factoring out the make-dataframe2 methods into relevant files. We don-t know about...
[CommonLispStat.git] / src / data / dataframe-array.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
3 ;;; Time-stamp: <2012-10-09 03:17:34 tony>
4 ;;; Creation: <2009-03-12 17:14:56 tony>
5 ;;; File: dataframe-array.lisp
6 ;;; Author: AJ Rossini <blindglobe@gmail.com>
7 ;;; Copyright: (c)2009--, AJ Rossini. BSD, LLGPL, or GPLv2, depending
8 ;;; on how it arrives.
9 ;;; Purpose: real dataframe class using lisp-arrays as storage.
11 ;;; What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software
12 ;;; 'releases'. Our software 'escapes', leaving a bloody trail of
13 ;;; designers and quality assurance people in its wake.
15 ;;; This organization and structure is new to the 21st Century
16 ;;; version.. Think, "21st Century Schizoid Man".
18 (in-package :cls-dataframe)
22 (defclass dataframe-array (dataframe-like)
23 ((store :initform nil
24 :initarg :storage
25 :type (array * *)
26 :accessor dataset
27 :documentation "Data storage: typed as array.")
28 (store-class :initform 'array
29 :accessor store
30 :documentation "Storage class is ARRAY."))
31 (:documentation "example implementation of dataframe-like using storage
32 based on lisp arrays. An obvious alternative could be a
33 dataframe-matrix-like which uses the lisp-matrix classes."))
35 (defmethod make-dataframe2 ((data dataframe-array)
36 &key vartypes varlabels caselabels doc)
37 (check-dataframe-params data vartypes varlabels caselabels doc)
38 (let ((newcaselabels (if caselabels
39 caselabels
40 (make-labels "C" (ncases data))))
41 (newvarlabels (if varlabels
42 varlabels
43 (make-labels "V" (nvars data))))
44 ;; also should determine most restrictive possible (compsci
45 ;; and/or statistical) variable typing (integer, double,
46 ;; string, symbol, *). FIXME: until we get the mixed typing system in place, we will just leave null
47 (newvartypes (if vartypes
48 vartypes
49 (make-labels "*" (nvars data)))))
50 (make-instance 'dataframe-array
51 :storage data
52 :nrows (length newcaselabels)
53 :ncols (length newvarlabels)
54 :case-labels newcaselabels
55 :var-labels newvarlabels
56 :var-types newvartypes)))
59 (defmethod nrows ((df dataframe-array))
60 "specializes on inheritance from matrix-like in lisp-matrix."
61 (array-dimension (dataset df) 0))
63 (defmethod ncols ((df dataframe-array))
64 "specializes on inheritance from matrix-like in lisp-matrix."
65 (array-dimension (dataset df) 1))
67 (defmethod xref ((df dataframe-array) &rest subscripts)
68 "Returns a scalar in array, in the same vein as aref, mref, vref, etc.
69 idx1/2 is row/col or case/var."
70 (assert (>= 2 (length subscripts)))
71 #| ;; needed?
72 (assert (typep (elt subscripts 0) integer))
73 (assert (typep (elt subscripts 1) integer))
75 (aref (dataset df) (elt subscripts 0) (elt subscripts 1)))
77 (defmethod (setf xref) (value (df dataframe-array) &rest subscripts)
78 "set value for df-ar."
79 ;; (check-type val (elt (var-type df) index2))
80 (setf (aref (dataset df) (elt subscripts 0) (elt subscripts 1)) value))
82 (defparameter *default-dataframe-class* 'dataframe-array)
84 (defmethod dfselect ((df dataframe-array)
85 &optional cases vars indices)
86 "Extract the OR of cases, vars, or have a list of indices to extract"
87 (if indices (error "Indicies not used yet"))
88 (let ((newdf (make-instance *default-dataframe-class*
89 :storage (make-array (list (length cases) (length vars)))
90 :nrows (length cases)
91 :ncols (length vars)
93 :case-labels (select-list caselist (case-labels df))
94 :var-labels (select-list varlist (var-labels df))
95 :var-types (select-list varlist (vartypes df))
97 )))
98 (dotimes (i (length cases))
99 (dotimes (j (length vars))
100 (setf (xref newdf i j)
101 (xref df
102 (position (elt cases i) (case-labels df))
103 (position (elt vars j) (var-labels df))))))))