changed path, still need to auto-detect it
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / clem / src / defmatrix.lisp
1 ;;;; File:
2 ;;;; Author: Cyrus Harmon
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This file contains definitions for typed matrices. Typed
5 ;;;; matrices have elements that are of a single type (although
6 ;;;; this type can have mutliple subtypes; even a t-matrix where
7 ;;;; each of the items is of type t can offer substantial
8 ;;;; performance gains, at least on SBCL).
9 ;;;;
11 (in-package :clem)
13 (defmacro with-map-range (m element-type startr endr startc endc (a i j) &body body)
14 `(with-matrix-vals (,m ,element-type ,a)
15 (do ((,i ,startr (1+ ,i)))
16 ((> ,i ,endr))
17 (declare (dynamic-extent ,i) (type fixnum ,i))
18 (do ((,j ,startc (1+ ,j)))
19 ((> ,j ,endc))
20 (declare (dynamic-extent ,j) (type fixnum ,j))
21 ,@body))))
23 (defmacro with-typed-map-range (m element-type startr endr startc endc (a i j) &body body)
24 `(with-typed-matrix-vals (,m ,element-type ,a)
25 (do ((,i ,startr (1+ ,i)))
26 ((> ,i ,endr))
27 (declare (dynamic-extent ,i) (type fixnum ,i))
28 (do ((,j ,startc (1+ ,j)))
29 ((> ,j ,endc))
30 (declare (dynamic-extent ,j) (type fixnum ,j))
31 ,@body))))
33 (defmacro with-matrix-range-do (matrix-class m n p
34 startr endr startc endc (a b c i j) &body body)
35 (let ((mat-class (if (typep matrix-class 'class)
36 matrix-class
37 (find-class matrix-class))))
38 (let ((element-type (element-type mat-class)))
39 `(with-matrix-vals (,m ,element-type ,a)
40 (with-matrix-vals (,n ,element-type ,b)
41 (with-matrix-vals (,p ,element-type ,c)
42 (do ((,i ,startr (1+ ,i)))
43 ((> ,i ,endr))
44 (declare #-sbcl (dynamic-extent ,i) (type fixnum ,i))
45 (do ((,j ,startc (1+ ,j)))
46 ((> ,j ,endc))
47 (declare #-sbcl (dynamic-extent ,j) (type fixnum ,j))
48 ,@body))))))))
51 (defmacro defmatrixfuncs (type &key
52 (element-type 'double-float)
53 (accumulator-type 'double-float)
54 minval maxval)
55 `(progn
56 #+nil
57 (defmethod mref ((m ,type) (row fixnum) (col fixnum))
58 (with-typed-matrix-vals (m ,element-type a)
59 (aref a row col)))
61 #+nil
62 (defmethod (setf mref) (v (m ,type) (row fixnum) (col fixnum))
63 (with-typed-matrix-vals (m ,element-type a)
64 (setf (aref a row col) v)))
66 (defgeneric ,(ch-util:make-intern
67 (concatenate 'string "array->" (symbol-name type))) (a))
68 (defmethod ,(ch-util:make-intern
69 (concatenate 'string "array->" (symbol-name type))) ((a array))
70 (array->matrix a :matrix-class ',type))
72 (defmethod sample-variance-range ((m ,type)
73 (startr fixnum) (endr fixnum)
74 (startc fixnum) (endc fixnum))
75 (let ((acc (coerce 0 ',accumulator-type)))
76 (let ((mu (mean-range m startr endr startc endc)))
77 (let ((musq (* mu mu)))
78 (with-map-range m ,element-type startr endr startc endc (a i j)
79 (incf acc (- (* (aref a i j) (aref a i j)) musq)))))
80 (double-float-divide acc (1- (count-range startr endr startc endc)))))
82 (defmethod set-val ((m ,type) i j v &key (coerce t))
83 (declare (fixnum i j))
84 (setf (aref (matrix-vals m) i j)
85 (if coerce
86 (coerce v (element-type (class-of m)))
87 v)))
89 (defmethod fit ((m ,type) v)
90 (declare (ignore m))
91 ,(if (subtypep element-type 'real)
92 (if maxval
93 `(if (> v ,maxval)
94 ,maxval
95 ,(if minval `(if (< v ,minval) ,minval v) `v))
96 (if minval `(if (< v ,minval) ,minval v) `v))
