1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // LameXP - Audio Encoder Front-End
3 // Copyright (C) 2004-2011 LoRd_MuldeR <MuldeR2@GMX.de>
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 #include "Dialog_MainWindow.h"
27 #include "Dialog_WorkingBanner.h"
28 #include "Dialog_MetaInfo.h"
29 #include "Dialog_About.h"
30 #include "Dialog_Update.h"
31 #include "Dialog_DropBox.h"
32 #include "Thread_FileAnalyzer.h"
33 #include "Thread_MessageHandler.h"
34 #include "Model_MetaInfo.h"
35 #include "Model_Settings.h"
36 #include "Model_FileList.h"
37 #include "Model_FileSystem.h"
38 #include "WinSevenTaskbar.h"
39 #include "Registry_Decoder.h"
42 #include <QMessageBox>
44 #include <QDesktopWidget>
46 #include <QFileDialog>
47 #include <QInputDialog>
48 #include <QFileSystemModel>
49 #include <QDesktopServices>
51 #include <QPlastiqueStyle>
52 #include <QCleanlooksStyle>
53 #include <QWindowsVistaStyle>
54 #include <QWindowsStyle>
56 #include <QDragEnterEvent>
57 #include <QWindowsMime>
60 #include <QProcessEnvironment>
61 #include <QCryptographicHash>
62 #include <QTranslator>
70 #define ABORT_IF_BUSY if(m_banner->isVisible() || m_delayedFileTimer->isActive()) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; }
71 #define SET_TEXT_COLOR(WIDGET,COLOR) { QPalette _palette = WIDGET->palette(); _palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, COLOR); WIDGET->setPalette(_palette); }
72 #define SET_FONT_BOLD(WIDGET,BOLD) { QFont _font = WIDGET->font(); _font.setBold(BOLD); WIDGET->setFont(_font); }
73 #define FLASH_WINDOW(WND) { FLASHWINFO flashInfo; memset(&flashInfo, 0, sizeof(FLASHWINFO)); flashInfo.cbSize = sizeof(FLASHWINFO); flashInfo.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL; flashInfo.uCount = 12; flashInfo.dwTimeout = 125; flashInfo.hwnd = WND->winId(); FlashWindowEx(&flashInfo); }
74 #define LINK(URL) QString("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>").arg(URL).arg(URL)
75 #define TEMP_HIDE_DROPBOX(CMD) { bool __dropBoxVisible = m_dropBox->isVisible(); if(__dropBoxVisible) m_dropBox->hide(); CMD; if(__dropBoxVisible) m_dropBox->show(); }
78 //class Index: public QObjectUserData
81 // Index(int index) { m_index = index; }
82 // int value(void) { return m_index; }
87 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
89 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
91 MainWindow::MainWindow(FileListModel
, AudioFileModel
, SettingsModel
, QWidget
94 m_fileListModel(fileListModel
96 m_settings(settingsModel
98 m_firstTimeShown(true)
100 //Init the dialog, from the .ui file
102 setWindowFlags(windowFlags() ^ Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint
104 //Register meta types
105 qRegisterMetaType
107 //Enabled main buttons
108 connect(buttonAbout
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(aboutButtonClicked()));
109 connect(buttonStart
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(encodeButtonClicked()));
110 connect(buttonQuit
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeButtonClicked()));
113 tabWidget
114 connect(tabWidget
, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabPageChanged(int)));
117 sourceFileView
118 sourceFileView
119 sourceFileView
120 sourceFileView
121 m_dropNoteLabel
= new QLabel(sourceFileView
122 m_dropNoteLabel
| Qt::AlignVCenter
123 SET_FONT_BOLD(m_dropNoteLabel
, true);
124 SET_TEXT_COLOR(m_dropNoteLabel
, Qt::darkGray
125 m_sourceFilesContextMenu
= new QMenu();
126 m_showDetailsContextAction
= m_sourceFilesContextMenu
->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/zoom.png"), "N/A");
127 m_previewContextAction
= m_sourceFilesContextMenu
->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/sound.png"), "N/A");
128 m_findFileContextAction
= m_sourceFilesContextMenu
->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/folder_go.png"), "N/A");
129 SET_FONT_BOLD(m_showDetailsContextAction
, true);
130 connect(buttonAddFiles
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addFilesButtonClicked()));
131 connect(buttonRemoveFile
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeFileButtonClicked()));
132 connect(buttonClearFiles
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearFilesButtonClicked()));
133 connect(buttonFileUp
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(fileUpButtonClicked()));
134 connect(buttonFileDown
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(fileDownButtonClicked()));
135 connect(buttonShowDetails
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showDetailsButtonClicked()));
136 connect(m_fileListModel
, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex
,int,int)), this, SLOT(sourceModelChanged()));
137 connect(m_fileListModel
, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex
,int,int)), this, SLOT(sourceModelChanged()));
138 connect(m_fileListModel
, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(sourceModelChanged()));
139 connect(sourceFileView
, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint
)), this, SLOT(sourceFilesContextMenu(QPoint
140 connect(m_showDetailsContextAction
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(showDetailsButtonClicked()));
141 connect(m_previewContextAction
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(previewContextActionTriggered()));
142 connect(m_findFileContextAction
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(findFileContextActionTriggered()));
145 m_fileSystemModel
= new QFileSystemModelEx();
146 m_fileSystemModel
147 m_fileSystemModel
148 outputFolderView
149 outputFolderView
150 outputFolderView
151 outputFolderView
152 outputFolderView
153 outputFolderView
154 outputFolderView
155 outputFolderView
156 outputFolderView
157 while(saveToSourceFolderCheckBox
->isChecked() != m_settings
->outputToSourceDir()) saveToSourceFolderCheckBox
158 prependRelativePathCheckBox
159 connect(outputFolderView
, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex
)), this, SLOT(outputFolderViewClicked(QModelIndex
160 connect(outputFolderView
, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex
)), this, SLOT(outputFolderViewClicked(QModelIndex
161 connect(outputFolderView
, SIGNAL(pressed(QModelIndex
)), this, SLOT(outputFolderViewClicked(QModelIndex
162 connect(outputFolderView
, SIGNAL(entered(QModelIndex
)), this, SLOT(outputFolderViewMoved(QModelIndex
163 outputFolderView
164 outputFolderViewClicked(outputFolderView
165 connect(buttonMakeFolder
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(makeFolderButtonClicked()));
166 connect(buttonGotoHome
, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(gotoHomeFolderButtonClicked()));
167 connect(buttonGotoDesktop
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(gotoDesktopButtonClicked()));
168 connect(buttonGotoMusic
