[DataExtract-FixedWidth.git] / lib / DataExtract / FixedWidth.pm
1 package DataExtract::FixedWidth;
2 use Moose;
3 use Carp;
5 our $VERSION = '0.08';
7 sub BUILD {
8 my $self = shift;
10 confess 'You must either send either a "header_row" or data for "heuristic"'
11 unless $self->has_header_row || $self->has_heuristic
13 confess 'You must send a "header_row" if you send "cols"'
14 if $self->has_cols && !$self->has_header_row && !$self->has_heuristic
19 has 'unpack_string' => (
20 isa => 'Str'
21 , is => 'rw'
22 , lazy_build => 1
25 has 'cols' => (
26 isa => 'ArrayRef'
27 , is => 'rw'
28 , auto_deref => 1
29 , lazy_build => 1
32 has 'colchar_map' => (
33 isa => 'HashRef'
34 , is => 'rw'
35 , lazy_build => 1
38 has 'header_row' => (
39 isa => 'Maybe[Str]'
40 , is => 'rw'
41 , predicate => 'has_header_row'
44 has 'first_col_zero' => (
45 isa => 'Bool'
46 , is => 'ro'
47 , default => 1
50 has 'fix_overlay' => (
51 isa => 'Bool'
52 , is => 'ro'
53 , default => 0
56 has 'trim_whitespace' => (
57 isa => 'Bool'
58 , is => 'ro'
59 , default => 1
62 has 'sorted_colstart' => (
63 isa => 'ArrayRef'
64 , is => 'ro'
65 , lazy_build => 1
66 , auto_deref => 1
69 has 'null_as_undef' => (
70 isa => 'Bool'
71 , is => 'ro'
72 , default => 0
75 has 'heuristic' => (
76 isa => 'ArrayRef'
77 , is => 'rw'
78 , predicate => 'has_heuristic'
79 , auto_deref => 1
80 , trigger => \&_heuristic_trigger
83 has 'skip_header_data' => (
84 isa => 'Bool'
85 , is => 'rw'
86 , default => 1
89 has 'verbose' => ( isa => 'Bool', 'is' => 'ro', default => 0 );
91 sub _heuristic_trigger {
92 my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
94 chomp @$data;
96 my $maxLength = 0;
97 for ( @$data ) {
98 $maxLength = length if length > $maxLength
101 $self->header_row( $data->[0] )
102 unless $self->has_header_row
106 my @unpack;
107 my $mask = ' ' x $maxLength;
108 $mask |= $_ for @$data;
110 ## The (?=\S) fixes a bug that creates null columns in the event any
111 ## one column has trailing whitespace (because you'll have '\S\s '
112 ## this was a bug revealed in the dataset NullFirstRow.txt
113 push @unpack, length($1)
114 while $mask =~ m/(\S+\s+(?=\S))/g
117 $self->unpack_string( $self->_helper_unpack( \@unpack ) );
122 sub _build_cols {
123 my $self = shift;
125 my @cols;
127 ## If we have the unpack string and the header_row parse it all out on our own
128 ## Here we have two conditionals because the unpack_string comes into existance in
129 ## build_unpack_string and not the heuristic_trigger
130 if (
131 ( $self->has_header_row && $self->has_unpack_string )
132 || ( $self->has_header_row && $self->has_heuristic )
134 my $skd = $self->skip_header_data;
135 $self->skip_header_data( 0 );
137 @cols = @{ $self->parse( $self->header_row ) };
139 $self->skip_header_data( $skd );
142 ## We only the header_row
143 elsif ( $self->header_row ) {
144 @cols = split ' ', $self->header_row;
147 else {
148 croak 'Need some method to calculate cols';
151 \@cols;
155 sub _build_colchar_map {
156 my $self = shift;
157 my $ccm = {};
159 ## If we can generate from heurisitic data and don't have a header_row
160 if (
161 $self->has_header_row
162 && !defined $self->header_row
163 && $self->has_heuristic
164 && $self->has_cols
166 my @cols = $self->cols;
167 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#cols ) {
168 $ccm->{$idx} = $cols[$idx];
172 ## Generate from header_row
173 else {
174 croak 'Can not render the map of columns to start-chars without the header_row'
175 unless defined $self->has_header_row
178 foreach my $col ( $self->cols ) {
180 my $pos = 0;
181 $pos = index( $self->header_row, $col, $pos );
183 croak "Failed to find a column '$col' in the header row"
184 unless defined $pos
187 unless ( exists $ccm->{ $pos } ) {
188 $ccm->{ $pos } = $col;
191 ## We have two like-named columns
192 else {
194 ## possible inf loop here
195 until ( not exists $ccm->{$pos} ) {
196 $pos = index( $self->header_row, $col, $pos+1 );
198 croak "Failed to find another column '$col' in the header row"
199 unless defined $pos
204 $ccm->{ $pos } = $col;
212 $ccm;
216 sub _build_unpack_string {
217 my $self = shift;
219 my @unpack;
220 my @startcols = $self->sorted_colstart;
221 $startcols[0] = 0 if $self->first_col_zero;
222 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#startcols ) {
224 if ( exists $startcols[$idx+1] ) {
225 push @unpack, ( $startcols[$idx+1] - $startcols[$idx] );
230 $self->_helper_unpack( \@unpack );
234 ## Takes ArrayRef of startcols and returns the unpack string.
