GitX 0.6.1
[GitX.git] / PBGitRepository.m
1 //
2 //  PBGitRepository.m
3 //  GitTest
4 //
5 //  Created by Pieter de Bie on 13-06-08.
6 //  Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
7 //
9 #import "PBGitRepository.h"
10 #import "PBGitCommit.h"
11 #import "PBGitWindowController.h"
12 #import "PBGitBinary.h"
14 #import "NSFileHandleExt.h"
15 #import "PBEasyPipe.h"
16 #import "PBGitRef.h"
17 #import "PBGitRevSpecifier.h"
19 NSString* PBGitRepositoryErrorDomain = @"GitXErrorDomain";
21 @implementation PBGitRepository
23 @synthesize revisionList, branches, currentBranch, refs, hasChanged, config;
25 - (BOOL)readFromData:(NSData *)data ofType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError **)outError
27         if (outError) {
28                 *outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:PBGitRepositoryErrorDomain
29                                       code:0
30                                   userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"Reading files is not supported." forKey:NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey]];
31         }
32         return NO;
35 + (BOOL) isBareRepository: (NSString*) path
37         return [[PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"rev-parse", @"--is-bare-repository", nil] inDir:path] isEqualToString:@"true"];
40 + (NSURL*)gitDirForURL:(NSURL*)repositoryURL;
42         if (![PBGitBinary path])
43                 return nil;
45         NSString* repositoryPath = [repositoryURL path];
47         if ([self isBareRepository:repositoryPath])
48                 return repositoryURL;
51         // Use rev-parse to find the .git dir for the repository being opened
52         NSString* newPath = [PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"rev-parse", @"--git-dir", nil] inDir:repositoryPath];
53         if ([newPath isEqualToString:@".git"])
54                 return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[repositoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".git"]];
55         if ([newPath length] > 0)
56                 return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:newPath];
58         return nil;
61 // For a given path inside a repository, return either the .git dir
62 // (for a bare repo) or the directory above the .git dir otherwise
63 + (NSURL*)baseDirForURL:(NSURL*)repositoryURL;
65         NSURL* gitDirURL         = [self gitDirForURL:repositoryURL];
66         NSString* repositoryPath = [gitDirURL path];
68         if (![self isBareRepository:repositoryPath]) {
69                 repositoryURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[repositoryURL path] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]];
70         }
72         return repositoryURL;
75 - (BOOL)readFromFileWrapper:(NSFileWrapper *)fileWrapper ofType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError **)outError
77         BOOL success = NO;
79         if (![PBGitBinary path])
80         {
81                 if (outError) {
82                         NSDictionary* userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[PBGitBinary notFoundError]
83                                                                                                                                  forKey:NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey];
84                         *outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:PBGitRepositoryErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
85                 }
86                 return NO;
87         }
89         if (![fileWrapper isDirectory]) {
90                 if (outError) {
91                         NSDictionary* userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Reading files is not supported.", [fileWrapper filename]]
92                                                               forKey:NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey];
93                         *outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:PBGitRepositoryErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
94                 }
95         } else {
96                 NSURL* gitDirURL = [PBGitRepository gitDirForURL:[self fileURL]];
97                 if (gitDirURL) {
98                         [self setFileURL:gitDirURL];
99                         success = YES;
100                 } else if (outError) {
101                         NSDictionary* userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ does not appear to be a git repository.", [fileWrapper filename]]
102                                                               forKey:NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey];
103                         *outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:PBGitRepositoryErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
104                 }
106                 if (success) {
107                         [self setup];
108                         [self readCurrentBranch];
109                 }
110         }
112         return success;
115 - (void) setup
117         config = [[PBGitConfig alloc] initWithRepository:self.fileURL.path];
118         self.branches = [NSMutableArray array];
119         [self reloadRefs];
120         revisionList = [[PBGitRevList alloc] initWithRepository:self];
123 - (id) initWithURL: (NSURL*) path
125         if (![PBGitBinary path])
126                 return nil;
128         NSURL* gitDirURL = [PBGitRepository gitDirForURL:path];
129         if (!gitDirURL)
130                 return nil;
132         self = [self init];
133         [self setFileURL: gitDirURL];
135         [self setup];
137         // We don't want the window controller to display anything yet..
