[MacVim/KaoriYa.git] / src / MacVim / Deployment / latest.xml
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3   <channel>
4     <title>MacVim KaoriYa</title>
5         <link>http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/latest.xml</link>
6     <description>Most recent changes with links to updates.</description>
8     <!--
9     To add a new release:
11     * add a new <item> below (copy an old one)
12     * Adapt the <title>
13     * Adapt the <description>
14     * Adapt the <pubDate> (format 'Day, dd Mon yyyy hh:mm CET')
15     * Adapte <enclosure>, make sure to update the url, length, saprkle:version
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18     Sparkle honors the following user defaults:
20     * SUFeedURL overrides the value in Info.plist (if we want to offer several
21       appcasts in the preferences one day ("latest", "stable" for example).
23       This means that for testing you can do
25           defaults read org.vim.MacVim SUFeedURL  # note this down
26           defaults write org.vim.MacVim SUFeedURL file:///Users/you/testcast.xml
27             # !!! note the three '/' after 'file:
28           # test test test
29           defaults write org.vim.MacVim SUFeedURL previousvalue
30           # or, to use some default setting for the url,
31           defaults delete org.vim.MacVim SUFeedURL
33     Sparkle usually assumes a naming scheme of name_versionnumber.tar.bz2 .
34     Instead, you can also provide a sparkle:version="2.0_rc2" attribute on
35     the enclosure and name the package as you like. You can (and should) also
36     provide a sparkle:shortVersionString="User-facing version string"
37     attribute that corresponds to CFBundleShortVersionString. Sparkle uses
38     CFBundleVersion to determine the current application version.
40     Sparkle supports updates in zip, tar, tbz, tgz, or dmg format.
41     -->
43     <item>
44       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090425 released</title>
45       <description><![CDATA[
46 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090425 released</h1>
47 <ul>
48         <li>IM 状態取得を実装。IM 自動ON/OFF が動作します。
49         <li>ctags 5.7J1 を同梱
50 </ul>
51       ]]></description>
52       <pubDate>Sat, 25 Apr 2009 14:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
53       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
54         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090425.dmg"
55         length="41389896"
56         sparkle:version="20090425"
57         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
58         />
59     </item>
61     <item>
62       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090423 released</title>
63       <description><![CDATA[
64 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090423 released</h1>
65 <ul>
66         <li>文字コード判別を向上。fileencodings(fencs)設定不要です。<br>
67                 <a href="http://code.google.com/p/macvim-kaoriya/wiki/Readme"
68                  >ドキュメント http://code.google.com/p/macvim-kaoriya/wiki/Readme</a>
69 </ul>
70       ]]></description>
71       <pubDate>Thu, 23 Apr 2009 22:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
72       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
73         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090423.dmg"
74         length="41389896"
75         sparkle:version="20090423"
76         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
77         />
78     </item>
80     <item>
81       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090417 released</title>
82       <description><![CDATA[
83 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090417 released</h1>
84 <ul>
85         <li>migemo, iconvが使用できない不具合を修正
86 </ul>
87       ]]></description>
88       <pubDate>Fri, 17 Apr 2009 21:30:00 +0900</pubDate>
89       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
90         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090417.dmg"
91         length="38283482"
92         sparkle:version="20090417"
93         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
94         />
95     </item>
97     <item>
98       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090416 released</title>
99       <description><![CDATA[
100 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090416 released</h1>
101 <ul>
102         <li>+perl/+python/+ruby に対応。
103                 <a href="http://code.google.com/p/macvim-kaoriya/wiki/Readme"
104                  >ドキュメント http://code.google.com/p/macvim-kaoriya/wiki/Readme</a>
105 </ul>
106       ]]></description>
107       <pubDate>Thu, 16 Apr 2009 21:30:00 +0900</pubDate>
108       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
109         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090416.dmg"
110         length="38249866"
111         sparkle:version="20090416"
112         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
113         />
114     </item>
116     <item>
117       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090414 released</title>
118       <description><![CDATA[
119 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090414 released</h1>
120 <ul>
121         <li>MacVim snapshot-45
122 <p> Changes since snapshot 44:
123   <ul>
124     <li> The toolbar is not hidden by default again (if you prefer having the toolbar hidden, then add the line "set go-=T" to your ~/.gvimrc file) </li>
125     <li> The ATSUI renderer honors the 'guisp' highlighting color </li>
126     <li> Fix the forever bouncing Dock icon bug (Kazuki Sakamoto) </li>
127     <li> Add the "Show Hidden Files" checkbox button to the Save dialog whenever the file browser is expanded </li>
128     <li> Frontend refactoring </li>
129   </ul>
130 </p>
131         <li>全角記号幅用にデフォルトで set ambiwidth=double を設定
132 </ul>
133       ]]></description>
134       <pubDate>Tue, 14 Apr 2009 21:30:00 +0900</pubDate>
135       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
136         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090414.dmg"
137         length="38161075"
138         sparkle:version="20090414"
139         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
140         />
141     </item>
143     <item>
144       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090410 released</title>
145       <description><![CDATA[
146 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090410 released</h1>
147 <ul>
148         <li>gettextによる日本語化を修正。
149         <li>IM自動ON機能のみ無効化(ESC押下時のIM自動OFFは有効)。
150         <li>言語環境に従うように変更。
151 </ul>
152       ]]></description>
153       <pubDate>Fri, 10 Apr 2009 23:30:00 +0900</pubDate>
154       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
155         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090410.dmg"
156         length="38160662"
157         sparkle:version="20090410"
158         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
159         />
160     </item>
162     <item>
163       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090408 released</title>
164       <description><![CDATA[
165 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090408 released</h1>
166       ]]></description>
167       <pubDate>Wed, 08 Apr 2009 21:20:00 +0900</pubDate>
168       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
169         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090408.dmg"
170         length="38123890"
171         sparkle:version="20090408"
172         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
173         />
174     </item>
176     <item>
177       <title>macvim-kaoriya-20090406 released</title>
178       <description><![CDATA[
179 <h1>MacVim-KaoriYa 20090406 released</h1>
180       ]]></description>
181       <pubDate>Mon, 06 Apr 2009 21:21:00 +0900</pubDate>
182       <enclosure type="application/octet-stream"
183         url="http://macvim-kaoriya.googlecode.com/files/macvim-kaoriya-20090406.dmg"
184         length="38122873"
185         sparkle:version="20090406"
186         sparkle:shortVersionString="7.2"
187         />
188     </item>
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