Updated MediaInfo binaries to v0.7.42 (2011-03-03), compiled with ICL 12.0.2 and...
[LameXP.git] / src / Thread_Initialization.cpp
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End
3 // Copyright (C) 2004-2011 LoRd_MuldeR <MuldeR2@GMX.de>
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 #include "Thread_Initialization.h"
24 #include "Global.h"
25 #include "LockedFile.h"
27 #include <QFileInfo>
28 #include <QCoreApplication>
29 #include <QProcess>
30 #include <QMap>
31 #include <QDir>
32 #include <QLibrary>
33 #include <QResource>
34 #include <QTime>
36 #include <Windows.h>
38 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 // TOOLS
40 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42 static const struct
44 char *pcHash;
45 char *pcName;
46 unsigned int uiVersion;
48 g_lamexp_tools[] =
50 {"3b41f85dde8d4a5a0f4cd5f461099d0db24610ba", "alac.exe", UINT_MAX},
51 {"fb74ac8b73ad8cba2c3b4e6e61f23401d630dc22", "elevator.exe", UINT_MAX},
52 {"3c647950bccfcc75d0746c0772e7115684be4dc5", "faad.exe", 27},
53 {"d33cd86f04bd4067e244d2804466583c7b90a4e2", "flac.exe", 121},
54 {"9328a50e89b54ec065637496d9681a7e3eebf915", "gpgv.exe", 1411},
55 {"d837bf6ee4dab557d8b02d46c75a24e58980fffa", "gpgv.gpg", UINT_MAX},
56 {"62e301a56be4b56fc053710042d58992f25b1773", "lame.exe", 39914},
57 {"a4e929cfaa42fa2e61a3d0c6434c77a06d45aef3", "mac.exe", 406},
58 {"e83cad851d1f0d13057736d9133767960b5ca514", "mediainfo_i386.exe", 742},
59 {"6fb20ea7492fcf984e99957b7a3c5fe4fb06cca2", "mediainfo_x64.exe", 742},
60 {"aa89763a5ba4d1a5986549b9ee53e005c51940c1", "mpcdec.exe", 435},
61 {"38f81efca6c1eeab0b9dc39d06c2ac750267217f", "mpg123.exe", 1132},
62 {"8dd7138714c3bcb39f5a3213413addba13d06f1e", "oggdec.exe", UINT_MAX},
63 {"14a99d3b1f0b166dbd68db45196da871e58e14ec", "oggenc2_i386.exe", 287602},
64 {"36f8d93ef3df6a420a73a9b5cf02dafdaf4321f0", "oggenc2_sse2.exe", 287602},
65 {"87ad1af73e9b9db3da3db645e5c2253cb0c2a2ea", "oggenc2_x64.exe", 287602},
66 {"0d9035bb62bdf46a2785261f8be5a4a0972abd15", "shorten.exe", 361},
67 {"2d08c3586f9cf99f2e4c89ac54eeb595f63aef61", "sox.exe", 1431},
68 {"8671e16497a2d217d3707d4aa418678d02b16bcc", "speexdec.exe", 12},
69 {"d6e0de1e7a2d9dee10d06ae0b6b4f93b63205920", "ttaenc.exe", 341},
70 {"8c842eef65248b46fa6cb9a9e5714f575672d999", "valdec.exe", 31},
71 {"62e2805d1b2eb2a4d86a5ca6e6ea58010d05d2a7", "wget.exe", 1114},
72 {"a7e8aad52213e339ad985829722f35eab62be182", "wupdate.exe", UINT_MAX},
73 {"b7d14b3540d24df13119a55d97623a61412de6e3", "wvunpack.exe", 4601},
77 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
78 // Constructor
79 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
81 InitializationThread::InitializationThread(void)
83 m_bSuccess = false;
86 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
87 // Thread Main
88 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
90 void InitializationThread::run()
92 m_bSuccess = false;
93 delay();
95 QMap<QString, QString> checksum;
96 QMap<QString, unsigned int> version;
98 //Init checksums
99 for(int i = 0; i < INT_MAX; i++)
101 if(!g_lamexp_tools[i].pcName && !g_lamexp_tools[i].pcHash && !g_lamexp_tools[i].uiVersion)
103 break;
105 else if(g_lamexp_tools[i].pcName && g_lamexp_tools[i].pcHash && g_lamexp_tools[i].uiVersion)
107 const QString currentTool = QString::fromLatin1(g_lamexp_tools[i].pcName);
108 checksum.insert(currentTool, QString::fromLatin1(g_lamexp_tools[i].pcHash));
109 version.insert(currentTool, g_lamexp_tools[i].uiVersion);
111 else
113 qFatal("Inconsistent checksum data detected. Take care!");
117 QDir toolsDir(":/tools/");
118 QList<QFileInfo> toolsList = toolsDir.entryInfoList(QStringList("*.*"), QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
120 QTime timer;
121 timer.start();
123 //Extract all files
124 for(int i = 0; i < toolsList.count(); i++)
128 QString toolName = toolsList.at(i).fileName().toLower();
129 qDebug("Extracting file: %s", toolName.toLatin1().constData());
130 QByteArray toolHash = checksum.take(toolName).toLatin1();
131 unsigned int toolVersion = version.take(toolName);
