Cope with terminals that don't support colour
[FeedLint.git] / feedlint
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 from optparse import OptionParser
4 import sys, shutil, tempfile, urlparse
5 import socket
6 import urllib2, os, httplib
7 import ftplib
8 import logging, time, traceback
9 from logging import info
11 from zeroinstall import SafeException
12 from zeroinstall.injector import model, gpg, namespaces, qdom
14 from display import checking, result, error, highlight, error_new_line
16 now = time.time()
18 version = '0.7'
20 WEEK = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
22 def host(address):
23 if hasattr(address, 'hostname'):
24 return address.hostname
25 else:
26 return address[1].split(':', 1)[0]
28 def port(address):
29 if hasattr(address, 'port'):
30 return address.port
31 else:
32 port = address[1].split(':', 1)[1:]
33 if port:
34 return int(port[0])
35 else:
36 return None
38 assert port(('http', 'foo:81')) == 81
39 assert port(urlparse.urlparse('http://foo:81')) == 81
41 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] feed.xml")
42 parser.add_option("-d", "--dependencies", help="also check feeds for dependencies", action='store_true')
43 parser.add_option("-s", "--skip-archives", help="don't check the archives are OK", action='store_true')
44 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="more verbose output", action='count')
45 parser.add_option("-V", "--version", help="display version information", action='store_true')
47 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
49 if options.version:
50 print "FeedLint (zero-install) " + version
51 print "Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Leonard"
52 print "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY,"
53 print "to the extent permitted by law."
54 print "You may redistribute copies of this program"
55 print "under the terms of the GNU General Public License."
56 print "For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING."
57 sys.exit(0)
59 if options.verbose:
60 logger = logging.getLogger()
61 if options.verbose == 1:
62 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
63 else:
64 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
66 if len(args) < 1:
67 parser.print_help()
68 sys.exit(1)
70 checked = set()
72 try:
73 to_check = [model.canonical_iface_uri(a) for a in args]
74 except SafeException, ex:
75 if options.verbose: raise
76 print >>sys.stderr, ex
77 sys.exit(1)
79 def check_key(feed_url, fingerprint):
80 for line in os.popen('gpg --with-colons --list-keys %s' % fingerprint):
81 if line.startswith('pub:'):
82 key_id = line.split(':')[4]
83 break
84 else:
85 raise SafeException('Failed to find key with fingerprint %s on your keyring' % fingerprint)
87 key_url = urlparse.urljoin(feed_url, '%s.gpg' % key_id)
89 if key_url in checked:
90 info("(already checked key URL %s)", key_url)
91 else:
92 checking("Checking key %s" % key_url)
93 urllib2.urlopen(key_url).read()
94 result('OK')
95 checked.add(key_url)
97 def get_http_size(url, ttl = 3):
98 address = urlparse.urlparse(url)
100 if url.lower().startswith('http://'):
101 http = httplib.HTTPConnection(host(address), port(address) or 80)
102 elif url.lower().startswith('https://'):
103 http = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host(address), port(address) or 443)
104 else:
105 assert False, url
107 parts = url.split('/', 3)
108 if len(parts) == 4:
109 path = parts[3]
110 else:
111 path = ''
113 http.request('HEAD', '/' + path, headers = {'Host': host(address)})
114 response = http.getresponse()
115 try:
116 if response.status == 200:
117 return response.getheader('Content-Length')
118 elif response.status in (301, 302, 303):
119 new_url_rel = response.getheader('Location') or response.getheader('URI')
120 new_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, new_url_rel)
121 else:
122 raise SafeException("HTTP error: got status code %s" % response.status)
123 finally:
124 response.close()
126 if ttl:
127 result("Moved", 'YELLOW')
128 checking("Checking new URL %s" % new_url)
129 assert new_url
130 return get_http_size(new_url, ttl - 1)
131 else:
132 raise SafeException('Too many redirections.')
