1 ; All options in this section need to be reset by the sys_spec configs to avoid state leaking
3 -- Common settings for X and non X --
4 sys_usePlatformSavingAPI = 0
5 sys_flash_address_space = 204800
8 ; Platform-specific settings which are ignored on PC when selecting this spec
10 r_durango_async_dips = 1
13 r_MeshPoolSize = 393216
14 r_texturesstreaming = 2
15 r_texturesStreamPoolSize = 2048
17 ; disable defragmentation
18 r_texturesstreampooldefragmentation = 0
19 r_buffer_pool_defrag_static = 0
20 r_buffer_pool_defrag_dynamic = 0
21 r_buffer_pool_defrag_max_moves = 4