preparation for modularization, correction of copyright date coverage.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / smarkup / src /
1 ;;
2 ;; Copyright (c) 2006, Cyrus Harmon
3 ;;
4 ;; - latex output from smarkup
5 ;;
7 (in-package :smarkup)
9 (defvar *baseline-skip* "12pt")
10 (defvar *baseline-stretch* "1.6")
11 (defvar *par-skip* "18pt")
12 (defvar *latex-graphics-params* nil)
14 (defparameter *document-format-parameters*
15 '(#+nil ("oddsidemargin" . "0.5in")
16 #+nil ("textwidth" . "6.0in")
17 #+nil ("topmargin" . "0in")
18 #+nil ("headheight" . "0.1in")
19 #+nil ("headsep" . "0.0in")
20 #+nil ("textheight" . "9.6in")
21 #+nil ("footskip" . "0.4in")
22 #+nil ("parindent" . "0.5in")))
24 (defvar *section-numbering-depth* 5)
26 (defparameter *document-class* "article")
27 (defparameter *document-options* '("10pt"))
29 (defvar *document-latex-commands*
30 '("\\newcommand{\\argmax}{\\operatornamewithlimits{argmax}}"
31 "\\newcommand{\\argmin}{\\operatornamewithlimits{argmin}}"))
33 (defparameter *latex-packages*
34 '("amssymb" "amsmath" "verbatim" "graphicx" "subfigure"
35 "caption" "hyperref" "fancyheadings" "longtable"
36 ("geometry" . "letterpaper")))
38 (defparameter *thesis-preamble*
39 "\\DeclareCaptionFont{singlespacing}{\\ssp}
40 \\captionsetup{font={singlespacing,small}}")
42 ;;; \\captionsetup{font={singlespacing,small}}
44 (defparameter *beamer-preamble*
45 "\\mode<presentation>{
46 \\definecolor{nicegreen}{RGB}{10,100,10}
47 \\setbeamercolor*{normal text}{bg=black,fg=white}
48 \\setbeamercolor{structure}{fg=nicegreen}
53 (defparameter *res-preamble* "
54 \\oddsidemargin -.5in
55 \\evensidemargin -.5in
56 \\textwidth=6.0in
57 \\itemsep=0in
58 \\parsep=0in
59 \\parskip=6pt
60 \\topmargin=-.4in
61 \\textheight=60\\baselineskip
62 \\hyphenpenalty=5000
63 \\tolerance=1000
65 \\newenvironment{list1}{
66 \\begin{list}{}{%
67 \\setlength{\\itemsep}{0in}
68 \\setlength{\\parsep}{0in} \\setlength{\\parskip}{0in}
69 \\setlength{\\topsep}{0in} \\setlength{\\partopsep}{0in}
70 \\setlength{\\leftmargin}{0.17in}}}{\\end{list}}
71 \\newenvironment{list2}{
72 \\begin{list}{$\\bullet$}{%
73 \\setlength{\\itemsep}{0in}
74 \\setlength{\\parsep}{0in} \\setlength{\\parskip}{0in}
75 \\setlength{\\topsep}{0in} \\setlength{\\partopsep}{0in}
76 \\setlength{\\leftmargin}{0.2in}}}{\\end{list}}")
78 (defparameter *llncs-preamble*
79 "\\bibliographystyle{splncs}
80 \\renewcommand\\floatpagefraction{.9}
81 \\renewcommand\\topfraction{.9}
82 \\renewcommand\\bottomfraction{.9}
83 \\renewcommand\\textfraction{.1}
84 \\setcounter{totalnumber}{50}
85 \\setcounter{topnumber}{50}
86 \\setcounter{bottomnumber}{50}
89 (defparameter *acm-proc-article-preamble*
90 "\\bibliographystyle{splncs}
91 \\renewcommand\\floatpagefraction{.95}
92 \\renewcommand\\topfraction{.95}
93 \\renewcommand\\bottomfraction{.95}
94 \\renewcommand\\textfraction{.1}
95 \\setcounter{totalnumber}{50}
96 \\setcounter{topnumber}{50}
97 \\setcounter{bottomnumber}{50}
98 \\widowpenalty=10000
99 \\clubpenalty=10000
100 \\raggedbottom
103 (defparameter *article-preamble*
104 "\\setcounter{topnumber}{2}
105 \\setcounter{bottomnumber}{2}
106 \\setcounter{totalnumber}{4} % 2 may work better
107 \\setcounter{dbltopnumber}{2} % for 2-column pages
108 \\renewcommand{\\dbltopfraction}{0.9} % fit big float above 2-col. text
109 \\renewcommand{\\textfraction}{0.07} % allow minimal text w. figs
110 % Parameters for FLOAT pages (not text pages):
111 \\renewcommand{\\floatpagefraction}{0.7} % require fuller float pages
112 % N.B.: floatpagefraction MUST be less than topfraction !!
