Corrects Git label
[EMFCompare2.git] / plugins / / tests / egit / ts005_tc009_compare_with_git_index.test
1 --- Q7 testcase ---
2 Format-Version: 1.0
3 Q7-vendor:
4 Contexts: _SapwEL4pEeOsAoUpt_cnqw,_LOMGYGrvEeK_JdLra2Bk5A,_YvO_QG9-EeKmUfxl9qSLpg,_pj0X4HBcEeKTzKjv1SXOgA
5 Element-Name: ts005_tc009_compare_with_git_index
6 Element-Type: testcase
7 Element-Version: 3.0
8 External-Reference: 
9 Id: _NUNz0HH3EeKUuY9Bwmpkkw
10 Q7-Runtime-Version:
11 Save-Time: 10/9/14 9:39 AM
12 Testcase-Type: ecl
14 ------=_.description-216f885c-d591-38ce-8ea2-e4f8cb4d6ffa
15 Content-Type: text/plain
16 Entry-Name: .description
18 This test must validate a comparison with egit > compare with > git index.
20         1) Select the library project and then open the library.ecore file.
21         2) Add a new EClass named Writer.
22         3) Close editor.
23     4) Right-click Compare With > Git Index
24         5) The Compare editor must show one diff : Writer [eClassifiers delete] under library package.
25                 //Asserts that the compare editor is open.
26                 //Asserts that the structure merge viewer contains one diff that is Writer [eClassifiers delete].
28 ------=_.description-216f885c-d591-38ce-8ea2-e4f8cb4d6ffa--
29 ------=_.content-0a7243a0-75d3-3d5f-9791-539de0e5b7ac
30 Content-Type: text/ecl
31 Entry-Name: .content
33 get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore" 
34     | double-click
35 with [get-editor "library.ecore" | get-tree] {
36     get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore" | click
37     get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore" | expand
38     get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | click
39     get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore" | expand
40     select "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library"
41     get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | click
42     select "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | get-menu "New Child/EClass" | click
43     key-type "M2+w"
44     get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | expand
45     get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library/" | click
46     select "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library/" | get-menu "Show Properties View" | click
48 with [get-view Properties | get-tree] {
49     select Name | activate-cell-edit -column 1
50     get-editbox | set-text Writer | key-type "Enter"
51     wait 500
54 get-view Properties | get-tree | get-item Name | get-property "values[\'Value\']" | equals "Writer" | verify-true
56 get-editor "library.ecore" | get-tree | key-type "M1+s"
58 get-editor "library.ecore" | get-tree 
59     | get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[1].getText()" | equals Writer 
60     | verify-true
61 get-editor "library.ecore" | close
63 get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore" 
64     | get-menu "Compare With/Index" | click
65 with [get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and Index" | get-tree] {
66     get-property "getItems().length" | equals 1 | verify-true
67     get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().length" | equals 1 | verify-true
68     get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()" | equals "Writer [eClassifiers add]" 
69         | verify-true
70     get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()" | equals "> library" | verify-true
72 ------=_.content-0a7243a0-75d3-3d5f-9791-539de0e5b7ac--