!XT (BREAK-16) (Sandbox) Remove double-newlines at the end of files.
[CRYENGINE.git] / Code / Sandbox / EditorQt / UnitTest_PlayerControl.cpp
1 // Copyright 2001-2018 Crytek GmbH / Crytek Group. All rights reserved.
3 #include "stdafx.h"
5 #include "CharacterEditor\ModelViewportCE.h"
6 #include "CharacterEditor\CharPanel_Animation.h"
7 #include <CryAnimation/ICryAnimation.h>
9 #include <Cry3DEngine/I3DEngine.h>
10 #include <CryPhysics/IPhysics.h>
11 #include <CrySystem/ITimer.h>
12 #include <CryInput/IInput.h>
13 #include <CryRenderer/IRenderAuxGeom.h>
15 extern uint32 g_ypos;
17 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 //--- simple player-control test-application ---
19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 void CModelViewportCE::PlayerControl_UnitTest(ICharacterInstance* pInstance, const SRendParams& rRP, const SRenderingPassInfo& passInfo)
22 IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = m_renderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
23 pAuxGeom->SetRenderFlags(e_Def3DPublicRenderflags);
24 f32 FrameTime = GetIEditor()->GetSystem()->GetITimer()->GetFrameTime();
26 ISkeletonAnim* pISkeletonAnim = pInstance->GetISkeletonAnim();
27 ISkeletonPose* pISkeletonPose = pInstance->GetISkeletonPose();
29 AABB aabb;
30 Vec3 wpos;
31 wpos = Vec3(2, 2, 0);
32 aabb = AABB(Vec3(-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.00f) + wpos, Vec3(+0.2f, +0.2f, +2.0f) + wpos);
33 pAuxGeom->DrawAABB(aabb, Matrix34(IDENTITY), 1, RGBA8(0x00, 0xff, 0x1f, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
34 wpos = Vec3(4, 2, 0);
35 aabb = AABB(Vec3(-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.00f) + wpos, Vec3(+0.2f, +0.2f, +2.0f) + wpos);
36 pAuxGeom->DrawAABB(aabb, Matrix34(IDENTITY), 1, RGBA8(0x00, 0x0f, 0x4f, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
37 wpos = Vec3(5.5f, 2, 0);
38 aabb = AABB(Vec3(-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.00f) + wpos, Vec3(+0.2f, +0.2f, +2.0f) + wpos);
39 pAuxGeom->DrawAABB(aabb, Matrix34(IDENTITY), 1, RGBA8(0x00, 0x0f, 0x7f, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
41 wpos = Vec3(0, 5, 0);
42 aabb = AABB(Vec3(-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.00f) + wpos, Vec3(+0.2f, +0.2f, +2.0f) + wpos);
43 pAuxGeom->DrawAABB(aabb, Matrix34(IDENTITY), 1, RGBA8(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
44 wpos = Vec3(0, 8, 0);
45 aabb = AABB(Vec3(-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.00f) + wpos, Vec3(+0.2f, +0.2f, +2.0f) + wpos);
46 pAuxGeom->DrawAABB(aabb, Matrix34(IDENTITY), 1, RGBA8(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
47 wpos = Vec3(0, 11, 0);
48 aabb = AABB(Vec3(-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.00f) + wpos, Vec3(+0.2f, +0.2f, +2.0f) + wpos);
49 pAuxGeom->DrawAABB(aabb, Matrix34(IDENTITY), 1, RGBA8(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
51 uint32 ypos = 2;
52 float color1[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
54 //set the required callbacks
