Started to clean up passwords variables
[CGIscriptor.git] /
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
3 # Put the full path to perl on the first line, run the program with
4 # `perl CGIservlet`, or put a symbolic link to perl in
5 # the startup directory if you need a special version of perl.
7 if(grep(/\-\-help/i, @ARGV))
9 print << 'ENDOFHELPTEXT';
10 # CGIservlet:
11 # A HTTPd "connector" for running CGI scripts on unix systems as WWW
12 # accessible Web sites. The servlet starts a true HTTP daemon that channels
13 # HTTP requests to forked daughter processes. is NOT a
14 # full fledged server. Moreover, this servlet is definitely NOT intended
15 # as a replacement of a real server (e.g., Apache). It's design goal was
16 # SIMPLICITY, and not mileage.
18 # Note that a HTTP server can be accessed on your local machine WITHOUT
19 # internet access (but WITH a DNS?):
20 # use "http://localhost[:port]/[path]" or "[:port]/[path]"
21 # as the URL. It is also easy to restrict access to the servlet to localhost
22 # users (i.e., the computer running the servlet).
24 # Suggested uses:
25 # - A testbed for CGI-scripts and document-trees outside the primary server.
26 # When developing new scripts and services, you don't want to mess up your
27 # current Web-site. CGIservlet is an easy way to start a temporary (private)
28 # server. CGIservlet allows to test separate HTTP server components, e.g.,
29 # user authentication, in isolation.
31 # - A special purpose temporary server (WWW everywhere/anytime).
32 # We run identification and other experiments over the inter-/intra-net using
33 # CGI-scripts. This means a lot of development and changes and only little
34 # actual run-time. The people doing this do not want "scripting" access to our
35 # departmental server with all its restrictions and security. So we need a
36 # small, lightweigth, easy-to-configure server that can be run by each
37 # investigator on her own account (and risk).
39 # - Interactive WWW presentations.
40 # Not everyone is content with the features of "standard" office presentation
41 # software. HTML and its associated browsers are an alternative (especially
42 # under Linux). However, you need a server to realize the full interactive
43 # nature of the WWW. CGIservlet with the necessary scripts can be run from
44 # a floppie (a Web server in 100 kB). The CGIservlet can actually run a
45 # (small) web site from RAM, without disk access (if you DO NOT use the
46 # 2>pid.log redirection on startup).
47 # With the "localhost" or "" id in your browser you can use the
48 # servlet standalone.
50 # When the servlet is started with the -r option, only requests from "localhost"
51 # or "" are accepted (default) or from addresses indicated after the
52 # -r switch.
54 # Running demo's and more information can be found at
55 #
58 ############################################################################
60 # Changes (document ALL changes with date, name and email here):
62 # 28 Mar 2013 - Version 1.4.
63 # 18 Jun 2012 - Added --env, %UserEnv user defined ENV variables. Freeze %ENV.
64 # 06 Jun 2012 - Added HTTP Cookie string to an Environment variable: COOKIE_JAR
65 # 29 May 2012 - Added .log -> / to @RegAliasTranslation, blocks attempts to read
66 # log files.
67 # 22 May 2012 - Blocked "hidden" files and directories starting with "." in
68 # default @RegAliasTranslation. Removed obsolete CVS reference.
69 # 21 May 2012 - Inserted the -m[emory] switch for loading and serving from RAM.
70 # The option was mentioned in the manual, but the cli switch was
71 # never added.
72 # 22 Jul 2003 - Plain output using binary print io. `cat ...`
73 # 22 Jul 2003 - Added 'use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);' line
74 # for debugging. Standard this is commented out
75 # for security reasons (suggested by
76 # 22 Jul 2003 - Added error checking to doarg (suggested by
77 # 22 Jul 2003 - Removed SERVER_PORT from HTTP_HOST (Bug found by
78 # 22 Jul 2003 - Updated documentation. Added CGIservlet directory
79 # to the search path of
80 # 20 May 2003 - Made sure recycled (double) pid's do not mess up the
81 # @brood list and added a --help switch.
82 # 20 May 2003 - Added a maximum running time for child processes
83 # with command line switch -xterm.
84 # 15 Jan 2002 - Version 1.3
85 # 19 Oct 2001 - Included browsing of directories and a new -s
86 # security switch. With security toggled of
87 # directories can be browsed and all mime-types
88 # are served, either as 'text/plain' or as
89 # 'application/octed-stream'.
90 # 18 May 2001 - Added some HTTP HTTP lines.
91 # 13 Jun 2000 - Included the possibility to add POST request
92 # to GET query-strings (and change the request
93 # method). The -l ($Maxlength) maximum length
94 # option now covers POST requests too.
95 # 8 Dec 1999 - Included hooks for compression when running from RAM.
96 # 2 Dec 1999 - Autoflush enabled.
97 # 2 Dec 1999 - Allow running a Web Site from RAM.
98 # 2 Dec 1999 - Changed the behavior of CGIservletSETUP. CGIservlet
99 # will eval ALL setup files, the one in the CGIscriptor
100 # subdirectory (if any) AND the one in the current
101 # directory. (also added a close(SETUP) command)
102 # 26 Nov 1999 - Added some minimal security for 'automatic', out of
103 # the box installation.
104 # 26 Nov 1999 - Made the text/osshell mime-type functional (i.e.,
105 # without any scripts, implement a dynamic web server)
106 # Linited to '.cgi' extension.
107 # 26 Nov 1999 - Added aliasing of URL paths, both one-to-one lookups
108 # and full regular expression, i.e., $Path =~ s/.../.../g
109 # replace commands
110 # 28 Sep 1999 - Made all client supplied HTTP parameter names lowercase
111 # to handle inconsistencies in case use.
112 # 29 Jul 1999 - Allowed for a SETUP configuration file ''.
113 # Use $beginarg from the 'CGIscriptor/' directory if it exists.
114 # (
117 ############################################################################
119 # Known bugs
121 # 23 Mar 2000 - An odd server side network error is reported by Netscape
122 # when a Post is initiated from a Javascript Submit of a
123 # <FORM>. This was found on Red Hat 6.1 Linux with perl 5.00503,
124 # 5.00503 and 5.6.0. But not on IRIX or Red Hat 5.0, 7.x.
