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[CommonLispStat.git] / src / onto / longitudinal.lisp
2 (in-package :data-analysis-ontology)
4 (session :conference "ENAR" :session "longitudinal data" :year 2009
6 (talk :name "Jianwen Cai"
7 :title "Joint Modeling of Longituindal Cat data and Surv data"
8 :topic "joint survival longitudinal"
10 (example "liver transplant"
11 :goal " baseline-chars disease-hist impact QOL and risk of death postliver transpliatatn"
13 (data :time 4m 1y 2y 3y 4y 5y
14 :measure QOL (binary QOL ) (time death)))
16 (existing methods
17 (selection "Tsiatis, T+ Wulfsohn, etc"
18 estimate (conditional (survival-time T)
19 (longitudinal data X)))
20 (pattern mixture models )
21 (simultaneous model "Zheng Cai 2005"
22 (assume: (longitudinal-outcomes 'normal)))
23 ())
25 (proposal
26 (model (GLMM longitudinal outcome, random on subject)
27 (PH T conditionl on random effects above and obsd history before t))
29 (data
30 (Ni Yij Xij XTij)
31 (Zi Di Wi (t) WTi (t)))
33 (inference (parameters RE FE baseline CumHaz)
34 (MLE 'complete-likelihood 'marginal on RE)
36 (compute-with EM 'TLouis-est-var))
38 (behavior (asympt RE FE CumHaz :consistent (product-norm (theta euclidean-distance)
39 (cumhaz sup-norm)))
40 (finite-sample :assume (list (longitudinal '(regression 'logistic))
41 (event-time 'PH-model))
42 :results (fine under friendly conditions)) ; FUFC
45 (example "Liver Transplant"
46 :N 582
47 :events 76
48 :QOL-obsd 1382 )
50 (summary :weird normal distr assumptions for REs ?)))
52 (talk :name "Mike Kenward"
53 :title "Dropout in Long clin trial w/ binary outcome"
54 :topic "clin trial; longitudinal ; binary response ; dropout/withdrawal"
55 :goal "compare at endtime, endpoints"
57 (prior-art "contin outomces with MAR, MVN framework")
58 (issue "no natural generalization for MV binary resp")
59 (issue (contrast 'population-average 'subject-specific)) ; marginal conditional
61 (with-missing-data (assert 'likelihood works) (assert 'estimating-equation issues))
63 (priot-art
64 (list ( Fitzmaurice 'cluster-weighted-gee)
65 ( Robins/Rotnitsky 'obn-weighted-gee)
66 ( Paik 'MI-GEE :multiple-imputation followed by 'complete-data-analysis
67 (meng 'imputation model conditions))
68 ( Augmented Inverse Prob Wgt Est :approach " add-term with zero-expectation to incr eff,
69 see also scharfstein" :name AIPW)
70 ( doubly robust multiple imputation , but restricted
71 to single var dropout, but
72 extended/made practical by Bang and Robins,
73 :limit (assert monotone) (var-est by bootstrap ) (models for
74 awkward expectations) )
77 (Proposal
78 :name "doubly robust MI"
79 :prop "asympt equiv bang/robins"
80 :alg (steps MI over seq of regressions, Rubin's MI var est possible
81 (not just bootstrap))
82 :theory ( (obs-weight-gee Aug-obs-weight-gee d ) asympt equiv for disc data)
86 (conclusion
87 (MI-GEE more eff than obs-wgt-GEE, up to N=5000)
88 (aux term incr eff/rob)
89 (DRMI (sllight less eff than MI-GEE with Y corr spec)
90 (simple var est)
91 (practical implem use (simple / clear))))) )
93 (talk :name "Xihong Lin"
94 :title "variable selection using dantig selector"
95 :topic ""
96 :goal ""
98 (prior-art "Candes and Tao 2007" Dantzig Selector
99 (resemebles 'estimating-equation based var-select procedure))
101 (proposal "extend to corr data")
102 (goal "select coefs which are non-zero")
104 (prior-art :penalized-likelihood)
105 (prior-art :regularization)
107 (control correlation-of-residuals, not size of residuals!)
109 (subject-to (min (norm 1 beta))
110 (norm inf (m* Xt (Y - Xb))))
112 (note (there-exists (class matrices) st danztig-selector
113 inconsistent for model selection))
115 (solution :weight selector through penalization to remove
116 "droppings")
118 ;;;
121 (session "missing data"
123 (talk :name "Geert M"
124 :title "MNAR equiv to so MAR"
126 (example toe nail data, longitudinal measure of serer toenail inferctions)
127 (example slovenian public opiion survey on independence
128 3 q's : seccession-ind attend indep-grp ?)
130 (frameworks (list selection
131 pattern-mixture
132 shared-parameter)
133 :missing-models MCAR->MAR->MNAR)
135 (assumption "not dependence on future")
136 (approach "put past responses into future not, AR/markov style")
137 (everything MNAR model has MAR counterpart)
139 (explicit guide to construction)
141 (example :toe-nail infection severity within as a
142 past/current marker to be managed when missing) )
144 (talk :name "mike daniels"
145 :title
147 (example BCPT
148 (endpoints dose-efficacy QOL)
149 (rationale clinical-depression assoc with dose)
150 :N 11034
151 :dropout (> 0.45)
154 (non-ignoreable missingness in longitudinal trials)
156 (motivation :priors on missingness structure,
157 MAR as a strong point-mass prior)
159 (assumptions
160 (list (assert-hypothesis non-future-dependence 'data)
161 (assert-hypothesis selection-model-rpresenttion 'model)))
163 (model :observed-data 'transistion-model-parameterization
164 :missing-data
167 (issue :priors "spec ORs, but ORs diff to spec, so push to RR")
172 (talk :name "joe hogan"
173 :title "formulating priors for calibrating priors with incomplete data"