55 int PostProcessCallback_PlayControl(ICharacterInstance * pInstance, void* pPlayer);
56 pISkeletonPose->SetPostProcessCallback(PostProcessCallback_PlayControl, this);
57 pISkeletonAnim->SetEventCallback(0, this);
59 PlayerControlIO();
60 PlayerControlHuman(m_absLookDirectionXY, 0, 0);
61 PlayerControlCamera();
63 m_relCameraRotZ = 0;
64 m_relCameraRotX = 0;
66 //update the skeleton pose
67 const CCamera& camera = GetCamera();
68 float fDistance = (camera.GetPosition() - m_PhysicalLocation.t).GetLength();
69 float fZoomFactor = 0.001f + 0.999f * (RAD2DEG(camera.GetFov()) / 60.f);
71 SAnimationProcessParams params;
72 params.locationAnimation = m_PhysicalLocation;
73 params.bOnRender = 0;
74 params.zoomAdjustedDistanceFromCamera = fDistance * fZoomFactor;
75 ExternalPostProcessing(pInstance);
76 pInstance->StartAnimationProcessing(params);
77 pInstance->FinishAnimationComputations();
79 //render character
80 m_AnimatedCharacterMat = Matrix34(m_PhysicalLocation);
81 SRendParams rp = rRP;
82 rp.pMatrix = &m_AnimatedCharacterMat;
83 rp.pPrevMatrix = &m_AnimatedCharacterMat;
84 rp.fDistance = (m_PhysicalLocation.t - m_absCameraPos).GetLength();
85 pInstance->Render(rp, QuatTS(IDENTITY), passInfo);
87 //just debugging
88 Vec3 absAxisX = m_PhysicalLocation.GetColumn0();
89 Vec3 absAxisY = m_PhysicalLocation.GetColumn1();
90 Vec3 absAxisZ = m_PhysicalLocation.GetColumn2();
91 Vec3 absRootPos = m_PhysicalLocation.t + pISkeletonPose->GetAbsJointByID(0).t;
92 pAuxGeom->DrawLine(absRootPos, RGBA8(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), absRootPos + m_PhysicalLocation.GetColumn0() * 2.0f, RGBA8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
93 pAuxGeom->DrawLine(absRootPos, RGBA8(0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00), absRootPos + m_PhysicalLocation.GetColumn1() * 2.0f, RGBA8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
94 pAuxGeom->DrawLine(absRootPos, RGBA8(0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00), absRootPos + m_PhysicalLocation.GetColumn2() * 2.0f, RGBA8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
96 //---------------------------------------
97 //--- draw the path of the past
98 //---------------------------------------
99 uint32 numEntries = m_arrAnimatedCharacterPath.size();
100 for (int32 i = (numEntries - 2); i > -1; i--)
101 m_arrAnimatedCharacterPath[i + 1] = m_arrAnimatedCharacterPath[i];
102 m_arrAnimatedCharacterPath[0] = m_PhysicalLocation.t;
103 for (uint32 i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
105 aabb.min = Vec3(-0.01f, -0.01f, -0.01f) + m_arrAnimatedCharacterPath[i];
106 aabb.max = Vec3(+0.01f, +0.01f, +0.01f) + m_arrAnimatedCharacterPath[i];
107 pAuxGeom->DrawAABB(aabb, 1, RGBA8(0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
110 if (mv_showGrid)
111 DrawHeightField();
113 GetIEditor()->GetSystem()->GetIConsole()->GetCVar("ca_DrawSkeleton")->Set(mv_showSkeleton);
116 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 void CModelViewportCE::PlayerControlIO()