126 ############################################################################
129 # Inner workings:
130 # Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
131 # started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
132 # Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
133 # Note that CGIservlet only uses a SINGLE script for ALL requests.
134 # No attemps for security are made, it is the script's responsibility to
135 # check access rights and the validity of the request.
136 # When no scripts are given, CGIservlet runs as a bare bone WWW server
137 # configurable to execute scripts (the default setting is as a
138 # STATIC server).
140 # Author and copyright (c) :
141 # Rob van Son
142 # email:
143 #
144 #
145 # NKI/AVL Amsterdam
147 # copying freely from the mhttpd server by Jerry LeVan (
148 # Date: July 22, 2012
149 # Version:1.4
150 # Env: Perl 5.002 and later
153 ################################################################################
155 # LICENSE #
157 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #
158 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #
159 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #
160 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #
162 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
163 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
165 # GNU General Public License for more details. #
167 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
168 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
169 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, #
170 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
172 ################################################################################
174 # Note: was directly inspired by Jerry LeVan's
175 # ( simple mhttpd server which again was
176 # inspired by work of others. CGIservlet is used as a bare bones
177 # socket server for a single CGI script at a time.
179 # Use: -<switch> <argument> 2>pid.log & (sh/bash)
180 # -<switch> <argument> >&pid.log & (csh)
182 # The servlet prints out pid and port number on STDERR. It is
183 # adviced to store these in a separate file (this will become the
184 # error log).
185 # NOTE: When running CGIservlet from a Memmory Image (i.e. RAM),
186 # do NOT redirect the error output to a file, but use something
187 # like MAILTO or /dev/null!
189 # Stop: sh pid.log (kills the server process)
191 # The first line in the file that receives STDERR output is a command
192 # to stop CGIservlet.
194 # examples:
195 # -p 2345 -d /cgi-bin/ -t /WWW 2>pid.log &
196 # -p 8080 -b 'require "";' -t $PWD -e \
197 # 'Handle_Request();' 2>pid.log &
199 # The following example settings implement a static WWW server using 'cat'
200 # (and prohibiting Queries):
201 # -p 8008
202 # -t `pwd`
203 # -b ''
204 # -e
205 # '$ENV{QUERY_STRING}="";$ENV{PATH_INFO}=~/\.([\w]+)$/; "Content-type: ".$mimeType{uc($1)}."\n\n";'
206 # -d 'cat -u -s'
207 # -w '/index.html'
208 # -c 32
209 # -l 512
211 # This is identical to the (static) behaviour of CGIservlet when
212 # -e '' -d '' -x '' is used.
213 # The CGIservlet command should be run from the intended server-root directory.
215 # Another setting will use a package '' with a function
216 # 'HandleRequest()' to implement an interactive WWW server with inline
217 # Perl scripting:
218 # -p 8080
219 # -t `pwd`
220 # -b 'require "";'
221 # -e 'HandleRequest();'
222 # -d ''
223 # -w '/index.html'
224 # -c 32
225 # -l 32767
227 # Look below or in the file for the current default
228 # settings.
231 # ###############################################################################
233 # There are many switches to tailor the workings of
234 # Some are fairly esoteric and you should only look for them if you
235 # need something special urgently. When building a Web site,
236 # the specific options you need will "suggest" themselves (e.g., port
237 # number, script, or server-root directory). Most default settings
238 # should work fine.
240 # You can add your own configuration in a file called
241 # ''. This file will be executed ("eval"-ed)
242 # after the default setup, but before the command line options take
243 # effect. CGIservlet looks for the SETUP file in the startup directory
244 # and in the CGIscriptor subdirectory.
245 # (Note that the $beginarg variable is evaluated AFTER the setup file).
247 # In any case, it is best to change the default settings instead of
248 # using the option switches. All defaults are put in a single block.
250 # switches and arguments:
251 # Realy important
252 # -p[ort] port number
253 # For example -p 2345
254 # Obviously the port CGIservlet listenes to. Suggested Default: -p 8008
256 # -a[lias] Alias1 RealURL1 ...
257 # For example -a '/Stimulus.aifc' '/catAIFC.xmr'
258 # Replaces the given Alias URL path by its real URL path. Accepts full
259 # regular expressions too (identified by NON-URL characters).
260 # That is, on each request it performs (in order):
261 # if($AliasTranslation{$Path})
262 # {
263 # $Path = $AliasTranslation{$Path};
265 # elsif(@RegAliasTranslation)
266 # {
267 # my $i;
268 # for($i=0; $i<scalar(@RegAliasTranslation); ++$i)
269 # {
270 # my $Alias = $RegAliasTranslation[$i];
271 # my $RealURL = $RegURLTranslation[$i];
272 # last if ($Path =~ s#$Alias#$RealURL#g);
273 # };
274 # };
275 # The effects can be quite drastic, so be
276 # carefull. Note also, that entering many Regular Expression
277 # aliases could slow down your servlet. Checking stops after
278 # the first match.
279 # Full regular expression alias translations are done in the
280 # order given! They are recognized as Aliases containing
281 # regexp's (i.e., non-URL) operator characters like '^' and
282 # '$'.
283 # Note: The command line is NOT a good place for entering
284 # Aliases, change the code below or add aliases to
285 #
287 # --help
288 # Prints the manual
290 # Script related
291 # -b[egin] perl commands
292 # For example -b 'require "";' or
293 # 'require "/WWW/cgi-bin/";'
294 # Perl commands evaluated at server startup
296 # -d[o] perl script file
297 # For example -d '/WWW/cgi-bin/'
298 # The actual CGI-script started as a perl {do "scriptfile"} command.
299 # The PATH_INFO and the QUERY are pushed on @ARGV.
301 # -x shell command
302 # -qx shell command
303 # -exec shell command
304 # OS shell script or command, e.g., -x '' or
305 # -x '/WWW/cgi-bin/my-script'
306 # The actual CGI-script started as `my-script \'$Path\' \'$QueryString\'`.
