2 ==============================================
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5 ==== Turabian and ====
6 ==== Chicago Manual of Style ====
7 ==== Export Plugins ====
11 ==== version 1.2 22 April 2012 ====
13 ==== Juan José Baldrich ====
15 ==== juan.baldrich.grd.soci@aya.yale.edu ====
17 ==============================================
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21 The Chicago Manual of Style and Kate Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations served as the basis for the preparation of the Chicago and Turabian plugins. Available in both Spanish and English, the plugins add up to four. Contrary to the claim in the back cover of the Turabian manual, separate plugins are necessary because the styles, despite their strong similarities, are not reflections of each other. Each plugin prepares output in the Rich Text Format (RTF) for the two basic systems.
23 author-date (two filters)
24 notes and bibliography (three filters)
27 The plugins prepare entries that the user can export to the clipboard and then paste into a document for word processing in Word, Word Perfect, Open Office, etc. These plugins prepare exports for the following entry types of JabRef:
29 article inproceedings phdthesis
30 book incollection unpublished
31 conference mastersthesis
39 According to both manuals, the author-date system consists of two distinct parts. Accordingly, each plugin contains filters for
41 reference lists for the complete list of sources
42 text citations enclosed in parenthesis.
45 The reference list export feature consists of the following twelve files:
48 Chicago.reference.article.layout
49 Chicago.reference.begin.layout
50 Chicago.reference.book.layout
51 Chicago.reference.conference.layout
52 Chicago.reference.electronic.layout
53 Chicago.reference.end.layout
54 Chicago.reference.incollection.layout
55 Chicago.reference.inproceedings.layout
56 Chicago.reference.layout
57 Chicago.reference.mastersthesis.layout
58 Chicago.reference.phdthesis.layout
59 Chicago.reference.unpublished.layout
61 The text citation export feature consists of the following twelve files that serve as pointers to the reference list:
63 Chicago.text.article.layout
64 Chicago.text.begin.layout
65 Chicago.text.book.layout
66 Chicago.text.conference.layout
67 Chicago.text.electronic.layout
68 Chicago.text.end.layout
69 Chicago.text.incollection.layout
70 Chicago.text.inproceedings.layout
72 Chicago.text.mastersthesis.layout
73 Chicago.text.phdthesis.layout
74 Chicago.text.unpublished.layout
77 Note and bibliography style
78 ===========================
80 Both manuals consider three distinct formats for an entry:
82 biblio for bibliographies
83 footend for footnotes and endnotes
84 footend short for subsequent notes or works with full bibliographies.
87 The bibliography export feature consists of the following twelve files:
90 Chicago.biblio.article.layout
91 Chicago.biblio.begin.layout
92 Chicago.biblio.book.layout
93 Chicago.biblio.conference.layout
94 Chicago.biblio.electronic.layout
95 Chicago.biblio.end.layout
96 Chicago.biblio.incollection.layout
97 Chicago.biblio.inproceedings.layout
98 Chicago.biblio.layout
99 Chicago.biblio.mastersthesis.layout
100 Chicago.biblio.phdthesis.layout
101 Chicago.biblio.unpublished.layout
104 The full citation for the export of footnotes and endnotes-feature consists of the following twelve files. This feature prepares the complete reference that accompanies the first citation of a bibliographic entry in a work lacking a full bibliography.
106 Chicago.footend.article.layout
107 Chicago.footend.begin.layout
108 Chicago.footend.book.layout
109 Chicago.footend.conference.layout
110 Chicago.footend.electronic.layout
111 Chicago.footend.end.layout
112 Chicago.footend.incollection.layout
113 Chicago.footend.inproceedings.layout
114 Chicago.footend.layout
115 Chicago.footend.mastersthesis.layout
116 Chicago.footend.phdthesis.layout
117 Chicago.footend.unpublished.layout
120 The shortened citation for the export of footnotes and endnotes-feature consists of the following twelve files.
122 Chicago.footend.short.article.layout
123 Chicago.footend.short.begin.layout
124 Chicago.footend.short.book.layout
125 Chicago.footend.short.conference.layout
126 Chicago.footend.short.electronic.layout
127 Chicago.footend.short.end.layout
128 Chicago.footend.short.incollection.layout
129 Chicago.footend.short.inproceedings.layout
130 Chicago.footend.short.layout
131 Chicago.footend.short.mastersthesis.layout
132 Chicago.footend.short.phdthesis.layout
133 Chicago.footend.short.unpublished.layout
136 Abstract and note filters
137 =========================
139 The user may wish to use the "abstract" field to summarize and annotate a particular entry. The following feature presents the entry in the bibliography format followed by the "abstract" field. The feature follows the note and bibliography style.