121 IInput* pIInput = GetISystem()->GetIInput(); // Cache IInput pointer.
122 pIInput->Update(true);
124 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
125 //------- Keyboard and Game-Pad handling ---------
126 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
127 m_key_SPACE = m_key_W = m_key_A = m_key_D = m_key_S = 0;
128 if (CheckVirtualKey(VK_UP) || CheckVirtualKey('W')) m_key_W = 1;
129 if (CheckVirtualKey(VK_DOWN) || CheckVirtualKey('S')) m_key_S = 1;
130 if (CheckVirtualKey(VK_LEFT) || CheckVirtualKey('A')) m_key_A = 1;
131 if (CheckVirtualKey(VK_RIGHT) || CheckVirtualKey('D')) m_key_D = 1;
132 if (m_key_W) m_key_S = 0; //forward has priority
133 if (m_key_A) m_key_D = 0; //left has priority
135 m_keyrcr_W <<= 1;
136 m_keyrcr_W |= m_key_W;
137 m_keyrcr_S <<= 1;
138 m_keyrcr_S |= m_key_S;
139 m_keyrcr_A <<= 1;
140 m_keyrcr_A |= m_key_A;
141 m_keyrcr_D <<= 1;
142 m_keyrcr_D |= m_key_D;
144 if (CheckVirtualKey(VK_RETURN)) { m_key_SPACE = 1; }
145 m_keyrcr_SPACE <<= 1;
146 m_keyrcr_SPACE |= m_key_SPACE;
148 if ((m_keyrcr_A & 3) == 2 || (m_keyrcr_D & 3) == 2)
149 m_LTHUMB.x = 0.0f;
150 if ((m_keyrcr_W & 3) == 2 || (m_keyrcr_S & 3) == 2)
151 m_LTHUMB.y = 0.0f;
153 m_LTHUMB.x += -f32(m_key_A);
154 m_LTHUMB.x += f32(m_key_D);
155 m_LTHUMB.y += f32(m_key_W);
156 m_LTHUMB.y += -f32(m_key_S);
157 m_LTHUMB.x = clamp_tpl(m_LTHUMB.x, -1.0f, 1.0f);
158 m_LTHUMB.y = clamp_tpl(m_LTHUMB.y, -1.0f, 1.0f);
162 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 void CModelViewportCE::PlayerControlHuman(const Vec2& vViewDir2D, f32 fGroundRadian, f32 fGroundRadianMoveDir)
166 float color1[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
167 IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = m_renderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
168 f32 FrameTime = GetISystem()->GetITimer()->GetFrameTime();
170 ISkeletonAnim* pISkeletonAnim = GetCharacterBase()->GetISkeletonAnim();
171 ISkeletonPose* pISkeletonPose = GetCharacterBase()->GetISkeletonPose();
173 pISkeletonAnim->SetAnimationDrivenMotion(1);
174 pISkeletonAnim->SetLayerPlaybackScale(0, 1); //no scaling
176 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 if (m_LTHUMB.GetLength() > 1.0f)
181 m_LTHUMB.Normalize();
183 uint32 num = sizeof(m_arrLTHUMB) / sizeof(Vec2);
184 for (int32 i = (num - 2); i > -1; i--)
185 m_arrLTHUMB[i + 1] = m_arrLTHUMB[i];
186 m_arrLTHUMB[0] = m_LTHUMB;
188 uint32 index = 0; //min(uint32(0.10f/m_AverageFrameTime),num-1);
190 f32 fDesiredSpeed = m_arrLTHUMB[index].GetLength() * 5.0f;
191 if (fDesiredSpeed > 0.1f)
193 if (fDesiredSpeed > 3.0f)
194 fDesiredSpeed = 5.0f;
195 else
196 fDesiredSpeed = 1.3f;
199 f32 fSlopeSlowDown = 1.0f - fabsf(fGroundRadian);
200 m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12, g_ypos, 1.2f, color1, false, "fSlopeSlowDown: %f", fSlopeSlowDown);
201 g_ypos += 15;
203 static f32 fDesiredSpeedSmooth = 0;
204 static f32 fDesiredSpeedRate = 0;
205 SmoothCD(fDesiredSpeedSmooth, fDesiredSpeedRate, m_AverageFrameTime, fDesiredSpeed, 0.001f);
207 // uint32 SnapTurn=0;
208 f32 rad = Ang3::CreateRadZ(m_arrLTHUMB[index], m_arrLTHUMB[0]);
