sequence depends on types
[CommonLispStat.git] / linalg.lsp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005--2007, by A.J. Rossini <>
3 ;;; See COPYRIGHT file for any additional restrictions (BSD license).
4 ;;; Since 1991, ANSI was finally finished. Edited for ANSI Common Lisp.
5 ;;;
6 ;;; what this should do:
7 ;;; #1 - use CFFI (and possibly Verazanno) to import C/C++.
8 ;;; #2 - what to do for Fortran? Possibly: C <-> bridge, or CLapack?
9 ;;; problem: would be better to have access to Fortran. For
10 ;;; example, think of Doug Bates comment on reverse-calls (as
11 ;;; distinct from callbacks). It would be difficult if we don't
12 ;;; -- however, has anyone run Lapack or similar through F2CL?
13 ;;; Answer: yes, Matlisp does this.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; #3 - Use a lisp-based matrix system drop-in? (matlisp, femlisp, clem, ...?)
16 ;;;
19 ;;;; linalg -- Lisp-Stat interface to basic linear algebra routines.
20 ;;;;
21 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1991, by Luke Tierney. Permission is granted for
22 ;;;; unrestricted use.
24 ;;;;
25 ;;;; Package Setup
26 ;;;;
28 (defpackage :lisp-stat-linalg
29 (:use :common-lisp
30 :cffi
31 :lisp-stat-ffi-int
32 :lisp-stat-math
33 :lisp-stat-types
34 :lisp-stat-float
35 :lisp-stat-sequence
36 :lisp-stat-compound-data
37 :lisp-stat-data
38 :lisp-stat-basics
39 :lisp-stat-linalg-data
40 :lisp-stat-matrix)
41 (:shadowing-import-from :lisp-stat-math
42 expt + - * / ** mod rem abs 1+ 1- log exp sqrt sin cos tan
43 asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh float random
44 truncate floor ceiling round minusp zerop plusp evenp oddp
45 < <= = /= >= > complex conjugate realpart imagpart phase
46 min max logand logior logxor lognot ffloor fceiling
47 ftruncate fround signum cis)
48 (:export chol-decomp lu-decomp lu-solve determinant inverse sv-decomp
49 qr-decomp rcondest make-rotation spline kernel-dens kernel-smooth
50 fft make-sweep-matrix sweep-operator ax+y eigen))
52 (in-package #:lisp-stat-linalg)
54 ;;; CFFI Support
56 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
57 ;;;
58 ;;; Lisp Interfaces to Linear Algebra Routines
59 ;;;
60 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
62 ;;;
63 ;;; Cholesky Decomposition
64 ;;;
66 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_chol_decomp_front" ccl-chol-decomp-front)
67 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :pointer))
68 (defun chol-decomp-front (x y z)
69 (ccl-chol-decomp-front x y z))
71 ;;;;
72 ;;;; LU Decomposition
73 ;;;;
75 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_lu_decomp_front" ccl-lu-decomp-front)
76 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :pointer) (u :int) (v :pointer))
77 (defun lu-decomp-front (x y z u v)
78 (ccl-lu-decomp-front x y z u v))
80 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_lu_solve_front" ccl-lu-solve-front)
81 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :pointer) (u :pointer) (v :int))
82 (defun lu-solve-front (x y z u v)
83 (ccl-lu-solve-front x y z u v))
85 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_lu_inverse_front" ccl-lu-inverse-front)
86 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :pointer) (u :pointer) (v :int) (w :pointer))
87 (defun lu-inverse-front (x y z u v w)
88 (ccl-lu-inverse-front x y z u v w))
90 ;;;;
91 ;;;; SV Decomposition
92 ;;;;
94 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_sv_decomp_front" ccl-sv-decomp-front)
95 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :int) (u :pointer) (v :pointer))
96 (defun sv-decomp-front (x y z u v)
97 (ccl-sv-decomp-front x y z u v))
99 ;;;;
100 ;;;; QR Decomposition
101 ;;;;
103 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_qr_decomp_front" ccl-qr-decomp-front)
104 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :int) (u :pointer) (v :pointer) (w :int))
105 (defun qr-decomp-front (x y z u v w)
106 (ccl-qr-decomp-front x y z u v w))
108 ;;;;
109 ;;;; Estimate of Condition Number for Lower Triangular Matrix
110 ;;;;
112 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_rcondest_front" ccl-rcondest-front)
113 :double (x :pointer) (y :int))
114 (defun rcondest-front (x y)
115 (ccl-rcondest-front x y))
117 ;;;;
118 ;;;; Make Rotation Matrix
119 ;;;;
121 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_make_rotation_front" ccl-make-rotation-front)
122 :int (x :int) (y :pointer) (z :pointer) (u :pointer) (v :int) (w :double))
123 (defun make-rotation-front (x y z u v w)
124 (ccl-make-rotation-front x y z u v (float w 1d0)))
126 ;;;;
127 ;;;; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
128 ;;;;
130 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_eigen_front" ccl-eigen-front)
131 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :pointer) (u :pointer) (v :pointer))
132 (defun eigen-front (x y z u v)
133 (ccl-eigen-front x y z u v))
135 ;;;;
136 ;;;; Spline Interpolation
137 ;;;;
139 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_range_to_rseq" ccl-range-to-rseq)
140 :int (x :int) (y :pointer) (z :int) (u :pointer))
141 (defun la-range-to-rseq (x y z u)
142 (ccl-range-to-rseq x y z u))
144 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_spline_front" ccl-spline-front)
145 :int (x :int) (y :pointer) (z :pointer) (u :int) (v :pointer) (w :pointer) (a :pointer))