113 \\renewcommand{\\dblfloatpagefraction}{0.7} % require fuller float pages
114 \\setlength{\\captionmargin}{10pt}")
116 (defvar *article-headings* '((:h1 . "section")
117 (:h2 . "subsection")
118 (:h3 . "subsubsection")
119 (:h4 . "paragraph")))
121 (defvar *thesis-headings* '((:h1 . "chapter")
122 (:h2 . "section")
123 (:h3 . "subsection")
124 (:h4 . "subsubsection")))
126 (defparameter *thesis-approval-page* t)
128 (defun latex-command (command &optional arg)
129 (format nil "~&\\~A~@[{~A}~]~%" command arg))
131 (defgeneric emit-latex (stream thing &key newline))
132 (defgeneric emit-latex-gf (stream type children &key newline))
134 ;;; default is a no-op
135 (defmethod emit-latex (stream thing &key newline)
136 (declare (ignore newline)))
138 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing string) &key newline)
139 (declare (ignore newline))
140 (format stream "~A" thing))
142 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing string) &key newline)
143 (format stream "~A~:[~;~%~]" thing newline))
145 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing character) &key newline)
146 (emit-latex stream (string thing) :newline newline))
148 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing cons) &key (newline nil newline-supplied-p))
149 (cond ((atom (car thing))
150 (apply #'emit-latex-gf stream (car thing) (cdr thing)
151 (when newline-supplied-p `(:newline ,newline))))
152 ((listp (car thing))
153 (apply #'emit-latex-gf stream (caar thing) (cdr thing)
154 (when newline-supplied-p `(:newline ,newline))))))
156 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing (eql :nbsp)) &key (newline nil))
157 (emit-latex stream "~" :newline newline))
159 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing (eql :hr)) &key (newline nil))
160 (declare (ignore newline))
161 (emit-latex-newline stream))
163 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing (eql :newline)) &key (newline nil))
164 (declare (ignore newline))
165 (emit-latex stream "\\\\" :newline t))
167 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing (eql :pause)) &key (newline nil))
168 (emit-latex stream "\\pause" :newline newline))
170 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing (eql :hfill)) &key (newline nil))
171 (emit-latex stream "\\hfill" :newline newline))
173 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing (eql :qquad)) &key (newline nil))
174 (emit-latex stream "\\qquad" :newline newline))
176 (defmethod emit-latex (stream (thing (eql :quad)) &key (newline nil))
177 (emit-latex stream "\\quad" :newline newline))
179 (defun emit-latex-freshline (stream)
180 (format stream "~&"))
182 (defun emit-latex-newline (stream)
183 (format stream "~%"))
185 ;;; default is a no-op
186 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream type children &key newline)
187 (declare (ignore newline)))
189 (defun emit-children-to-string (children)
190 (cond ((null children) nil)
191 ((listp children)
192 (apply #'concatenate 'string
193 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c))))
194 (t children)))
196 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :p)) children &key (newline t))
197 (emit-latex-freshline stream)
198 (dolist (c children)
199 (emit-latex stream c))
200 (when (or newline t)
201 (emit-latex-newline stream)
202 (emit-latex-newline stream)))
204 (defun emit-latex-command (stream command children
205 &key
206 (newline t)
207 (initial-freshline t)
208 (options))
209 (format stream "~:[~;~&~]\\~A~@[[~A]~]~@[{~A}~]~:[~;~%~]"
210 initial-freshline
211 command
212 options
213 (cond ((null children) nil)
214 ((listp children)
215 (apply #'concatenate 'string
216 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c))))
217 (t children))
218 newline))
220 (defun emit-latex-command-2 (stream command &key options arg1 arg2 (newline t))
221 (format stream "~&\\~A~@[[~A]~]~@[{~A}~]~@[{~A}~]~:[~;~%~]" command options arg1 arg2 newline))
223 (defun emit-latex-command-3 (stream command section &key options arg1 arg2 (newline t))
224 (format stream "~&\\~A{~A}~@[[~A]~]~@[{~A}~]~@[{~A}~]~:[~;~%~]" command section options arg1 arg2 newline))
226 (defun emit-latex-command-4 (stream command children
227 &key
228 (newline t)
229 (initial-freshline t)
230 (options))
231 (format stream "~:[~;~&~]\\~A~@[[~A]~]{"
232 initial-freshline
233 command
234 options)
235 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
236 (format stream "}~:[~;~%~]" newline))
239 ;;; takes options command, options, arg1, arg2 and arg3, e.g.:
240 ;;; (emit-latex-command-5 nil "command" :options "options" :arg1 "arg1" :arg2 "arg2")
241 ;;; produces "\\command[options]{arg1}[arg2]{arg3}"
243 (defun emit-latex-command-5 (stream command &key options arg1 arg2 arg3 (newline t))
244 (format stream "~&\\~A~@[[~A]~]~@[{~A}~]~@[[~A]~]~@[{~A}~]~:[~;~%~]"
245 command options arg1 arg2 arg3 newline))
247 (defun emit-latex-command-6 (stream command children
248 &key
249 (newline t)
250 (initial-freshline t)
251 (arg))
252 (format stream "~:[~;~&~]\\~A~@[{~A}~]~:[~;{~]"
253 initial-freshline
254 command
256 children)
257 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
258 (format stream "~:[~;}~]~:[~;~%~]" children newline))
260 (defun emit-latex-parameter (stream command children &key (newline t))
261 (format stream "~&\\~A~@[ ~A~]~:[~;~%~]"
262 command
263 (cond ((null children) nil)
264 ((listp children)
265 (apply #'concatenate 'string