209 /*if ( fabsf(rad)>(gf_PI*0.5f) && m_arrLTHUMB[0].GetLength()>0.85f && m_arrLTHUMB[index].GetLength()>0.80f )
211 // SnapTurn=1;
212 //fDesiredSpeed=0.0f;
213 for (int32 i=1; i<num; i++)
214 m_arrLTHUMB[i]=m_arrLTHUMB[0];
215 Vec2 dir = m_arrLTHUMB[0].GetNormalized();
216 m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection.x = dir.x*vViewDir2D.y+dir.y*vViewDir2D.x;
217 m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection.y = dir.y*vViewDir2D.y-dir.x*vViewDir2D.x;
220 //use the GamePad radian to set the m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection
221 m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12, g_ypos, 1.2f, color1, false, "vViewDir2D: %f %f RAD:%f ", vViewDir2D.x, vViewDir2D.y, fabsf(rad));
222 g_ypos += 15;
223 m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12, g_ypos, 1.2f, color1, false, "index: %d", index);
224 g_ypos += 15;
226 if (fDesiredSpeed > 0.1f)
228 Vec2 dir = m_arrLTHUMB[index].GetNormalized();
229 m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection.x = dir.x * vViewDir2D.y + dir.y * vViewDir2D.x;
230 m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection.y = dir.y * vViewDir2D.y - dir.x * vViewDir2D.x;
232 m_vWorldDesiredMoveDirection = m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection; //in this case we always travel in the body direction.
234 uint32 LookIK = m_pCharPanel_Animation->GetLookIK();
235 IAnimationPoseBlenderDir* pIPoseBlenderLook = pISkeletonPose->GetIPoseBlenderLook();
236 if (pIPoseBlenderLook)
238 pIPoseBlenderLook->SetState(LookIK);
239 pIPoseBlenderLook->SetFadeoutAngle(DEG2RAD(120));
240 pIPoseBlenderLook->SetTarget(m_PhysicalLocation.t + m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection * 20);
243 uint32 AimIK = m_pCharPanel_Animation->GetAimIK();
244 Vec3 vAimPos = Vec3(12.0f, +10.0f, 1.0f);
245 IAnimationPoseBlenderDir* pIPoseBlenderAim = pISkeletonPose->GetIPoseBlenderAim();
246 if (pIPoseBlenderAim)
248 pIPoseBlenderAim->SetState(AimIK);
249 pIPoseBlenderAim->SetTarget(vAimPos);
250 pIPoseBlenderAim->SetFadeOutSpeed(0.4f);
252 pAuxGeom->SetRenderFlags(e_Def3DPublicRenderflags);
254 static uint32 keyrcr_R = 0;
255 keyrcr_R = (keyrcr_R << 1) | uint32(m_RT > 0.8f);
256 if ((keyrcr_R & 3) == 1)
257 pISkeletonPose->ApplyRecoilAnimation(0.2f, 0.10f, 1);
259 static Ang3 angle = Ang3(ZERO);
260 angle.x += 0.1f;
261 angle.y += 0.01f;
262 angle.z += 0.001f;
263 AABB sAABB = AABB(Vec3(-0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f), Vec3(+0.1f, +0.1f, +0.1f));
264 OBB obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(Matrix33::CreateRotationXYZ(angle), sAABB);
265 pAuxGeom->DrawOBB(obb, vAimPos, 1, RGBA8(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
267 static f32 fGroundRadianSmooth = 0;
268 static f32 fGroundRadianRate = 0;
269 SmoothCD(fGroundRadianSmooth, fGroundRadianRate, m_AverageFrameTime, fGroundRadian, 0.10f);
271 static f32 fGroundRadianMoveDirSmooth = 0;
272 static f32 fGroundRadianMoveDirRate = 0;
273 SmoothCD(fGroundRadianMoveDirSmooth, fGroundRadianMoveDirRate, m_AverageFrameTime, fGroundRadianMoveDir, 0.10f);
