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4 <title>ALE Version 0.6.0 Technical Description</title>
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23 <table align=right valign=top width=160>
24 <td valign=top height=600 width=160>
25 <a href="">
26 <big>ALE</big>
27 <br>
28 Image Processing Software
29 <br>
30 <br>
31 <small>Deblurring, Anti-aliasing, and Superresolution.</small></a>
32 <br><br>
33 <big>
34 Local Operation
35 </big>
36 <hr>
37 localhost<br>
38 5393119533<br>
39 </table>
43 <p><b>[ <a href="../../tech/">Up</a> | <a href="merging">Merging</a> | <a href="drizzling">Drizzling</a> | <a href="enhance/">Enhancement</a> | <a href="iterative/">Irani-Peleg</a> | <a href="alignment/">Alignment</a> ]</b></p>
44 <h1>ALE Version 0.6.0 Technical Description <!-- <small>(or the best approximation to date)</small> --> </h1>
46 <h2>Abstract</h2>
48 <p>ALE combines a series of input frames into a single output image possibly
49 having:</p>
51 <ul>
52 <li>Reduced noise.
53 <li>Reduced aliasing.
54 <li>Increased tonal resolution.
55 <li>Increased spatial resolution.
56 <li>Increased spatial extents.
57 </ul>
59 <p>This page discusses related work, models of program input, renderers used by
60 ALE, the alignment algorithm used, an overview of the structure of the
61 program, and examples for which the above output image characteristics are
62 satisfied.</p>
64 <p>ALE's approach to exposure registration and certainty-based rendering is not
65 discussed in the current version of this document. See the source code for
66 implementation details.
68 <p><b>Note: This document uses HTML 4 character entities. &nbsp;Sigma is '&Sigma;'; summation is '&sum;'</b>.</p>
70 <h2>Related Work</h2>
72 <p>The <a href="drizzling/">drizzling renderer</a> used in ALE is based on
73 Richard Hook and Andrew Fruchter's <a
74 href="">drizzling technique</a>.
76 <p>Steve Mann's discussions (e.g. <a
77 href="">here</a> and <a
78 href="">here</a>) of increased spatial extents, projective
79 transformations, image processing on linear data, and weighting by certainty
80 functions, have influenced features incorporated by ALE.
82 <p>ALE incorporates an <a href="iterative/">iterative solver</a> based on Michal Irani and Shmuel
83 Peleg's iterative deblurring and super-resolution technique (see <a
84 href="">here</a>).
86 <h2>Models of Program Input</h2>
88 <h3>Scalars</h3>
90 <p>The following conventions are used in this document to denote sets of scalar values:</p>
92 <table>
93 <tr><th>Symbol</th><th>Meaning</th>
94 <tr><td><b>NN</b><td>Set of integers &ge; 0.
95 <tr><td><b>R</b><td>Set of real numbers.
96 <tr><td><b>R<sup>+</sup></b><td>Set of real numbers &ge; 0.
97 </table>
99 <h3>RGB triples</h3>
101 An <i>RGB triple</i> is a member of the set
102 <b>R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup></b>. Components of an
103 RGB triple <b>t</b> are denoted <b>t<sub>R</sub>, t<sub>G</sub>,
104 t<sub>B</sub></b>.
106 <h3>Discrete Images</h3>
108 <p>For <b>d<sub>1</sub>, d<sub>2</sub> &isin; NN</b>, A <i>discrete image</i>
109 <b>D</b> of size <b>(d<sub>1</sub>, d<sub>2</sub>)</b> is a function
111 <blockquote>
112 <b>D: {0, 1, &hellip;, d<sub>1</sub> - 1}&times;{0, 1, &hellip;, d<sub>2</sub> - 1} &rarr; R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup></b>
113 </blockquote>
115 <p>The set of all discrete images is denoted <b>DD</b>.
