Merged from the latest developing branch.
[MacVim/KaoriYa.git] / runtime / syntax / fetchmail.vim
1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language:         fetchmail(1) RC File
3 " Maintainer:       Nikolai Weibull <>
4 " Latest Revision:  2006-04-19
6 if exists("b:current_syntax")
7   finish
8 endif
10 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
11 set cpo&vim
13 syn keyword fetchmailTodo       contained FIXME TODO XXX NOTE
15 syn region  fetchmailComment    start='#' end='$' contains=fetchmailTodo,@Spell
17 syn match   fetchmailNumber     display '\<\d\+\>'
19 syn region  fetchmailString     start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
20                                 \ contains=fetchmailStringEsc
21 syn region  fetchmailString     start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+
22                                 \ contains=fetchmailStringEsc
24 syn match   fetchmailStringEsc  contained '\\\([ntb]\|0\d*\|x\x\+\)'
26 syn region  fetchmailKeyword    transparent matchgroup=fetchmailKeyword
27                                 \ start='\<poll\|skip\|defaults\>'
28                                 \ end='\<poll\|skip\|defaults\>'
29                                 \ contains=ALLBUT,fetchmailOptions,fetchmailSet
31 syn keyword fetchmailServerOpts contained via proto[col] local[domains] port
32                                 \ auth[enticate] timeout envelope qvirtual aka
33                                 \ interface monitor plugin plugout dns
34                                 \ checkalias uidl interval netsec principal
35                                 \ esmtpname esmtppassword
36                                 \ sslcertck sslcertpath sslfingerprint
37 syn match   fetchmailServerOpts contained '\<no\_s\+\(envelope\|dns\|checkalias\|uidl\)'
39 syn keyword fetchmailUserOpts   contained user[name] is to pass[word] ssl
40                                 \ sslcert sslkey sslproto folder smtphost
41                                 \ fetchdomains smtpaddress smtpname antispam
42                                 \ mda bsmtp preconnect postconnect keep flush
43                                 \ fetchall rewrite stripcr forcecr pass8bits
44                                 \ dropstatus dropdelivered mimedecode idle
45                                 \ limit warnings batchlimit fetchlimit expunge
46                                 \ tracepolls properties
47 syn match   fetchmailUserOpts   contained '\<no\_s\+\(keep\|flush\|fetchall\|rewrite\|stripcr\|forcecr\|pass8bits\|dropstatus\|dropdelivered\|mimedecode\|noidle\)'
49 syn keyword fetchmailSpecial    contained here there
51 syn keyword fetchmailNoise      and with has wants options
52 syn match   fetchmailNoise      display '[:;,]'
54 syn keyword fetchmailSet        nextgroup=fetchmailOptions skipwhite skipnl set
56 syn keyword fetchmailOptions    daemon postmaster bouncemail spambounce logfile
57                                 \ idfile syslog nosyslog properties
58 syn match   fetchmailOptions    '\<no\_s\+\(bouncemail\|spambounce\)'
60 hi def link fetchmailComment    Comment
61 hi def link fetchmailTodo       Todo
62 hi def link fetchmailNumber     Number
63 hi def link fetchmailString     String
64 hi def link fetchmailStringEsc  SpecialChar
65 hi def link fetchmailKeyword    Keyword
66 hi def link fetchmailServerOpts Identifier
67 hi def link fetchmailUserOpts   Identifier
68 hi def link fetchmailSpecial    Special
69 hi def link fetchmailSet        Keyword
70 hi def link fetchmailOptions    Identifier
72 let b:current_syntax = "fetchmail"
74 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
75 unlet s:cpo_save