fix: missed changes for test_diag_yaml
[FMS.git] / horiz_interp / horiz_interp_type.F90
1 !***********************************************************************
2 !*                   GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5 !*
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup horiz_interp_type_mod horiz_interp_type_mod
20 !> @ingroup horiz_interp
21 !> @brief define derived data type that contains indices and weights used for subsequent
22 !! interpolations.
23 !> @author Zhi Liang
25 !> @addtogroup
26 !> @{
27 module horiz_interp_type_mod
29 use mpp_mod, only : mpp_send, mpp_recv, mpp_sync_self, mpp_error, FATAL
30 use mpp_mod, only : mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_npes
31 use mpp_mod, only : COMM_TAG_1, COMM_TAG_2
32 use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind
34 implicit none
35 private
38 ! parameter to determine interpolation method
39  integer, parameter :: CONSERVE = 1
40  integer, parameter :: BILINEAR = 2
41  integer, parameter :: SPHERICA = 3
42  integer, parameter :: BICUBIC  = 4
45 public :: horiz_interp_type, stats, assignment(=)
47 !> @}
49 !> @ingroup horiz_interp_type_mod
50 interface assignment(=)
51   module procedure horiz_interp_type_eq
52 end interface
54 !> @ingroup horiz_interp_type_mod
55 interface stats
56   module procedure stats_r4
57   module procedure stats_r8
58 end interface
61 !> real(8) pointers for use in horiz_interp_type
62 type horizInterpReals8_type
63    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: faci     !< weights for conservative scheme
64    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: facj     !< weights for conservative scheme
65    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: area_src !< area of the source grid
66    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: area_dst !< area of the destination grid
67    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: wti      !< weights for bilinear interpolation
68                                                                     !! wti ist used for derivative "weights" in bicubic
69    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: wtj      !< weights for bilinear interpolation
70                                                                     !! wti ist used for derivative "weights" in bicubic
71    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: src_dist !< distance between destination grid and
72                                                                         !! neighbor source grid.
73    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: rat_x    !< the ratio of coordinates of the dest grid
74                                                                     !! (x_dest -x_src_r)/(x_src_l -x_src_r)
75                                                                     !! and (y_dest -y_src_r)/(y_src_l -y_src_r)
76    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: rat_y  !< the ratio of coordinates of the dest grid
77                                                                   !! (x_dest -x_src_r)/(x_src_l -x_src_r)
78                                                                   !! and (y_dest -y_src_r)/(y_src_l -y_src_r)
79    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:), allocatable     :: lon_in   !< the coordinates of the source grid
80    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:), allocatable     :: lat_in   !< the coordinates of the source grid
81    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:), allocatable     :: area_frac_dst !< area fraction in destination grid.
82    real(kind=r8_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: mask_in
83    real(kind=r8_kind)                                   :: max_src_dist
84    logical                                              :: is_allocated = .false. !< set to true upon field allocation
86 end type horizInterpReals8_type
88 !> holds real(4) pointers for use in horiz_interp_type
89 type horizInterpReals4_type
90    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: faci     !< weights for conservative scheme
91    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: facj     !< weights for conservative scheme
92    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: area_src !< area of the source grid
93    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: area_dst !< area of the destination grid
94    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: wti      !< weights for bilinear interpolation
95                                                                     !! wti ist used for derivative "weights" in bicubic
96    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: wtj      !< weights for bilinear interpolation
97                                                                     !! wti ist used for derivative "weights" in bicubic
98    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: src_dist !< distance between destination grid and
99                                                                         !! neighbor source grid.
100    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: rat_x    !< the ratio of coordinates of the dest grid
101                                                                     !! (x_dest -x_src_r)/(x_src_l -x_src_r)
102                                                                     !! and (y_dest -y_src_r)/(y_src_l -y_src_r)
103    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: rat_y  !< the ratio of coordinates of the dest grid
104                                                                   !! (x_dest -x_src_r)/(x_src_l -x_src_r)
105                                                                   !! and (y_dest -y_src_r)/(y_src_l -y_src_r)
106    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:), allocatable     :: lon_in   !< the coordinates of the source grid
107    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:), allocatable     :: lat_in   !< the coordinates of the source grid
108    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:), allocatable     :: area_frac_dst !< area fraction in destination grid.
109    real(kind=r4_kind),    dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: mask_in
110    real(kind=r4_kind)                                   :: max_src_dist
111    logical                                              :: is_allocated = .false. !< set to true upon field allocation
113 end type horizInterpReals4_type
115 !> Holds data pointers and metadata for horizontal interpolations, passed between the horiz_interp modules
116 !> @ingroup horiz_interp_type_mod
117  type horiz_interp_type
118    integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: ilon    !< indices for conservative scheme
119    integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: jlat    !< indices for conservative scheme
120                                                            !! wti ist used for derivative "weights" in bicubic
121    integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: i_lon  !< indices for bilinear interpolation
122                                                         !! and spherical regrid
123    integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: j_lat  !< indices for bilinear interpolation
124                                                         !! and spherical regrid
125    logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: found_neighbors   !< indicate whether destination grid
126                                                             !! has some source grid around it.
127    integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: num_found
128    integer                            :: nlon_src !< size of source grid
129    integer                            :: nlat_src !< size of source grid
130    integer                            :: nlon_dst !< size of destination grid
131    integer                            :: nlat_dst !< size of destination grid
132    integer                            :: interp_method      !< interpolation method.