307 # -qx and -exec[ute] are aliases of -x. For security reasons, Paths or
308 # queries containing '-quotes are rejected.
310 # -e[val] perl commands
311 # For example -e 'Handle_Request();'
312 # The argument is evaluated as perl code. The actual CGI-script
313 # can be loaded once with -b 'require' and you only have to
314 # call the central function(s).
316 # WWW-tree related
317 # -t[extroot] path
318 # For example -t "$PWD" or -t "/WWW/documents"
319 # The root of the server hierachy. Defaults to the working directory
320 # at startup time (`pwd`)
322 # -w[elcome] filepath
323 # For example -w "/index.html" (default)
324 # The default welcome page used when no path is entered. Note that
325 # this path can point to anything (or nothing real at all).
327 # Security related
328 # The following arguments supply some rudimentary security. It is the
329 # responsibility of the script to ensure that the requests are indeed
330 # "legal".
332 # -c[hildren] maximum child processes
333 # For example -c 32
334 # The maximum number of subprocesses started. If there are more requests,
335 # the oldest requests are "killed". This should take care of "zombie"
336 # processes and server overloading. Note that new requests will be
337 # serviced irrespective of the success of killing it's older siblings.
339 # -xtime maximum running time of a child
340 # For example -xtime 36000
341 # The maximum time a child may run in seconds. After a new request has
342 # been servised, all children that have run for longer than this time
343 # will be killed. This stops runaway processes, often connected to
344 # web-crawlers.
346 # -l[ength] maximum length of HTTP request in bytes
347 # For example -l 32768
348 # This prevents overloading the server with enormous queries. Reading of
349 # requests simply stops when this limit is reached. This DOES affect
350 # POST requests. If the combined length of the COMPLETE HTTP request,
351 # including headers, exceeds this limit, the whole request is dropped.
353 # -r[estrict] [Remote-address [Remote-host]]
354 # For example -r (default of -r)
355 # A space separated list of client IP addresses and/or domain names that
356 # should be serviced. Default, i.e., '-r' without any addresses or domain
357 # names, is the localhost IP address ''.
358 # When using CGIservlet for local purposes only (e.g., development or a
359 # presentation), it would be unsafe to allow others to access the servlet.
360 # If -r is used (or the corresponding @RemoteAddr or @RemoteHost lists are
361 # filled in the code below), all requests from clients whose Remote-address
362 # or Remote-host do not match the indicated addresses will be rejected.
363 # Partial addresses and domain names are allowed. Matching is done according
364 # to Remote-addr =~ /^\Q$pattern\E/ (front to back) and
365 # Remote-host =~ /\Q$pattern\E$/ (back to front)
367 # --env name=value,name=value
368 # Watch double dash. Define $ENV{name}=value for every pair. These are
369 # internally stored in %UserEnv, eg, $UserEnv{name}=value; This is set anew
370 # in the Child with every request. That is, Changes in %ENV are not stored.
372 # -s[ecure]
373 # No arguments.
374 # A toggle switch that blocks all access to files with undefined
375 # mime-types (or to serve ascii files as "text/plain"), and blocking directory
376 # browsing. Defaults to blocking what is not explicitely allowed.
378 # -m[emory]
379 # No arguments.
380 # Reads complete Web site into memory and runs from this image.
381 # Set $UseRAMimage = 1; to activate memory-only running.
382 # Under certain circumstance, this can improve security.
383 # Note, however, that running osshellscripts from this image
384 # makes any "security" related claims very shaky.
386 # Speedup
387 # -n[oname]
388 # No arguments.
389 # Retrieving the domain name of the Client (i.e., Remote-host) is a
390 # very slow process and normally useless. To skip it, enter this
391 # option. Note that you cannot use '-r Remote-host' anymore after
392 # you enter -n, only IP addresses will work.
394 # Configuration with the file
396 # You can add your own configuration in a file
397 # called ''. This file will be executed ("eval"-ed)
398 # after the default setup, but before the command line options take
399 # effect. CGIservlet looks for the SETUP file in the startup directory
400 # and in the CGIservlet and CGIscriptor subdirectories.
401 # (Note that the $beginarg variable is evaluated even later).
403 # Changing POST to GET requests
405 # CGIservlet normally only handles requests with the GET method. Processing
406 # the input from POST requests is left to the reading application. POST
407 # requests add some extra complexity to processing requests. Sometimes,
408 # the reading application doesn't handle POST requests. CGIservlet
409 # already has to manage the HTTP request. Therefore, it can easily
410 # handle the POST request. If the variable $POSTtoGET is set to any
411 # non-false value, the content of whole POST request is added to the
412 # QUERY_STRING environment variable (preceeded by a '&' if necessary).
413 # The content-length is set to 0. If $POSTtoGET equals 'GET', the method
414 # will also be changed to 'GET'.
416 # remarks:
417 # All of the arguments of -d, -e, and -x are processed sequentially
418 # in this order. This might not be what you want so you should be
419 # carefull when using multiple executable arguments.
420 # If none of the executable arguments is DEFINED (i.e., they are entered
421 # as -d '' -e '' -x ''), each request is treated as a simple
422 # text-retrieval. THIS CAN BE A SECURITY RISK!
424 # The wiring of an interactive web-server, which also calls shell
425 # scripts with the extension '.cgi', is in place. You can
426 # "activate" it by changing the "my $ExecuteOSshell = 0;" line to
427 # "my $ExecuteOSshell = 1;".
428 # If you have trouble doing this, it might be a good idea
429 # to reconsider using a dynamic web server. Executing shell
430 # scripts inside a web server is a rather dangerous practise.
432 # CGIservlet can run its "standard" web server from memory.
433 # At startup, all files are read into a hash table. Upon
434 # request, the contents of the file are placed in the
435 # environment variable: CGI_FILE_CONTENTS.
436 # No further disk access is necessary. This means that:
437 # 1 CGIservlet can run a WWW site from a removable disk,
438 # e.g., a floppy
439 # 2 The web servlet can run without any read or write privilege.
