better test example for defproto2, but defproto2 still fails.
[CommonLispStat.git] / src / data / matrix.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; Copyright (c) 2007, by A.J. Rossini <>
4 ;;; See COPYRIGHT file for any additional restrictions (BSD license).
6 ;;;; matrices for statistics. Extends CLEM
8 ;;; What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software
9 ;;; 'releases'. Our software 'escapes', leaving a bloody trail of
10 ;;; designers and quality assurance people in its wake.
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; Package Setup
15 ;;;;
17 (defpackage :lisp-stat-matrix
18 (:use :common-lisp
19 :clem)
20 (:export matrixp num-rows num-cols matmult identity-matrix diagonal
21 row-list column-list inner-product outer-product
22 cross-product transpose bind-columns bind-rows
23 array-data-vector vector-to-array))
25 (in-package :lisp-stat-matrix)
27 ;; Using CLEM:
29 CL-USER> (defparameter tr1 (make-instance 'number-matrix))
30 TR1
31 CL-USER> tr1
32 #<NUMBER-MATRIX of dimensions (1)>
33 CL-USER> (defparameter tr2 (make-instance 'number-matrix :rows 4 :cols 3))
34 TR2
35 CL-USER> tr2
36 #<NUMBER-MATRIX [.000000000 .000000000 .000000000;
37 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000;
38 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000;
39 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000]>
40 CL-USER> (transpose tr2)
46 tr2
48 (defparameter tr3 (make-instance 'clem::base-vector :length 4))
52 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
53 ;;;;
54 ;;;; Array to Row-Major Data Vector Conversion Functions
55 ;;;;
56 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
58 (defun array-data-vector (a)
59 "Args: (a)
60 Displaces array A to a vector"
61 (make-array (array-total-size a)
62 :displaced-to a
63 :element-type (array-element-type a)))
65 (defun vector-to-array (v dims)
66 "Args: (v dims)
67 Displaces vector V to array with dimensions DIMS"
68 ;;; Yes, but using row or column first approach?
69 (make-array dims
70 :displaced-to v
71 :element-type (array-element-type v)))
73 ;;;;
75 (defun check-matrix (a)
76 (if (not (and (arrayp a) (= (array-rank a) 2)))
77 (error "not a matrix - ~s" a)
78 t))
80 (defun check-square-matrix (a)
81 (if (and (check-matrix a)
82 (/= (array-dimension a 0) (array-dimension a 1))
83 (error "matrix not square - ~s" a))
84 t))
86 (defun matrixp (x)
87 "Args: (x)
88 Returns T if X is a matrix, NIL otherwise."
89 (and (arrayp x) (= (array-rank x) 2)))
91 (defun num-rows (x)
92 "Args: (x)
93 Returns number of rows in X."
94 (array-dimension x 0))
96 (defun num-cols (x)
97 "Args: (x)
98 Returns number of columns in X."
99 (array-dimension x 1))
101 (defun matmult (a b &rest args)
102 "Args: (a b &rest args)
103 Returns the matrix product of matrices a, b, etc. If a is a vector it is
104 treated as a row vector; if b is a vector it is treated as a column vector."
105 (let ((rtype (cond ((and (matrixp a) (matrixp b)) 'matrix)
106 ((and (sequencep a) (sequencep b)) 'number)
107 ((sequencep a) (if (consp a) 'list 'vector))
108 ((sequencep b) (if (consp b) 'list 'vector)))))
110 (if (sequencep a)
111 (setf a (vector-to-array (coerce a 'vector) (list 1 (length a)))))
112 (if (sequencep b)
113 (setf b (vector-to-array (coerce b 'vector) (list (length b) 1))))
114 (if (not (= (array-dimension a 1) (array-dimension b 0)))
115 (error "dimensions do not match"))
116 (if args
117 (reduce #'matmult args :initial-value (matmult a b))
118 (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
119 (m (array-dimension b 1))
120 (p (array-dimension a 1))
121 (c (make-array (list n m)))
123 (declare (fixnum n m p))
124 (dotimes (i n)
125 (declare (fixnum i))
126 (dotimes (j m)
127 (declare (fixnum j))
128 (setq x 0)
129 (dotimes (k p)
130 (declare (fixnum k))
131 (setq x (+ x
132 (* (aref a i k) (aref b k j)))))
133 (setf (aref c i j) x)))
134 (case rtype
135 (matrix c)
136 (number (aref c 0 0))
137 (t (coerce (compound-data-seq c) rtype)))))))
139 (defun identity-matrix (n)
140 "Args: (n)
