Fixed AutoDoc indentation, spelling, grammar.
[AROS.git] / workbench / tools / Vim / tags
1 !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT       2       /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
2 !_TAG_FILE_SORTED       1       /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
3 !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR    Darren Hiebert  /
4 !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME      Exuberant Ctags //
5 !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL    /official site/
6 !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION   5.9~svn20110310 //
7 !rm     testdir/amiga.vim       /^cmap !rm !Delete all$/;"      m
8 $VAR    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let $VAR = "let(" . THROW("var") . ")"$/;"      v
9 $VAR    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let $VAR = "old_value"$/;"      v
10 /tmp    testdir/amiga.vim       /^map! \/tmp t:$/;"     m
11 AARGLIST        structs.h       563;"   d
12 ABBREV  vim.h   528;"   d
13 ABBR_OFF        keymap.h        43;"    d
14 ACTION_EXPAND   vim.h   666;"   d
15 ACTION_GOTO     vim.h   662;"   d
16 ACTION_SHOW     vim.h   661;"   d
17 ACTION_SHOW_ALL vim.h   664;"   d
18 ACTION_SPLIT    vim.h   663;"   d
19 ADDPATH testdir/test49.vim      /^    function ADDPATH(p)$/;"   f
20 ADD_NL  regexp.c        159;"   d       file:
21 ADVANCE_P       regexp.c        4289;"  d       file:
22 ADVANCE_P       regexp.c        4291;"  d       file:
23 ADVANCE_REGINPUT        regexp.c        3161;"  d       file:
24 ADVANCE_REGINPUT        regexp.c        3189;"  d       file:
25 ALEF    farsi.h 110;"   d
26 ALEF_   farsi.h 29;"    d
27 ALEF_A  farsi.h 109;"   d
28 ALEF_D_H        farsi.h 168;"   d
29 ALEF_U_H        farsi.h 166;"   d
30 ALEF_U_H_       farsi.h 28;"    d
31 ALIGN_LONG      structs.h       271;"   d
32 ALIGN_MASK      structs.h       277;"   d
33 ALIGN_SIZE      structs.h       272;"   d
34 ALIGN_SIZE      structs.h       274;"   d
35 ALIST   structs.h       556;"   d
36 ALIST   structs.h       558;"   d
37 ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS       feature.h       512;"   d
38 ALPHA   regexp.c        185;"   d       file:
39 ALT_INPUT_LOCK_OFF      vim.h   1644;"  d
40 ALT_INPUT_LOCK_ON       vim.h   1645;"  d
41 ALT_X_INPUT     feature.h       1176;"  d
42 ALWAYS_USE_GUI  gui.h   77;"    d
43 AL_ADD  ex_cmds2.c      1050;"  d       file:
44 AL_DEL  ex_cmds2.c      1051;"  d       file:
45 AL_SET  ex_cmds2.c      1049;"  d       file:
46 ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE os_amiga.c      1394;"  d       file:
47 ANCHOR_SIZE     os_amiga.c      1395;"  d       file:
48 ANSIOFF Make_agui.mak   /^ANSIOFF = *e[0m$/;"   m
49 ANY     regexp.c        161;"   d       file:
50 ANYBUT  regexp.c        163;"   d       file:
51 ANYOF   regexp.c        162;"   d       file:
52 APPENDBIN       vim.h   1180;"  d
53 APPENDBIN       vim.h   1184;"  d
54 ARABIC_CHAR     arabic.h        258;"   d
55 ARG     testdir/test49.vim      /^function! ARG(x, n)$/;"       f
56 ARGCOUNT        structs.h       565;"   d
57 ARGLIST structs.h       561;"   d
58 ARGOPT  ex_cmds.h       52;"    d
59 ARGTYPE_EDIT    main.c  2789;"  d       file:
60 ARGTYPE_EDIT_WAIT       main.c  2790;"  d       file:
61 ARGTYPE_OTHER   main.c  2788;"  d       file:
62 ARGTYPE_SEND    main.c  2791;"  d       file:
63 ASCII_ISALNUM   macros.h        102;"   d
64 ASCII_ISALNUM   macros.h        107;"   d
65 ASCII_ISALPHA   macros.h        101;"   d
66 ASCII_ISALPHA   macros.h        106;"   d
67 ASCII_ISLOWER   macros.h        103;"   d
68 ASCII_ISLOWER   macros.h        108;"   d
69 ASCII_ISUPPER   macros.h        104;"   d
70 ASCII_ISUPPER   macros.h        109;"   d
71 ASKMORE vim.h   526;"   d
72 ASSERT  nbdebug.h       17;"    d
73 ASSERT  nbdebug.h       57;"    d
74 ATTR_OFF        syntax.c        101;"   d       file:
75 AT_CURSOR       farsi.h 178;"   d
76 AUGROUP_ALL     fileio.c        6747;"  d       file:
77 AUGROUP_DEFAULT fileio.c        6745;"  d       file:
78 AUGROUP_ERROR   fileio.c        6746;"  d       file:
79 AUGROUP_NAME    fileio.c        6740;"  d       file:
80 AYN     farsi.h 131;"   d
81 AYN_    farsi.h 44;"    d
82 A_firstc_laa    arabic.c        /^A_firstc_laa(c, c1)$/;"       f       file:
83 A_is_a  arabic.c        /^A_is_a(cur_c)$/;"     f       file:
84 A_is_f  arabic.c        /^A_is_f(cur_c)$/;"     f       file:
85 A_is_formb      arabic.c        /^A_is_formb(c)$/;"     f       file:
86 A_is_harakat    arabic.c        /^A_is_harakat(c)$/;"   f       file:
87 A_is_iso        arabic.c        /^A_is_iso(c)$/;"       f       file:
88 A_is_ok arabic.c        /^A_is_ok(c)$/;"        f       file:
89 A_is_s  arabic.c        /^A_is_s(cur_c)$/;"     f       file:
90 A_is_special    arabic.c        /^A_is_special(c)$/;"   f       file:
91 A_is_valid      arabic.c        /^A_is_valid(c)$/;"     f       file:
92 AmigaError      gui_amiga.c     /^AmigaError(const char *string)$/;"    f       file:
93 AppendCharToRedobuff    getchar.c       /^AppendCharToRedobuff(c)$/;"   f
94 AppendNumberToRedobuff  getchar.c       /^AppendNumberToRedobuff(n)$/;" f
95 AppendToRedobuff        getchar.c       /^AppendToRedobuff(s)$/;"       f
96 AppendToRedobuffLit     getchar.c       /^AppendToRedobuffLit(s)$/;"    f
97 ArpBase os_amiga.c      /^struct ArpBase                *ArpBase = NULL;$/;"    v       typeref:struct:ArpBase
98 AutoCmd fileio.c        /^typedef struct AutoCmd$/;"    s       file:
99 AutoCmd fileio.c        /^} AutoCmd;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:AutoCmd  file:
100 AutoPat fileio.c        /^typedef struct AutoPat$/;"    s       file:
101 AutoPat fileio.c        /^} AutoPat;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:AutoPat  file:
102 AutoPatCmd      fileio.c        /^typedef struct AutoPatCmd$/;" s       file:
103 AutoPatCmd      fileio.c        /^} AutoPatCmd;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
104 B       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! B(jump)$/;"     f
105 B0_FNAME_SIZE   memline.c       128;"   d       file:
106 B0_HNAME_SIZE   memline.c       130;"   d       file:
107 B0_MAGIC_CHAR   memline.c       139;"   d       file:
108 B0_MAGIC_INT    memline.c       137;"   d       file:
109 B0_MAGIC_LONG   memline.c       136;"   d       file:
110 B0_MAGIC_SHORT  memline.c       138;"   d       file:
111 B0_UNAME_SIZE   memline.c       129;"   d       file:
112 BACK    regexp.c        136;"   d       file:
113 BACKREF regexp.c        199;"   d       file:
114 BACKSPACE_CHAR  edit.c  115;"   d       file:
115 BACKSPACE_LINE  edit.c  118;"   d       file:
116 BACKSPACE_WORD  edit.c  116;"   d       file:
117 BACKSPACE_WORD_NOT_SPACE        edit.c  117;"   d       file:
118 BACKWARD        vim.h   535;"   d
119 BACKWARD_FILE   vim.h   537;"   d
120 BANG    ex_cmds.h       34;"    d
121 BASENAMELEN     os_amiga.h      40;"    d
122 BBOLD   Make_agui.mak   /^BBOLD = *e[1m$/;"     m
123 BC      term.c  /^char *UP, *BC, PC;$/;"        v
124 BC      termlib.c       /^char  *UP = 0, *BC = 0;     \/* Pointers to UP and BC strings from database *\/$/;"   v
125 BCOL1   Make_agui.mak   /^BCOL1 = *e[41m$/;"    m
126 BCOL2   Make_agui.mak   /^BCOL2 = *e[42m$/;"    m
127 BCOL3   Make_agui.mak   /^BCOL3 = *e[43m$/;"    m
128 BCOL4   Make_agui.mak   /^BCOL4 = *e[44m$/;"    m
129 BCO_ALWAYS      vim.h   833;"   d
130 BCO_ENTER       vim.h   832;"   d
131 BCO_NOHELP      vim.h   834;"   d
132 BE      farsi.h 112;"   d
133 BEHIND  regexp.c        145;"   d       file:
134 BELL    ascii.h 109;"   d
135 BELL    ascii.h 25;"    d
136 BF_CHECK_RO     vim.h   548;"   d
137 BF_NEVERLOADED  vim.h   551;"   d
138 BF_NEW  vim.h   556;"   d
139 BF_NEW_W        vim.h   557;"   d
140 BF_NOTEDITED    vim.h   553;"   d
141 BF_READERR      vim.h   558;"   d
142 BF_RECOVERED    vim.h   547;"   d
143 BF_WRITE_MASK   vim.h   561;"   d
144 BHPOS   regexp.c        155;"   d       file:
145 BH_DIRTY        structs.h       338;"   d
146 BH_LOCKED       structs.h       339;"   d
147 BIN_ASSIGN      xxd/xxd.c       153;"   d       file:
148 BIN_ASSIGN      xxd/xxd.c       164;"   d       file:
149 BIN_ASSIGN      xxd/xxd.c       171;"   d       file:
150 BIN_CREAT       xxd/xxd.c       152;"   d       file:
151 BIN_CREAT       xxd/xxd.c       163;"   d       file:
152 BIN_CREAT       xxd/xxd.c       170;"   d       file:
153 BIN_READ        xxd/xxd.c       150;"   d       file:
154 BIN_READ        xxd/xxd.c       161;"   d       file:
155 BIN_READ        xxd/xxd.c       168;"   d       file:
156 BIN_WRITE       xxd/xxd.c       151;"   d       file:
157 BIN_WRITE       xxd/xxd.c       162;"   d       file:
158 BIN_WRITE       xxd/xxd.c       169;"   d       file:
159 BKC_AUTO        option.h        309;"   d
160 BKC_BREAKHARDLINK       option.h        312;"   d
161 BKC_BREAKSYMLINK        option.h        311;"   d
162 BKC_NO  option.h        310;"   d
163 BKC_YES option.h        308;"   d
164 BLN_CURBUF      vim.h   714;"   d
165 BLN_DUMMY       vim.h   716;"   d
166 BLN_LISTED      vim.h   715;"   d
167 BLOCK0_ID0      memline.c       68;"    d       file:
168 BLOCK0_ID1      memline.c       69;"    d       file:
169 BL_FIX  vim.h   823;"   d
170 BL_SOL  vim.h   822;"   d
171 BL_WHITE        vim.h   821;"   d
172 BOL     regexp.c        132;"   d       file:
173 BOOL    gui_amiga.c     52;"    d       file:
174 BOW     regexp.c        150;"   d       file:
175 BRACE_AT_END    misc1.c 5502;"  d       file:
176 BRACE_AT_START  misc1.c 5501;"  d       file:
177 BRACE_COMPLEX   regexp.c        208;"   d       file:
178 BRACE_IN_COL0   misc1.c 5500;"  d       file:
179 BRACE_LIMITS    regexp.c        152;"   d       file:
180 BRACE_SIMPLE    regexp.c        148;"   d       file:
181 BRANCH  regexp.c        134;"   d       file:
182 BREAKCHECK_SKIP misc1.c 7637;"  d       file:
183 BREAKCHECK_SKIP misc1.c 7639;"  d       file:
184 BREAKP  ex_cmds2.c      358;"   d       file:
185 BROWSE_CURRBUF  feature.h       713;"   d
186 BROWSE_FILTER_ALL_FILES vim.h   1617;"  d
187 BROWSE_FILTER_ALL_FILES vim.h   1623;"  d
188 BROWSE_FILTER_DEFAULT   vim.h   1618;"  d
189 BROWSE_FILTER_DEFAULT   vim.h   1624;"  d
190 BROWSE_FILTER_MACROS    vim.h   1615;"  d
191 BROWSE_FILTER_MACROS    vim.h   1621;"  d
192 BS      ascii.h 110;"   d
193 BS      ascii.h 26;"    d
194 BS_EOL  option.h        276;"   d
195 BS_INDENT       option.h        275;"   d
196 BS_START        option.h        277;"   d
197 BT_EXTRA_KEYS   term.c  75;"    d       file:
198 BUF2SIZE        os_amiga.c      300;"   d       file:
199 BUFNAME ex_cmds.h       50;"    d
200 BUFSIZE fileio.c        36;"    d       file:
201 BUFUNL  ex_cmds.h       51;"    d
202 BVAR_ENTRY      eval.c  73;"    d       file:
203 B_IMODE_IM      structs.h       1058;"  d
204 B_IMODE_LAST    structs.h       1056;"  d
205 B_IMODE_LAST    structs.h       1059;"  d
206 B_IMODE_LMAP    structs.h       1054;"  d
207 B_IMODE_NONE    structs.h       1053;"  d
208 B_IMODE_USE_INSERT      structs.h       1052;"  d
209 BalloonEval     gui_beval.h     /^} BalloonEval;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:BalloonEvalStruct
210 BalloonEval     proto.h 178;"   d
211 BalloonEvalStruct       gui_beval.h     /^typedef struct BalloonEvalStruct$/;"  s
212 Bar     testdir/test49.vim      /^function! Bar()$/;"   f
213 BeState gui_beval.h     /^} BeState;$/;"        t       typeref:enum:__anon2
214 C       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! C(jump)$/;"     f
215 C       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! C()$/;"     f
216 CALL    testdir/test49.vim      /^    com! -nargs=1 CALL$/;"    c
217 CAR     ascii.h 115;"   d
218 CAR     ascii.h 31;"    d
219 CASE_INSENSITIVE_FILENAME       os_amiga.h      13;"    d
220 CA_COMMAND_BUSY structs.h       1661;"  d
221 CA_NO_ADJ_OP_END        structs.h       1662;"  d
222 CBUFLEN misc1.c 2854;"  d       file:
223 CC      Make_agui.mak   /^CC = sc$/;"   m
224 CC      Make_aros.mak   /^CC     = i386-linux-aros-gcc$/;"      m
225 CC      Make_dice.mak   /^CC = dcc$/;"  m
226 CC      Make_manx.mak   /^CC = cc$/;"   m
227 CC      Make_morph.mak  /^CC =          gcc$/;" m
228 CC      Make_sas.mak    /^CC    = sc$/;"        m
229 CCNOSYM Make_manx.mak   /^CCNOSYM = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o$/;"      m
230 CCSYM   Make_manx.mak   /^CCSYM = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -hi$(SYMS) -o$/;"     m
231 CFLAGS  Make_agui.mak   /^CFLAGS = NOLINK $(DBG)  CPU=$(CPU) NOSTACKCHECK$/;"   m
232 CFLAGS  Make_aros.mak   /^CFLAGS = -pipe -O2 -Wall -Iproto \\$/;"       m
233 CFLAGS  Make_dice.mak   /^CFLAGS = -c -DAMIGA -Iproto $(DEFINES)$/;"    m
234 CFLAGS  Make_manx.mak   /^CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) -wapruq -ps -qf -Iproto $(DEFINES) -DAMIGA$/;"    m
235 CFLAGS  Make_morph.mak  /^CFLAGS =      -c                                              \\$/;"  m
236 CFLAGS  Make_sas.mak    /^CFLAGS  = NOLINK $(DBG) CPU=$(CPU) NOSTACKCHECK DEF=AMIGA CODE=FAR idir=proto ignore=317$/;"  m
237 CFLAGS  xxd/Make_amiga.mak      /^CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) -wapruq -ps -qf -DAMIGA -Dconst=$/;"      m
238 CFLAGS2 Make_agui.mak   /^CFLAGS2 = $(OPTIMIZE) $(ERROR) GSTIMMEDIATE GST=$(GST)$/;"    m
239 CFLAGS2 Make_sas.mak    /^CFLAGS2 = $(OPTIMIZE) $(ERROR) GSTIMMEDIATE GST=$(GST)$/;"    m
242 CFLAGS4 Make_agui.mak   /^CFLAGS4 = $(DEFINES) DATAMEMORY=$(MEMORYTYPE)$/;"     m
243 CFLAGS4 Make_sas.mak    /^CFLAGS4 = $(DEFINES) DATAMEMORY=$(MEMORYTYPE)$/;"     m
244 CHARSIZE        macros.h        121;"   d
245 CHAR_CELLS      screen.c        4301;"  d       file:
246 CHAR_CLASS      ui.c    1279;"  d       file:
247 CHE     farsi.h 117;"   d
248 CHECK   memline.c       12;"    d       file:
249 CHECK   testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! CHECK(n, ...)$/;"       f
250 CHECK   testdir/test49.vim      /^function! CHECK(n, exception, throwname, throwline)$/;"       f
251 CHECK_CMDWIN    window.c        109;"   d       file:
252 CHECK_DOUBLE_CLICK      vim.h   1437;"  d
253 CHECK_INODE     vim.h   222;"   d
254 CHECK_KEYS_TIME edit.c  34;"    d       file:
255 CHECK_PATH      vim.h   659;"   d
256 CLASS_ALNUM     regexp.c        417;"   d       file:
257 CLASS_ALPHA     regexp.c        419;"   d       file:
258 CLASS_BACKSPACE regexp.c        445;"   d       file:
259 CLASS_BLANK     regexp.c        421;"   d       file:
260 CLASS_CNTRL     regexp.c        423;"   d       file:
261 CLASS_DIGIT     regexp.c        425;"   d       file:
262 CLASS_ESCAPE    regexp.c        447;"   d       file:
263 CLASS_GRAPH     regexp.c        427;"   d       file:
264 CLASS_LOWER     regexp.c        429;"   d       file:
265 CLASS_NONE      regexp.c        449;"   d       file:
266 CLASS_PRINT     regexp.c        431;"   d       file:
267 CLASS_PUNCT     regexp.c        433;"   d       file:
268 CLASS_RETURN    regexp.c        443;"   d       file:
269 CLASS_SPACE     regexp.c        435;"   d       file:
270 CLASS_TAB       regexp.c        441;"   d       file:
271 CLASS_UPPER     regexp.c        437;"   d       file:
272 CLASS_XDIGIT    regexp.c        439;"   d       file:
273 CLEAR   vim.h   446;"   d
274 CLIP_CLEAR      ui.c    554;"   d       file:
275 CLIP_SET        ui.c    555;"   d       file:
276 CLIP_TOGGLE     ui.c    556;"   d       file:
277 CLUSTER_ADD     syntax.c        221;"   d       file:
278 CLUSTER_REPLACE syntax.c        220;"   d       file:
279 CLUSTER_SUBTRACT        syntax.c        222;"   d       file:
280 CMDBUFFSIZE     vim.h   1152;"  d
281 CMDLINE vim.h   510;"   d
282 CMDWIN  ex_cmds.h       54;"    d
283 CMD_CONT        ex_cmds2.c      56;"    d       file:
284 CMD_FINISH      ex_cmds2.c      59;"    d       file:
285 CMD_INTERRUPT   ex_cmds2.c      61;"    d       file:
286 CMD_NEXT        ex_cmds2.c      57;"    d       file:
287 CMD_QUIT        ex_cmds2.c      60;"    d       file:
288 CMD_STEP        ex_cmds2.c      58;"    d       file:
289 CMP_INTERNAL    option.h        339;"   d
290 CMP_KEEPASCII   option.h        340;"   d
291 COLS    xxd/xxd.c       205;"   d       file:
292 COL_RULER       option.c        7704;"  d       file:
293 COM_ALL option.h        231;"   d
294 COM_AUTO_END    option.h        226;"   d
295 COM_BLANK       option.h        222;"   d
296 COM_END option.h        225;"   d
