fix up xtxinv to essentials, no intercept munging, which should happen before.
[CommonLispStat.git] / src / data / test-cybertiggyr.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; $Header: /home/gene/library/website/docsrc/lut/RCS/test.lisp,v 395.1 2008/04/20 17:25:47 gene Exp $
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005 Gene Michael Stover. All rights reserved.
5 ;;;
6 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
8 ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
9 ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 ;;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
19 ;;; USA
20 ;;;
22 (defpackage "CYBERTIGGYR-TEST"
23 (:use "COMMON-LISP")
24 (:export "*EXCLUDED-PACKAGES*"
25 "*PREFIX*"
26 "CHECK"
31 "RATE"
33 "RUN"
37 (in-package "CYBERTIGGYR-TEST")
39 ;;;
40 ;;; unexported helper functions & stoof
41 ;;;
43 (defun symbol-name-starts-with (symbol starts-with)
44 "Return true if & only if the name of the symbol begins with
45 the string bound to STARTS-WITH."
46 (let ((len (length starts-with)))
47 (and (>= (length (symbol-name symbol)) len)
48 (equal (subseq (symbol-name symbol) 0 len) starts-with))))
50 (defun symbol-bigname (symbol)
51 "Return, as a string, the package name of the symbol & the name
52 of the symbol."
53 (format nil "~A::~A" (package-name (symbol-package symbol)) symbol))
55 (defun make-failed-test-p (max strm)
56 "Return a predicate which runs a test & tells whether it failed.
57 The predicate also prints a status to the character output stream
58 STRM."
59 (let ((i 0))
60 #'(lambda (test)
61 ;; Show which test we're about to run & what percentage
62 ;; of the test suit has been run.
63 (format strm "~&~3D% ~A =>" (round (* (/ (incf i) max) 100))
64 (symbol-bigname test))
65 (finish-output strm)
66 (let ((is-good (funcall test))) ; run the test
67 ;; Show the test's result.
68 (format strm " ~A" (if is-good "good" "FAILED"))
69 (not is-good))))) ; compliment the result
71 ;;;
72 ;;; You could alter these values to fine-tune the behaviour of
73 ;;; TEST-FUNCTION-P. Adding packages to *EXCLUDED-PACKAGES* is
74 ;;; safe, but altering *PREFIX* could be trouble.
75 ;;;
77 (defvar *prefix* "TEST" "String prefix of test function names.")
79 (defvar *excluded-packages*
80 (remove (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") (list-all-packages))
81 "Packages whose functions are not eligible to be test functions.
82 Defaults to the packages that were loaded before this package, less
85 (defun test-function-p (symbol)
86 "Return true if & only if SYMBOL is bound to a test function."
87 (and (fboundp symbol)
88 (not (eq (get symbol 'disposition) 'not-a-unit-test))
89 (not (member (symbol-package symbol) *excluded-packages*))
90 (or (eq (get symbol 'disposition) 'is-a-unit-test)
91 (symbol-name-starts-with symbol *prefix*))))
92 (setf (get 'test-function-p 'disposition) 'not-a-unit-test)
94 (defun test-functions ()
95 "Return a list of symbols bound to test functions in any package."
96 (let ((lst ()))
97 (do-all-symbols (symbol)
98 (when (test-function-p symbol) (push symbol lst)))
99 (remove-duplicates (sort lst #'string-lessp :key #'symbol-bigname))))
101 (setf (get 'test-functions 'disposition) 'not-a-unit-test)
103 (defun run (&optional (strm *standard-output*))
104 "Run all unit tests. Print results to STRM. Return true if & only
105 if all tests pass."
106 (null
107 (find-if
108 ;; Search for a test function which fails...
109 (make-failed-test-p (length (test-functions)) strm)
110 ;; ...from the suite of test functions.
111 (test-functions))))
113 (defmacro deftest (name &rest body)
114 "Declare a unit test function. For now, maps to DEFUN, but could
115 be implemented differently in the future."
116 (if (symbol-name-starts-with name *prefix*)
117 `(defun ,name ,@body)
118 ;; else, We'll need to set DISPOSITION
119 `(progn (setf (get ',name 'cybertiggyr-test:disposition)
120 'cybertiggyr-test:is-a-unit-test)
121 (defun ,name ,@body))))
123 (defun rate (fn)
124 "Run function FN at least 3 times & at least 3 seconds.
125 Return triple whose FIRST is calls/second, SECOND is number
126 of calls, & THIRD is number of seconds. All three numbers
127 will be positive. They may be integers, ratios, or floating-
128 point, depending on details of the lisp system. Time are
129 measured with GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME, but they are reported in
130 seconds."
131 (declare (type function fn))
132 (do ((start-time (get-internal-real-time))
133 (seconds 0 (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start-time)
134 internal-time-units-per-second))
135 (count 0 (1+ count)))
136 ((and (>= count 3) (>= seconds 3))
137 (list (/ count seconds) count seconds))
138 (funcall fn)))
140 (defun ratetable (names-and-fns strm)
141 "Run RATE on a bunch of functios & return a LaTeX table in a
142 string which shows the results of all of them. Each element
143 in NAMES-AND-FNS is a list whose FIRST is the name of the function
144 in a string & whose SECOND is a function of no arguments whose
145 performance is to be tested."
146 (format strm "\\begin{tabular}{|r|r|r|r|} \\hline")
147 (format strm "~%{\\bf function} & {\\bf count} &")
148 (format strm " {\\bf seconds} & {\\bf rate}")
149 (format strm " \\\\ \\hline")
150 (dolist (lst names-and-fns)
151 (destructuring-bind (rate count seconds) (rate (second lst))
152 (format strm "~%~A & ~D & ~,2E & ~,2E \\\\ \\hline"
153 (first lst) count seconds rate)))
154 (format strm "~%\\end{tabular}")
155 strm)
157 (defmacro check (expression)
158 `(if ,expression
160 ;; else
161 (progn
162 (format t "~&Failure: ~S" ',expression)
163 nil)))
165 ;;; --- end of file ---