Prototype and testing examples.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / ch-util / src /
1 ;;;
2 ;;; -- various lisp utilities that make my life easier
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Author: Cyrus Harmon <>
5 ;;;
7 (in-package :ch-util)
9 #+sbcl
10 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
11 (require :sb-posix))
13 #+openmcl
14 (defun pwd ()
15 (ccl::current-directory-name))
17 (defun component-present-p (value)
18 (and value (not (eql value :unspecific))))
20 ;;; I don't remember where I got this from. Probably from KMR somewhere
21 ;;; along the line...
22 (defun pathname-as-directory (pathname)
23 "Return a pathname reperesenting the given pathname in `directory
24 form', i.e. with all the name elements in the directory component and
25 NIL in the name and type components. Can not be used on wild
26 pathnames. Returns its argument if name and type are both nil or
27 :unspecific."
28 (setf pathname (pathname pathname))
29 (when (wild-pathname-p pathname)
30 (error "Can't reliably convert wild pathnames to directory names."))
31 (cond
32 ((or (component-present-p (pathname-name pathname))
33 (component-present-p (pathname-type pathname)))
34 (make-pathname
35 :directory (append (pathname-directory pathname) (list
36 (file-namestring pathname)))
37 :name nil
38 :type nil
39 :defaults pathname))
40 (t pathname)))
42 ;;; I don't remember where I got this from. Probably from KMR somewhere
43 ;;; along the line...
44 (defun list-directory (dirname)
45 "Return a list of the contents of the directory named by dirname.
46 Names of subdirectories will be returned in `directory normal form'.
47 Unlike CL:DIRECTORY, LIST-DIRECTORY does not accept wildcard
48 pathnames; `dirname' should simply be a pathname that names a
49 directory. It can be in either file or directory form."
50 (let ((wildcard (make-pathname :name :wild
51 :type :wild
52 :defaults (pathname-as-directory
53 dirname))))
55 (declare (ignorable wildcard))
56 #+openmcl
57 ;; OpenMCl by default doesn't return subdirectories at all. But
58 ;; when prodded to do so with the special argument :directories,
59 ;; it returns them in directory form.
60 (directory wildcard :directories t)
61 #-openmcl (directory wildcard)))
63 (defun ls (&optional (dirname ""))
64 (list-directory dirname))
66 (defmacro with-open-file-preserving-case (&rest args)
67 `(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
68 (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
69 (with-open-file ,@args)))
71 (defparameter *tmp-file-directory* (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "tmp")))
73 (defun tmp-file-name (&key (prefix "tmp."))
74 (concatenate 'string prefix (format nil "~8,'0',X" (random #xffffffff))))
76 (defun tmp-file (&key (name (tmp-file-name)))
77 (merge-pathnames name *tmp-file-directory*))
79 (defun remove-keyword-args (list &rest remove)
80 (loop for x on list by #'cddr when (not (member (car x) remove)) append (list (car x) (cadr x))))
82 (defmacro with-temporary-file ((path stream &rest options &key (delete t) &allow-other-keys) &body body)
83 `(let ((,path (tmp-file)))
84 (prog1
85 (with-open-file (,stream ,path ,@(remove-keyword-args options :delete))
86 ,@body)
87 ,(when delete `(delete-file ,path)))))
89 ;;; from antifuchs on #lisp via
90 ;;;
91 (defmacro with-current-directory (dir &body body)
92 `(unwind-protect (progn
93 #+sbcl
94 (sb-posix:chdir ,dir)
95 (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* ,dir))
96 ,@body))
97 #+sbcl (sb-posix:chdir *default-pathname-defaults*)))
99 (defmacro run-program (&rest args)
100 #+sbcl `(sb-ext::run-program ,@args))
102 (defmacro run-program-asynchronously (&rest args)
103 #+sbcl `(sb-ext::run-program ,@args :wait nil))
106 (defun app-open (&rest args)
107 #+darwin (run-program "/usr/bin/open" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (pathnamep x) (unix-name x) x)) args)))
109 (defun safari-open (&rest args)
110 #+darwin
111 (apply #'app-open (list* "-a" "/Applications/"
112 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (pathnamep x) (unix-name x) x)) args))))
114 (defun firefox-open (&rest args)
115 #+darwin
116 (apply #'app-open (list* "-a" "/Users/sly/Applications/"
117 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (pathnamep x) (unix-name x) x)) args))))
120 (defparameter *pdf-viewer*
121 #+linux "kpdf"
122 #+darwin "")
124 (defparameter *pdf-viewer-path*
125 (let ((found (sb-ext:find-executable-in-search-path
126 *pdf-viewer*)))
127 (unless found
128 (setf found
129 #+darwin "/Applications/"
130 #-darwin "/usr/bin/kpdf"))
131 found))
133 (defun pdf-open (&rest args)
134 #+darwin
135 (apply #'app-open "-a" *pdf-viewer-path* (mapcar #'unix-name args))
136 #-darwin
137 (run-program-asynchronously *pdf-viewer-path*
138 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
139 (if (pathnamep x) (unix-name x) x)) args))
142 (defparameter *html-viewer*
143 #+linux "konqueror"
144 #+darwin "")
146 (defparameter *html-viewer-path*
147 (let ((found (sb-ext:find-executable-in-search-path
148 *html-viewer*)))
149 (unless found
150 (setf found
151 #+darwin "/Applications/"
152 #-darwin "/usr/bin/konqueror"))
153 found))
155 (defun html-open (&rest args)
156 (run-program-asynchronously *html-viewer-path*
157 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
158 (if (pathnamep x) (unix-name x) x)) args)))
160 (defmacro process-output-stream (&rest args)
161 #+sbcl `(sb-ext::process-output ,@args))
163 (defun prefix (seq suffix)
164 "Removes the prefix of seq that occurs before suffix. Return
165 values are the prefix and the position at which the suffix
166 begins in the original sequence, or the original sequence and
167 NIL if the suffix is not in seq"
168 (let ((pos (search suffix seq)))
169 (if pos
170 (values (subseq seq 0 pos) pos)
171 (values seq nil))))
173 (defun subdirectories (path)
174 (loop for d in
175 (directory
176 (make-pathname :name :wild :type nil :defaults path))
177 when (string-equal (file-namestring d) "") collect d))
179 (defun unix-name (pathname)
180 (namestring
181 (typecase pathname
182 (logical-pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname))
183 (t pathname))))
185 (defun map-files-in-directory (function
186 destination-directory
187 &key file-type)
188 (mapcar function
189 (directory
190 (merge-pathnames
191 (make-pathname
192 :name :wild
193 :type (if file-type file-type :wild))
194 destination-directory))))
196 (defun pathname-lessp (p1 p2)
197 (string-lessp (pathname-name p1)
198 (pathname-name p2)))