!B (Sandbox) (CE-21795) Importing models with multisubmaterials via fbx switches...
[CRYENGINE.git] / Code / Sandbox / Plugins / LodGeneratorPlugin / Util / ABF.h
1 #pragma once
3 #include "TopologyGraph.h"
4 #include "Vector.h"
5 #include "SparseMatrix.h"
7 namespace LODGenerator
9 class CComponent;
10 class CABF
12 public:
13 CABF();
15 bool do_parameterize_disc(CTopologyGraph* map);
16 bool parameterize_disc(CComponent* disc);
18 // _____________ Tuning parameters _____________________
19 // Most users will not need to change them.
22 // Enables Zayer et.al's modified wheel condition
23 void set_log_mode(bool x) { log_mode_ = x; }
24 bool get_log_mode() const { return log_mode_; }
26 // Tolerance for the norm of the gradient
27 double get_newton_tolf() const { return newton_tolf_; }
28 void set_newton_tolf(double x) { newton_tolf_ = x; }
30 // Tolerance for the norm of delta (step vector)
31 double get_newton_tolx() const { return newton_tolx_; }
32 void set_newton_tolx(double x) { newton_tolx_ = x; }
34 // Maximum number of newton iterations (outer loop)
35 int get_max_newton_iters() const { return max_newton_iter_; }
36 void set_max_newton_iters(int n) { max_newton_iter_ = n; }
38 double get_step_length_factor() const { return step_length_factor_; }
39 void set_step_length_factor(double x) { step_length_factor_ = x; }
41 public:
42 CTopologyGraph* component_to_map(CComponent* comp);
44 protected:
46 void allocate_variables();
47 void deallocate_variables();
49 // takes into account polygonal facets
50 static int nb_triangles(CTopologyGraph* map);
51 static int nb_interior_vertices(CTopologyGraph* map);
53 // ------------------ Main driver & Utilities
55 void enumerate_angles();
56 void compute_beta();
57 bool solve_angles();
59 // ------------------ Jacobian of the constraints:
61 // C1 : alpha_i1 + alpha_i2 + alpha_i3 - PI = 0
62 // where Ti = (i1,i2,i3)
63 // C2 : Sum alpha_ij - 2.PI = 0
64 // for alpha_ij incident to vertex i
65 // C3 : Prod sin(gamma_ij) - Prod sin(gamma'_ij) = 0
66 // for gamma_ij and gamma'_ij opposite incident to vertex i
69 void compute_product_sin_angles(
70 CVertex* v, double& prod_prev_sin, double& prod_next_sin
73 void compute_sum_log_sin_angles(
74 CVertex* v, double& sum_prev_sin, double& sum_next_sin
77 // JC1 is implicit.
78 void add_JC2();
79 void add_JC3();
81 // ------------------ Right hand side: gradients
83 // Gradient of the quadratic form
84 void sub_grad_F();
86 // For each triangle: sum angles - PI
87 void sub_grad_C1();
89 // For each vertex: sum incident angles - 2.PI
90 void sub_grad_C2();
92 // For each vertex: prod sin(next angle) - prod sin(prev angle)
93 void sub_grad_C3();
95 // ------------------ Solver for one iteration
97 // computes dalpha, dlambda1 and dlambda2
98 void solve_current_iteration();
100 // ------------------ Convergence control
102 // increases the weights of negative angles.
103 double compute_step_length_and_update_weights();
105 // returns the norm of the gradient (quadratic form + cnstrs).
106 double errf() const;
108 // returns the norm of the step vector.
109 double compute_errx_and_update_x(double s);
111 // ------------------ Utilities
113 // y += J.D.x
114 void add_J_D_x(CVectorD& y, const CSparseMatrix& J, CVectorD& D, CVectorD& x);
116 // M += J.D.J^t
117 void add_J_D_Jt(CSparseMatrix& M, const CSparseMatrix& J, CVectorD& D);
119 // M -= J.D.J^t
120 void sub_J_D_Jt(CSparseMatrix& M, const CSparseMatrix& J, CVectorD& D);
122 private:
124 CTopologyGraph* map_;
126 int nf_; // Number of facets
127 int nalpha_; // Number of angles (= 3.nf)
128 int nint_; // Number of interior nodes
129 int nlambda_; // Number of constraints (= nf+2.nint)
130 int ntot_; // Total number of unknowns (= nalpha + nlamda)
132 std::map<CHalfedge*,int> angle_index_;
133 std::map<CHalfedge*,double> angle_angle_;
135 // ------ ABF variables & Lagrange multipliers ----------------
136 CVectorD alpha_; // Unknown angles. size = nalpha
137 CVectorD lambda_; // Lagrange multipliers. size = nlambda
138 CVectorD beta_; // Optimum angles. size = nalpha
139 CVectorD w_; // Weights. size = nalpha
141 // ------ Step vectors ----------------------------------------
142 CVectorD dalpha_ ; // size = nalpha; angles
143 CVectorD dlambda1_; // size = nf ; C1 part
144 CVectorD dlambda2_; // size = 2.nint; C2 and C3 part
146 // ------ Right-hand side ( - gradients ) ---------------------
147 CVectorD b1_; // size = nalpha
148 CVectorD b2_; // size = nlambda
150 // ------ Jacobian of the constraints -------------------------
151 // J1 (Jacobian of constraint 1) is not stored, it is implicit
152 CSparseMatrix J2_; // size = 2.nint * nalpha
155 // ------ ABF++ variables -------------------------------------
156 CVectorD Delta_inv_ ; // size = nalpha
157 CVectorD Delta_star_inv_; // size = nf;
158 CSparseMatrix J_star_ ; // size = 2.nint * nf
159 CVectorD b1_star_ ; // size = nf
160 CVectorD b2_star_ ; // size = 2.nint
162 // ------ Final linear system ---------------------------------
163 CSparseMatrix M_ ; // size = 2.nint * 2.nint
164 CVectorD r_ ; // size = 2.nint
166 CVectorI perm_; // column permutations (used by SuperLU)
168 //_______________ constants, tuning parameters ____________________
170 const double epsilon_; // threshold for small angles
172 double newton_tolf_; // threshold for gradient norm (rhs)
173 double newton_tolx_; // threshold for delta norm
174 int max_newton_iter_;
175 const double positive_angle_ro_;
176 double step_length_factor_;
178 bool low_mem_; // If set, tries to reduce memory footprint
180 bool log_mode_;
183 //_______________________________________________________________________