440 # 3 The integrity of the Web-site contents can be secured at the
441 # level you want
443 # To compres the memory (RAM) immage, you should hook the
444 # compression function to
445 # $CompressRAMimage = sub { return shift;};
446 # and the decompression function to
447 # $DecompressRAMimage = sub { return shift;};
451 exit;
453 ###################################################################################
455 require 5.002;
456 use strict; # Should realy be used!
457 use Socket;
458 use Carp; # could come in handy (can be missed, I think)
460 # For debugging: uncommenting the use-line below will send
461 # nicely formanted output to the client. However, it is
462 # generally not a good idea to enable clients to test your
463 # scripts and look for holes (SECURITY).
464 # use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
466 $| = 1; # Autoflush (i'm not sure whether this is usefull)
468 my $version = "1.301";
469 my $program = "";
471 ##################################################################
473 # print some information to STDERR, e.g., the process number #
475 ##################################################################
476 sub logmsg { print STDERR "kill -KILL $$;exit;\n", # Stop CGIservlet
477 "$0 $$: @_ at ", scalar localtime, "\n" }
479 ############################################################
481 # Parse arguments (you can define DEFAULT VALUES here) #
483 ############################################################
485 my $port = 8008; # The port number
487 # Add POST requests to the QUERY_STRING, change method to
488 # GET if the value is 'GET'
489 my $POSTtoGET = 0; # Add POST requests to the query string
491 # (Fast) direct translation of full URL paths
492 my %AliasTranslation = (); # Alias => RealURL pairs (ONLY paths)
493 # Regular expression alias translation, in order of application
494 # (this can be quite slow)
495 my @RegAliasTranslation = ('^(\..*|.*/\..*)$','\.htm$', '^.*\.log$'); # Full regular expression alias/url pairs: URL
496 my @RegURLTranslation = ('/','.html', '/'); # Full regular expression alias/url pairs: PATH
498 my $textroot = $ENV{'PWD'} || `pwd`; # current working directory
499 chomp($textroot); # Remove nasty newline, if present
500 my $doarg = ''; # do "filename",
502 my $beginarg = ''; # eval($Argument) at the start of the program
503 my $evalarg = ''; # eval($Argument) for each request
504 my $execarg = ''; # execute `command \'$textroot$Path\' \'$QueryString\'`
506 my $welcome = '/index.html'; # Default path
508 # Rudimentary security, overflow detection
509 my $MaxBrood = 32; # Maximum number of running children
510 my $MaxTime = 36000; # Maximum time a child may run in seconds
511 my $MaxLength = 2**15; # Maximum Request Length
512 my $Secure = 1; # Block browsing directories and text files or not
513 my %UserEnv = ();
515 # If one of the following lists contains any client addresses or names, all others are
516 # blocked (be carefull, your site will be inaccessible if you misspell them).
517 my @RemoteHost = (); # Accepted Hosts, suggest: localhost
518 my @RemoteAddr = (); # Accepted IP addresses, suggest: @RemoteAddr=('')
519 my $DefaultRemoteAddr = ''; # default, use localhost IP address
520 my $NONAME = 0; # if 1, do NOT ask for REMOTE_HOST (faster)
522 # Initialization ready
523 my %FrozenEnv = %ENV; # Freeze %ENV
525 # Store the whole Web Site in a hash table and use this RAM memory image (if non-zero)
526 my $UseRAMimage = 0;
527 # Empty function handlers for data compression
528 # In general, these must be redefined in the $beginarg
529 my $CompressRAMimage = sub { return shift;};
530 my $DecompressRAMimage = sub { return shift;};
532 # Execute shell CGI scripts when no -d, -e, or -x are supplied
533 my $ExecuteOSshell = 0; # Do you REALY want this? It is dangerous
535 #################################################################
537 # Configure CGIservlet with a setup file (overides the #
538 # default settings, but not the command line options). #
539 # Note that, if it exists, the setup file in the CGIscriptor #
540 # subdirectory is processed EVEN if there is a SETUP file #
541 # in the current directory. #
543 #################################################################
544 # There exists a CGIservlet subdirectory and it contains
545 # a file
546 if((-e './CGIservlet/') &&
547 open(SETUP, '<./CGIservlet/'))
549 # Get the setup code
550 my $SetupCode = join("", <SETUP>);
551 # 'Eval' is used to ensure that the values are entered in the current
552 # package (contrary to what 'do' and 'require' do).
553 (eval $SetupCode) || die "$! $@\n";
554 close(SETUP);
556 # There exists a CGIscriptor subdirectory and it contains
557 # a file
558 if((-e './CGIscriptor/') &&
559 open(SETUP, '<./CGIscriptor/'))
561 # Get the setup code
562 my $SetupCode = join("", <SETUP>);
563 # 'Eval' is used to ensure that the values are entered in the current
564 # package (contrary to what 'do' and 'require' do).
565 (eval $SetupCode) || die "$! $@\n";
566 close(SETUP);
568 # There is a file in the current directory
569 if((-e './') &&
570 open(SETUP, '<./'))
572 # Get the setup code
573 my $SetupCode = join("", <SETUP>);
574 # 'Eval' is used to ensure that the values are entered in the current
575 # package (contrary to what 'do' and 'require' do).
