now.
222 newest = generateLinkForGetArgs(request, base_params, {offset_key : 0,
223 limit_key : limit})
225 content = {
226 'idx': idx,
227 'data': data,
228 'export': export_link,
229 'first': offset+1,
230 'last': len(data) > 1 and offset+len(data) or None,
231 'logic': logic,
232 'limit': limit,
233 'newest': newest,
234 'next': next,
235 'pagination_form': pagination_form,
236 'prev': prev,
239 updates = dicts.rename(params, params['list_params'])
240 content.update(updates)
242 return content
245 def makePaginationForm(
246 request, limit, arg_name, choices=DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES,
247 field_name_fmt=soc.views.helper.forms.DEF_SELECT_QUERY_ARG_FIELD_NAME_FMT):
248 """Returns a customized pagination limit selection form.
250 Args:
251 request: the standard Django HTTP request object
252 limit: the initial value of the selection control
253 arg_name: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm(); default is 'limit'
254 choices: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm(); default is
256 field_name_fmt: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm()
258 choices = makeNewPaginationChoices(limit=limit, choices=choices)
260 return soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm(
261 request, arg_name, limit, choices)
264 def makeNewPaginationChoices(limit=DEF_DEFAULT_PAGINATION,
266 """Updates the pagination limit selection form.
268 Args:
269 limit: the initial value of the selection control;
271 choices: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm();
274 Returns:
275 a new pagination choices list if limit is not in
279 new_choices = []
280 new_choice = (str(limit), '%s items per page' % limit)
282 new_choices.append(new_choice)
283 new_choices.extend(choices)
285 if user_logic.isDeveloper():
286 new_choices.extend(DEF_DEVELOPER_CHOICES)
288 new_choices = set(new_choices)
290 return sorted(new_choices, key=lambda (x, y): int(x))