Fixed compilation in Visual Studio 2008.
[LameXP.git] / src / Thread_CueSplitter.cpp
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End
3 // Copyright (C) 2004-2011 LoRd_MuldeR <>
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 //
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 #include "Thread_CueSplitter.h"
24 #include "Global.h"
25 #include "LockedFile.h"
26 #include "Model_AudioFile.h"
27 #include "Model_CueSheet.h"
28 #include "Registry_Decoder.h"
29 #include "Decoder_Abstract.h"
31 #include <QDir>
32 #include <QFileInfo>
33 #include <QProcess>
34 #include <QDate>
35 #include <QTime>
36 #include <QDebug>
38 #include <math.h>
39 #include <float.h>
40 #include <limits>
42 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 // Constructor
44 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 CueSplitter::CueSplitter(const QString &outputDir, const QString &baseName, CueSheetModel *model, const QList<AudioFileModel> &inputFilesInfo)
48 m_model(model),
49 m_outputDir(outputDir),
50 m_baseName(baseName),
51 m_soxBin(lamexp_lookup_tool("sox.exe"))
53 if(m_soxBin.isEmpty())
55 qFatal("Invalid path to SoX binary. Tool not initialized properly.");
58 m_decompressedFiles.clear();
59 m_tempFiles.clear();
61 qDebug("\n[CueSplitter]");
63 int nInputFiles = inputFilesInfo.count();
64 for(int i = 0; i < nInputFiles; i++)
66 m_inputFilesInfo.insert(inputFilesInfo[i].filePath(), inputFilesInfo[i]);
67 qDebug("File %02d: <%s>", i, inputFilesInfo[i].filePath().toUtf8().constData());
70 qDebug("All input files added.");
71 m_bSuccess = false;
74 CueSplitter::~CueSplitter(void)
76 while(!m_tempFiles.isEmpty())
78 lamexp_remove_file(m_tempFiles.takeFirst());
82 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
83 // Thread Main
84 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
86 void CueSplitter::run()
88 m_bSuccess = false;
89 m_bAborted = false;
90 m_abortFlag = false;
91 m_nTracksSuccess = 0;
92 m_nTracksSkipped = 0;
93 m_decompressedFiles.clear();
94 m_activeFile.clear();
96 if(!QDir(m_outputDir).exists())
98 qWarning("Output directory \"%s\" does not exist!", m_outputDir.toUtf8().constData());
99 return;
102 QStringList inputFileList = m_inputFilesInfo.keys();
103 int nInputFiles = inputFileList.count();
105 //Decompress all input files
106 for(int i = 0; i < nInputFiles; i++)
108 AudioFileModel &inputFileInfo = m_inputFilesInfo[];
109 if(inputFileInfo.formatContainerType().compare("Wave", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || inputFileInfo.formatAudioType().compare("PCM", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
111 AbstractDecoder *decoder = DecoderRegistry::lookup(inputFileInfo.formatContainerType(), inputFileInfo.formatContainerProfile(), inputFileInfo.formatAudioType(), inputFileInfo.formatAudioProfile(), inputFileInfo.formatAudioVersion());
112 if(decoder)
114 m_activeFile = shortName(QFileInfo(;
115 emit fileSelected(m_activeFile);
116 QString tempFile = QString("%1/~%2.wav").arg(m_outputDir, lamexp_rand_str());
117 connect(decoder, SIGNAL(statusUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(handleUpdate(int)), Qt::DirectConnection);
118 if(decoder->decode(, tempFile, &m_abortFlag))
120 m_decompressedFiles.insert(, tempFile);
121 m_tempFiles.append(tempFile);
123 else
125 qWarning("Failed to decompress file: <%s>",;
126 lamexp_remove_file(tempFile);
128 m_activeFile.clear();
129 LAMEXP_DELETE(decoder);
131 else
133 qWarning("Unsupported input file: <%s>",;
136 else
138 m_decompressedFiles.insert(,;
140 if(m_abortFlag)
142 m_bAborted = true;
143 qWarning("The user has requested to abort the process!");
144 return;
148 int nFiles = m_model->getFileCount();
149 QString albumPerformer = m_model->getAlbumPerformer();
150 QString albumTitle = m_model->getAlbumTitle();
152 //Now split all files
153 for(int i = 0; i < nFiles; i++)
155 int nTracks = m_model->getTrackCount(i);
156 QString trackFile = m_model->getFileName(i);
157 int maxProgress = 0;
159 //Process all tracks
160 for(int j = 0; j < nTracks; j++)
162 int trackNo = m_model->getTrackNo(i, j);
163 double trackOffset = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
164 double trackLength = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
