Makefile cleaned up -- removed ancient CL targets
[CommonLispStat.git] / lspackages.lsp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005--2007, by A.J. Rossini <>
3 ;;; See COPYRIGHT file for any additional restrictions (BSD license).
4 ;;; Since 1991, ANSI was finally finished. Edited for ANSI Common Lisp.
6 ;;;; lspackages -- Lisp-Stat package specifications
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1991, by Luke Tierney. Permission is granted for
9 ;;;; unrestricted use.
11 ;;;
13 ;;; (moved to lsobjects)
15 ;;; LISP-STAT-BASICS Package
16 ;;; (moved to lsbasics)
18 ;;;
19 ;;; LISP-STAT Package
20 ;;;
22 (defpackage :lisp-stat
23 (:nicknames :ls :stats)
24 (:use :common-lisp
25 :lisp-stat-object-system
26 :lisp-stat-float
27 :lisp-stat-math
28 :lisp-stat-basics
29 :lisp-stat-regression-linear)
30 (:shadowing-import-from :lisp-stat-object-system slot-value call-next-method)
32 ;; ;; statistics.lsp
34 ;; |base-lowess|
36 ;; ;; maximize.lsp
37 ;; new-minfo-internals minfo-maximize
39 ;; )
41 ;; (:shadow
43 ;; ;; lsmath.lsp
45 ;; expt + - * / ** mod rem abs 1+ 1- log exp sqrt sin cos tan
46 ;; asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh float random
47 ;; truncate floor ceiling round minusp zerop plusp evenp oddp
48 ;; < <= = /= >= > complex conjugate realpart imagpart phase
49 ;; min max logand logior logxor lognot ffloor fceiling
50 ;; ftruncate fround signum cis
52 ;; )
54 (:export
56 ;; lsmath.lsp
57 ^ ** expt + - * / mod rem pmin pmax abs 1+ 1- log exp sqrt sin cos
58 tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh float random
59 truncate floor ceiling round minusp zerop plusp evenp oddp < <= =
60 /= >= > complex conjugate realpart imagpart phase min max
61 logand logior logxor lognot ffloor fceiling ftruncate fround
62 signum cis
64 ;; statistics.lsp
65 open-file-dialog read-data-file read-data-columns load-data
66 load-example *variables* *ask-on-redefine* def variables savevar
67 undef standard-deviation quantile median interquartile-range
68 fivnum covariance-matrix difference rseq matrix print-matrix solve
69 backsolve eigenvalues eigenvectors accumulate cumsum combine
70 lowess
72 ;; regression.lsp
73 regression-model regression-model-proto x y intercept sweep-matrix
74 basis weights included total-sum-of-squares residual-sum-of-squares
75 predictor-names response-name case-labels
77 ;; nonlin.lsp
78 nreg-model nreg-model-proto mean-function theta-hat epsilon
79 count-limit verbose
81 ;; maximize.lsp
82 newtonmax nelmeadmax
84 ;; bayes.lsp
85 bayes-model bayes-model-proto bayes-internals
90 ;;; Lisp-stat-user package
92 (defpackage :lisp-stat-user
93 (:use :common-lisp
94 :lisp-stat))
96 (in-package :lisp-stat-user)