576 (eval $SetupCode) || die "-e $SetupCode: $! $@\n";
577 close(SETUP);
580 ######################################
582 # process arguments and defaults #
584 ######################################
586 while ($_ = shift(@ARGV))
588 # With switches
589 if(/\-p/is) # Port
591 $port = shift(@ARGV);
593 elsif(/\-d/is) # Do
595 $doarg = shift(@ARGV);
597 elsif(/\-(x|qx|exec)/is) # Execute
599 $execarg = shift(@ARGV);
601 elsif(/\-b/is) # Begin
603 $beginarg = shift(@ARGV);
605 elsif(/^\-e/is) # Evaluate
607 $evalarg = shift(@ARGV);
609 elsif(/\-t/is) # Textroot
611 $textroot = shift(@ARGV);
613 elsif(/\-w/is) # Default welcome page
615 $welcome = shift(@ARGV);
617 elsif(/\-c/is) # Maximum Children
619 $MaxBrood = shift(@ARGV) || $MaxBrood;
621 elsif(/\-xtime/is) # Maximum running time
623 $MaxTime = shift(@ARGV) || $MaxTime;
625 elsif(/\-l/is) # Maximum Length
627 $MaxLength = shift(@ARGV) || $MaxLength;
629 elsif(/\-m/is) # Run from RAM
631 $UseRAMimage = 1;
633 elsif(/\-a/is) # Aliases
635 while(@ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ /^\-/) # while not a parameter
637 my $Alias = shift(@ARGV);
638 my $RealURL = $ARGV[0] !~ /^\-/ ? shift(@ARGV) : "";
639 next unless $Alias && $RealURL;
640 # Store the alias
641 # Simple straight translations
642 unless($Alias =~ m/[\$\Q^*&@!\?(){}[];:\E]/)
644 $AliasTranslation{$Alias} = $RealURL;
646 else # Full regular expressions
648 push(@RegAliasTranslation, $Alias);
649 push(@RegURLTranslation, $RealURL);
654 elsif(/\-r/is) # Remote host or address
656 while(@ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ /^\-/) # while not a parameter
658 my $Remote = shift(@ARGV);
659 if($Remote =~ /[\d\.]+/) # A host IP address
661 push(@RemoteAddr, $Remote);
663 else # A host domain name, less secure
665 push(@RemoteHost, $Remote);
669 # Use the default Remote Host (Client) IP address (e.g., localhost)
670 # if no addresses or domain names are entered.
671 push(@RemoteAddr, $DefaultRemoteAddr) unless @RemoteAddr || @RemoteHost;
673 elsif(/^\-\-env/is) # Environment variables
675 while(@ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ /^\-/) # while not a parameter
677 my $envlist = shift(@ARGV);
678 foreach my $envstring (split(',', $envlist))
680 my ($name, $value) = split('=', $envstring);
681 next unless $name;
682 # Store the Environment variable
683 $UserEnv{$name} = $value;
687 elsif(/\-s/is) # Secure or not
689 $Secure = !$Secure; # Toggle blocking directory browsing and ASCII file access
691 elsif(/\-n/is) # Do NOT extract Remote host
693 $NONAME = 1;
695 else # perform unreliable magick without switches
697 if(/^[0-9]+$/ && $_ > 1024) # A (large) number must be a port
699 $port = $_;
701 elsif(-T && /\.pl$/) # Text file with extension .pl is a Perl file
703 $doarg = $_;
705 elsif(-T && /\.pm$/) # Text file with extension .pm is a Perl module file
707 $beginarg = $_;
709 elsif(-x) # Executables can be executed
711 $execarg = $_;
713 elsif(-d) # A directory can only be the root
715 $textroot = $_;
717 elsif(-T && /^\// && /\.html$/) # An html file path is the default path
719 $welcome = $_;
721 elsif(-T) # A text file is something to do
723 $doarg = $_;
725 elsif(/[\s\{\`\[\@\%]/) # I give up, just try it
727 $evalarg = shift(@ARGV);
732 ################################################
734 # All argument values are known. #
735 # Initialize environment variables. #
736 # (should be accessible to eval($beginarg)) #
738 ################################################
740 # Initialize %ENV
741 $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} = "$program $version";
743 $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} = "$port";
744 $ENV{'CGI_HOME'} = $textroot;
745 $ENV{'SERVER_ROOT'} = $textroot; # Server Root Directory
746 $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} = $textroot; # Server Root Directory
747 $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = $doarg.$execarg.$evalarg; # Combine executable arguments
751 $FrozenEnv{'SERVER_PORT'} = $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'};
752 $FrozenEnv{'CGI_HOME'} = $ENV{'CGI_HOME'};
753 $FrozenEnv{'SERVER_ROOT'} = $ENV{'SERVER_ROOT'}; # Server Root Directory
754 $FrozenEnv{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}; # Server Root Directory
755 $FrozenEnv{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; # Combine executable arguments
757 ################################################
759 # The initial argument should be evaluated #
761 ################################################
763 eval($beginarg) if $beginarg;
765 ################################################
767 # The initial argument has been evaluated #
769 ################################################
771 # Socket related code
772 my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
773 $port = $1 if $port =~ /(\d+)/; # untaint port number
775 socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
776 setsockopt(Server, &SOL_SOCKET, &SO_REUSEADDR,
777 pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt: $!";
778 bind(Server, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) || die "bind: $!";
779 listen(Server,SOMAXCONN) || die "listen: $!";
782 # Report start of server
783 logmsg "server started on port $port";
785 # Set up SIG vector (every signal will kill the process that receives it)
786 $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
787 $SIG{'KILL'} = "SigHandler";
788 $SIG{'TERM'} = "SigHandler";
789 $SIG{'QUIT'} = "SigHandler";
790 $SIG{'HUP'} = "SigHandler";
792 # Define text mime types served if no scripts are defined
793 # Note that the "text/osshell" mime-type is executed by CGIservlet ITSELF!
794 # You should remove it if you don't want that!
