better docs.
[CommonLispStat.git] / src / basics / lsmath.lsp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
3 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005--2008, by A.J. Rossini <>
4 ;;; See COPYRIGHT file for any additional restrictions (BSD license).
5 ;;; Since 1991, ANSI Common Lisp was finally finished and those
6 ;;; changes are reflected in this update.
8 ;;; lsmath -- Install vectorized arithmetic functions
9 ;;;
10 ;;; Copyright (c) 1991, by Luke Tierney. Permission is granted for
11 ;;; unrestricted use.
13 (in-package :lisp-stat-math)
15 ;;; Patch up some type definitions
17 ;;(deftype float () 'common-lisp:float)
18 ;;(deftype complex () 'common-lisp:complex)
20 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
21 ;;;
22 ;;; Install the vectorized math functions
23 ;;;
24 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
26 (make-rv-function ^ base-expt x y)
27 (make-rv-function ** base-expt x y)
28 (make-rv-function expt base-expt x y)
30 (make-rv-function + common-lisp:+)
31 (make-rv-function-1 - common-lisp:-)
32 (make-rv-function * common-lisp:*)
33 (make-rv-function-1 / common-lisp:/)
34 (make-rv-function mod common-lisp:mod x y)
35 (make-rv-function rem common-lisp:rem x y)
36 (make-rv-function-1 pmin common-lisp:min)
37 (make-rv-function-1 pmax common-lisp:max)
38 (make-rv-function abs base-abs x)
39 (make-rv-function 1+ common-lisp:1+ x)
40 (make-rv-function 1- common-lisp:1- x)
42 (make-rv-function-1 log base-log)
43 (make-rv-function exp base-exp x)
44 (make-rv-function sqrt base-sqrt x)
46 (make-rv-function sin base-sin x)
47 (make-rv-function cos base-cos x)
48 (make-rv-function tan base-tan x)
49 (make-rv-function asin base-asin x)
50 (make-rv-function acos base-acos x)
51 (make-rv-function-1 atan base-atan)
52 (make-rv-function sinh base-sinh x)
53 (make-rv-function cosh base-cosh x)
54 (make-rv-function tanh base-tanh x)
55 (make-rv-function asinh base-asinh x)
56 (make-rv-function acosh base-acosh x)
57 (make-rv-function atanh base-atanh x)
59 (make-rv-function-1 float base-float)
60 (make-rv-function-1 random common-lisp:random)
62 (make-rv-function-1 floor common-lisp:floor)
63 (make-rv-function-1 ceiling common-lisp:ceiling)
64 (make-rv-function-1 truncate common-lisp:truncate)
65 (make-rv-function-1 round common-lisp:round)
67 (make-rv-function zerop common-lisp:zerop x)
68 (make-rv-function plusp common-lisp:plusp x)
69 (make-rv-function minusp common-lisp:minusp x)
70 (make-rv-function oddp common-lisp:oddp x)
71 (make-rv-function evenp common-lisp:evenp x)
73 (make-rv-function-1 < common-lisp:<)
74 (make-rv-function-1 <= common-lisp:<=)
75 (make-rv-function-1 = common-lisp:=)
76 (make-rv-function-1 /= common-lisp:/=)
77 (make-rv-function-1 >= common-lisp:>=)
78 (make-rv-function-1 > common-lisp:>)
80 ;;(make-rv-function-1 complex common-lisp:complex)
81 (make-rv-function realpart common-lisp:realpart x)
82 (make-rv-function imagpart common-lisp:imagpart x)
83 (make-rv-function conjugate common-lisp:conjugate x)
84 (make-rv-function phase base-phase x)
86 (defun min-1 (x)
87 (if (numberp x)
89 (let* ((seq (compound-data-seq x))
90 (first (elt seq 0))
91 (result (if (numberp first) first (min-1 first))))
92 (if (consp seq)
93 (dolist (x (rest seq) result)
94 (let ((r (if (numberp x) x (min-1 x))))
95 (if (common-lisp:< r result) (setf result r))))
96 (let ((n (length seq)))
97 (declare (fixnum n))
98 (dotimes (i n result)
99 (declare (fixnum i))
100 (let* ((x (aref seq i))
101 (r (if (numberp x) x (min-1 x))))
102 (if (common-lisp:< r result) (setf result r)))))))))
104 (defun min (x &optional (y nil has-y) &rest args)
105 (if (and (null args) (numberp x) (numberp y))
106 (common-lisp:min x y)
107 (if has-y (min-1 (cons x (cons y args))) (min-1 x))))
109 (defun max-1 (x)
110 (if (numberp x)
112 (let* ((seq (compound-data-seq x))
113 (first (elt seq 0))
114 (result (if (numberp first) first (max-1 first))))
115 (if (consp seq)
116 (dolist (x (rest seq) result)
117 (let ((r (if (numberp x) x (max-1 x))))
118 (if (common-lisp:> r result) (setf result r))))
119 (let ((n (length seq)))
120 (declare (fixnum n))
121 (dotimes (i n result)
122 (declare (fixnum i))
123 (let* ((x (aref seq i))
124 (r (if (numberp x) x (max-1 x))))
125 (if (common-lisp:> r result) (setf result r)))))))))
127 (defun max (x &optional (y nil has-y) &rest args)
128 (if (and (null args) (numberp x) (numberp y))
129 (common-lisp:max x y)
130 (if has-y (max-1 (cons x (cons y args))) (max-1 x))))
132 (make-rv-function logand common-lisp:logand)
133 (make-rv-function logior common-lisp:logior)
134 (make-rv-function logxor common-lisp:logxor)
135 (make-rv-function lognot common-lisp:lognot x)
137 (make-rv-function-1 ffloor base-ffloor)
138 (make-rv-function-1 fceiling base-fceiling)
139 (make-rv-function-1 ftruncate base-ftruncate)
140 (make-rv-function-1 fround base-fround)
141 (make-rv-function signum base-signum x)
142 (make-rv-function cis base-cis x)