preparation for modularization, correction of copyright date coverage.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / clem / src / metaclasses.lisp
2 (in-package :clem)
4 ;;; Taken from KMR's clsql package
5 (defun remove-keyword-arg (arglist akey)
6 (let ((mylist arglist)
7 (newlist ()))
8 (labels ((pop-arg (alist)
9 (let ((arg (pop alist))
10 (val (pop alist)))
11 (unless (equal arg akey)
12 (setf newlist (append (list arg val) newlist)))
13 (when alist (pop-arg alist)))))
14 (pop-arg mylist))
15 newlist))
17 ;;; Also taken from KMR's clsql package
18 (declaim (inline delistify-dsd))
19 (defun delistify-dsd (list)
20 "Some MOPs, like openmcl 0.14.2, cons attribute values in a list."
21 (if (and (listp list) (null (cdr list)))
22 (car list)
23 list))
25 ;;; Taken from util so I don't need to include it here
26 (defun insert-before (new old list)
27 (labels ((build-list (old c &optional newlist)
28 (if c
29 (if (eq old (car c))
30 (append (reverse (cdr c)) (cons (car c) (cons new newlist)))
31 (build-list old (cdr c) (cons (car c) newlist)))
32 (cons new newlist))))
33 (reverse (build-list old list))))
36 (defun fill-slot-from-ancestor (slot class)
37 (let ((ancestor (find-if #'(lambda (anc)
38 (when (slot-exists-p anc slot)
39 (slot-boundp anc slot)))
40 (cdr (compute-class-precedence-list class)))))
41 (when ancestor
42 (setf (slot-value class slot) (slot-value ancestor slot)))))
44 (defun fill-standard-matrix-class-slots-from-ancestors (class &rest all-keys)
45 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
46 (let ((name (slot-definition-name x))
47 (initargs (slot-definition-initargs x)))
48 (unless (getf (car all-keys) (car initargs))
49 (fill-slot-from-ancestor name class))))
50 (standard-matrix-class-slots class)))
53 ;;; NOTE: don't use accessors here as they will return a list!
54 ;;; at least on SBCL
55 (defclass standard-matrix-class (standard-class)
56 ((element-type :initarg :element-type)
57 (accumulator-type :initarg :accumulator-type)
58 (specialized-array :initarg :specialized-array :initform nil)
59 (val-format :initarg :val-format :initform nil)
60 (minval :initarg :minval)
61 (maxval :initarg :maxval)))
63 (let ((smc (find-class 'standard-matrix-class)))
64 (defun standard-matrix-class-p (class)
65 (subtypep (class-of class) smc)))
67 (defun standard-matrix-class-precedence-list (class)
68 (remove-if-not
69 #'(lambda (x) (standard-matrix-class-p x))
70 (class-precedence-list class)))
72 (defun standard-matrix-class-slots (class)
73 (let ((slots) (slot-names))
74 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
75 (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
76 (unless (member (slot-definition-name y)
77 slot-names)
78 (push y slots)
79 (push (slot-definition-name y)
80 slot-names)))
81 (class-direct-slots (class-of x))))
82 (standard-matrix-class-precedence-list class))
83 slots))
85 (defgeneric element-type (smc)
86 (:documentation "the type of the elements of instances
87 of this matrix class"))
88 (defmethod element-type ((smc standard-matrix-class))
89 (car (slot-value smc 'element-type)))
91 (defgeneric accumulator-type (smc)
92 (:documentation "the type of the result of various mathematical
93 opreations on instances of this matrix class. needs work."))
