Dialogs are always displayed in the default run loop mode
[MacVim.git] / src / MacVim / gvimrc
1 " System gvimrc file for MacVim
3 " Maintainer:   Bjorn Winckler <bjorn.winckler@gmail.com>
4 " Last Change:  Sun May 19 2008
6 " This is a work in progress.  If you feel so inclined, please help me improve
7 " this file.
10 " Make sure the '<' and 'C' flags are not included in 'cpoptions', otherwise
11 " <CR> would not be recognized.  See ":help 'cpoptions'".
12 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
13 set cpo&vim
17 " Global default options
20 if !exists("syntax_on")
21   syntax on
22 endif
24 if !exists("colors_name")
25     " Use the macvim color scheme by default
26     colorscheme macvim
27 endif
32 " Extra menus
36 " File menu
38 aunmenu File.New
39 aunmenu File.Open\.\.\.
40 aunmenu File.Close
41 aunmenu File.-SEP4-
42 aunmenu File.Exit
43 aunmenu File.Save-Exit
45 an <silent> 10.290 File.New\ Window             <Nop>
46 an  10.295 File.New\ Tab                        :tabnew<CR>
47 an <silent> 10.310 File.Open\.\.\.              <Nop>
48 an <silent> 10.325 File.Open\ Recent            <Nop>
49 an 10.328 File.-SEP0-                           <Nop>
50 an <silent> 10.330 File.Close\ Window<Tab>:qa   :conf qa<CR>
51 an <silent> 10.332 File.Close                   :conf q<CR>
52 an <silent> 10.341 File.Save\ All               :browse conf wa<CR>
53 an 10.350 File.Save\ As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav          :browse confirm saveas<CR>
56 " Edit menu
58 aunmenu Edit.Find
59 aunmenu Edit.Find\ and\ Replace
61 an 20.410.10 Edit.Find.Find\.\.\.<Tab>/     /
62 an 20.410.20 Edit.Find.Find\ Next           <Nop>
63 an 20.410.30 Edit.Find.Find\ Previous       <Nop>
64 vmenu 20.410.35 Edit.Find.Use\ Selection\ for\ Find y:let @/=@"<CR>n
65 an 20.410.40 Edit.Find.-SEP1-               <Nop>
66 an 20.410.50 Edit.Find.Find\ and\ Replace\.\.\.<Tab>:%s   :%s/
67 vunmenu      Edit.Find.Find\ and\ Replace\.\.\.<Tab>:%s
68 vnoremenu    Edit.Find.Find\ and\ Replace\.\.\.<Tab>:s    :s/
70 an 20.460 Edit.-SEP4-                       <Nop>
71 an 20.465.10 Edit.Font.Show\ Fonts          <Nop>
72 an 20.465.20 Edit.Font.-SEP5-               <Nop>
73 an 20.465.30 Edit.Font.Bigger               <Nop>
74 an 20.465.40 Edit.Font.Smaller              <Nop>
75 an 20.470 Edit.Special\ Characters\.\.\.    <Nop>
78 " Window menu (should be next to Help so give it a high priority)
79 aunmenu Window
81 an <silent> 9900.300 Window.Minimize            <Nop>
82 an <silent> 9900.301 Window.Minimize\ All       <Nop>
83 an <silent> 9900.310 Window.Zoom                <Nop>
84 an <silent> 9900.311 Window.Zoom\ All           <Nop>
85 an <silent> 9900.320 Window.Toggle\ Full\ Screen\ Mode  :set invfullscreen<CR>
86 an 9900.330 Window.-SEP1-                       <Nop>
87 " TODO! Grey out if no tabs are visible.
88 an <silent> 9900.340 Window.Previous\ Tab       :tabprevious<CR>
89 an <silent> 9900.350 Window.Next\ Tab           :tabnext<CR>
90 an 9900.360 Window.-SEP2-                       <Nop>
91 an <silent> 9900.370 Window.Bring\ All\ To\ Front <Nop>
94 " Help menu
95 an 9999.1 Help.MacVim\ Help                 :h gui_mac<CR>
96 an <silent> 9999.2 Help.MacVim\ Website     <Nop>
97 an 9999.3 Help.-sep0-                       <Nop>
101 " Toolbar
103 " These items are special ('*' means zero or more arbitrary characters):
104 "   -space*-        an empty space
105 "   -flexspace*-    a flexible space
106 "   -*-             a separator item
108 " Remove some items so that all items are visible at the default window size.
109 "aunmenu ToolBar.Undo
110 "aunmenu ToolBar.Redo
111 "aunmenu ToolBar.-sep2-
112 "aunmenu ToolBar.Cut
113 "aunmenu ToolBar.Copy
114 "aunmenu ToolBar.Paste
115 "aunmenu ToolBar.-sep3-
116 aunmenu ToolBar.Replace
117 aunmenu ToolBar.FindNext
118 aunmenu ToolBar.FindPrev
119 aunmenu ToolBar.-sep5-
120 aunmenu ToolBar.-sep6-
121 aunmenu ToolBar.RunCtags
122 aunmenu ToolBar.TagJump
123 "aunmenu ToolBar.-sep7-
124 aunmenu ToolBar.FindHelp
126 "an 1.295 ToolBar.-flexspace7-   <Nop>
130 " This is so that HIG Cmd and Option movement mappings can be disabled by
131 " adding the line
132 "   let macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement = 1
133 " to the user .vimrc
135 if !exists("macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement")
136   no   <D-Left>       <Home>
137   no!  <D-Left>       <Home>
138   no   <M-Left>       <C-Left>
139   no!  <M-Left>       <C-Left>
141   no   <D-Right>      <End>
142   no!  <D-Right>      <End>
143   no   <M-Right>      <C-Right>
144   no!  <M-Right>      <C-Right>
146   no   <D-Up>         <C-Home>
147   ino  <D-Up>         <C-Home>
148   map  <M-Up>         {
149   imap <M-Up>         <C-o>{
151   no   <D-Down>       <C-End>
152   ino  <D-Down>       <C-End>
153   map  <M-Down>       }
154   imap <M-Down>       <C-o>}
155 endif " !exists("macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement")
158 " This is so that the HIG shift movement related settings can be enabled by
159 " adding the line
160 "   let macvim_hig_shift_movement = 1
161 " to the user .vimrc (not .gvimrc!).