266 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c))))
267 (t children))
268 newline))
270 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :div)) children &key newline)
271 (loop for c in children collect
272 (emit-latex stream c))
273 (when newline (emit-latex-newline stream)))
275 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :span)) children &key newline)
276 #+nil (format stream "~{~A~}~:[~;~%~]"
277 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c))
278 newline)
279 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex stream c)))
281 (defun emit-latex-block (command stream children &key newline)
282 (format stream "{\\~A ~{~A~}}~:[~;~%~]" command
283 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c))
284 newline))
286 (defmacro with-latex-block (command stream &rest rest)
287 `(progn
288 (format ,stream "{\\~A " ,command)
289 ,@rest
290 (format ,stream "}~:[~;~%~]" t)))
292 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :i)) children &key newline)
293 (emit-latex-block "it" stream children :newline newline))
295 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :b)) children &key newline)
296 (emit-latex-block "bf" stream children :newline newline))
298 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :sc)) children &key newline)
299 (emit-latex-block "sc" stream children :newline newline))
301 (defparameter *document-single-space-count* 0)
303 (defun single-space (stream)
304 (cond ((equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
305 (incf *document-single-space-count*)
306 (emit-latex stream "\\ssp" :newline t))
307 ((equal *document-class* "beamer"))
308 ((equal *document-class* "llncs"))
309 ((equal *document-class* "acm_proc_article-sp"))
310 (t (emit-latex stream (format nil "\\baselineskip~A" "12pt") :newline t))))
312 (defun default-space (stream)
313 (cond ((equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
314 (unless (plusp (decf *document-single-space-count*))
315 (emit-latex stream (format nil "\\dsp") :newline t)))
316 ((equal *document-class* "beamer"))
317 ((equal *document-class* "llncs"))
318 ((equal *document-class* "acm_proc_article-sp"))
319 (t (emit-latex stream (format nil "\\baselineskip~A" *baseline-skip*) :newline t))))
321 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :pre)) children &key (newline nil))
322 (declare (ignore newline))
323 (emit-latex-newline stream)
324 (single-space stream)
325 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" '("verbatim") :newline nil)
326 (format stream "~{~A~}"
327 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c)))
328 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("verbatim"))
329 (default-space stream))
332 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :code)) children &key (newline nil))
333 (format stream "~{~A~}~:[~;~%~]"
334 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c))
335 newline))
337 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :pseudocode)) children &key (newline t))
338 (destructuring-bind (&key name (parameters " ") label)
339 (car children)
340 (single-space stream)
341 (when (equal *document-class* "beamer")
342 (emit-latex stream "{\\scriptsize"))
343 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "pseudocode" :options "framebox" :arg1 name :arg2 parameters :newline nil)
344 (format stream "~{~A~}~:[~;~%~]"
345 (loop for c in (cdr children)
346 collect (emit-latex nil c))
347 newline)
348 (when label
349 (emit-latex-command stream "label" label :newline t))
350 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "pseudocode" :newline newline)
351 (when (equal *document-class* "beamer")
352 (emit-latex stream "}" :newline t))
353 (emit-latex-newline stream)
354 (default-space stream)))
356 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :soutput)) children &key (newline))
357 (declare (ignore newline))
358 (single-space stream)
359 (emit-latex stream "{\\scriptsize")
360 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" "Soutput")
361 (dolist (c children)
362 (emit-latex stream c))
363 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "Soutput")
364 (emit-latex stream "}" :newline t)
365 (default-space stream))
367 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :results)) children &key (newline nil))
368 (format stream "~{~A~}~:[~;~%~]"
369 (loop for c in children collect (emit-latex nil c))
370 newline))
372 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :clearpage)) children &key (newline t))
373 (emit-latex-command stream "clearpage" nil :newline t))
375 (defun get-headings ()
376 (cond ((equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
377 *thesis-headings*)
378 (t *article-headings*)))
380 (defvar *default-font-size* "10pt")
382 (defun setup-headings ()
383 (cond ((member *document-class* '("ucthesis") :test #'equal)
384 (setf *document-options* '("11pt")))
385 ((member *document-class* '("beamer") :test #'equal)
386 (setf *document-options* '("10pt")))
387 ((member *document-class* '("res") :test #'equal)
388 (setf *document-options* '("margin" "line")))
389 ((member *document-class* '("acm_proc_article-sp") :test #'equal)
390 (setf *document-options* nil))
391 ((member *document-class* '("llncs") :test #'equal)
392 (setf *document-options* '("oribibl")))
393 (t (setf *document-options* `(,*default-font-size*)))))
395 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :appendices)) children &key (newline t))
396 (declare (ignore newline))