235 sub _helper_unpack {
236 my ( $self, $startcols ) = @_;
238 my $format;
239 if ( @$startcols ) {
240 $format = 'a' . join 'a', @$startcols;
242 $format .= 'A*';
244 $format;
248 sub parse {
249 my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
251 return undef if !defined $data;
253 chomp $data;
255 ## skip_header_data
256 if (
257 $self->skip_header_data
258 && ( defined $self->header_row && $data eq $self->header_row )
260 warn "Skipping duplicate header row\n" if $self->verbose;
261 return undef
264 #printf "\nData:|%s|\tHeader:|%s|", $data, $self->header_row;
266 my @cols = unpack ( $self->unpack_string, $data );
268 ## If we bleed over a bit we can fix that.
269 if ( $self->fix_overlay ) {
270 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#cols ) {
271 if (
272 $cols[$idx] =~ m/\S+$/
273 && exists $cols[$idx+1]
274 && $cols[$idx+1] =~ s/^(\S+)//
276 $cols[$idx] .= $1;
281 ## Get rid of whitespaces
282 if ( $self->trim_whitespace ) {
283 for ( @cols ) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; }
286 ## Swithc nulls to undef
287 if ( $self->null_as_undef ) {
288 croak 'This ->null_as_undef option mandates ->trim_whitespace be true'
289 unless $self->trim_whitespace
291 for ( @cols ) { undef $_ unless length($_) }
294 \@cols;
298 sub parse_hash {
299 my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
301 my $row = $self->parse( $data );
303 my $colstarts = $self->sorted_colstart;
305 my $results;
306 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#$row ) {
307 my $col = $self->colchar_map->{ $colstarts->[$idx] };
308 $results->{ $col } = $row->[$idx];
311 $results;
315 sub _build_sorted_colstart {
316 my $self = shift;
318 my @startcols = map { $_->[0] }
319 sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
320 map { [$_, sprintf( "%10d", $_ ) ] }
321 keys %{ $self->colchar_map }
324 \@startcols;
328 no Moose;
329 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
333 __END__
335 =head1 NAME
337 DataExtract::FixedWidth - The one stop shop for parsing static column width text tables!
339 =head1 SYNOPSIS
341 ## We assume the columns have no spaces in the header.
342 my $de = DataExtract::FixedWidth->new({ header_row => $header_row });
344 ## We explicitly tell what column names to pick out of the header.
345 my $de = DataExtract::FixedWidth->new({
346 header_row => $header_row
350 ## We supply data to heuristic and assume
351 ## * first row is the header (to avoid this assumption
352 ## set the header_row to undef. )
353 ## * heurisitic's unpack_string is correct
354 ## * unpack_string applied to header_row will tell us the columns
355 my $de = DataExtract::FixedWidth->new({ heuristic => \@datarows });
357 ## We supply data to heuristic, say we have no header, and the set columns
358 ## just like the above except ->parse_hash will be be indexed by the
359 ## provided columns and no row is designated as the header.
360 my $de = DataExtract::FixedWidth->new({
361 heuristic => \@datarows
362 , header_row => undef
363 , columns => [qw/ foo bar baz/]
366 ## We supply data to heuristic, and we explicitly add the header_row
367 ## with this method it doesn't have to occur in the data.