134 def get_ftp_size(url):
135 address = urlparse.urlparse(url)
136 ftp = ftplib.FTP(host(address))
137 try:
138 ftp.login()
139 ftp.voidcmd('TYPE I')
140 return ftp.size(url.split('/', 3)[3])
141 finally:
142 ftp.close()
144 def get_size(url):
145 scheme = urlparse.urlparse(url)[0].lower()
146 if scheme.startswith('http') or scheme.startswith('https'):
147 return get_http_size(url)
148 elif scheme.startswith('ftp'):
149 return get_ftp_size(url)
150 else:
151 raise SafeException("Unknown scheme '%s' in '%s'" % (scheme, url))
153 def check_source(source):
154 if hasattr(source, 'url'):
155 checking("Checking archive %s" % source.url)
156 actual_size = get_size(source.url)
157 if actual_size is None:
158 result("No Content-Length for archive; can't check", 'YELLOW')
159 else:
160 actual_size = int(actual_size)
161 expected_size = source.size + (source.start_offset or 0)
162 if actual_size != expected_size:
163 error('Bad length')
164 raise SafeException("Expected archive to have a size of %d, but server says it is %d" %
165 (expected_size, actual_size))
166 result('OK')
167 elif hasattr(source, 'steps'):
168 for step in source.steps:
169 check_source(step)
171 existing_urls = set()
172 def check_exists(url):
173 if url in existing_urls: return # Already checked
175 checking("Checking URL exists %s" % url)
176 get_size(url)
177 result('OK')
178 existing_urls.add(url)
180 n_errors = 0
182 def check_gpg_sig(feed_url, stream):
183 start =
184 if start == '<?xml':
185 result('Fetched')
186 elif start == '-----':
187 result('Old sig', colour = 'RED')
188 error_new_line(' Feed has an old-style plain GPG signature. Use 0publish --xmlsign.',
189 colour = 'YELLOW')
190 else:
191 result('Fetched')
192 error_new_line(' Unknown format. File starts "%s"' % start)
194 data, sigs = gpg.check_stream(stream)
196 for s in sigs:
197 if isinstance(s, gpg.ValidSig):
198 check_key(feed_url, s.fingerprint)
199 else:
200 raise SafeException("Can't check sig: %s" % s)
202 return data
204 while to_check:
205 feed = to_check.pop()
206 if feed in checked:
207 info("Already checked feed %s", feed)
208 continue
210 checked.add(feed)
212 checking("Checking " + feed, indent = 0)
214 try:
215 if feed.startswith('/'):
216 with open(feed) as stream:
217 root = qdom.parse(stream)
219 if "uri" in root.attrs:
221 try:
222 check_gpg_sig(root.attrs['uri'], stream)
223 except SafeException, ex:
224 n_errors += 1
225 error_new_line(' %s' % ex)
227 feed_obj = model.ZeroInstallFeed(root, local_path = feed)
228 result('Local')
229 else:
230 tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix = 'feedlint-')
231 try:
232 try:
233 stream = urllib2.urlopen(feed)
234 shutil.copyfileobj(stream, tmp)
235 except Exception as ex:
236 raise SafeException('Failed to fetch feed: {ex}'.format(ex = ex))
239 data = check_gpg_sig(feed, tmp)
242 feed_obj = model.ZeroInstallFeed(qdom.parse(data))
244 if feed_obj.url != feed:
245 raise SafeException('Incorrect URL "%s"' % feed_obj.url)
247 finally:
248 tmp.close()
250 for f in feed_obj.feeds:
251 info("Will check feed %s", f.uri)
252 to_check.append(f.uri)
254 highest_version = None
255 for impl in feed_obj.implementations.values():
256 if hasattr(impl, 'dependencies'):
257 for r in impl.dependencies.values():
258 if r.interface not in checked:
259 info("Will check dependency %s", r)
260 if options.dependencies:
261 to_check.append(r.interface)
262 else:
263 check_exists(r.interface)
264 if hasattr(impl, 'download_sources') and not options.skip_archives:
265 for source in impl.download_sources:
266 check_source(source)
267 if impl.local_path is None:
268 if not impl.digests:
269 raise SafeException("Version {version} has no digests".format(version = impl.get_version()))
270 stability = impl.upstream_stability or model.testing
271 if highest_version is None or impl.version > highest_version.version:
272 highest_version = impl
273 if stability == model.testing:
274 testing_error = None
275 if not impl.released:
276 if not impl.local_path:
277 testing_error = "No release date on testing version"
278 else:
279 try:
280 released = time.strptime(impl.released, '%Y-%m-%d')
281 except ValueError, ex:
282 testing_error = "Can't parse date"
283 else:
284 ago = now - time.mktime(released)
285 if ago < 0:
286 testing_error = 'Release date is in the future!'
287 if testing_error:
288 raise SafeException("Version %s: %s (released %s)" % (impl.get_version(), testing_error, impl.released))
290 # Old Windows versions use 32-bit integers to store versions. Newer versions use 64-bit ones, but in general
291 # keeping the numbers small is helpful.
292 for i in range(0, len(impl.version), 2):
293 for x in impl.version[i]:
294 if x >= (1 << 31):
295 raise SafeException("Version %s: component %s won't fit in a 32-bit signed integer" % (impl.get_version(), x))
297 if highest_version and (highest_version.upstream_stability or model.testing) is model.testing:
298 print highlight(' Highest version (%s) is still "testing"' % highest_version.get_version(), 'YELLOW')
300 for homepage in feed_obj.get_metadata(namespaces.XMLNS_IFACE, 'homepage'):
301 check_exists(homepage.content)
303 for icon in feed_obj.get_metadata(namespaces.XMLNS_IFACE, 'icon'):
304 check_exists(icon.getAttribute('href'))
306 except (urllib2.HTTPError, httplib.BadStatusLine, socket.error, ftplib.error_perm), ex:
307 err_msg = str(ex).strip() or str(type(ex))
308 error_new_line(' ' + err_msg)
309 n_errors += 1
310 if options.verbose: traceback.print_exc()
311 except SafeException, ex:
312 if options.verbose: raise
313 error_new_line(' ' + str(ex))
314 n_errors += 1
316 if n_errors == 0:
317 print "OK"
318 else:
319 print "\nERRORS FOUND:", n_errors
320 sys.exit(1)