Generated configure script
[MacVim.git] / runtime / tools /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 # pltags - create a tags file for Perl code, for use by vi(m)
5 # Distributed with Vim <>, latest version always available
6 # at <>
8 # Version 2.3, 28 February 2002
10 # Written by Michael Schaap <>. Suggestions for improvement
11 # are very welcome!
13 # This script will not work with Perl 4 or below!
15 # Revision history:
16 # 1.0 1997? Original version, quickly hacked together
17 # 2.0 1999? Completely rewritten, better structured and documented,
18 # support for variables, packages, Exuberant Ctags extensions
19 # 2.1 Jun 2000 Fixed critical bug (typo in comment) ;-)
20 # Support multiple level packages (e.g. Archive::Zip::Member)
21 # 2.2 Jul 2001 'Glob' wildcards - especially useful under Windows
22 # (thanks to Serge Sivkov and Jason King)
23 # Bug fix: reset package name for each file
24 # 2.21 Jul 2001 Oops... bug in variable detection (/local../ -> /^local.../)
25 # 2.3 Feb 2002 Support variables declared with "our"
26 # (thanks to Lutz Mende)
28 # Complain about undeclared variables
29 use strict;
31 # Used modules
32 use Getopt::Long;
34 # Options with their defaults
35 my $do_subs = 1; # --subs, --nosubs include subs in tags file?
36 my $do_vars = 1; # --vars, --novars include variables in tags file?
37 my $do_pkgs = 1; # --pkgs, --nopkgs include packages in tags file?
38 my $do_exts = 1; # --extensions, --noextensions
39 # include Exuberant Ctags extensions
41 # Global variables
42 my $VERSION = "2.21"; # pltags version
43 my $status = 0; # GetOptions return value
44 my $file = ""; # File being processed
45 my @tags = (); # List of produced tags
46 my $is_pkg = 0; # Are we tagging a package?
47 my $has_subs = 0; # Has this file any subs yet?
48 my $package_name = ""; # Name of current package
49 my $var_continues = 0; # Variable declaration continues on last line
50 my $line = ""; # Current line in file
51 my $stmt = ""; # Current Perl statement
52 my @vars = (); # List of variables in declaration
53 my $var = ""; # Variable in declaration
54 my $tagline = ""; # Tag file line
56 # Create a tag file line and push it on the list of found tags
57 sub MakeTag($$$$$)
59 my ($tag, # Tag name
60 $type, # Type of tag
61 $is_static, # Is this a static tag?
62 $file, # File in which tag appears
63 $line) = @_; # Line in which tag appears
65 my $tagline = ""; # Created tag line
67 # Only process tag if not empty
68 if ($tag)
70 # Get rid of \n, and escape / and \ in line
71 chomp $line;
72 $line =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
73 $line =~ s/\//\\\//g;
75 # Create a tag line
76 $tagline = "$tag\t$file\t/^$line\$/";
78 # If we're told to do so, add extensions
79 if ($do_exts)
81 $tagline .= ";\"\t$type"
82 . ($is_static ? "\tfile:" : "")
83 . ($package_name ? "\tclass:$package_name" : "");
86 # Push it on the stack
87 push (@tags, $tagline);
91 # Parse package name from statement
92 sub PackageName($)
94 my ($stmt) = @_; # Statement
96 # Look for the argument to "package". Return it if found, else return ""
97 if ($stmt =~ /^package\s+([\w:]+)/)
99 my $pkgname = $1;
101 # Remove any parent package name(s)
102 $pkgname =~ s/.*://;
103 return $pkgname;
105 else
107 return "";
111 # Parse sub name from statement
112 sub SubName($)
114 my ($stmt) = @_; # Statement
116 # Look for the argument to "sub". Return it if found, else return ""
117 if ($stmt =~ /^sub\s+([\w:]+)/)
119 my $subname = $1;
121 # Remove any parent package name(s)
122 $subname =~ s/.*://;
123 return $subname;
125 else
127 return "";
131 # Parse all variable names from statement
132 sub VarNames($)
134 my ($stmt) = @_;
136 # Remove my or local from statement, if present
137 $stmt =~ s/^(my|our|local)\s+//;
139 # Remove any assignment piece
140 $stmt =~ s/\s*=.*//;
142 # Now find all variable names, i.e. "words" preceded by $, @ or %
143 @vars = ($stmt =~ /[\$\@\%]([\w:]+)\b/g);
145 # Remove any parent package name(s)
146 map(s/.*://, @vars);
148 return (@vars);
151 ############### Start ###############
153 print "\npltags $VERSION by Michael Schaap <mscha\>\n\n";
155 # Get options
156 $status = GetOptions("subs!" => \$do_subs,
157 "vars!" => \$do_vars,
158 "pkgs!" => \$do_pkgs,