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(gotoMusicFolderButtonClicked()));
169 connect(saveToSourceFolderCheckBox
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveToSourceFolderChanged()));
170 connect(prependRelativePathCheckBox
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prependRelativePathChanged()));
171 m_outputFolderContextMenu
= new QMenu();
172 m_showFolderContextAction
= m_outputFolderContextMenu
->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/zoom.png"), "N/A");
173 connect(outputFolderView
, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint
)), this, SLOT(outputFolderContextMenu(QPoint
174 connect(m_showFolderContextAction
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(showFolderContextActionTriggered()));
175 outputFolderLabel
177 //Setup "Meta Data" tab
178 m_metaInfoModel
= new MetaInfoModel(m_metaData
, 6);
179 m_metaInfoModel
180 metaDataView
181 metaDataView
182 metaDataView
183 metaDataView
184 while(writeMetaDataCheckBox
->isChecked() != m_settings
->writeMetaTags()) writeMetaDataCheckBox
185 generatePlaylistCheckBox
186 connect(buttonEditMeta
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editMetaButtonClicked()));
187 connect(buttonClearMeta
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearMetaButtonClicked()));
188 connect(writeMetaDataCheckBox
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(metaTagsEnabledChanged()));
189 connect(generatePlaylistCheckBox
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(playlistEnabledChanged()));
191 //Setup "Compression" tab
192 m_encoderButtonGroup
= new QButtonGroup(this);
193 m_encoderButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::MP3Encoder
194 m_encoderButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::VorbisEncoder
195 m_encoderButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::AACEncoder
196 m_encoderButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
197 m_encoderButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
198 m_modeButtonGroup
= new QButtonGroup(this);
199 m_modeButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::VBRMode
200 m_modeButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::ABRMode
201 m_modeButtonGroup
, SettingsModel::CBRMode
202 radioButtonEncoderMP3
->compressionEncoder() == SettingsModel::MP3Encoder
203 radioButtonEncoderVorbis
->compressionEncoder() == SettingsModel::VorbisEncoder
204 radioButtonEncoderAAC
->compressionEncoder() == SettingsModel::AACEncoder
205 radioButtonEncoderFLAC
->compressionEncoder() == SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
206 radioButtonEncoderPCM
->compressionEncoder() == SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
207 radioButtonModeQuality
->compressionRCMode() == SettingsModel::VBRMode
208 radioButtonModeAverageBitrate
->compressionRCMode() == SettingsModel::ABRMode
209 radioButtonConstBitrate
->compressionRCMode() == SettingsModel::CBRMode
210 sliderBitrate
211 connect(m_encoderButtonGroup
, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateEncoder(int)));
212 connect(m_modeButtonGroup
, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateRCMode(int)));
213 connect(sliderBitrate
, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateBitrate(int)));
214 updateEncoder(m_encoderButtonGroup
216 //Setup "Advanced Options" tab
217 sliderLameAlgoQuality
218 spinBoxBitrateManagementMin
219 spinBoxBitrateManagementMax
220 spinBoxNormalizationFilter
->normalizationFilterMaxVolume()) / 100.0);
221 comboBoxMP3ChannelMode
222 comboBoxSamplingRate
223 comboBoxNeroAACProfile
224 while(checkBoxBitrateManagement
->isChecked() != m_settings
->bitrateManagementEnabled()) checkBoxBitrateManagement
225 while(checkBoxNeroAAC2PassMode
->isChecked() != m_settings
->neroAACEnable2Pass()) checkBoxNeroAAC2PassMode
226 while(checkBoxNormalizationFilter
->isChecked() != m_settings
->normalizationFilterEnabled()) checkBoxNormalizationFilter
227 connect(sliderLameAlgoQuality
, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateLameAlgoQuality(int)));
228 connect(checkBoxBitrateManagement
, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(bitrateManagementEnabledChanged(bool)));
229 connect(spinBoxBitrateManagementMin
, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(bitrateManagementMinChanged(int)));
230 connect(spinBoxBitrateManagementMax
, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(bitrateManagementMaxChanged(int)));
231 connect(comboBoxMP3ChannelMode
, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(channelModeChanged(int)));
232 connect(comboBoxSamplingRate
, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(samplingRateChanged(int)));
233 connect(checkBoxNeroAAC2PassMode
, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(neroAAC2PassChanged(bool)));
234 connect(comboBoxNeroAACProfile
, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(neroAACProfileChanged(int)));
235 connect(checkBoxNormalizationFilter
, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(normalizationEnabledChanged(bool)));
236 connect(spinBoxNormalizationFilter
, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(normalizationMaxVolumeChanged(double)));
237 connect(buttonResetAdvancedOptions
, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(resetAdvancedOptionsButtonClicked()));
238 updateLameAlgoQuality(sliderLameAlgoQuality
240 //Activate file menu actions
241 connect(actionOpenFolder
, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openFolderActionActivated()));
243 //Activate view menu actions
244 m_tabActionGroup
= new QActionGroup(this);
245 m_tabActionGroup
246 m_tabActionGroup
247 m_tabActionGroup
248 m_tabActionGroup
249 m_tabActionGroup
250 actionSourceFiles
251 actionOutputDirectory
252 actionMetaData
253 actionCompression
254 actionAdvancedOptions
255 actionSourceFiles
256 connect(m_tabActionGroup
, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction
*)), this, SLOT(tabActionActivated(QAction
258 //Activate style menu actions
259 m_styleActionGroup
= new QActionGroup(this);
260 m_styleActionGroup
261 m_styleActionGroup
262 m_styleActionGroup
263 m_styleActionGroup
264 m_styleActionGroup
265 actionStylePlastique
266 actionStyleCleanlooks
267 actionStyleWindowsVista
268 actionStyleWindowsXP
269 actionStyleWindowsClassic
270 actionStylePlastique
271 actionStyleWindowsXP
->setEnabled((QSysInfo::windowsVersion() & QSysInfo::WV_NT_based
) >= QSysInfo::WV_XP
&& lamexp_themes_enabled());
272 actionStyleWindowsVista
->setEnabled((QSysInfo::windowsVersion() & QSysInfo::WV_NT_based
) >= QSysInfo::WV_VISTA
&& lamexp_themes_enabled());
273 connect(m_styleActionGroup
, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction
*)), this, SLOT(styleActionActivated(QAction