165 m_model->getTrackIndex(i, j, &trackOffset, &trackLength);
167 if((trackNo < 0) || _isnan(trackOffset) || _isnan(trackLength))
169 qWarning("Failed to fetch information for track #%d of file #%d!", j, i);
170 continue;
173 //Setup meta info
174 AudioFileModel trackMetaInfo(QString().sprintf("cue://File%02d/Track%02d", i, j));
175 trackMetaInfo.setFileName(m_model->getTrackTitle(i, j));
176 trackMetaInfo.setFileArtist(m_model->getTrackPerformer(i, j));
177 trackMetaInfo.setFilePosition(trackNo);
179 if(!albumTitle.isEmpty())
181 trackMetaInfo.setFileAlbum(albumTitle);
183 if(!albumPerformer.isEmpty() && trackMetaInfo.fileArtist().isEmpty())
185 trackMetaInfo.setFileArtist(albumPerformer);
187 if(_finite(trackLength))
189 trackMetaInfo.setFileDuration(static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(trackLength)));
192 //Generate output file name
193 QString trackTitle = trackMetaInfo.fileName().isEmpty() ? QString().sprintf("Track %02d", trackNo) : trackMetaInfo.fileName();
194 QString outputFile = QString("%1/[%2] %3 - %4.wav").arg(m_outputDir, QString().sprintf("%02d", trackNo), m_baseName, trackTitle);
195 for(int n = 2; QFileInfo(outputFile).exists(); n++)
197 outputFile = QString("%1/[%2] %3 - %4 (%5).wav").arg(m_outputDir, QString().sprintf("%02d", trackNo), m_baseName, trackTitle, QString::number(n));
200 //Call split function
201 emit fileSelected(shortName(QFileInfo(outputFile).fileName()));
202 splitFile(outputFile, trackNo, trackFile, trackOffset, trackLength, trackMetaInfo, maxProgress);
204 if(m_abortFlag)
206 m_bAborted = true;
207 qWarning("The user has requested to abort the process!");
208 return;
213 qDebug("All files were split.\n");
214 m_bSuccess = true;
217 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
218 // Slots
219 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
221 void CueSplitter::handleUpdate(int progress)
223 emit fileSelected(QString("%1 [%2%]").arg(m_activeFile, QString::number(progress)));
226 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
227 // Privtae Functions
228 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
230 void CueSplitter::splitFile(const QString &output, const int trackNo, const QString &file, const double offset, const double length, const AudioFileModel &metaInfo, int &maxProgress)
232 qDebug("[Track %02d]", trackNo);
233 qDebug("File: <%s>", file.toUtf8().constData());
234 qDebug("Offset: <%f> <%s>", offset, indexToString(offset).toLatin1().constData());
235 qDebug("Length: <%f> <%s>", length, indexToString(length).toLatin1().constData());
236 qDebug("Artist: <%s>", metaInfo.fileArtist().toUtf8().constData());
237 qDebug("Title: <%s>", metaInfo.fileName().toUtf8().constData());
239 if(!m_decompressedFiles.contains(file))
241 qWarning("Unknown or unsupported input file, skipping!");
242 m_nTracksSkipped++;
243 return;
246 QString baseName = shortName(QFileInfo(output).fileName());
247 QString decompressedInput = m_decompressedFiles[file];
248 qDebug("Input: <%s>", decompressedInput.toUtf8().constData());
250 emit fileSelected(QString("%1 [%2%]").arg(baseName, QString::number(maxProgress)));
252 AudioFileModel outFileInfo(metaInfo);
253 outFileInfo.setFilePath(output);
254 outFileInfo.setFormatContainerType("Wave");
255 outFileInfo.setFormatAudioType("PCM");
257 QStringList args;
258 args << "-S" << "-V3";
259 args << "--guard" << "--temp" << ".";
260 args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(decompressedInput);
261 args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(output);
263 //Add trim parameters, if needed
264 if(_finite(offset))
266 args << "trim";
267 args << indexToString(offset);
269 if(_finite(length))
271 args << indexToString(length);
275 QRegExp rxProgress("In:(\\d+)(\\.\\d+)*%", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
276 QRegExp rxChannels("Channels\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
277 QRegExp rxSamplerate("Sample Rate\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
278 QRegExp rxPrecision("Precision\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)-bit", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
