more setuptools work
[] / src / Comic /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 ###########################################################################
3 # Copyright (C) 2007 by Andrew Mahone
4 # <>
6 # Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
8 ###########################################################################
9 """Simple interface for retrieving comics"""
10 import time, urllib, urllib2, random, yaml, re, BeautifulSoup, \
11 copy, urlparse, os.path, NameEnc, sys, mimetypes, threading, traceback
12 from signal import SIG_IGN, SIGINT, signal
13 from Comic import DB, Conf, ComicLoader, Magic, InitDB
14 from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
15 from pkg_resources import resource_stream
16 HaltLock = threading.Lock()
18 REType = type(re.compile(''))
20 Defs = {}
21 Classes = {}
23 def checkHalt(func):
24 def proxy(*args, **kw):
25 if HaltLock.locked():
26 raise KeyboardInterrupt
27 return func(*args, **kw)
28 return proxy
30 def Merge(infile, theclass, thedict):
31 try:
32 if isinstance(infile,basestring):
33 infile = open(infile, 'rb')
34 newdefs = yaml.load(infile, Loader=ComicLoader)
35 newdefs = [ (c[0], theclass(name=c[0],**c[1])) for c in \
36 newdefs.iteritems() ]
37 thedict.update(newdefs)
38 except IOError: pass
40 def FetchURL(url, referer=None, outfile=None):
41 '''
42 Fetches the requested url, with referer if desired. If outfile is
43 specified, returns url info, otherwise returns (data, url info).
44 Exceptions other than KeyboardInterrupt will be ignored silently until
45 the specified number of attempts have been made to retrieve the url.
46 Fetch will sleep for the specified delay before attempt, with the delay
47 increasing exponentially.
48 '''
49 print url
50 attempts = Conf.dl_attempts
51 delay = Conf.dl_delay
52 while attempts:
53 attempts -= 1
54 time.sleep(delay * (1 + random.random() * Conf.dl_delay_rand))
55 delay *= Conf.dl_delay_mul
56 try:
57 if isinstance(outfile, basestring):
58 outfile = open(outfile, 'wb')
59 if outfile:
60 b = 0
61 else:
62 b= ''
63 req = urllib2.Request(url)
64 if referer:
65 req.add_header('Referer',referer)
66 handle = urllib2.urlopen(req)
67 while True:
68 if HaltLock.locked():
69 raise KeyboardInterrupt
70 dat =
71 if len(dat):
72 if outfile:
73 outfile.write(dat)
74 b += len(dat)
75 else:
76 b += dat
77 else:
78 if outfile:
79 outfile.close()
80 break;
81 i =
82 if i.has_key('Content-Length'):
83 if outfile:
84 n = b
85 else:
86 n = len(b)
87 if n != int(i['Content-Length']):
88 raise EOFError('Received incomplete file from server')
89 if outfile:
90 return i
91 else:
92 return (b, i)
93 except KeyboardInterrupt:
94 raise
95 except:
96 if not attempts: raise
98 _EntityRE = re.compile('(?:&((?:#(\d+)|([A-Za-z]+));)|(["\'&<>]))')
100 _MSEntities = {
101 130: 8218,
102 131: 402,
103 132: 8222,
104 133: 8230,
105 134: 8224,
106 135: 8225,
107 136: 710,
108 137: 8240,
109 138: 352,
110 139: 8249,
111 140: 338,
112 145: 8216,
113 146: 8217,
114 147: 8220,
115 148: 8221,
116 149: 8226,
117 150: 8211,
118 151: 8212,
119 152: 732,
120 153: 8482,
121 154: 353,
122 155: 353,
123 156: 339,
124 159: 376,
127 _XMLEntities = {
128 'quot': '&#34;',
129 'amp': '&amp;',
130 'apos': '&#39;',
131 'lt': '&lt;',
132 'gt': '&gt;',
133 34: '&#34;',
134 38: '&amp;',
135 39: '&#39;',
136 60: '&lt;',
137 62: '&gt;',
138 '"': '&#34;',
139 '&': '&amp;',
140 "'": '&#39;',
141 '<': '&lt;',
142 '>': '&gt;',
145 def ParseEntities(input,OutputXML=True):