795 my %mimeType = (
796 'HTML'=> "text/html",
797 'TXT' => "text/plain",
798 'PL' => "text/plain", # This is incorrect, of course
799 'JPG' => "image/jpeg",
800 'JPEG' => "image/jpeg",
801 'GIF' => "image/gif",
802 'AU' => "audio/basic",
803 'AIF' => "audio/aiff",
804 'AIFC' => "audio/aiff",
805 'AIFF' => "audio/aiff",
806 'GZ' => "application/gzip",
807 'TGZ' => "application/tar",
808 #'CGI' => "text/osshell", # Executes SERVER side shell scripts, HIGHLY DANGEROUS
809 'WAV' => "audio/wav",
810 'OGG' => "audio/x-vorbis",
811 'PDF' => "application/pdf",
812 'PS' => "application/postscript"
815 ################################################
817 # Fill the RAM image of the web site #
819 ################################################
821 my %WWWramImage = ();
822 if($UseRAMimage)
824 my $TotalSize = 0;
825 my @WWWfilelist = `find $textroot ! -type l ! -type d -print`;
826 my $WWWfile;
827 foreach $WWWfile (@WWWfilelist)
829 chomp($WWWfile);
830 # Skip unsupported file types
831 $WWWfile =~ /\.(\w+)$/;
832 my $WWWfileExtension = uc($1);
833 next unless $mimeType{$WWWfileExtension};
834 # Store GnuZipped image of file
835 $WWWramImage{$WWWfile} = "";
836 open(FILEIN, "<$WWWfile") || die "$WWWfile could not be opened: $!\n";
837 my $Buffer;
838 while(sysread(FILEIN, $Buffer, 1024))
840 $WWWramImage{$WWWfile} .= $Buffer;
842 # Apply compression
843 my $CompressedPtr = &$CompressRAMimage(\${WWWramImage{$WWWfile}});
844 $WWWramImage{$WWWfile} = $$CompressedPtr;
845 $TotalSize += length($WWWramImage{$WWWfile});
848 # Report size of Web RAM image
849 print STDERR "Total number of $TotalSize bytes read in memory image\n";
852 ################################################
854 # The RAM image of the web site has been #
855 # filled. #
857 ################################################
859 # Map HTTP request parameters to Environment variables
860 # HTTP request => Environment variable
861 my %HTTPtype = (
862 'content-length' => 'CONTENT_LENGTH', # Necessary for POST
863 'user-agent' => 'HTTP_USER_AGENT',
864 'accept' => 'HTTP_ACCEPT',
865 'content-type' => 'CONTENT_TYPE',
866 'auth-type' => 'AUTH_TYPE',
867 'ident' => 'REMOTE_IDENT',
868 'referer' => 'HTTP_REFERER',
869 'user' => 'REMOTE_USER',
870 'address' => 'REMOTE_ADDR',
871 'connection' => 'HTTP_CONNECTION',
872 'accept-language' => 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE',
873 'accept-encoding' => 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING',
874 'accept-charset' => 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET',
875 'host' => 'HTTP_HOST',
876 'cookie' => 'COOKIE_JAR'
879 ###############################################################################
881 # Now we start with the real work. When there is a request, get the required #
882 # values and fork a child to service it. #
884 ###############################################################################
886 my @brood = ();
887 my %StartTime = (); # Start time of the children
888 my $child;
890 # When someone knocks on the door
891 for (;;)
893 my $paddr;
895 if(!($paddr = accept(Client,Server)) ) # Knock knock
897 exit 1; # This went terrribly wrong
900 # Fork to child and parent
901 if(($child =fork()) == 0)
903 # this is the child
904 my ($port,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
905 my $address = inet_ntoa($iaddr); # The IP address of the Client
906 # The following is EXTREMELY slow and generally unnecessary.
907 # Use -n or set $NONAME = 1; if you don't need it.
908 my $name = $NONAME ? '' : gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
909 my @Input = ();
912 # Before doing anything else, check whether the client should be
913 # served at all.
914 # Is IP addr on the list?
915 if(@RemoteAddr && !grep(/^\Q$address\E/, @RemoteAddr))
917 print STDERR "Reject $address $name\n";
918 exit 1;
920 # Is name on the list?
921 if(@RemoteHost && !grep(/\Q$name\E$/, @RemoteHost))
923 print STDERR "Reject $name $address\n";
924 exit 1;
928 # Grab a line without using buffered input... Important for
929 # Post methods since they have to read the Client input stream.
931 my $string = "";
932 my $ch = "";
933 my $HTTPlength = 0;
934 alarm 120 ; # prevent deadly spin if other end goes away
935 while(sysread(Client, $ch, 1)>0)
937 $string .= $ch;
938 ++$HTTPlength;
939 last if $HTTPlength > $MaxLength; # Protect against overflow
941 next if $ch eq "\r"; # skip <cr>
942 if($ch eq "\n")
944 last unless $string =~ /\S/; # stop if empty line
945 push (@Input, split(' ', $string)); # Collect input in list
946 $string = "";
949 alarm 0; # clear alarm
951 # Reset %ENV
952 foreach my $varname (keys(%FrozenEnv))
954 $ENV{$varname} = $FrozenEnv{$varname};
957 # Extract input arguments
958 my $method = shift(@Input);
959 my $Request = shift(@Input);
960 my $protocol = shift(@Input);
961 my ($Path, $QueryString) = split('\?', $Request);
963 # Get rest of Input
964 my $HTTPparameter;
965 my %HTTPtable = ();
966 while($HTTPparameter = lc(shift(@Input)))
968 chop($HTTPparameter);
969 $HTTPtable{$HTTPparameter} = "";
970 while(@Input && $Input[0] !~ /\:$/)
972 $HTTPtable{$HTTPparameter} .= " " if $HTTPtable{$HTTPparameter};
973 $HTTPtable{$HTTPparameter} .= shift(@Input);
976 # Host can get the :SERVER_PORT appended. Set the correct SERVER_PORT
977 # and remove it from the host.
978 if($HTTPtable{'host'})
980 # Store current port number
981 if($HTTPtable{'host'} =~ /\:(\d+)\s*$/)
983 $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} = $1;
985 # Remove port number from host
986 $HTTPtable{'host'} =~ s/\:(\d+)\s*$//g;
989 # Translate the Aliases
990 $Path = GetAlias($Path);
992 # HTTP servers should always add the default path
993 $Path = $welcome if !$Path || $Path eq '/'; # The common default path
995 # Set fixed environment variables
996 $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} = "$Path";
997 $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = "$QueryString";
998 $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} = "$textroot$Path";
999 $ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'} = "$protocol";
1000 $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = "$method";
1001 $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} = "$address"; # The IP address of the Client
1002 $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} = "$name";
1004 # Load all request information in the %ENV.
1005 # MUST be done with a pre-defined list of parameter names (security).
1006 foreach $HTTPparameter (keys(%HTTPtype))
1008 my $Label = $HTTPtype{$HTTPparameter};
1009 # The following adds environment variables FROM THE REQUEST.
1010 # It is a VERY, VERY bad idea to just use the client supplied
1011 # parameter names!