141 Chicago.abstract.article.layout
142 Chicago.abstract.begin.layout
143 Chicago.abstract.book.layout
144 Chicago.abstract.conference.layout
145 Chicago.abstract.electronic.layout
146 Chicago.abstract.end.layout
147 Chicago.abstract.incollection.layout
148 Chicago.abstract.inproceedings.layout
149 Chicago.abstract.layout
150 Chicago.abstract.mastersthesis.layout
151 Chicago.abstract.phdthesis.layout
152 Chicago.abstract.unpublished.layout
155 Finally, some user may wish to use the "note" field for other purposes as to write down the call number, ISBN or other properties of an entry. The following feature presents the reference in the bibliography format followed by the "note" field.
157 Chicago.note.article.layout
158 Chicago.note.begin.layout
159 Chicago.note.book.layout
160 Chicago.note.conference.layout
161 Chicago.note.electronic.layout
162 Chicago.note.end.layout
163 Chicago.note.incollection.layout
164 Chicago.note.inproceedings.layout
165 Chicago.note.layout
166 Chicago.note.mastersthesis.layout
167 Chicago.note.phdthesis.layout
168 Chicago.note.unpublished.layout
174 The seven features are available in both the English and Spanish versions of the Turabian and Chicago plugins. Please note that the Readme file remains in English but phrases as "Paper presented at" appear in Spanish in the layout files.
176 Download the plugins needed, open JabRef 2.5 or better and then go on to press the Plugins item in the toolbar menu. Open the “Manage plugins” and install the plugin. When JabRef restarts all seven filters for each plugin will load automatically.
179 Notes on the filters
180 ====================
182 The user should consider the output from the plugins as a draft that may require some fine adjustment from the word processor.
185 *** Reference lists and bibliographies require a hanging indent that the layout options do not seem to offer. Once the entries are in the word processor, use the hanging indent function.
187 *** In the note and bibliography format, if the author's or editor's first or middle name is an initial or ends with one, two periods will end the field. One corresponds to the initial and the other for the end of field.
189 *** The Turabian manual requires the access date for all web online sources. Enter the access date in the “comment” field of all electronic entry types. The Chicago plugins do not export the contents of the “comment” field.
191 *** To print correctly the names of authors that lack surnames -- such as NGOs and corporations -- add a comma at the end of the name in the author or editor field.
193 *** In the author-date format, delete the colon to make newspapers and magazines fit the article layout.
195 *** JabRef automatically wraps the text by omitting line breaks. To overcome this default, when exporting fields such as abstract or note, the user must insert:
198 in the text to make a line break and a double space.
206 Enhancements to version 1.2
207 ===========================
209 *** Version 1.2 allows the simultaneous installation of the four plugins or any desired combination.
211 *** The plugins enabled the month field. This enhancement allows for the separation of the month from the year field that is very important for the author-date system in particular for the article, conference, electronic, and unpublished entry types.
213 *** Added Rich Text Format (RTF) functionality to the volume field of the book entry. Added the volume field with its corresponding RTF functionality to the incollection and inproceedings entry types.
215 *** Both Turabian plugins use the comment field for the access date phrase that the manual requires for online sources. The Chicago Manual does not require them.
217 *** Fixed a bug in the page field of the article entry. When the page field is empty, the plugin no longer adds the colon and ends the reference with a period.
219 *** Fixed a bug in the author-date system. The plugins no longer force the use of initials in substitution of the given names of the authors.
221 *** Fixed a bug at the end of the title of a conference in the footend short format. The plugins no longer add a period after the quotation marks of the title of a conference. The period appears now inside the quotation marks.
227 Morten Omholt Alver generously prepared the initial source code and the Java plugin to host the filters. In the preparation of these plugins, I have followed JabRef's, “Custom export filters,” SourceForge.net, 29 Jan. 2012, http://jabref.sourceforge.net/help/CustomExports.php. I have also relied on gottfried's Harvard filter (vosgerau@uni-tuebingen.de) and Matthias Stürmer MIS Quarterly-filter which are both native to JabRef. The Department of Sociology and Anthropology of the University of Puerto Rico funded this work.