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63 <div class="title">MuldeR's Utilities for Qt </div> </div>
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66 <div class="textblock"><p>The <b>MUtilities</b> library is a collection of routines and classes to extend the <a href=""><em>Qt cross-platform framework</em></a>. It contains various convenience and utility functions as well as wrappers for OS-specific functionalities. The library was originally created as a "side product" of the <a href=""><b>LameXP</b></a> application: Over the years, a lot of code, <b>not</b> really specific to <em>LameXP</em>, had accumulated in the <em>LameXP</em> code base. Some of that code even had been used in other projects too, in a "copy &amp; paste" fashion &ndash; which had lead to redundancy and much complicated maintenance. In order to clean-up the LameXP code base, to eliminate the ugly redundancy and to simplify maintenance, the code in question has finally been refactored into the <b>MUtilities</b> (aka "MuldeR's Utilities for Qt") library. This library now forms the foundation of <em>LameXP</em> and <a href=""><em>other OpenSource projects</em></a>.</p>
67 <h3>API-Documentation</h3>
68 <p>The public API of the <em>MUtilities</em> library is defined in the following header files:</p><ul>
69 <li><b><a class="el" href="d5/d3b/_global_8h.html" title="This file contains miscellaneous functions that are generally useful for Qt-based applications...">Global.h</a></b> &ndash; miscellaneous useful functions</li>
70 </ul>
71 <h3>License</h3>
72 <p>This library is free software. It is released under the terms of the <a href="">GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1</a>.</p>
73 <div class="fragment"><div class="line">MUtilities - MuldeR<span class="stringliteral">&#39;s Utilities for Qt</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">Copyright (C) 2004-2016 LoRd_MuldeR &lt;;. Some rights reserved.</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral"></span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral"></span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">Lesser General Public License for more details.</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral"></span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software</span></div><div class="line"><span class="stringliteral">Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.</span></div></div><!-- fragment --> </div></div><!-- contents -->
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