368 ## The unpack string rendered will be applied to the first row to get
369 ## the columns
370 my $de = DataExtract::FixedWidth->new({
371 heuristic => \@datarows
372 , header_row => $header_row
375 ## We explicitly add the header_row, with this method it doesn't have
376 ## to occur in the data. The unpack string rendered will be applied
377 ## to the provided header_row to get the columns
378 my $de = DataExtract::FixedWidth->new({
379 unpack_string => $template
380 , header_row => $header_row
383 $de->parse( $data_row );
385 $de->parse_hash( $data_row );
387 =head1 DESCRIPTION
389 This module parses any type of fixed width table -- these types of tables are often outputed by ghostscript, printf() displays with string padding (i.e. %-20s %20s etc), and most screen capture mechanisms. This module is using Moose all methods can be specified in the constructor.
391 In the below example, this module can discern the column names from the header. Or, you can supply them explicitly in the constructor; or, you can supply the rows in an ArrayRef to heuristic and pray for the best luck. This module is pretty abstracted and will deduce what it doesn't know in a decent fashion if all of the information is not provided.
398 After you have constructed, you can C<-E<gt>parse> which will return an ArrayRef
401 Or, you can use C<-E<gt>parse_hash()> which returns a HashRef of the data indexed by the column headers. They can be determined in many ways with the data you provide.
403 =head2 Constructor
405 The class constructor, C<-E<gt>new>, has numerious forms. Some options it has are:
407 =over 12
409 =item heuristics => \@lines
411 This will deduce the unpack format string from data. If you opt to use this method, and need parse_hash, the first row of the heurisitic is assumed to be the header_row. The unpack_string that results for the heuristic is applied to the header_row to determine the columns.
413 =item cols => \@cols
415 This will permit you to explicitly list the columns in the header row. This is especially handy if you have spaces in the column header. This option will make the C<header_row> mandatory.
417 =item header_row => $string
419 If a C<cols> option is not provided the assumption is that there are no spaces in the column header. The module can take care of the rest. The only way this column can be avoided is if we deduce the header from heuristics, or if you explicitly supply the unpack string and only use C<-E<gt>parse($line)>. If you are not going to supply a header, and you do not want to waste the first line on a header assumption, set the C<header_row =E<gt> undef> in the constructor.
421 =item verbose => 1|0
423 Right now, it simply display's warnings when it does something that might at first seem awkward. Like returning undef when it encouters a duplicate copy of a header row.
425 =back
427 =head2 Methods
429 B<An astrisk, (*) in the option means that is the default.>
431 =over 12
433 =item ->parse( $data_line )
435 Parses the data and returns an ArrayRef
437 =item ->parse_hash( $data_line )
439 Parses the data and returns a HashRef, indexed by the I<cols> (headers)
441 =item ->first_col_zero(1*|0)
443 This option forces the unpack string to make the first column assume the characters to the left of the header column. So, in the below example the first column also includes the first char of the row, even though the word stock begins at the second character.
445 CHAR NUMBERS: |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10
446 HEADER ROW : | |S|T|O|C|K| |V|I|N
448 =item ->trim_whitespace(*1|0)
450 Trim the whitespace for the elements that C<-E<gt>parse($line)> outputs.
452 =item ->fix_overlay(1|0*)
454 Fixes columns that bleed into other columns, move over all non-whitespace characters preceding the first whitespace of the next column. This does not work with heurisitic because the unpack string makes the assumption the data is not mangeled.
456 So if ColumnA as is 'foob' and ColumnB is 'ar Hello world'
458 * ColumnA becomes 'foobar', and ColumnB becomes 'Hello world'
460 =item ->null_as_undef(1|0*)
462 Simply undef all elements that return C<length(element) = 0>, requires C<-E<gt>trim_whitespace>.
464 =item ->skip_header_data(1*|0)
466 Skips duplicate copies of the header_row if found in the data.
468 =item ->colchar_map
470 Returns a HashRef that displays the results of each column header and relative character position the column starts at. In the case of heuristic this is a simple ordinal number. In the case of non-heuristic provided data it is currently a cardinal character position.
472 =item ->unpack_string
474 Returns the C<CORE::unpack()> template string that will be used internally by C<-E<gt>parse($line)>
476 =back
480 CPAN.org
484 Copyright 2008 Evan, all rights reserved.
486 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
487 under the same terms as Perl itself.
490 =head1 AUTHOR
492 Evan Carroll <me at evancarroll.com>
493 System Lord of the Internets
495 =head1 BUGS
497 Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-dataexract-fixedwidth at rt.cpan.org>, or through
498 the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=DataExtract-FixedWidth>. I will be notified, and then you'll
499 automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
501 =cut