117 <h3>Continuous Images</h3>
119 <p>For <b>c<sub>1</sub>, c<sub>2</sub> &isin; R<sup>+</sup></b>, a <i>continuous image</i> <b>I</b> of size <b>(c<sub>1</sub>, c<sub>2</sub>)</b> is a function
121 <blockquote>
122 <b>I: [0, c<sub>1</sub>]&times;[0, c<sub>2</sub>] &rarr; R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup></b>
123 </blockquote>
125 <p>The set of all continuous images is denoted <b>CC</b>.
127 <!--
128 An <i>infinite continuous image</i> <b>I</b> is a function
130 <blockquote>
131 <b>I: (-&infin;, &infin;)&times;(-&infin;, &infin;) &rarr; R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup></b>
132 </blockquote>
135 <h3>Position and Direction</h3>
137 <p>A <i>position</i> is a point in Euclidean 3-space <b>R<sup>3</sup></b>.
139 <p>A <i>direction</i> is a point on the unit 3-sphere <b>S<sub>3</sub></b>.
141 <h3>Scene</h3>
143 <p>A <i>scene</i> <b>S</b> is a function
145 <blockquote>
146 <b>S: R<sup>3</sup> &times; S<sub>3</sub> &rarr; R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup>&times;R<sup>+</sup></b>
147 </blockquote>
149 <p>mapping a position and direction to an RGB triple. The set of all scenes is denoted <b>SS</b>.
151 <h3>View</h3>
153 <p>A <i>view</i> <b>V</b> is a function
155 <blockquote>
156 <b>V: SS &rarr; CC</b>
157 </blockquote>
159 <h3>Camera Snapshots</h3>
161 <p>A <i>camera snapshot</i> is defined as a triple consisting of:</p>
163 <ul>
164 <li>A scene <i><b>S</b></i>.
165 <li>A view <i><b>V</b></i>.
166 <li>A function <i><b>d: CC &rarr; DD</b></i>.
167 </ul>
169 <h3>Camera Input Frame Sequences</h3>
171 <p>For positive integer <b>N</b>, a sequence of camera snapshots
172 <b>{ K<sub>1</sub>, K<sub>2</sub>, &hellip;, K<sub>N</sub> }</b>, defined by the
173 triples <b>{ K<sub>j</sub> = (S<sub>j</sub>, V<sub>j</sub>, d<sub>j</sub>)
174 }</b> is a <i>camera input frame sequence</i> if, for all <b>j</b> and
175 <b>j'</b>, <b>S<sub>j</sub> = S<sub>j'</sub></b>.
177 <h3>Projective transformations</h3>
179 <p>A <i>projective transformation</i> is a transformation that maps lines to
180 lines. For more details, see:
182 <blockquote>
183 Heckbert, Paul. "Projective Mappings for Image Warping." Excerpted from his
184 Master's Thesis (UC Berkeley, 1989). 1995. <a href=""></a>
185 </blockquote>
187 <h3>Projective Snapshots</h3>
189 <p>A <i>projective snapshot</i> is defined as an <i>n</i>-tuple consisting of:</p>
191 <ul>
192 <li>A continuous image <i><b>&Sigma;</b></i>.
193 <li>A projective transformation <i><b>q</b></i> with restricted domain, such that <i><b>composite(&Sigma;, q) &isin; CC</b></i>
194 <li>A function <i><b>d: CC &rarr; DD</b></i>.
195 </ul>
197 <h3>Projective Input Frame Sequences</h3>
199 <p>For positive integer <b>N</b>, a sequence of projective snapshots <b>{
200 P<sub>1</sub>, P<sub>2</sub>, &hellip;, P<sub>N</sub> }</b>, defined by the
201 <i>n</i>-tuples <b>{ P<sub>j</sub> = (&Sigma;<sub>j</sub>, q<sub>j</sub>,
202 d<sub>j</sub>) }</b>, is a <i>projective input frame sequence</i> if, for all
203 <b>j</b> and <b>j'</b>, <b>&Sigma;<sub>j</sub> = &Sigma;<sub>j'</sub></b>.
205 <p>The first frame in the sequence of input frames is called the <i>original
206 frame</i>, and subsequent frames are called <i>supplemental frames</i>.