274 styleActionActivated(NULL
276 //Populate the language menu
277 m_languageActionGroup
= new QActionGroup(this);
278 QStringList translations
= lamexp_query_translations();
279 while(!translations
281 QString langId
= translations
282 QAction
= new QAction(this);
283 currentLanguage
284 currentLanguage
285 currentLanguage
286 currentLanguage
287 m_languageActionGroup
288 menuLanguage
, currentLanguage
290 menuLanguage
291 connect(actionLoadTranslationFromFile
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(languageFromFileActionActivated(bool)));
292 connect(m_languageActionGroup
, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction
*)), this, SLOT(languageActionActivated(QAction
294 //Activate tools menu actions
295 actionDisableUpdateReminder
296 actionDisableSounds
297 actionDisableNeroAacNotifications
298 actionDisableWmaDecoderNotifications
299 connect(actionDisableUpdateReminder
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(disableUpdateReminderActionTriggered(bool)));
300 connect(actionDisableSounds
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(disableSoundsActionTriggered(bool)));
301 connect(actionInstallWMADecoder
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(installWMADecoderActionTriggered(bool)));
302 connect(actionDisableNeroAacNotifications
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(disableNeroAacNotificationsActionTriggered(bool)));
303 connect(actionDisableWmaDecoderNotifications
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(disableWmaDecoderNotificationsActionTriggered(bool)));
304 connect(actionShowDropBoxWidget
, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(showDropBoxWidgetActionTriggered(bool)));
306 //Activate help menu actions
307 connect(actionCheckUpdates
, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(checkUpdatesActionActivated()));
308 connect(actionVisitHomepage
, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(visitHomepageActionActivated()));
310 //Center window in screen
311 QRect desktopRect
= QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();
312 QRect thisRect
= this->geometry();
313 move((desktopRect
.width() - thisRect
.width()) / 2, (desktopRect
.height() - thisRect
.height()) / 2);
314 setMinimumSize(thisRect
.width(), thisRect
317 m_banner
= new WorkingBanner(this);
319 //Create DropBox widget
320 m_dropBox
= new DropBox(this, m_fileListModel
, m_settings
321 connect(m_fileListModel
, SIGNAL(modelReset()), m_dropBox
, SLOT(modelChanged()));
322 connect(m_fileListModel
, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex
,int,int)), m_dropBox
, SLOT(modelChanged()));
323 connect(m_fileListModel
, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex
,int,int)), m_dropBox
, SLOT(modelChanged()));
325 //Create message handler thread
326 m_messageHandler
= new MessageHandlerThread();
327 m_delayedFileList
= new QStringList();
328 m_delayedFileTimer
= new QTimer();
329 connect(m_messageHandler
, SIGNAL(otherInstanceDetected()), this, SLOT(notifyOtherInstance()), Qt::QueuedConnection
330 connect(m_messageHandler
, SIGNAL(fileReceived(QString
)), this, SLOT(addFileDelayed(QString
)), Qt::QueuedConnection
331 connect(m_messageHandler
, SIGNAL(killSignalReceived()), this, SLOT(close()), Qt::QueuedConnection
332 connect(m_delayedFileTimer
, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(handleDelayedFiles()));
333 m_messageHandler
335 //Load translation file
336 QList
*> languageActions
= m_languageActionGroup
337 while(!languageActions
339 QAction
= languageActions
340 if(currentLanguage
->currentLanguage(), Qt::CaseInsensitive
) == 0)
342 currentLanguage
343 languageActionActivated(currentLanguage
347 //Re-translate (make sure we translate once)
348 QEvent
349 changeEvent(&languageChangeEvent
352 this->setAcceptDrops(true);
355 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
357 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
359 MainWindow::~MainWindow(void)
361 //Stop message handler thread
362 if(m_messageHandler
&& m_messageHandler
364 m_messageHandler
365 if(!m_messageHandler
367 m_messageHandler
368 m_messageHandler
373 sourceFileView
374 metaDataView
377 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_tabActionGroup
378 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_styleActionGroup
379 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_languageActionGroup
380 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_banner
381 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_fileSystemModel
382 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_messageHandler
383 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_delayedFileList
384 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_delayedFileTimer
385 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_metaInfoModel
386 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_encoderButtonGroup
387 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_encoderButtonGroup
388 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_sourceFilesContextMenu
389 LAMEXP_DELETE(m_dropBox
393 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
395 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
398 * Add file to source list
400 void MainWindow::addFiles(const QStringList
407 tabWidget
409 FileAnalyzer
= new FileAnalyzer(files
410 connect(analyzer
, SIGNAL(fileSelected(QString
)), m_banner
, SLOT(setText(QString
)), Qt::QueuedConnection
411 connect(analyzer
, SIGNAL(fileAnalyzed(AudioFileModel
)), m_fileListModel
, SLOT(addFile(AudioFileModel
)), Qt::QueuedConnection
413 m_banner
->show(tr("Adding file(s), please wait..."), analyzer
415 if(analyzer
417 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Access Denied"), QString("<nobr>%1<br>%2</nobr>").arg(tr("%1 file(s) have been rejected, because read access was not granted!").arg(analyzer
->filesDenied()), tr("This usually means the file is locked by another process.")));
419 if(analyzer
421 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Files Rejected"), QString("<nobr>%1<br>%2</nobr>").arg(tr("%1 file(s) have been rejected, because the file format could not be recognized!").arg(analyzer
->filesRejected()), tr("This usually means the file is damaged or the file format is not supported.")));
424 LAMEXP_DELETE(analyzer
425 sourceFileView
429 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
431 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
434 * Window is about to be shown
436 void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent
439 m_dropNoteLabel
->setGeometry(0, 0, sourceFileView
->width(), sourceFileView
440 sourceModelChanged();
441 tabWidget
445 m_firstTimeShown
= false;
446 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(windowShown()));
450 if(m_settings
