cleared up and add questions about intent of work.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / clem / test /
2 ;;; I'm trying to figure out how to generalize some matrix operations
3 ;;; using SBCL's nice fast non-consing math operations.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; My first (well, the previous one anyway) attempt at this involved
6 ;;; big hairy macros for each type. I'm trying to simplify things a
7 ;;; bit with smaller functions with proper type definitions that get
8 ;;; called as appropriate. I still, however, run into the problem that
9 ;;; at some point I need a declare statement to tell the compiler what
10 ;;; type of thing I'm working with. Perhaps this is a stupid idea. In
11 ;;; my defense, the previous approach does work and gives me nice fast
12 ;;; matrix math, it just involves a whole lot of compiled functions. I
13 ;;; still think there's some merit to trying to simplify/clean this up
14 ;;; a bit.
16 (in-package :clem-test)
18 ;;; I need *my-pacakge* so the intern statement below doesn't intern
19 ;;; the symbol into CL-USER and I put it up here to remind myself of
20 ;;; this fact in case I switch packages
21 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
22 (defparameter *my-package* :clem-test))
24 ;;; macro to define typed accessor functions
25 (defmacro make-accessors (element-type
26 &optional (element-name (symbol-name element-type)))
27 (let ((funcname (intern
28 (string-upcase
29 (concatenate 'string "mref-" element-name)) *my-package*)))
30 `(progn
31 (declaim (inline ,funcname))
32 (defun ,funcname (a i j)
33 (declare (type (simple-array ,element-type (* *)) a))
34 (aref a i j))
36 (declaim (inline (setf ,funcname)))
37 (defun (setf ,funcname) (v a i j)
38 (declare (type (simple-array ,element-type (* *)) a))
39 (setf (aref a i j) v)))))
41 ;;; local macro to call make-accessors. saves a (very) few keystrokes
42 ;;; but makes it easier to do more to these later if necessary.
43 (macrolet ((frob (&rest args)
44 `(make-accessors ,@args)))
45 (frob double-float)
46 (frob single-float)
47 (frob (unsigned-byte 8) "ub8")
48 (frob (unsigned-byte 16) "ub16")
49 (frob (unsigned-byte 32) "ub32")
50 (frob (signed-byte 8) "sb8")
51 (frob (signed-byte 16) "sb16")
52 (frob (signed-byte 32) "sb32")
53 (frob fixnum)
54 (frob bit))
56 ;;; get the accessor functions for an array
57 ;;; returns multiple-values the getter and the setter
58 (defun get-accessors (a)
59 (typecase a
60 ((simple-array double-float (* *))
61 (values #'mref-double-float #'(setf mref-double-float)))
62 ((simple-array single-float (* *))
63 (values #'mref-single-float #'(setf mref-single-float)))
65 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (* *))
66 (values #'mref-ub8 #'(setf mref-ub8)))
67 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (* *))
68 (values #'mref-ub16 #'(setf mref-ub16)))
69 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (* *))
70 (values #'mref-ub32 #'(setf mref-ub32)))
72 ((simple-array (signed-byte 8) (* *))
73 (values #'mref-sb8 #'(setf mref-sb8)))
74 ((simple-array (signed-byte 16) (* *))
75 (values #'mref-sb16 #'(setf mref-sb16)))
76 ((simple-array (signed-byte 32) (* *))
77 (values #'mref-sb32 #'(setf mref-sb32)))
79 ((simple-array fixnum (* *))
80 (values #'mref-fixnum #'(setf mref-fixnum)))
81 ((simple-array bit (* *))
82 (values #'mref-bit #'(setf mref-bit)))))
84 ;;; test arrays
85 (defparameter uba (make-array '(1024 1024) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 2))
86 (defparameter dfa (make-array '(1024 1024) :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 2d0))
88 ;;; test functions to see if this works
90 ;;; the old school way - works no consing - double floats
91 (defun array-test-1 (a)
92 (let ((getter #'mref-double-float)
93 (setter #'(setf mref-double-float)))
94 (destructuring-bind (r c) (array-dimensions a)
95 (dotimes (i r)
96 (dotimes (j c)
97 (funcall setter (* (funcall getter a i j) 2.0d0) a i j))))))
99 ;;; the old school way - works no consing - unsigned bytes
100 (defun array-test-2 (a)
101 (let ((getter #'mref-ub8)
102 (setter #'(setf mref-ub8)))
103 (destructuring-bind (r c) (array-dimensions a)
104 (dotimes (i r)
105 (dotimes (j c)
106 (funcall setter (* (funcall getter a i j) 2) a i j))))
109 (defun array-test-3 (a)
110 ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0)))
111 (multiple-value-bind (getter setter) (get-accessors a)
112 ;; (declare (type (function ((simple-array double-float (* *)) * *) double-float) getter)
113 ;; (type (function (double-float (simple-array double-float (* *)) * *) double-float) setter))
114 (destructuring-bind (r c) (array-dimensions a)
115 (dotimes (i r)
116 (dotimes (j c)
117 (funcall setter (* (funcall getter a i j) 2.0d0)) a i j)))))