94 (defmethod accumulator-type ((smc standard-matrix-class))
95 (car (slot-value smc 'accumulator-type)))
97 ;;; FIXME! This is a hack to get around the fact that
98 ;;; if we have a say, integer-matrix class, we can't
99 ;;; make certain declarations. this needs to be fixed
100 ;;; and hopefully removed
101 (defgeneric specialized-array-p (smc))
102 (defmethod specialized-array-p ((smc standard-matrix-class))
103 (car (slot-value smc 'specialized-array)))
105 (defgeneric val-format (smc)
106 (:documentation "the format string used to print out
107 element values of instances of this matrix class"))
108 (defmethod val-format ((smc standard-matrix-class))
109 (car (slot-value smc 'val-format)))
111 ;;; FIXME this name is _way_ too close to min-val. Should
112 ;;; be something like min-allowed-value or some such.
113 ;;; also should be enforced more places if we're going to
114 ;;; really use this!
115 (defgeneric minval (smc)
116 (:documentation "the minimum value allowed by instances
117 of this matrix class."))
118 (defmethod minval ((smc standard-matrix-class))
119 (car (slot-value smc 'minval)))
121 ;;; FIXME this name is _way_ too close to max-val. Should
122 ;;; be something like max-allowed-value or some such.
123 ;;; also should be enforced more places if we're going to
124 ;;; really use this!
125 (defgeneric maxval (smc)
126 (:documentation "the maximum value allowed by instances
127 of this matrix class."))
128 (defmethod maxval ((smc standard-matrix-class))
129 (car (slot-value smc 'maxval)))
133 ;;; Need validate-superclass for some reason. Read AMOP and fix this note
135 (defmethod validate-superclass ((c1 standard-matrix-class) (c2 standard-class))
138 (defmethod validate-superclass ((c1 standard-class) (c2 standard-matrix-class))
141 (defun add-root-class (root-class direct-superclasses)
142 (if (member root-class direct-superclasses)
143 direct-superclasses
144 (insert-before root-class
145 (car (class-direct-superclasses root-class))
146 direct-superclasses)))
148 (defclass typed-mixin ()
149 ((specialzied-array :allocation :class :accessor specialized-array-p :initform nil)))
151 ;;; FIXME this needs work
152 (defgeneric set-val-fit (m i j v &key truncate))
153 (defmethod set-val-fit ((m typed-mixin) i j v &key (truncate nil))
154 (set-val m i j (if truncate (truncate v) v)))
156 (defgeneric map-matrix-fit (f a))
157 (defmethod map-matrix-fit (f (a typed-mixin))
158 (destructuring-bind (m n) (dim a)
159 (dotimes (i m)
160 (dotimes (j n)
161 (set-val-fit a i j (funcall f a i j)))))
164 (defmethod initialize-instance :around
165 ((class standard-matrix-class) &rest all-keys &key direct-superclasses &allow-other-keys)
166 (let ((root-class (find-class 'typed-mixin))
167 (mc (find-class 'standard-matrix-class)))
168 (if (and root-class (not (equal class root-class)))
169 (if (member-if #'(lambda (super)
170 (eq (class-of super) mc)) direct-superclasses)
171 (call-next-method)
172 (apply #'call-next-method class
173 :direct-superclasses
174 (add-root-class root-class direct-superclasses)
175 (remove-keyword-arg all-keys :direct-superclasses)))
176 (call-next-method)))
177 (finalize-inheritance class)
178 (fill-standard-matrix-class-slots-from-ancestors class all-keys))
180 (defmethod reinitialize-instance :around
181 ((class standard-matrix-class) &rest all-keys &key direct-superclasses &allow-other-keys)
182 (let ((root-class (find-class 'typed-mixin))
183 (mc (find-class 'standard-matrix-class)))
184 (if (and root-class (not (equal class root-class)))
185 (if (member-if #'(lambda (super)
186 (eq (class-of super) mc)) direct-superclasses)
187 (call-next-method)
188 (apply #'call-next-method class
189 :direct-superclasses
190 (add-root-class root-class direct-superclasses)
191 (remove-keyword-arg all-keys :direct-superclasses)))
192 (call-next-method)))
193 (finalize-inheritance class)
194 (fill-standard-matrix-class-slots-from-ancestors class all-keys))