452 m_dropBox
458 * Re-translate the UI
460 void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent
462 if(e
->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange
464 int comboBoxIndex
466 //Backup combobox indices
467 comboBoxIndex
[0] = comboBoxMP3ChannelMode
468 comboBoxIndex
[1] = comboBoxSamplingRate
469 comboBoxIndex
[2] = comboBoxNeroAACProfile
471 //Re.translate from UIC
472 Ui::MainWindow::retranslateUi(this);
474 //Restore combobox indices
475 comboBoxMP3ChannelMode
476 comboBoxSamplingRate
477 comboBoxNeroAACProfile
479 if(lamexp_version_demo())
481 setWindowTitle(QString("%1 [%2]").arg(windowTitle(), tr("DEMO VERSION")));
484 //Manual re-translate
485 m_dropNoteLabel
->setText(QString("» %1 «").arg(tr("You can drop in audio files here!")));
486 m_showDetailsContextAction
->setText(tr("Show Details"));
487 m_previewContextAction
->setText(tr("Open File in External Application"));
488 m_findFileContextAction
->setText(tr("Browse File Location"));
489 m_showFolderContextAction
->setText(tr("Browse Selected Folder"));
492 m_metaInfoModel
493 updateEncoder(m_settings
494 updateLameAlgoQuality(sliderLameAlgoQuality
499 * File dragged over window
501 void MainWindow::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent
503 QStringList formats
= event
505 if(formats
.contains("application/x-qt-windows-mime;value=\"FileNameW\"", Qt::CaseInsensitive
) && formats
.contains("text/uri-list", Qt::CaseInsensitive
507 event
512 * File dropped onto window
514 void MainWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent
518 QStringList droppedFiles
519 const QList
> urls
= event
521 for(int i
= 0; i
< urls
.count(); i
523 QFileInfo
530 droppedFiles
<< file
535 QList
> list
= QDir(file
536 for(int j
= 0; j
< list
.count(); j
538 droppedFiles
<< list
543 addFiles(droppedFiles
547 * Window tries to close
549 void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent
551 if(m_banner
->isVisible() || m_delayedFileTimer
566 void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent
568 QMainWindow::resizeEvent(event
569 m_dropNoteLabel
->setGeometry(0, 0, sourceFileView
->width(), sourceFileView
575 bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject
, QEvent
577 if(obj
== m_fileSystemModel
&& QApplication::overrideCursor() == NULL
579 QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor
580 QTimer::singleShot(250, this, SLOT(restoreCursor()));
582 else if(obj
== outputFolderLabel
584 switch(event
586 case QEvent::MouseButtonPress
587 if(dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent
)->button() == Qt::LeftButton
589 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QString("file:///%1").arg(outputFolderLabel
593 outputFolderLabel
596 outputFolderLabel
603 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
605 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
610 void MainWindow::windowShown(void)
612 QStringList arguments
= QApplication::arguments();
615 if(m_settings
->licenseAccepted() <= 0)
619 if(m_settings
->licenseAccepted() == 0)
621 AboutDialog
= new AboutDialog(m_settings
, this, true);
622 iAccepted
= about
628 m_settings
629 QApplication::processEvents();
), GetModuleHandle(NULL
631 QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("License Declined"), tr("You have declined the license. Consequently the application will exit now!"), tr("Goodbye!"));
632 QProcess::startDetached(QString("%1/Uninstall.exe").arg(QApplication::applicationDirPath()), QStringList());
633 QApplication::quit();
), GetModuleHandle(NULL
638 m_settings
641 //Check for expiration
642 if(lamexp_version_demo())
644 if(QDate::currentDate() >= lamexp_version_expires())
646 qWarning("Binary has expired !!!");
), GetModuleHandle(NULL
648 if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP - Expired"), QString("<nobr>%1<br>%2</nobr>").arg(tr("This demo (pre-release) version of LameXP has expired at %1.").arg(lamexp_version_expires().toString(Qt::ISODate
)), tr("LameXP is free software and release versions won't expire.")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Exit Program")) == 0)
650 checkUpdatesActionActivated();
652 QApplication::quit();
658 if(QDate::currentDate() >= lamexp_version_date().addYears(1))
660 qWarning("Binary is more than a year old, time to update!");
661 if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Urgent Update"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(tr("Your version of LameXP is more than a year old. Time for an update!")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Exit Program")) == 0)
663 checkUpdatesActionActivated();
667 QApplication::quit();
671 else if(m_settings
673 QDate lastUpdateCheck
= QDate::fromString(m_settings
->autoUpdateLastCheck(), Qt::ISODate
674 if(!lastUpdateCheck
.isValid() || QDate::currentDate() >= lastUpdateCheck
676 if(QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(lastUpdateCheck
.isValid() ? tr("Your last update check was more than 14 days ago. Check for updates now?") : tr("Your did not check for LameXP updates yet. Check for updates now?")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Postpone")) == 0)
678 checkUpdatesActionActivated();
683 //Check for AAC support
684 if(m_settings
686 if(lamexp_check_tool("neroAacEnc.exe") && lamexp_check_tool("neroAacDec.exe") && lamexp_check_tool("neroAacTag.exe"))
688 if(lamexp_tool_version("neroAacEnc.exe") < lamexp_toolver_neroaac())
691 messageText
+= QString("<nobr>%1<br>").arg(tr("LameXP detected that your version of the Nero AAC encoder is outdated!"));
692 messageText
+= QString("%1<br><br>").arg(tr("The current version available is %1 (or later), but you still have version %2 installed.").arg(lamexp_version2string("?.?.?.?", lamexp_toolver_neroaac(), tr("n/a")), lamexp_version2string("?.?.?.?", lamexp_tool_version("neroAacEnc.exe"), tr("n/a"))));
693 messageText
+= QString("%1<br>").arg(tr("You can download the latest version of the Nero AAC encoder from the Nero website at:"));
694 messageText
+= "<b>" + LINK(AboutDialog::neroAacUrl
) + "</b><br></nobr>";
695 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("AAC Encoder Outdated"), messageText
700 radioButtonEncoderAAC
701 QString appPath
= QDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()).canonicalPath();
702 if(appPath
.isEmpty()) appPath
= QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
704 messageText
+= QString("<nobr>%1<br>").arg(tr("The Nero AAC encoder could not be found. AAC encoding support will be disabled."));
705 messageText
+= QString("%1<br><br>").arg(tr("Please put 'neroAacEnc.exe', 'neroAacDec.exe' and 'neroAacTag.exe' into the LameXP directory!"));
706 messageText
+= QString("%1<br>").arg(tr("Your LameXP directory is located here:"));
707 messageText