159 "extensions!" => \$do_exts);
161 # Usage if error in options or no arguments given
162 unless ($status && @ARGV)
164 print "\n" unless ($status);
165 print " Usage: $0 [options] filename ...\n\n";
166 print " Where options can be:\n";
167 print " --subs (--nosubs) (don't) include sub declarations in tag file\n";
168 print " --vars (--novars) (don't) include variable declarations in tag file\n";
169 print " --pkgs (--nopkgs) (don't) include package declarations in tag file\n";
170 print " --extensions (--noextensions)\n";
171 print " (don't) include Exuberant Ctags / Vim style\n";
172 print " extensions in tag file\n\n";
173 print " Default options: ";
174 print ($do_subs ? "--subs " : "--nosubs ");
175 print ($do_vars ? "--vars " : "--novars ");
176 print ($do_pkgs ? "--pkgs " : "--nopkgs ");
177 print ($do_exts ? "--extensions\n\n" : "--noextensions\n\n");
178 print " Example: $0 *.pl *.pm ../shared/*.pm\n\n";
179 exit;
182 # Loop through files on command line - 'glob' any wildcards, since Windows
183 # doesn't do this for us
184 foreach $file (map { glob } @ARGV)
186 # Skip if this is not a file we can open. Also skip tags files and backup
187 # files
188 next unless ((-f $file) && (-r $file) && ($file !~ /tags$/)
189 && ($file !~ /~$/));
191 print "Tagging file $file...\n";
193 $is_pkg = 0;
194 $package_name = "";
195 $has_subs = 0;
196 $var_continues = 0;
198 open (IN, $file) or die "Can't open file '$file': $!";
200 # Loop through file
201 foreach $line (<IN>)
203 # Statement is line with comments and whitespace trimmed
204 ($stmt = $line) =~ s/#.*//;
205 $stmt =~ s/^\s*//;
206 $stmt =~ s/\s*$//;
208 # Nothing left? Never mind.
209 next unless ($stmt);
211 # This is a variable declaration if one was started on the previous
212 # line, or if this line starts with my or local
213 if ($var_continues or ($stmt =~/^my\b/)
214 or ($stmt =~/^our\b/) or ($stmt =~/^local\b/))
216 # The declaration continues if the line does not end with ;
217 $var_continues = ($stmt !~ /;$/);
219 # Loop through all variable names in the declaration
220 foreach $var (VarNames($stmt))
222 # Make a tag for this variable unless we're told not to. We
223 # assume that a variable is always static, unless it appears
224 # in a package before any sub. (Not necessarily true, but
225 # it's ok for most purposes and Vim works fine even if it is
226 # incorrect)
227 if ($do_vars)
229 MakeTag($var, "v", (!$is_pkg or $has_subs), $file, $line);
234 # This is a package declaration if the line starts with package
235 elsif ($stmt =~/^package\b/)
237 # Get name of the package
238 $package_name = PackageName($stmt);
240 if ($package_name)
242 # Remember that we're doing a package
243 $is_pkg = 1;
245 # Make a tag for this package unless we're told not to. A
246 # package is never static.
247 if ($do_pkgs)
249 MakeTag($package_name, "p", 0, $file, $line);
254 # This is a sub declaration if the line starts with sub
255 elsif ($stmt =~/^sub\b/)
257 # Remember that this file has subs
258 $has_subs = 1;
260 # Make a tag for this sub unless we're told not to. We assume
261 # that a sub is static, unless it appears in a package. (Not
262 # necessarily true, but it's ok for most purposes and Vim works
263 # fine even if it is incorrect)
264 if ($do_subs)
266 MakeTag(SubName($stmt), "s", (!$is_pkg), $file, $line);
270 close (IN);
273 # Do we have any tags? If so, write them to the tags file
274 if (@tags)
276 # Add some tag file extensions if we're told to
277 if ($do_exts)
279 push (@tags, "!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT\t2\t/extended format/");
280 push (@tags, "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t1\t/0=unsorted, 1=sorted/");
281 push (@tags, "!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR\tMichael Schaap\t/mscha\");
282 push (@tags, "!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME\tpltags\t//");
283 push (@tags, "!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION\t$VERSION\t/supports multiple tags and extended format/");
286 print "\nWriting tags file.\n";
288 open (OUT, ">tags") or die "Can't open tags file: $!";
290 foreach $tagline (sort @tags)
292 print OUT "$tagline\n";
295 close (OUT);
297 else
299 print "\nNo tags found.\n";