!I (1670414, 1670415, 1670416, 1670424, 1670431):
[CRYENGINE.git] / Code / CryPlugins / CryUQS / Core / core / QueryBase.h
1 // Copyright 2001-2018 Crytek GmbH / Crytek Group. All rights reserved.
3 #pragma once
5 // *INDENT-OFF* - <hard to read code and declarations due to inconsistent indentation>
7 namespace UQS
9 namespace Core
12 class CHistoricQuery;
14 //===================================================================================
16 // HistoricQuerySharedPtr
18 //===================================================================================
20 // FIXME: shouldn't be here (a better place would be QueryHistory.h since it defines CHistoricQuery), but some #include dependencies are currently enforcing us to do it this way
21 typedef std::shared_ptr<CHistoricQuery> HistoricQuerySharedPtr;
23 //===================================================================================
25 // CQueryBase
27 // - base class for all query classes
28 // - the actual classes will get instantiated from a CQueryBlueprint at game runtime through their query factories
30 //===================================================================================
32 class CQueryBlueprint;
34 class CQueryBase
36 public:
38 //===================================================================================
40 // SCtorContext
42 //===================================================================================
44 struct SCtorContext
46 explicit SCtorContext(const CQueryID& _queryID, const char* _szQuerierName, const HistoricQuerySharedPtr& _pOptionalHistoryToWriteTo, const std::shared_ptr<CItemList>& _pOptionalResultingItemsFromPreviousQuery);
48 CQueryID queryID;
49 const char* szQuerierName;
50 HistoricQuerySharedPtr pOptionalHistoryToWriteTo;
51 std::shared_ptr<CItemList> pOptionalResultingItemsFromPreviousQuery; // this is how we pass items of a result set from one query to another
54 //===================================================================================
56 // EUpdateState
58 //===================================================================================
60 enum class EUpdateState
62 StillRunning, // the query is still running
63 Finished, // the query has finished without errors
64 ExceptionOccurred // an error occurred while the query was running; an error message that was passed to Update() then contains some details
67 //===================================================================================
69 // SGrantedAndUsedTime
71 // - for detailed per-frame statistics of how much time was granted and how much time was actually used to do some work
73 //===================================================================================
75 struct SGrantedAndUsedTime
77 explicit SGrantedAndUsedTime();
78 explicit SGrantedAndUsedTime(const CTimeValue& _granted, const CTimeValue& _used);
79 void Serialize(Serialization::IArchive& ar);
81 CTimeValue granted;
82 CTimeValue used;
85 //===================================================================================
87 // SStatistics
89 // - overall statistics of the query
90 // - can be retrieved at any time even while the query is still running to get some "live insight" into what's going on
92 //===================================================================================
94 struct SStatistics
96 explicit SStatistics();
97 void Serialize(Serialization::IArchive& ar);
99 // known to + set by CQueryBase (common stuff used by all query types)
100 // this is stuff that CQueryManager::DebugDrawQueryStatistics() is partly interested in (but it's also interested in the number of items - hmmm, could we just display the elapsed frames instead?)
101 string querierName;
102 string queryBlueprintName;
103 size_t queryCreatedFrame;
104 CTimeValue queryCreatedTimestamp;
105 size_t totalConsumedFrames;
106 CTimeValue totalConsumedTime;
107 std::vector<SGrantedAndUsedTime> grantedAndUsedTimePerFrame; // grows with each update call
109 // could be known to composite query classes that pass around the resulting items (but currently only known to + set by CQuery_Regular)
110 size_t numDesiredItems; // number of items the user wants to find; this is often 1 (e. g. "give me *one* good shooting position"), but can be any number, whereas 0 has a special meaning: "give me all items you can find"
111 size_t numGeneratedItems; // number of items the generator has produced
112 size_t numRemainingItemsToInspect; // this number decreases with each finished item while the query is ongoing
113 size_t numItemsInFinalResultSet; // number of items that finally made it into the result set
114 size_t memoryUsedByGeneratedItems; // amount of memory used by all generated items; this memory is usually used on the client side (since they provide us with an item generator that we just call)