+= QString("<i><nobr><a href=\"file:///%1\">%1</a></nobr></i><br><br>").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(appPath
708 messageText
+= QString("%1<br>").arg(tr("You can download the Nero AAC encoder for free from the official Nero website at:"));
709 messageText
+= "<b>" + LINK(AboutDialog::neroAacUrl
) + "</b><br></nobr>";
710 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("AAC Support Disabled"), messageText
714 //Check for WMA support
715 if(m_settings
717 if(!lamexp_check_tool("wmawav.exe"))
720 messageText
+= QString("<nobr>%1<br>").arg(tr("LameXP has detected that the WMA File Decoder component is not currently installed on your system."));
721 messageText
+= QString("%1</nobr>").arg(tr("You won't be able to process WMA files as input unless the WMA File Decoder component is installed!"));
722 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("WMA Decoder Missing"), messageText
723 installWMADecoderActionTriggered(rand() % 2);
727 //Add files from the command-line
728 for(int i
= 0; i
< arguments
.count() - 1; i
730 if(!arguments
].compare("--add", Qt::CaseInsensitive
732 QFileInfo
733 qDebug("Adding file from CLI: %s", currentFile
734 m_delayedFileList
738 //Start delayed files timer
739 if(!m_delayedFileList
->isEmpty() && !m_delayedFileTimer
741 m_delayedFileTimer
744 //Make DropBox visible
745 if(m_settings
747 m_dropBox
754 void MainWindow::aboutButtonClicked(void)
760 AboutDialog
= new AboutDialog(m_settings
, this);
762 LAMEXP_DELETE(aboutBox
769 void MainWindow::encodeButtonClicked(void)
771 static const __int64 oneGigabyte
= 1073741824;
772 static const __int64 minimumFreeDiskspaceMultiplier
= 2;
776 if(m_fileListModel
->rowCount() < 1)
778 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(tr("You must add at least one file to the list before proceeding!")));
779 tabWidget
783 __int64 currentFreeDiskspace
= lamexp_free_diskspace(lamexp_temp_folder());
785 if(currentFreeDiskspace
< (oneGigabyte
* minimumFreeDiskspaceMultiplier
787 QStringList tempFolderParts
= lamexp_temp_folder().split("/", QString::SkipEmptyParts
, Qt::CaseInsensitive
788 tempFolderParts
789 if(m_settings
), GetModuleHandle(NULL
790 switch(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Low Diskspace Warning"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr><br><nobr>%2</nobr><br><br>%3").arg(tr("There are less than %1 GB of free diskspace available on your system's TEMP folder.").arg(QString::number(minimumFreeDiskspaceMultiplier
)), tr("It is highly recommend to free up more diskspace before proceeding with the encode!"), tr("Your TEMP folder is located at:")).append("<br><nobr><i><a href=\"file:///%3\">%3</a></i></nobr><br>").arg(tempFolderParts
.join("\\")), tr("Abort Encoding Process"), tr("Clean Disk Now"), tr("Ignore")))
793 QProcess::startDetached(QString("%1/cleanmgr.exe").arg(lamexp_known_folder(lamexp_folder_systemfolder
)), QStringList() << "/D" << tempFolderParts
798 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Low Diskspace"), tr("You are proceeding with low diskspace. Problems might occur!"));
803 switch(m_settings
805 case SettingsModel::MP3Encoder
806 case SettingsModel::VorbisEncoder
807 case SettingsModel::AACEncoder
808 case SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
809 case SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
812 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP"), tr("Sorry, an unsupported encoder has been chosen!"));
813 tabWidget
817 if(!m_settings
819 QFile
->outputDir(), QUuid::createUuid().toString()));
820 if(!writeTest
822 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("LameXP"), QString("%1<br><nobr>%2</nobr><br><br>%3").arg(tr("Cannot write to the selected output directory."), m_settings
->outputDir(), tr("Please choose a different directory!")));
823 tabWidget
840 void MainWindow::closeButtonClicked(void)
849 void MainWindow::addFilesButtonClicked(void)
855 if(lamexp_themes_enabled())
857 QStringList fileTypeFilters
= DecoderRegistry::getSupportedTypes();
858 QStringList selectedFiles
= QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Add file(s)"), QString(), fileTypeFilters
859 if(!selectedFiles
861 addFiles(selectedFiles
866 QFileDialog
dialog(this, tr("Add file(s)"));
867 QStringList fileTypeFilters
= DecoderRegistry::getSupportedTypes();
868 dialog
869 dialog
872 QStringList selectedFiles
= dialog
873 addFiles(selectedFiles
882 void MainWindow::openFolderActionActivated(void)
885 QString selectedFolder
889 if(lamexp_themes_enabled())
891 selectedFolder
= QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Add folder"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::MusicLocation
895 QFileDialog
dialog(this, tr("Add folder"));
896 dialog
897 dialog
900 selectedFolder
= dialog
904 if(!selectedFolder
906 QDir
907 QFileInfoList fileInfoList
= sourceDir
908 QStringList fileList
910 while(!fileInfoList
912 fileList
<< fileInfoList
923 void MainWindow::removeFileButtonClicked(void)
925 if(sourceFileView
927 int iRow
= sourceFileView
928 m_fileListModel
929 sourceFileView
< m_fileListModel
->rowCount() ? iRow
: m_fileListModel
936 void MainWindow::clearFilesButtonClicked(void)
938 m_fileListModel
942 * Move file up button
944 void MainWindow::fileUpButtonClicked(void)
946 if(sourceFileView
948 int iRow
= sourceFileView
->currentIndex().row() - 1;
949 m_fileListModel
->currentIndex(), -1);
950 sourceFileView
>= 0 ? iRow
: 0);
955 * Move file down button
957 void MainWindow::fileDownButtonClicked(void)
959 if(sourceFileView
961 int iRow
= sourceFileView
->currentIndex().row() + 1;
962 m_fileListModel
->currentIndex(), 1);
963 sourceFileView
< m_fileListModel
->rowCount() ? iRow
: m_fileListModel
968 * Show details button
970 void MainWindow::showDetailsButtonClicked(void)
975 MetaInfoDialog
= new MetaInfoDialog(this);
976 QModelIndex index
= sourceFileView
978 while(index
982 index
= m_fileListModel
.row() + 1, index
983 sourceFileView
987 index
= m_fileListModel
.row() - 1, index
988 sourceFileView
991 AudioFileModel
= (*m_fileListModel
992 iResult
= metaInfoDialog
, index
.row() > 0, index
.row() < m_fileListModel
->rowCount() - 1);
997 LAMEXP_DELETE(metaInfoDialog
1003 void MainWindow::tabPageChanged(int idx
1005 QList
*> actions
= m_tabActionGroup
1006 for(int i
= 0; i
< actions
.count(); i
1009 int actionIndex
= actions
1010 if(ok
&& actionIndex
== idx
1012 actions
1018 * Tab action triggered
1020 void MainWindow::tabActionActivated(QAction
1022 if(action
&& action
1025 int index
= action
1028 tabWidget
1034 * Style action triggered
1036 void MainWindow::styleActionActivated(QAction
1038 if(action
&& action
1041 int actionIndex
= action
1042 m_settings
1045 switch(m_settings
1048 if(actionStyleCleanlooks
1050 actionStyleCleanlooks
1051 QApplication::setStyle(new QCleanlooksStyle());