208 <h3>Construction of Projective Input Frame Sequences from Camera Input Frame Sequences</h3>
210 <p>Given a camera input frame sequence <b>{ K<sub>j</sub> = (S, V<sub>j</sub>,
211 d<sub>j</sub>) }</b>, if there exists a continuous image <b>&Sigma;</b> and a
212 sequence <b>{ q<sub>j</sub> }</b> of projective transformations with restricted
213 domain such that, for all <b>j</b>, <b>V<sub>j</sub>(S) =
214 q<sub>j</sub>(&Sigma;)</b>, then this camera input frame sequence admits a
215 corresponding projective input frame sequence <b>{ P<sub>j</sub> = (&Sigma;,
216 q<sub>j</sub>, d<sub>j</sub>) }</b>.
218 <p>Informally, two cases where such construction is possible for an ideal
219 pinhole camera are:
221 <ul>
222 <li>A sequence of frames taken from a fixed position in space, but with variable
223 orientation.
224 <li>A sequence of frames depicting a single flat, diffuse surface, taken from
225 arbitrary positions and orientations.
226 </ul>
228 <p>For more information about the properties of projective transformations,
229 see the first of Steve Mann's papers referenced in the Related Work section above.
231 <h3>Projective Renderer without Extension</h3>
233 <p>For a projective input frame sequence <b>{ P<sub>j</sub> = (&Sigma;,
234 q<sub>j</sub>, d<sub>j</sub>) }</b>, a <i>projective renderer without
235 extension</i> is an algorithm that outputs a discrete image approximation of
236 <b>composite(&Sigma;, q<sub>1</sub>)</b>. The assumptions used in calculating the approximation
237 vary across rendering methods.
239 <h3>Projective Renderer with Extension</h3>
241 <p>For a projective input frame sequence <b>{ P<sub>j</sub> = (&Sigma;,
242 q<sub>j</sub>, d<sub>j</sub>) }</b>, a <i>projective rendering method with
243 extension</i> is an algorithm that outputs a discrete image approximation of
244 <b>composite(&Sigma;', q<sub>1</sub>')</b>, where <b>q<sub>1</sub>'</b> extends
245 the domain of <b>q<sub>1</sub></b> so that its range is a superset of the
246 domain of <b>&Sigma;</b>, and <b>&Sigma;'</b> extends <b>&Sigma;</b> to match
247 the range of <b>q<sub>1</sub>'</b>. The assumptions used in calculating the
248 approximation vary across rendering methods.
250 <!--
251 <h3>Diffuse Surfaces</h3>
253 Given a camera input frame sequence <b>{ C<sub>1</sub>, C<sub>2</sub>,
254 &hellip;, C<sub>N</sub> }</b>, defined by the <i>n</i>-tuples
255 <b>{&nbsp;C<sub>j</sub> = (S, R<sub>j</sub>, I<sub>j</sub>, D<sub>j</sub>,
256 d<sub>j</sub>)&nbsp;}</b>, a surface in <b>S</b> is <i>diffuse</i> if the
257 radiance of each point on the surface (as measured by the canonical sensor) is
258 the same for all views <b>R<sub>j</sub></b> from which the point is visible.
260 <h3>The Extended Pyramid</h3>
262 <p>If the view pyramids <b>{ R<sub>1</sub>, R<sub>2</sub>, &hellip;,
263 R<sub>N</sub> }</b> of a sequence of <b>N</b> camera input frames share a
264 common apex and can be enclosed in a single rectangular-base pyramid <b>R</b>
265 sharing the same apex and having base edges parallel to the base edges of
266 <b>R<sub>1</sub></b>, then the smallest such <b>R</b> is the <i>extended pyramid</i>.
267 Otherwise, the extended pyramid is undefined.</p>
269 <p>If a camera input frame sequence has an extended pyramid <b>R</b>, then an
270 <i>extended image</i> is defined from <b>R</b> in a manner analogous to the definition
271 of the image <i><b>I</b></i> from the view pyramid <i><b>R</b></i> in the
272 definition of a camera snapshot.