397 (single-space stream)
398 (emit-latex-command stream "appendix" nil)
399 (loop for c in children
400 do (emit-latex stream c))
401 (default-space stream))
403 (defparameter *h1-default-clearpage* t)
404 (defparameter *h2-default-clearpage* t)
406 (defparameter *default-number-sections* t)
408 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :h1)) children &key (newline t))
409 (ch-util::with-keyword-args ((label
410 (clearpage *h1-default-clearpage*)
411 (no-number (not *default-number-sections*)))
412 children)
413 children
414 (when (and clearpage (not (eql clearpage :nil)))
415 (emit-latex-command stream "clearpage" nil :newline t))
416 (when (equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
417 (emit-latex stream "\\pagestyle{fancyplain}" :newline t)
418 (emit-latex stream "\\cfoot{}" :newline t))
419 (emit-latex-command stream (format nil "~A~:[~;*~]"
420 (cdr (assoc type (get-headings)))
421 no-number)
422 children :newline newline)
423 (when label
424 (emit-latex-command stream "label" label :newline newline))))
427 (defmethod emit-latex-header (stream type children &key (newline t))
428 (ch-util::with-keyword-args ((label
429 (clearpage *h2-default-clearpage*)
430 (no-number (not *default-number-sections*))) children)
431 children
432 (when (and clearpage (not (eql clearpage :nil)))
433 (emit-latex-command stream "clearpage" nil :newline t))
434 (single-space stream)
435 (emit-latex-command stream (format nil "~A~:[~;*~]"
436 (cdr (assoc type (get-headings)))
437 no-number)
438 children :newline newline)
439 (when label
440 (emit-latex-command stream "label" label :newline newline))
441 (default-space stream)))
443 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :h2)) children &key (newline t))
445 (emit-latex-header stream type children :newline newline)
447 #+nil (ch-util::with-keyword-args ((label) children)
448 children
449 (when label
450 (emit-latex-command stream 'label label :newline newline))))
452 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :h3)) children &key (newline t))
453 #+nil (when (equal *document-class* "article")
454 (emit-latex-command stream "res" '("-14pt")))
456 (emit-latex-header stream type children :newline newline))
458 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :h4)) children &key (newline t))
459 #+nil (when (equal *document-class* "article")
460 (emit-latex-command stream "res" '("-14pt")))
461 (emit-latex-header stream type children :newline newline))
463 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :part)) children &key (newline nil))
464 (emit-latex-command stream "part" (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" children) :newline newline))
466 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :bibcite)) children &key (newline nil))
467 (emit-latex-command stream "cite" (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" children) :initial-freshline nil :newline newline))
469 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :caption)) children &key (newline nil))
470 (ch-util::with-keyword-args (((figure-label t)) children)
471 children
472 (let ((label (if figure-label
473 "caption"
474 "caption*")))
475 (emit-latex-command stream label children :newline newline :initial-freshline nil))))
477 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :label)) children &key (newline nil))
478 (emit-latex-command stream "label" children :newline newline))
480 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :ref)) children &key newline)
481 (declare (ignore newline))
482 (emit-latex-command stream "ref" children :initial-freshline nil :newline nil))
484 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :nbsp)) children &key newline)
485 (declare (ignore newline children))
486 (emit-latex stream "~"))
488 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :centering)) children &key (newline nil))
489 (emit-latex-command-6 stream "centering" children :newline newline))
491 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :center2)) children &key (newline nil))
492 (declare (optimize (debug 3))
493 (ignore newline))
494 (emit-latex-newline stream)
495 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" '("centering") :newline nil)
496 (dolist (p children)
497 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
498 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("centering")))
500 (defparameter *image-copy-path* nil)
502 (defparameter *copy-image-files* nil)
504 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :image)) children &key (newline t))
505 (destructuring-bind (image-pathname &key
506 (width)
507 (copy *copy-image-files*)
508 (convert-png-to-eps nil)
509 &allow-other-keys)
510 children
511 (let ((image-file (ch-util:unix-name image-pathname)))
512 (when (and copy *image-copy-path*)
513 (let ((new-file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name (pathname-name image-file)
514 :type (pathname-type image-file)
515 :directory (cons :relative (nthcdr 5 (pathname-directory image-file))))
516 *image-copy-path*)))
517 (ensure-directories-exist new-file)
518 (cond ((and convert-png-to-eps
519 (equal (pathname-type image-file)
520 "png"))
521 (setf new-file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "eps")
522 new-file))
523 (print (sb-ext::run-program "/Users/sly/bin/png2eps"
524 (list image-file)
525 :environment '("PATH=/bobo/bin:/sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/sly/bin:/opt/local/bin:")