1055 if(actionStyleWindowsVista
1057 actionStyleWindowsVista
1058 QApplication::setStyle(new QWindowsVistaStyle());
1062 if(actionStyleWindowsXP
1064 actionStyleWindowsXP
1065 QApplication::setStyle(new QWindowsXPStyle());
1069 if(actionStyleWindowsClassic
1071 actionStyleWindowsClassic
1072 QApplication::setStyle(new QWindowsStyle());
1076 actionStylePlastique
1077 QApplication::setStyle(new QPlastiqueStyle());
1083 * Language action triggered
1085 void MainWindow::languageActionActivated(QAction
1087 if(action
->data().type() == QVariant::String
1089 QString langId
= action
1091 if(lamexp_install_translator(langId
1093 action
1094 m_settings
1100 * Load language from file action triggered
1102 void MainWindow::languageFromFileActionActivated(bool checked
1104 QFileDialog
dialog(this, tr("Load Translation"));
1105 dialog
1106 dialog
.setNameFilter(QString("%1 (*.qm)").arg(tr("Translation Files")));
1110 QStringList selectedFiles
= dialog
1111 if(lamexp_install_translator_from_file(selectedFiles
1113 QList
*> actions
= m_languageActionGroup
1114 while(!actions
1116 actions
1121 languageActionActivated(m_languageActionGroup
1127 * Output folder changed (mouse clicked)
1129 void MainWindow::outputFolderViewClicked(const QModelIndex
1131 if(outputFolderView
->currentIndex() != index
1133 outputFolderView
1135 QString selectedDir
= m_fileSystemModel
1136 if(selectedDir
.length() < 3) selectedDir
1137 outputFolderLabel
1138 m_settings
1142 * Output folder changed (mouse moved)
1144 void MainWindow::outputFolderViewMoved(const QModelIndex
1146 if(QApplication::mouseButtons() & Qt::LeftButton
1148 outputFolderViewClicked(index
1153 * Goto desktop button
1155 void MainWindow::gotoDesktopButtonClicked(void)
1157 QString desktopPath
= QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DesktopLocation
1159 if(!desktopPath
.isEmpty() && QDir(desktopPath
1161 outputFolderView
1162 outputFolderViewClicked(outputFolderView
1163 outputFolderView
1167 buttonGotoDesktop
1172 * Goto home folder button
1174 void MainWindow::gotoHomeFolderButtonClicked(void)
1176 QString homePath
= QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::HomeLocation
1178 if(!homePath
.isEmpty() && QDir(homePath
1180 outputFolderView
1181 outputFolderViewClicked(outputFolderView
1182 outputFolderView
1186 buttonGotoHome
1191 * Goto music folder button
1193 void MainWindow::gotoMusicFolderButtonClicked(void)
1195 QString musicPath
= QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::MusicLocation
1197 if(!musicPath
.isEmpty() && QDir(musicPath
1199 outputFolderView
1200 outputFolderViewClicked(outputFolderView
1201 outputFolderView
1205 buttonGotoMusic
1210 * Make folder button
1212 void MainWindow::makeFolderButtonClicked(void)
1216 QDir
1217 QString suggestedName
= tr("New Folder");
1219 if(!m_metaData
->fileArtist().isEmpty() && !m_metaData
1221 suggestedName
= QString("%1 - %2").arg(m_metaData
->fileArtist(), m_metaData
1223 else if(!m_metaData
1225 suggestedName
= m_metaData
1227 else if(!m_metaData
1229 suggestedName
= m_metaData
1233 for(int i
= 0; i
< m_fileListModel
->rowCount(); i
1235 AudioFileModel audioFile
= m_fileListModel
, 0));
1236 if(!audioFile
.fileAlbum().isEmpty() || !audioFile
1238 if(!audioFile
.fileArtist().isEmpty() && !audioFile
1240 suggestedName
= QString("%1 - %2").arg(audioFile
.fileArtist(), audioFile
1242 else if(!audioFile
1244 suggestedName
= audioFile
1246 else if(!audioFile
1248 suggestedName
= audioFile
1257 bool bApplied
= false;
1258 QString folderName
= QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Folder"), tr("Enter the name of the new folder:").leftJustified(96, ' '), QLineEdit::Normal
, suggestedName
, &bApplied
, Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint
1262 folderName
.remove(":", Qt::CaseInsensitive
1263 folderName
.remove("/", Qt::CaseInsensitive
1264 folderName
.remove("\\", Qt::CaseInsensitive
1265 folderName
.remove("?", Qt::CaseInsensitive
1266 folderName
.remove("*", Qt::CaseInsensitive
1267 folderName
.remove("<", Qt::CaseInsensitive
1268 folderName
.remove(">", Qt::CaseInsensitive
1270 folderName
= folderName
1272 if(folderName
1274 MessageBeep(MB_ICONERROR
1279 QString newFolder
= folderName
1281 while(basePath
1283 newFolder
= QString(folderName
).append(QString().sprintf(" (%d)", ++i
1286 if(basePath
1288 QDir createdDir
= basePath
1289 if(createdDir
1291 outputFolderView
1292 outputFolderViewClicked(outputFolderView
1293 outputFolderView
1298 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to create folder"), QString("%1<br><nobr>%2</nobr><br><br>%3").arg(tr("The new folder could not be created:"), basePath
), tr("Drive is read-only or insufficient access rights!")));
1306 * Edit meta button clicked
1308 void MainWindow::editMetaButtonClicked(void)
1311 m_metaInfoModel
->currentIndex(), this);
1315 * Reset meta button clicked
1317 void MainWindow::clearMetaButtonClicked(void)
1320 m_metaInfoModel
1324 * Visit homepage action
1326 void MainWindow::visitHomepageActionActivated(void)
1328 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("http://mulder.dummwiedeutsch.de/"));
1332 * Check for updates action
1334 void MainWindow::checkUpdatesActionActivated(void)
1340 UpdateDialog
= new UpdateDialog(m_settings
, this);
1341 updateDialog
1342 if(updateDialog
1344 m_settings
1346 LAMEXP_DELETE(updateDialog
1351 * Other instance detected
1353 void MainWindow::notifyOtherInstance(void)
1355 if(!m_banner
1357 QMessageBox
, tr("Already Running"), tr("LameXP is already running, please use the running instance!"), QMessageBox::NoButton
, this, Qt::Dialog
| Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint
| Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint
1363 * Add file from another instance
1365 void MainWindow::addFileDelayed(const QString
1367 m_delayedFileTimer
1368 qDebug("Received file: %s", filePath
1369 m_delayedFileList
1370 m_delayedFileTimer
1374 * Add all pending files
1376 void MainWindow::handleDelayedFiles(void)
1378 if(m_banner
1383 m_delayedFileTimer
1384 if(m_delayedFileList
1389 QStringList selectedFiles
1390 tabWidget
1392 while(!m_delayedFileList
1394 QFileInfo currentFile
= QFileInfo(m_delayedFileList
1395 if(!currentFile
1399 if(currentFile
1401 selectedFiles
<< currentFile
1404 if(currentFile
1406 QList
> list
= QDir(currentFile
1407 for(int j
= 0; j
< list
.count(); j
1409 selectedFiles
<< list
1414 addFiles(selectedFiles
1420 void MainWindow::updateEncoder(int id
1422 m_settings
1424 switch(m_settings
1426 case SettingsModel::VorbisEncoder
1427 radioButtonModeQuality
1428 radioButtonModeAverageBitrate
1429 radioButtonConstBitrate
1430 if(radioButtonConstBitrate
->isChecked()) radioButtonModeQuality
1431 sliderBitrate