276 Vec2 vLTHUMB = m_arrLTHUMB[0] * 5.0f;
277 if (vLTHUMB.GetLength() > 0.001f)
279 Vec2 dir = vLTHUMB.GetNormalized();
280 m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection2.x = dir.x * vViewDir2D.y + dir.y * vViewDir2D.x;
281 m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection2.y = dir.y * vViewDir2D.y - dir.x * vViewDir2D.x;
284 //just for debugging
285 f32 fRadBody = -atan2f(m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection2.x, m_vWorldDesiredBodyDirection2.y);
286 Matrix33 MatBody33 = Matrix33::CreateRotationZ(fRadBody);
287 const f32 size = 0.009f;
288 const f32 length = 2.2f;
289 AABB yaabb = AABB(Vec3(-size, 0.0f, -size), Vec3(size, length, size));
290 OBB obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(MatBody33, yaabb);
291 pAuxGeom->DrawOBB(obb, m_PhysicalLocation.t, 1, RGBA8(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
292 pAuxGeom->DrawCone(m_PhysicalLocation.t + MatBody33.GetColumn1() * length, MatBody33.GetColumn1(), 0.03f, 0.15f, RGBA8(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00));
297 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 //--- camera control
299 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
300 void CModelViewportCE::PlayerControlCamera()
303 m_relCameraRotZ = m_RTHUMB.x * m_AverageFrameTime;
304 m_relCameraRotX = m_RTHUMB.y * m_AverageFrameTime;
306 //update and clamp rotation-speed
307 f32 YawRad = -m_relCameraRotZ * 2; //yaw-speed
308 m_absLookDirectionXY = Matrix33::CreateRotationZ(YawRad) * m_absLookDirectionXY;
309 m_absLookDirectionXY.Normalize();
311 m_absCameraHigh -= m_relCameraRotX;
312 if (m_absCameraHigh > 3)
313 m_absCameraHigh = 3;
314 if (m_absCameraHigh < 0)
315 m_absCameraHigh = 0;
317 SmoothCD(m_LookAt, m_LookAtRate, m_AverageFrameTime, Vec3(m_PhysicalLocation.t.x, m_PhysicalLocation.t.y, 0.7f), 0.02f);
318 // Vec3 dir = (m_absLookDirectionXY+vWorldCurrentBodyDirection).GetNormalizedSafe(Vec3(0,1,0));
319 // m_absCameraPos = -dir*2 + m_LookAt+Vec3(0,0,m_absCameraHigh);
320 m_absCameraPos = -m_absLookDirectionXY * 2 + m_LookAt + Vec3(0, 0, m_absCameraHigh);
322 Matrix33 orientation = Matrix33::CreateRotationVDir((m_LookAt - m_absCameraPos).GetNormalized(), 0);
323 if (m_pCharPanel_Animation->GetFixedCamera())
325 m_absCameraPos = Vec3(0, 3, 1);
326 orientation = Matrix33::CreateRotationVDir((m_LookAt - m_absCameraPos).GetNormalized());
328 SetViewTM(Matrix34(orientation, m_absCameraPos));
331 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 int PostProcessCallback_PlayControl(ICharacterInstance* pInstance, void* pPlayer)
337 //process bones specific stuff (IK, torso rotation, etc)
338 ((CModelViewportCE*)pPlayer)->PostProcessCallback_PlayControl(pInstance);
339 return 1;
341 void CModelViewportCE::PostProcessCallback_PlayControl(ICharacterInstance* pInstance)
343 IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = m_renderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
344 ISkeletonAnim* pISkeletonAnim = pInstance->GetISkeletonAnim();
345 //float color1[4] = {1,1,1,1};
346 //m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12,g_ypos,1.2f,color1,false,"PlayerControl PostprocessCallback" );