97 `v))
99 (defmethod set-val-fit ((m ,type) i j v &key (truncate nil))
100 (set-val m i j (coerce
101 ,(if (and (subtypep element-type 'real) minval maxval)
102 `(cond ((< v ,minval) ,minval)
103 ((> v ,maxval) ,maxval)
104 (t (if truncate (truncate v) v)))
105 `(if truncate (truncate v) v))
106 (element-type (class-of m)))))
108 (defmethod map-set-val ((m ,type) f)
109 (destructuring-bind (rows cols) (mapcar #'1- (dim m))
110 (declare (dynamic-extent rows cols) (fixnum rows cols))
111 (with-map-range m ,element-type 0 rows 0 cols (a i j)
112 (setf (aref a i j) (funcall f (aref a i j)))))
115 (defgeneric
116 ,(ch-util:make-intern (concatenate 'string "random-" (symbol-name type)))
117 (rows cols &key max))
118 (defmethod
119 ,(ch-util:make-intern (concatenate 'string "random-" (symbol-name type)))
120 (rows cols &key (max nil))
121 (let ((a (make-instance ',type :rows rows :cols cols))
122 (maxvalue (if max
124 ,(if maxval maxval 255))))
125 (map-set-val-fit a #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
126 ,(if (subtypep element-type 'integer)
127 `(coerce (random (1+ maxvalue)) ',element-type)
128 `(random (coerce maxvalue ',element-type))))
129 :truncate nil)
132 (defmethod normalize ((u ,type) &key normin normax copy)
133 (let ((min (min-val u))
134 (max (max-val u))
135 (nmin (if normin normin ,(if minval minval 0)))
136 (nmax (if normax normax ,(if maxval maxval 255)))
137 (u (if copy (mat-copy u) u)))
138 (let ((slope (if (= max min)
140 (double-float-divide (- nmax nmin) (- max min)))))
141 (map-set-val-fit u #'(lambda (x) (+ nmin (* slope (- x min))))))
144 ,(cond ((and (find-class 'integer-matrix nil)
145 (member (find-class 'integer-matrix)
146 (class-precedence-list (find-class type))))
147 `(progn
148 (defmethod scalar-divide-row ((m ,type) k q)
149 (with-typed-matrix-vals (m ,element-type a)
150 (dotimes (j (cols m))
151 (setf (aref a k j) (fit m (truncate (aref a k j) q)))))
153 (defmethod scalar-mult-row ((m ,type) k q)
154 (with-typed-matrix-vals (m ,element-type a)
155 (dotimes (j (cols m))
156 (setf (aref a k j) (fit m (truncate (* (aref a k j) q))))))
157 m)))
158 (t `(progn
159 (defmethod scalar-divide-row ((m ,type) k q)
160 (with-typed-matrix-vals (m ,element-type a)
161 (dotimes (j (cols m))
162 (setf (aref a k j) (fit m (/ (aref a k j) q)))))
164 (defmethod scalar-mult-row ((m ,type) k q)
165 (with-typed-matrix-vals (m ,element-type a)
166 (dotimes (j (cols m))
167 (setf (aref a k j) (fit m (* (aref a k j) q)))))
168 m))))))
171 (defmacro def-move-element (type-1 type-2)
172 (let ((element-type-1 (element-type (find-class `,type-1)))
173 (element-type-2 (element-type (find-class `,type-2))))
174 `(progn
175 (defmethod move-element
176 ((m ,type-1) i1 j1 (n ,type-2) i2 j2)
177 (with-matrix-vals (m ,element-type-1 a)
178 (with-matrix-vals (n ,element-type-2 b)
179 (setf (aref b i2 j2)
180 ,(if (eql element-type-1 element-type-2)
181 `(aref a i1 j1)
182 `(coerce (aref a i1 j1) ',element-type-2)))))))))
184 (defmacro maybe-coerce (val type-1 type-2)
185 (if (eql type-1 type-2)
187 `(coerce ,val ',type-2)))
189 (defmacro maybe-truncate (val type-1 type-2)
190 (if (and (subtypep type-2 'integer)
191 (and (subtypep type-1 'real)
192 (not (subtypep type-1 'integer))))
193 `(nth-value 0 (truncate ,val))
194 `(maybe-coerce ,val ,type-1 ,type-2)))