146 (defun spline-front (x y z u v w a)
147 (ccl-spline-front x y z u v w a))
149 ;;;;
150 ;;;; Kernel Density Estimators and Smoothers
151 ;;;;
153 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_kernel_dens_front" ccl-kernel-dens-front)
154 :int (x :pointer) (y :int) (z :double) (u :pointer) (v :pointer) (w :int) (a :int))
155 (defun kernel-dens-front (x y z u v w a)
156 (ccl-kernel-dens-front x y (float z 1d0) u v w a))
158 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_kernel_smooth_front" ccl-kernel-smooth-front)
159 :int (x :pointer) (y :pointer) (z :int) (u :double) (v :pointer) (w :pointer) (a :int) (b :int))
160 (defun kernel-smooth-front (x y z u v w a b)
161 (ccl-kernel-smooth-front x y z (float u 1d0) v w a b))
163 ;;;;
164 ;;;; Lowess Smoother Interface
165 ;;;;
167 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_base_lowess_front" ccl-base-lowess-front)
168 :int (x :pointer) (y :pointer) (z :int) (u :double) (v :int) (w :double) (a :pointer) (b :pointer) (c :pointer))
169 (defun base-lowess-front (x y z u v w a b c)
170 (ccl-base-lowess-front x y z (float u 1d0) v (float w 1d0) a b c))
172 ;;;;
173 ;;;; FFT
174 ;;;;
176 (cffi:defcfun ("ccl_fft_front" ccl-fft-front)
177 :int (x :int) (y :pointer) (z :pointer) (u :int))
178 (defun fft-front (x y z u)
179 (ccl-fft-front x y z u))
184 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
185 ;;;;
186 ;;;; Lisp to C number conversion and checking
187 ;;;;
188 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
190 ;;;;
191 ;;;; Lisp to/from C sequence and matrix conversion and checking
192 ;;;;
194 (defun is-cons (a)
195 "FIXME:AJR this is not used anywhere?"
196 (if (consp a) 1 0))
198 (defun check-fixnum (a)
199 (if (/= 0 (la-data-mode a)) (error "not an integer sequence - ~s" a)))
201 (defun check-real (data)
202 (let ((data (compound-data-seq data)))
203 (cond
204 ((vectorp data)
205 (let ((n (length data)))
206 (declare (fixnum n))
207 (dotimes (i n)
208 (declare (fixnum i))
209 (check-one-real (aref data i)))))
210 ((consp data) (dolist (x data) (check-one-real x)))
211 (t (error "bad sequence - ~s" data)))))
213 (defun vec-assign (a i x) (setf (aref a i) x))
215 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
216 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
217 ;;;;
218 ;;;; Lisp Interfaces to Linear Algebra Routines
219 ;;;;
220 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
221 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
223 ;;; FIXME: use dpbt[f2|rf], dpbstf, dpot[f2|rf]; dpptrf, zpbstf, zpbt[f2|rf]
224 ;;; remember: factorization = decomposition, depending on training.
226 (defun chol-decomp (a &optional (maxoffl 0.0))
227 "Args: (a)
228 Modified Cholesky decomposition. A should be a square, symmetric matrix.
229 Computes lower triangular matrix L such that L L^T = A + D where D is a
230 diagonal matrix. If A is strictly positive definite D will be zero.
231 Otherwise, D is as small as possible to make A + D numerically strictly
232 positive definite. Returns a list (L (max D))."
233 (check-square-matrix a)
234 (check-real a)
235 (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
236 (result (make-array (list n n)))
237 (dpars (list maxoffl 0.0)))
238 (check-real dpars)
239 (let ((mat (la-data-to-matrix a +mode-re+))
240 (dp (la-data-to-vector dpars +mode-re+)))
241 (unwind-protect
242 (progn
243 (chol-decomp-front mat n dp)
244 (la-matrix-to-data mat n n +mode-re+ result)
245 (la-vector-to-data dp 2 +mode-re+ dpars))
246 (la-free-matrix mat n)
247 (la-free-vector dp)))
248 (list result (second dpars))))
251 ;;; REPLACE with
252 ;;; (matlisp:lu M)
253 ;;; i.e. result use by:
254 ;;; (setf (values (lu-out1 lu-out2 lu-out3)) (matlisp:lu my-matrix))
255 ;;; for solution, ...
256 ;;; for lu-solve:
257 ;;; (matlisp:gesv a b &opt ipivot)
259 (defun lu-decomp (a)
260 "Args: (a)
261 A is a square matrix of numbers (real or complex). Computes the LU
262 decomposition of A and returns a list of the form (LU IV D FLAG), where
263 LU is a matrix with the L part in the lower triangle, the U part in the
264 upper triangle (the diagonal entries of L are taken to be 1), IV is a vector
265 describing the row permutation used, D is 1 if the number of permutations
266 is odd, -1 if even, and FLAG is T if A is numerically singular, NIL otherwise.
267 Used bu LU-SOLVE."
268 (check-square-matrix a)
269 (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
270 (mode (max +mode-re+ (la-data-mode a)))
271 (result (list (make-array (list n n)) (make-array n) nil nil)))
272 (let ((mat (la-data-to-matrix a mode))
273 (iv (la-vector n +mode-in+))
274 (d (la-vector 1 +mode-re+))
275 (singular 0))
276 (unwind-protect
277 (progn
278 (setf singular (lu-decomp-front mat n iv mode d))
279 (la-matrix-to-data mat n n mode (first result))
280 (la-vector-to-data iv n +mode-in+ (second result))
281 (setf (third result) (la-get-double d 0))
282 (setf (fourth result) (if (= singular 0.0) nil t)))
283 (la-free-matrix mat n)
284 (la-free-vector iv)
285 (la-free-vector d)))
286 result))
288 (defun lu-solve (lu lb)
289 "Args: (lu b)
290 LU is the result of (LU-DECOMP A) for a square matrix A, B is a sequence.
291 Returns the solution to the equation Ax = B. Signals an error if A is
292 singular."