347 //g_ypos+=10;
348 UseFootIKNew(pInstance);
351 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
353 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 uint32 CModelViewportCE::UseFootIKNew(ICharacterInstance* pInstance)
356 float color1[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
357 IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = m_renderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
358 ISkeletonAnim* pISkeletonAnim = pInstance->GetISkeletonAnim();
359 ISkeletonPose* pISkeletonPose = pInstance->GetISkeletonPose();
360 const IDefaultSkeleton& rIDefaultSkeleton = pInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
362 f32 fSmoothTime = 0.07f;
364 static Ang3 angle = Ang3(ZERO);
365 angle.x += 0.01f;
366 angle.y += 0.001f;
367 angle.z += 0.0001f;
368 AABB sAABB = AABB(Vec3(-0.02f, -0.02f, -0.02f), Vec3(+0.02f, +0.02f, +0.02f));
369 OBB obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(Matrix33::CreateRotationXYZ(angle), sAABB);
371 Matrix33 m33;
374 BBox bbox;
375 m_arrBBoxes.resize(0);
377 m33 = Matrix33::CreateRotationXYZ(Ang3(-0.5f, 0, 0));
378 wAABB = AABB(Vec3(-10.00f, -10.00f, -0.10f), Vec3(+10.00f, +10.00f, +0.20f));
379 bbox.obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(m33, wAABB);
380 bbox.pos = Vec3(0, -5.0f, 0);
381 bbox.col = RGBA8(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
382 m_arrBBoxes.push_back(bbox);
384 m33 = Matrix33::CreateRotationXYZ(Ang3(0, 0, 0));
385 wAABB = AABB(Vec3(-20.00f, -20.00f, -0.50f), Vec3(+20.00f, +20.00f, -0.01f));
386 bbox.obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(m33, wAABB);
387 bbox.pos = Vec3(0, -5.0f, 0);
388 bbox.col = RGBA8(0x1f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0xff);
389 m_arrBBoxes.push_back(bbox);
391 m33 = Matrix33::CreateRotationXYZ(Ang3(0, 0, 0));
392 wAABB = AABB(Vec3(-2.00f, -2.00f, -0.20f), Vec3(+2.00f, +2.00f, +0.20f));
393 bbox.obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(m33, wAABB);
394 bbox.pos = Vec3(5, 4, 0);
395 bbox.col = RGBA8(0x3f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0xff);
396 m_arrBBoxes.push_back(bbox);
398 m33 = Matrix33::CreateRotationXYZ(Ang3(0, 0, 0));
399 wAABB = AABB(Vec3(-1.00f, -1.00f, -0.20f), Vec3(+1.00f, +1.00f, +0.30f));
400 bbox.obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(m33, wAABB);
401 bbox.pos = Vec3(5, 4, 0);
402 bbox.col = RGBA8(0x3f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0xff);
403 m_arrBBoxes.push_back(bbox);
405 m33 = Matrix33::CreateRotationXYZ(Ang3(0, 0, 0));
406 wAABB = AABB(Vec3(-1.00f, -1.00f, -0.20f), Vec3(+1.00f, +1.00f, +0.20f));
407 bbox.obb = OBB::CreateOBBfromAABB(m33, wAABB);
408 bbox.pos = Vec3(-5, 7, 0.1f);
409 bbox.col = RGBA8(0x3f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0xff);
410 m_arrBBoxes.push_back(bbox);
412 Vec3 vCharWorldPos = m_PhysicalLocation.t;
413 IVec CWP = CheckFootIntersection(vCharWorldPos, vCharWorldPos);
415 f32 fMinHigh = m_PhysicalLocation.t.z;
416 if (fMinHigh < CWP.heel.z)
417 fMinHigh = CWP.heel.z;