146 output = []
147 last = 0
148 for m in re.finditer(_EntityRE, input):
149 if m.start() > last:
150 output.append(input[last:m.start()])
151 last = m.end()
152 ch = ''
153 if
154 ch = int(
155 if ch in _XMLEntities and OutputXML:
156 output.append(_XMLEntities[ch])
157 continue
158 elif ch in _MSEntities:
159 ch = _MSEntities[ch]
160 try:
161 output.append(unichr(ch))
162 except:
163 continue
164 elif
165 if in _XMLEntities and OutputXML:
166 output.append(_XMLEntities[ch])
167 continue
168 if in name2codepoint:
169 ch = name2codepoint[]
170 if ch:
171 try:
172 output.append(unichr(ch))
173 except:
174 continue
175 else:
176 if OutputXML:
177 output.append('&amp;')
178 if
179 output.append(
180 else:
181 output.append(
182 elif
183 if OutputXML:
184 output.append(_XMLEntities[])
185 else:
186 output.append(
187 output.append(input[last:])
188 return ''.join(output)
190 _DefaultFileRE = re.compile('(?i)comics?/')
191 _DefaultAnchorURLMap = ('attrs', 'href')
192 _DefaultImageURLMap = ('attrs', 'src')
193 _DefaultPrevious = [
195 'name': 'a',
196 'contents': re.compile('(?i)previous'),
197 'index': 0,
198 'map': {
199 'url': _DefaultAnchorURLMap
203 'name': 'a',
204 'contents': re.compile('(?i)prev'),
205 'index': 0,
206 'map': {
207 'url': _DefaultAnchorURLMap
211 'name': 'a',
212 'contents': re.compile('(?i)back'),
213 'index': 0,
214 'map': {
215 'url': _DefaultAnchorURLMap
219 _DefaultImage = {
220 'name': 'img',
221 'attrs': {
222 'src': re.compile('(?i)(?:^|/)comics?/')
224 'map': {
225 'url': _DefaultImageURLMap
229 def TextFullMatch(item, text):
230 if isinstance(item, basestring):
231 return item == text
232 elif isinstance(item, REType):
233 return not is None
234 else:
235 return text in item
237 def TextSubMatch(item, text):
238 if isinstance(item, basestring): return item in text
239 if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
240 for i in item:
241 if i in text: return True
242 return False
243 else:
244 return
246 def ItemMatch(item, tag):
247 if 'name' in item and not TextFullMatch(item['name'],
248 return False
249 if 'text' in item and not TextSubMatch(item['text'], tag):
250 return False
251 if 'contents' in item and not TextSubMatch(item['contents'],
252 tag.renderContents(encoding=None)):
253 return False
254 if 'attrs' in item and item['attrs']:
255 attrs = dict(tag.attrs)
256 for key, value in item['attrs'].iteritems():
257 if value is False:
258 if key in attrs:
259 return False
260 else:
261 continue
262 if not key in attrs:
263 return False
264 elif value is True:
265 continue
266 elif not TextFullMatch(value, attrs[key]):
267 return False
268 for rel, attr in (('next', 'nextSibling'), ('prev', 'previousSibling')):
269 if rel in item and item[rel]:
270 while True:
271 next = getattr(tag,attr)
272 if not next: return False
273 if isinstance(next, BeautifulSoup.Tag): break
274 if not ItemMatch(item[rel],next): return False
275 if item.has_key('parent') and item['parent']:
276 if not tag.parent:
277 return False
278 if not ItemMatch(item['parent'],tag.parent): return False
279 return True
281 def DeepMerge(d1, d2):
282 for k in set(d1.keys() + d2.keys()):
283 if k in d1:
284 if k in d2:
285 if isinstance(d2[k], dict):
286 d1[k] = DeepMerge(d1[k],d2[k])
287 else:
288 if isinstance(d2[k], dict):
289 d1[k] = DeepMerge(dict(), d2[k])
290 else:
291 d1[k] = d2[k]
293 class ETuple(tuple): pass
295 class ComicClass:
296 def __init__(self,**kw):
297 if not 'name' in kw:
298 raise TypeError("'name' argument is required")