293 (let ((la (first lu))
294 (lidx (second lu)))
295 (check-square-matrix la)
296 (check-sequence lidx)
297 (check-sequence lb)
298 (check-fixnum lidx)
299 (let* ((n (num-rows la))
300 (result (make-sequence (if (consp lb) 'list 'vector) n))
301 (a-mode (la-data-mode la))
302 (b-mode (la-data-mode lb)))
303 (if (/= n (length lidx)) (error "index sequence is wrong length"))
304 (if (/= n (length lb)) (error "right hand side is wrong length"))
305 (let* ((mode (max +mode-re+ a-mode b-mode))
306 (a (la-data-to-matrix la mode))
307 (indx (la-data-to-vector lidx +mode-in+))
308 (b (la-data-to-vector lb mode))
309 (singular 0))
310 (unwind-protect
311 (progn
312 (setf singular (lu-solve-front a n indx b mode))
313 (la-vector-to-data b n mode result))
314 (la-free-matrix a n)
315 (la-free-vector indx)
316 (la-free-vector b))
317 (if (/= 0.0 singular) (error "matrix is (numerically) singular"))
318 result))))
320 (defun determinant (a)
321 "Args: (m)
322 Returns the determinant of the square matrix M."
323 (let* ((lu (lu-decomp a))
324 (la (first lu))
325 (n (num-rows a))
326 (d1 (third lu))
327 (d2 0.d0))
328 (declare (fixnum n))
329 (flet ((fabs (x) (float (abs x) 0.d0)))
330 (dotimes (i n (* d1 (exp d2)))
331 (declare (fixnum i))
332 (let* ((x (aref la i i))
333 (magn (fabs x)))
334 (if (= 0.0 magn) (return 0.d0))
335 (setf d1 (* d1 (/ x magn)))
336 (setf d2 (+ d2 (log magn))))))))
338 (defun inverse (a)
339 "Args: (m)
340 Returns the inverse of the the square matrix M; signals an error if M is ill
341 conditioned or singular"
342 (check-square-matrix a)
343 (let ((n (num-rows a))
344 (mode (max +mode-re+ (la-data-mode a))))
345 (declare (fixnum n))
346 (let ((result (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
347 (dotimes (i n)
348 (declare (fixnum i))
349 (setf (aref result i i) 1))
350 (let ((mat (la-data-to-matrix a mode))
351 (inv (la-data-to-matrix result mode))
352 (iv (la-vector n +mode-in+))
353 (v (la-vector n mode))
354 (singular 0))
355 (unwind-protect
356 (progn
357 (setf singular (lu-inverse-front mat n iv v mode inv))
358 (la-matrix-to-data inv n n mode result))
359 (la-free-matrix mat n)
360 (la-free-matrix inv n)
361 (la-free-vector iv)
362 (la-free-vector v))
363 (if (/= singular 0) (error "matrix is (numerically) singular"))
364 result))))
366 ;;;;
367 ;;;; SV Decomposition
368 ;;;;
370 (defun sv-decomp (a)
371 "Args: (a)
372 A is a matrix of real numbers with at least as many rows as columns.
373 Computes the singular value decomposition of A and returns a list of the form
374 (U W V FLAG) where U and V are matrices whose columns are the left and right
375 singular vectors of A and W is the sequence of singular values of A. FLAG is T
376 if the algorithm converged, NIL otherwise."
377 (check-matrix a)
378 (let* ((m (num-rows a))
379 (n (num-cols a))
380 (mode (max +mode-re+ (la-data-mode a)))
381 (result (list (make-array (list m n))
382 (make-array n)
383 (make-array (list n n))
384 nil)))
385 (if (< m n) (error "number of rows less than number of columns"))
386 (if (= mode +mode-cx+) (error "complex SVD not available yet"))
387 (let ((mat (la-data-to-matrix a mode))
388 (w (la-vector n +mode-re+))
389 (v (la-matrix n n +mode-re+))
390 (converged 0))
391 (unwind-protect
392 (progn
393 (setf converged (sv-decomp-front mat m n w v))
394 (la-matrix-to-data mat m n mode (first result))
395 (la-vector-to-data w n mode (second result))
396 (la-matrix-to-data v n n mode (third result))
397 (setf (fourth result) (if (/= 0.0 converged) t nil)))
398 (la-free-matrix mat m)
399 (la-free-vector w)
400 (la-free-matrix v n))
401 result)))
404 ;;;;
405 ;;;; QR Decomposition
406 ;;;;
408 (defun qr-decomp (a &optional pivot)
409 "Args: (a &optional pivot)
410 A is a matrix of real numbers with at least as many rows as columns. Computes
411 the QR factorization of A and returns the result in a list of the form (Q R).
412 If PIVOT is true the columns of X are first permuted to place insure the
413 absolute values of the diagonal elements of R are nonincreasing. In this case
414 the result includes a third element, a list of the indices of the columns in
415 the order in which they were used."