275 <h2>Renderers</h2>
276 <!--
277 <h3>Examples</h3>
279 Examples of rendering output are available on the <a href="../render/">rendering
280 page</a>.
283 <h3>Extension</h3>
285 <p>All renderers can be used with or without extension (according to whether
286 the --extend flag is used). The target image for approximation (either
287 <b>composite(&Sigma;, q<sub>1</sub>)</b> or <b>composite(&Sigma;',
288 q<sub>1</sub>')</b>) is generically called <b>T</b>.
290 <h3>Renderer Types</h3>
292 <p>Renderers can be of incremental or non-incremental type. Incremental
293 renderers update the rendering as each new frame is loaded, while
294 non-incremental renderers update the rendering only after all frames have been
295 loaded.</p>
297 <p>Incremental renderers contain two data structures that are updated with each
298 new frame: an accumulated image <b>A</b> with elements <b>A<sub>x, y</sub></b>
299 and the associated weight array <b>W</b> with elements <b>W<sub>x, y</sub></b>.
300 The accumulated image stores the current rendering result, while the weight
301 array stores information about contributions to each accumulated image pixel.
303 <h3>Renderer Details</h3>
305 These pages offer detailed descriptions of renderers.
307 <ul>
308 <li>Incremental Renderers</li>
309 <ul>
310 <li><a href="merging/">Merging</a>
311 <li><a href="drizzling/">Drizzling</a>
312 </ul>
313 <li>Non-incremental Renderers</li>
314 <ul>
315 <li><a href="enhance/">Unsharp Masking</a>
316 <li><a href="iterative/">Irani-Peleg</a>
317 </ul>
318 </ul>
320 <h3>Rendering Predicates</h3>
322 <p>The following table lists predicates which may be useful in determining
323 whether the discrete-image output of a rendering method approximates <b>T</b>.
324 The section following this lists, for each renderer, a collection of predicates
325 which should result in <b>T</b> being approximated.</p>
327 <blockquote>
328 <table border cellpadding=5>
329 <tr>
330 <th>Predicate</td>
331 <th>Explanation</th>
332 <tr>
333 <td>Alignment</td>
334 <td>The projective input frame transformations <b>q<sub>j</sub></b> are known.</td>
335 <tr>
336 <td>Translation</td>
337 <td>All projective input frame transformations <b>q<sub>j</sub></b> are
338 translations.</td>
339 <tr>
340 <td>Point sampling</td>
341 <td><b>(&forall;j) (&forall;x &isin; Domain[q<sub>j</sub>]) (d<sub>j</sub>(composite(T, q<sub>j</sub>))(x) = composite(T, q<sub>j</sub>)(x))</b>.
342 <tr>
343 <td>Box Filter Approximation</td>
344 <td>An acceptable discrete approximation of <b>T</b> can be achieved by
345 partitioning it into a square grid and representing each square region by its
346 mean value.
347 <tr>
348 <td>Jittering Assumption 1</td>
349 <td>The average of several point samples drawn uniformly from a region of
350 <b>T</b> is an acceptable approximation for the mean value of the region.
351 <tr>
352 <td>Jittering Assumption 2</td>
353 <td>Each region in <b>T</b> corresponding to an output pixel has been sampled several
354 times at points drawn uniformly from the region.
355 <tr>
356 <td>Small radius</td>
357 <td>The radius parameter used for drizzling is chosen to be sufficiently small.
358 <tr>
359 <td>Barlett filter approximation</td>
360 <td>Convolution of <b>T</b> with a Bartlett (aka triangle) filter remains an
361 acceptable approximation of <b>T</b>.
362 <tr>
363 <td>Linear PSF only</td>
364 <td>There is no non-linear PSF component.
365 <tr>
366 <td>USM approximation</td>
367 <td>The Unsharp Mask technique provides an acceptable approximation of the
368 inverse convolution for the given linear point-spread function.
369 <tr>
370 <td>Correct PSF</td>
371 <td>The behavior of <b>d<sub>j</sub></b> is equivalent to convolution with the
372 given point-spread functions.
