Documentation, compile, and initialization cleanup.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / clem / src / mloop.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: lisp; outline-regexp: ";;;;;*"; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-;;;
2 ;;;
3 ;;; file:
4 ;;; author: cyrus harmon
5 ;;;
7 ;;; macros for looping over matrices and doing operations with the benefit
8 ;;; of type declarations
10 (in-package :clem)
12 (defun parse-mloop-vars (vars)
13 (apply #'mapcar (cons #'list vars)))
15 (defmacro mloop ((mspecs m n i j) &body body)
16 (destructuring-bind (matrices types vars)
17 (parse-mloop-vars mspecs)
18 `(destructuring-bind (,m ,n) (clem:dim ,(car matrices))
19 (declare (type fixnum ,m ,n))
20 (let (,@(loop for var in vars and matrix in matrices
21 collect
22 `(,var (clem::matrix-vals ,matrix))))
23 ,@(loop for type in types and var in vars
24 collect
25 `(declare (type (simple-array ,type *) ,var)))
26 (dotimes (,i ,m)
27 (declare (type fixnum ,i))
28 (dotimes (,j ,n)
29 (declare (type fixnum ,j))
30 ,@body))))))
32 (defmacro mloop-range ((mspecs startr endr startc endc i j) &body body)
33 (destructuring-bind (matrices types vars)
34 (parse-mloop-vars mspecs)
35 `(let (,@(loop for var in vars and matrix in matrices
36 collect
37 `(,var (clem::matrix-vals ,matrix))))
38 ,@(loop for type in types and var in vars
39 collect
40 `(declare (type (simple-array ,type *) ,var)))
41 (do ((,i ,startr (1+ ,i)))
42 ((> ,i ,endr))
43 (declare (type fixnum ,i))
44 (do ((,j ,startc (1+ ,j)))
45 ((> ,j ,endc))
46 (declare (type fixnum ,j))
47 ,@body)))))