138         // We'll leave that to the caller of this method.
139 #ifndef CLI
140         [self addWindowController:[[PBGitWindowController alloc] initWithRepository:self displayDefault:NO]];
141 #endif
143         [self showWindows];
145         return self;
148 // The fileURL the document keeps is to the .git dir, but that’s pretty
149 // useless for display in the window title bar, so we show the directory above
150 - (NSString*)displayName
152         NSString* displayName = self.fileURL.path.lastPathComponent;
153         if ([displayName isEqualToString:@".git"])
154                 displayName = [self.fileURL.path stringByDeletingLastPathComponent].lastPathComponent;
155         return displayName;
158 // Get the .gitignore file at the root of the repository
159 - (NSString*)gitIgnoreFilename
161         return [[self workingDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".gitignore"];
164 // Overridden to create our custom window controller
165 - (void)makeWindowControllers
167 #ifndef CLI
168         [self addWindowController: [[PBGitWindowController alloc] initWithRepository:self displayDefault:YES]];
169 #endif
172 - (NSWindowController *)windowController
174         if ([[self windowControllers] count] == 0)
175                 return NULL;
177         return [[self windowControllers] objectAtIndex:0];
180 - (void) addRef: (PBGitRef *) ref fromParameters: (NSArray *) components
182         NSString* type = [components objectAtIndex:1];
184         NSString* sha;
185         if ([type isEqualToString:@"tag"] && [components count] == 4)
186                 sha = [components objectAtIndex:3];
187         else
188                 sha = [components objectAtIndex:2];
190         NSMutableArray* curRefs;
191         if (curRefs = [refs objectForKey:sha])
192                 [curRefs addObject:ref];
193         else
194                 [refs setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:ref] forKey:sha];
197 // reloadRefs: reload all refs in the repository, like in readRefs
198 // To stay compatible, this does not remove a ref from the branches list
199 // even after it has been deleted.
200 // returns YES when a ref was changed
201 - (BOOL) reloadRefs
203         _headRef = nil;
204         BOOL ret = NO;
206         refs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
208         NSString* output = [PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path]
209                                                                                    withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"for-each-ref", @"--format=%(refname) %(objecttype) %(objectname)"
210                                                                                                          " %(*objectname)", @"refs", nil]
211                                                                                           inDir: self.fileURL.path];
212         NSArray* lines = [output componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
214         for (NSString* line in lines) {
215                 // If its an empty line, skip it (e.g. with empty repositories)
216                 if ([line length] == 0)
217                         continue;
219                 NSArray* components = [line componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
221                 // First do the ref matching. If this ref is new, add it to our ref list
222                 PBGitRef *newRef = [PBGitRef refFromString:[components objectAtIndex:0]];
223                 PBGitRevSpecifier* revSpec = [[PBGitRevSpecifier alloc] initWithRef:newRef];
224                 if ([self addBranch:revSpec] != revSpec)
225                         ret = YES;
227                 // Also add this ref to the refs list
228                 [self addRef:newRef fromParameters:components];
229         }
231         // Add an "All branches" option in the branches list
232         [self addBranch:[PBGitRevSpecifier allBranchesRevSpec]];
233         [self addBranch:[PBGitRevSpecifier localBranchesRevSpec]];
234         return ret;
237 - (void) lazyReload
239         if (!hasChanged)
240                 return;
242         [self reloadRefs];
243         [self.revisionList reload];
244         hasChanged = NO;
247 - (PBGitRevSpecifier *)headRef
249         if (_headRef)
250                 return _headRef;
252         NSString* branch = [self parseSymbolicReference: @"HEAD"];
253         if (branch && [branch hasPrefix:@"refs/heads/"])
254                 _headRef = [[PBGitRevSpecifier alloc] initWithRef:[PBGitRef refFromString:branch]];
255         else
256                 _headRef = [[PBGitRevSpecifier alloc] initWithRef:[PBGitRef refFromString:@"HEAD"]];
258         return _headRef;
