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13 \newcommand{\argmax}{\operatornamewithlimits{argmax}}\newcommand{\argmin}{\operatornamewithlimits{argmin}}
14 \title{clem: A common-lisp matrix package}
15 \author{Cyrus L. Harmon}
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28 \begin{document}
29 \maketitle
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32 \baselineskip14pt
35 \clearpage
36 \section{Abstract}
37 CLEM is an open-source Common Lisp library for the
38 representation and manipulation of matrices. CLEM is designed to
39 be a flexible and extensible system for the representation of
40 arbitrary 2-dimensional matrices.
42 \clearpage
43 \section{Introduction}
44 The Common Lisp language\cite{steele1990common} offers a rich, dynamic environment for programming and
45 data analysis. Common Lisp contains a powerful object system, the
46 Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)\cite{keene1989object}, and most modern implementations support a protocol for
47 the generation not just of new classes and objects, but to extend
48 the object system itself using the Meta-object Protocol\cite{kiczales1991art}.
50 CLEM uses CLOS and the Meta-object protocol (MOP) to define astandard-matrix-class that serves as the metaclass for classes that represent
51 matrices with elements of specific types. The typed matrices can
52 represent matrices containing values of specific types in the
53 Common Lisp type system, starting with type t as the most general data type, and becoming more restrictive by using more specific types suchdouble-float, fixnum, or (unsigned-byte 8). By using the most specific type that can represent the values of a given matrix, the lisp system can optimize for better performance and memory usage requirements. For example, a bit-matrix will use 1 bit per matrix element, rather than 32-bits on 32-bit systems for a t-matrix.
55 \baselineskip12pt
56 \subsection{Matrix Types}
57 \baselineskip14pt
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59 \subsection{Matrix Representation}
60 \baselineskip14pt
61 Common Lisp provides a rich built-in array type which serves as
62 the storage for CLEM matrices. Given that Common Lisp has built-in
63 arrays, why do we need CLEM and what value is provided by creating a
64 set of classses around arrays? First, the Common Lisp arrays have a
65 limited set of operations defined on them. While there is a built-in
66 (scalar) addition operator, there is no built-in way to perform an
67 element-wise addition of two arrays. CLEM addresses these by defining
68 a set of generic functions that operate on matrices that provide a
69 number of commonly used matrix operations such as matrix
70 arithmetic. Second, there is no way to define methods on arrays based
71 on their element types. Therefore, we define subclasses of matrix
72 whose underlying arrays are specialized to distinct types. We can
73 then define methods to operate specifically on these subclasses,
74 affording the opportunity to treat, say, floating point and integer
75 matrices differently and to provide declarations to the compiler
76 based on the array element type, which can, in Common Lisp
77 implementations with sufficiently smart compilers, lead to much
78 improved performance.
80 \clearpage
81 \section{Defining CLEM Classes and Making CLEM Instances}
82 \baselineskip12pt
83 \subsection{Creating CLEM Instances with make-instance}
84 \baselineskip14pt
85 The following code creates a 16-row by 16-column matrix of typedouble-float-matrix and assigns it to the dynamic variable*m1*.
88 \baselineskip12pt
89 \begin{verbatim}(defparameter *m1* (make-instance 'double-float-matrix :rows 16 :cols 16))
90 *M1*
92 *m1*
93 #<DOUBLE-FLOAT-MATRIX [.000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000;
94 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000;
95 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000;
96 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000;
97 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000;
98 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000;
99 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000;
100 ...
101 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 .000000000 ... .000000000]>
103 \end{verbatim}
104 \baselineskip14pt
105 The default is to only show the first 7 and the last rows
106 and columns of each matrix. The number of rows and columns can
107 be changed by setting the *matrix-print-row-limit* and*matrix-print-col-limit* variables.