418 Vec3 vGroundNormalRoot = CWP.nheel * m_PhysicalLocation.q;
420 f32 fGroundAngle = acos_tpl(vGroundNormalRoot.z);
421 f32 fGroundHeight = fMinHigh - (fGroundAngle * 0.3f);
422 Vec3 gnormal = Vec3(0, vGroundNormalRoot.y, vGroundNormalRoot.z);
423 f32 cosine = Vec3(0, 0, 1) | gnormal;
424 Vec3 sine = Vec3(0, 0, 1) % gnormal;
425 f32 fGroundAngleMoveDir = RAD2DEG(atan2(sgn(sine.x) * sine.GetLength(), cosine));
427 // m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12,g_ypos,1.5f,color1,false,"GroundAngle: rad:%f degree:%f fGroundAngleMoveDir:%f", fGroundAngle, RAD2DEG(fGroundAngle), fGroundAngleMoveDir );
428 // g_ypos+=14;
430 //take always the lowest leg for the body position
431 static f32 fGroundHeightSmooth = 0.0f;
432 static f32 fGroundHeightRate = 0.0f;
433 SmoothCD(fGroundHeightSmooth, fGroundHeightRate, m_AverageFrameTime, fGroundHeight, fSmoothTime);
435 // m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12,g_ypos,1.5f,color1,false,"fGroundHeightSmooth: %f", fGroundHeightSmooth );
436 // g_ypos+=14;
437 // m_PhysicalLocation.t.z = fGroundHeightSmooth; //stay on ground
439 int32 LHeelIdx = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointIDByName("Bip01 L Heel");
440 if (LHeelIdx < 0) return 0;
441 int32 LToe0Idx = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointIDByName("Bip01 L Toe0");
442 if (LToe0Idx < 0) return 0;
443 uint32 FootplantL = 0;
444 Vec3 Final_LHeel = m_PhysicalLocation * pISkeletonPose->GetAbsJointByID(LHeelIdx).t;
445 Vec3 Final_LToe0 = m_PhysicalLocation * pISkeletonPose->GetAbsJointByID(LToe0Idx).t;
447 int32 RHeelIdx = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointIDByName("Bip01 R Heel");
448 if (RHeelIdx < 0) return 0;
449 int32 RToe0Idx = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointIDByName("Bip01 R Toe0");
450 if (RToe0Idx < 0) return 0;
451 uint32 FootplantR = 0;
452 Vec3 Final_RHeel = m_PhysicalLocation * pISkeletonPose->GetAbsJointByID(RHeelIdx).t;
453 Vec3 Final_RToe0 = m_PhysicalLocation * pISkeletonPose->GetAbsJointByID(RToe0Idx).t;
455 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
457 IVec L4 = CheckFootIntersection(Final_LHeel, Final_LToe0);
458 pAuxGeom->DrawOBB(obb, L4.toe, 1, RGBA8(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
459 pAuxGeom->DrawOBB(obb, L4.heel, 1, RGBA8(0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
461 IVec R4 = CheckFootIntersection(Final_RHeel, Final_RToe0);
462 pAuxGeom->DrawOBB(obb, R4.toe, 1, RGBA8(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
463 pAuxGeom->DrawOBB(obb, R4.heel, 1, RGBA8(0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
465 static Plane LSmoothGroundPlane(Vec3(0, 0, 1), 0);
466 static Plane LSmoothGroundPlaneRate(Vec3(0, 0, 1), 0);
468 Plane LGroundPlane(Vec3(0, 0, 1), 0);
469 if ((L4.heel.z - Final_LHeel.z) > -0.03f)
470 LGroundPlane = Plane::CreatePlane(L4.nheel * m_PhysicalLocation.q, m_PhysicalLocation.GetInverted() * L4.heel);
471 //m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12,g_ypos,1.5f,color1,false,"LGroundPlane: %f %f %f d:%f", LGroundPlane.n.x,LGroundPlane.n.y,LGroundPlane.n.z,LGroundPlane.d );
472 //g_ypos+=14;