526 :if-output-exists :supersede
527 :output new-file)))
529 (cl-fad::copy-file image-file new-file :overwrite t)))
530 (print (cons
531 new-file
532 image-file))
533 (setf image-file new-file)))
534 (apply #'emit-latex-command-2
535 stream
536 "includegraphics"
537 (list*
538 :arg1 image-file
539 :newline newline
540 (when width `(:options ,(format nil "width=~A" width))))))))
542 (defparameter *default-figure-placement* "tbp")
544 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream
545 (type (eql :figure))
546 children
547 &key
548 (newline t)
549 (placement *default-figure-placement*))
550 (declare (ignorable newline))
551 (ch-util::with-keyword-args (((placement placement)
552 (increment-counter t)
553 (subfigure-start 0)
554 label) children)
555 children
556 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "figure" :options placement :newline nil)
557 (when subfigure-start
558 (let ((subfigure-start (if (numberp subfigure-start)
559 subfigure-start
560 (parse-integer subfigure-start))))
561 (when (plusp subfigure-start)
562 (list (emit-latex-command-2 stream "addtocounter"
563 :arg1 "subfigure"
564 :arg2 subfigure-start
565 :newline nil)))))
566 (dolist (p children)
567 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
568 (when label
569 (emit-latex-command stream "label" label :newline t))
570 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "figure")
571 (when (or (not increment-counter)
572 (eql increment-counter :nil))
573 (list (emit-latex-command-2 stream "addtocounter" :arg1 "figure" :arg2 "-1" :newline nil)))))
575 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream
576 (type (eql :figure*))
577 children
578 &key
579 (newline t)
580 (placement *default-figure-placement*))
581 (declare (ignorable newline))
582 (ch-util::with-keyword-args (((placement placement) label) children)
583 children
584 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "figure*" :options placement :newline nil)
585 (dolist (p children)
586 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
587 (when label
588 (emit-latex-command stream "label" label :newline t))
589 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "figure*")))
591 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :subfigure)) children &key (newline nil))
592 (ch-util::with-keyword-args ((caption (increment-counter t)) children)
593 children
594 (when caption
595 (setf caption (emit-children-to-string caption)))
596 (apply #'concatenate 'string
597 (apply #'emit-latex-command
598 stream "subfigure"
599 children
600 (append
601 (when caption `(:options ,caption))
602 `(:newline ,newline)))
603 (unless (or caption increment-counter)
604 (list (emit-latex-command-2 stream "addtocounter" :arg1 "subfigure" :arg2 "-1" :newline nil))))))
606 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :document-element)) children &key (newline t))
607 (destructuring-bind (element &rest rest) children
608 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" element :newline newline)
609 (dolist (p rest)
610 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
611 (when (string-equal element "abstract")
612 (cond ((equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
613 (emit-latex-command stream "abstractsignature" nil))))
614 (emit-latex-command stream "end" element)))
616 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :document-command)) children &key (newline t))
617 (destructuring-bind (element &rest rest) children
618 (emit-latex-command-6 stream element rest :newline newline)))
620 ;;; "scicite" "pslatex" "times" "epsfig" "graphs" "newcent"
622 (defun include-contents-of-file-file (stream file)
623 (emit-latex stream (ch-util::contents-of-file file)))
625 (defun latex-document-format (stream)
626 (dolist (package *latex-packages*)
627 (if (consp package)
628 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "usepackage" :options (cdr package) :arg1 (car package))
629 (emit-latex-command stream "usepackage" package)))
630 (loop for (param . val) in *document-format-parameters*
631 do (emit-latex-parameter stream param val))
632 (dolist (command *document-latex-commands*)
633 (emit-latex stream command)))
635 (defun latex-document (stream sexp &key (options *document-options*) (class *document-class*))
636 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "documentclass"
637 :options (format nil "~{~A~^,~}" options) :arg1 class :newline t)
638 (unless (equal *document-class* "llncs")
639 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "setcounter"
640 :arg1 "secnumdepth"
641 :arg2 *section-numbering-depth* :newline t))
642 (latex-document-format stream)
644 (when *document-title*
645 (emit-latex-command stream "title" (list *document-title*)))
646 (when *document-titlerunning*
647 (emit-latex-command stream "titlerunning" (list *document-titlerunning*)))
648 (when (and *document-subtitle*
649 (equal *document-class* "beamer"))
650 (emit-latex-command stream "subtitle" (list *document-subtitle*)))
651 (when *document-author*
652 (emit-latex-command stream "author" (list *document-author*)))
653 (when *document-tocauthor*
654 (emit-latex-command stream "tocauthor" (list *document-tocauthor*)))
655 (when *document-authorrunning*
656 (emit-latex-command stream "authorrunning" (list *document-authorrunning*)))
657 (when *document-address*
658 (emit-latex-command stream "address" (list *document-address*)))
659 (when *document-institute*
660 (emit-latex-command stream "institute" (list *document-institute*)))