132 if(toolHash.size() != 40)
134 throw "The required checksum is missing, take care!";
136 LockedFile *lockedFile = new LockedFile(QString(":/tools/%1").arg(toolName), QString(lamexp_temp_folder2()).append(QString("/tool_%1").arg(toolName)), toolHash);
137 lamexp_register_tool(toolName, lockedFile, toolVersion);
139 catch(char *errorMsg)
141 qFatal("At least one of the required tools could not be extracted:\n%s", errorMsg);
142 return;
146 if(!checksum.isEmpty())
148 qFatal("At least one required tool could not be found:\n%s", toolsDir.filePath(checksum.keys().first()).toLatin1().constData());
149 return;
152 qDebug("All extracted.\n");
154 //Check delay
155 double delayExtract = static_cast<double>(timer.elapsed()) / 1000.0;
156 if(delayExtract > 8.0)
158 qWarning("Extracting tools took %.3f seconds -> probably slow realtime virus scanner.", delayExtract);
159 qWarning("Please report performance problems to your anti-virus developer !!!\n");
162 //Register all translations
163 initTranslations();
165 //Look for Nero encoder
166 initNeroAac();
168 //Look for WMA File decoder
169 initWmaDec();
171 delay();
172 m_bSuccess = true;
175 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
177 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
179 void InitializationThread::delay(void)
181 const char *temp = "|/-\\";
182 printf("Thread is doing something important... ?\b", temp[4]);
184 for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
186 printf("%c\b", temp[i%4]);
187 msleep(25);
190 printf("Done\n\n");
193 void InitializationThread::initTranslations(void)
195 //Search for language files
196 QStringList qmFiles = QDir(":/localization").entryList(QStringList() << "LameXP_??.qm", QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
198 //Make sure we found at least one translation
199 if(qmFiles.count() < 1)
201 qFatal("Could not find any translation files!");
202 return;
205 //Add all available translations
206 while(!qmFiles.isEmpty())
208 QString langId, langName;
209 unsigned int systemId = 0;
210 QString qmFile = qmFiles.takeFirst();
212 QRegExp langIdExp("LameXP_(\\w\\w)\\.qm", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
213 if(langIdExp.indexIn(qmFile) >= 0)
215 langId = langIdExp.cap(1).toLower();
218 QResource langRes = (QString(":/localization/%1.txt").arg(qmFile));
219 if(langRes.isValid() && langRes.size() > 0)
221 QStringList langInfo = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(langRes.data()), langRes.size()).simplified().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
222 if(langInfo.count() == 2)
224 systemId = langInfo.at(0).toUInt();
225 langName = langInfo.at(1);
229 if(lamexp_translation_register(langId, qmFile, langName, systemId))
231 qDebug("Registering translation: %s = %s (%u)", qmFile.toLatin1().constData(), langName.toLatin1().constData(), systemId);
233 else
235 qWarning("Failed to register: %s", qmFile.toLatin1().constData());
239 qDebug("All registered.\n");
242 void InitializationThread::initNeroAac(void)
244 QFileInfo neroFileInfo[3];
245 neroFileInfo[0] = QFileInfo(QString("%1/neroAacEnc.exe").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()));
246 neroFileInfo[1] = QFileInfo(QString("%1/neroAacDec.exe").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()));
247 neroFileInfo[2] = QFileInfo(QString("%1/neroAacTag.exe").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()));
249 bool neroFilesFound = true;
250 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(!neroFileInfo[i].exists()) neroFilesFound = false; }
252 //Lock the Nero binaries
253 if(!neroFilesFound)
255 qDebug("Nero encoder binaries not found -> AAC encoding support will be disabled!\n");
256 return;
259 qDebug("Found Nero AAC encoder binary:\n%s\n", neroFileInfo[0].canonicalFilePath().toUtf8().constData());
261 LockedFile *neroBin[3];
262 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) neroBin[i] = NULL;
266 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
268 neroBin[i] = new LockedFile(neroFileInfo[i].canonicalFilePath());
271 catch(...)
