restructured talk, show what we have then what we plan.
[CommonLispStat.git] / TODO.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
3 ;;; Time-stamp: <2009-07-06 18:38:42 tony>
4 ;;; Creation: <2008-09-08 08:06:30 tony>
5 ;;; File: TODO.lisp
6 ;;; Author: AJ Rossini <>
7 ;;; Copyright: (c) 2007-2008, AJ Rossini <>. BSD.
8 ;;; Purpose: Stuff that needs to be made working sits inside the
9 ;;; progns... This file contains the current challenges to
10 ;;; solve, including a description of the setup and the work
11 ;;; to solve....
13 ;;; What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software
14 ;;; 'releases'. Our software 'escapes', leaving a bloody trail of
15 ;;; designers and quality assurance people in its wake.
17 ;;; SET UP
19 (in-package :cl-user)
21 (defun init-CLS ()
22 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'lispstat))
24 (defun init-CLS-graphics ()
25 (init-CLS)
26 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'cl-cairo2-x11)
27 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'cl-2d))
29 (init-CLS-graphics)
31 ;;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'lisp-matrix)
32 ;;(asdf:oos 'asdf:compile-op 'lispstat :force t)
33 ;;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'lispstat)
35 (in-package :lisp-stat-unittests)
37 ;; tests = 80, failures = 8, errors = 15
38 (run-tests :suite 'lisp-stat-ut)
39 (describe (run-tests :suite 'lisp-stat-ut))
41 (describe 'lisp-stat-ut)
42 (documentation 'lisp-stat-ut 'type)
44 ;; FIXME: Example: currently not relevant, yet
45 ;; (describe (lift::run-test :test-case 'lisp-stat-unittests::create-proto
46 ;; :suite 'lisp-stat-unittests::lisp-stat-ut-proto))
48 (describe (lift::run-tests :suite 'lisp-stat-ut-dataframe))
49 (lift::run-tests :suite 'lisp-stat-ut-dataframe)
51 (describe (lift::run-test
52 :test-case 'lisp-stat-unittests::create-proto
53 :suite 'lisp-stat-unittests::lisp-stat-ut-proto))
56 (in-package :ls-user)
59 (progn
60 ;; REVIEW: general Lisp use guidance
62 (fdefinition 'make-matrix)
63 (documentation 'make-matrix 'function)
65 #| Examples from CLHS, a bit of guidance.
67 ;; This function assumes its callers have checked the types of the
68 ;; arguments, and authorizes the compiler to build in that assumption.
69 (defun discriminant (a b c)
70 (declare (number a b c))
71 "Compute the discriminant for a quadratic equation."
72 (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))) => DISCRIMINANT
73 (discriminant 1 2/3 -2) => 76/9
75 ;; This function assumes its callers have not checked the types of the
76 ;; arguments, and performs explicit type checks before making any assumptions.
77 (defun careful-discriminant (a b c)
78 "Compute the discriminant for a quadratic equation."
79 (check-type a number)
80 (check-type b number)
81 (check-type c number)
82 (locally (declare (number a b c))
83 (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))) => CAREFUL-DISCRIMINANT
84 (careful-discriminant 1 2/3 -2) => 76/9
90 #+nil
91 (progn
92 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'versioned-objects)
93 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'validations)
101 (defpackage :cl-2d-user-x11
102 (:use :cl :cl-cairo2 :cl-2d :cl-numlib :cl-colors :bind))
104 (in-package :cl-2d-user-x11)
107 #+nil
108 (progn
111 ;; this is how you create an X11 frame. If you supply a
112 ;; background-color to as-frame, each plot will clear the frame with
113 ;; this color.
115 (defparameter *frame1* (as-frame (create-xlib-image-context 300 300)
116 :background-color +white+))
118 ;; or netbook size, picture is similar but on a lower-res display window.
119 (defparameter *frame2* (as-frame (create-xlib-image-context 200 200)
120 :background-color +white+))
122 (plot-function *frame1*
123 #'exp (interval-of 0 2)
124 :x-title "x"
125 :y-title "exp(x)")
127 ;; split the frame, and you can draw on the subframes independently.
128 ;; I do this a lot.
130 (bind ((#2A((f1 f2) (f3 f4))
131 (split-frame *frame2* (percent 50) (percent 50))))
132 (defparameter *f1* f1)
133 (defparameter *f2* f2)
134 (defparameter *f3* f3)
135 (defparameter *f4* f4))
138 (bind ((#2A((f1 f2) (f3 f4))
139 (split-frame *frame2* (percent 75) (percent 25))))
140 (defparameter *f1* f1)
141 (defparameter *f2* f2)
142 (defparameter *f3* f3)
143 (defparameter *f4* f4))
145 (plot-function *f1* #'sin (interval-of 0 2) :x-title "x" :y-title "sin(x)")
146 (plot-function *f2* #'cos (interval-of 0 2) :x-title "x" :y-title "cos(x)")
147 (plot-function *f3* #'tan (interval-of 0 2) :x-title "x" :y-title "tan(x)")
148 (plot-function *f4* #'/ (interval-of 0 2) :x-title "x" :y-title "1/x")
150 (clear *frame1*)
153 (let* ((n 500)
154 (xs (num-sequence :from 0 :to 10 :length n))
155 (ys (map 'vector #'(lambda (x) (+ x 8 (random 4.0))) xs))
156 (weights (replicate #'(lambda () (1+ (random 10))) n 'fixnum))
157 (da (plot-simple *frame1* (interval-of 0 10) (interval-of 10 20)
158 :x-title "x" :y-title "y")))
159 (draw-symbols da xs ys :weights weights))
161 (xlib-image-context-to-png (context *frame1*) "/home/tony/test1.png")
162 (xlib-image-context-to-png (context *frame2*) "/home/tony/test2.png")
166 ;;; EXAMPLE FOR DSC2009
167 (defparameter *frame2* (as-frame (create-xlib-image-context 400 400)
168 :background-color +white+))
170 (bind ((#2A((f1 f2) (f3 f4))
171 (split-frame *frame2* (percent 50) (percent 50))))
172 (defparameter *f1* f1)
173 (defparameter *f2* f2)
174 (defparameter *f3* f3)
175 (defparameter *f4* f4))
176 (plot-function *f1* #'sin (interval-of 0 2) :x-title "x" :y-title "sin(x)")
177 (plot-function *f2* #'cos (interval-of 0 2) :x-title "x" :y-title "cos(x)")
178 (plot-function *f3* #'tan (interval-of 0 2) :x-title "x" :y-title "tan(x)")
180 (num-sequence :from 0 :to 10 :length 30)
182 (let* ((n 500)
183 (xs (num-sequence :from 0 :to 10 :length n))
184 (ys (map 'vector #'(lambda (x) (+ x 8 (random 4.0))) xs))
185 (weights (replicate #'(lambda () (1+ (random 10))) n 'fixnum))
186 (da (plot-simple *f4* (interval-of 0 10) (interval-of 10 20)
187 :x-title "x" :y-title "y")))
188 (draw-symbols da xs ys :weights weights))
189 (xlib-image-context-to-png (context *f1*) "/home/tony/test1.png")
190 (xlib-image-context-to-png (context *frame2*) "/home/tony/test2.png")
191 (destroy (context *frame2*))
195 ;; back to normal application
196 (in-package :ls-user)
201 (with-data dataset ((dsvarname1 [usevarname1])
202 (dsvarname2 [usevarname2]))
203 @body)
209 (defun testme (&key (a 3) (b (+ a 3)))
212 (testme)
213 (testme :a 2)
214 (testme :b 4)
215 (testme :a 2 :b (* a 5))