474 SmoothCD(LSmoothGroundPlane, LSmoothGroundPlaneRate, m_AverageFrameTime, LGroundPlane, fSmoothTime);
475 // m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12,g_ypos,1.5f,color1,false,"LSmoothGroundPlane: %f %f %f d:%f", LSmoothGroundPlane.n.x,LSmoothGroundPlane.n.y,LSmoothGroundPlane.n.z,LSmoothGroundPlane.d );
476 // g_ypos+=14;
479 static Plane RSmoothGroundPlane(Vec3(0, 0, 1), 0);
480 static Plane RSmoothGroundPlaneRate(Vec3(0, 0, 1), 0);
482 Plane RGroundPlane(Vec3(0, 0, 1), 0);
483 if ((R4.heel.z - Final_RToe0.z) > -0.03f)
484 RGroundPlane = Plane::CreatePlane(R4.nheel * m_PhysicalLocation.q, m_PhysicalLocation.GetInverted() * R4.heel);
485 //m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12,g_ypos,1.5f,color1,false,"RGroundPlane: %f %f %f d:%f", RGroundPlane.n.x,RGroundPlane.n.y,RGroundPlane.n.z,RGroundPlane.d );
486 //g_ypos+=14;
488 SmoothCD(RSmoothGroundPlane, RSmoothGroundPlaneRate, m_AverageFrameTime, RGroundPlane, fSmoothTime);
489 // m_renderer->Draw2dLabel(12,g_ypos,1.5f,color1,false,"RSmoothGroundPlane: %f %f %f d:%f", RSmoothGroundPlane.n.x,RSmoothGroundPlane.n.y,RSmoothGroundPlane.n.z,RSmoothGroundPlane.d );
490 // g_ypos+=14;
493 return 1;
496 IVec CModelViewportCE::CheckFootIntersection(const Vec3& Final_Heel, const Vec3& Final_Toe0)
498 IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = m_renderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
500 Vec3 out;
501 uint32 ival = 0;
502 f32 HeightHeel = -100.0f;
503 f32 HeightToe0 = -100.0f;
504 Vec3 normalHeel = Vec3(0, 0, 1);
505 Vec3 normalToe0 = Vec3(0, 0, 1);
507 Ray RayHeel = Ray(Final_Heel + Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.5f), Vec3(0, 0, -1.0f));
508 Ray RayToe0 = Ray(Final_Toe0 + Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.5f), Vec3(0, 0, -1.0f));
509 //pAuxGeom->DrawLine(RayToeN.origin,RGBA8(0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00),RayToeN.origin+RayToeN.direction*10.0f,RGBA8(0x00,0x0,0xff,0x00));
510 //pAuxGeom->DrawLine(RayHeel.origin,RGBA8(0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00),RayHeel.origin+RayHeel.direction*10.0f,RGBA8(0xff,0x0,0x00,0x00));
512 uint32 numBoxes = m_arrBBoxes.size();
514 for (uint32 i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++)
516 OBB obb = m_arrBBoxes[i].obb;
517 Vec3 pos = m_arrBBoxes[i].pos;
518 ColorB col = m_arrBBoxes[i].col;
519 pAuxGeom->DrawOBB(obb, pos, 1, col, eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded);
521 ival = Intersect::Ray_OBB(RayHeel, pos, obb, out);
522 if (ival == 0x01)
523 if (HeightHeel < out.z)
525 HeightHeel = out.z;
526 normalHeel = obb.m33.GetColumn2(); // * m_PhysicalLocation.q;
530 ival = Intersect::Ray_OBB(RayToe0, pos, obb, out);
531 if (ival == 0x01)
532 if (HeightToe0 < out.z)
534 HeightToe0 = out.z;
535 normalToe0 = obb.m33.GetColumn2(); // * m_PhysicalLocation.q;
540 IVec retval;
541 retval.nheel = normalHeel.GetNormalized();
542 retval.ntoe = normalToe0.GetNormalized();
543 retval.heel = Vec3(Final_Heel.x, Final_Heel.y, HeightHeel);
544 retval.toe = Vec3(Final_Toe0.x, Final_Toe0.y, HeightToe0);
545 return retval;