Merged from the latest developing branch.
[MacVim/KaoriYa.git] / runtime / syntax / spyce.vim
1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language:        SPYCE
3 " Maintainer:    Rimon Barr <rimon AT acm DOT org>
4 " URL:     
5 " Last Change: 2003 May 11
7 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
8 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
9 if version < 600
10   syntax clear
11 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
12   finish
13 endif
15 " we define it here so that included files can test for it
16 if !exists("main_syntax")
17   let main_syntax='spyce'
18 endif
20 " Read the HTML syntax to start with
21 let b:did_indent = 1         " don't perform HTML indentation!
22 let html_no_rendering = 1    " do not render <b>,<i>, etc...
23 if version < 600
24   so <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
25 else
26   runtime! syntax/html.vim
27   unlet b:current_syntax
28 endif
30 " include python
31 syn include @Python <sfile>:p:h/python.vim
32 syn include @Html <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
34 " spyce definitions
35 syn keyword spyceDirectiveKeyword include compact module import contained
36 syn keyword spyceDirectiveArg name names file contained
37 syn region  spyceDirectiveString start=+"+ end=+"+ contained
38 syn match   spyceDirectiveValue "=[\t ]*[^'", \t>][^, \t>]*"hs=s+1 contained
40 syn match spyceBeginErrorS  ,\[\[,
41 syn match spyceBeginErrorA  ,<%,
42 syn cluster spyceBeginError contains=spyceBeginErrorS,spyceBeginErrorA
43 syn match spyceEndErrorS    ,\]\],
44 syn match spyceEndErrorA    ,%>,
45 syn cluster spyceEndError contains=spyceEndErrorS,spyceEndErrorA
47 syn match spyceEscBeginS       ,\\\[\[,
48 syn match spyceEscBeginA       ,\\<%,
49 syn cluster spyceEscBegin contains=spyceEscBeginS,spyceEscBeginA
50 syn match spyceEscEndS         ,\\\]\],
51 syn match spyceEscEndA         ,\\%>,
52 syn cluster spyceEscEnd contains=spyceEscEndS,spyceEscEndA
53 syn match spyceEscEndCommentS  ,--\\\]\],
54 syn match spyceEscEndCommentA  ,--\\%>,
55 syn cluster spyceEscEndComment contains=spyceEscEndCommentS,spyceEscEndCommentA
57 syn region spyceStmtS      matchgroup=spyceStmtDelim start=,\[\[, end=,\]\], contains=@Python,spyceLambdaS,spyceLambdaA,spyceBeginError keepend
58 syn region spyceStmtA      matchgroup=spyceStmtDelim start=,<%, end=,%>, contains=@Python,spyceLambdaS,spyceLambdaA,spyceBeginError keepend
59 syn region spyceChunkS     matchgroup=spyceChunkDelim start=,\[\[\\, end=,\]\], contains=@Python,spyceLambdaS,spyceLambdaA,spyceBeginError keepend
60 syn region spyceChunkA     matchgroup=spyceChunkDelim start=,<%\\, end=,%>, contains=@Python,spyceLambdaS,spyceLambdaA,spyceBeginError keepend
61 syn region spyceEvalS      matchgroup=spyceEvalDelim start=,\[\[=, end=,\]\], contains=@Python,spyceLambdaS,spyceLambdaA,spyceBeginError keepend
62 syn region spyceEvalA      matchgroup=spyceEvalDelim start=,<%=, end=,%>, contains=@Python,spyceLambdaS,spyceLambdaA,spyceBeginError keepend
63 syn region spyceDirectiveS matchgroup=spyceDelim start=,\[\[\., end=,\]\], contains=spyceBeginError,spyceDirectiveKeyword,spyceDirectiveArg,spyceDirectiveValue,spyceDirectiveString keepend
64 syn region spyceDirectiveA matchgroup=spyceDelim start=,<%@, end=,%>, contains=spyceBeginError,spyceDirectiveKeyword,spyceDirectiveArg,spyceDirectiveValue,spyceDirectiveString keepend
65 syn region spyceCommentS   matchgroup=spyceCommentDelim start=,\[\[--, end=,--\]\],
66 syn region spyceCommentA   matchgroup=spyceCommentDelim start=,<%--, end=,--%>,
67 syn region spyceLambdaS    matchgroup=spyceLambdaDelim start=,\[\[spy!\?, end=,\]\], contains=@Html,@spyce extend
68 syn region spyceLambdaA    matchgroup=spyceLambdaDelim start=,<%spy!\?, end=,%>, contains=@Html,@spyce extend
70 syn cluster spyce contains=spyceStmtS,spyceStmtA,spyceChunkS,spyceChunkA,spyceEvalS,spyceEvalA,spyceCommentS,spyceCommentA,spyceDirectiveS,spyceDirectiveA
72 syn cluster htmlPreproc contains=@spyce
74 hi link spyceDirectiveKeyword   Special
75 hi link spyceDirectiveArg       Type
76 hi link spyceDirectiveString    String
77 hi link spyceDirectiveValue     String
79 hi link spyceDelim              Special
80 hi link spyceStmtDelim          spyceDelim
81 hi link spyceChunkDelim         spyceDelim
82 hi link spyceEvalDelim          spyceDelim
83 hi link spyceLambdaDelim        spyceDelim
84 hi link spyceCommentDelim       Comment
86 hi link spyceBeginErrorS        Error
87 hi link spyceBeginErrorA        Error
88 hi link spyceEndErrorS          Error
89 hi link spyceEndErrorA          Error
91 hi link spyceStmtS              spyce
92 hi link spyceStmtA              spyce
93 hi link spyceChunkS             spyce
94 hi link spyceChunkA             spyce
95 hi link spyceEvalS              spyce
96 hi link spyceEvalA              spyce
97 hi link spyceDirectiveS         spyce
98 hi link spyceDirectiveA         spyce
99 hi link spyceCommentS           Comment
100 hi link spyceCommentA           Comment
101 hi link spyceLambdaS            Normal
102 hi link spyceLambdaA            Normal
104 hi link spyce                   Statement
106 let b:current_syntax = "spyce"
107 if main_syntax == 'spyce'
108   unlet main_syntax
109 endif