299 = kw['name']
300 for n in ('archive', 'current', 'previous', 'image'):
301 if n in kw:
302 setattr(self, n, kw[n])
303 else:
304 setattr(self, n, {})
306 class ComicDef:
307 def __init__(self,**kw):
308 DB.SetThreadConnection()
309 if not 'name' in kw:
310 raise TypeError("'name' argument is required")
311 = kw['name']
312 if 'class' in kw:
313 if kw['class'] in Classes:
314 self.parentclass = Classes[kw['class']]
315 else:
316 raise TypeError('comic inherits from undefined class "%s"' % kw['class'])
317 else:
318 self.parentclass=None
319 for n in ('url_start', 'url_current', 'url_archive', 'url_stop'):
320 setattr(self, n, kw.get(n,''))
321 for n in ('archive', 'current', 'previous', 'image'):
322 if self.parentclass and getattr(self.parentclass, n):
323 classattr = getattr(self.parentclass, n)
324 myattr = []
325 if n in kw:
326 defattr = kw[n]
327 if isinstance(defattr,dict):
328 defattr = (defattr,)
329 for n in defattr:
330 myattr.append(DeepMerge(n, classattr))
331 else:
332 myattr = (classattr),
333 else:
334 if n in kw:
335 if isinstance(kw[n], dict):
336 myattr = (kw[n],)
337 else:
338 myattr = kw[n]
339 else:
340 myattr = ()
341 setattr(self,n, ETuple(myattr))
342 if not(self.previous or self.archive):
343 self.previous = ETuple(_DefaultPrevious)
344 if not self.image:
345 self.image = ETuple((_DefaultImage,))
346 for i in self.previous + self.current + self.archive:
347 if 'name' not in i: i['name'] = 'a'
348 if 'map' not in i: i['map'] = {'url': _DefaultAnchorURLMap}
349 if 'url' not in i['map']: i['map']['url'] = _DefaultAnchorURLMap
350 for i in self.image:
351 if 'name' not in i: i['name'] = 'img'
352 if 'map' not in i: i['map'] = {'url': _DefaultImageURLMap}
353 if 'url' not in i['map']: i['map']['url'] = _DefaultImageURLMap
354 for match in ('image', 'current', 'archive', 'previous'):
355 getattr(self, match).tags = self.GetTags(getattr(self, match))
356 if self.previous and self.image:
357 if self.previous.tags and self.image.tags:
358 tags = self.previous.tags | self.image.tags
359 else:
360 tags = set()
361 self.previous.tags = tags
362 self.image.tags = tags
363 self.WorkingURL = ''
364 if 'massage' in kw:
365 self.Massage = copy.copy(BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup.MARKUP_MASSAGE)
366 self.Massage.extend([ (x, lambda m: m.expand(y)) for x,y in kw['massage'] ])
367 else:
368 self.Massage = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup.MARKUP_MASSAGE
369 try:
370 self.DBComic = DB.Comic.byName(
371 except:
372 self.DBComic = None
373 self.CurrentTitle = ''
374 self.DirName = NameEnc.Encode(
375 self.StoreDir = os.path.join(Conf.comic_store, self.DirName)
377 @checkHalt
378 def Load(self, url, tags=()):
379 (dat, inf) = FetchURL(url, referer=self.WorkingURL)
380 self.WorkingURL = url
381 self.HTMLText = dat
382 kw = {}
383 if self.Massage:
384 kw['markupMassage'] = self.Massage
385 if inf.has_key('Content-Type'):
386 m ="charset=(.+?)(?:[; ]|$)", inf['Content-Type'])
387 if m:
388 kw['fromEncoding'] =
389 self.HTMLTree = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(dat, **kw)
391 @checkHalt
392 def FetchFile(self, url, outfile):
393 return FetchURL(url, referer=self.WorkingURL, outfile=outfile)
395 def CreateDB(self, clear=0):
396 if not self.DBComic:
397 self.DBComic = DB.DoInTransaction(DB.Comic,
399 def MapItem(self, tag, imap):
400 ret = {}
401 for k, vm in imap.iteritems():
402 v = u''
403 mytag = tag