661 (when *document-date*
662 (emit-latex-command stream "date" (list *document-date*)))
663 (when (equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
664 (when *document-degree-year*
665 (emit-latex-command stream "degreeyear" (list *document-degree-year*)))
666 (when *document-degree-semester*
667 (emit-latex-command stream "degreesemester" (list *document-degree-semester*)))
668 (when *document-degree*
669 (emit-latex-command stream "degree" (list *document-degree*)))
670 (when *document-chair*
671 (emit-latex-command stream "chair" (list *document-chair*)))
672 (when *document-other-members*
673 (emit-latex-command stream "othermembers" (list *document-other-members*)))
674 (when *document-number-of-members*
675 (emit-latex-command stream "numberofmembers" (list *document-number-of-members*)))
676 (when *document-prev-degrees*
677 (emit-latex-command stream "prevdegrees" (list *document-prev-degrees*)))
678 (when *document-field*
679 (emit-latex-command stream "field" (list *document-field*)))
680 (when *document-campus*
681 (emit-latex-command stream "campus" (list *document-campus*))))
683 (cond ((equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
684 (emit-latex stream
685 (format nil
686 "\\def\\dsp{\\def\\baselinestretch{~A}\\large\\normalsize}"
687 *baseline-stretch*)
688 :newline t)
689 (emit-latex stream "\\dsp" :newline t)
691 (emit-latex stream "\\addtolength{\\headheight}{\\baselineskip}" :newline t)
692 #+nil
693 (progn
694 (emit-latex stream "\\lhead[\\fancyplain{}\\sl\\thepage]{\\fancyplain{}\\sl\\rightmark}" :newline t)
695 (emit-latex stream "\\rhead[\\fancyplain{}\\sl\\leftmark]{\\fancyplain{}\\sl\\thepage}" :newline t)
696 (emit-latex stream "\\lhead[\\fancyplain{}\\bfseries\\thepage]{\\fancyplain{}\\bfseries\\rightmark}" :newline t)
697 (emit-latex stream "\\rhead[\\fancyplain{}\\bfseries\\leftmark]{\\fancyplain{}\\bfseries\\thepage}" :newline t))
698 (progn (emit-latex stream "\\lhead[\\fancyplain{}{}]{\\fancyplain{}{\\bfseries\\leftmark}}" :newline t)
699 (emit-latex stream "\\rhead[\\fancyplain{}{}]{\\fancyplain{\\bfseries\\thepage}{\\bfseries\\thepage}}" :newline t))
700 (emit-latex stream "\\hyphenpenalty=1000" :newline t)
701 (emit-latex stream "\\clubpenalty=500" :newline t)
702 (emit-latex stream "\\widowpenalty=500" :newline t)
703 (princ *thesis-preamble* stream))
704 ((equal *document-class* "beamer")
705 (princ *beamer-preamble* stream))
706 ((equal *document-class* "res")
707 (princ *res-preamble* stream))
708 ((equal *document-class* "llncs")
709 (princ *llncs-preamble* stream))
710 ((equal *document-class* "acm_proc_article-sp")
711 (princ *acm-proc-article-preamble* stream))
713 (emit-latex stream "\\geometry{verbose,tmargin=1in,bmargin=1in,lmargin=1in,rmargin=1in}" :newline t)
714 (princ *article-preamble* stream)))
716 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" "document")
717 (emit-latex-freshline stream)
719 (cond ((equal *document-class* "beamer"))
720 ((equal *document-class* "res"))
721 ((equal *document-class* "acm_proc_article-sp"))
723 (when *document-titlepage*
724 (emit-latex stream "\\maketitle" :newline t))))
726 (cond ((equal *document-class* "llncs"))
727 ((equal *document-class* "acm_proc_article-sp"))
729 (emit-latex stream "\\let\\mypdfximage\\pdfximage" :newline t)
730 (emit-latex stream "\\def\\pdfximage{\\immediate\\mypdfximage}" :newline t)))
732 (cond ((equal *document-class* "ucthesis")
733 (progn
734 (when *thesis-approval-page*
735 (emit-latex stream "\\approvalpage" :newline t))
736 (emit-latex stream "\\copyrightpage" :newline t)))
737 ((equal *document-class* "beamer"))
738 ((equal *document-class* "llncs"))
739 ((equal *document-class* "acm_proc_article-sp"))
741 (emit-latex stream (format nil "\\baselineskip~A" *baseline-skip*) :newline t)))
743 (dolist (p sexp)
744 (emit-latex stream p))
746 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "document"))
748 (defun latex-use-package (stream package)
749 (emit-latex-command stream "usepackage" package))
751 (defun latex-use-packages (stream &rest packages)
752 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (latex-use-package stream x)) packages))
754 ;;; Bibliography stuff
756 (defun latex-cite (stream ref)
757 (emit-latex-command stream "cite" ref))
759 (defun latex-bibliography-style (stream style)
760 (emit-latex-command stream "bibliographystyle" style))
762 (defun latex-bibliography (stream bib)
763 (emit-latex-command stream "bibliography" bib))
765 ;;; The main entry point to this stuff
767 (defmethod render-as ((type (eql :latex)) sexp file)
768 (let ((*document-class* *document-class*)
769 (*document-degree-year* *document-degree-year*)
770 (*document-degree-semester* *document-degree-semester*)
771 (*document-degree* *document-degree*)
772 (*document-chair* *document-chair*)
773 (*document-other-members* *document-other-members*)
774 (*document-number-of-members* *document-number-of-members*)
775 (*document-prev-degrees* *document-prev-degrees*)
776 (*document-field* *document-field*)
777 (*document-campus* *document-campus*)
778 (*latex-packages* *latex-packages*)
779 (*document-format-parameters* *document-format-parameters*))
780 (setup-headings))
781 (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
782 (latex-document stream sexp)))
785 ;; the intent here is that :bibliography is a tag with no children and
786 ;; that we should output the appropriate latex bibliography here.