261 // Returns either this object, or an existing, equal object
262 - (PBGitRevSpecifier*) addBranch: (PBGitRevSpecifier*) rev
264         if ([[rev parameters] count] == 0)
265                 rev = [self headRef];
267         // First check if the branch doesn't exist already
268         for (PBGitRevSpecifier* r in branches)
269                 if ([rev isEqualTo: r])
270                         return r;
272         [self willChangeValueForKey:@"branches"];
273         [branches addObject: rev];
274         [self didChangeValueForKey:@"branches"];
275         return rev;
278 - (void) readCurrentBranch
280                 self.currentBranch = [self addBranch: [self headRef]];
283 - (NSString *) workingDirectory
285         if ([self.fileURL.path hasSuffix:@"/.git"])
286                 return [self.fileURL.path substringToIndex:[self.fileURL.path length] - 5];
287         else if ([[self outputForCommand:@"rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree"] isEqualToString:@"true"])
288                 return [PBGitBinary path];
290         return nil;
291 }               
293 - (int) returnValueForCommand:(NSString *)cmd
295         int i;
296         [self outputForCommand:cmd retValue: &i];
297         return i;
300 - (NSFileHandle*) handleForArguments:(NSArray *)args
302         NSString* gitDirArg = [@"--git-dir=" stringByAppendingString:self.fileURL.path];
303         NSMutableArray* arguments =  [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: gitDirArg];
304         [arguments addObjectsFromArray: args];
305         return [PBEasyPipe handleForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:arguments];
308 - (NSFileHandle*) handleInWorkDirForArguments:(NSArray *)args
310         NSString* gitDirArg = [@"--git-dir=" stringByAppendingString:self.fileURL.path];
311         NSMutableArray* arguments =  [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: gitDirArg];
312         [arguments addObjectsFromArray: args];
313         return [PBEasyPipe handleForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:arguments inDir:[self workingDirectory]];
316 - (NSFileHandle*) handleForCommand:(NSString *)cmd
318         NSArray* arguments = [cmd componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
319         return [self handleForArguments:arguments];
322 - (NSString*) outputForCommand:(NSString *)cmd
324         NSArray* arguments = [cmd componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
325         return [self outputForArguments: arguments];
328 - (NSString*) outputForCommand:(NSString *)str retValue:(int *)ret;
330         NSArray* arguments = [str componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
331         return [self outputForArguments: arguments retValue: ret];
334 - (NSString*) outputForArguments:(NSArray*) arguments
336         return [PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:arguments inDir: self.fileURL.path];
339 - (NSString*) outputInWorkdirForArguments:(NSArray*) arguments
341         return [PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:arguments inDir: [self workingDirectory]];
344 - (NSString*) outputInWorkdirForArguments:(NSArray *)arguments retValue:(int *)ret
346         return [PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:arguments inDir:[self workingDirectory] retValue: ret];
349 - (NSString*) outputForArguments:(NSArray *)arguments retValue:(int *)ret
351         return [PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path] withArgs:arguments inDir: self.fileURL.path retValue: ret];
354 - (NSString*) outputForArguments:(NSArray *)arguments inputString:(NSString *)input retValue:(int *)ret;
356         return [PBEasyPipe outputForCommand:[PBGitBinary path]
357                                                            withArgs:arguments
358                                                                   inDir:[self workingDirectory]
359                                                         inputString:input
360                                                            retValue: ret];
363 - (NSString *)parseReference:(NSString *)reference
365         int ret = 1;
366         NSString *ref = [self outputForArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"rev-parse", @"--verify", reference, nil] retValue: &ret];
367         if (ret)
368                 return nil;
370         return ref;
373 - (NSString*) parseSymbolicReference:(NSString*) reference
375         NSString* ref = [self outputForArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"symbolic-ref", @"-q", reference, nil]];
376         if ([ref hasPrefix:@"refs/"])
377                 return ref;
379         return nil;
382 - (void) finalize
384         NSLog(@"Dealloc of repository");
385         [super finalize];
387 @end