416 (check-matrix a)
417 (let* ((m (num-rows a))
418 (n (num-cols a))
419 (mode (max +mode-re+ (la-data-mode a)))
420 (p (if pivot 1 0))
421 (result (if pivot
422 (list (make-array (list m n))
423 (make-array (list n n))
424 (make-array n))
425 (list (make-array (list m n)) (make-array (list n n))))))
426 (if (< m n) (error "number of rows less than number of columns"))
427 (if (= mode +mode-cx+) (error "complex QR decomposition not available yet"))
428 (let ((mat (la-data-to-matrix a mode))
429 (v (la-matrix n n +mode-re+))
430 (jpvt (la-vector n +mode-in+)))
431 (unwind-protect
432 (progn
433 (qr-decomp-front mat m n v jpvt p)
434 (la-matrix-to-data mat m n mode (first result))
435 (la-matrix-to-data v n n mode (second result))
436 (if pivot (la-vector-to-data jpvt n +mode-in+ (third result))))
437 (la-free-matrix mat m)
438 (la-free-matrix v n)
439 (la-free-vector jpvt))
440 result)))
442 ;;;;
443 ;;;; Estimate of Condition Number for Lower Triangular Matrix
444 ;;;;
446 (defun rcondest (a)
447 "Args: (a)
448 Returns an estimate of the reciprocal of the L1 condition number of an upper
449 triangular matrix a."
450 (check-square-matrix a)
451 (let ((mode (max +mode-re+ (la-data-mode a)))
452 (n (num-rows a)))
453 (if (= mode +mode-cx+)
454 (error "complex condition estimate not available yet"))
455 (let ((mat (la-data-to-matrix a mode))
456 (est 0.0))
457 (unwind-protect
458 (setf est (rcondest-front mat n))
459 (la-free-matrix mat n))
460 est)))
462 ;;;;
463 ;;;; Make Rotation Matrix
464 ;;;;
466 (defun make-rotation (x y &optional alpha)
467 "Args: (x y &optional alpha)
468 Returns a rotation matrix for rotating from X to Y, or from X toward Y
469 by angle ALPHA, in radians. X and Y are sequences of the same length."
470 (check-sequence x)
471 (check-sequence y)
472 (if alpha (check-one-real alpha))
473 (let* ((n (length x))
474 (mode (max +mode-re+ (la-data-mode x) (la-data-mode y)))
475 (use-angle (if alpha 1 0))
476 (angle (if alpha (float alpha 0.0) 0.0))
477 (result (make-array (list n n))))
478 (if (/= n (length y)) (error "sequences not the same length"))
479 (if (= mode +mode-cx+) (error "complex data not supported yet"))
480 (let ((px (la-data-to-vector x +mode-re+))
481 (py (la-data-to-vector y +mode-re+))
482 (rot (la-matrix n n +mode-re+)))
483 (unwind-protect
484 (progn
485 (make-rotation-front n rot px py use-angle angle)
486 (la-matrix-to-data rot n n +mode-re+ result))
487 (la-free-vector px)
488 (la-free-vector py)
489 (la-free-matrix rot n))
490 result)))
492 ;;;;
493 ;;;; Eigenvalues and Vectors
494 ;;;;
496 (defun eigen (a)
497 "Args: (a)
498 Returns list of list of eigenvalues and list of eigenvectors of square,
499 symmetric matrix A. Third element of result is NIL if algorithm converges.
500 If the algorithm does not converge, the third element is an integer I.
501 In this case the eigenvalues 0, ..., I are not reliable."
502 (check-square-matrix a)
503 (let ((mode (max +mode-re+ (la-data-mode a)))
504 (n (num-rows a)))
505 (if (= mode +mode-cx+) (error "matrix must be real and symmetric"))
506 (let ((evals (make-array n))
507 (evecs (make-list (* n n)))
508 (pa (la-data-to-vector (compound-data-seq a) +mode-re+))
509 (w (la-vector n +mode-re+))
510 (z (la-vector (* n n) +mode-re+))
511 (fv1 (la-vector n +mode-re+))
512 (ierr 0))
513 (unwind-protect
514 (progn
515 (setf ierr (eigen-front pa n w z fv1))
516 (la-vector-to-data w n +mode-re+ evals)
517 (la-vector-to-data z (* n n) +mode-re+ evecs))
518 (la-free-vector pa)
519 (la-free-vector z)
520 (la-free-vector w)
521 (la-free-vector fv1))
522 (list (nreverse evals)
523 (nreverse (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'vector))
524 (split-list evecs n)))
525 (if (/= 0 ierr) (- n ierr))))))
527 ;;;;
528 ;;;; Spline Interpolation
529 ;;;;
531 (defun make-smoother-args (x y xvals)
532 (check-sequence x)
533 (check-real x)
534 (when y
535 (check-sequence y)
536 (check-real y))
537 (unless (integerp xvals)
538 (check-sequence xvals)
539 (check-real xvals))
540 (let* ((n (length x))
541 (ns (if (integerp xvals) xvals (length xvals)))
542 (result (list (make-list ns) (make-list ns))))
543 (if (and y (/= n (length y))) (error "sequences not the same length"))
544 (list x y n (if (integerp xvals) 0 1) ns xvals result)))
546 (defun get-smoother-result (args) (seventh args))
548 (defmacro with-smoother-data ((x y xvals is-reg) &rest body)
549 `(progn
550 (check-sequence ,x)
551 (check-real ,x)
552 (when ,is-reg
553 (check-sequence ,y)
554 (check-real ,y))
555 (unless (integerp ,xvals)
556 (check-sequence ,xvals)
557 (check-real ,xvals))
558 (let* ((supplied (not (integerp ,xvals)))
559 (n (length ,x))
560 (ns (if supplied (length ,xvals) ,xvals))
561 (result (list (make-list ns) (make-list ns))))
562 (if (and ,is-reg (/= n (length ,y)))
563 (error "sequences not the same length"))
564 (if (and (not supplied) (< ns 2))
565 (error "too few points for interpolation"))
566 (let* ((px (la-data-to-vector ,x +mode-re+))
567 (py (if ,is-reg (la-data-to-vector ,y +mode-re+)))
568 (pxs (if supplied
569 (la-data-to-vector ,xvals +mode-re+)
570 (la-vector ns +mode-re+)))
571 (pys (la-vector ns +mode-re+)))
572 (unless supplied (la-range-to-rseq n px ns pxs))
573 (unwind-protect
574 (progn ,@body
575 (la-vector-to-data pxs ns +mode-re+ (first result))
576 (la-vector-to-data pys ns +mode-re+ (second result)))
577 (la-free-vector px)
578 (if ,is-reg (la-free-vector py))
579 (la-free-vector pxs)
580 (la-free-vector pys))
581 result))))
583 (defun spline (x y &key (xvals 30))
584 "Args: (x y &key xvals)