373 <tr>
374 <td>Low Response Approximation</td>
375 <td>Frequencies to which <b>d<sub>j</sub></b> has low response need not be
376 accurately reconstructed in the program output.
377 <tr>
378 <td>Convergence</td>
379 <td>The Irani-Peleg technique converges to the desired output for the given
380 input sequence. This condition is proven for special cases in the source
381 paper.
382 </table>
383 </blockquote>
385 <h3>Rendering Predicates by Renderer</h3>
387 <p>For each renderer, the following table gives a collection of rendering
388 predicates that should result in rendered output being an acceptable
389 approximation of <b>T</b>. Note that renderers may produce acceptable output
390 even when these predicates are not satisfied. Justification for the entries in
391 this table should appear in the detailed descriptions; if this is not the case,
392 then the values given should be considered unreliable.</p>
394 <ul>
395 <li><b>M</b> = Merging
396 <li><b>D</b> = Drizzling
397 <li><b>U</b> = USM Renderer after merging
398 <li><b>V</b> = USM Renderer after drizzling
399 <li><b>I</b> = Irani-Peleg Iterative Image Reconstruction
400 </ul>
402 <blockquote>
403 <table border cellpadding=5>
404 <tr>
405 <th>&nbsp;</td>
406 <th>M</th>
407 <th>D</th>
408 <th>U</th>
409 <th>V</th>
410 <th>I</th>
411 <tr>
412 <td>Alignment</td>
413 <td>X</td>
414 <td>X</td>
415 <td>X</td>
416 <td>X</td>
417 <td>X</td>
418 <tr>
419 <td>Translation</td>
420 <td>X</td>
421 <td>&nbsp;</td>
422 <td>X</td>
423 <td>X</td>
424 <td>&nbsp;</td>
425 <tr>
426 <td>Point sampling
427 <td>X</td>
428 <td>X</td>
429 <td>&nbsp;</td>
430 <td>&nbsp;</td>
431 <td>&nbsp;</td>
432 <tr>
433 <td>Box Filter Approximation
434 <td>X</td>
435 <td>X</td>
436 <td>X</td>
437 <td>X</td>
438 <td>&nbsp;</td>
439 <tr>
440 <td>Jittering Assumption 1
441 <td>X</td>
442 <td>X</td>
443 <td>X</td>
444 <td>X</td>
445 <td>&nbsp;</td>
446 <tr>
447 <td>Jittering Assumption 2
448 <td>X</td>
449 <td>X</td>
450 <td>X</td>
451 <td>X</td>
452 <td>&nbsp;</td>
453 <tr>
454 <td>Small radius</td>
455 <td>&nbsp;</td>
456 <td>X</td>
457 <td>&nbsp;</td>
458 <td>X</td>
459 <td>&nbsp;</td>
460 <tr>
461 <td>Bartlett filter approximation</td>
462 <td>X</td>
463 <td>&nbsp;</td>
464 <td>X</td>
465 <td>&nbsp;</td>
466 <td>&nbsp;</td>
467 <tr>
468 <td>Linear PSF</td>
469 <td>&nbsp;</td>
470 <td>&nbsp;</td>
471 <td>X</td>
472 <td>X</td>
473 <td>&nbsp;</td>
474 <tr>
475 <td>USM approximation</td>
476 <td>&nbsp;</td>
477 <td>&nbsp;</td>
478 <td>X</td>
479 <td>X</td>
480 <td>&nbsp;</td>
481 <tr>
482 <td>Correct PSF</td>
483 <td>&nbsp;</td>
484 <td>&nbsp;</td>
485 <td>X</td>
486 <td>X</td>
487 <td>X</td>
488 <tr>
489 <td>Low Response Approximation</td>
490 <td>X</td>
491 <td>X</td>
492 <td>X</td>
493 <td>X</td>
494 <td>X</td>
495 <tr>
496 <td>Convergence</td>
497 <td>&nbsp;</td>
498 <td>&nbsp;</td>
499 <td>&nbsp;</td>
500 <td>&nbsp;</td>
501 <td>X</td>
502 </table>
503 </blockquote>
505 <h3>Space Complexity</h3>
507 Image storage space in memory for all renderers without extension is
508 <i>O(1)</i> in the number of input frames and <i>O(n)</i> in the number of pixels per
509 input frame. The worst-case image storage space in memory for all renderers
510 with extension is <i>O(n)</i> in the size of program input.