273 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) LAMEXP_DELETE(neroBin[i]);
274 qWarning("Failed to get excluive lock to Nero encoder binary -> AAC encoding support will be disabled!");
275 return;
278 QProcess process;
279 process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels);
280 process.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput);
281 process.start(neroFileInfo[0].canonicalFilePath(), QStringList() << "-help");
283 if(!process.waitForStarted())
285 qWarning("Nero process failed to create!");
286 qWarning("Error message: \"%s\"\n", process.errorString().toLatin1().constData());
287 process.kill();
288 process.waitForFinished(-1);
289 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) LAMEXP_DELETE(neroBin[i]);
290 return;
293 unsigned int neroVersion = 0;
295 while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning)
297 if(!process.waitForReadyRead())
299 if(process.state() == QProcess::Running)
301 qWarning("Nero process time out -> killing!");
302 process.kill();
303 process.waitForFinished(-1);
304 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) LAMEXP_DELETE(neroBin[i]);
305 return;
309 while(process.canReadLine())
311 QString line = QString::fromUtf8(process.readLine().constData()).simplified();
312 QStringList tokens = line.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
313 int index1 = tokens.indexOf("Package");
314 int index2 = tokens.indexOf("version:");
315 if(index1 >= 0 && index2 >= 0 && index1 + 1 == index2 && index2 < tokens.count() - 1)
317 QStringList versionTokens = tokens.at(index2 + 1).split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
318 if(versionTokens.count() == 4)
320 neroVersion = 0;
321 neroVersion += min(9, max(0, versionTokens.at(3).toInt()));
322 neroVersion += min(9, max(0, versionTokens.at(2).toInt())) * 10;
323 neroVersion += min(9, max(0, versionTokens.at(1).toInt())) * 100;
324 neroVersion += min(9, max(0, versionTokens.at(0).toInt())) * 1000;
330 if(!(neroVersion > 0))
332 qWarning("Nero AAC version could not be determined -> AAC encoding support will be disabled!");
333 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) LAMEXP_DELETE(neroBin[i]);
334 return;
337 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
339 lamexp_register_tool(neroFileInfo[i].fileName(), neroBin[i], neroVersion);
344 void InitializationThread::initWmaDec(void)
346 static const char* wmaDecoderComponentPath = "NCH Software/Components/wmawav/wmawav.exe";
348 LockedFile *wmaFileBin = NULL;
349 QFileInfo wmaFileInfo = QFileInfo(QString("%1/%2").arg(lamexp_known_folder(lamexp_folder_programfiles), wmaDecoderComponentPath));
351 if(!wmaFileInfo.exists())
353 qDebug("WMA File Decoder not found -> WMA decoding support will be disabled!\n");
354 return;
359 wmaFileBin = new LockedFile(wmaFileInfo.canonicalFilePath());
361 catch(...)
363 qWarning("Failed to get excluive lock to WMA File Decoder binary -> WMA decoding support will be disabled!");
364 return;
367 QProcess process;
368 process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels);
369 process.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput);
370 process.start(wmaFileInfo.canonicalFilePath(), QStringList());
372 if(!process.waitForStarted())
374 qWarning("WmaWav process failed to create!");
375 qWarning("Error message: \"%s\"\n", process.errorString().toLatin1().constData());
376 process.kill();
377 process.waitForFinished(-1);
378 return;
381 bool b_wmaWavFound = false;
383 while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning)
385 if(!process.waitForReadyRead())
387 if(process.state() == QProcess::Running)
389 qWarning("WmaWav process time out -> killing!");
390 process.kill();
391 process.waitForFinished(-1);
392 return;
395 while(process.canReadLine())
397 QString line = QString::fromUtf8(process.readLine().constData()).simplified();
398 if(line.contains("Usage: wmatowav.exe WMAFileSpec WAVFileSpec", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
400 b_wmaWavFound = true;
405 if(!b_wmaWavFound)
407 qWarning("WmaWav could not be identified -> WMA decoding support will be disabled!\n");
408 LAMEXP_DELETE(wmaFileBin);
409 return;
412 qDebug("Found WMA File Decoder binary:\n%s\n", wmaFileInfo.canonicalFilePath().toUtf8().constData());
414 if(wmaFileBin)
416 lamexp_register_tool(wmaFileInfo.fileName(), wmaFileBin);
420 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
421 // EVENTS
422 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
424 /*NONE*/