585 Returns list of x and y values of natural cubic spline interpolation of (X,Y).
586 X must be strictly increasing. XVALS can be an integer, the number of equally
587 spaced points to use in the range of X, or it can be a sequence of points at
588 which to interpolate."
589 (with-smoother-data (x y xvals t)
590 (let ((work (la-vector (* 2 n) +mode-re+))
591 (error 0))
592 (unwind-protect
593 (setf error (spline-front n px py ns pxs pys work))
594 (la-free-vector work))
595 (if (/= error 0) (error "bad data for splines")))))
597 ;;;;
598 ;;;; Kernel Density Estimators and Smoothers
599 ;;;;
601 (defun kernel-type-code (type)
602 (cond ((eq type 'u) 0)
603 ((eq type 't) 1)
604 ((eq type 'g) 2)
605 (t 3)))
607 (defun kernel-dens (x &key (type 'b) (width -1.0) (xvals 30))
608 "Args: (x &key xvals width type)
609 Returns list of x and y values of kernel density estimate of X. XVALS can be an
610 integer, the number of equally spaced points to use in the range of X, or it
611 can be a sequence of points at which to interpolate. WIDTH specifies the
612 window width. TYPE specifies the lernel and should be one of the symbols G, T,
613 U or B for gaussian, triangular, uniform or bisquare. The default is B."
614 (check-one-real width)
615 (with-smoother-data (x nil xvals nil) ;; warning about deleting unreachable code is TRUE -- 2nd arg=nil!
616 (let ((code (kernel-type-code type))
617 (error 0))
618 (setf error (kernel-dens-front px n width pxs pys ns code))
619 (if (/= 0 error) (error "bad kernel density data")))))
621 (defun kernel-smooth (x y &key (type 'b) (width -1.0) (xvals 30))
622 "Args: (x y &key xvals width type)
623 Returns list of x and y values of kernel smooth of (X,Y). XVALS can be an
624 integer, the number of equally spaced points to use in the range of X, or it
625 can be a sequence of points at which to interpolate. WIDTH specifies the
626 window width. TYPE specifies the lernel and should be one of the symbols G, T,
627 U or B for Gaussian, triangular, uniform or bisquare. The default is B."
628 (check-one-real width)
629 (with-smoother-data (x y xvals t)
630 (let ((code (kernel-type-code type))
631 (error 0))
632 (kernel-smooth-front px py n width pxs pys ns code)
633 ;; if we get the Lisp version ported from C, uncomment below and
634 ;; comment above. (thanks to Carlos Ungil for the initial CFFI
635 ;; work).
636 ;;(kernel-smooth-Cport px py n width pxs pys ns code)
637 (if (/= 0 error) (error "bad kernel density data")))))
641 (defun kernel-smooth-Cport (px py n width ;;wts wds ;; see above for mismatch?
642 xs ys ns ktype)
643 "Port of kernel_smooth (Lib/kernel.c) to Lisp.
644 FIXME:kernel-smooth-Cport : This is broken.
645 Until this is fixed, we are using Luke's C code and CFFI as glue."
646 (cond ((< n 1) 1.0)
647 ((and (< n 2) (<= width 0)) 1.0)
648 (t (let* ((xmin (min px))
649 (xmax (max px))
650 (width (/ (- xmax xmin) (+ 1.0 (log n)))))
651 (dotimes (i (- ns 1))
652 (setf (aref ys i)
653 (let ((wsum 0.0)
654 (ysum 0.0))
655 (dotimes (j (- n 1)) )
656 ;;;possible nasty errors...
658 (let*
659 ((lwidth (if wds (* width (aref wds j)) width))
660 (lwt (* (kernel-Cport (aref xs i) (aref px j) lwidth ktype) ;; px?
661 (if wts (aref wts j) 1.0))))
662 (setf wsum (+ wsum lwt))
663 (setf ysum (if py (+ ysum (* lwt (aref py j)))))) ;; py? y?
665 ;;; end of errors
666 (if py
667 (if (> wsum 0.0)
668 (/ ysum wsum)
669 0.0)
670 (/ wsum n)))))
671 (values ys)))))
673 (defun kernel-Cport (x y w ktype)
674 "Port of kernel() (Lib/kernel.c) to Lisp.