297 COM_FIRST       option.h        227;"   d
298 COM_LEFT        option.h        228;"   d
299 COM_MAX_LEN     option.h        232;"   d
300 COM_MIDDLE      option.h        224;"   d
301 COM_NEST        option.h        221;"   d
302 COM_NOBACK      option.h        230;"   d
303 COM_RIGHT       option.h        229;"   d
304 COM_START       option.h        223;"   d
305 CONFIRM vim.h   531;"   d
306 CONT    testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! CONT(n)$/;"     f
307 CONTEXT_UNKNOWN vim.h   566;"   d
308 CONT_ADDING     globals.h       109;"   d
309 CONT_INTRPT     globals.h       110;"   d
310 CONT_LOCAL      globals.h       117;"   d
311 CONT_N_ADDS     globals.h       112;"   d
312 CONT_SOL        globals.h       115;"   d
313 CONT_S_IPOS     globals.h       113;"   d
314 CONV_CODEPAGE   structs.h       855;"   d
315 CONV_ICONV      structs.h       853;"   d
316 CONV_LATIN1_MAC structs.h       859;"   d
317 CONV_MAC_LATIN1 structs.h       858;"   d
318 CONV_MAC_UTF8   structs.h       860;"   d
319 CONV_NONE       structs.h       850;"   d
320 CONV_RESTLEN    fileio.c        98;"    d       file:
321 CONV_TO_LATIN1  structs.h       852;"   d
322 CONV_TO_UTF8    structs.h       851;"   d
323 CONV_UTF8_MAC   structs.h       861;"   d
324 COPTS   Make_sas.mak    /^COPTS = SINT SCODE SDATA$/;"  m
325 COUNT   ex_cmds.h       44;"    d
326 CPO_ALL option.h        161;"   d
327 CPO_ALTREAD     option.h        118;"   d
328 CPO_ALTWRITE    option.h        119;"   d
329 CPO_BACKSPACE   option.h        150;"   d
330 CPO_BAR option.h        120;"   d
331 CPO_BSLASH      option.h        121;"   d
332 CPO_BUFOPT      option.h        146;"   d
333 CPO_BUFOPTGLOB  option.h        147;"   d
334 CPO_CONCAT      option.h        123;"   d
335 CPO_CW  option.h        151;"   d
336 CPO_DEFAULT     option.h        160;"   d
337 CPO_DIGRAPH     option.h        125;"   d
338 CPO_DOLLAR      option.h        155;"   d
339 CPO_DOTTAG      option.h        124;"   d
340 CPO_EMPTYREGION option.h        127;"   d
341 CPO_ENDOFSENT   option.h        133;"   d
342 CPO_ESC option.h        153;"   d
343 CPO_EXECBUF     option.h        126;"   d
344 CPO_FILTER      option.h        156;"   d
345 CPO_FNAMER      option.h        128;"   d
346 CPO_FNAMEW      option.h        129;"   d
347 CPO_FWRITE      option.h        152;"   d
348 CPO_GOTO1       option.h        130;"   d
349 CPO_INTMOD      option.h        131;"   d
350 CPO_JOINSP      option.h        132;"   d
351 CPO_KEYCODE     option.h        134;"   d
352 CPO_KOFFSET     option.h        135;"   d
353 CPO_LINEOFF     option.h        141;"   d
354 CPO_LISP        option.h        143;"   d
355 CPO_LISTWM      option.h        137;"   d
356 CPO_LITERAL     option.h        136;"   d
357 CPO_MATCH       option.h        157;"   d
358 CPO_MATCHBSL    option.h        139;"   d
359 CPO_NUMCOL      option.h        140;"   d
360 CPO_OVERNEW     option.h        142;"   d
361 CPO_REDO        option.h        144;"   d
362 CPO_REMMARK     option.h        145;"   d
363 CPO_SEARCH      option.h        122;"   d
364 CPO_SHOWMATCH   option.h        138;"   d
365 CPO_SPECI       option.h        159;"   d
366 CPO_STAR        option.h        158;"   d
367 CPO_TAGPAT      option.h        148;"   d
368 CPO_UNDO        option.h        149;"   d
369 CPO_YANK        option.h        154;"   d
370 CPU     Make_agui.mak   /^CPU=68060$/;" m
371 CPU     Make_sas.mak    /^CPU=68000$/;" m
372 CP_UTF8 mbyte.c 343;"   d       file:
373 CRC32   misc2.c 3168;"  d       file:
374 CREATE_DUMMY_FILE       memline.c       3389;"  d       file:
375 CRV_GET term.c  112;"   d       file:
376 CRV_GOT term.c  114;"   d       file:
377 CRV_SENT        term.c  113;"   d       file:
378 CRYPT_MAGIC     fileio.c        40;"    d       file:
379 CRYPT_MAGIC_LEN fileio.c        41;"    d       file:
380 CSF_ACTIVE      structs.h       609;"   d
381 CSF_CAUGHT      structs.h       615;"   d
382 CSF_ELSE        structs.h       610;"   d
383 CSF_FINALLY     structs.h       613;"   d
384 CSF_SILENT      structs.h       616;"   d
385 CSF_THROWN      structs.h       614;"   d
386 CSF_TRUE        structs.h       608;"   d
387 CSF_TRY structs.h       612;"   d
388 CSF_WHILE       structs.h       611;"   d
389 CSI     ascii.h 122;"   d
390 CSI     ascii.h 37;"    d
391 CSI_STR ascii.h 123;"   d
392 CSI_STR ascii.h 38;"    d
393 CSQF_CMDS       option.h        369;"   d
394 CSQF_FLAGS      option.h        370;"   d
395 CSTACK_LEN      structs.h       585;"   d
396 CSTP_BREAK      structs.h       628;"   d
397 CSTP_CONTINUE   structs.h       629;"   d
398 CSTP_ERROR      structs.h       625;"   d
399 CSTP_FINISH     structs.h       631;"   d
400 CSTP_INTERRUPT  structs.h       626;"   d
401 CSTP_NONE       structs.h       624;"   d
402 CSTP_RETURN     structs.h       630;"   d
403 CSTP_THROW      structs.h       627;"   d
404 CTERM_ATTR_ENTRY        syntax.c        7338;"  d       file:
405 CTRL_F_STR      ascii.h 129;"   d
406 CTRL_F_STR      ascii.h 47;"    d
407 CTRL_H_STR      ascii.h 130;"   d
408 CTRL_H_STR      ascii.h 48;"    d
409 CTRL_V_STR      ascii.h 131;"   d
410 CTRL_V_STR      ascii.h 49;"    d
411 CTRL_W_STR      ascii.h 132;"   d
412 CTRL_W_STR      ascii.h 50;"    d
413 CTRL_X_CMDLINE  edit.c  32;"    d       file:
414 CTRL_X_DICTIONARY       edit.c  30;"    d       file:
415 CTRL_X_FILES    edit.c  25;"    d       file:
416 CTRL_X_FINISHED edit.c  29;"    d       file:
417 CTRL_X_MSG      edit.c  36;"    d       file:
418 CTRL_X_NOT_DEFINED_YET  edit.c  22;"    d       file:
419 CTRL_X_PATH_DEFINES     edit.c  28;"    d       file:
420 CTRL_X_PATH_PATTERNS    edit.c  27;"    d       file:
421 CTRL_X_SCROLL   edit.c  23;"    d       file:
422 CTRL_X_TAGS     edit.c  26;"    d       file:
423 CTRL_X_THESAURUS        edit.c  31;"    d       file:
424 CTRL_X_WANT_IDENT       edit.c  20;"    d       file:
425 CTRL_X_WHOLE_LINE       edit.c  24;"    d       file:
426 CT_CELL_MASK    vim.h   872;"   d
427 CT_FNAME_CHAR   vim.h   875;"   d
428 CT_ID_CHAR      vim.h   874;"   d
429 CT_PRINT_CHAR   vim.h   873;"   d
430 CURSOR  regexp.c        217;"   d       file:
431 CURSOR_BAR_RIGHT        macros.h        244;"   d
432 CURSOR_MOVED    vim.h   1424;"  d
433 CURSOR_SHAPE    feature.h       1069;"  d
434 CUR_STATE       syntax.c        334;"   d       file:
435 CV      proto.h 237;"   d
436 CYGWIN  xxd/xxd.c       147;"   d       file:
437 CharOrd ascii.h 100;"   d
438 CharOrd ascii.h 19;"    d
439 CharOrdLow      ascii.h 20;"    d
440 CharOrdLow      ascii.h 98;"    d
441 CharOrdUp       ascii.h 21;"    d
442 CharOrdUp       ascii.h 99;"    d
443 CharOrd__       ascii.h 97;"    d
444 CheckConfiguration      testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! CheckConfiguration(type)            " type is "error" or "interrupt"$/;"        f
445 CheckThrow      testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! CheckThrow(Type)$/;"    f
446 Chk_Abort       os_amiga.c      /^Chk_Abort(void)$/;"   f
447 Chk_Abort       os_amiga.c      1364;"  d       file:
448 CmdException    testdir/test49.vim      /^command! CmdException  let g:exception  = v:exception$/;"     c
449 CmdThrowpoint   testdir/test49.vim      /^command! CmdThrowpoint let g:throwpoint = v:throwpoint$/;"    c
450 Columns globals.h       /^EXTERN long   Columns INIT(= 80);     \/* nr of columns in the screen *\/$/;" v
451 Completion      edit.c  /^struct Completion$/;" s       file:
452 CtrlChar        ascii.h 170;"   d
453 Ctrl_A  ascii.h 135;"   d
454 Ctrl_A  ascii.h 53;"    d
455 Ctrl_AT ascii.h 134;"   d
456 Ctrl_AT ascii.h 52;"    d
457 Ctrl_B  ascii.h 136;"   d
458 Ctrl_B  ascii.h 54;"    d
459 Ctrl_BSL        ascii.h 163;"   d
460 Ctrl_BSL        ascii.h 80;"    d
461 Ctrl_C  ascii.h 137;"   d
462 Ctrl_C  ascii.h 55;"    d
463 Ctrl_D  ascii.h 138;"   d
464 Ctrl_D  ascii.h 56;"    d
465 Ctrl_E  ascii.h 139;"   d
466 Ctrl_E  ascii.h 57;"    d
467 Ctrl_F  ascii.h 140;"   d
468 Ctrl_F  ascii.h 58;"    d
469 Ctrl_G  ascii.h 141;"   d
470 Ctrl_G  ascii.h 59;"    d
471 Ctrl_H  ascii.h 142;"   d
472 Ctrl_H  ascii.h 60;"    d
473 Ctrl_HAT        ascii.h 164;"   d
474 Ctrl_HAT        ascii.h 82;"    d
475 Ctrl_I  ascii.h 143;"   d
476 Ctrl_I  ascii.h 61;"    d
477 Ctrl_J  ascii.h 144;"   d
478 Ctrl_J  ascii.h 62;"    d
479 Ctrl_K  ascii.h 145;"   d
480 Ctrl_K  ascii.h 63;"    d
481 Ctrl_L  ascii.h 146;"   d
482 Ctrl_L  ascii.h 64;"    d
483 Ctrl_LSB        ascii.h 161;"   d
484 Ctrl_LSB        ascii.h 79;"    d
485 Ctrl_M  ascii.h 147;"   d
486 Ctrl_M  ascii.h 65;"    d
487 Ctrl_N  ascii.h 148;"   d
488 Ctrl_N  ascii.h 66;"    d
489 Ctrl_O  ascii.h 149;"   d
490 Ctrl_O  ascii.h 67;"    d
491 Ctrl_P  ascii.h 150;"   d
492 Ctrl_P  ascii.h 68;"    d
493 Ctrl_Q  ascii.h 151;"   d
494 Ctrl_Q  ascii.h 69;"    d
495 Ctrl_R  ascii.h 152;"   d
496 Ctrl_R  ascii.h 70;"    d
497 Ctrl_RSB        ascii.h 162;"   d
498 Ctrl_RSB        ascii.h 81;"    d
499 Ctrl_S  ascii.h 153;"   d
500 Ctrl_S  ascii.h 71;"    d
501 Ctrl_T  ascii.h 154;"   d
502 Ctrl_T  ascii.h 72;"    d
503 Ctrl_U  ascii.h 155;"   d
504 Ctrl_U  ascii.h 73;"    d
505 Ctrl_V  ascii.h 156;"   d
506 Ctrl_V  ascii.h 74;"    d
507 Ctrl_W  ascii.h 157;"   d
508 Ctrl_W  ascii.h 75;"    d
509 Ctrl_X  ascii.h 158;"   d
510 Ctrl_X  ascii.h 76;"    d
511 Ctrl_Y  ascii.h 159;"   d
512 Ctrl_Y  ascii.h 77;"    d
513 Ctrl_Z  ascii.h 160;"   d
514 Ctrl_Z  ascii.h 78;"    d
515 Ctrl__  ascii.h 165;"   d
516 Ctrl__  ascii.h 83;"    d
517 Ctrl_chr        ascii.h 167;"   d
518 Ctrl_chr        ascii.h 44;"    d
519 CursorOff       gui_amiga.c     /^      CursorOff,$/;"  e       enum:__anon26::__anon27 file:
520 CursorOn        gui_amiga.c     /^      CursorOn,$/;"   e       enum:__anon26::__anon27 file:
521 CursorWait      gui_amiga.c     /^      CursorWait$/;"  e       enum:__anon26::__anon27 file:
522 D       gui.h   12;"    d
523 D       gui_amiga.c     126;"   d       file:
524 D       gui_amiga.c     131;"   d       file:
525 DAL     farsi.h 120;"   d
526 DATA_BL memline.c       /^typedef struct data_block     DATA_BL;    \/* contents of a data block *\/$/;"        t       typeref:struct:data_block       file:
527 DATA_ID memline.c       66;"    d       file:
528 DBCS_2BYTE      globals.h       667;"   d
529 DBCS_CHS        globals.h       663;"   d
530 DBCS_CHSU       globals.h       664;"   d
531 DBCS_CHT        globals.h       665;"   d
532 DBCS_CHTU       globals.h       666;"   d
533 DBCS_DEBUG      globals.h       668;"   d
534 DBCS_JPN        globals.h       659;"   d
535 DBCS_JPNU       globals.h       660;"   d
536 DBCS_KOR        globals.h       661;"   d
537 DBCS_KORU       globals.h       662;"   d
538 DBG     Make_agui.mak   /^DBG = NODEBUG$/;"     m
539 DBG     Make_sas.mak    /^DBG = NODEBUG$/;"     m
540 DBG_FILE        ex_cmds2.c      362;"   d       file:
541 DBG_FUNC        ex_cmds2.c      361;"   d       file:
542 DB_COUNT        diff.c  18;"    d       file:
543 DB_Filled       gui_amiga.c     /^    DB_Filled,$/;"    e       enum:DrawBoxMode        file:
544 DB_INDEX_MASK   memline.c       123;"   d       file:
545 DB_MARKED       memline.c       122;"   d       file:
546 DB_NotFilled    gui_amiga.c     /^    DB_NotFilled$/;"  e       enum:DrawBoxMode        file:
547 DCS     ascii.h 124;"   d
548 DCS     ascii.h 39;"    d
549 DEBUG   regexp.c        43;"    d       file:
550 DEBUG   vim.h   1770;"  d
551 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1391;"  d       file:
552 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1395;"  d       file:
553 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1399;"  d       file:
554 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1403;"  d       file:
555 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1407;"  d       file:
556 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1411;"  d       file:
557 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1415;"  d       file:
558 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1419;"  d       file:
559 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1423;"  d       file:
560 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1424;"  d       file:
561 DEFAULT_TERM    term.c  1428;"  d       file:
564 DEFINES Make_manx.mak   /^DEFINES =$/;" m
565 DEFINES Make_sas.mak    /^DEFINES = DEF=NO_ARP DEF=NEWSASC DEF="SASC=658"$/;"   m
566 DEL     Make_manx.mak   /^DEL = $(SHELL) -c rm -f$/;"   m
567 DEL     Make_sas.mak    /^DEL   = $(SHELL) -c rm -f$/;" m
568 DEL     ascii.h 119;"   d
569 DEL     ascii.h 35;"    d
570 DELETION_REGISTER       ops.c   29;"    d       file:
571 DEL_STR ascii.h 120;"   d
572 DEL_STR ascii.h 36;"    d
573 DEP     Make_agui.mak   /^DEP = $(GST)$/;"      m
574 DFLALL  ex_cmds.h       38;"    d
575 DFLT_BDIR       os_amiga.h      176;"   d
576 DFLT_DIR        os_amiga.h      180;"   d
577 DFLT_EFM        option.h        24;"    d
578 DFLT_EFM        option.h        27;"    d
579 DFLT_EFM        option.h        30;"    d
580 DFLT_EFM        option.h        33;"    d
581 DFLT_EFM        option.h        36;"    d
582 DFLT_EFM        option.h        39;"    d
583 DFLT_EFM        option.h        41;"    d
584 DFLT_ERRORFILE  os_amiga.h      37;"    d
585 DFLT_FF option.h        57;"    d
586 DFLT_FF option.h        63;"    d
587 DFLT_FF option.h        68;"    d
588 DFLT_FFS_VI     option.h        59;"    d
589 DFLT_FFS_VI     option.h        65;"    d
590 DFLT_FFS_VI     option.h        71;"    d
591 DFLT_FFS_VI     option.h        74;"    d
592 DFLT_FFS_VIM    option.h        58;"    d
593 DFLT_FFS_VIM    option.h        64;"    d
594 DFLT_FFS_VIM    option.h        69;"    d
595 DFLT_FO_VI      option.h        113;"   d
596 DFLT_FO_VIM     option.h        114;"   d
597 DFLT_GREPFORMAT option.h        49;"    d
598 DFLT_HELPFILE   os_amiga.h      103;"   d
599 DFLT_MAXMEM     os_amiga.h      188;"   d
600 DFLT_MAXMEMTOT  os_amiga.h      191;"   d
601 DFLT_RUNTIMEPATH        os_amiga.h      38;"    d
602 DFLT_TEXTAUTO   option.h        60;"    d
603 DFLT_TEXTAUTO   option.h        66;"    d
604 DFLT_TEXTAUTO   option.h        72;"    d
605 DFLT_TEXTAUTO   option.h        75;"    d
606 DFLT_VDIR       os_amiga.h      184;"   d
607 DICT_EXACT      edit.c  2107;"  d       file:
608 DICT_FIRST      edit.c  2106;"  d       file:
609 DID_FOLD        screen.c        773;"   d       file:
610 DID_LINE        screen.c        772;"   d       file:
611 DID_NONE        screen.c        771;"   d       file:
612 DIFF_FILLER     diff.c  51;"    d       file:
613 DIFF_ICASE      diff.c  52;"    d       file:
614 DIFF_IWHITE     diff.c  53;"    d       file:
615 DIGIT   regexp.c        175;"   d       file:
616 DLG_BUTTON_SEP  vim.h   950;"   d
617 DLG_HOTKEY_CHAR vim.h   951;"   d
618 DOBUF_CURRENT   vim.h   769;"   d
619 DOBUF_DEL       vim.h   765;"   d
620 DOBUF_FIRST     vim.h   770;"   d
621 DOBUF_GOTO      vim.h   762;"   d
622 DOBUF_LAST      vim.h   771;"   d
623 DOBUF_MOD       vim.h   772;"   d
624 DOBUF_SPLIT     vim.h   763;"   d
625 DOBUF_UNLOAD    vim.h   764;"   d
626 DOBUF_WIPE      vim.h   766;"   d
627 DOCMD_EXCRESET  vim.h   817;"   d
628 DOCMD_KEEPLINE  vim.h   818;"   d
629 DOCMD_KEYTYPED  vim.h   816;"   d
630 DOCMD_NOWAIT    vim.h   814;"   d
631 DOCMD_REPEAT    vim.h   815;"   d
632 DOCMD_VERBOSE   vim.h   813;"   d
633 DONE_ACTION     fold.c  89;"    d       file:
634 DONE_FOLD       fold.c  90;"    d       file:
635 DONE_NOTHING    fold.c  88;"    d       file:
636 DOS32   vim.h   120;"   d
637 DOS_LIBRARY     os_amiga.c      242;"   d       file:
638 DOS_MOUSE       feature.h       977;"   d
639 DO_DECLARE_EXCMD        ex_docmd.c      424;"   d       file:
640 DO_INIT vim.h   1566;"  d
641 DRAW_BOLD       gui.h   153;"   d
642 DRAW_CURSOR     gui.h   158;"   d
643 DRAW_ITALIC     gui.h   156;"   d
644 DRAW_TRANSP     gui.h   152;"   d
645 DRAW_UNDERL     gui.h   154;"   d
646 DT_CSCOPE       vim.h   889;"   d
647 DT_FIRST        vim.h   884;"   d
648 DT_HELP vim.h   887;"   d
649 DT_JUMP vim.h   888;"   d
650 DT_LAST vim.h   885;"   d
651 DT_NEXT vim.h   882;"   d
652 DT_POP  vim.h   881;"   d
653 DT_PREV vim.h   883;"   d
654 DT_SELECT       vim.h   886;"   d
655 DT_TAG  vim.h   880;"   d
656 DUM_LEN getchar.c       2704;"  d       file:
657 DYNAMIC_ICONV_DLL       mbyte.c 3078;"  d       file:
658 DYNAMIC_ICONV_DLL_ALT   mbyte.c 3079;"  d       file:
659 DYNAMIC_MSVCRT_DLL      mbyte.c 3082;"  d       file:
