Refactoring of Complex/ and a new test for gsl_complex_polar reveals a suspici...
[Math-GSL.git] / lib / Math /
1 package Math::GSL;
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
4 use Config;
5 use Data::Dumper;
6 use Test::More;
7 use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
8 require DynaLoader;
9 require Exporter;
10 our @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
11 our @EXPORT = qw();
12 our @EXPORT_OK = qw( is_similar );
13 use constant MAX_DOUBLE => 1.7976931348623157e+308;
14 use constant MIN_DOUBLE => 2.2250738585072014e-308;
15 use constant MAX_FLOAT => 3.40282347e+38;
16 use constant MIN_FLOAT => 1.175494351e-38;
17 our $VERSION = 0.042;
19 =head1 NAME
21 Math::GSL - Perl interface to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) using SWIG
23 =head1 VERSION
25 Version 0.01
27 =cut
29 =head1 SYNOPSIS
32 use Math::GSL::Sf qw/ ... /;
33 ...
35 =head1 EXPORT
39 =head1 AUTHOR
41 Jonathan Leto, C<< <jonathan at> >>
43 =head1 BUGS
45 Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-math-gsl at>, or through
46 the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
47 automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
50 =head1 SUPPORT
52 You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
54 perldoc Math::GSL
56 or online at L<>
59 You can also look for information at:
61 =over 4
63 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
65 L<>
67 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
69 L<>
71 =item * CPAN Ratings
73 L<>
75 =item * Search CPAN
77 L<>
79 =back
87 Copyright 2008 Jonathan Leto, all rights reserved.
89 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
90 under the same terms as Perl itself.
92 =cut
94 sub new
96 my ($self,$args) = @_;
97 my $class = ref $self || $self || 'Math::GSL';
98 my $this = { };
99 bless $this, $class;
102 sub subsystems
104 return qw/
105 CDF Errno Fit Machine
106 Poly PowInt Randist SF Types
110 sub verify_results
112 my ($self,$results,$class, $eps) = @_;
113 $eps ||= 1e-8;
114 while (my($k,$v)=each %$results){
115 my $x;
116 if (defined $class){
117 $x = eval qq{${class}::$k};
118 } else {
119 $x = eval $k;
122 print "got $x for $k\n" if defined $ENV{DEBUG};
123 if(defined $x && $x =~ /nan|inf/i){
124 ok( $v eq $x, "'$v'?='$x'" );
125 } else {
126 my $res = abs($x-$v);
127 $@ ? ok(0)
128 : ok( $res < $eps, "$k ?= $x, +- $res" );
133 sub is_similar {
134 my ($x,$y, $eps) = @_;
135 $eps ||= 1e-8;
136 abs($x-$y) < $eps ? 1 : 0;
139 sub is_valid_double
141 my $x=shift;
142 return 0 unless ( defined $x && looks_like_number($x) );
144 return 1 if ($x == 0);
146 $x = abs $x;
148 $x > MIN_DOUBLE &&
149 $x < MAX_DOUBLE
150 ) ? 1 : 0;
152 sub is_valid_float
154 my $x=shift;
155 return 0 unless ( defined $x && looks_like_number($x) );
157 return 1 if ($x == 0);
159 $x = abs $x ;
161 $x > MIN_FLOAT &&
162 $x < MAX_FLOAT
163 ) ? 1 : 0;
166 sub _has_quads { $Config{use64bitint} eq 'define' || ($Config{longsize} >= 8) }
167 sub _has_long_doubles { $Config{d_longdbl} eq 'define' }
168 sub _has_long_doubles_as_default { $Config{uselongdouble} eq 'define' }
169 sub _has_long_doubles_same_as_doubles { $Config{doublesize} == $Config{longdblsize} }
171 sub _assert_dies($;$)
173 my ($code,$msg) = @_;
174 my $status = eval { &$code };
175 print "status=||$status||\n\$\?=$?\n\$\!=$!\n" if 0;
176 $@ ? ok(1, $msg) : ok (0, join "\n", $@, $msg );