512 <h2>Alignment Algorithm</h2>
514 Details on the alignment algorithm used in ALE are <a href="alignment/">here</a>.
516 <h2>Program Structure</h2>
518 <p>First, a <a href="merging/">merging</a> renderer is instantiated. Then,
519 program flags are used to determine what other renderers should be
520 instantiated.
522 <p>An iterative loop supplies to the renderers each of the frames in sequence,
523 beginning with the original frame. The <a href="drizzling/">drizzling</a> and
524 <a href="merging/">merging</a> renderers are incremental renderers, and
525 immediately update their renderings with each new frame, while the <a
526 href="enhance/">USM</a> and <a
527 href="iterative/">Irani-Peleg</a> renderers do not act until the final frame
528 has been received.
530 <p>In the case of the incremental renderers, the original frame is used without
531 transformation, and each supplemental frame is transformed according to the
532 results of the <a href="alignment/">alignment</a> algorithm, which aligns each
533 new frame with the current rendering of the <a href="merging/">merging</a>
534 renderer.
536 <p>Once all frames have been aligned and merged, non-incremental renderers
537 produce renderings based on input frames, alignment information, and the output
538 of other renderers.</p>
540 <h2>Examples</h2>
542 Sections below outline examples of cases in which output images satisfy various criteria.
544 <p>For a projective input frame sequence <b>{ P<sub>k</sub> = (&Sigma;, q,
545 d<sub>k</sub>) }</b>, these examples use the shorthand
547 <blockquote><b>I = composite(&Sigma;, q)</b></b></blockquote>
549 and
551 <blockquote><b>D<sub>k</sub> = d<sub>k</sub>(I).</b></blockquote></p>
553 <h3>Reduced Noise</h3>
555 <p>Assume a projective input frame sequence <b>{ P<sub>k</sub> }</b> of <b>K</b> frames, defined
556 by n-tuples <b>{ P<sub>k</sub> = (&Sigma;, q, d<sub>k</sub>) }</b>, such that
557 <b>(&exist;a &gt; 0) (&forall;x &isin; Domain[q]) (&forall;y &isin; {R, G, B})
558 (I(x)<sub>y</sub> &gt; a/2)</b> and, for one
559 such <b>a</b>, <b>(&forall;x) (&forall;y) (D<sub>k</sub>(x)<sub>y</sub> =
560 I(x)<sub>y</sub> + n<sub>k,x,y</sub>)</b>, where <b>n<sub>k,x,y</sub></b> are
561 i.i.d. additive noise terms having uniform distribution over the interval
562 <b>(-a/2, a/2)</b>.
564 <p>In this case, rendering input frames by merging or drizzling averages the
565 additive noise terms of the input images to produce an output additive noise
566 term; when <b>K &ge; 2</b>, this output noise has a smaller expected absolute value than that of
567 any given input noise term.