660 DY_LASTLINE     option.h        400;"   d
661 DY_UHEX option.h        401;"   d
662 Delete_autocommands     testdir/test49.vim      /^function! Delete_autocommands(...)$/;"        f
663 Display proto.h 24;"    d
664 DrawBoxMode     gui_amiga.c     /^enum DrawBoxMode$/;"  g       file:
665 E       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! E()$/;" f
666 E       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! E(jump)$/;"     f
667 E2BIG   structs.h       782;"   d
668 EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD ascii.h 103;"   d
669 EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD_        ascii.h 102;"   d
670 ECMD_ADDBUF     vim.h   805;"   d
671 ECMD_FORCEIT    vim.h   804;"   d
672 ECMD_HIDE       vim.h   800;"   d
673 ECMD_LAST       vim.h   809;"   d
674 ECMD_LASTL      vim.h   808;"   d
675 ECMD_OLDBUF     vim.h   803;"   d
676 ECMD_ONE        vim.h   810;"   d
677 ECMD_SET_HELP   vim.h   801;"   d
678 ECONNREFUSED    netbeans.c      34;"    d       file:
679 EDITCMD ex_cmds.h       49;"    d
680 EDIT_FILE       main.c  129;"   d       file:
681 EDIT_NONE       main.c  128;"   d       file:
682 EDIT_QF main.c  132;"   d       file:
683 EDIT_STDIN      main.c  130;"   d       file:
684 EDIT_TAG        main.c  131;"   d       file:
685 EFAULT  structs.h       784;"   d
686 EILSEQ  structs.h       776;"   d
687 EILSEQ  structs.h       785;"   d
688 EILSEQ  vim.h   1684;"  d
689 EINTR   netbeans.c      36;"    d       file:
690 EINTR   netbeans.c      38;"    d       file:
691 EINVAL  structs.h       781;"   d
692 EMSG    vim.h   1251;"  d
693 EMSG2   vim.h   1252;"  d
694 EMSG3   vim.h   1253;"  d
695 EMSGN   vim.h   1254;"  d
696 EMSG_M_RET_NULL regexp.c        317;"   d       file:
697 EMSG_ONE_RET_NULL       regexp.c        319;"   d       file:
698 EMSG_RET_FAIL   regexp.c        318;"   d       file:
699 EMSG_RET_NULL   regexp.c        316;"   d       file:
700 ENC_2BYTE       vim.h   1673;"  d
701 ENC_2WORD       vim.h   1675;"  d
702 ENC_4BYTE       vim.h   1674;"  d
703 ENC_8BIT        vim.h   1666;"  d
704 ENC_DBCS        vim.h   1667;"  d
705 ENC_DFLT        option.h        86;"    d
706 ENC_ENDIAN_B    vim.h   1670;"  d
707 ENC_ENDIAN_L    vim.h   1671;"  d
708 ENC_LATIN1      vim.h   1677;"  d
709 ENC_MACROMAN    vim.h   1678;"  d
710 ENC_UCSBOM      option.h        83;"    d
711 ENC_UNICODE     vim.h   1668;"  d
712 END     regexp.c        131;"   d       file:
713 ENOENT  structs.h       783;"   d
714 EOL     regexp.c        133;"   d       file:
715 EOL_DOS option.h        92;"    d
716 EOL_MAC option.h        93;"    d
717 EOL_UNIX        option.h        91;"    d
718 EOL_UNKNOWN     option.h        90;"    d
719 EOW     regexp.c        151;"   d       file:
720 ERR     testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! ERR(n)$/;"      f
723 ERROR_NONE      eval.c  3093;"  d       file:
724 ERROR_OTHER     eval.c  3094;"  d       file:
725 ERROR_SCRIPT    eval.c  3092;"  d       file:
726 ERROR_TOOFEW    eval.c  3091;"  d       file:
727 ERROR_TOOMANY   eval.c  3090;"  d       file:
728 ERROR_UNKNOWN   eval.c  3088;"  d       file:
729 ERROR_UNKNOWN   eval.c  3089;"  d       file:
730 ERRabort        testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! ERRabort(n) abort$/;"   f
731 ESC     ascii.h 116;"   d
732 ESC     ascii.h 32;"    d
733 ESCAPE_CHARS    ex_docmd.c      3920;"  d       file:
734 ESC_CHG_TO_ENG_MODE     feature.h       625;"   d
735 ESC_STR ascii.h 117;"   d
736 ESC_STR ascii.h 33;"    d
737 ESC_STR_nc      ascii.h 118;"   d
738 ESC_STR_nc      ascii.h 34;"    d
739 ET_ERROR        structs.h       665;"   d
740 ET_INTERRUPT    structs.h       666;"   d
741 ET_USER structs.h       664;"   d
742 EVAL_OFFSET_X   gui_beval.h     71;"    d
743 EVAL_OFFSET_Y   gui_beval.h     72;"    d
744 EVENT_BUFADD    vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFADD = 0,         \/* after adding a buffer to the buffer list *\/$/;"    e       enum:auto_event
745 EVENT_BUFDELETE vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFDELETE,          \/* deleting a buffer from the buffer list *\/$/;"      e       enum:auto_event
746 EVENT_BUFENTER  vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFENTER,           \/* after entering a buffer *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
747 EVENT_BUFFILEPOST       vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFFILEPOST,                \/* after renaming a buffer *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
748 EVENT_BUFFILEPRE        vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFFILEPRE,         \/* before renaming a buffer *\/$/;"    e       enum:auto_event
749 EVENT_BUFHIDDEN vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFHIDDEN,          \/* just after buffer becomes hidden *\/$/;"    e       enum:auto_event
750 EVENT_BUFLEAVE  vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFLEAVE,           \/* before leaving a buffer *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
751 EVENT_BUFNEW    vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFNEW,             \/* after creating any buffer *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
752 EVENT_BUFNEWFILE        vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFNEWFILE,         \/* when creating a buffer for a new file *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
753 EVENT_BUFREADCMD        vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFREADCMD,         \/* read buffer using command *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
754 EVENT_BUFREADPOST       vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFREADPOST,                \/* after reading a buffer *\/$/;"      e       enum:auto_event
755 EVENT_BUFREADPRE        vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFREADPRE,         \/* before reading a buffer *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
756 EVENT_BUFUNLOAD vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFUNLOAD,          \/* just before unloading a buffer *\/$/;"      e       enum:auto_event
757 EVENT_BUFWINENTER       vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFWINENTER,                \/* after showing a buffer in a window *\/$/;"  e       enum:auto_event
758 EVENT_BUFWINLEAVE       vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFWINLEAVE,                \/* just after buffer removed from window *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
759 EVENT_BUFWIPEOUT        vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFWIPEOUT,         \/* just before really deleting a buffer *\/$/;"        e       enum:auto_event
760 EVENT_BUFWRITECMD       vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFWRITECMD,                \/* write buffer using command *\/$/;"  e       enum:auto_event
761 EVENT_BUFWRITEPOST      vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFWRITEPOST,               \/* after writing a buffer *\/$/;"      e       enum:auto_event
762 EVENT_BUFWRITEPRE       vim.h   /^    EVENT_BUFWRITEPRE,                \/* before writing a buffer *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
763 EVENT_CMDWINENTER       vim.h   /^    EVENT_CMDWINENTER,                \/* after entering the cmdline window *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
764 EVENT_CMDWINLEAVE       vim.h   /^    EVENT_CMDWINLEAVE,                \/* before leaving the cmdline window *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
765 EVENT_CURSORHOLD        vim.h   /^    EVENT_CURSORHOLD,         \/* cursor in same position for a while *\/$/;" e       enum:auto_event
766 EVENT_ENCODINGCHANGED   vim.h   /^    EVENT_ENCODINGCHANGED,    \/* after changing the 'encoding' option *\/$/;"        e       enum:auto_event
767 EVENT_FILEAPPENDCMD     vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEAPPENDCMD,      \/* appende to a file using command *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
768 EVENT_FILEAPPENDPOST    vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEAPPENDPOST,     \/* after appending to a file *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
769 EVENT_FILEAPPENDPRE     vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEAPPENDPRE,      \/* before appending to a file *\/$/;"  e       enum:auto_event
770 EVENT_FILECHANGEDRO     vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILECHANGEDRO,      \/* before first change to read-only file *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
771 EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELL  vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELL,   \/* after shell command that changed file *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
772 EVENT_FILEREADCMD       vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEREADCMD,                \/* read from a file using command *\/$/;"      e       enum:auto_event
773 EVENT_FILEREADPOST      vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEREADPOST,               \/* after reading a file *\/$/;"        e       enum:auto_event
774 EVENT_FILEREADPRE       vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEREADPRE,                \/* before reading a file *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
775 EVENT_FILETYPE  vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILETYPE,           \/* new file type detected (user defined) *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
776 EVENT_FILEWRITECMD      vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEWRITECMD,               \/* write to a file using command *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
777 EVENT_FILEWRITEPOST     vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEWRITEPOST,      \/* after writing a file *\/$/;"        e       enum:auto_event
778 EVENT_FILEWRITEPRE      vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILEWRITEPRE,               \/* before writing a file *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
779 EVENT_FILTERREADPOST    vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILTERREADPOST,     \/* after reading from a filter *\/$/;" e       enum:auto_event
780 EVENT_FILTERREADPRE     vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILTERREADPRE,      \/* before reading from a filter *\/$/;"        e       enum:auto_event
781 EVENT_FILTERWRITEPOST   vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILTERWRITEPOST,    \/* after writing to a filter *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
782 EVENT_FILTERWRITEPRE    vim.h   /^    EVENT_FILTERWRITEPRE,     \/* before writing to a filter *\/$/;"  e       enum:auto_event
783 EVENT_FOCUSGAINED       vim.h   /^    EVENT_FOCUSGAINED,                \/* got the focus *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
784 EVENT_FOCUSLOST vim.h   /^    EVENT_FOCUSLOST,          \/* lost the focus to another app *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
785 EVENT_FUNCUNDEFINED     vim.h   /^    EVENT_FUNCUNDEFINED,      \/* if calling a function which doesn't exist *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
786 EVENT_GUIENTER  vim.h   /^    EVENT_GUIENTER,           \/* after starting the GUI *\/$/;"      e       enum:auto_event
787 EVENT_REMOTEREPLY       vim.h   /^    EVENT_REMOTEREPLY,                \/* upon string reception from a remote vim *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
788 EVENT_STDINREADPOST     vim.h   /^    EVENT_STDINREADPOST,      \/* after reading from stdin *\/$/;"    e       enum:auto_event
789 EVENT_STDINREADPRE      vim.h   /^    EVENT_STDINREADPRE,               \/* before reading from stdin *\/$/;"   e       enum:auto_event
790 EVENT_SYNTAX    vim.h   /^    EVENT_SYNTAX,             \/* syntax selected *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
791 EVENT_T vim.h   /^typedef enum auto_event EVENT_T;$/;"  t       typeref:enum:auto_event
792 EVENT_TERMCHANGED       vim.h   /^    EVENT_TERMCHANGED,                \/* after changing 'term' *\/$/;"       e       enum:auto_event
793 EVENT_TERMRESPONSE      vim.h   /^    EVENT_TERMRESPONSE,               \/* after setting "v:termresponse" *\/$/;"      e       enum:auto_event
794 EVENT_USER      vim.h   /^    EVENT_USER,                       \/* user defined autocommand *\/$/;"    e       enum:auto_event
795 EVENT_VIMENTER  vim.h   /^    EVENT_VIMENTER,           \/* after starting Vim *\/$/;"  e       enum:auto_event
796 EVENT_VIMLEAVE  vim.h   /^    EVENT_VIMLEAVE,           \/* before exiting Vim *\/$/;"  e       enum:auto_event
797 EVENT_VIMLEAVEPRE       vim.h   /^    EVENT_VIMLEAVEPRE,                \/* before exiting Vim and writing .viminfo *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
798 EVENT_WINENTER  vim.h   /^    EVENT_WINENTER,           \/* after entering a window *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
799 EVENT_WINLEAVE  vim.h   /^    EVENT_WINLEAVE,           \/* before leaving a window *\/$/;"     e       enum:auto_event
800 EVIM_FILE       os_amiga.h      144;"   d
801 EW_ADDSLASH     vim.h   627;"   d
802 EW_DIR  vim.h   624;"   d
803 EW_FILE vim.h   625;"   d
804 EW_KEEPALL      vim.h   628;"   d
805 EW_NOTFOUND     vim.h   626;"   d
806 EW_SILENT       vim.h   629;"   d
807 EX      ex_cmds.h       73;"    d
808 EX      ex_cmds.h       76;"    d
809 EXACTLY regexp.c        137;"   d       file:
810 EXEC    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! EXEC(cmd)$/;"       f
811 EXMODE_NORMAL   vim.h   602;"   d
812 EXMODE_VIM      vim.h   603;"   d
813 EXPAND_AUGROUP  vim.h   583;"   d
814 EXPAND_BOOL_SETTINGS    vim.h   574;"   d
815 EXPAND_BUFFERS  vim.h   578;"   d
816 EXPAND_COLORS   vim.h   597;"   d
817 EXPAND_COMMANDS vim.h   570;"   d
818 EXPAND_COMPILER vim.h   598;"   d
819 EXPAND_DIRECTORIES      vim.h   572;"   d
820 EXPAND_ENV_VARS vim.h   595;"   d
821 EXPAND_EVENTS   vim.h   579;"   d
822 EXPAND_EXPRESSION       vim.h   589;"   d
823 EXPAND_FILES    vim.h   571;"   d
824 EXPAND_FUNCTIONS        vim.h   587;"   d
825 EXPAND_HELP     vim.h   577;"   d
826 EXPAND_HIGHLIGHT        vim.h   582;"   d
827 EXPAND_LANGUAGE vim.h   596;"   d
828 EXPAND_MAPPINGS vim.h   585;"   d
829 EXPAND_MENUNAMES        vim.h   590;"   d
830 EXPAND_MENUS    vim.h   580;"   d
831 EXPAND_NOTHING  vim.h   569;"   d
832 EXPAND_OK       vim.h   568;"   d
833 EXPAND_OLD_SETTING      vim.h   576;"   d
834 EXPAND_SETTINGS vim.h   573;"   d
835 EXPAND_SYNTAX   vim.h   581;"   d
836 EXPAND_TAGS     vim.h   575;"   d
837 EXPAND_TAGS_LISTFILES   vim.h   586;"   d
838 EXPAND_UNSUCCESSFUL     vim.h   567;"   d
839 EXPAND_USER_CMD_FLAGS   vim.h   592;"   d
840 EXPAND_USER_COMMANDS    vim.h   591;"   d
841 EXPAND_USER_COMPLETE    vim.h   594;"   d
842 EXPAND_USER_DEFINED     vim.h   599;"   d
843 EXPAND_USER_FUNC        vim.h   588;"   d
844 EXPAND_USER_NARGS       vim.h   593;"   d
845 EXPAND_USER_VARS        vim.h   584;"   d
846 EXPR    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! EXPR(x, n)$/;"      f
847 EXP_CASE        syntax.c        /^    EXP_CASE      \/* expand ":syn case" arguments *\/$/;"    e       enum:__anon7    file:
848 EXP_SUBCMD      syntax.c        /^    EXP_SUBCMD,           \/* expand ":syn" sub-commands *\/$/;"      e       enum:__anon7    file:
849 EXRC_FILE       os_amiga.h      164;"   d
850 EXTERN  main.c  14;"    d       file:
851 EXTERN  option.h        14;"    d
852 EXTERN  vim.h   1561;"  d
853 EXTERNCMD       vim.h   529;"   d
854 EXTRA   ex_cmds.h       35;"    d
855 EXTRASIZE       misc2.c 5391;"  d       file:
856 EXTRA_MARKS     mark.c  27;"    d       file:
857 Error   testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Error()$/;"     f
858 EventHandler    gui_amiga.c     /^EventHandler(void)$/;"        f       file:
859 ExecAsScript    testdir/test49.vim      /^com! -nargs=1 -bar ExecAsScript call ExecAsScript(<f-args>)$/;"       c
860 ExecAsScript    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! ExecAsScript(funcname)$/;"  f
861 Exec_reg        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    Exec_reg INIT(= FALSE); \/* TRUE when executing a register *\/$/;"      v
862 ExpandBufnames  buffer.c        /^ExpandBufnames(pat, num_file, file, options)$/;"      f
863 ExpandCleanup   ex_getln.c      /^ExpandCleanup(xp)$/;" f
864 ExpandEscape    ex_getln.c      /^ExpandEscape(xp, str, numfiles, files, options)$/;"   f