404 while vm and vm[0] in ('nextSibling','previousSibling','parent','next','previous','contentsindex','childbyname'):
405 if vm[0] == 'contentsindex':
406 mytag = mytag.contents[vm[1]]
407 vm = vm[2:]
408 elif vm[0] == 'childbyname':
409 mytag = mytag.find(vm[1])
410 vm = vm[2:]
411 else:
412 mytag = getattr(mytag,vm[0])
413 vm = vm[1:]
414 if vm[0] == 'attrs':
415 if mytag.has_key(vm[1]):
416 v = ParseEntities(mytag[vm[1]])
417 vm = vm[2:]
418 else:
419 vm = ()
420 v = ''
421 elif vm[0] == 'text':
422 v = unicode(mytag)
423 vm = vm[1:]
424 elif vm[0] == 'contents':
425 v = mytag.renderContents(encoding=None)
426 vm = vm[1:]
427 while vm and v:
428 if vm[0] == 'url':
429 v = re.subn('#.*$', '', v)[0]
430 if v:
431 v = urlparse.urljoin(self.WorkingURL, v)
432 vm = vm[1:]
433 elif vm[0] == 'urlunquote':
434 v = urllib.unquote(v)
435 vm = vm[1:]
436 elif isinstance(vm[0], REType):
437 if vm[1] == 'match':
438 m = vm[0].search(v)
439 if m:
440 v =
441 vm = vm[2:]
442 else:
443 v = ''
444 vm = ()
445 elif vm[1] == 'expand':
446 m = vm[0].search(v)
447 if m:
448 v = m.expand(vm[2])
449 else:
450 v = ''
451 vm = vm[3:]
452 elif vm[1] == 'replace':
453 v = vm[0].sub(vm[2],v)
454 vm = vm[3:]
455 else:
456 v = ''
457 vm = ()
458 if v:
459 v = ' '.join(v.strip().split())
460 if k == 'url':
461 v = re.subn('#.*$', '', v)[0]
462 if v:
463 v = urlparse.urljoin(self.WorkingURL, v)
464 if v:
465 ret[k] = v
466 return ret
468 def GetTags(self, item):
469 if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)):
470 tags = []
471 for i in item:
472 t = self.GetTags(i)
473 if not t:
474 return ()
475 else:
476 tags.extend(t)
477 return set(tags)
478 if 're' in item or not 'name' in item:
479 return ()
480 tags = [item['name']]
481 for rel in ('prev', 'next', 'parent'):
482 if rel in item and item[rel]:
483 t = self.GetTags(item[rel])
484 if not t: return ()
485 else: tags.extend(t)
486 return set(tags)
488 @checkHalt
489 def FindItems(self, item):
490 if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)):
491 for i in item:
492 ret = self.FindItems(i)
493 if ret: return ret
494 return []
495 elif 're' in item:
496 ret = re.findall(item['re'], unicode(self.HTMLData))
497 else:
498 ret = self.HTMLTree.findAll(lambda x: ItemMatch(item, x))
499 ind = None
500 if 'index' in item:
501 if item['index'] == 'first':
502 ind = 0
503 elif item['index'] == 'last':
504 ind = -1
505 elif not item['index'] is None:
506 ind = int(item['index'])
507 elif item.has_key('reverse'):
508 ret.reverse()
509 if not ind is None:
510 try:
511 ret = [ret[ind]]
512 except IndexError:
513 return []
514 ret = [ self.MapItem(i, item['map']) for i in ret ]
515 return ret
517 def FindItem(self, item):
518 for i in item:
519 ret = self.FindItems(i)
520 if ret:
521 return ret[0]
522 return {}
524 def FindImages(self):
525 ret = self.FindItems(self.image)
526 for img in ret:
527 if not 'file' in img:
528 l = _DefaultFileRE.split(img['url'])
529 if len(l) == 2:
530 img['file'] = l[1].replace('/','_')
531 else:
532 img['file'] = img['url'].rsplit('/',1)[-1]
533 return tuple(ret)
535 @checkHalt
536 def FetchComic(self, mode='backlog', exists=''):
537 item = dict(
538 url=self.WorkingURL,
539 images=self.FindImages(),
541 if self.CurrentTitle:
542 item['title'] = self.CurrentTitle
543 try:
544 for image in item['images']:
545 sel = DB.Image.selectBy(
547 file=image['file']
549 if sel.count() == 1:
550 prevdb = sel[0]
551 prev = dict([ (x, getattr(prevdb,x)) for x in
552 ['title', 'extra', 'url', 'file', 'mime']])
553 else:
554 prevdb = None
555 prev = {}
556 if prevdb:
557 if mode == 'backlog':
558 def fun():
559 prevdb.issue.url = self.WorkingURL
560 DB.DoInTransaction(fun)
561 return None
562 filename = os.path.join(self.StoreDir, image['file'])
563 m = None
564 if not os.path.exists(filename) or exists == 'refetch':
565 headers = self.FetchFile(image['url'], filename)
566 if headers.has_key('Content-Type'):
567 m = headers['Content-Type']
568 if not m:
569 m = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
570 if not m:
571 m = Magic.Path(filename)
572 if not m:
573 m = ''
574 image['mime'] = m
575 except:
576 for image in item['images']:
577 filename = os.path.join(self.StoreDir, image['file'])
578 if os.path.exists(filename):
579 try: os.remove(filename)
580 except: pass
581 raise
582 return item
584 @checkHalt
585 def GetPrev(self):
586 prev = self.FindItem(self.previous)
587 url = prev.get('url','')
588 if not url:
589 return False
590 if url in [ getattr(self,x) for x in \
591 ('url_current', 'url_start', 'url_archive', \
592 'WorkingURL') ]:
593 return False
594 if DB.Issue.selectBy(
596 url=url
597 ).count():
598 return False
599 if url == self.url_stop:
600 return False
601 self.Load(url, self.image.tags)
602 return True
604 def FetchComics(self, mode='backlog', exists=''):
605 try:
606 if not self.DBComic.issues.count():
607 mode = 'archive'
608 if self.url_archive:
609 self.Load(self.url_archive, self.archive.tags)
610 archive_comics = self.FindItems(self.archive)
611 if mode == 'resume':
612 url = self.DBComic.issues.limit(1)[0].url
613 elif mode == 'backlog':
614 url = self.DBComic.issues.reversed().limit(1)[0].url
615 else:
616 url = ''
617 if url:
618 for n in range(len(archive_comics)):
619 if archive_comics[n]['url'] == url:
620 if mode == 'resume':
621 archive_comics = archive_comics[n+1:]
622 else:
623 archive_comics = archive_comics[:n]
624 break
625 else:
626 if mode == 'resume':
627 self.Load(self.DBComic.issues.limit(1)[0].url, self.previous.tags)
628 if not self.GetPrev(): return
629 else:
630 if self.url_start:
631 self.Load(self.url_start,self.current.tags)
632 cur = self.FindItem(self.current)
633 url = cur.get('url','')
634 if url and url not in [ getattr(self,x) for x in \
635 ('url_current', 'url_start', 'url_archive', \
636 'WorkingURL') ]:
637 self.Load(url, self.previous.tags)
638 self.CurrentTitle = cur.get('title','')
639 else: return
640 else:
641 self.Load(self.url_current,self.previous.tags)
642 if not os.path.isdir(self.StoreDir):
643 os.makedirs(self.StoreDir)
644 if mode == 'archive':
645 def fun():
646 self.DBComic.UpdateTimeStamp()
647 DB.Image.deleteBy(
648 DB.Issue.deleteBy(
649 DB.DoInTransaction(fun)
650 except:
651 e = sys.exc_info()
652 return ("WARNING", "exception raised (%s) while initializing, " \
653 "suggest repeating operation %s later or after resolving " \
654 "the problem" % (e[1].__class__.__name__, mode), e)
655 try:
656 if mode == 'backlog':
657 new_comics = []
658 if self.url_archive:
659 for comic in archive_comics:
660 self.Load(comic['url'], self.image.tags)
661 self.CurrentTitle = comic.get('title','')
662 iss = self.FetchComic(mode, exists)
663 if not iss:
664 break
665 if mode == 'backlog':
666 new_comics.append(iss)
667 else:
668 DB.DoInTransaction(self.DBFromItem, iss, 'old')
669 else:
670 while True:
671 iss = self.FetchComic(mode, exists)
672 if not iss:
673 break
674 if mode == 'backlog':
675 new_comics.append(iss)
676 else:
677 DB.DoInTransaction(self.DBFromItem, iss, 'old')
