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23 <big>ALE</big>
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25 Image Processing Software
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28 <small>Deblurring, Anti-aliasing, and Superresolution.</small></a>
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31 Local Operation
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40 <p><b>[ <a href="../">Up</a> | <a href="error/">Error Function</a> ]</b></p>
41 <h1>Alignment</h1>
43 ALE aligns each supplemental frame, in sequence, with the merged rendering
44 representing all previous frames. This page outlines the three supported
45 transformation classes, the algorithm used for alignment, and the properties of
46 the alignment algorithm. Following this is a discussion of practical use of
47 alignment options, including alignment classes and alignment in the case of
48 extended renderings.
50 <h2>Transformations</h2>
52 <p>ALE offers three classes of transformations: </p>
54 <table border>
55 <tr><td>Translations</td><td>introduced in version 0.0.0</td>
56 <tr><td>Euclidean transformations (excluding reflections)</td><td>introduced in version 0.1.0</td>
57 <tr><td>Projective transformations</td><td>introduced in version 0.2.0</td>
58 </table>
60 <!-- <p>ALE uses a forward transformation to map from a supplemental frame to the
61 accumulated image, and an inverse transformation to map from the accumulated
62 image to the supplemental frame. Alignment operates on the parameters of the
63 forward transformation. -->
65 <h2>Algorithm</h2>
67 <p>Alignment proceeds by a deterministic search, beginning with an initial
68 transformation and modifying this transformation through a series of
69 perturbations.
71 <p>The initial transformation may be loaded from a file or selected by default.
72 The default initial transformation is either the identity transformation or
73 (when the <code>--follow</code> option is specified) the most recently merged
74 frame's final alignment. (Note that changes in release 0.5.0 are not reflected
75 here; these changes affect the interaction of the --follow and --trans-load
76 flags.)
78 <p>Once the initial transformation is determined, an initial perturbation
79 amount is selected, and represents the step size by which each of the
80 transformation parameters are changed. In translational or Euclidean
81 alignment, the perturbation amount is applied to translation -- in units of
82 pixels on the two image axes -- and rotation -- in units of degrees about the
83 image center. (In version 0.4.8 and later, an additional configurable upper
84 bound constrains rotational perturbation separately, preventing, e.g., a
85 360 degree perturbation of rotation.) In the case of projective alignment, the
86 perturbation amount is applied to the position of the corners of the projected
87 quadrilateral in units of pixels, where the projection is from the boundary
88 of the supplemental image into the coordinate system of the accumulated image.
90 <p>If possible, transformation parameters are changed to decrease the <a
91 href="error/">error</a> between the two images being
92 aligned. The perturbation amount is halved whenever it is determined that no
93 parameter change of this size improves the alignment of the images. A lower
94 bound on the perturbation amount determines when the alignment is complete.
96 <p>The order in which parameters are considered for change is specified in the
97 source code, and has the following property: No modified parameter is
98 considered for further change until all other parameters have been considered.
99 A consequence of this property is that parameters are always considered in a
100 fixed (round robin) order.
102 <p>When multiple levels of detail are used, the error may be calculated on
103 images with a reduced level of detail. ALE versions 0.1.1 through 0.4.7 use a
104 level of detail twice as fine as the perturbation amount for perturbation
105 amounts larger than two, and full detail otherwise. Later versions default to
106 this behavior, but can be configured differently. Earlier versions do not use
107 reduced levels of detail.
109 <h2>Properties</h2>
111 <p>Several assumptions were made throughout the design and testing of the
112 algorithm outlined above. These assumptions are outlined below.
114 <p>The algorithm is based on a hill-climbing approach, which requires that any
115 local minimum reachable from the starting point by traveling a path of
116 decreasing error is also a global minimum (or, in this case, the correct
117 alignment). While it is possible that the algorithm outlined above succeeds in
118 some cases for which hill-climbing fails, it is still susceptible to entrapment
119 in local minima.
121 <p>As outlined above, depending on program options, transformation parameters
122 may be changed by perturbations of several units (degrees or pixels) early in
123 the alignment process. As long as no change of this magnitude moves the
124 transformation out of the 'bowl' in which the minimum error -- and hence
125 correct alignment -- lies, this is not a problem. However, it might break in
126 some cases where a hill-climbing approach would succeed. (Notably, simulated
127 annealing suffers from a similar problem, and it seems likely that a case could
128 be constructed in such a way that the algorithm outlined above -- like
129 simulated annealing -- could, contrarily, succeed where hill-climbing fails.)
131 <p>Finally, the use of reduced level-of-detail relies on a high signal-to-noise
132 ratio at low frequencies. Fortunately, this assumption seems to generally
133 hold, but camera defects or radio interference could violate the assumption,
134 possibly resulting in misalignment.
136 <h2>Use of Alignment Classes</h2>
138 <p>ALE is likely to be most useful when corresponding regions of different
139 frames can be aligned by one of the available alignment classes.
141 <p>As described by Steve Mann in his work on <a
142 href="">Video Orbits</a>, the projective
143 transformation offers particular versatility for camera imaging of (ideal
144 Lambertian) flat scenes. In this case, any change in camera position and
145 orientation can be corrected as long as points always have a defined projection
146 onto the rendering plane (for which ALE uses the base of the pyramid
147 <b>R<sub>1</sub></b>).
149 <p>In camera imaging of scenes with depth, correction for orientation is almost
150 the same as for flat scenes, since, if focus and lens distortion is ignored, a
151 scene with depth is indistinguishable from a flat scene from the perspective of
152 a camera whose position is fixed.
154 <p>For sequences of camera images with small changes in position or
155 orientation, the projective transformations for alignment may closely
156 approximate Euclidean transformations; in this case, using Euclidean
157 transformations may achieve similar results and may require less time for
158 alignment, since there are fewer parameters to tweak (three parameters
159 instead of eight).
161 <p>In the case of flatbed scanners that preserve the relative height and width
162 of scans, any change in the position or orientation of flat objects can be
163 corrected using the Euclidean alignment class.</p>
165 <p>If a flatbed scanner does not preserve relative height and width, but does
166 preserve straight lines, then any change in the position or orientation of flat
167 objects can be corrected with the projective alignment class.
169 <p>However, even if a transformation is within the alignment class used, the
170 alignment algorithm may still be unable to determine large transformations.
172 <h2>Alignment in the case of Extended Renderings</h2>
174 <p>By using the --extend flag, ALE can be used to create image mosaics spanning
175 a spatial region larger than that represented by any single image in the frame
176 sequence. In these cases, if adjacent frames in the sequence tend to be more
177 closely aligned with each other than they are with the original frame, it may
178 be helpful to also use the --follow flag as a hint to the alignment algorithm.
179 </p>
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187 <i>Copyright 2002, 2003 <a href="">David Hilvert</a></i>
188 <p>Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any
189 medium, provided this notice is preserved.
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