1012 $ENV{$Label} = $HTTPtable{$HTTPparameter} unless exists($ENV{$Label});
1013 # (The last part prevents overwriting existing environment variables)
1016 # SECURITY: Check length of POST request. Stop if request is too long
1017 die if $HTTPlength + $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > $MaxLength;
1019 # If POST requests are unwanted, they can be added tot the query string
1020 # NOTE: the method is set to GET if $POSTtoGET equals 'GET', otherwise,
1021 # the method stays POST and only the content length is set to 0
1022 if($POSTtoGET && $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} =~ /^POST$/i)
1024 my $POSTlength = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} || 0;
1025 my $ReadBytes = 1;
1027 # Add '&' if there is a query string already
1028 if($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})
1030 # Before we add something to the string, check length again
1031 die if $HTTPlength + $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} + 1 > $MaxLength;
1032 # Now add the '&'
1033 $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= '&';
1036 # Read Client
1037 while($POSTlength > 0 && $ReadBytes > 0)
1039 my $Read = "";
1040 $ReadBytes = sysread(Client, $Read, $POSTlength);
1041 $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= $Read;
1042 $POSTlength -= $ReadBytes;
1045 # All has been read, the content length becomes 0
1046 $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} = 0;
1047 # Method can change
1048 $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'GET' if $POSTtoGET eq 'GET';
1051 # Reset User defience Env variables
1052 foreach my $varname (keys(%UserEnv))
1054 $ENV{$varname} = $UserEnv{$varname};
1056 # Clean out the User Environment variables in the child
1057 %UserEnv = ();
1060 # Connect STDOUT and STDIN to the client
1061 open(STDIN, "<&Client");
1062 open(STDOUT, ">&Client");
1063 print STDOUT "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"; # Supply HTTP protocol information
1064 print STDOUT "Date: ".gmtime()." GMT\n"; # Current date
1065 print STDOUT "Server: $program $version\n"; # This program
1066 print STDOUT "Connection: close\n"; # Don't allow persistent connections
1068 # Start processing of request (note that ALL scripts will be executed if
1069 # present, i.e., if -d, -x, and -e are entered, they are alle processed).
1071 # If in memory-only mode, store the requested file in an environment
1072 # variable: CGI_FILE_CONTENTS
1073 undef($ENV{'CGI_FILE_CONTENTS'}); # Make sure the ENV var doesn't exist
1074 if($UseRAMimage)
1076 my $DecompressedPtr = &$DecompressRAMimage(\${WWWramImage{"$textroot$Path"}});
1077 $ENV{'CGI_FILE_CONTENTS'} = $$DecompressedPtr;
1078 # Decompression does not seem to work
1081 # do perl script
1082 @ARGV = ("$textroot$Path", $QueryString);
1083 # This was suggested by
1084 if($doarg)
1086 # The perl script should do the printing
1087 my ($return) = do "$doarg";
1089 warn "couldn't parse $doarg: $@" if $@;
1090 warn "couldn't $doarg: $!" unless defined $return;
1091 warn "couldn't run $doarg" unless $return;
1094 # evaluate perl command
1095 print STDOUT eval($evalarg) if $evalarg;
1097 # execute shell command
1098 if($execarg)
1100 my $shellscript = $execarg;
1102 # Attempts to use Paths or Queries containing '-quotes are rejected.
1103 # Executing these would compromise security.
1104 die "Quotes in path: $textroot$Path\n" if "$textroot$Path" =~ /\'/;
1105 $shellscript .= " '$textroot$Path'" if $Path;
1107 die "Quotes in query: $QueryString\n" if $QueryString =~ /\'/;
1108 $shellscript .= " '$QueryString'" if $QueryString;
1109 $shellscript = qx{$shellscript};
1110 print STDOUT $shellscript;
1113 # Output files if no scripts are given (actually, this should be
1114 # handled by a script). Unknown mimetypes are killed.
1115 # This is more or less a functional (dynamic) Web server in itself.
1116 unless($doarg || $execarg || $evalarg) # Request not already handled
1118 die ".. trick: $address $name $Path $QueryString\n"
1119 if $Path =~ m@\.\./@ ; # No tricks!
1121 # Handle mime-types and directory browsing
1122 $Path =~ /\.([\w]+)$/; # Get extension
1123 my $extension = uc($1);
1124 my $browse = ($Path =~ m@/\s*$@ || -d "$textroot$Path") ? 1 : 0;
1125 my $mime = $browse ? "" : $mimeType{$extension};
1127 # Serve up text and binary files unless they the $Secure option is given
1128 $mime = "text/plain" if !$mime && !$browse && (-T "$textroot$Path") && !$Secure;
1129 $mime = "application/octet-stream" if !$mime && !$browse && (-B "$textroot$Path") && !$Secure;
1131 # Remove final / in directory paths
1132 $Path =~ s@/\s*$@@g;
1134 # Block illegal mime-types
1135 die "Illegal mime type:$extension\n" unless $mime || $browse; # illegal mime's are killed
1137 # Print out the document
1138 if(($mime eq 'text/osshell') && $ExecuteOSshell) # Don't use this unless you know what you're doing
1140 # Note that CGI scripts must supply their own content type
1141 # Some rudimentary security tests
1142 # Kill child if the path contains any non-URL characters
1143 die "ATTACK: ADDR:$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} HOST:$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} URL=$Path '$QueryString'\n"
1144 if $Path =~ m@[^\w\-\.\/]@; # Exclusive list of allowed characters
1145 # If you want to execute server side shell scripts, use the 'text/osshell'
1146 # mime-type (see above) but remember that there is NO SECURITY implemented
1147 # whatsoever.