675 x,y,w are doubles, type is an integer"
676 (if (<= w 0.0)
678 (let ((z (- x y)))
679 (cond ((eq ktype "B")
680 (let* ((w (* w 2.0))
681 (z (* z 0.5)))
682 (if (and (> z -0.5)
683 (< z 0.5))
684 (/ (/ (* 15.0 (* (- 1.0 (* 4 z z)) ;; k/w
685 (- 1.0 (* 4 z z)))) ;; k/w
686 8.0)
688 0)))
689 ((eq ktype "G")
690 (let* ((w (* w 0.25))
691 (z (* z 4.0))
692 (k (/ (exp (* -0.5 z z))
693 (sqrt (* 2 PI)))))
694 (/ k w)))
695 ((eq ktype "U")
696 (let* ((w (* 1.5 w))
697 (z (* z 0.75))
698 (k (if (< (abs z) 0.5)
700 0.0)))
701 (/ k w)))
702 ((eq ktype "T")
703 (cond ((and (> z -1.0)
704 (< z 0.0))
705 (+ 1.0 z)) ;; k
706 ((and (> z 0.0)
707 (< z 1.0))
708 (- 1.0 z)) ;; k
709 (t 0.0)))
710 (t (values 0.0))))))
713 ;;;;
714 ;;;; Lowess Smoother Interface
715 ;;;;
717 (defun |base-lowess| (s1 s2 f nsteps delta)
718 (check-sequence s1)
719 (check-sequence s2)
720 (check-real s1)
721 (check-real s2)
722 (check-one-real f)
723 (check-one-fixnum nsteps)
724 (check-one-real delta)
725 (let* ((n (length s1))
726 (result (make-list n)))
727 (if (/= n (length s2)) (error "sequences not the same length"))
728 (let ((x (la-data-to-vector s1 +mode-re+))
729 (y (la-data-to-vector s2 +mode-re+))
730 (ys (la-vector n +mode-re+))
731 (rw (la-vector n +mode-re+))
732 (res (la-vector n +mode-re+))
733 (error 0))
734 (unwind-protect
735 (progn
736 (setf error (base-lowess-front x y n f nsteps delta ys rw res))
737 (la-vector-to-data ys n +mode-re+ result))
738 (la-free-vector x)
739 (la-free-vector y)
740 (la-free-vector ys)
741 (la-free-vector rw)
742 (la-free-vector res))
743 (if (/= error 0) (error "bad data for lowess"))
744 result)))
747 static LVAL add_contour_point(i, j, k, l, x, y, z, v, result)
748 int i, j, k, l;
749 RVector x, y;
750 RMatrix z;
751 double v;
752 LVAL result;
754 LVAL pt;
755 double p, q;
757 if ((z[i][j] <= v && v < z[k][l]) || (z[k][l] <= v && v < z[i][j])) {
758 xlsave(pt);
759 pt = mklist(2, NIL);
760 p = (v - z[i][j]) / (z[k][l] - z[i][j]);
761 q = 1.0 - p;
762 rplaca(pt, cvflonum((FLOTYPE) (q * x[i] + p * x[k])));
763 rplaca(cdr(pt), cvflonum((FLOTYPE) (q * y[j] + p * y[l])));
764 result = cons(pt, result);
765 xlpop();
767 return(result);
770 LVAL xssurface_contour()
772 LVAL s1, s2, mat, result;
773 RVector x, y;
774 RMatrix z;
775 double v;
776 int i, j, n, m;
778 s1 = xsgetsequence();
779 s2 = xsgetsequence();
780 mat = xsgetmatrix();
781 v = makedouble(xlgetarg());
782 xllastarg();
784 n = seqlen(s1); m = seqlen(s2);
785 if (n != numrows(mat) || m != numcols(mat)) xlfail("dimensions do not match");
786 if (data_mode(s1) == CX || data_mode(s2) == CX || data_mode(mat) == CX)
787 xlfail("data must be real");
789 x = (RVector) data_to_vector(s1, RE);
790 y = (RVector) data_to_vector(s2, RE);
791 z = (RMatrix) data_to_matrix(mat, RE);
793 xlsave1(result);
794 result = NIL;
795 for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
796 for (j = 0; j < m - 1; j++) {
797 result = add_contour_point(i, j, i, j+1, x, y, z, v, result);
798 result = add_contour_point(i, j+1, i+1, j+1, x, y, z, v, result);
799 result = add_contour_point(i+1, j+1, i+1, j, x, y, z, v, result);
800 result = add_contour_point(i+1, j, i, j, x, y, z, v, result);
803 xlpop();
805 free_vector(x);
806 free_vector(y);
807 free_matrix(z, n);
809 return(result);
814 ;;; FFT
816 ;;; FIXME:ajr
817 ;;; ??replace with matlisp:fft and matlisp:ifft (the latter for inverse mapping)
819 (defun fft (x &optional inverse)
820 "Args: (x &optional inverse)
821 Returns unnormalized Fourier transform of X, or inverse transform if INVERSE
822 is true."
