Merge branch 'MacVim'
[MacVim/KaoriYa.git] / runtime / syntax / resolv.vim
1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: resolver configuration file
3 " Maintainer: David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <>
4 " Original Maintaner: Radu Dineiu <>
5 " License: This file can be redistribued and/or modified under the same terms
6 "   as Vim itself.
7 " URL:
8 " Last Change: 2006-04-16
10 if version < 600
11         syntax clear
12 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
13         finish
14 endif
16 " Errors, comments and operators
17 syn match resolvError /./
18 syn match resolvComment /\s*[#;].*$/
19 syn match resolvOperator /[\/:]/ contained
21 " IP
22 syn cluster resolvIPCluster contains=resolvIPError,resolvIPSpecial
23 syn match resolvIPError /\%(\d\{4,}\|25[6-9]\|2[6-9]\d\|[3-9]\d\{2}\)[\.0-9]*/ contained
24 syn match resolvIPSpecial /\%(127\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\)/ contained
26 " General
27 syn match resolvIP contained /\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}/ contains=@resolvIPCluster
28 syn match resolvIPNetmask contained /\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}\%(\/\%(\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{,3}\d\{1,4}\)\)\?/ contains=resolvOperator,@resolvIPCluster
29 syn match resolvHostname contained /\w\{-}\.[-0-9A-Za-z_\.]*/
31 " Particular
32 syn match resolvIPNameserver contained /\%(\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}\%(\s\|$\)\)\+/ contains=@resolvIPCluster
33 syn match resolvHostnameSearch contained /\%(\%([-0-9A-Za-z_]\+\.\)*[-0-9A-Za-z_]\+\.\?\%(\s\|$\)\)\+/
34 syn match resolvIPNetmaskSortList contained /\%(\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}\%(\/\%(\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{,3}\d\{1,4}\)\)\?\%(\s\|$\)\)\+/ contains=resolvOperator,@resolvIPCluster
36 " Identifiers
37 syn match resolvNameserver /^\s*nameserver\>/ nextgroup=resolvIPNameserver skipwhite
38 syn match resolvLwserver /^\s*lwserver\>/ nextgroup=resolvIPNameserver skipwhite
39 syn match resolvDomain /^\s*domain\>/ nextgroup=resolvHostname skipwhite
40 syn match resolvSearch /^\s*search\>/ nextgroup=resolvHostnameSearch skipwhite
41 syn match resolvSortList /^\s*sortlist\>/ nextgroup=resolvIPNetmaskSortList skipwhite
42 syn match resolvOptions /^\s*options\>/ nextgroup=resolvOption skipwhite
44 " Options
45 " FIXME: The manual page and the source code do not exactly agree on the set
46 " of allowed options
47 syn match resolvOption /\<\%(debug\|no_tld_query\|rotate\|no-check-names\|inet6\)\>/ contained nextgroup=resolvOption skipwhite
48 syn match resolvOption /\<\%(ndots\|timeout\|attempts\):\d\+\>/ contained contains=resolvOperator nextgroup=resolvOption skipwhite
50 " Additional errors
51 syn match resolvError /^search .\{257,}/
53 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_config_syntax_inits")
54         if version < 508
55                 let did_config_syntax_inits = 1
56                 command! -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
57         else
58                 command! -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
59         endif
61         HiLink resolvIP Number
62         HiLink resolvIPNetmask Number
63         HiLink resolvHostname String
64         HiLink resolvOption String
66         HiLink resolvIPNameserver Number
67         HiLink resolvHostnameSearch String
68         HiLink resolvIPNetmaskSortList Number
70         HiLink resolvNameServer Identifier
71         HiLink resolvLwserver Identifier
72         HiLink resolvDomain Identifier
73         HiLink resolvSearch Identifier
74         HiLink resolvSortList Identifier
75         HiLink resolvOptions Identifier
77         HiLink resolvComment Comment
78         HiLink resolvOperator Operator
79         HiLink resolvError Error
80         HiLink resolvIPError Error
81         HiLink resolvIPSpecial Special
83         delcommand HiLink
84 endif
86 let b:current_syntax = "resolv"
88 " vim: ts=8 ft=vim