569 <p>To prove this, first observe that rendered output image <b>O</b> (for drizzling or merging) averages the <b>K</b> inputs with
570 equal weight:
572 <blockquote><b>O(x)<sub>y</sub> = &sum;<sub>k</sub> (D<sub>k</sub>(x)<sub>y</sub> / K)</b></blockquote>
574 Substituting for <b>D<sub>k</sub></b>:
576 <blockquote><b>O(x)<sub>y</sub> = &sum;<sub>k</sub> [(I(x)<sub>y</sub> + n<sub>k,x,y</sub>) / K]</b></blockquote>
578 Moving the constant outside of the sum:
580 <blockquote><b>O(x)<sub>y</sub> = (I(x)<sub>y</sub> / K) * K + &sum;<sub>k</sub> (n<sub>k,x,y</sub> / K)</b></blockquote>
581 <blockquote><b>O(x)<sub>y</sub> = I(x)<sub>y</sub> + &sum;<sub>k</sub> (n<sub>k,x,y</sub> / K)</b></blockquote>
583 The last term in the equation above is the noise term for the output image. Leaving location
584 and channel implicit, the expected absolute value for this term is:
586 <blockquote><b>E<sub>out</sub> = E[|&sum;<sub>k</sub> (n<sub>k</sub> / K)|]</b></blockquote>
588 Since there is nonzero probability that both strictly negative and strictly positive terms appear in the sum, this gives rise to the strict inequality:
590 <blockquote><b>E<sub>out</sub> &lt; E[&sum;<sub>k</sub> |n<sub>k</sub> / K|]</b></blockquote>
592 By linearity of expectation, this is equivalent to:
594 <blockquote><b>E<sub>out</sub> &lt; &sum;<sub>k</sub> E[|n<sub>k</sub> / K|]</b></blockquote>
595 <blockquote><b>E<sub>out</sub> &lt; &sum;<sub>k</sub> E[|n<sub>k</sub>|] / K</b></blockquote>
597 Since the input noise distributions are identical, this reduces to:
599 <blockquote><b>E<sub>out</sub> &lt; E<sub>in</sub> * K / K</b></blockquote>
600 <blockquote><b>E<sub>out</sub> &lt; E<sub>in</sub></b></blockquote>
602 where <b>E<sub>in</sub> = E[|n<sub>k</sub>|]</b> for any choice of k.
604 <h3>Reduced Aliasing</h3>
606 Assume that an image has been sampled at the highest frequency to which the
607 sensors respond (i.e., half of the Nyquist frequency), resulting in aliasing,
608 and that four such images are available, dithered (i.e., in this case,
609 translated) so that the collection of samples from all images forms a regular
610 grid with twice the sampling rate of the original image. Rendering these four
611 images with correct alignment into an output image having the same dimensions
612 as this grid results in an image with no aliased frequencies.
614 <h3>Increased Tonal Resolution</h3>
616 <p>Assume a projective input frame sequence <b>{ P<sub>k</sub> }</b> of
617 <b>K</b> frames, defined by n-tuples <b>{ P<sub>k</sub> = (&Sigma;, q,
618 d<sub>k</sub>) }</b>, such that components of <b>I</b> assume a real value in
619 the interval <b>[0, 1]</b> and <b>(&forall; x, y, k)
620 (Probability[D<sub>k</sub>(x)<sub>y</sub> = 1] = 1 - Probability[D<sub>k</sub>(x)<sub>y</sub> = 0] = I(x)<sub>y</sub>])</b>.
622 <p>Since the transformations of all frames are identical, rendering with
623 merging or drizzling averages the values for each pixel <b>D<sub>k</sub>(x)</b>
624 over all values of <b>k</b>. Since the expected value of <b>D<sub>k</sub>(x)</b>
625 is equal to <b>I(x)</b>, the expected value of the corresponding pixel in the rendered
626 output is always equal to <b>I(x)</b>. However, the probability of obtaining a value
627 within a small neighborhood of <b>I(x)</b> is generally not high for small numbers of
628 frames.
630 <p>As the number of frames increases, however, the probability of
631 obtaining a value within a neighborhood of any given size approaches 1. Hence,
632 arbitrarily high tonal resolution can be achieved with arbitrarily small (but
633 non-zero) likelihood of error. The exact probability can be determined
634 according to the binomial distribution.
636 <p>(The above constitutes an outline of a proof, but there may be holes in it.)
638 <h3>Increased Spatial Resolution</h3>
640 The reduced aliasing example, above, serves also as an example of increased
641 spatial resolution.
643 <h3>Increased Spatial Extents</h3>
645 <p>Assume a projective input frame sequence such that each snapshot can be
646 associated with a point in the scene invisible from that snapshot, but visible
647 from some other snapshot.
649 <p>In this case, for every snapshot in the input sequence, the output rendering
650 will include at least one point not present in that snapshot.
652 <small>
654 </small>
656 <br>
657 <hr>
658 <i>Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 <a href="">David Hilvert</a></i>
659 <p>Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
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