163 if exists("macvim_hig_shift_movement")
164   " Shift + special movement key (<S-Left>, etc.) and mouse starts insert mode
165   set selectmode=mouse,key
166   set keymodel=startsel,stopsel
168   " HIG related shift + special movement key mappings
169   nn   <S-D-Left>     <S-Home>
170   vn   <S-D-Left>     <S-Home>
171   ino  <S-D-Left>     <S-Home>
172   nn   <S-M-Left>     <S-C-Left>
173   vn   <S-M-Left>     <S-C-Left>
174   ino  <S-M-Left>     <S-C-Left>
176   nn   <S-D-Right>    <S-End>
177   vn   <S-D-Right>    <S-End>
178   ino  <S-D-Right>    <S-End>
179   nn   <S-M-Right>    <S-C-Right>
180   vn   <S-M-Right>    <S-C-Right>
181   ino  <S-M-Right>    <S-C-Right>
183   nn   <S-D-Up>       <S-C-Home>
184   vn   <S-D-Up>       <S-C-Home>
185   ino  <S-D-Up>       <S-C-Home>
187   nn   <S-D-Down>     <S-C-End>
188   vn   <S-D-Down>     <S-C-End>
189   ino  <S-D-Down>     <S-C-End>
190 endif " exists("macvim_hig_shift_movement")
195 " Set up menu key equivalents (these should always have the 'D' modifier set),
196 " action bindings, and alternate items.
198 " Note: menu items which should execute an action are bound to <Nop>; the
199 " action message is specified here via the :macmenu command.
202 macm File.New\ Window                       key=<D-n> action=newWindow:
203 macm File.New\ Tab                          key=<D-t>
204 macm File.Open\.\.\.                        key=<D-o> action=fileOpen:
205 macm File.Open\ Tab\.\.\.                   key=<D-T>
206 macm File.Open\ Recent                      action=recentFilesDummy:
207 macm File.Close\ Window                     key=<D-W>
208 macm File.Close                             key=<D-w> action=performClose:
209 macm File.Save                              key=<D-s>
210 macm File.Save\ All                         key=<D-M-s> alt=YES
211 macm File.Save\ As\.\.\.                    key=<D-S>
212 macm File.Print                             key=<D-p>
214 macm Edit.Undo                              key=<D-z> action=undo:
215 macm Edit.Redo                              key=<D-Z> action=redo:
216 macm Edit.Cut                               key=<D-x> action=cut:
217 macm Edit.Copy                              key=<D-c> action=copy:
218 macm Edit.Paste                             key=<D-v> action=paste:
219 macm Edit.Select\ All                       key=<D-a> action=selectAll:
220 macm Edit.Find.Find\.\.\.                   key=<D-f>
221 macm Edit.Find.Find\ Next                   key=<D-g> action=findNext:
222 macm Edit.Find.Find\ Previous               key=<D-G> action=findPrevious:
223 macm Edit.Find.Use\ Selection\ for\ Find    key=<D-e>
224 macm Edit.Special\ Characters\.\.\.         key=<D-M-t>
225 macm Edit.Font.Show\ Fonts                  action=orderFrontFontPanel:
226 macm Edit.Font.Bigger                       key=<D-=> action=fontSizeUp:
227 macm Edit.Font.Smaller                      key=<D--> action=fontSizeDown:
228 macm Edit.Special\ Characters\.\.\.         action=orderFrontCharacterPalette:
230 macm Tools.Spelling.To\ Next\ error         key=<D-;>
231 macm Tools.Spelling.Suggest\ Corrections    key=<D-:>
232 macm Tools.Make                             key=<D-b>
233 macm Tools.List\ Errors                     key=<D-l>
234 macm Tools.List\ Messages                   key=<D-L>
235 macm Tools.Next\ Error                      key=<D-C-Right>
236 macm Tools.Previous\ Error                  key=<D-C-Left>
237 macm Tools.Older\ List                      key=<D-C-Up>
238 macm Tools.Newer\ List                      key=<D-C-Down>
240 macm Window.Minimize        key=<D-m>       action=performMiniaturize:
241 macm Window.Minimize\ All   key=<D-M-m>     action=miniaturizeAll:  alt=YES
242 macm Window.Zoom            key=<D-C-z>     action=performZoom:
243 macm Window.Zoom\ All       key=<D-M-C-z>   action=zoomAll:         alt=YES
244 macm Window.Toggle\ Full\ Screen\ Mode  key=<D-F>
245 macm Window.Previous\ Tab               key=<D-{>
246 macm Window.Next\ Tab                   key=<D-}>
247 macm Window.Bring\ All\ To\ Front       action=arrangeInFront:
249 macm Help.MacVim\ Help                  key=<D-?>
250 macm Help.MacVim\ Website               action=openWebsite:
252 " Restore the previous value of 'cpoptions'.
253 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
254 unlet s:cpo_save