133                                                             !! =1, conservative scheme
134                                                             !! =2, bilinear interpolation
135                                                             !! =3, spherical regrid
136                                                             !! =4, bicubic regrid
137    logical                            :: I_am_initialized=.false.
138    integer                            :: version                            !< indicate conservative
139                                                                             !! interpolation version with value 1 or 2
140    !--- The following are for conservative interpolation scheme version 2 ( through xgrid)
141    integer                            :: nxgrid                             !< number of exchange grid
142                                                                             !! between src and dst grid.
143    integer, dimension(:), allocatable     :: i_src       !< indices in source grid.
144    integer, dimension(:), allocatable     :: j_src       !< indices in source grid.
145    integer, dimension(:), allocatable     :: i_dst       !< indices in destination grid.
146    integer, dimension(:), allocatable     :: j_dst       !< indices in destination grid.
147    type(horizInterpReals8_type) :: horizInterpReals8_type !< derived type holding kind 8 real data pointers
148                                                                     !! if compiled with r8_kind
149    type(horizInterpReals4_type) :: horizInterpReals4_type !< derived type holding kind 4 real data pointers
150                                                                     !! if compiled with r8_kind
151  end type
153 !> @addtogroup horiz_interp_type_mod
154 !> @{
155 contains
157 !######################################################################################################################
158 !> @brief horiz_interp_type_eq creates a copy of the horiz_interp_type object
159  subroutine horiz_interp_type_eq(horiz_interp_out, horiz_interp_in)
160     type(horiz_interp_type), intent(inout) :: horiz_interp_out !< Output object being set
161     type(horiz_interp_type), intent(in)    :: horiz_interp_in !< Input object being copied
163     if(.not.horiz_interp_in%I_am_initialized) then
164       call mpp_error(FATAL,'horiz_interp_type_eq: horiz_interp_type variable on right hand side is unassigned')
165     endif
167     horiz_interp_out%ilon            = horiz_interp_in%ilon
168     horiz_interp_out%jlat            = horiz_interp_in%jlat
169     horiz_interp_out%i_lon           = horiz_interp_in%i_lon
170     horiz_interp_out%j_lat           = horiz_interp_in%j_lat
171     horiz_interp_out%found_neighbors = horiz_interp_in%found_neighbors
172     horiz_interp_out%num_found       = horiz_interp_in%num_found
173     horiz_interp_out%nlon_src        =  horiz_interp_in%nlon_src
174     horiz_interp_out%nlat_src        =  horiz_interp_in%nlat_src
175     horiz_interp_out%nlon_dst        =  horiz_interp_in%nlon_dst
176     horiz_interp_out%nlat_dst        =  horiz_interp_in%nlat_dst
177     horiz_interp_out%interp_method   =  horiz_interp_in%interp_method
178     horiz_interp_out%I_am_initialized = .true.
179     horiz_interp_out%i_src           = horiz_interp_in%i_src
180     horiz_interp_out%j_src           = horiz_interp_in%j_src
181     horiz_interp_out%i_dst           = horiz_interp_in%i_dst
182     horiz_interp_out%j_dst           = horiz_interp_in%j_dst
184     if(horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%is_allocated) then
185       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%faci            = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%faci
186       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%facj            = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%facj
187       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%area_src        = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%area_src
188       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%area_dst        = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%area_dst
189       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%wti             = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%wti
190       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%wtj             = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%wtj
191       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%src_dist        = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%src_dist
192       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%rat_x           = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%rat_x
193       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%rat_y           = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%rat_y
194       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%lon_in          = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%lon_in
195       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%lat_in          = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%lat_in
196       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%area_frac_dst   = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%area_frac_dst
197       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%max_src_dist    =  horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%max_src_dist
198       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%is_allocated    = .true.
199       ! this was left out previous to mixed mode
200       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals8_type%mask_in         = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals8_type%mask_in
202     else if (horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%is_allocated) then
203       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%faci            = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%faci
204       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%facj            = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%facj
205       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%area_src        = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%area_src
206       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%area_dst        = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%area_dst
207       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%wti             = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%wti
208       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%wtj             = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%wtj
209       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%src_dist        = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%src_dist
210       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%rat_x           = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%rat_x
211       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%rat_y           = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%rat_y
212       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%lon_in          = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%lon_in
213       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%lat_in          = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%lat_in
214       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%area_frac_dst   = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%area_frac_dst
215       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%max_src_dist    =  horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%max_src_dist
216       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%is_allocated    = .true.
217       ! this was left out previous to mixed mode
218       horiz_interp_out%horizInterpReals4_type%mask_in         = horiz_interp_in%horizInterpReals4_type%mask_in
220     else
221         call mpp_error(FATAL, "horiz_interp_type_eq: cannot assign unallocated real values from horiz_interp_in")
222     endif
224     if(horiz_interp_in%interp_method == CONSERVE) then
225         horiz_interp_out%version =  horiz_interp_in%version
226         if(horiz_interp_in%version==2) horiz_interp_out%nxgrid = horiz_interp_in%nxgrid
227     end if
229  end subroutine horiz_interp_type_eq
230 !######################################################################################################################
232 #include "horiz_interp_type_r4.fh"
233 #include "horiz_interp_type_r8.fh"
235 end module horiz_interp_type_mod
236 !> @}
237 ! close documentation grouping