678 if not self.GetPrev(): break
679 except:
680 e = sys.exc_info()
681 if isinstance(e[1], KeyboardInterrupt):
682 msg = "keyboard interrupt received"
683 else:
684 msg = "exception raised (%s)" % e[1].__class__.__name__
685 if mode == 'backlog':
686 return ("WARNING", "%s, suggest repeating operation backlog" \
687 % msg, e)
688 else:
689 return ("WARNING", "%s, suggest repeating operation resume" \
690 % msg, e)
691 if mode == 'backlog':
692 try:
693 try:
694 oldhandler = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN)
695 except: pass
696 for iss in reversed(new_comics):
697 DB.DoInTransaction(self.DBFromItem, iss)
699 except:
700 e = sys.exc_info()
701 return("ERROR", "exception raised (%s) during DB update, " \
702 "database may be inconsistent" % e[1].__class__.__name__, \
704 return None
706 def DBFromItem(self, item, ext='new'):
707 if self.DBComic.issues.count():
708 if ext == 'new':
709 serial = self.DBComic.issues.reversed().limit(1)[0].serial + 1
710 else:
711 serial = self.DBComic.issues.limit(1)[0].serial - 1
712 else:
713 serial = 0
714 if len(item['images']) == 1 and 'title' in item['images'][0] and \
715 (item['images'][0]['title'] == item.get('title') \
716 or not item.get('title')):
717 item['title'] = item['images'][0]['title']
718 item['images'][0]['title'] = ''
719 iss = DB.Issue(
720 comic=self.DBComic,
721 title=item.get('title',''),
722 serial=serial,
723 url=item['url'],
725 imgserial = -1
726 for i in item['images']:
727 imgserial += 1
728 img = DB.Image(
729 comic=self.DBComic,
730 issue=iss,
731 title=i.get('title',''),
732 extra=i.get('extra',''),
733 serial=imgserial,
734 file=i['file'],
735 mime=i['mime'],
736 url=i['url']
739 def Init():
740 classes_source = resource_stream('Comic', 'data/comics/classes.yml')
741 definitions_source = resource_stream('Comic', 'data/comics/definitions.yml')
742 Merge(classes_source, ComicClass, Classes)
743 Merge(definitions_source, ComicDef, Defs)
745 usage = \
746 """Usage: %s [[operation [comics]] | [[comic_options] [comics]]]
747 Operations:
748 -h, --help Display this usage message
749 -l, --list Lists user's selected comics.
750 -L, --list-all Lists all available comics.
751 -A, --add Add comics to user's selected comics.
752 -R, --remove Remove comics from from user's selected comic.
754 If none of the above operations are specified, program will run in fetch
755 backlog mode.
757 Comic options:
758 -a, --archive The following comics will be fetched in archive mode.
759 -r, --resume The following comics will be fetched in resume mode.
760 -b, --backlog The following comics will be fetched in backlog mode.
761 -f, --refetch Files existing in the comic archive will be re-fetched.
762 -F, --no-refetch Files existing in the comic archive will not be
763 re-fetched.
765 Archive mode will fetch from the current strip back to the earliest available
766 strip. If an archive exists for the comic, its comic strip list will be replaced
767 with the list of new comics downloaded.
769 Resume mode will fetch from the oldest strip in the archive's comic strip list
770 back to the earliest available strip. The new strips will be appended to the
771 existing list.
773 Backlog mode will fetch from the current strip back to the newest strip already
774 in the archive's comic strip list. The new strips will be prepended to the
775 existing list upon success.
777 If no comics are specified, all comics selected by the user will be fetched in
778 the specified mode."""