823 (check-sequence x)
824 (let* ((n (length x))
825 (mode (la-data-mode x))
826 (isign (if inverse -1 1))
827 (result (if (consp x) (make-list n) (make-array n))))
828 (let ((px (la-data-to-vector x +mode-cx+))
829 (work (la-vector (+ (* 4 n) 15) +mode-re+)))
830 (unwind-protect
831 (progn
832 (fft-front n px work isign)
833 (la-vector-to-data px n +mode-cx+ result))
834 (la-free-vector px)
835 (la-free-vector work))
836 result)))
839 ;;; SWEEP Operator: FIXME: use matlisp
842 (defun make-sweep-front (x y w n p mode has_w x_mean result)
843 (declare (fixnum n p mode has_w))
844 (let ((x_data nil)
845 (result_data nil)
846 (val 0.0)
847 (dxi 0.0)
848 (dyi 0.0)
849 (dv 0.0)
850 (dw 0.0)
851 (sum_w 0.0)
852 (dxik 0.0)
853 (dxjk 0.0)
854 (dyj 0.0)
855 (dx_meani 0.0)
856 (dx_meanj 0.0)
857 (dy_mean 0.0)
858 (has-w (if (/= 0 has_w) t nil))
859 (RE 1))
860 (declare (long-float val dxi dyi dv dw sum_w dxik dxjk dyj
861 dx_meani dx_meanj dy_mean))
862 ;; (declare-double val dxi dyi dv dw sum_w dxik dxjk dyj
863 ;; dx_meani dx_meanj dy_mean)
865 (if (> mode RE) (error "not supported for complex data yet"))
867 (setf x_data (compound-data-seq x))
868 (setf result_data (compound-data-seq result))
870 ;; find the mean of y
871 (setf val 0.0)
872 (setf sum_w 0.0)
873 (dotimes (i n)
874 (declare (fixnum i))
875 (setf dyi (makedouble (aref y i)))
876 (when has-w
877 (setf dw (makedouble (aref w i)))
878 (incf sum_w dw)
879 (setf dyi (* dyi dw)))
880 (incf val dyi))
881 (if (not has-w) (setf sum_w (float n 0.0)))
882 (if (<= sum_w 0.0) (error "non positive sum of weights"))
883 (setf dy_mean (/ val sum_w))
885 ;; find the column means
886 (dotimes (j p)
887 (declare (fixnum j))
888 (setf val 0.0)
889 (dotimes (i n)
890 (declare (fixnum i))
891 (setf dxi (makedouble (aref x_data (+ (* p i) j))))
892 (when has-w
893 (setf dw (makedouble (aref w i)))
894 (setf dxi (* dxi dw)))
895 (incf val dxi))
896 (setf (aref x_mean j) (/ val sum_w)))
898 ;; put 1/sum_w in topleft, means on left, minus means on top
899 (setf (aref result_data 0) (/ 1.0 sum_w))
900 (dotimes (i p)
901 (declare (fixnum i))
902 (setf dxi (makedouble (aref x_mean i)))
903 (setf (aref result_data (+ i 1)) (- dxi))
904 (setf (aref result_data (* (+ i 1) (+ p 2))) dxi))
905 (setf (aref result_data (+ p 1)) (- dy_mean))
906 (setf (aref result_data (* (+ p 1) (+ p 2))) dy_mean)
908 ;; put sums of adjusted cross products in body
909 (dotimes (i p)
910 (declare (fixnum i))
911 (dotimes (j p)
912 (declare (fixnum j))
913 (setf val 0.0)
914 (dotimes (k n)
915 (declare (fixnum k))
916 (setf dxik (makedouble (aref x_data (+ (* p k) i))))
917 (setf dxjk (makedouble (aref x_data (+ (* p k) j))))
918 (setf dx_meani (makedouble (aref x_mean i)))
919 (setf dx_meanj (makedouble (aref x_mean j)))
920 (setf dv (* (- dxik dx_meani) (- dxjk dx_meanj)))
921 (when has-w
922 (setf dw (makedouble (aref w k)))
923 (setf dv (* dv dw)))
924 (incf val dv))
925 (setf (aref result_data (+ (* (+ i 1) (+ p 2)) (+ j 1))) val)
926 (setf (aref result_data (+ (* (+ j 1) (+ p 2)) (+ i 1))) val))
927 (setf val 0.0)
928 (dotimes (j n)
929 (declare (fixnum j))
930 (setf dxik (makedouble (aref x_data (+ (* p j) i))))
931 (setf dyj (makedouble (aref y j)))
932 (setf dx_meani (makedouble (aref x_mean i)))
933 (setf dv (* (- dxik dx_meani) (- dyj dy_mean)))
934 (when has-w
935 (setf dw (makedouble (aref w j)))
936 (setf dv (* dv dw)))
937 (incf val dv))
938 (setf (aref result_data (+ (* (+ i 1) (+ p 2)) (+ p 1))) val)
939 (setf (aref result_data (+ (* (+ p 1) (+ p 2)) (+ i 1))) val))
940 (setf val 0.0)
941 (dotimes (j n)
942 (declare (fixnum j))
943 (setf dyj (makedouble (aref y j)))
944 (setf dv (* (- dyj dy_mean) (- dyj dy_mean)))
945 (when has-w
946 (setf dw (makedouble (aref w j)))
947 (setf dv (* dv dw)))
948 (incf val dv))
949 (setf (aref result_data (+ (* (+ p 1) (+ p 2)) (+ p 1))) val)))
951 ;;; FIXME: use matlisp
952 (defun sweep-in-place-front (a rows cols mode k tol)
953 "Sweep algorithm for linear regression."
