Fixed ladata, constant to parameter as per intent
[CommonLispStat.git] / numlib.lsp
1 ;; (c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved.
2 ;; Copying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and
3 ;; proper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP.
5 ;;;; numlib.lsp
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; number routines
10 (in-package 'lisp)
11 (export
12 '(isqrt abs phase signum cis asin acos sinh cosh tanh
13 asinh acosh atanh
14 rational rationalize
15 ffloor fround ftruncate fceiling
16 lognand lognor logandc1 logandc2 logorc1 logorc2
17 lognot logtest
18 byte byte-size byte-position
19 ldb ldb-test mask-field dpb deposit-field
23 (in-package 'system)
26 (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2) (space 3)))
29 (defconstant imag-one #C(0.0f0 1.0f0))
32 (defun isqrt (i)
33 (unless (and (integerp i) (>= i 0))
34 (error "~S is not a non-negative integer." i))
35 (if (zerop i)
37 (let ((n (integer-length i)))
38 (do ((x (ash 1 (ceiling n 2)))
39 (y))
40 (nil)
41 (setq y (floor i x))
42 (when (<= x y)
43 (return x))
44 (setq x (floor (+ x y) 2))))))
46 (defun abs (x)
47 (if (complexp x)
48 (sqrt (+ (* (realpart x) (realpart x))
49 (* (imagpart x) (imagpart x))))
50 (if (minusp x)
51 (- x)
52 x)))
54 (defun phase (x)
55 (atan (imagpart x) (realpart x)))
57 (defun signum (x) (if (zerop x) x (/ x (abs x))))
59 (defun cis (x) (exp (* imag-one x)))
63 (defun asin (x)
64 (let ((c (- (* imag-one
65 (log (+ (* imag-one x)
66 (sqrt (- 1.0f0 (* x x)))))))))
67 (if (or (not (complexp x)) (zerop (imagpart c)))
68 (realpart c)
69 c)))
71 (defun acos (x)
72 (let ((c (- (* imag-one
73 (log (+ x (* imag-one
74 (sqrt (- 1.0f0 (* x x))))))))))
75 (if (or (not (complexp x)) (zerop (imagpart c)))
76 (realpart c)
77 c)))
80 (defun sinh (x) (/ (- (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2.0f0))
81 (defun cosh (x) (/ (+ (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2.0f0))
82 (defun tanh (x) (/ (sinh x) (cosh x)))
84 (defun asinh (x) (log (+ x (sqrt (+ 1.0f0 (* x x))))))
85 (defun acosh (x)
86 (log (+ x
87 (* (1+ x)
88 (sqrt (/ (1- x) (1+ x)))))))
89 (defun atanh (x)
90 (when (or (= x 1.0f0) (= x -1.0f0))
91 (error "The argument, ~s, is a logarithmic singularity.~
92 ~%Don't be foolish, GLS."
93 x))
94 (log (/ (1+ x) (sqrt (- 1.0f0 (* x x))))))
97 (defun rational (x)
98 (etypecase x
99 (float
100 (multiple-value-bind (i e s) (integer-decode-float x)
101 (if (>= s 0)
102 (* i (expt (float-radix x) e))
103 (- (* i (expt (float-radix x) e))))))
104 (rational x)))
107 (setf (symbol-function 'rationalize) (symbol-function 'rational))
109 ;; although the following is correct code in that it approximates the
110 ;; x to within eps, it does not preserve (eql (float (rationalize x) x) x)
111 ;; since the test for eql is more strict than the float-epsilon
113 ;;; Rationalize originally by Skef Wholey.
114 ;;; Obtained from Daniel L. Weinreb.
115 ;(defun rationalize (x)
116 ; (typecase x
117 ; (rational x)
118 ; (short-float (rationalize-float x short-float-epsilon 1.0s0))
119 ; (long-float (rationalize-float x long-float-epsilon 1.0d0))
120 ; (otherwise (error "~S is neither rational nor float." x))))
122 ;(defun rationalize-float (x eps one)
123 ; (cond ((minusp x) (- (rationalize (- x))))
124 ; ((zerop x) 0)
125 ; (t (let ((y ())
126 ; (a ()))
127 ; (do ((xx x (setq y (/ one
128 ; (- xx (float a x)))))
129 ; (num (setq a (truncate x))
130 ; (+ (* (setq a (truncate y)) num) onum))
131 ; (den 1 (+ (* a den) oden))
132 ; (onum 1 num)
133 ; (oden 0 den))
134 ; ((and (not (zerop den))
135 ; (not (> (abs (/ (- x (/ (float num x)
136 ; (float den x)))
137 ; x))
138 ; eps)))
139 ; (/ num den)))))))
142 (defun ffloor (x &optional (y 1.0f0))
143 (multiple-value-bind (i r) (floor (float x) (float y))
144 (values (float i r) r)))
146 (defun fceiling (x &optional (y 1.0f0))
147 (multiple-value-bind (i r) (ceiling (float x) (float y))
148 (values (float i r) r)))
150 (defun ftruncate (x &optional (y 1.0f0))
151 (multiple-value-bind (i r) (truncate (float x) (float y))
152 (values (float i r) r)))
154 (defun fround (x &optional (y 1.0f0))
155 (multiple-value-bind (i r) (round (float x) (float y))
156 (values (float i r) r)))
159 (defun lognand (x y) (boole boole-nand x y))
160 (defun lognor (x y) (boole boole-nor x y))
161 (defun logandc1 (x y) (boole boole-andc1 x y))
162 (defun logandc2 (x y) (boole boole-andc2 x y))
163 (defun logorc1 (x y) (boole boole-orc1 x y))
164 (defun logorc2 (x y) (boole boole-orc2 x y))
166 (defun lognot (x) (logxor -1 x))
167 (defun logtest (x y) (not (zerop (logand x y))))
170 (defun byte (size position)
171 (cons size position))
173 (defun byte-size (bytespec)
174 (car bytespec))
176 (defun byte-position (bytespec)
177 (cdr bytespec))
179 (defun ldb (bytespec integer)
180 (logandc2 (ash integer (- (byte-position bytespec)))
181 (- (ash 1 (byte-size bytespec)))))
183 (defun ldb-test (bytespec integer)
184 (not (zerop (ldb bytespec integer))))
186 (defun mask-field (bytespec integer)
187 (ash (ldb bytespec integer) (byte-position bytespec)))
189 (defun dpb (newbyte bytespec integer)
190 (logxor integer
191 (mask-field bytespec integer)
192 (ash (logandc2 newbyte
193 (- (ash 1 (byte-size bytespec))))
194 (byte-position bytespec))))
196 (defun deposit-field (newbyte bytespec integer)
197 (dpb (ash newbyte (- (byte-position bytespec))) bytespec integer))