whitespace and a missing paren in dataframe.lisp
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / lift.darcs / dev / prototypes.lisp
1 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Package: LIFT -*-
3 (in-package #:lift)
5 (pushnew :cases *deftest-clauses*)
7 (add-code-block
8 :cases 2 :methods
9 (lambda () (def :cases))
10 '((setf (def :cases) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
11 'build-cases-method)
13 (defun build-cases-method ()
14 (when (atom (car (def :cases)))
15 (setf (def :cases) (list (def :cases))))
16 ;(spy (def :cases))
17 (let ((cases (standardize-cases-form (def :cases))))
18 `(defmethod initialize-prototypes :after ((test ,(def :testsuite-name)))
19 (setf (prototypes test)
20 (rest (process-cases-form
21 ,(first cases)
22 ,@(mapcar (lambda (a) `',a) (rest cases))))))))
24 ;; goal is spec := (<tag> <spec>+)
25 ;; spec := (<var value>+)
26 (defun standardize-cases-form (cases)
27 (cond ((atom (first cases))
28 (cond ((valid-tag-p (first cases))
29 `(,(first cases) ,@(mapcar #'standardize-cases-form (rest cases))))
31 cases)))
32 ((and (length-1-list-p cases)
33 (consp (first cases))
34 (valid-tag-p (first (first cases))))
35 (standardize-cases-form (first cases)))
37 `(:cross ,@(mapcar #'standardize-cases-form cases)))))
39 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 (defun check-subcases (cases)
42 (cond ((not (valid-tag-p (first cases)))
43 `(,(default-cases-tag) ,@(mapcar #'standardize-cases-form cases)))
45 (mapcar #'standardize-cases-form cases))))
47 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 (defun default-cases-tag ()
50 :cross)
52 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 (defun valid-tag-p (tag)
55 (member tag '(:map :cross)))
57 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 (defmethod process-cases-form :around ((type t) &rest forms)
60 (apply #'call-next-method type (if (atom (car forms))
61 (list forms) forms)))
63 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 (defmethod process-cases-form ((type t) &rest forms)
66 (cond ((atom (first type))
67 (apply #'process-cases-form (first type) (append (rest type) forms)))
68 (t (apply #'process-cases-form :cross (append type forms)))))
70 #+Old
71 (defmethod process-cases-form ((type (eql :map)) &rest forms)
72 (let ((vars (mapcar #'car forms))
73 (values (mapcar #'rest forms)))
74 `(let (,@(mapcar (lambda (var value) `(,var ,@value))
75 vars values))
76 (mapcar (lambda ,vars
77 (list ,@(mapcar (lambda (var) `(cons ',var ,var)) vars)))
78 ,@vars))))
80 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 (defmethod process-cases-form ((type (eql :map)) &rest forms)
83 (let ((vars (ensure-list (flatten (vars-from-assignment forms))))
84 (values (values-from-assignment forms)))
85 `(:b ,@(apply #'mapcar
86 (lambda (&rest args)
87 (mapcar (lambda (var value)
88 (cons var value))
89 vars args))
90 values))))
92 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 (defmethod process-cases-form ((type (eql :cross)) &rest forms)
95 (let ((vars (ensure-list (flatten (vars-from-assignment forms))))
96 (values (values-from-assignment forms))
97 (result nil))
98 (iterate-over-indexes
99 (mapcar #'length values)
100 (lambda (indexes)
101 (let ((datum nil))
102 (mapcar (lambda (name var index)
103 (push (cons name (elt var index)) datum))
104 vars
105 values
106 indexes)
107 (push (nreverse datum) result)))
108 :right)
109 `(:b ,@(nreverse result))))
111 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 (defun vars-from-assignment (assignment)
114 (cond ((is-binding-p assignment)
115 (mapcar #'car (second assignment)))
116 ((metatilities:dotted-pair-p assignment)
117 (car assignment))
118 ((atom (car assignment))
119 (car assignment))
120 ((length-1-list-p assignment)
121 (vars-from-assignment (first assignment)))
122 (t (loop for assignment in assignment collect
123 (vars-from-assignment assignment)))))
125 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 (defun values-from-assignment (assignment)
128 (cond ((is-binding-p assignment)
129 (apply #'mapcar (lambda (&rest bindings)
130 (mapcar (lambda (binding)
131 (cdr binding))
132 bindings))
133 (rest assignment)))
134 ((dotted-pair-p assignment)
135 (cdr assignment))
136 ((atom (car assignment))
137 (list (eval (first (rest assignment)))))
139 (loop for assignment in assignment nconc
140 (ensure-list (values-from-assignment assignment))))))
142 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 (defun is-binding-p (assignment)
145 (eq (first assignment) :b))
151 (export '(map-prototypes-of
152 prototypes-of
153 prototype-of
154 prototype-exists-p))
156 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 ;;; API
158 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 (defgeneric map-prototypes-of (fn thing)
161 (:documentation ""))
163 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 (defgeneric prototypes-of (thing)
166 (:documentation ""))
168 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 (defgeneric prototype-of (thing)
171 (:documentation ""))
173 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 (defgeneric prototype-exists-p (thing)
176 (:documentation ""))
178 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 ;;; implementation
180 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 (defmethod map-prototypes-of :around (fn thing)
183 (declare (ignore fn))
184 (when (prototype-exists-p thing)
185 (call-next-method)))
187 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 (defmethod map-prototypes-of (fn (thing standard-class))
190 (map-subclass-prototypes fn thing))
192 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 (defmethod map-prototypes-of (fn (thing built-in-class))
195 (map-subclass-prototypes fn thing))
197 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 (defun map-subclass-prototypes (fn thing)
200 (mopu:map-subclasses thing
201 (lambda (subclass)
202 (when (prototype-exists-p subclass)
203 (funcall fn (prototype-of subclass)))))
204 (values))
206 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 (defmethod prototypes-of (thing)
209 (containers:collect-using 'map-prototypes-of nil thing))
211 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 (defmethod prototype-exists-p (thing)
214 ;; the expensive way to see if a prototype exists is to try and make one
215 ;; and see if it works...
216 (handler-case
217 (let ((creator-method (compute-applicable-methods #'prototype-of (list thing))))
218 (when creator-method
219 (let ((x (prototype-of thing)))
220 (declare (optimize (safety 3) (debug 3) (speed 0) (space 0)))
222 (values t))))
223 (error (c) (inspect c) nil)))
225 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 (defmethod prototype-of ((thing standard-class))
228 (allocate-instance thing))
230 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 (defmethod prototype-of ((thing (eql 'fixnum)))
233 (variates:integer-random variates:*random-generator* -10 10))
240 (defmethod more-prototypes-p :before ((testsuite test-mixin))
241 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'more-prototypes-p))
243 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 (defmethod initialize-prototypes :before ((testsuite test-mixin))
246 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'initialize-prototypes))
248 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 (defmethod next-prototype :before ((testsuite test-mixin))
251 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'next-prototype))
253 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
255 (defmethod testsuite-teardown :before ((testsuite test-mixin))
256 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'testsuite-teardown))
258 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 (defmethod start-test :before
261 ((result test-result) (testsuite test-mixin) method-name)
262 (declare (ignore method-name))
263 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'start-test))
265 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
267 (defmethod end-test :before
268 ((result test-result) (testsuite test-mixin) method-name)
269 (declare (ignore method-name))
270 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'end-test))
272 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 (defmethod setup-test :before ((testsuite test-mixin))
275 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'setup-test))
277 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
279 #+Ignore
280 (defmethod teardown-test :before ((testsuite test-mixin))
281 (setf (current-step testsuite) 'teardown-test))