865 ExpandFromContext       ex_getln.c      /^ExpandFromContext(xp, pat, num_file, file, options)$/;"       f       file:
866 ExpandGeneric   ex_getln.c      /^ExpandGeneric(xp, regmatch, num_file, file, func)$/;" f
867 ExpandInit      ex_getln.c      /^ExpandInit(xp)$/;"    f
868 ExpandMappings  getchar.c       /^ExpandMappings(regmatch, num_file, file)$/;"  f
869 ExpandOldSetting        option.c        /^ExpandOldSetting(num_file, file)$/;"  f
870 ExpandOne       ex_getln.c      /^ExpandOne(xp, str, orig, options, mode)$/;"   f
871 ExpandRTDir     ex_getln.c      /^ExpandRTDir(pat, num_file, file, dirname)$/;" f       file:
872 ExpandSettings  option.c        /^ExpandSettings(xp, regmatch, num_file, file)$/;"      f
873 ExpandUserDefined       ex_getln.c      /^ExpandUserDefined(xp, regmatch, num_file, file)$/;"   f       file:
874 ExtEdProtocolVersion    netbeans.c      /^static char *ExtEdProtocolVersion = "2.2";$/;"        v       file:
875 ExtraVim        testdir/test49.vim      /^    aug ExtraVim$/;"  a
876 ExtraVim        testdir/test49.vim      /^function! ExtraVim(...)$/;"   f
877 ExtraVimBase    testdir/test49.vim      /^let ExtraVimBase = expand("<sfile>")$/;"      v
878 ExtraVimCount   testdir/test49.vim      /^let ExtraVimCount = 0$/;"     v
879 ExtraVimTestEnv testdir/test49.vim      /^let ExtraVimTestEnv = ""$/;"  v
880 ExtraVimThrowpoint      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! ExtraVimThrowpoint()$/;"    f
881 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  function F{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}$/;"    f
882 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  function F{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}()$/;"  f
883 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  function F{INT(t) + CONT(t)}$/;"    f
884 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  function F{THR(t) + CONT(t)}$/;"    f
885 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  function F{novar + CONT(t)}$/;"     f
886 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  function F{novar + CONT(t)}()$/;"   f
887 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^      function! F{EXPR("function-def", 2)}()$/;"      f
888 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^      function! F{EXPR("function-def-ok", 1)}()$/;"   f
889 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^      function! F{i}(i, arg)$/;"      f
890 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function F()$/;"  f
891 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function F{ERR(33) + CONT(33)}$/;"        f
892 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function F{ERRabort(42) + CONT(42)}$/;"   f
893 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! F() abort$/;"   f
894 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! F()$/;" f
895 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! F(jump) " not executed as function, transformed to a script$/;" f
896 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! F(n)$/;"        f
897 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! F(reason, n) abort$/;"  f
898 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F() abort$/;"       f
899 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F()$/;"     f
900 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F(arg, line)$/;"    f
901 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F(n)$/;"    f
902 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F(x, n)$/;" f
903 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F(x, y, n)$/;"      f
904 F       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F{1 + ERR() + OK()}(arg)$/;"        f
905 F0      testdir/test49.vim      /^      function F0$/;" f
906 F0      testdir/test49.vim      /^      function! F0()$/;"      f
907 F0      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F0()$/;"    f
908 F1      testdir/test49.vim      /^          function! F1(arg)$/;"       f
909 F1      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F1(arg)$/;" f
910 F1      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F1(arg1)$/;"        f
911 F2      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! F2(arg1, arg2)$/;"  f
912 FAIL    vim.h   544;"   d
913 FALSE   os_amiga.c      27;"    d       file:
914 FALSE   os_amiga.c      56;"    d       file:
915 FALSE   os_amiga.c      57;"    d       file:
916 FALSE   vim.h   1091;"  d
917 FARSI_0 farsi.h 91;"    d
918 FARSI_1 farsi.h 92;"    d
919 FARSI_2 farsi.h 93;"    d
920 FARSI_3 farsi.h 94;"    d
921 FARSI_4 farsi.h 95;"    d
922 FARSI_5 farsi.h 96;"    d
923 FARSI_6 farsi.h 97;"    d
924 FARSI_7 farsi.h 98;"    d
925 FARSI_8 farsi.h 99;"    d
926 FARSI_9 farsi.h 100;"   d
927 FCOL1   Make_agui.mak   /^FCOL1 = *e[31m$/;"    m
928 FCOL2   Make_agui.mak   /^FCOL2 = *e[32m$/;"    m
929 FCOL3   Make_agui.mak   /^FCOL3 = *e[33m$/;"    m
930 FCOL4   Make_agui.mak   /^FCOL4 = *e[34m$/;"    m
931 FC_ABORT        eval.c  98;"    d       file:
932 FC_RANGE        eval.c  99;"    d       file:
933 FDC_OFF screen.c        1894;"  d       file:
934 FDO_ALL option.h        434;"   d
935 FDO_BLOCK       option.h        435;"   d
936 FDO_HOR option.h        436;"   d
937 FDO_INSERT      option.h        442;"   d
938 FDO_JUMP        option.h        444;"   d
939 FDO_MARK        option.h        437;"   d
940 FDO_PERCENT     option.h        438;"   d
941 FDO_QUICKFIX    option.h        439;"   d
942 FDO_SEARCH      option.h        440;"   d
943 FDO_TAG option.h        441;"   d
944 FDO_UNDO        option.h        443;"   d
945 FD_CLOSED       fold.c  40;"    d       file:
946 FD_LEVEL        fold.c  41;"    d       file:
947 FD_OPEN fold.c  39;"    d       file:
948 FE      farsi.h 133;"   d
949 FEAT_ARABIC     feature.h       323;"   d
950 FEAT_ARP        feature.h       1076;"  d
951 FEAT_AUTOCMD    feature.h       412;"   d
952 FEAT_BEVAL      feature.h       1149;"  d
953 FEAT_BEVAL_TIP  feature.h       1157;"  d
954 FEAT_BIG        feature.h       64;"    d
955 FEAT_BIG        feature.h       78;"    d
956 FEAT_BROWSE     feature.h       710;"   d
957 FEAT_BYTEOFF    feature.h       443;"   d
958 FEAT_CINDENT    feature.h       530;"   d
959 FEAT_CLIENTSERVER       feature.h       1038;"  d
960 FEAT_CLIPBOARD  feature.h       1005;"  d
961 FEAT_CLIPBOARD  feature.h       1017;"  d
962 FEAT_CLIPBOARD  feature.h       222;"   d
963 FEAT_CLIPBOARD  vim.h   121;"   d
964 FEAT_CMDHIST    feature.h       126;"   d
965 FEAT_CMDL_COMPL feature.h       197;"   d
966 FEAT_CMDL_INFO  feature.h       244;"   d
967 FEAT_CMDL_INFO  feature.h       438;"   d
968 FEAT_CMDWIN     feature.h       138;"   d
969 FEAT_COMMENTS   feature.h       541;"   d
970 FEAT_CON_DIALOG feature.h       728;"   d
971 FEAT_CRYPT      feature.h       548;"   d
972 FEAT_CSCOPE     feature.h       370;"   d
973 FEAT_CW_EDITOR  feature.h       748;"   d
974 FEAT_DIFF       feature.h       420;"   d
975 FEAT_DIGRAPHS   feature.h       156;"   d
976 FEAT_DND        feature.h       1025;"  d
977 FEAT_EMACS_TAGS feature.h       336;"   d
978 FEAT_EVAL       feature.h       378;"   d
979 FEAT_EX_EXTRA   feature.h       258;"   d
980 FEAT_FIND_ID    feature.h       287;"   d
981 FEAT_FKMAP      feature.h       310;"   d
982 FEAT_FOLDING    feature.h       145;"   d
983 FEAT_FOOTER     feature.h       1182;"  d
984 FEAT_GETTEXT    feature.h       569;"   d
985 FEAT_GETTEXT    vim.h   395;"   d
986 FEAT_GUI        vim.h   93;"    d
987 FEAT_GUI_DIALOG feature.h       729;"   d
988 FEAT_GUI_DIALOG feature.h       737;"   d
989 FEAT_GUI_MAC    vim.h   79;"    d
990 FEAT_GUI_MSWIN  vim.h   98;"    d
991 FEAT_GUI_TEXTDIALOG     feature.h       743;"   d
992 FEAT_GUI_X11    gui.h   19;"    d
993 FEAT_GUI_X11    gui.h   24;"    d
994 FEAT_INS_EXPAND feature.h       189;"   d
995 FEAT_JUMPLIST   feature.h       133;"   d
996 FEAT_KEYMAP     feature.h       174;"   d
997 FEAT_LANGMAP    feature.h       166;"   d
998 FEAT_LIBCALL    feature.h       661;"   d
999 FEAT_LINEBREAK  feature.h       251;"   d
1000 FEAT_LISP       feature.h       526;"   d
1001 FEAT_LISTCMDS   feature.h       109;"   d
1002 FEAT_LOCALMAP   feature.h       181;"   d
1003 FEAT_MAGIC_BRACES       eval.c  419;"   d       file:
1004 FEAT_MBYTE      feature.h       582;"   d
1005 FEAT_MBYTE      feature.h       595;"   d
1006 FEAT_MBYTE_IME  vim.h   378;"   d
1007 FEAT_MENU       feature.h       1167;"  d
1008 FEAT_MENU       feature.h       675;"   d
1009 FEAT_MENU       feature.h       700;"   d
1010 FEAT_MODIFY_FNAME       feature.h       405;"   d
1011 FEAT_MOUSE      feature.h       995;"   d
1012 FEAT_MOUSESHAPE feature.h       1062;"  d
1013 FEAT_MOUSE_DEC  feature.h       974;"   d
1014 FEAT_MOUSE_GPM  feature.h       985;"   d
1015 FEAT_MOUSE_NET  feature.h       971;"   d
1016 FEAT_MOUSE_PTERM        feature.h       980;"   d
1017 FEAT_MOUSE_TTY  feature.h       992;"   d
1018 FEAT_MOUSE_XTERM        feature.h       968;"   d
1019 FEAT_MULTI_LANG feature.h       565;"   d
1020 FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG      feature.h       1120;"  d
1021 FEAT_NORMAL     feature.h       69;"    d
1022 FEAT_NORMAL     feature.h       81;"    d
1023 FEAT_PATH_EXTRA feature.h       295;"   d
1024 FEAT_POSTSCRIPT feature.h       398;"   d
1025 FEAT_PRECOMMANDS        main.c  53;"    d       file:
1026 FEAT_PRINTER    feature.h       394;"   d
1027 FEAT_QUICKFIX   feature.h       272;"   d
1028 FEAT_RIGHTLEFT  feature.h       302;"   d
1029 FEAT_RIGHTLEFT  feature.h       314;"   d
1030 FEAT_RIGHTLEFT  feature.h       327;"   d
1031 FEAT_SCROLLBIND feature.h       668;"   d
1032 FEAT_SEARCHPATH feature.h       279;"   d
1033 FEAT_SEARCH_EXTRA       feature.h       265;"   d
1034 FEAT_SESSION    feature.h       556;"   d
1035 FEAT_SIGNS      feature.h       1129;"  d
1036 FEAT_SIGN_ICONS feature.h       1134;"  d
1037 FEAT_SMALL      feature.h       67;"    d
1038 FEAT_SMALL      feature.h       84;"    d
1039 FEAT_SMARTINDENT        feature.h       534;"   d
1040 FEAT_STL_OPT    feature.h       436;"   d
1041 FEAT_SUN_WORKSHOP       feature.h       1110;"  d
1042 FEAT_SYN_HL     feature.h       487;"   d
1043 FEAT_TAG_BINS   feature.h       349;"   d
1044 FEAT_TAG_OLDSTATIC      feature.h       357;"   d
1045 FEAT_TEAROFF    feature.h       677;"   d
1046 FEAT_TERMRESPONSE       feature.h       1047;"  d
1047 FEAT_TEXTOBJ    feature.h       208;"   d
1048 FEAT_TINY       feature.h       87;"    d
1049 FEAT_TITLE      feature.h       432;"   d
1050 FEAT_TOOLBAR    feature.h       697;"   d
1051 FEAT_USR_CMDS   feature.h       385;"   d
1052 FEAT_VERTSPLIT  feature.h       116;"   d
1053 FEAT_VIMINFO    feature.h       477;"   d
1054 FEAT_VIRTUALEDIT        feature.h       230;"   d
1055 FEAT_VISUAL     feature.h       1007;"  d
1056 FEAT_VISUAL     feature.h       216;"   d
1057 FEAT_VISUALEXTRA        feature.h       218;"   d
1058 FEAT_VREPLACE   feature.h       237;"   d
1059 FEAT_WAK        option.h        776;"   d
1060 FEAT_WILDIGN    feature.h       451;"   d
1061 FEAT_WILDMENU   feature.h       458;"   d
1062 FEAT_WINDOWS    feature.h       100;"   d
1063 FEAT_WINDOWS    feature.h       119;"   d
1064 FEAT_WRITEBACKUP        feature.h       768;"   d
1065 FEAT_X11        vim.h   158;"   d
1066 FEAT_XCLIPBOARD feature.h       1015;"  d
1067 FEAT_XFONTSET   feature.h       1152;"  d
1068 FEAT_XFONTSET   feature.h       629;"   d
1069 FEAT_XFONTSET   feature.h       646;"   d
1070 FF      ascii.h 114;"   d
1071 FF      ascii.h 30;"    d
1072 FF      vim.h   1752;"  d
1073 FF_DOS  option.h        52;"    d
1074 FF_MAC  option.h        53;"    d
1075 FF_MAX_STAR_STAR_EXPAND misc2.c 3417;"  d       file:
1076 FF_UNIX option.h        54;"    d
1077 FGETS_SIZE      fileio.c        5607;"  d       file:
1078 FILE1   ex_cmds.h       58;"    d
1079 FILES   ex_cmds.h       56;"    d
1080 FILETYPE_FILE   os_amiga.h      106;"   d
1081 FILE_SEP        xxd/xxd.c       166;"   d       file:
1082 FILL_X  gui.h   114;"   d
1083 FILL_X  gui.h   120;"   d
1084 FILL_Y  gui.h   115;"   d
1085 FILL_Y  gui.h   124;"   d
1086 FIND_ANY        vim.h   657;"   d
1087 FIND_DEFINE     vim.h   658;"   d
1088 FIND_EVAL       vim.h   698;"   d
1089 FIND_IDENT      vim.h   696;"   d
1090 FIND_STRING     vim.h   697;"   d
1091 FIO_ALL fileio.c        93;"    d       file:
1092 FIO_CODEPAGE    fileio.c        82;"    d       file:
1093 FIO_ENCRYPTED   fileio.c        90;"    d       file:
1094 FIO_ENDIAN_L    fileio.c        89;"    d       file:
1095 FIO_GET_CP      fileio.c        84;"    d       file:
1096 FIO_LATIN1      fileio.c        76;"    d       file:
1097 FIO_MACROMAN    fileio.c        87;"    d       file:
1098 FIO_NOCONVERT   fileio.c        91;"    d       file:
1099 FIO_PUT_CP      fileio.c        83;"    d       file:
1100 FIO_UCS2        fileio.c        78;"    d       file:
1101 FIO_UCS4        fileio.c        79;"    d       file:
1102 FIO_UCSBOM      fileio.c        92;"    d       file:
1103 FIO_UTF16       fileio.c        80;"    d       file:
1104 FIO_UTF8        fileio.c        77;"    d       file:
1105 FIRST_KEYPAD    keymap.h        403;"   d
1106 FIRST_NL        regexp.c        160;"   d       file:
1107 FLEN_FIXED      eval.c  3100;"  d       file:
1108 FMT_PATTERNS    quickfix.c      62;"    d       file:
1109 FM_BACKWARD     vim.h   756;"   d
1110 FM_BLOCKSTOP    vim.h   758;"   d
1111 FM_FORWARD      vim.h   757;"   d
1112 FM_SKIPCOMM     vim.h   759;"   d
1113 FNAME   regexp.c        169;"   d       file:
1114 FNAME_EXP       vim.h   702;"   d
1115 FNAME_HYP       vim.h   703;"   d
1116 FNAME_ILLEGAL   os_amiga.h      58;"    d
1117 FNAME_INCL      vim.h   704;"   d
1118 FNAME_MESS      vim.h   701;"   d
1119 FNAME_REL       vim.h   705;"   d
1120 FONTLEN gui.c   631;"   d       file:
1121 FONTSET_ALWAYS  gui.h   97;"    d
1122 FORCE_BIN       ex_cmds.h       958;"   d
1123 FORCE_NOBIN     ex_cmds.h       959;"   d
1124 FORWARD vim.h   534;"   d
1125 FORWARD_FILE    vim.h   536;"   d
1126 FOR_ALL_WINDOWS globals.h       463;"   d
1127 FOR_ALL_WINDOWS globals.h       468;"   d
1128 FO_ALL  option.h        115;"   d
1129 FO_AUTO option.h        111;"   d
1130 FO_INS_BLANK    option.h        105;"   d
1131 FO_INS_LONG     option.h        104;"   d
1132 FO_INS_VI       option.h        103;"   d
1133 FO_MBYTE_BREAK  option.h        106;"   d
1134 FO_MBYTE_JOIN   option.h        107;"   d
1135 FO_MBYTE_JOIN2  option.h        108;"   d
1136 FO_ONE_LETTER   option.h        109;"   d
1137 FO_OPEN_COMS    option.h        99;"    d
1138 FO_Q_COMS       option.h        100;"   d
1139 FO_Q_NUMBER     option.h        101;"   d
1140 FO_Q_SECOND     option.h        102;"   d
1141 FO_RET_COMS     option.h        98;"    d
1142 FO_WHITE_PAR    option.h        110;"   d
1143 FO_WRAP option.h        96;"    d
1144 FO_WRAP_COMS    option.h        97;"    d
1145 FPC_DIFF        vim.h   794;"   d
1146 FPC_DIFFX       vim.h   796;"   d
1147 FPC_NOTX        vim.h   795;"   d
1148 FPC_SAME        vim.h   793;"   d
1149 FPC_SAMEX       vim.h   797;"   d
1150 FRACTION_MULT   window.c        4142;"  d       file:
1151 FRD_FINDNEXT    gui.h   516;"   d
1152 FRD_MATCH_CASE  gui.h   524;"   d
1153 FRD_REPLACE     gui.h   518;"   d
1154 FRD_REPLACEALL  gui.h   519;"   d
1155 FRD_R_FINDNEXT  gui.h   517;"   d
1156 FRD_TYPE_MASK   gui.h   521;"   d
1157 FRD_UNDO        gui.h   520;"   d
1158 FRD_WHOLE_WORD  gui.h   523;"   d
1159 FREE_FNAME      edit.c  73;"    d       file:
1160 FR_COL  structs.h       1333;"  d
1161 FR_LEAF structs.h       1331;"  d
1162 FR_ROW  structs.h       1332;"  d
1163 FTOFF_FILE      os_amiga.h      115;"   d
1164 FTPLUGIN_FILE   os_amiga.h      109;"   d
1165 FTPLUGOF_FILE   os_amiga.h      118;"   d
1166 FUNCARG eval.c  107;"   d       file:
1167 FUNCLINE        eval.c  108;"   d       file:
1168 F_BCOMMA        farsi.h 86;"    d
1169 F_BLANK farsi.h 74;"    d
1170 F_BSIZE memfile.c       50;"    d       file:
1171 F_BSIZE memfile.c       56;"    d       file:
1172 F_BSLASH        farsi.h 156;"   d
1173 F_COMMA farsi.h 81;"    d
1174 F_CURRENCY      farsi.h 78;"    d
1175 F_DCOLON        farsi.h 102;"   d
1176 F_DIVIDE        farsi.h 88;"    d
1177 F_EQUALS        farsi.h 105;"   d
1178 F_EXCL  farsi.h 77;"    d
1179 F_GREATER       farsi.h 104;"   d
1180 F_HE    farsi.h 141;"   d
1181 F_LBRACE        farsi.h 149;"   d
1182 F_LBRACK        farsi.h 147;"   d
1183 F_LESS  farsi.h 106;"   d