954 (declare (long-float tol))
955 (declare (fixnum rows cols mode k))
956 (let ((data nil)
957 (pivot 0.0)
958 (aij 0.0)
959 (aik 0.0)
960 (akj 0.0)
961 (akk 0.0)
962 (RE 1))
963 (declare (long-float pivot aij aik akj akk))
965 (if (> mode RE) (error "not supported for complex data yet"))
966 (if (or (< k 0) (>= k rows) (>= k cols)) (error "index out of range"))
968 (setf tol (max tol machine-epsilon))
969 (setf data (compound-data-seq a))
971 (setf pivot (makedouble (aref data (+ (* cols k) k))))
973 (cond
974 ((or (> pivot tol) (< pivot (- tol)))
975 (dotimes (i rows)
976 (declare (fixnum i))
977 (dotimes (j cols)
978 (declare (fixnum j))
979 (when (and (/= i k) (/= j k))
980 (setf aij (makedouble (aref data (+ (* cols i) j))))
981 (setf aik (makedouble (aref data (+ (* cols i) k))))
982 (setf akj (makedouble (aref data (+ (* cols k) j))))
983 (setf aij (- aij (/ (* aik akj) pivot)))
984 (setf (aref data (+ (* cols i) j)) aij))))
986 (dotimes (i rows)
987 (declare (fixnum i))
988 (setf aik (makedouble (aref data (+ (* cols i) k))))
989 (when (/= i k)
990 (setf aik (/ aik pivot))
991 (setf (aref data (+ (* cols i) k)) aik)))
993 (dotimes (j cols)
994 (declare (fixnum j))
995 (setf akj (makedouble (aref data (+ (* cols k) j))))
996 (when (/= j k)
997 (setf akj (- (/ akj pivot)))
998 (setf (aref data (+ (* cols k) j)) akj)))
1000 (setf akk (/ 1.0 pivot))
1001 (setf (aref data (+ (* cols k) k)) akk)
1003 (t 0))))
1005 ;; FIXME: use matlisp
1006 (defun make-sweep-matrix (x y &optional w)
1007 "Args: (x y &optional weights)
1008 X is matrix, Y and WEIGHTS are sequences. Returns the sweep matrix of the
1009 (weighted) regression of Y on X"
1010 (check-matrix x)
1011 (check-sequence y)
1012 (if w (check-sequence w))
1013 (let ((n (num-rows x))
1014 (p (num-cols x)))
1015 (if (/= n (length y)) (error "dimensions do not match"))
1016 (if (and w (/= n (length w))) (error "dimensions do not match"))
1017 (let ((mode (max (la-data-mode x)
1018 (la-data-mode x)
1019 (if w (la-data-mode w) 0)))
1020 (result (make-array (list (+ p 2) (+ p 2))))
1021 (x-mean (make-array p))
1022 (y (coerce y 'vector))
1023 (w (if w (coerce w 'vector)))
1024 (has-w (if w 1 0)))
1025 (make-sweep-front x y w n p mode has-w x-mean result)
1026 result)))
1028 (defun sweep-in-place (a k tol)
1029 (check-matrix a)
1030 (check-one-fixnum k)
1031 (check-one-real tol)
1032 (let ((rows (num-rows a))
1033 (cols (num-cols a))
1034 (mode (la-data-mode a)))
1035 (let ((swept (sweep-in-place-front a rows cols mode k tol)))
1036 (if (/= 0 swept) t nil))))
1038 (defun sweep-operator (a columns &optional tolerances)
1039 "Args: (a indices &optional tolerances)
1040 A is a matrix, INDICES a sequence of the column indices to be swept. Returns
1041 a list of the swept result and the list of the columns actually swept. (See
1042 MULTREG documentation.) If supplied, TOLERANCES should be a list of real
1043 numbers the same length as INDICES. An index will only be swept if its pivot
1044 element is larger than the corresponding element of TOLERANCES."
1045 (check-matrix a)
1046 (check-sequence columns)
1047 (if tolerances (check-sequence tolerances))
1048 (check-real a)
1049 (check-fixnum columns)
1050 (if tolerances (check-real tolerances))
1051 (do ((tol .0000001)
1052 (result (copy-array a))
1053 (swept-columns nil)
1054 (columns (coerce columns 'list) (cdr columns))
1055 (tolerances (if (consp tolerances) (coerce tolerances 'list))
1056 (if (consp tolerances) (cdr tolerances))))
1057 ((null columns) (list result swept-columns))
1058 (let ((col (first columns))
1059 (tol (if (consp tolerances) (first tolerances) tol)))
1060 (if (sweep-in-place result col tol)
1061 (setf swept-columns (cons col swept-columns))))))
1065 ;;; AX+Y
1068 ;;; matlisp:axpy
1070 (defun ax+y (a x y &optional lower)
1071 "Args (a x y &optional lower)
1072 Returns (+ (matmult A X) Y). If LOWER is not nil, A is taken to be lower
1073 triangular.
1074 This could probably be made more efficient."
1075 (check-square-matrix a)
1076 (check-sequence x)
1077 (check-sequence y)
1078 (check-real a)
1079 (check-real x)
1080 (check-real y)
1081 (let* ((n (num-rows a))
1082 (result (make-list n))
1083 (a (compound-data-seq a)))
1084 (declare (fixnum n))
1085 (if (or (/= n (length x)) (/= n (length y)))
1086 (error "dimensions do not match"))
1087 (do* ((tx (make-next-element x) (make-next-element x))
1088 (ty (make-next-element y))
1089 (tr (make-next-element result))
1090 (i 0 (+ i 1))
1091 (start 0 (+ start n))
1092 (end (if lower (+ i 1) n) (if lower (+ i 1) n)))
1093 ((<= n i) result)
1094 (declare (fixnum i start end))
1095 (let ((val (get-next-element ty i)))
1096 (dotimes (j end)
1097 (declare (fixnum j))
1098 (setf val (+ val (* (get-next-element tx j)
1099 (aref a (+ start j))))))
1100 (set-next-element tr i val)))))