141 Returns the identity matrix of rank N."
142 (let ((result (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
143 (dotimes (i n result)
144 (declare (fixnum i))
145 (setf (aref result i i) 1))))
147 ;; this thing is not very efficient at this point - too much coercing
148 (defun diagonal (x)
149 "Args: (x)
150 If X is a matrix, returns the diagonal of X. If X is a sequence, returns a
151 diagonal matrix of rank (length X) with diagonal elements eq to the elements
152 of X."
153 (cond ((matrixp x)
154 (let* ((n (min (num-rows x) (num-cols x)))
155 (result (make-array n)))
156 (dotimes (i n (coerce result 'list))
157 (setf (aref result i) (aref x i i)))))
158 ((sequencep x)
159 (let* ((x (coerce x 'vector))
160 (n (length x))
161 (result (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
162 (dotimes (i n result)
163 (setf (aref result i i) (aref x i)))))
164 (t (error "argument must be a matrix or a sequence"))))
166 (defun row-list (x)
167 "Args: (m)
168 Returns a list of the rows of M as vectors"
169 (check-matrix x)
170 (let ((m (num-rows x))
171 (n (num-cols x))
172 (result nil))
173 (declare (fixnum m n))
174 (flet ((get-row (k)
175 (declare (fixnum k))
176 (let ((row (make-array n)))
177 (dotimes (i n row)
178 (declare (fixnum i))
179 (setf (aref row i) (aref x k i))))))
180 (dotimes (i m result)
181 (declare (fixnum i))
182 (setf result (cons (get-row (- m i 1)) result))))))
184 (defun column-list (x)
185 "Args: (m)
186 Returns a list of the columns of M as vectors"
187 (check-matrix x)
188 (let ((m (num-rows x))
189 (n (num-cols x))
190 (result nil))
191 (declare (fixnum m n))
192 (flet ((get-col (k)
193 (declare (fixnum k))
194 (let ((col (make-array m)))
195 (dotimes (i m col)
196 (declare (fixnum i))
197 (setf (aref col i) (aref x i k))))))
198 (dotimes (i n result)
199 (declare (fixnum i))
200 (setf result (cons (get-col (- n i 1)) result))))))
202 (defun inner-product (x y)
203 "Args: (x y)
204 Returns inner product of sequences X and Y."
205 (check-sequence x)
206 (check-sequence y)
207 (let ((n (length x))
208 (cx (make-next-element x))
209 (cy (make-next-element y))
210 (result 0))
211 (declare (fixnum n))
212 (if (/= n (length y)) (error "sequence lengths do not match"))
213 (dotimes (i n result)
214 (declare (fixnum i))
215 (setf result
216 (+ result (* (get-next-element cx i) (get-next-element cy i)))))))
218 (defun outer-product (x y &optional (f #'*))
219 "Args: (x y &optional (fcn #'*))
220 Returns the generalized outer product of x and y, using fcn. Tat is, the result
221 is a matrix of dimension ((length x) (length y)) and the (i j) element of the
222 result is computed as (apply fcn (aref x i) (aref y j))."
223 (let* ((x (coerce x 'vector))
224 (y (coerce y 'vector))
225 (m (length x))
226 (n (length y))
227 (a (make-array (list m n))))
228 (declare (fixnum m n))
229 (dotimes (i m a)
230 (declare (fixnum i))
231 (dotimes (j n)
232 (declare (fixnum j))
233 (setf (aref a i j) (funcall f (aref x i) (aref y j)))))))
235 (defun cross-product (x)
236 "Args: (x)
237 If X is a matrix returns (matmult (transpose X) X). If X is a vector returns
238 (inner-product X X)."