787 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :bibliography)) children &key (newline t))
788 (declare (optimize (debug 3)) (ignore newline))
789 (destructuring-bind (&rest rest &key (clearpage t) &allow-other-keys)
790 children
791 (declare (ignore rest))
792 (when (and clearpage (not (eql clearpage :nil)))
793 (emit-latex-command stream "clearpage" nil :newline t)))
794 (unless (member *document-class* '("beamer" "llncs") :test 'equal)
795 (emit-latex stream (format nil "\\baselineskip~A" "11pt") :newline t))
796 (let ((style-function (bibtex-compiler:find-bibtex-style *bibtex-style*))
797 (bibtex-runtime:*cite-keys* (reverse *cite-keys*))
798 (bibtex-runtime:*bib-macros* *bibtex-macros*)
799 (bibtex-runtime:*bib-database* *bibtex-database*)
800 (bibtex-runtime:*bib-files* nil)
801 (bibtex-runtime:*bbl-output* stream))
802 (funcall style-function)))
804 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :table-of-contents)) children &key (newline t))
805 (declare (ignore newline))
806 (emit-latex stream "\\tableofcontents" :newline t))
808 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :list-of-figures)) children &key (newline t))
809 (declare (ignore newline))
810 (emit-latex stream "\\listoffigures" :newline t))
812 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :table-of-tables)) children &key (newline t))
813 (declare (ignore newline))
814 (emit-latex stream "\\listoftables" :newline t))
817 ;;; equations
819 ;; FIXME!!!
821 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :quotation)) children &key (newline t))
822 (declare (ignorable newline))
823 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "quotation" :newline nil)
824 (dolist (p children)
825 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
826 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "quotation" :newline t))
828 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :equation)) children &key (newline t))
829 (declare (ignorable newline))
830 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "equation" :newline nil)
831 (dolist (p children)
832 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
833 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "equation" :newline t))
835 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :matrix)) children &key (newline t))
836 (declare (ignorable newline))
837 (princ "$" stream)
838 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "matrix" :newline nil)
839 (dolist (p children)
840 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
841 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "matrix" :newline nil)
842 (princ "$" stream))
844 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :bmatrix)) children &key (newline t))
845 (declare (ignorable newline))
846 (princ "$" stream)
847 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "bmatrix" :newline nil)
848 (dolist (p children)
849 (emit-latex stream p :newline nil))
850 (emit-latex-command stream "end" "bmatrix" :newline nil)
851 (princ "$" stream))
853 ;;; tables
855 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :table)) children &key newline)
856 (destructuring-bind ((&key cols
857 top-line) (&rest children))
858 (apply #'ch-util::remove-keywordish-args '(:cols
859 :top-line) children)
860 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "tabular" :arg1 cols)
861 (when top-line
862 (emit-latex stream (format nil "\\hline~%")))
863 (loop for c in children collect
864 (emit-latex stream c))
865 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "end" "tabular")
866 (when newline (emit-latex-newline stream))))
868 (defun emit-table-row (stream children &key (newline t))
869 (emit-latex stream (format nil "~{~A~^ & ~}\\\\"
870 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
871 (emit-latex nil x))
872 children)) :newline newline))
874 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :longtable)) children &key newline)
875 (destructuring-bind ((&key cols
876 top-line
877 heading
878 caption
879 (first-heading heading)
880 (first-caption caption)
881 (font-size "small")) (&rest children))
882 (apply #'ch-util::remove-keywordish-args '(:cols
883 :top-line
884 :heading
885 :caption
886 :first-heading
887 :first-caption
888 :font-size) children)
890 (single-space stream)
891 (with-latex-block font-size
892 stream
893 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "begin" "longtable" :arg1 cols)
895 (when first-caption
896 (destructuring-bind (first-caption)
897 first-caption
898 (emit-latex-command stream "caption" first-caption :newline nil)
899 (emit-latex stream "\\\\" :newline t)))
901 (when top-line
902 (emit-latex stream "\\hline" :newline t))
904 (when first-heading
905 (emit-table-row stream (car first-heading))
906 (loop for c in (cdr first-heading)
907 do (emit-latex stream c)))
908 (emit-latex stream "\\endfirsthead" :newline t)
910 (when caption
911 (destructuring-bind (caption)
912 caption
913 (emit-latex-command stream "caption" caption :newline nil)
914 (emit-latex stream "\\\\" :newline t)))
916 (when top-line
917 (emit-latex stream "\\hline" :newline t))
919 (when heading
920 (emit-table-row stream (car heading))
921 (loop for c in (cdr heading)
922 do (emit-latex stream c)))
923 (emit-latex stream "\\endhead" :newline t)
925 (loop for c in children collect
926 (emit-latex stream c))
927 (emit-latex-command-3 stream "end" "longtable")
928 (when newline (emit-latex-newline stream)))
929 (default-space stream)))
931 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :table-row)) children &key (newline t))
932 (destructuring-bind ((&key multicolumn (spec "|c|")) (&rest children))
933 (apply #'ch-util::remove-keywordish-args '(:multicolumn :spec) children)
934 (if multicolumn