279 QRegExp rxDuration("Duration\\s*:\\s*(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d).(\\d\\d)", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
281 QProcess process;
282 process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels);
283 process.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput);
284 process.setWorkingDirectory(m_outputDir);
285 process.start(m_soxBin, args);
287 if(!process.waitForStarted())
289 qWarning("SoX process failed to create!");
290 qWarning("Error message: \"%s\"\n", process.errorString().toLatin1().constData());
291 process.kill();
292 process.waitForFinished(-1);
293 m_nTracksSkipped++;
294 return;
297 while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning)
299 if(m_abortFlag)
301 process.kill();
302 qWarning("Process was aborted on user request!");
303 break;
305 process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval);
306 if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running)
308 process.kill();
309 qWarning("SoX process timed out <-- killing!");
310 break;
312 while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0)
314 QByteArray line = process.readLine();
315 QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified();
316 if(rxProgress.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0)
318 bool ok = false;
319 int progress = rxProgress.cap(1).toInt(&ok);
320 if(ok)
322 maxProgress = max(maxProgress, progress);
323 emit fileSelected(QString("%1 [%2%]").arg(baseName, QString::number(maxProgress)));
326 else if(rxChannels.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0)
328 bool ok = false;
329 unsigned int channels = rxChannels.cap(1).toUInt(&ok);
330 if(ok) outFileInfo.setFormatAudioChannels(channels);
332 else if(rxSamplerate.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0)
334 bool ok = false;
335 unsigned int samplerate = rxSamplerate.cap(1).toUInt(&ok);
336 if(ok) outFileInfo.setFormatAudioSamplerate(samplerate);
338 else if(rxPrecision.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0)
340 bool ok = false;
341 unsigned int precision = rxPrecision.cap(1).toUInt(&ok);
342 if(ok) outFileInfo.setFormatAudioBitdepth(precision);
344 else if(rxDuration.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0)
346 bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false, ok3 = false;
347 unsigned int hh = rxDuration.cap(1).toUInt(&ok1);
348 unsigned int mm = rxDuration.cap(2).toUInt(&ok2);
349 unsigned int ss = rxDuration.cap(3).toUInt(&ok3);
350 if(ok1 && ok2 && ok3)
352 unsigned intputLen = (hh * 3600) + (mm * 60) + ss;
353 if(length == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())
355 qDebug("Duration updated from SoX info!");
356 int duration = intputLen - static_cast<int>(floor(offset + 0.5));
357 if(duration < 0) qWarning("Track is out of bounds: Track offset exceeds input file duration!");
358 outFileInfo.setFileDuration(max(0, duration));
360 else
362 unsigned int trackEnd = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(offset + 0.5)) + static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(length + 0.5));
363 if(trackEnd > intputLen) qWarning("Track is out of bounds: End of track exceeds input file duration!");
370 process.waitForFinished();
371 if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning)
373 process.kill();
374 process.waitForFinished(-1);
377 if(process.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit || QFileInfo(output).size() == 0)
379 qWarning("Splitting has failed !!!");
380 m_nTracksSkipped++;
381 return;
384 emit fileSplit(outFileInfo);
385 m_nTracksSuccess++;
388 QString CueSplitter::indexToString(const double index) const
390 if(!_finite(index) || (index < 0.0) || (index > 86400.0))
392 return QString();
395 QTime time = QTime().addMSecs(static_cast<int>(floor(0.5 + (index * 1000.0))));
396 return time.toString(time.hour() ? "H:mm:ss.zzz" : "m:ss.zzz");
399 QString CueSplitter::shortName(const QString &longName) const
401 static const int maxLen = 54;
403 if(longName.length() > maxLen)
405 return QString("%1...%2").arg(longName.left(maxLen/2).trimmed(), longName.right(maxLen/2).trimmed());
408 return longName;
411 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
412 // EVENTS
413 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
415 /*NONE*/