109 \baselineskip12pt
110 \subsection{standard-matrix-class}
111 \baselineskip14pt
112 \baselineskip12pt
113 \subsection{CLEM Matrix Types}
114 \baselineskip14pt
115 \baselineskip12pt
116 \subsubsection{Number matrices}
117 \baselineskip14pt
118 The most general class of numerical matrix is the number matrix.
120 \baselineskip12pt
121 \subsubsection{Integer Matrices}
122 \baselineskip14pt
123 \baselineskip12pt
124 \subsubsection{Floating-point Matrices}
125 \baselineskip14pt
126 \baselineskip12pt
127 \subsubsection{Complex-value Matrices}
128 \baselineskip14pt
129 \clearpage
130 \section{Working with CLEM Matrices}
131 \baselineskip12pt
132 \subsection{Matrix Dimensions and Values}
133 \baselineskip14pt
134 \baselineskip12pt
135 \subsection{Typed matrix operations}
136 \baselineskip14pt
137 \baselineskip12pt
138 \subsection{Matrix Copying}
139 \baselineskip14pt
140 \baselineskip12pt
141 \subsection{matrix-move}
142 \baselineskip14pt
143 \clearpage
144 \section{Matrix Arithmetic}
145 \baselineskip12pt
146 \subsection{Matrix Addition and Subtraction}
147 \baselineskip14pt
148 \baselineskip12pt
149 \subsection{Matrix Multiplication}
150 \baselineskip14pt
151 \baselineskip12pt
152 \subsection{Hadamard Product}
153 \baselineskip14pt
154 \baselineskip12pt
155 \subsection{Scalar Arithmetic}
156 \baselineskip14pt
157 \baselineskip12pt
158 \subsection{Other Mathematical Functions}
159 \baselineskip14pt
160 Discuss mat-log, mat-abs, min, and max.
162 \clearpage
163 \section{Matrix Operations}
164 \baselineskip12pt
165 \subsection{Matrix Inversion}
166 \baselineskip14pt
167 \baselineskip12pt
168 \subsection{Matrix Normalization}
169 \baselineskip14pt
170 \baselineskip12pt
171 \subsection{Discrete Convolution}
172 \baselineskip14pt
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174 \subsubsection{Derivatives}
175 \baselineskip14pt
176 \baselineskip12pt
177 \subsubsection{Gradient Magnitude}
178 \baselineskip14pt
179 \baselineskip12pt
180 \subsubsection{Gaussian Blur}
181 \baselineskip14pt
182 \baselineskip12pt
183 \subsection{Affine Transformations}
184 \baselineskip14pt
185 \baselineskip12pt
186 \subsubsection{Interpolation}
187 \baselineskip14pt
188 \baselineskip12pt
189 \subsection{Morphological Operations}
190 \baselineskip14pt
191 \baselineskip12pt
192 \subsubsection{Dilation and Erosion}
193 \baselineskip14pt
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195 \subsubsection{Variance}
196 \baselineskip14pt
197 \baselineskip12pt
198 \subsubsection{Thresholding}
199 \baselineskip14pt
200 \clearpage
201 \section{CLEM Implementation Details}
202 \baselineskip12pt
203 \subsection{Type-specific matrix functions}
204 \baselineskip14pt
205 The general strategy has been to 1) make things work and
206 then make them work quickly. To this end, I have been writing
207 functions for matrix operations in a general manner first and
208 then recoding type-specific versions to make certain operations
209 go faster. This is done via liberal use of macros to generate
210 type-specific functions and methods for matrix operations that
211 go much faster than the general versions.
213 The convention is that a generic function such as sum-range
214 will have a generic version that works with all matrices and
215 type specific versions thaqt work with specific matrices. g In
216 order to support these functions there may be internal methods,
217 prefixed with a %, that implement certain type-specific
218 functionality. Macros that generate the code used for the
219 type-specific methods will be prefixed with a %%. In theory,
220 the %%-macros can be called from other code that need to
221 generate in-place code where the overhead of the method-call to
222 the %-method would be too expensive. This convention is not yet
223 widely enforced and certainly untested. Hopefully this situation
224 will improve.
226 \baselineskip12pt
227 \subsection{Hacking the SBCL compiler to improve performance}
228 \baselineskip14pt
229 \clearpage
230 \baselineskip11pt
231 \begin{thebibliography}{1}
233 \bibitem{steele1990common}
234 G.~L. Steele, Jr., {\it Common {L}isp: the {L}anguage\/} (Digital Press, Bedford MA, 1990), second edn.
236 \bibitem{keene1989object}
237 S.~E. Keene, {\it Object-{O}riented {P}rogramming in {C}ommon {L}isp: {A} {P}rogrammer's {G}uide to {CLOS}\/} (Addison-Wesley Professional, 1989).
239 \bibitem{kiczales1991art}
240 G.~Kiczales, {\it The {A}rt of the {M}etaobject {P}rotocol\/} (The MIT Press, 1991).
242 \end{thebibliography}
243 \end{document}