1433 case SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
1434 radioButtonModeQuality
1435 radioButtonModeQuality
1436 radioButtonModeAverageBitrate
1437 radioButtonConstBitrate
1438 sliderBitrate
1440 case SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
1441 radioButtonModeQuality
1442 radioButtonModeQuality
1443 radioButtonModeAverageBitrate
1444 radioButtonConstBitrate
1445 sliderBitrate
1448 radioButtonModeQuality
1449 radioButtonModeAverageBitrate
1450 radioButtonConstBitrate
1451 sliderBitrate
1455 updateRCMode(m_modeButtonGroup
1459 * Update rate-control mode
1461 void MainWindow::updateRCMode(int id
1463 m_settings
1465 switch(m_settings
1467 case SettingsModel::MP3Encoder
1468 switch(m_settings
1470 case SettingsModel::VBRMode
1471 sliderBitrate
1472 sliderBitrate
1475 sliderBitrate
1476 sliderBitrate
1480 case SettingsModel::VorbisEncoder
1481 switch(m_settings
1483 case SettingsModel::VBRMode
1484 sliderBitrate
1485 sliderBitrate
1488 sliderBitrate
1489 sliderBitrate
1493 case SettingsModel::AACEncoder
1494 switch(m_settings
1496 case SettingsModel::VBRMode
1497 sliderBitrate
1498 sliderBitrate
1501 sliderBitrate
1502 sliderBitrate
1506 case SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
1507 sliderBitrate
1508 sliderBitrate
1510 case SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
1511 sliderBitrate
1512 sliderBitrate
1513 sliderBitrate
1516 sliderBitrate
1517 sliderBitrate
1521 updateBitrate(sliderBitrate
1527 void MainWindow::updateBitrate(int value
1529 m_settings
1531 switch(m_settings
1533 case SettingsModel::VBRMode
1534 switch(m_settings
1536 case SettingsModel::MP3Encoder
1537 labelBitrate
->setText(tr("Quality Level %1").arg(9 - value
1539 case SettingsModel::VorbisEncoder
1540 labelBitrate
->setText(tr("Quality Level %1").arg(value
1542 case SettingsModel::AACEncoder
1543 labelBitrate
->setText(tr("Quality Level %1").arg(QString().sprintf("%.2f", static_cast<double>(value
* 5) / 100.0)));
1545 case SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
1546 labelBitrate
->setText(tr("Compression %1").arg(value
1548 case SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
1549 labelBitrate
1552 labelBitrate
1556 case SettingsModel::ABRMode
1557 switch(m_settings
1559 case SettingsModel::MP3Encoder
1560 labelBitrate
->setText(QString("≈ %1 kbps").arg(SettingsModel::mp3Bitrates
1562 case SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
1563 labelBitrate
->setText(tr("Compression %1").arg(value
1565 case SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
1566 labelBitrate
1569 labelBitrate
->setText(QString("≈ %1 kbps").arg(min(500, value
* 8)));
1574 switch(m_settings
1576 case SettingsModel::MP3Encoder
1577 labelBitrate
->setText(QString("%1 kbps").arg(SettingsModel::mp3Bitrates
1579 case SettingsModel::FLACEncoder
1580 labelBitrate
->setText(tr("Compression %1").arg(value
1582 case SettingsModel::PCMEncoder
1583 labelBitrate
1586 labelBitrate
->setText(QString("%1 kbps").arg(min(500, value
* 8)));
1595 * Lame algorithm quality changed
1597 void MainWindow::updateLameAlgoQuality(int value
1604 text
= tr("Best Quality (Very Slow)");
1607 text
= tr("High Quality (Recommended)");
1610 text
= tr("Average Quality (Default)");
1613 text
= tr("Low Quality (Fast)");
1616 text
= tr("Poor Quality (Very Fast)");
1622 m_settings
1623 labelLameAlgoQuality
1628 * Bitrate management endabled/disabled
1630 void MainWindow::bitrateManagementEnabledChanged(bool checked
1632 m_settings
1636 * Minimum bitrate has changed
1638 void MainWindow::bitrateManagementMinChanged(int value
1640 if(value
> spinBoxBitrateManagementMax
1642 spinBoxBitrateManagementMin
1643 m_settings
1647 m_settings
1652 * Maximum bitrate has changed
1654 void MainWindow::bitrateManagementMaxChanged(int value
1656 if(value
< spinBoxBitrateManagementMin
1658 spinBoxBitrateManagementMax
1659 m_settings
1663 m_settings
1668 * Channel mode has changed
1670 void MainWindow::channelModeChanged(int value
1672 if(value
>= 0) m_settings
1676 * Sampling rate has changed
1678 void MainWindow::samplingRateChanged(int value
1680 if(value
>= 0) m_settings
1684 * Nero AAC 2-Pass mode changed
1686 void MainWindow::neroAAC2PassChanged(bool checked
1688 m_settings
1692 * Nero AAC profile mode changed
1694 void MainWindow::neroAACProfileChanged(int value
1696 if(value
>= 0) m_settings
1700 * Normalization filter enabled changed
1702 void MainWindow::normalizationEnabledChanged(bool checked
1704 m_settings
1708 * Normalization max. volume changed
1710 void MainWindow::normalizationMaxVolumeChanged(double value
1712 m_settings
* 100.0));
1716 * Reset all advanced options to their defaults
1718 void MainWindow::resetAdvancedOptionsButtonClicked()
1720 sliderLameAlgoQuality
1721 spinBoxBitrateManagementMin
1722 spinBoxBitrateManagementMax
1723 spinBoxNormalizationFilter
->normalizationFilterMaxVolumeDefault()) / 100.0);
1724 comboBoxMP3ChannelMode
1725 comboBoxSamplingRate
1726 comboBoxNeroAACProfile
1727 while(checkBoxBitrateManagement
->isChecked() != m_settings
->bitrateManagementEnabledDefault()) checkBoxBitrateManagement
1728 while(checkBoxNeroAAC2PassMode
->isChecked() != m_settings
->neroAACEnable2PassDefault()) checkBoxNeroAAC2PassMode
1729 while(checkBoxNormalizationFilter
->isChecked() != m_settings
->normalizationFilterEnabledDefault()) checkBoxNormalizationFilter
1730 scrollArea
1736 void MainWindow::sourceModelChanged(void)
1738 m_dropNoteLabel
->rowCount() <= 0);
1742 * Meta tags enabled changed
1744 void MainWindow::metaTagsEnabledChanged(void)
1746 m_settings
1750 * Playlist enabled changed
1752 void MainWindow::playlistEnabledChanged(void)
1754 m_settings
1758 * Output to source dir changed
1760 void MainWindow::saveToSourceFolderChanged(void)
1762 m_settings
1766 * Prepend relative source file path to output file name changed
1768 void MainWindow::prependRelativePathChanged(void)
1770 m_settings
1775 * Restore the override cursor
1777 void MainWindow::restoreCursor(void)
1779 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
1783 * Show context menu for source files
1785 void MainWindow::sourceFilesContextMenu(const QPoint
1787 if(pos
.x() <= sourceFileView
->width() && pos
.y() <= sourceFileView
->height() && pos
.x() >= 0 && pos
.y() >= 0)
1789 m_sourceFilesContextMenu
1794 * Open selected file in external player
1796 void MainWindow::previewContextActionTriggered(void)
1798 const static char *appNames
[3] = {"smplayer_portable.exe", "smplayer.exe", "mplayer.exe"};
1799 const static wchar_t *registryKey
= L
1801 QModelIndex index
= sourceFileView
1802 if(!index
1807 QString mplayerPath
1808 HKEY registryKeyHandle
, registryKey
, ®istryKeyHandle
1812 wchar_t Buffer
1813 DWORD BuffSize
= sizeof(wchar_t*) * 4096;
1814 if(RegQueryValueExW(registryKeyHandle
, L
