[CommonLispStat.git] / external / lift.darcs / dev / random-testing.lisp
1 (in-package #:lift)
3 ;; we redefine the class and possibly method each time, ick.
5 (define-condition ensure-random-cases-failure (test-condition)
6 ((total :initarg :total :initform 0)
7 (problems :initarg :problems :initform nil))
8 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
9 (format stream "Ensure-random-cases: ~d out of ~d failed. Failing values are: ~{~% ~s~^, ~}"
10 (length (slot-value condition 'problems))
11 (slot-value condition 'total)
12 (slot-value condition 'problems)))))
14 (defgeneric random-instance-for-suite (thing suite))
16 (defmacro defrandom-instance (instance-type suite &body body)
17 `(progn
18 (defclass ,instance-type () ())
19 (defvar ,(intern (format nil "+~a+" instance-type) :lift)
20 (make-instance ',instance-type))
21 (defmethod random-instance-for-suite
22 ((thing ,instance-type) (suite ,(if suite suite t)))
23 ,@body)))
25 (defmacro ensure-random-cases (count (&rest vars-and-types)
26 &body body)
27 (let ((problems (gensym)))
28 (flet ((intern-type (type)
29 (intern (format nil "+~a+" type) :lift)))
30 `(let ((,problems nil))
31 (loop repeat ,count do
32 (let (,@(mapcar
33 (lambda (var-and-type)
34 `(,(first var-and-type)
35 (random-instance-for-suite
36 ,(intern-type (second var-and-type))
37 *current-test*)))
38 vars-and-types))
39 (restart-case
40 (progn ,@body
41 (princ #\. *debug-io*))
42 (ensure-failed (cond)
43 (declare (ignorable cond))
44 (princ #\* *debug-io*)
45 (push (list ,@(mapcar
46 (lambda (var-and-type)
47 `(list ',(first var-and-type)
48 ,(first var-and-type)))
49 vars-and-types)) ,problems)))))
50 (when ,problems
51 (let ((condition (make-condition
52 'ensure-random-cases-failure
53 :total ,count
54 :problems ,problems)))
55 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
56 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
57 (warn condition))))))))
59 (defmacro ensure-random-cases+ (count (&rest vars) (&rest case-form)
60 &body body)
61 (let ((total (gensym))
62 (problems (gensym)))
63 `(let ((,problems nil) (,total 0))
64 (loop repeat ,count do
65 (incf ,total)
66 (destructuring-bind ,vars ,case-form
67 (restart-case
68 (progn ,@body)
69 (ensure-failed (cond)
70 (declare (ignore cond))
71 (push (list ,@vars) ,problems)))))
72 (when ,problems
73 (let ((condition (make-condition
74 'ensure-random-cases-failure
75 :total ,total
76 :problems ,problems)))
77 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
78 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
79 (warn condition)))))))
81 ;;; merge with deftestsuite macro
82 (pushnew :random-instance *deftest-clauses*)
84 (add-code-block
85 :random-instance 2 :methods
86 (lambda () (def :random-instances))
87 '((push (cleanup-parsed-parameter value) (def :random-instances)))
88 'build-random-instances-method)
90 (defun build-random-instances-method ()
91 `(let (#+allegro
92 (excl:*redefinition-warnings* nil))
93 ,@(mapcar (lambda (instance)
94 (let ((atype (first instance))
95 (body (second instance)))
96 `(defrandom-instance ,atype test-mixin ,body)))
97 (def :random-instances))))
99 (defgeneric random-number (suite min max))
101 (defgeneric random-element (suite sequence))
103 (defmethod random-number (suite min max)
104 (declare (ignore suite))
105 (+ min (random (- max min))))
107 (defmethod random-element (suite sequence)
108 (elt sequence (random-number suite 0 (1- (length sequence)))))
110 (defrandom-instance an-integer test-mixin
111 (random-number suite -100 100))
113 (defrandom-instance a-single-float test-mixin
114 (random-number suite -100s0 100.0s0))
116 (defrandom-instance a-double-float test-mixin
117 (random-number suite -100d0 100.0d0))
119 (defrandom-instance a-symbol test-mixin
120 (random-element suite '(a hello a-c d_f |MiXeD|
121 -2<>#$%#)))