3 Filter registration and some simple filters (also descriptions).
5 Desperate splitting of code into small shared libraries for historical
6 reasons presumably (OS/2 and Windows 3.x). The libraries produced from
7 the code in each subdirectory of `filter/source/graphicfilter` are
8 graphic format import or export filters. But they don't have uniform
9 API. Some have either a `GraphicImport` or `GraphicExport` entry point,
10 and are loaded and used in a uniform fashion from code in
11 `svtools/source/filter/filter.cxx`. Others have different API and are
12 loaded from other places. For instance `icgm` has `ImportCGM`, and is
13 loaded and used by `sd/source/filter/cgm/sdcgmfilter.cxx` (!).
14 Svgreader is used for "File -> Open" and then to choose the svg file.
15 For "Insert -> Picture -> From File", see `svgio/source/svgreader` directory.
17 ## Filter Configuration
19 The filter configuration consists of two parts, the type definition in
20 `filter/source/config/fragments/types/` and the actual filter definition
21 in `filter/source/config/fragments/filters/`.
23 Each file type e.g. text file should be represented by exactly one
24 type definition. This type can then be referenced by several different
25 filters, e.g. calc text, writer text.