115 size_t memoryUsedByItemsWorkingData; // amount of memory used to keep track of the working state of all items throughout the evaluation phases
117 // known to + set by CQuery_Regular only (as it deals with several phases which is specific for that class)
118 std::vector<size_t> elapsedFramesPerPhase;
119 std::vector<CTimeValue> elapsedTimePerPhase;
120 std::vector<CTimeValue> peakElapsedTimePerPhaseUpdate;
121 std::vector<size_t> instantEvaluatorsRuns; // how often has each kind of instant-evaluator been run
122 std::vector<size_t> deferredEvaluatorsFullRuns; // how often has each kind of deferred-evaluator been fully run (i. e. started and run until it completed all work an a given item)
123 std::vector<size_t> deferredEvaluatorsAbortedRuns; // how often has each kind of deferred-evaluator been been started, but got prematurely aborted as the item was being discarded in the meantime
126 public:
127 explicit CQueryBase(const SCtorContext& ctorContext, bool bRequiresSomeTimeBudgetForExecution);
128 virtual ~CQueryBase();
130 bool RequiresSomeTimeBudgetForExecution() const;
131 bool InstantiateFromQueryBlueprint(const std::shared_ptr<const CQueryBlueprint>& pQueryBlueprint, const Shared::IVariantDict& runtimeParams, Shared::CUqsString& error);
132 void AddItemMonitor(Client::ItemMonitorUniquePtr&& pItemMonitor);
133 void TransferAllItemMonitorsToOtherQuery(CQueryBase& receiver);
134 EUpdateState Update(const CTimeValue& amountOfGrantedTime, Shared::CUqsString& error);
135 void Cancel();
136 void GetStatistics(SStatistics& out) const;
138 // careful: using the result while the query is still in EUpdateState::StillRunning state is undefined behavior
139 QueryResultSetUniquePtr ClaimResultSet();
141 // debugging
142 const char* GetQuerierName() const;
143 HistoricQuerySharedPtr GetHistoricQuery() const; // might return a nullptr if history logging was not enabled
145 private:
146 virtual bool OnInstantiateFromQueryBlueprint(const Shared::IVariantDict& runtimeParams, Shared::CUqsString& error) = 0;
147 virtual EUpdateState OnUpdate(Shared::CUqsString& error) = 0;
148 virtual void OnCancel() = 0;
149 virtual void OnGetStatistics(SStatistics& out) const = 0;
151 void AddItemsFromGlobalParametersToDebugRenderWorld() const;
153 protected:
154 // debugging
155 string m_querierName; // debug name that the caller passed in to re-identify his query for debugging purposes
156 HistoricQuerySharedPtr m_pHistory; // optional; used to build a history of the ongoing query (and to pass its debug-renderworld to all evaluators)
157 // ~debugging
159 const CQueryID m_queryID; // the unique queryID that can be used to identify this instance from inside the CQueryManager
160 std::shared_ptr<const CQueryBlueprint> m_pQueryBlueprint; // we'll instantiate all query components (generator, evaluators, etc) via this blueprint
161 std::shared_ptr<CItemList> m_pOptionalShuttledItems; // when queries are chained, the items in the result set of the previous query will be transferred to here (ready to get evaluated straight away)
162 QueryResultSetUniquePtr m_pResultSet; // once the query has finished evaluating all items (and hasn't bumped into a runtime exception), it will write the final items to here
163 CTimeBudget m_timeBudgetForCurrentUpdate; // this gets "restarted" on each Update() call with the amount of granted time that has been passed in by the caller
165 private:
166 // debugging
167 CTimeValue m_queryCreatedTimestamp; // timestamp of when the query was created (via its ctor)
168 size_t m_queryCreatedFrame; // system frame number in which the query was created (via its ctor)
169 size_t m_totalConsumedFrames; // runaway-counter that increments on each Update() call
170 CTimeValue m_totalConsumedTime; // run-away timer that increments on each Update() call
171 std::vector<SGrantedAndUsedTime> m_grantedAndUsedTimePerFrame; // keeps track of how much time we were given to do some work on each frame and how much time we actually spent; grows on each Update() call
172 // ~debugging
174 const bool m_bRequiresSomeTimeBudgetForExecution;
175 Shared::CVariantDict m_globalParams; // merge between constant- and runtime-params
176 std::vector<Client::ItemMonitorUniquePtr> m_itemMonitors; // Update() checks these to ensure that no corruption of the reasoning space goes unnoticed; when the query finishes, these monitors may get transferred to the parent to carry on monitoring alongside further child queries
178 protected:
179 // !! m_blackboard: this needs to come after all other member variables, as it relies on their proper initialization!!
180 SQueryBlackboard m_blackboard; // bundles some stuff for functions, generators and evaluators to read from it
182 private:
183 static const CDebugRenderWorldImmediate s_debugRenderWorldImmediate; // handed out to all generators, evaluators and functions if immediate debug-rendering is turned on via SCvars::debugDraw