1150 # Plain Web site from DISK
1151 unless($UseRAMimage)
1153 print STDOUT `$textroot$Path`; # This is Russian Roulette
1155 else # Use a RAM image of the web site
1157 my $ShellInterpreter = '/usr/bin/sh';
1158 if($ENV{'CGI_FILE_CONTENTS'} =~ /^\#\!\s*([^\r\n]+)/isg)
1160 $ShellInterpreter = $1;
1162 # Execute shell script
1163 open(RAMOUT, "| $ShellInterpreter") || die "ERROR open RAMOUT $ShellInterpreter $textroot$Path $! $@\n";
1164 (print RAMOUT $ENV{'CGI_FILE_CONTENTS'}) || die "ERROR print RAMOUT $ShellInterpreter $textroot$Path $! $@\n";
1165 close(RAMOUT);
1168 elsif($mime)
1170 # Content-type and document
1171 print STDOUT "Content-type: $mime\n\n";
1172 # Plain Web site from DISK
1173 unless($UseRAMimage)
1175 my $String = "";
1176 my $number_of_bytes = 0;
1177 open(BINARY, "<$textroot$Path") || die "$textroot$Path: $!";
1179 # read and write block of 1024 bytes
1180 while($number_of_bytes = sysread(BINARY, $String, 1024))
1182 syswrite(STDOUT, $String, $number_of_bytes); # Actually print the file content
1184 close(BINARY);
1186 # Alternative output using the UNIX shell
1187 # print STDOUT `cat '$textroot$Path'`; # lazy, let the OS do the work
1189 else # Use a RAM image of the web site
1195 elsif($browse && !$Secure) # Block directory browsing in the Secure setup
1197 # Content-type and document
1198 print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
1199 opendir(BROWSE, "$textroot$Path") || die "<$textroot$Path: $!\n";
1201 print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>$Path</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<H1>$Path</H1>\n<pre>\n<dl>";
1203 my $DirEntry;
1204 foreach $DirEntry (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} readdir(BROWSE))
1206 my $CurrentPath = $Path;
1207 # Handle '..'
1208 if($DirEntry eq '..')
1210 my $ParentDir = $CurrentPath;
1211 $ParentDir =~ s@/[^/]+$@@g;
1212 $ParentDir = '/' unless $ParentDir;
1213 print "<dt> <a href='$ParentDir'><h3>Parent directory</h3></a></dt>\n";
1215 next if $DirEntry !~ /[^\.\/\\\:]/;
1217 # Get aliases
1218 my $Alias = GetAlias("$CurrentPath/$DirEntry");
1219 if($Alias ne "$CurrentPath/$DirEntry")
1221 $Alias =~ m@/([^/]+)$@;
1222 $CurrentPath = $`;
1223 $DirEntry = $1;
1226 my $Date = localtime($^T - (-M "$textroot$CurrentPath/$DirEntry")*3600*24);
1227 my $Size = -s "$textroot$CurrentPath/$DirEntry";
1228 $Size = sprintf("%6.0F kB", $Size/1024);
1229 my $Type = `file $textroot$CurrentPath/$DirEntry`;
1230 $Type =~ s@\s*$textroot$CurrentPath/$DirEntry\s*\:\s*@@ig;
1231 chomp($Type);
1232 print "<dt> <a href='$CurrentPath/$DirEntry'>";
1233 printf("%-40s", $DirEntry."</a>");
1234 print "\t$Size\t$Date\t$Type</dt>\n";
1236 close(BROWSE);
1237 print "</dl></pre></BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
1242 close(STDOUT) || die "STDOUT: $!\n";
1243 close(STDIN) || die "STDIN: $!\n";
1244 close(Client) || die "Client: $!\n";
1246 exit 0; # Kill Child
1248 else
1251 # parent code...some systems will have to worry about waiting
1252 # before they can actually close the link to the Client
1253 my $current_time = time();
1255 # Determine which of the children are actually still alive
1256 # and kill those that have run for too long (probably not connected anymore)
1257 my @old_brood = @brood;
1258 @brood = (); # empty brood
1259 foreach (@old_brood)
1261 # Kill the child if it runs for longer than MaxTime
1262 if(($StartTime{$_} - $current_time) > $MaxTime)
1264 kill "KILL", $_;
1267 # Store children that are alive
1268 if(kill (0, $_)) # Alive?
1270 push(@brood, $_);
1272 else
1274 delete($StartTime{$_});
1278 # Weed out overflow of children (zombies etc.), keep pid for
1279 # removing the StartTime later on
1280 my $oldest;
1281 for($oldest=0; $oldest < scalar(@brood)-$MaxBrood; ++$oldest)
1283 kill "KILL", $brood[$oldest] if $brood[$oldest]; # Remove
1286 # Child pid could be recycled, i.e., $child could be stored
1287 # in @brood already. Remove it
1288 @brood = grep($_ != $child, @brood);
1290 # Push new child on the list
1291 push (@brood, $child);
1292 $StartTime{$child} = $current_time;
1294 close Client; # This is it, ready!
1298 # Interupt handler for shutting down
1299 sub SigHandler
1301 my $sig = shift;
1302 exit 1;
1305 # Subroutine for Aliases
1306 # Uses Global variables: %AliasTranslation, @RegAliasTranslation, and @RegURLTranslation
1307 sub GetAlias # ($Path)->AliasURL
1309 my $Path = shift;
1311 # Translate the Aliases
1312 if($AliasTranslation{$Path})
1314 $Path = $AliasTranslation{$Path};
1316 elsif(@RegAliasTranslation)
1318 my $i;
1319 for($i=0; $i<scalar(@RegAliasTranslation); ++$i)
1321 my $Alias = $RegAliasTranslation[$i];
1322 my $RealURL = $RegURLTranslation[$i];
1323 last if ($Path =~ s#$Alias#$RealURL#g);
1326 return $Path;
1329 =head1 NAME
1331 CGIservlet - a HTTPd "connector" for running CGI scripts on unix systems as WWW
1332 accessible Web sites.
1334 =head1 DESCRIPTION
1336 The servlet starts a true HTTP daemon that channels
1337 HTTP requests to forked daughter processes. Can run
1338 a (small) WWW-site from memory.
1340 =head1 README
1342 Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
1343 started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
1344 Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
1345 Note that CGIservlet only uses a SINGLE script for ALL requests.
1346 No attemps for security are made, it is the script's responsibility to
1347 check access rights and the validity of the request.
1348 Can store the files of Web site in memory and serve them
1349 on request.
1353 This script requires the C<strict>, Socket and Carp modules.
1355 =head1 COREQUISITES
1357 =pod OSNAMES
1359 Unix
1366 =cut