935 (progn (apply #'emit-latex-command-3 stream "multicolumn" multicolumn
936 :arg1 spec
937 :newline nil
938 :arg2 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
939 (emit-latex nil x))
940 children))
941 (emit-latex stream "\\\\" :newline newline))
942 (emit-latex stream (format nil "~{~A~^ & ~}\\\\"
943 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
944 (emit-latex nil x))
945 children)) :newline newline))))
947 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :horizontal-line)) children &key (newline t))
948 (emit-latex stream "\\hline" :newline newline))
952 ;;; beamer stuff
953 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :slide)) children &key (newline t))
954 (ch-util::with-keyword-args ((slide-title) children)
955 children
956 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "frame")
957 (format stream "{")
958 (when slide-title (emit-latex-command-2 stream "frametitle" :arg1 slide-title))
959 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
960 (format stream "}")
961 (when newline
962 (emit-latex-newline stream))))
964 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :title-page)) children &key (newline t))
965 (declare (ignore newline))
966 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "titlepage"))
968 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :table-of-contents)) children &key (newline t))
969 (declare (ignore newline))
970 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "tableofcontents"))
972 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :list)) children &key (newline t))
973 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" '("itemize") :newline newline)
974 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
975 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("itemize") :newline newline))
977 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :item)) children &key (newline t))
978 (declare (ignore newline))
979 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "item " :newline nil)
980 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c)))
982 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :colorbox)) children &key (newline nil))
983 (ch-util::with-keyword-args (((color "white")) children)
984 children
985 (emit-latex-command-6 stream "colorbox" children :arg color :newline newline)))
987 ;;; columns for beamer
988 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :columns)) children &key (newline t))
989 (ch-util::with-keyword-args ((format) children)
990 children
991 (emit-latex-command-5 stream "begin" :arg1 "columns" :arg2 format :newline newline)
992 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
993 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("columns") :newline newline)))
995 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :column)) children &key (newline t))
996 (ch-util::with-keyword-args ((width) children)
997 children
998 (emit-latex-command-2 stream "begin" :arg1 "column" :arg2 (format nil "~A\\textwidth" width) :newline newline)
999 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
1000 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("column") :newline newline)))
1002 ;;; minipage (for use with captions)
1005 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :minipage)) children &key (newline t))
1006 (ch-util::with-keyword-args (((width "0.5")) children)
1007 children
1008 (emit-latex-command-5 stream "begin" :arg1 "minipage" :arg2 "t"
1009 :arg3 (format nil "~A\\linewidth" width) :newline newline)
1010 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
1011 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("minipage") :newline newline)))
1014 ;;; resume stuff
1016 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :name)) children &key (newline nil))
1017 (emit-latex-command stream "name" children :newline newline))
1019 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :employer)) children &key (newline nil))
1020 (emit-latex-command stream "employer" children :newline newline))
1022 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :position-title)) children &key (newline nil))
1023 (emit-latex-command stream "title" children :newline newline))
1025 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :dates)) children &key (newline nil))
1026 (emit-latex-command stream "dates" children :newline newline))
1028 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :location)) children &key (newline nil))
1029 (emit-latex-command stream "location" children :newline newline))
1031 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :position)) children &key (newline t))
1032 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" '("position") :newline newline)
1033 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
1034 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("position") :newline newline))
1036 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :resume)) children &key (newline t))
1037 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" '("resume") :newline newline)
1038 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
1039 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("resume") :newline newline))
1041 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :list1)) children &key (newline t))
1042 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" '("list1") :newline newline)
1043 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
1044 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("list1") :newline newline))
1046 (defmethod emit-latex-gf (stream (type (eql :list2)) children &key (newline t))
1047 (emit-latex-command stream "begin" '("list2") :newline newline)
1048 (loop for c in children do (emit-latex stream c))
1049 (emit-latex-command stream "end" '("list2") :newline newline))