"InstallLocation", 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<BYTE
), &BuffSize
1816 mplayerPath
= QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(Buffer
1820 if(!mplayerPath
1822 QDir
1823 if(mplayerDir
1825 for(int i
= 0; i
< 3; i
1827 if(mplayerDir
1829 QProcess::startDetached(mplayerDir
]), QStringList() << QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_fileListModel
1836 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QString("file:///").append(m_fileListModel
1840 * Find selected file in explorer
1842 void MainWindow::findFileContextActionTriggered(void)
1844 QModelIndex index
= sourceFileView
1847 QString systemRootPath
1849 QDir
1850 if(systemRoot
.exists() && systemRoot
1852 systemRootPath
= systemRoot
1855 if(!systemRootPath
1857 QFileInfo
1858 if(explorer
.exists() && explorer
1860 QProcess::execute(explorer
.canonicalFilePath(), QStringList() << "/select," << QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_fileListModel
1866 qWarning("SystemRoot directory could not be detected!");
1872 * Show context menu for output folder
1874 void MainWindow::outputFolderContextMenu(const QPoint
1877 if(pos
.x() <= outputFolderView
->width() && pos
.y() <= outputFolderView
->height() && pos
.x() >= 0 && pos
.y() >= 0)
1879 m_outputFolderContextMenu
1884 * Show selected folder in explorer
1886 void MainWindow::showFolderContextActionTriggered(void)
1888 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(m_fileSystemModel
1892 * Disable update reminder action
1894 void MainWindow::disableUpdateReminderActionTriggered(bool checked
1898 if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Disable Update Reminder"), tr("Do you really want to disable the update reminder?"), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
1900 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), QString("%1<br>%2").arg(tr("The update reminder has been disabled."), tr("Please remember to check for updates at regular intervals!")));
1901 m_settings
1905 m_settings
1910 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Update Reminder"), tr("The update reminder has been re-enabled."));
1911 m_settings
1914 actionDisableUpdateReminder
1918 * Disable sound effects action
1920 void MainWindow::disableSoundsActionTriggered(bool checked
1924 if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Disable Sound Effects"), tr("Do you really want to disable all sound effects?"), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
1926 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Sound Effects"), tr("All sound effects have been disabled."));
1927 m_settings
1931 m_settings
1936 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Sound Effects"), tr("The sound effects have been re-enabled."));
1937 m_settings
1940 actionDisableSounds
1944 * Disable Nero AAC encoder action
1946 void MainWindow::disableNeroAacNotificationsActionTriggered(bool checked
1950 if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), tr("Do you really want to disable all Nero AAC Encoder notifications?"), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
1952 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), tr("All Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been disabled."));
1953 m_settings
1957 m_settings
1962 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Nero AAC Notifications"), tr("The Nero AAC Encoder notifications have been re-enabled."));
1963 m_settings
1966 actionDisableNeroAacNotifications
1970 * Disable WMA Decoder component action
1972 void MainWindow::disableWmaDecoderNotificationsActionTriggered(bool checked
1976 if(0 == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("WMA Decoder Notifications"), tr("Do you really want to disable all WMA Decoder notifications?"), tr("Yes"), tr("No"), QString(), 1))
1978 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("WMA Decoder Notifications"), tr("All WMA Decoder notifications have been disabled."));
1979 m_settings
1983 m_settings
1988 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("WMA Decoder Notifications"), tr("The WMA Decoder notifications have been re-enabled."));
1989 m_settings
1992 actionDisableWmaDecoderNotifications
1996 * Download and install WMA Decoder component
1998 void MainWindow::installWMADecoderActionTriggered(bool checked
2000 static const char *download_url
= "http://www.nch.com.au/components/wmawav.exe";
2001 static const char *download_hash
= "52a3b0e6690faf3f830c336d3c0eadfb7a4e9bc6";
2003 if(QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Install WMA Decoder"), tr("Do you want to download and install the WMA File Decoder component now?"), tr("Download && Install"), tr("Cancel")) != 0)
2008 QString binaryWGet
= lamexp_lookup_tool("wget.exe");
2009 QString binaryElevator
= lamexp_lookup_tool("elevator.exe");
2011 if(binaryWGet
.isEmpty() || binaryElevator
2013 throw "Required binary is not available!";
2018 QString setupFile
= QString("%1/%2.exe").arg(lamexp_temp_folder(), lamexp_rand_str());
2021 process
2024 connect(&process
, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError
)), &loop
, SLOT(quit()));
2025 connect(&process
, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus
)), &loop
, SLOT(quit()));
2027 process
, QStringList() << "-O" << QFileInfo(setupFile
).fileName() << download_url
2028 m_banner
->show(tr("Downloading WMA Decoder Setup, please wait..."), &loop
2030 if(process
.exitCode() != 0 || QFileInfo(setupFile
).size() < 10240)
2032 QFile::remove(setupFile
2033 if(QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Download Failed"), tr("Failed to download the WMA Decoder setup. Check your internet connection!"), tr("Try Again"), tr("Cancel")) == 0)
2040 QFile
2041 QCryptographicHash
2043 setupFileContent
2044 if(setupFileContent
.isOpen() && setupFileContent
2046 setupFileHash
2047 setupFileContent
2050 if(_stricmp(setupFileHash
.result().toHex().constData(), download_hash
2052 qWarning("Hash miscompare:\n Expected %s\n Detected %s\n", download_hash
, setupFileHash
2053 QFile::remove(setupFile
2054 if(QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Download Failed"), tr("The download seems to be corrupted. Please try again!"), tr("Try Again"), tr("Cancel")) == 0)
2061 QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor
2062 process
, QStringList() << QString("/exec=%1").arg(setupFile
2063 loop
2064 QFile::remove(setupFile
2065 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
2067 if(QMessageBox::information(this, tr("WMA Decoder"), tr("The WMA File Decoder has been installed. Please restart LameXP now!"), tr("Quit LameXP"), tr("Postpone")) == 0)
2069 QApplication::quit();
2075 void MainWindow::showDropBoxWidgetActionTriggered(bool checked
2077 m_settings
2079 if(!m_dropBox
2084 FLASH_WINDOW(m_dropBox