1184 F_LPARENT       farsi.h 82;"    d
1185 F_LQUOT farsi.h 151;"   d
1186 F_MINUS farsi.h 87;"    d
1187 F_MUL   farsi.h 84;"    d
1188 F_PCN   farsi.h 76;"    d
1189 F_PERCENT       farsi.h 79;"    d
1190 F_PERIOD        farsi.h 80;"    d
1191 F_PIPE  farsi.h 155;"   d
1192 F_PLUS  farsi.h 85;"    d
1193 F_PSP   farsi.h 75;"    d
1194 F_QUESTION      farsi.h 107;"   d
1195 F_RBRACE        farsi.h 150;"   d
1196 F_RBRACK        farsi.h 148;"   d
1197 F_RPARENT       farsi.h 83;"    d
1198 F_RQUOT farsi.h 152;"   d
1199 F_SEMICOLON     farsi.h 103;"   d
1200 F_SLASH farsi.h 89;"    d
1201 F_STAR  farsi.h 153;"   d
1202 F_UNDERLINE     farsi.h 154;"   d
1203 F_is_TyB_TyC_TyD        farsi.c /^F_is_TyB_TyC_TyD(src, offset)$/;"     f       file:
1204 F_is_TyC_TyD    farsi.c /^F_is_TyC_TyD(c)$/;"   f       file:
1205 F_is_TyE        farsi.c /^F_is_TyE(c)$/;"       f       file:
1206 F_isalpha       farsi.c /^F_isalpha(c)$/;"      f
1207 F_ischar        farsi.c /^F_ischar(c)$/;"       f
1208 F_isdigit       farsi.c /^F_isdigit(c)$/;"      f
1209 F_isterm        farsi.c /^F_isterm(c)$/;"       f       file:
1210 Foo     testdir/test49.vim      /^function! Foo()$/;"   f
1211 FreeWild        misc1.c /^FreeWild(count, files)$/;"    f
1212 FullName_save   misc1.c /^FullName_save(fname, force)$/;"       f
1213 FuncException   testdir/test49.vim      /^function! FuncException()$/;" f
1214 FuncThrowpoint  testdir/test49.vim      /^function! FuncThrowpoint()$/;"        f
1215 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^          function! G{1 + ERR() + OK()}(arg)$/;"      f
1216 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! G() abort$/;"   f
1217 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! G()$/;" f
1218 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! G(reason, n)$/;"        f
1219 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! G()         " no abort attribute$/;"        f
1220 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! G() abort$/;"       f
1221 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! G()$/;"     f
1222 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! G(arg, line)$/;"    f
1223 G       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! G(x, y, n)$/;"      f
1224 GAF     farsi.h 136;"   d
1225 GAP     option.c        7241;"  d       file:
1226 GAP     term.c  4997;"  d       file:
1227 GARGCOUNT       structs.h       564;"   d
1228 GARGLIST        structs.h       560;"   d
1229 GA_CHAR charset.c       408;"   d       file:
1230 GA_EMPTY        structs.h       64;"    d
1231 GA_PTR  charset.c       409;"   d       file:
1232 GETF_ALT        vim.h   710;"   d
1233 GETF_SETMARK    vim.h   709;"   d
1234 GETF_SWITCH     vim.h   711;"   d
1235 GET_CHARTAB     charset.c       28;"    d       file:
1236 GHAF    farsi.h 134;"   d
1237 GHAYN   farsi.h 132;"   d
1238 GHAYN_  farsi.h 47;"    d
1239 GLOBAL_WO       structs.h       1528;"  d
1240 GOTO_COST       screen.c        6897;"  d       file:
1241 GO_ALL  option.h        218;"   d
1242 GO_ASEL option.h        199;"   d
1243 GO_ASELML       option.h        200;"   d
1244 GO_BOT  option.h        201;"   d
1245 GO_CONDIALOG    option.h        202;"   d
1246 GO_FOOTER       option.h        216;"   d
1247 GO_FORG option.h        203;"   d
1248 GO_GREY option.h        204;"   d
1249 GO_HORSCROLL    option.h        205;"   d
1250 GO_ICON option.h        206;"   d
1251 GO_LEFT option.h        207;"   d
1252 GO_MENUS        option.h        209;"   d
1253 GO_NOSYSMENU    option.h        210;"   d
1254 GO_POINTER      option.h        211;"   d
1255 GO_RIGHT        option.h        212;"   d
1256 GO_TEAROFF      option.h        214;"   d
1257 GO_TOOLBAR      option.h        215;"   d
1258 GO_VERTICAL     option.h        217;"   d
1259 GO_VLEFT        option.h        208;"   d
1260 GO_VRIGHT       option.h        213;"   d
1261 GSList  mbyte.c 4008;"  d       file:
1262 GST     Make_agui.mak   /^GST=vim.gst$/;"       m
1263 GST     Make_sas.mak    /^GST   = vim.gst$/;"   m
1264 GUARDED netbeans.c      60;"    d       file:
1265 GUARDEDOFFSET   netbeans.c      61;"    d       file:
1266 GUI_ATTR_ENTRY  syntax.c        7343;"  d       file:
1267 GUI_BEVAL_H     gui_beval.h     11;"    d
1268 GUI_MON_INVERT  gui.h   146;"   d
1269 GUI_MON_IS_CURSOR       gui.h   147;"   d
1270 GUI_MON_NOCLEAR gui.h   149;"   d
1271 GUI_MON_TRS_CURSOR      gui.h   148;"   d
1272 GUI_MON_WRAP_CURSOR     gui.h   145;"   d
1273 GVIM    Make_morph.mak  /^GVIM =$/;"    m
1274 GVIMRC_FILE     os_amiga.h      172;"   d
1275 GVIMSRC Make_morph.mak  /^GVIMSRC =$/;" m
1276 Gadget2SInfo    gui_amiga.c     /^static struct PropInfo Gadget2SInfo = { AUTOKNOB+PROPBORDERLESS+FREEVERT+PROPNEWLOOK, 0, 0, MAXBODY, MAXBODY, };$/;"  v       typeref:struct:PropInfo file:
1277 GdkEvent        mbyte.c /^   typedef int GdkEvent;$/;"  t       file:
1278 GdkEvent        proto.h 28;"    d
1279 GdkEventKey     mbyte.c /^   typedef int GdkEventKey;$/;"       t       file:
1280 GdkEventKey     proto.h 29;"    d
1281 GdkIC   mbyte.c /^typedef int GdkIC;$/;"        t       file:
1282 GdkIC   mbyte.c 4012;"  d       file:
1283 Gui     gui.h   /^typedef struct Gui$/;"        s
1284 GuiFont gui.h   /^  typedef GdkFont     *GuiFont;       \/* handle for a GUI font *\/$/;"       t
1285 GuiFont gui.h   /^  typedef PangoFontDescription        *GuiFont;       \/* handle for a GUI font *\/$/;"       t
1286 GuiFont gui.h   /^  typedef XFontStruct *GuiFont;       \/* handle for a GUI font *\/$/;"       t
1287 GuiFont gui.h   /^  typedef char                *GuiFont;$/;"   t
1288 GuiFont gui.h   /^  typedef long_u      GuiFont;        \/* handle for a GUI font *\/$/;"       t
1289 GuiFontset      gui.h   /^  typedef GdkFont     *GuiFontset;    \/* handle for a GUI fontset *\/$/;"    t
1290 GuiFontset      gui.h   /^  typedef PangoFontDescription  *GuiFontset;    \/* handle for a GUI fontset *\/$/;"  t
1291 GuiFontset      gui.h   /^  typedef XFontSet    GuiFontset;     \/* handle for a GUI fontset *\/$/;"    t
1292 GuiFontset      gui.h   /^  typedef char                *GuiFontset;$/;"        t
1293 GuiFontset      gui.h   /^  typedef long_u      GuiFontset;     \/* handle for a GUI fontset *\/$/;"    t
1294 GuiScrollbar    gui.h   /^typedef struct GuiScrollbar$/;"       s
1295 H       testdir/test49.vim      /^function H()$/;"      f
1296 H       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! H() abort$/;"       f
1297 H       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! H()$/;"     f
1298 HAMZE   farsi.h 111;"   d
1299 HANGUL_DEFAULT_KEYBOARD feature.h       624;"   d
1300 HASLOOKBH       regexp.c        358;"   d       file:
1301 HASNL   regexp.c        357;"   d       file:
1302 HASWIDTH        regexp.c        354;"   d       file:
1303 HAS_BW_FLAGS    fileio.c        75;"    d       file:
1304 HAS_HOTKEY_LEN  message.c       2813;"  d       file:
1305 HAVE_AVAIL_MEM  os_amiga.h      17;"    d
1306 HAVE_BUFLIST_MATCH      buffer.c        33;"    d       file:
1307 HAVE_DATE_TIME  os_amiga.h      34;"    d
1308 HAVE_DROP_FILE  gui.h   89;"    d
1309 HAVE_FCHDIR     vim.h   48;"    d
1310 HAVE_FCNTL_H    os_amiga.h      25;"    d
1311 HAVE_ISSYMLINK  vim.h   1704;"  d
1312 HAVE_MEMSET     os_amiga.h      31;"    d
1313 HAVE_PATHDEF    vim.h   32;"    d
1314 HAVE_QSORT      os_amiga.h      32;"    d
1315 HAVE_SANDBOX    globals.h       526;"   d
1316 HAVE_SETENV     os_amiga.h      30;"    d
1317 HAVE_SETENV     vim.h   247;"   d
1318 HAVE_STAT_H     os_amiga.h      21;"    d
1319 HAVE_STDLIB_H   os_amiga.h      23;"    d
1320 HAVE_STRCSPN    os_amiga.h      26;"    d
1321 HAVE_STRFTIME   os_amiga.h      29;"    d
1322 HAVE_STRICMP    os_amiga.h      27;"    d
1323 HAVE_STRING_H   os_amiga.h      24;"    d
1324 HAVE_STRNICMP   os_amiga.h      28;"    d
1325 HAVE_XPM        feature.h       684;"   d
1326 HEAD    regexp.c        183;"   d       file:
1327 HEADER_SIZE     memline.c       126;"   d       file:
1328 HEX     regexp.c        177;"   d       file:
1329 HEX_BITS        xxd/xxd.c       214;"   d       file:
1330 HEX_CINCLUDE    xxd/xxd.c       213;"   d       file:
1331 HEX_NORMAL      xxd/xxd.c       211;"   d       file:
1332 HEX_POSTSCRIPT  xxd/xxd.c       212;"   d       file:
1333 HE_J    farsi.h 118;"   d
1334 HIGHL_COST      screen.c        6898;"  d       file:
1335 HINSTANCE       mbyte.c 3072;"  d       file:
1336 HINT_DEL_CHAR   vim.h   452;"   d
1337 HINT_INS_CHAR   vim.h   453;"   d
1338 HINT_NONE       vim.h   451;"   d
1339 HIST_CMD        vim.h   862;"   d
1340 HIST_COUNT      vim.h   867;"   d
1341 HIST_DEBUG      vim.h   866;"   d
1342 HIST_EXPR       vim.h   864;"   d
1343 HIST_INPUT      vim.h   865;"   d
1344 HIST_SEARCH     vim.h   863;"   d
1345 HITRETURN       vim.h   525;"   d
1346 HLF_8   vim.h   /^    HLF_8 = 0     \/* Meta & special keys listed with ":map", text that is$/;"        e       enum:hlf_value
1347 HLF_ADD vim.h   /^    , HLF_ADD     \/* Added diff line *\/$/;" e       enum:hlf_value
1348 HLF_AT  vim.h   /^    , HLF_AT      \/* @ and ~ characters at end of screen, characters that$/;"        e       enum:hlf_value
1349 HLF_C   vim.h   /^    , HLF_C       \/* column to separate vertically split windows *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1350 HLF_CHD vim.h   /^    , HLF_CHD     \/* Changed diff line *\/$/;"       e       enum:hlf_value
1351 HLF_CM  vim.h   /^    , HLF_CM      \/* Mode (e.g., "-- INSERT --") *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1352 HLF_COUNT       vim.h   /^    , HLF_COUNT           \/* MUST be the last one *\/$/;"    e       enum:hlf_value
1353 HLF_D   vim.h   /^    , HLF_D       \/* directories in CTRL-D listing *\/$/;"   e       enum:hlf_value
1354 HLF_DED vim.h   /^    , HLF_DED     \/* Deleted diff line *\/$/;"       e       enum:hlf_value
1355 HLF_E   vim.h   /^    , HLF_E       \/* error messages *\/$/;"  e       enum:hlf_value
1356 HLF_FC  vim.h   /^    , HLF_FC      \/* Fold column *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1357 HLF_FL  vim.h   /^    , HLF_FL      \/* Folded line *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1358 HLF_H   vim.h   /^    , HLF_H       \/* obsolete, ignored *\/$/;"       e       enum:hlf_value
1359 HLF_I   vim.h   /^    , HLF_I       \/* incremental search *\/$/;"      e       enum:hlf_value
1360 HLF_L   vim.h   /^    , HLF_L       \/* last search string *\/$/;"      e       enum:hlf_value
1361 HLF_M   vim.h   /^    , HLF_M       \/* "--More--" message *\/$/;"      e       enum:hlf_value
1362 HLF_N   vim.h   /^    , HLF_N       \/* line number for ":number" and ":#" commands *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1363 HLF_R   vim.h   /^    , HLF_R       \/* return to continue message and yes\/no questions *\/$/;"        e       enum:hlf_value
1364 HLF_S   vim.h   /^    , HLF_S       \/* status lines *\/$/;"    e       enum:hlf_value
1365 HLF_SC  vim.h   /^    , HLF_SC      \/* Sign column *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1366 HLF_SNC vim.h   /^    , HLF_SNC     \/* status lines of not-current windows *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1367 HLF_T   vim.h   /^    , HLF_T       \/* Titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc. *\/$/;"      e       enum:hlf_value
1368 HLF_TXD vim.h   /^    , HLF_TXD     \/* Text Changed in diff line *\/$/;"       e       enum:hlf_value
1369 HLF_V   vim.h   /^    , HLF_V       \/* Visual mode *\/$/;"     e       enum:hlf_value
1370 HLF_VNC vim.h   /^    , HLF_VNC     \/* Visual mode, autoselecting and not clipboard owner *\/$/;"      e       enum:hlf_value
1371 HLF_W   vim.h   /^    , HLF_W       \/* warning messages *\/$/;"        e       enum:hlf_value
1372 HLF_WM  vim.h   /^    , HLF_WM      \/* Wildmenu highlight *\/$/;"      e       enum:hlf_value
1373 HL_ALL  vim.h   493;"   d
1374 HL_BOLD vim.h   489;"   d
1375 HL_CONTAINED    syntax.c        161;"   d       file:
1376 HL_DISPLAY      syntax.c        173;"   d       file:
1377 HL_EXCLUDENL    syntax.c        172;"   d       file:
1378 HL_EXTEND       syntax.c        175;"   d       file:
1379 HL_FLAGS        vim.h   1083;"  d
1380 HL_FOLD syntax.c        174;"   d       file:
1381 HL_HAS_EOL      syntax.c        164;"   d       file:
1382 HL_INVERSE      vim.h   488;"   d
1383 HL_ITALIC       vim.h   490;"   d
1384 HL_KEEPEND      syntax.c        171;"   d       file:
1385 HL_MATCH        syntax.c        167;"   d       file:
1386 HL_MATCHCONT    syntax.c        178;"   d       file:
1387 HL_NORMAL       vim.h   487;"   d
1388 HL_ONELINE      syntax.c        163;"   d       file:
1389 HL_SKIPEMPTY    syntax.c        170;"   d       file:
1390 HL_SKIPNL       syntax.c        168;"   d       file:
1391 HL_SKIPWHITE    syntax.c        169;"   d       file:
1392 HL_STANDOUT     vim.h   492;"   d
1393 HL_SYNC_HERE    syntax.c        165;"   d       file:
1394 HL_SYNC_THERE   syntax.c        166;"   d       file:
1395 HL_TABLE        syntax.c        61;"    d       file:
1396 HL_TRANSP       syntax.c        162;"   d       file:
1397 HL_TRANS_CONT   syntax.c        179;"   d       file:
1398 HL_UNDERLINE    vim.h   491;"   d
1399 HMT_DEC term.c  2046;"  d       file:
1400 HMT_JSBTERM     term.c  2047;"  d       file:
1401 HMT_NETTERM     term.c  2045;"  d       file:
1402 HMT_NORMAL      term.c  2044;"  d       file:
1403 HMT_PTERM       term.c  2048;"  d       file:
1404 HOTK_LEN        message.c       2803;"  d       file:
1405 HWND    globals.h       /^typedef int HWND;$/;" t
1406 I       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function I()$/;"  f
1407 I       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! I(jump)$/;"     f
1408 I       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! I() abort$/;"       f
1409 I       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! I()$/;"     f
1410 ICONV_E2BIG     vim.h   1689;"  d
1411 ICONV_E2BIG     vim.h   1694;"  d
1412 ICONV_EILSEQ    vim.h   1691;"  d
1413 ICONV_EILSEQ    vim.h   1696;"  d
1414 ICONV_EINVAL    vim.h   1690;"  d
1415 ICONV_EINVAL    vim.h   1695;"  d
1416 ICONV_ERRNO     vim.h   1688;"  d
1417 ICONV_ERRNO     vim.h   1693;"  d
1418 ICONV_MULT      fileio.c        102;"   d       file:
1419 ICONV_TESTLEN   mbyte.c 2924;"  d       file:
1420 IDENT   regexp.c        165;"   d       file:
1421 IDX_BIG5        mbyte.c 258;"   d       file:
1422 IDX_COUNT       mbyte.c 264;"   d       file:
1423 IDX_CP1251      mbyte.c 260;"   d       file:
1424 IDX_CP1255      mbyte.c 204;"   d       file:
1425 IDX_CP932       mbyte.c 240;"   d       file:
1426 IDX_CP936       mbyte.c 244;"   d       file:
1427 IDX_CP949       mbyte.c 242;"   d       file:
1428 IDX_CP950       mbyte.c 246;"   d       file:
1429 IDX_DEBUG       mbyte.c 238;"   d       file:
1430 IDX_EUC_CN      mbyte.c 254;"   d       file:
1431 IDX_EUC_JP      mbyte.c 248;"   d       file:
1432 IDX_EUC_KR      mbyte.c 252;"   d       file:
1433 IDX_EUC_TW      mbyte.c 256;"   d       file:
1434 IDX_ISO_10      mbyte.c 210;"   d       file:
1435 IDX_ISO_11      mbyte.c 212;"   d       file:
1436 IDX_ISO_13      mbyte.c 214;"   d       file:
1437 IDX_ISO_14      mbyte.c 216;"   d       file:
1438 IDX_ISO_15      mbyte.c 218;"   d       file:
1439 IDX_ISO_2       mbyte.c 192;"   d       file:
1440 IDX_ISO_3       mbyte.c 194;"   d       file:
1441 IDX_ISO_4       mbyte.c 196;"   d       file:
1442 IDX_ISO_5       mbyte.c 198;"   d       file:
1443 IDX_ISO_6       mbyte.c 200;"   d       file:
1444 IDX_ISO_7       mbyte.c 202;"   d       file:
1445 IDX_ISO_8       mbyte.c 206;"   d       file:
1446 IDX_ISO_9       mbyte.c 208;"   d       file:
1447 IDX_KOI8_R      mbyte.c 220;"   d       file:
1448 IDX_KOI8_U      mbyte.c 222;"   d       file:
1449 IDX_LATIN_1     mbyte.c 190;"   d       file:
1450 IDX_MACROMAN    mbyte.c 262;"   d       file:
1451 IDX_SJIS        mbyte.c 250;"   d       file:
1452 IDX_UCS2        mbyte.c 226;"   d       file:
1453 IDX_UCS2LE      mbyte.c 228;"   d       file:
1454 IDX_UCS4        mbyte.c 234;"   d       file:
1455 IDX_UCS4LE      mbyte.c 236;"   d       file:
1456 IDX_UTF16       mbyte.c 230;"   d       file:
1457 IDX_UTF16LE     mbyte.c 232;"   d       file:
1458 IDX_UTF8        mbyte.c 224;"   d       file:
1459 ID_LIST_ALL     syntax.c        289;"   d       file:
1460 IE      farsi.h 61;"    d
1461 IE_     farsi.h 60;"    d
1462 IF_EB   ascii.h 17;"    d