239 (check-matrix x)
240 (let* ((n (num-rows x))
241 (p (num-cols x))
242 (c (make-array (list p p))))
243 (declare (fixnum n p))
244 (dotimes (i p c)
245 (declare (fixnum i))
246 (dotimes (j (+ i 1))
247 (declare (fixnum j))
248 (let ((val 0))
249 (dotimes (k n)
250 (declare (fixnum k))
251 (incf val (* (aref x k i) (aref x k j))))
252 (setf (aref c i j) val)
253 (setf (aref c j i) val))))))
255 (defun transpose-list (x)
256 (let ((m (length (first x))))
257 (dolist (next x)
258 (if (not (consp next)) (error "not a list - ~a" x))
259 (if (/= m (length next)) (error "sublists not the same length")))
260 (do* ((cx (copy-list x))
261 (result (make-list m))
262 (next result (cdr next)))
263 ((null next) result)
264 (setf (first next) (mapcar #'first cx))
265 (do ((next cx (cdr next)))
266 ((null next))
267 (setf (first next) (rest (first next)))))))
269 (defun transpose (x)
270 "Args: (m)
271 Returns the transpose of the matrix M."
272 (cond
273 ((consp x) (transpose-list x))
275 (check-matrix x)
276 (let* ((m (num-rows x))
277 (n (num-cols x))
278 (tx (make-array (list n m))))
279 (declare (fixnum m n))
280 (dotimes (i m tx)
281 (declare (fixnum i))
282 (dotimes (j n)
283 (declare (fixnum j))
284 (setf (aref tx j i) (aref x i j))))))))
286 (defun bind-columns (&rest args)
287 "Args (&rest args)
288 The ARGS can be matrices, vectors, or lists. Arguments are bound into a matrix
289 along their columns.
290 Example: (bind-columns #2a((1 2)(3 4)) #(5 6)) returns #2a((1 2 5)(3 4 6))"
291 (flet ((check-arg (x)
292 (if (not (or (sequencep x) (matrixp x)))
293 (error "bad argument type")))
294 (arg-cols (x) (if (sequencep x) 1 (num-cols x)))
295 (arg-rows (x) (if (sequencep x) (length x) (num-rows x))))
296 (dolist (x args) (check-arg x))
297 (let ((m (arg-rows (first args)))
298 (n (arg-cols (first args))))
299 (declare (fixnum m n))
300 (dolist (x (rest args))
301 (if (/= m (arg-rows x)) (error "column lengths do not match"))
302 (incf n (arg-cols x)))
303 (do* ((result (make-array (list m n)))
304 (args args (rest args))
305 (firstcol 0)
306 (x (first args) (first args)))
307 ((null args) result)
308 (cond
309 ((sequencep x)
310 (let ((cx (make-next-element x)))
311 (dotimes (i m)
312 (setf (aref result i firstcol) (get-next-element cx i)))))
314 (let ((k (arg-cols x)))
315 (dotimes (i m)
316 (dotimes (j k)
317 (setf (aref result i (+ firstcol j)) (aref x i j)))))))
318 (incf firstcol (arg-cols x))))))
320 (defun bind-rows (&rest args)
321 "Args (&rest args)
322 The ARGS can be matrices, vectors, or lists. Arguments are bound into a matrix
323 along their rows.
324 Example: (bind-rows #2a((1 2)(3 4)) #(5 6)) returns #2a((1 2)(3 4)(5 6))"
325 (flet ((check-arg (x)
326 (if (not (or (sequencep x) (matrixp x)))
327 (error "bad argument type")))
328 (arg-cols (x) (if (sequencep x) (length x) (num-cols x)))
329 (arg-rows (x) (if (sequencep x) 1 (num-rows x))))
330 (dolist (x args) (check-arg x))
331 (let ((m (arg-rows (first args)))
332 (n (arg-cols (first args))))
333 (declare (fixnum m n))
334 (dolist (x (rest args))
335 (if (/= n (arg-cols x)) (error "row lengths do not match"))
336 (incf m (arg-rows x)))
337 (do* ((result (make-array (list m n)))
338 (args args (rest args))
339 (firstrow 0)
340 (x (first args) (first args)))
341 ((null args) result)
342 (cond
343 ((sequencep x)
344 (let ((cx (make-next-element x)))
345 (dotimes (i n)
346 (setf (aref result firstrow i) (get-next-element cx i)))))
348 (let ((k (arg-rows x)))
349 (dotimes (i n)
350 (dotimes (j k)
351 (setf (aref result (+ firstrow j) i) (aref x j i)))))))
352 (incf firstrow (arg-rows x))))))