adding in the reading of CSV files, start of numerical computation.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / lift.darcs / test / tests-in-progress.lisp
1 (in-package #:lift-test)
3 (deftestsuite test-a ()
4 (a)
5 (:cases (a '(1 2))))
7 (defmethod initialize-prototypes :after ((test test-plus))
8 (with-test-slots (a b)
9 (setf (prototypes test)
10 (list
11 (list (let* ((a 1))
12 (cons 'a a))
13 (let* ((a 2))
14 (cons 'a a)))))))
16 (defmethod initialize-prototypes :after ((test test-plus))
17 (with-test-slots (a b)
18 (setf (prototypes test)
19 (list
20 (list (let* ((a 1))
21 (cons 'a a))
22 (let* ((a 2))
23 (cons 'a a)))))))
25 (defmethod initialize-prototypes :after ((test test-plus))
26 (with-test-slots (a b)
27 (setf (prototypes test)
28 (let* ((a 0) (b 0))
29 (list
30 (list (cons 'a a) (cons 'b b)))))))
32 (deftestsuite test-a ()
33 ((a '(1 2))))
35 (deftestsuite test-a ()
36 (a)
37 (:cases (a '((1 2)))))
39 (addtest (test-a)
40 (format t "~%~A" a))
42 (deftestsuite test-b (test-a)
43 (b)
44 (:cases (b '(4 5 6))))
46 (addtest (test-b)
47 (format t "~% ~A x ~A" a b))
50 (deftestsuite test-e ()
51 (a))
53 (defmethod initialize-prototypes :after ((test test-e))
54 (setf (prototypes test)
55 (list
56 (list (cons 'a 1))
57 (list (cons 'a 2)))))
59 (addtest (test-e)
60 (format t "~%~A" a))
62 (deftestsuite test-f (test-e)
63 (b))
65 (defmethod initialize-prototypes :after ((test test-f))
66 (setf (prototypes test)
67 (list
68 (list (cons 'b 4))
69 (list (cons 'b 5))
70 (list (cons 'b 6)))))
72 (addtest (test-f)
73 (format t "~% ~A x ~A" a b))
76 1 4
77 1 5
78 1 6
80 2 4
81 2 5
82 2 6
85 (defgeneric setup (suite)
86 (:documentation "Setup at the testsuite-level")
87 (:method ((suite test-mixin))
88 (values)))
90 (defgeneric testsuite-teardown (suite)
91 (:documentation "Cleanup at the testsuite level.")
92 (:method ((suite test-mixin))
93 (values)))
95 (defgeneric testsuite-run (suite result)
96 (:documentation "Run the cases in this suite and it's children."))
98 (defgeneric setup-test (test-case)
99 (:documentation "Setup for a test-case. By default it does nothing."))
101 (defgeneric teardown-test (test-case)
102 (:documentation "Tear-down a test-case. By default it does nothing.")
103 (:method-combination progn :most-specific-first))
105 (defgeneric testsuite-methods (test-case)
106 (:documentation "Returns a list of the test methods defined for test. I.e.,
107 the methods that should be run to do the tests for this test."))
109 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
111 (deftestsuite setup-and-slots-hierarchy-parent ()
112 ((slot-parent (progn (push :slot-parent *test-scratchpad*) :a)))
113 :setup (push :setup-parent *test-scratchpad*)
114 :teardown (push :teardown-parent *test-scratchpad*))
116 (deftestsuite setups-and-slots-hierarchy-child
117 (setup-and-slots-hierarchy-parent)
118 ((slot-child (progn (push :slot-child *test-scratchpad*) :a)))
119 :setup (push :setup-child *test-scratchpad*)
120 :teardown (push :teardown-child *test-scratchpad*))
124 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
128 (defvar *dynamics-before-setup* :dbs)
130 (deftestsuite dynamics-before-setup ()
132 :setup (setf *test-notepad* nil))
134 (deftestsuite dynamics-before-setup-helper ()
135 ((slot (progn (push :slot *test-notepad*) :slot)))
136 :dynamic-variables (*dynamics-before-setup*
137 (progn (push :dynamics *test-notepad*) :dynamics))
138 :setup (push :setup *test-notepad*))
140 (addtest (dynamics-before-setup-helper)
141 test-1
142 (push :test *test-notepad*)
143 (ensure-same *dynamics-before-setup* :dynamics))
145 (addtest (dynamics-before-setup)
146 test-1
147 (run-test :suite 'dynamics-before-setup-helper
148 :name 'test-1)
149 (ensure-same (reverse *test-notepad*)
150 '(:dynamics :slot :setup :test)))
152 (run-test :break-on-errors? t)
158 (deftestsuite warnings-and-errors ()
161 (defun warnings-and-errors-function (mode)
162 (ecase mode
163 (:warn (warn "this is a warning all by itself"))
164 (:error (error "this is an error all by itself"))
165 (:warn-error (warn "first we warn") (error "then we error"))
166 (:error-warn (error "first we error") (warn "then we warn"))))
168 (addtest (warnings-and-errors)
169 warning-does-not-hide-error-1
170 (ensure-error (warnings-and-errors-function :warn-error)))
172 (addtest (warnings-and-errors)
173 warning-does-not-hide-error-2
174 (ensure-warning (warnings-and-errors-function :warn-error)))
178 ;;;;