1463 IF_EB   ascii.h 90;"    d
1464 IMLEN_MAX       mbyte.c 4721;"  d       file:
1465 INBUFLEN        ui.c    1480;"  d       file:
1466 INBUFLEN        ui.c    1482;"  d       file:
1467 INC     option.c        7240;"  d       file:
1468 INC     term.c  4996;"  d       file:
1469 INCL    Make_manx.mak   /^INCL = vim.h feature.h keymap.h macros.h ascii.h term.h structs.h os_amiga.h$/;"      m
1470 INCSTACK_SIZE   tag.c   1146;"  d       file:
1471 INDENT_DEC      vim.h   753;"   d
1472 INDENT_FILE     os_amiga.h      112;"   d
1473 INDENT_INC      vim.h   752;"   d
1474 INDENT_SET      vim.h   751;"   d
1475 INDEX_SIZE      memline.c       125;"   d       file:
1476 INDOFF_FILE     os_amiga.h      121;"   d
1477 INET_SOCKETS    netbeans.c      58;"    d       file:
1478 INIT    option.h        15;"    d
1479 INIT    option.h        18;"    d
1480 INIT    vim.h   1562;"  d
1481 INIT    vim.h   1565;"  d
1482 INIT_POS_T      structs.h       36;"    d
1483 INIT_POS_T      structs.h       38;"    d
1484 INPUT_BUFLEN    edit.c  4285;"  d       file:
1485 INSCHAR_CTRLV   vim.h   851;"   d
1486 INSCHAR_DO_COM  vim.h   850;"   d
1487 INSCHAR_FORMAT  vim.h   849;"   d
1488 INSERT  vim.h   511;"   d
1489 INT     testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! INT()$/;"       f
1490 INT     testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! INT(n)$/;"      f
1491 INVALCOLOR      gui.h   230;"   d
1492 INVALID_STATE   syntax.c        314;"   d       file:
1493 INVERTED        vim.h   442;"   d
1494 INVERTED_ALL    vim.h   443;"   d
1495 IN_BUFFER       vim.h   1420;"  d
1496 IN_OPTION_C     option.c        34;"    d       file:
1497 IN_OTHER_WIN    vim.h   1423;"  d
1498 IN_SEP_LINE     vim.h   1422;"  d
1499 IN_STATUS_LINE  vim.h   1421;"  d
1500 IN_UNKNOWN      vim.h   1419;"  d
1501 IOSIZE  vim.h   1157;"  d
1502 IObuff  globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *IObuff;                \/* sprintf's are done in this buffer,$/;"      v
1503 ISSPECIAL       edit.c  3842;"  d       file:
1504 ISSPECIAL       edit.c  3844;"  d       file:
1505 ISSYMLINK       vim.h   1706;"  d
1506 ISSYMLINK       vim.h   1708;"  d
1507 IS_NONPRINTABLE gui_beval.c     815;"   d       file:
1508 IS_NONPRINTABLE gui_beval.c     953;"   d       file:
1509 IS_SPECIAL      keymap.h        37;"    d
1510 ITALIC  Make_agui.mak   /^ITALIC = *e[3m$/;"    m
1511 ITEM_END        syntax.c        4552;"  d       file:
1512 ITEM_MATCHGROUP syntax.c        4553;"  d       file:
1513 ITEM_SKIP       syntax.c        4551;"  d       file:
1514 ITEM_START      syntax.c        4550;"  d       file:
1515 Insstart        globals.h       /^EXTERN pos_T  Insstart;               \/* This is where the latest$/;"        v
1516 Insstart_blank_vcol     edit.c  /^static colnr_T        Insstart_blank_vcol;    \/* vcol for first inserted blank *\/$/;"       v       file:
1517 Insstart_textlen        edit.c  /^static colnr_T        Insstart_textlen;       \/* length of line when insert started *\/$/;"  v       file:
1518 Interrupt       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Interrupt()$/;" f
1519 IntuitionBase   os_amiga.c      /^struct IntuitionBase  *IntuitionBase = NULL;$/;"      v       typeref:struct:IntuitionBase
1520 J       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! J()$/;"     f
1521 JAZR    farsi.h 159;"   d
1522 JAZR_N  farsi.h 162;"   d
1523 JE      farsi.h 124;"   d
1524 JIM     farsi.h 116;"   d
1525 JUMPLISTSIZE    structs.h       98;"    d
1526 JUST_CALC_SIZE  regexp.c        365;"   d       file:
1527 K       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! K()$/;"     f
1528 KAF     farsi.h 135;"   d
1529 KEEP_ROOM       misc2.c 729;"   d       file:
1530 KEEP_ROOM       misc2.c 731;"   d       file:
1531 KEY2TERMCAP0    keymap.h        113;"   d
1532 KEY2TERMCAP1    keymap.h        114;"   d
1533 KEYBACKSPACE    gui_amiga.c     41;"    d       file:
1534 KEYDELETE       gui_amiga.c     42;"    d       file:
1535 KEYDOWN gui_amiga.c     38;"    d       file:
1536 KEYEND  gui_amiga.c     45;"    d       file:
1537 KEYHOME gui_amiga.c     44;"    d       file:
1538 KEYINSERT       gui_amiga.c     43;"    d       file:
1539 KEYLEFT gui_amiga.c     40;"    d       file:
1540 KEYMAP_INIT     structs.h       1064;"  d
1541 KEYMAP_LOADED   structs.h       1065;"  d
1542 KEYRIGHT        gui_amiga.c     39;"    d       file:
1543 KEYUP   gui_amiga.c     37;"    d       file:
1544 KEYWHEELDOWN    gui_amiga.c     47;"    d       file:
1545 KEYWHEELUP      gui_amiga.c     46;"    d       file:
1546 KEYWORD_IDX     syntax.c        288;"   d       file:
1547 KEY_COMPLETE    vim.h   721;"   d
1548 KEY_NAMES_TABLE_LEN     misc2.c 1919;"  d       file:
1549 KEY_OPEN_BACK   vim.h   720;"   d
1550 KEY_OPEN_FORW   vim.h   719;"   d
1551 KE_CMDWIN       keymap.h        /^    , KE_CMDWIN               \/* open command-line window from Command-line Mode *\/$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1552 KE_CSI  keymap.h        /^    , KE_CSI          \/* CSI typed directly *\/$/;"  e       enum:key_extra
1553 KE_C_END        keymap.h        /^    , KE_C_END                \/* control-end *\/$/;" e       enum:key_extra
1554 KE_C_HOME       keymap.h        /^    , KE_C_HOME               \/* control-home *\/$/;"        e       enum:key_extra
1555 KE_C_LEFT       keymap.h        /^    , KE_C_LEFT               \/* control-left *\/$/;"        e       enum:key_extra
1556 KE_C_RIGHT      keymap.h        /^    , KE_C_RIGHT      \/* control-right *\/$/;"       e       enum:key_extra
1557 KE_DROP keymap.h        /^    , KE_DROP         \/* DnD data is available *\/$/;"       e       enum:key_extra
1558 KE_FILLER       keymap.h        107;"   d
1559 KE_IGNORE       keymap.h        /^    , KE_IGNORE               \/* Ignored mouse drag\/release *\/$/;" e       enum:key_extra
1560 KE_KDEL keymap.h        /^    , KE_KDEL         \/* keypad Delete key *\/$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1561 KE_KINS keymap.h        /^    , KE_KINS         \/* keypad Insert key *\/$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1562 KE_LEFTDRAG     keymap.h        /^    , KE_LEFTDRAG     \/* Drag with left mouse button down *\/$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1563 KE_LEFTMOUSE    keymap.h        /^    , KE_LEFTMOUSE    \/* Left mouse button click *\/$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1564 KE_LEFTMOUSE_NM keymap.h        /^    , KE_LEFTMOUSE_NM \/* non-mappable Left mouse button click *\/$/;"        e       enum:key_extra
1565 KE_LEFTRELEASE  keymap.h        /^    , KE_LEFTRELEASE  \/* Left mouse button release *\/$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1566 KE_LEFTRELEASE_NM       keymap.h        /^    , KE_LEFTRELEASE_NM       \/* non-mappable left mouse button release *\/$/;"      e       enum:key_extra
1567 KE_MIDDLEDRAG   keymap.h        /^    , KE_MIDDLEDRAG   \/* Drag with middle mouse button down *\/$/;"  e       enum:key_extra
1568 KE_MIDDLEMOUSE  keymap.h        /^    , KE_MIDDLEMOUSE  \/* Middle mouse button click *\/$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1569 KE_MIDDLERELEASE        keymap.h        /^    , KE_MIDDLERELEASE        \/* Middle mouse button release *\/$/;" e       enum:key_extra
1570 KE_MOUSE        keymap.h        /^    , KE_MOUSE                \/* mouse event start *\/$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1571 KE_MOUSEDOWN    keymap.h        /^    , KE_MOUSEDOWN    \/* scroll wheel pseudo-button Down *\/$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1572 KE_MOUSEUP      keymap.h        /^    , KE_MOUSEUP              \/* scroll wheel pseudo-button Up *\/$/;"       e       enum:key_extra
1573 KE_NAME keymap.h        /^    KE_NAME = 3               \/* name of this terminal entry *\/$/;" e       enum:key_extra
1574 KE_PLUG keymap.h        /^    , KE_PLUG         \/* <Plug> *\/$/;"      e       enum:key_extra
1575 KE_RIGHTDRAG    keymap.h        /^    , KE_RIGHTDRAG    \/* Drag with right mouse button down *\/$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1576 KE_RIGHTMOUSE   keymap.h        /^    , KE_RIGHTMOUSE   \/* Right mouse button click *\/$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1577 KE_RIGHTRELEASE keymap.h        /^    , KE_RIGHTRELEASE \/* Right mouse button release *\/$/;"  e       enum:key_extra
1578 KE_SNIFF        keymap.h        /^    , KE_SNIFF                \/* SNiFF+ input waiting *\/$/;"        e       enum:key_extra
1579 KE_SNR  keymap.h        /^    , KE_SNR          \/* <SNR> *\/$/;"       e       enum:key_extra
1580 KE_S_DOWN       keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_DOWN               \/* shift-down *\/$/;"  e       enum:key_extra
1581 KE_S_F1 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F1         \/* shifted function keys *\/$/;"       e       enum:key_extra
1582 KE_S_F10        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F10$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1583 KE_S_F11        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F11$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1584 KE_S_F12        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F12$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1585 KE_S_F13        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F13$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1586 KE_S_F14        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F14$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1587 KE_S_F15        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F15$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1588 KE_S_F16        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F16$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1589 KE_S_F17        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F17$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1590 KE_S_F18        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F18$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1591 KE_S_F19        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F19$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1592 KE_S_F2 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F2$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1593 KE_S_F20        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F20$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1594 KE_S_F21        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F21$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1595 KE_S_F22        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F22$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1596 KE_S_F23        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F23$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1597 KE_S_F24        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F24$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1598 KE_S_F25        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F25$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1599 KE_S_F26        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F26$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1600 KE_S_F27        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F27$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1601 KE_S_F28        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F28$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1602 KE_S_F29        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F29$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1603 KE_S_F3 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F3$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1604 KE_S_F30        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F30$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1605 KE_S_F31        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F31$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1606 KE_S_F32        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F32$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1607 KE_S_F33        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F33$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1608 KE_S_F34        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F34$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1609 KE_S_F35        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F35$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1610 KE_S_F36        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F36$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1611 KE_S_F37        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F37$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1612 KE_S_F4 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F4$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1613 KE_S_F5 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F5$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1614 KE_S_F6 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F6$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1615 KE_S_F7 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F7$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1616 KE_S_F8 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F8$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1617 KE_S_F9 keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_F9$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1618 KE_S_TAB_OLD    keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_TAB_OLD    \/* shifted TAB key (no longer used) *\/$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1619 KE_S_UP keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_UP         \/* shift-up *\/$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1620 KE_S_XF1        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_XF1                \/* extra vt100 shifted function keys for xterm *\/$/;" e       enum:key_extra
1621 KE_S_XF2        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_XF2$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1622 KE_S_XF3        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_XF3$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1623 KE_S_XF4        keymap.h        /^    , KE_S_XF4$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1624 KE_TAB  keymap.h        /^    , KE_TAB          \/* unshifted TAB key *\/$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1625 KE_X1DRAG       keymap.h        /^    , KE_X1DRAG$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1626 KE_X1MOUSE      keymap.h        /^    , KE_X1MOUSE      \/* X1\/X2 mouse-buttons *\/$/;"        e       enum:key_extra
1627 KE_X1RELEASE    keymap.h        /^    , KE_X1RELEASE$/;"        e       enum:key_extra
1628 KE_X2DRAG       keymap.h        /^    , KE_X2DRAG$/;"   e       enum:key_extra
1629 KE_X2MOUSE      keymap.h        /^    , KE_X2MOUSE$/;"  e       enum:key_extra
1630 KE_X2RELEASE    keymap.h        /^    , KE_X2RELEASE$/;"        e       enum:key_extra
1631 KE_XEND keymap.h        /^    , KE_XEND         \/* extra (vt100) end key for xterm *\/$/;"     e       enum:key_extra
1632 KE_XF1  keymap.h        /^    , KE_XF1          \/* extra vt100 function keys for xterm *\/$/;" e       enum:key_extra
1633 KE_XF2  keymap.h        /^    , KE_XF2$/;"      e       enum:key_extra
1634 KE_XF3  keymap.h        /^    , KE_XF3$/;"      e       enum:key_extra
1635 KE_XF4  keymap.h        /^    , KE_XF4$/;"      e       enum:key_extra
1636 KE_XHOME        keymap.h        /^    , KE_XHOME                \/* extra (vt100) home key for xterm *\/$/;"    e       enum:key_extra
1637 KHASH_MASK      syntax.c        198;"   d       file:
1638 KHASH_SIZE      syntax.c        197;"   d       file:
1639 KL_PART_KEY     getchar.c       1426;"  d       file:
1640 KL_PART_MAP     getchar.c       1427;"  d       file:
1641 KMAP_LLEN       digraph.c       2405;"  d       file:
1642 KMAP_MAXLEN     digraph.c       2343;"  d       file:
1643 KS_AL   term.h  /^    KS_AL,    \/* add new blank line *\/$/;"  e       enum:SpecialKey
