updating LIFT and keeping doc and darcs dirs.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / lift.darcs / _darcs / pristine / dev / lift-interface.lisp
1 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Package: LIFT-INTERFACE -*-
3 (defpackage "LIFT-INTERFACE"
4 (:use
5 "LIFT"
7 #+MCL "CCL")
8 (:import-from "LIFT"
9 #:number-of-failures
10 #:number-of-errors
11 #:errors
12 #:failures
13 #:tests-run
14 #:test-class-name
15 #:run-tests-internal))
17 (in-package #:lift-interface)
19 (defvar *lift-report-window* nil)
21 (defclass lift-report-window (fred-window)
23 (:default-initargs
24 :scratch-p t))
26 (defun show-last-test-results (result)
27 (unless (and *lift-report-window*
28 (typep *lift-report-window* 'fred-window)
29 (window-shown-p *lift-report-window*))
30 (setf *lift-report-window* (make-instance 'lift-report-window)))
31 (let* ((*print-length* nil)
32 (*print-level* nil)
33 (*print-array* t)
34 (win *lift-report-window*))
35 (set-window-title
36 win
37 (format nil "~&Test Report for ~A: ~D test~:P run~:[~[~:;, ~:*~A Failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Error~:P~]~;, All Passed~]"
38 (test-class-name result) (length (tests-run result))
39 (not (or (failures result) (errors result)))
40 (length (failures result))
41 (length (errors result))))
43 (select-all win)
44 (clear win)
45 (describe-object result win)
46 (force-output win)
47 (fred-update win)))
49 #+Ignore
50 (defmethod run-tests-internal :around ((case test-mixin) &key)
51 (show-last-test-results (call-next-method)))
53 (u:define-around-advice run-tests show-results
54 (show-last-test-results (u:call-next-advice)))
56 (run-tests :suite 'lift::test-lift)