780 def FetchThreaded(comic, mode, exists):
781 DB.SetThreadConnection()
782 ret = comic.FetchComics(mode=mode, exists=exists)
783 if not ret is None:
784 comlock.acquire()
785 errs.append((comic,)+ret)
786 comlock.release()
787 exitsignal.set()
789 def Run():
790 global comlock, errs, exitsignal
791 InitDB()
792 Init()
793 from Comic import Conf
794 comlock = threading.Lock()
795 exitsignal = threading.Event()
796 mode = 'backlog'
797 exists = ''
798 errors = []
799 comiclist = []
800 err = False
801 opp = 'fetch'
802 AppName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
803 if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv[1:]:
804 print usage % sys.argv[0]
805 sys.exit()
806 if len(sys.argv) > 1:
807 if sys.argv[1] in ('--list','-l','--list-all','-L'):
808 if len(sys.argv) > 2:
809 sys.exit("--list and --list-all are not valid with other options. Run \"%s --help\" for usage."%(sys.argv[0],))
810 if sys.argv[1] in ('--list','-l'):
811 comics = sorted(map(lambda x:,
812, lambda x,y:
813 cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
814 if not comics:
815 sys.stderr.write("No comics in user comic list.\n")
816 sys.exit()
817 else:
818 comics = Defs.keys()
819 comics.sort()
820 for c in comics:
821 print c
822 sys.exit()
823 elif sys.argv[1] in ('-A','--add','-R','--remove'):
824 comiclist = []
825 if sys.argv[1] in ('-A','--add'):
826 for c in sys.argv[2:]:
827 if not c in Defs:
828 sys.exit("The comic \"%s\" does not exist in the set of available comic definitions."%c)
829 elif not c in comiclist:
830 comiclist.append(c)
831 for c in comiclist:
832 Defs[c].CreateDB()
833 else:
834 for c in sys.argv[2:]:
835 if c in Defs:
836 sys.exit("The comic \"%s\" does not exist in the set of available comic definitions."%c)
837 elif not c in comiclist:
838 comiclist.append(c)
839 for c in comiclist:
840 DB.Comic.deleteBy(name=c)
841 sys.exit()
842 fetchlist = []
843 for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
844 if arg in ('--resume','-r'):
845 mode = 'resume'
846 elif arg in ('--archive','-a'):
847 mode = 'archive'
848 elif arg in ('--backlog','-b'):
849 mode = 'backlog'
850 elif arg in ('--refetch','-f'):
851 exists = 'refetch'
852 elif arg in ('--no-refetch','-F'):
853 exists = ''
854 else:
855 if arg in Defs:
856 if Defs[arg].DBComic:
857 fetchlist.append((Defs[arg],mode,exists))
858 else:
859 sys.exit("The comic \"%s\" is not selected for fetching. Try \"%s -A '%s'\" to add it."%(arg,AppName,arg))
860 else:
861 sys.exit("The comic \"%s\". does not exist. Try \"%s -L\" to list available comics."%(arg,AppName))
862 if not fetchlist:
863 s =
864 if s.count():
865 fetchlist = map(lambda x: (Defs[],mode,exists), s)
866 else:
867 sys.exit("No comics specified and none in user's set of selected comics. Try \"%s -h\" to see more options."%AppName)
868 errs = []
869 if Conf.threads:
870 try:
871 for i in fetchlist:
872 while len(threading.enumerate()) > Conf.threads:
873 exitsignal.wait(1)
874 exitsignal.clear()
875 t = threading.Thread(target=FetchThreaded, name=i[0].name, args=i)
876 t.start()
877 except KeyboardInterrupt:
878 HaltLock.acquire(False)
879 while len(threading.enumerate()) > 1:
880 try:
881 while len(threading.enumerate()) > 1:
882 exitsignal.wait(1)
883 exitsignal.clear()
884 except KeyboardInterrupt:
885 HaltLock.acquire(False)
886 else:
887 for c in fetchlist:
888 ret = c[0].FetchComics(c[1],c[2])
889 if not ret is None:
890 errs.append((c[0],) + ret)
891 for e in errs:
892 print "%s: (%s) %s" % (e[1],e[0].name,e[2])
893 traceback.print_exception(e[3][0],e[3][1],e[3][2])