1644 KS_BC   term.h  /^    KS_BC,    \/* backspace character (cursor left) *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1645 KS_CAB  term.h  /^    KS_CAB,   \/* set background color (ANSI) *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1646 KS_CAF  term.h  /^    KS_CAF,   \/* set foreground color (ANSI) *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1647 KS_CAL  term.h  /^    KS_CAL,   \/* add number of blank lines *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1648 KS_CCO  term.h  /^    KS_CCO,   \/* number of colors *\/$/;"    e       enum:SpecialKey
1649 KS_CCS  term.h  /^    KS_CCS,   \/* cur is relative to scroll region *\/$/;"    e       enum:SpecialKey
1650 KS_CD   term.h  /^    KS_CD,    \/* clear to end of display *\/$/;"     e       enum:SpecialKey
1651 KS_CDL  term.h  /^    KS_CDL,   \/* delete number of lines *\/$/;"      e       enum:SpecialKey
1652 KS_CE   term.h  /^    KS_CE,    \/* clear to end of line *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1653 KS_CIE  term.h  /^    KS_CIE,   \/* set icon text end *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1654 KS_CIS  term.h  /^    KS_CIS,   \/* set icon text start *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1655 KS_CL   term.h  /^    KS_CL,    \/* clear screen *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1656 KS_CM   term.h  /^    KS_CM,    \/* cursor motion *\/$/;"       e       enum:SpecialKey
1657 KS_CRI  term.h  /^    KS_CRI,   \/* cursor number of chars right *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1658 KS_CRV  term.h  /^    KS_CRV,   \/* request version string *\/$/;"      e       enum:SpecialKey
1659 KS_CS   term.h  /^    KS_CS,    \/* scroll region *\/$/;"       e       enum:SpecialKey
1660 KS_CSB  term.h  /^    KS_CSB,   \/* set background color *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1661 KS_CSF  term.h  /^    KS_CSF,   \/* set foreground color *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1662 KS_CSV  term.h  /^    KS_CSV,   \/* scroll region vertical *\/$/;"      e       enum:SpecialKey
1663 KS_CWP  term.h  /^    KS_CWP,   \/* set window position in pixels *\/$/;"       e       enum:SpecialKey
1664 KS_CWS  term.h  /^    KS_CWS,   \/* set window size in characters *\/$/;"       e       enum:SpecialKey
1665 KS_CZH  term.h  /^    KS_CZH,   \/* italic mode start *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1666 KS_CZR  term.h  /^    KS_CZR,   \/* italic mode end *\/$/;"     e       enum:SpecialKey
1667 KS_DA   term.h  /^    KS_DA,    \/* text may be scrolled down from up *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1668 KS_DB   term.h  /^    KS_DB,    \/* text may be scrolled up from down *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1669 KS_DEC_MOUSE    keymap.h        82;"    d
1670 KS_DL   term.h  /^    KS_DL,    \/* delete line *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1671 KS_EXTRA        keymap.h        61;"    d
1672 KS_FS   term.h  /^    KS_FS,    \/* set window title end (from status line) *\/$/;"     e       enum:SpecialKey
1673 KS_HOR_SCROLLBAR        keymap.h        76;"    d
1674 KS_JSBTERM_MOUSE        keymap.h        96;"    d
1675 KS_KE   term.h  /^    KS_KE,    \/* out of "keypad transmit" mode *\/$/;"       e       enum:SpecialKey
1676 KS_KEY  keymap.h        99;"    d
1677 KS_KS   term.h  /^    KS_KS,    \/* put term in "keypad transmit" mode *\/$/;"  e       enum:SpecialKey
1678 KS_LAST term.h  85;"    d
1679 KS_LE   term.h  /^    KS_LE,    \/* cursor left (mostly backspace) *\/$/;"      e       enum:SpecialKey
1680 KS_MB   term.h  /^    KS_MB,    \/* blink mode *\/$/;"  e       enum:SpecialKey
1681 KS_MD   term.h  /^    KS_MD,    \/* bold mode *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1682 KS_ME   term.h  /^    KS_ME,    \/* normal mode *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1683 KS_MENU keymap.h        74;"    d
1684 KS_MODIFIER     keymap.h        67;"    d
1685 KS_MOUSE        keymap.h        73;"    d
1686 KS_MR   term.h  /^    KS_MR,    \/* reverse mode *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1687 KS_MS   term.h  /^    KS_MS,    \/* save to move cur in reverse mode *\/$/;"    e       enum:SpecialKey
1688 KS_NAME term.h  /^    KS_NAME = 0,\/* name of this terminal entry *\/$/;"       e       enum:SpecialKey
1689 KS_ND   term.h  /^    KS_ND,    \/* cursor right *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1690 KS_NETTERM_MOUSE        keymap.h        81;"    d
1691 KS_OP   term.h  /^    KS_OP     \/* original color pair *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1692 KS_PTERM_MOUSE  keymap.h        102;"   d
1693 KS_SE   term.h  /^    KS_SE,    \/* normal mode *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1694 KS_SELECT       keymap.h        87;"    d
1695 KS_SO   term.h  /^    KS_SO,    \/* standout mode *\/$/;"       e       enum:SpecialKey
1696 KS_SPECIAL      keymap.h        55;"    d
1697 KS_SR   term.h  /^    KS_SR,    \/* scroll reverse (backward) *\/$/;"   e       enum:SpecialKey
1698 KS_TE   term.h  /^    KS_TE,    \/* out of termcap mode *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1699 KS_TEAROFF      keymap.h        93;"    d
1700 KS_TI   term.h  /^    KS_TI,    \/* put terminal in termcap mode *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1701 KS_TS   term.h  /^    KS_TS,    \/* set window title start (to status line)*\/$/;"      e       enum:SpecialKey
1702 KS_UE   term.h  /^    KS_UE,    \/* exit underscore mode *\/$/;"        e       enum:SpecialKey
1703 KS_US   term.h  /^    KS_US,    \/* underscore mode *\/$/;"     e       enum:SpecialKey
1704 KS_UT   term.h  /^    KS_UT,    \/* clearing uses current background color *\/$/;"      e       enum:SpecialKey
1705 KS_VB   term.h  /^    KS_VB,    \/* visual bell *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1706 KS_VE   term.h  /^    KS_VE,    \/* cursor visible *\/$/;"      e       enum:SpecialKey
1707 KS_VER_SCROLLBAR        keymap.h        75;"    d
1708 KS_VI   term.h  /^    KS_VI,    \/* cursor invisible *\/$/;"    e       enum:SpecialKey
1709 KS_VS   term.h  /^    KS_VS,    \/* cursor very visible *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1710 KS_XS   term.h  /^    KS_XS,    \/* standout not erased by overwriting (hpterm) *\/$/;" e       enum:SpecialKey
1711 KS_ZERO keymap.h        49;"    d
1712 KWORD   regexp.c        167;"   d       file:
1713 K_BS    keymap.h        364;"   d
1714 K_CMDWIN        keymap.h        452;"   d
1715 K_CSI   keymap.h        449;"   d
1716 K_C_END keymap.h        263;"   d
1717 K_C_HOME        keymap.h        261;"   d
1718 K_C_LEFT        keymap.h        257;"   d
1719 K_C_RIGHT       keymap.h        259;"   d
1720 K_DEC_MOUSE     keymap.h        412;"   d
1721 K_DEL   keymap.h        368;"   d
1722 K_DOWN  keymap.h        251;"   d
1723 K_DROP  keymap.h        454;"   d
1724 K_END   keymap.h        373;"   d
1725 K_F1    keymap.h        273;"   d
1726 K_F10   keymap.h        282;"   d
1727 K_F11   keymap.h        284;"   d
1728 K_F12   keymap.h        285;"   d
1729 K_F13   keymap.h        286;"   d
1730 K_F14   keymap.h        287;"   d
1731 K_F15   keymap.h        288;"   d
1732 K_F16   keymap.h        289;"   d
1733 K_F17   keymap.h        290;"   d
1734 K_F18   keymap.h        291;"   d
1735 K_F19   keymap.h        292;"   d
1736 K_F2    keymap.h        274;"   d
1737 K_F20   keymap.h        293;"   d
1738 K_F21   keymap.h        295;"   d
1739 K_F22   keymap.h        296;"   d
1740 K_F23   keymap.h        297;"   d
1741 K_F24   keymap.h        298;"   d
1742 K_F25   keymap.h        299;"   d
1743 K_F26   keymap.h        300;"   d
1744 K_F27   keymap.h        301;"   d
1745 K_F28   keymap.h        302;"   d
1746 K_F29   keymap.h        303;"   d
1747 K_F3    keymap.h        275;"   d
1748 K_F30   keymap.h        304;"   d
1749 K_F31   keymap.h        306;"   d
1750 K_F32   keymap.h        307;"   d
1751 K_F33   keymap.h        308;"   d
1752 K_F34   keymap.h        309;"   d
1753 K_F35   keymap.h        310;"   d
1754 K_F36   keymap.h        311;"   d
1755 K_F37   keymap.h        312;"   d
1756 K_F4    keymap.h        276;"   d
1757 K_F5    keymap.h        277;"   d
1758 K_F6    keymap.h        278;"   d
1759 K_F7    keymap.h        279;"   d
1760 K_F8    keymap.h        280;"   d
1761 K_F9    keymap.h        281;"   d
1762 K_HELP  keymap.h        361;"   d
1763 K_HOME  keymap.h        370;"   d
1764 K_HOR_SCROLLBAR keymap.h        409;"   d
1765 K_IGNORE        keymap.h        442;"   d
1766 K_INS   keymap.h        366;"   d
1767 K_JSBTERM_MOUSE keymap.h        413;"   d
1768 K_K0    keymap.h        388;"   d
1769 K_K1    keymap.h        389;"   d
1770 K_K2    keymap.h        390;"   d
1771 K_K3    keymap.h        391;"   d
1772 K_K4    keymap.h        392;"   d
1773 K_K5    keymap.h        393;"   d
1774 K_K6    keymap.h        394;"   d
1775 K_K7    keymap.h        395;"   d
1776 K_K8    keymap.h        396;"   d
1777 K_K9    keymap.h        397;"   d
1778 K_KDEL  keymap.h        369;"   d
1779 K_KDIVIDE       keymap.h        383;"   d
1780 K_KEND  keymap.h        374;"   d
1781 K_KENTER        keymap.h        385;"   d
1782 K_KHOME keymap.h        371;"   d
1783 K_KINS  keymap.h        367;"   d
1784 K_KMINUS        keymap.h        382;"   d
1785 K_KMULTIPLY     keymap.h        384;"   d
1786 K_KPAGEDOWN     keymap.h        379;"   d
1787 K_KPAGEUP       keymap.h        378;"   d
1788 K_KPLUS keymap.h        381;"   d
1789 K_KPOINT        keymap.h        386;"   d
1790 K_LEFT  keymap.h        252;"   d
1791 K_LEFTDRAG      keymap.h        425;"   d
1792 K_LEFTMOUSE     keymap.h        423;"   d
1793 K_LEFTMOUSE_NM  keymap.h        424;"   d
1794 K_LEFTRELEASE   keymap.h        426;"   d
1795 K_LEFTRELEASE_NM        keymap.h        427;"   d
1796 K_MENU  keymap.h        407;"   d
1797 K_MIDDLEDRAG    keymap.h        429;"   d
1798 K_MIDDLEMOUSE   keymap.h        428;"   d
1799 K_MIDDLERELEASE keymap.h        430;"   d
1800 K_MOUSE keymap.h        406;"   d
1801 K_MOUSEDOWN     keymap.h        446;"   d
1802 K_MOUSEUP       keymap.h        447;"   d
1803 K_NETTERM_MOUSE keymap.h        411;"   d
1804 K_NUL   keymap.h        13;"    d
1805 K_PAGEDOWN      keymap.h        377;"   d
1806 K_PAGEUP        keymap.h        376;"   d
1807 K_PLUG  keymap.h        451;"   d
1808 K_PTERM_MOUSE   keymap.h        414;"   d
1809 K_RIGHT keymap.h        253;"   d
1810 K_RIGHTDRAG     keymap.h        432;"   d
1811 K_RIGHTMOUSE    keymap.h        431;"   d
1812 K_RIGHTRELEASE  keymap.h        433;"   d
1813 K_SECOND        keymap.h        119;"   d
1814 K_SELECT        keymap.h        416;"   d
1815 K_SELECT_STRING keymap.h        88;"    d
1816 K_SNIFF keymap.h        444;"   d
1817 K_SNR   keymap.h        450;"   d
1818 K_SPECIAL       keymap.h        29;"    d
1819 K_S_DOWN        keymap.h        255;"   d
1820 K_S_END keymap.h        262;"   d
1821 K_S_F1  keymap.h        320;"   d
1822 K_S_F10 keymap.h        329;"   d
1823 K_S_F11 keymap.h        331;"   d
1824 K_S_F12 keymap.h        332;"   d
1825 K_S_F13 keymap.h        333;"   d
1826 K_S_F14 keymap.h        334;"   d
1827 K_S_F15 keymap.h        335;"   d
1828 K_S_F16 keymap.h        336;"   d
1829 K_S_F17 keymap.h        337;"   d
1830 K_S_F18 keymap.h        338;"   d
1831 K_S_F19 keymap.h        339;"   d
1832 K_S_F2  keymap.h        321;"   d
1833 K_S_F20 keymap.h        340;"   d
1834 K_S_F21 keymap.h        342;"   d
1835 K_S_F22 keymap.h        343;"   d
1836 K_S_F23 keymap.h        344;"   d
1837 K_S_F24 keymap.h        345;"   d
1838 K_S_F25 keymap.h        346;"   d
1839 K_S_F26 keymap.h        347;"   d
1840 K_S_F27 keymap.h        348;"   d
1841 K_S_F28 keymap.h        349;"   d
1842 K_S_F29 keymap.h        350;"   d
1843 K_S_F3  keymap.h        322;"   d
1844 K_S_F30 keymap.h        351;"   d
1845 K_S_F31 keymap.h        353;"   d
1846 K_S_F32 keymap.h        354;"   d
1847 K_S_F33 keymap.h        355;"   d
1848 K_S_F34 keymap.h        356;"   d
1849 K_S_F35 keymap.h        357;"   d
1850 K_S_F36 keymap.h        358;"   d
1851 K_S_F37 keymap.h        359;"   d
1852 K_S_F4  keymap.h        323;"   d
1853 K_S_F5  keymap.h        324;"   d
1854 K_S_F6  keymap.h        325;"   d
1855 K_S_F7  keymap.h        326;"   d
1856 K_S_F8  keymap.h        327;"   d
1857 K_S_F9  keymap.h        328;"   d
1858 K_S_HOME        keymap.h        260;"   d
1859 K_S_LEFT        keymap.h        256;"   d
1860 K_S_RIGHT       keymap.h        258;"   d
1861 K_S_TAB keymap.h        265;"   d
1862 K_S_UP  keymap.h        254;"   d
1863 K_S_XF1 keymap.h        315;"   d
1864 K_S_XF2 keymap.h        316;"   d
1865 K_S_XF3 keymap.h        317;"   d
1866 K_S_XF4 keymap.h        318;"   d
1867 K_TAB   keymap.h        264;"   d
1868 K_TEAROFF       keymap.h        417;"   d
1869 K_THIRD keymap.h        121;"   d
1870 K_UNDO  keymap.h        362;"   d
1871 K_UP    keymap.h        250;"   d
1872 K_VER_SCROLLBAR keymap.h        408;"   d
1873 K_X1DRAG        keymap.h        436;"   d
1874 K_X1MOUSE       keymap.h        434;"   d
1875 K_X1MOUSE       keymap.h        435;"   d
1876 K_X1RELEASE     keymap.h        437;"   d
1877 K_X2DRAG        keymap.h        439;"   d
1878 K_X2MOUSE       keymap.h        438;"   d
1879 K_X2RELEASE     keymap.h        440;"   d
1880 K_XEND  keymap.h        375;"   d
1881 K_XF1   keymap.h        268;"   d
1882 K_XF2   keymap.h        269;"   d
1883 K_XF3   keymap.h        270;"   d
1884 K_XF4   keymap.h        271;"   d
1885 K_XHOME keymap.h        372;"   d
1886 K_ZERO  keymap.h        248;"   d
1887 KeyNoremap      getchar.c       /^static int            KeyNoremap = FALSE; \/* remapping disabled *\/$/;"      v       file:
1888 KeyStuffed      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    KeyStuffed;             \/* TRUE if current char from stuffbuf *\/$/;"  v
1889 KeyTyped        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    KeyTyped;               \/* TRUE if user typed current char *\/$/;"     v
1890 L       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! L()$/;"     f
1891 LA      farsi.h 53;"    d
1892 LAM     farsi.h 137;"   d
1893 LANGMAP vim.h   512;"   d
1894 LANGMAP_ADJUST  macros.h        131;"   d
1895 LAST_KEYPAD     keymap.h        404;"   d
1896 LAST_NL regexp.c        191;"   d       file:
1897 LBUFLEN diff.c  56;"    d       file:
1898 LD      Make_aros.mak   /^LD     = i386-linux-aros-gcc$/;"      m
1899 LD      Make_dice.mak   /^LD = dcc$/;"  m
1900 LD      Make_morph.mak  /^LD =          gcc$/;" m
1901 LEN_FROM_CONV   mbyte.c 425;"   d       file:
1902 LIBS    Make_aros.mak   /^LIBS   =$/;"  m
1903 LIBS    Make_dice.mak   /^LIBS = -la$/;"        m
1904 LIBS    Make_manx.mak   /^LIBS = -lc16$/;"      m
1905 LIBS    Make_morph.mak  /^LIBS =                -noixemul -s$/;"        m
1906 LINE_ATTR       screen.c        2560;"  d       file:
1907 LISPWORD_VALUE  option.h        279;"   d
1908 LISTCOUNT       quickfix.c      48;"    d       file:
1909 LIST_ATTR       syntax.c        7507;"  d       file:
1910 LIST_INT        syntax.c        7509;"  d       file:
1911 LIST_STRING     syntax.c        7508;"  d       file:
1912 LLEN    xxd/xxd.c       206;"   d       file:
1913 LN      Make_manx.mak   /^LN = ln$/;"   m
1914 LNFLAGS Make_manx.mak   /^LNFLAGS = +q$/;"      m
1915 LN_DEBUG        xxd/Make_amiga.mak      /^LN_DEBUG =$/;"        m
1916 LOOKFOR_ANY     misc1.c 5512;"  d       file:
1917 LOOKFOR_CASE    misc1.c 5511;"  d       file:
1918 LOOKFOR_CPP_BASECLASS   misc1.c 5517;"  d       file:
1919 LOOKFOR_DO      misc1.c 5510;"  d       file:
1920 LOOKFOR_ENUM_OR_INIT    misc1.c 5518;"  d       file:
1921 LOOKFOR_IF      misc1.c 5509;"  d       file:
1922 LOOKFOR_INITIAL misc1.c 5508;"  d       file:
1923 LOOKFOR_NOBREAK misc1.c 5516;"  d       file:
1924 LOOKFOR_SCOPEDECL       misc1.c 5515;"  d       file:
1925 LOOKFOR_TERM    misc1.c 5513;"  d       file:
1926 LOOKFOR_UNTERM  misc1.c 5514;"  d       file:
1927 LOWER   regexp.c        187;"   d       file:
1928 LPBOOL  proto.h /^   typedef int LPBOOL;$/;"    t
1929 LPCWSTR proto.h /^   typedef LPCSTR LPCWSTR;$/;"        t
1930 LPWSTR  proto.h /^   typedef LPSTR LPWSTR;$/;"  t
1931 LREPLACE        vim.h   522;"   d
1932 LSIZE   vim.h   1155;"  d
1933 L_MATCH screen.c        4808;"  d       file:
1934 L_SHOWFILE      ex_getln.c      3360;"  d       file:
1935 LineNumber      testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! LineNumber()$/;"        f
1936 LineOffset      globals.h       /^EXTERN unsigned       *LineOffset INIT(= NULL);$/;"   v
1937 LineWraps       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *LineWraps INIT(= NULL);$/;"    v
1938 M       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! M()$/;"     f
1939 MACOS   vim.h   72;"    d
1940 MACOS_CLASSIC   vim.h   63;"    d
1941 MACOS_X vim.h   66;"    d
1942 MAD     farsi.h 158;"   d
1943 MAD_N   farsi.h 161;"   d
1944 MAGIC_ALL       regexp.c        636;"   d       file:
1945 MAGIC_NONE      regexp.c        633;"   d       file:
1946 MAGIC_OFF       regexp.c        634;"   d       file:
1947 MAGIC_ON        regexp.c        635;"   d       file:
1948 MAP_ALL_MODES   vim.h   514;"   d
1949 MAP_HASH        getchar.c       66;"    d       file:
1950 MATCH   regexp.c        143;"   d       file:
1951 MATCH   testdir/test49.vim      /^function! MATCH(expected, msg, enr, emsg)$/;" f
1952 MAUTO   vim.h   1138;"  d
1953 MAX     vim.h   1760;"  d
1954 MAXCOL  vim.h   1288;"  d
1955 MAXCOL  vim.h   1290;"  d
1956 MAXCOL  vim.h   1293;"  d
1957 MAXKEYWLEN      syntax.c        199;"   d       file:
1958 MAXLNUM vim.h   1275;"  d
1959 MAXMAPLEN       vim.h   1175;"  d
1960 MAXMSGSIZE      netbeans.c      686;"   d       file:
1961 MAXPATHL        vim.h   278;"   d
1962 MAXSUFLEN       misc1.c 7756;"  d       file:
1963 MAX_ARG_CMDS    main.c  75;"    d       file:
1964 MAX_FUNC_ARGS   eval.c  3022;"  d       file:
1965 MAX_KEY_CODE_LEN        keymap.h        484;"   d
1966 MAX_KEY_NAME_LEN        keymap.h        474;"   d
1967 MAX_LEVEL       fold.c  43;"    d       file:
1968 MAX_LIMIT       regexp.c        321;"   d       file:
1969 MAX_SWAP_PAGE_SIZE      vim.h   971;"   d
1970 MAX_TYPENR      ex_cmds.c       5569;"  d       file:
1971 MAYBE   vim.h   1095;"  d
1972 MAY_FORK        gui.c   57;"    d       file:
1973 MBLOCK  vim.h   1136;"  d
1974 MB_BYTE2LEN     vim.h   1660;"  d
1975 MB_BYTE2LEN_CHECK       vim.h   1661;"  d
1976 MB_ISLOWER      macros.h        87;"    d
1977 MB_ISLOWER      macros.h        92;"    d
1978 MB_ISUPPER      macros.h        88;"    d
1979 MB_ISUPPER      macros.h        93;"    d
1980 MB_MAXBYTES     vim.h   1652;"  d
1981 MB_STRICMP      vim.h   1234;"  d
1982 MB_STRICMP      vim.h   1237;"  d
1983 MB_STRNICMP     vim.h   1235;"  d
1984 MB_STRNICMP     vim.h   1238;"  d
1985 MB_TOLOWER      macros.h        89;"    d
1986 MB_TOLOWER      macros.h        94;"    d
1987 MB_TOUPPER      macros.h        90;"    d
1988 MB_TOUPPER      macros.h        95;"    d
1989 MCHAR   vim.h   1134;"  d
1990 MCH_CURSOR_SHAPE        feature.h       1057;"  d
1991 MCLOSE  regexp.c        197;"   d       file:
1992 MEMBLOCKSIZE    undo.c  1039;"  d       file:
1993 MEMFILE_PAGE_SIZE       memfile.c       76;"    d       file:
1994 MEMHASH structs.h       428;"   d
1995 MEMHASHSIZE     structs.h       427;"   d
1996 MEMORYTYPE      Make_agui.mak   /^MEMORYTYPE=ANY$/;"    m
1997 MEMORYTYPE      Make_sas.mak    /^MEMORYTYPE=ANY$/;"    m
1998 MEMSIZE Make_agui.mak   /^MEMSIZE=HUGE$/;"      m
1999 MEMSIZE Make_sas.mak    /^MEMSIZE=LARGE$/;"     m
2000 MEM_SIZES       misc2.c 616;"   d       file:
2001 MENUDEPTH       menu.c  19;"    d       file:
2002 MENU_ALL_MODES  structs.h       1732;"  d
2003 MENU_CMDLINE_MODE       structs.h       1730;"  d
2004 MENU_DEFAULT_HEIGHT     gui.h   142;"   d
2005 MENU_INDEX_CMDLINE      structs.h       1721;"  d
2006 MENU_INDEX_INSERT       structs.h       1720;"  d
2007 MENU_INDEX_INVALID      structs.h       1716;"  d
2008 MENU_INDEX_NORMAL       structs.h       1717;"  d
2009 MENU_INDEX_OP_PENDING   structs.h       1719;"  d
2010 MENU_INDEX_TIP  structs.h       1722;"  d
2011 MENU_INDEX_VISUAL       structs.h       1718;"  d
2012 MENU_INSERT_MODE        structs.h       1729;"  d
2013 MENU_MODES      structs.h       1723;"  d
2014 MENU_NORMAL_MODE        structs.h       1726;"  d
2015 MENU_OP_PENDING_MODE    structs.h       1728;"  d
2016 MENU_TIP_MODE   structs.h       1731;"  d
2017 MENU_VISUAL_MODE        structs.h       1727;"  d
2018 MESSAGES        testdir/test49.vim      /^function! MESSAGES(...)$/;"   f
2019 MESSAGE_FILE    message.c       14;"    d       file:
2020 META    regexp.c        /^static char_u META[] = "%&()*+.123456789<=>?@ACDFHIKLMOPSUVWX[_acdfhiklmnopsuvwxz{|~";$/;"    v       file:
2021 META_flags      regexp.c        /^static char_u META_flags[] = {$/;"    v       file:
2022 ME_ARG_MISSING  main.c  65;"    d       file:
2023 ME_EXTRA_CMD    main.c  69;"    d       file:
2024 ME_GARBAGE      main.c  67;"    d       file:
2025 ME_INVALID_ARG  main.c  71;"    d       file:
2026 ME_TOO_MANY_ARGS        main.c  63;"    d       file:
2027 ME_UNKNOWN_OPTION       main.c  61;"    d       file:
2028 MFS_ALL vim.h   826;"   d
2029 MFS_FLUSH       vim.h   828;"   d
2030 MFS_STOP        vim.h   827;"   d
2031 MFS_ZERO        vim.h   829;"   d
2032 MIM     farsi.h 138;"   d
2033 MIN     fileio.c        2550;"  d       file:
2034 MIN     vim.h   1763;"  d
2035 MINIMAL_SIZE    getchar.c       41;"    d       file:
2036 MIN_COLUMNS     vim.h   1143;"  d
2037 MIN_LINES       vim.h   1144;"  d
2038 MIN_SPACE       edit.c  3206;"  d       file:
2039 MIN_SWAP_PAGE_SIZE      vim.h   970;"   d
2040 MKSESSION_NL    ex_docmd.c      7528;"  d       file:
2041 MLCS_MAXL       memline.c       3981;"  d       file:
2042 MLCS_MINL       memline.c       3982;"  d       file:
2043 MLEN    syntax.c        4104;"  d       file:
2044 MLINE   vim.h   1135;"  d
2045 ML_CHNK_ADDLINE structs.h       475;"   d
2046 ML_CHNK_DELLINE structs.h       476;"   d
2047 ML_CHNK_UPDLINE structs.h       477;"   d
2048 ML_DELETE       memline.c       184;"   d       file:
2049 ML_EMPTY        structs.h       489;"   d
2050 ML_EXTRA        tag.c   2027;"  d       file:
2051 ML_FIND memline.c       186;"   d       file:
2052 ML_FLUSH        memline.c       187;"   d       file:
2053 ML_HELP_LEN     tag.c   2045;"  d       file:
2054 ML_INSERT       memline.c       185;"   d       file:
2055 ML_LINE_DIRTY   structs.h       490;"   d
2056 ML_LOCKED_DIRTY structs.h       491;"   d
2057 ML_LOCKED_POS   structs.h       492;"   d
2058 ML_SIMPLE       memline.c       188;"   d       file:
2059 MNU_HIDDEN_CHAR structs.h       1736;"  d
2060 MODBY_LEN       version.c       1142;"  d       file:
2061 MODIFY  ex_cmds.h       55;"    d
2062 MOD_KEYS_ENTRY_SIZE     misc2.c 1681;"  d       file:
2063 MOD_MASK_2CLICK keymap.h        461;"   d
2064 MOD_MASK_3CLICK keymap.h        462;"   d
2065 MOD_MASK_4CLICK keymap.h        463;"   d
2066 MOD_MASK_ALT    keymap.h        460;"   d
2067 MOD_MASK_CMD    keymap.h        465;"   d
2068 MOD_MASK_CTRL   keymap.h        459;"   d
2069 MOD_MASK_MULTI_CLICK    keymap.h        468;"   d
2070 MOD_MASK_SHIFT  keymap.h        458;"   d
2071 MOPEN   regexp.c        194;"   d       file:
2072 MOUSEWHEEL_LOW  vim.h   1405;"  d
2073 MOUSE_4 vim.h   1393;"  d
2074 MOUSE_5 vim.h   1394;"  d
2075 MOUSE_A option.h        173;"   d
2076 MOUSE_ALL       option.h        174;"   d
2077 MOUSE_ALT       vim.h   1389;"  d
2078 MOUSE_CLICK_MASK        vim.h   1407;"  d
2079 MOUSE_COMMAND   option.h        170;"   d
2080 MOUSE_CTRL      vim.h   1390;"  d
2081 MOUSE_DID_MOVE  vim.h   1431;"  d
2082 MOUSE_DRAG      vim.h   1402;"  d
2083 MOUSE_DRAG_XTERM        vim.h   1400;"  d
2084 MOUSE_FOCUS     vim.h   1429;"  d
2085 MOUSE_FOLD_CLOSE        vim.h   1425;"  d
2086 MOUSE_FOLD_OPEN vim.h   1426;"  d
2087 MOUSE_HELP      option.h        171;"   d
2088 MOUSE_INSERT    option.h        169;"   d
2089 MOUSE_LEFT      vim.h   1382;"  d
2090 MOUSE_MAY_STOP_VIS      vim.h   1433;"  d
2091 MOUSE_MAY_VIS   vim.h   1430;"  d
2092 MOUSE_MIDDLE    vim.h   1383;"  d
2093 MOUSE_NONE      option.h        175;"   d
2094 MOUSE_NONEF     option.h        176;"   d
2095 MOUSE_NORMAL    option.h        167;"   d
2096 MOUSE_RELEASE   vim.h   1385;"  d
2097 MOUSE_RELEASED  vim.h   1434;"  d
2098 MOUSE_RETURN    option.h        172;"   d
2099 MOUSE_RIGHT     vim.h   1384;"  d
2100 MOUSE_SETPOS    vim.h   1432;"  d
2101 MOUSE_SHIFT     vim.h   1388;"  d
2102 MOUSE_VISUAL    option.h        168;"   d
2103 MOUSE_X1        vim.h   1396;"  d
2104 MOUSE_X2        vim.h   1397;"  d
2105 MP      os_amiga.c      917;"   d       file:
2106 MSDOS   xxd/xxd.c       68;"    d       file:
2107 MSG     testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! MSG(n)$/;"      f
2108 MSG     testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! MSG(n, enr, emsg)$/;"   f
2109 MSG     testdir/test49.vim      /^function! MSG(enr, emsg)$/;"  f
2110 MSG     vim.h   1249;"  d
2111 MSG_ATTR        vim.h   1250;"  d
2112 MSG_BUF_LEN     vim.h   1160;"  d
2113 MSG_BUF_LEN     vim.h   1162;"  d
2114 MSG_HIST        vim.h   496;"   d
2115 MSG_PUTS        vim.h   1257;"  d
2116 MSG_PUTS_ATTR   vim.h   1258;"  d
2117 MSG_PUTS_LONG   vim.h   1260;"  d
2118 MSG_PUTS_LONG_ATTR      vim.h   1261;"  d
2119 MSG_PUTS_TITLE  vim.h   1259;"  d
2120 MSHAPE_HIDE     structs.h       1693;"  d
2121 MSHAPE_NUMBERED structs.h       1692;"  d
2122 MSWIN   vim.h   101;"   d
2123 MSWIN_FIND_REPLACE      feature.h       1029;"  d
2124 MSWIN_FR_BUFSIZE        feature.h       1030;"  d
2125 MT_COUNT        tag.c   62;"    d       file:
2126 MT_GL_CUR       tag.c   52;"    d       file:
2127 MT_GL_OTH       tag.c   53;"    d       file:
2128 MT_IC_GL_CUR    tag.c   56;"    d       file:
2129 MT_IC_GL_OTH    tag.c   57;"    d       file:
2130 MT_IC_OFF       tag.c   59;"    d       file:
2131 MT_IC_ST_CUR    tag.c   55;"    d       file:
2132 MT_IC_ST_OTH    tag.c   58;"    d       file:
2133 MT_MASK tag.c   61;"    d       file:
2134 MT_RE_OFF       tag.c   60;"    d       file:
2135 MT_ST_CUR       tag.c   51;"    d       file:
2136 MT_ST_OTH       tag.c   54;"    d       file:
2137 MULTIBYTECODE   regexp.c        214;"   d       file:
2138 MULTISIGN_BYTE  vim.h   1716;"  d
2139 MULTI_MULT      regexp.c        334;"   d       file:
2140 MULTI_ONE       regexp.c        333;"   d       file:
2141 M_OFFSET        undo.c  1056;"  d       file:
2142 M_OFFSET        undo.c  1059;"  d       file:
2143 MacOSHaveCntxMenu       gui.h   /^    int               MacOSHaveCntxMenu;  \/* Contextual menu available *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
2144 MacOSHelpItems  gui.h   /^    int               MacOSHelpItems;     \/* Nr of help-items supplied by MacOS *\/$/;"      m       struct:Gui
2145 MacOSHelpMenu   gui.h   /^    MenuHandle        MacOSHelpMenu;      \/* Help menu provided by the MacOS *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
2146 Magic   regexp.c        228;"   d       file:
2147 MakeScript      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! MakeScript(funcname, ...)$/;"       f
2148 Meta    ascii.h 45;"    d
2149 MetaChar        ascii.h 173;"   d
2150 MyColor gui_amiga.c     /^struct MyColor$/;"    s       file:
2151 MyColorTable    gui_amiga.c     /^struct MyColor MyColorTable[256];$/;" v       typeref:struct:MyColor
2152 MyMenuItem      gui_amiga.h     /^struct MyMenuItem {$/;"       s
2153 N       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! N()$/;"     f
2154 NALPHA  regexp.c        186;"   d       file:
2155 NAME    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! NAME(x, n)$/;"      f
2156 NBDEBUG_H       nbdebug.h       12;"    d
2157 NBDEBUG_TRACE   nbdebug.h       35;"    d
2158 NBDLEVEL        nbdebug.h       33;"    d
2159 NB_DEBUG_ALL    nbdebug.h       31;"    d
2160 NB_DEF_ADDR     netbeans.c      225;"   d       file:
2161 NB_DEF_HOST     netbeans.c      224;"   d       file:
2162 NB_DEF_PASS     netbeans.c      226;"   d       file:
2163 NB_TRACE        nbdebug.h       28;"    d
2164 NB_TRACE_COLONCMD       nbdebug.h       30;"    d
2165 NB_TRACE_VERBOSE        nbdebug.h       29;"    d
2166 NCLOSE  regexp.c        212;"   d       file:
2167 NDIGIT  regexp.c        176;"   d       file:
2168 NEEDARG ex_cmds.h       41;"    d
2169 NEWL    regexp.c        154;"   d       file:
2170 NEXT    regexp.c        299;"   d       file:
2171 NEXT    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! NEXT(cmd)$/;"       f
2172 NHEAD   regexp.c        184;"   d       file:
2173 NHEX    regexp.c        178;"   d       file:
2174 NL      ascii.h 112;"   d
2175 NL      ascii.h 28;"    d
2176 NLOWER  regexp.c        188;"   d       file:
2177 NL_STR  ascii.h 113;"   d
2178 NL_STR  ascii.h 29;"    d
2179 NMARKS  structs.h       97;"    d
2180 NOBEHIND        regexp.c        146;"   d       file:
2181 NOCTAL  regexp.c        180;"   d       file:
2182 NODE_NORMAL     vim.h   738;"   d
2183 NODE_OTHER      vim.h   741;"   d
2184 NODE_WRITABLE   vim.h   739;"   d
2185 NOFONT  gui.h   242;"   d
2186 NOFONT  gui.h   248;"   d
2187 NOFONT  gui.h   254;"   d
2188 NOFONT  gui.h   259;"   d
2189 NOFONTSET       gui.h   243;"   d
2190 NOFONTSET       gui.h   249;"   d
2191 NOFONTSET       gui.h   255;"   d
2192 NOFONTSET       gui.h   260;"   d
2193 NOMATCH regexp.c        144;"   d       file:
2194 NONE_IDX        syntax.c        183;"   d       file:
2195 NOON    farsi.h 139;"   d
2196 NOPEN   regexp.c        210;"   d       file:
2197 NOPROTO vim.h   1756;"  d
2198 NORMAL  vim.h   1750;"  d
2199 NORMAL  vim.h   506;"   d
2200 NORMAL_BUSY     vim.h   524;"   d
2201 NOSPC   ex_cmds.h       37;"    d
2202 NOTADR  ex_cmds.h       48;"    d
2203 NOTAGFILE       tag.c   67;"    d       file:
2204 NOTHING regexp.c        138;"   d       file:
2205 NOTRLCOM        ex_cmds.h       45;"    d
2206 NOT_MULTI       regexp.c        332;"   d       file:
2207 NOT_VALID       vim.h   445;"   d
2208 NOWIN   window.c        75;"    d       file:
2209 NO_BUFFERS      vim.h   955;"   d
2210 NO_CONSOLE_INPUT        gui.h   175;"   d
2211 NO_SCREEN       vim.h   954;"   d
2212 NR_TRANS        structs.h       /^typedef struct nr_trans NR_TRANS;$/;" t       typeref:struct:nr_trans
2213 NSCRIPT globals.h       869;"   d
2214 NSUBEXP regexp.h        22;"    d
2215 NUL     ascii.h 108;"   d
2216 NUL     ascii.h 24;"    d
2217 NULL    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! NULL()$/;"  f
2218 NUMBUFLEN       vim.h   293;"   d
2219 NUM_EVENTS      vim.h   /^    NUM_EVENTS                        \/* MUST be the last one *\/$/;"        e       enum:auto_event
2220 NUM_MOUSE_CLICKS        vim.h   1409;"  d
2221 NUM_REGISTERS   ops.c   44;"    d       file:
2222 NUM_REGISTERS   ops.c   46;"    d       file:
2223 NUM_REGISTERS   ops.c   49;"    d       file:
2224 NUPPER  regexp.c        190;"   d       file:
2225 NV_CMDS_SIZE    normal.c        432;"   d       file:
2226 NV_KEEPREG      normal.c        192;"   d       file:
2227 NV_LANG normal.c        186;"   d       file:
2228 NV_NCH  normal.c        183;"   d       file:
2229 NV_NCH_ALW      normal.c        185;"   d       file:
2230 NV_NCH_NOP      normal.c        184;"   d       file:
2231 NV_NCW  normal.c        193;"   d       file:
2232 NV_RL   normal.c        191;"   d       file:
2233 NV_SS   normal.c        188;"   d       file:
2234 NV_SSS  normal.c        189;"   d       file:
2235 NV_STS  normal.c        190;"   d       file:
2236 NWHITE  regexp.c        174;"   d       file:
2237 NWORD   regexp.c        182;"   d       file:
2238 N_      vim.h   411;"   d
2239 N_      vim.h   418;"   d
2240 N_      vim.h   420;"   d
2241 N_      vim.h   425;"   d
2242 NameBuff        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *NameBuff;              \/* file names are expanded in this$/;" v
2243 O       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! O()$/;"     f
2244 OBJ     Make_agui.mak   /^OBJ = buffer.o charset.o diff.o digraph.o edit.o eval.o ex_cmds.o ex_cmds2.o ex_docmd.o ex_eval.o ex_getln.o \\$/;"   m
2245 OBJ     Make_dice.mak   /^OBJ = o\/buffer.o \\$/;"      m
2246 OBJ     Make_manx.mak   /^OBJ = obj\/buffer.o \\$/;"    m
2247 OBJ     Make_morph.mak  /^OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)$/;"        m
2248 OBJ     Make_sas.mak    /^OBJ = \\$/;"  m
2249 OBJDUMP Make_morph.mak  /^OBJDUMP =     objdump$/;"     m
2250 OBJS    Make_aros.mak   /^OBJS   = $(SRCS:.c=.o)$/;"    m
2251 OCTAL   regexp.c        179;"   d       file:
2252 OK      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! OK()$/;"    f
2253 OK      vim.h   542;"   d
2254 OO      farsi.h 165;"   d
2255 OP      regexp.c        298;"   d       file:
2256 OPEN    xxd/xxd.c       178;"   d       file:
2257 OPEN    xxd/xxd.c       180;"   d       file:
2258 OPENLINE_DELSPACES      vim.h   854;"   d
2259 OPENLINE_DO_COM vim.h   855;"   d
2260 OPENLINE_KEEPTRAIL      vim.h   856;"   d
2261 OPENLINE_MARKFIX        vim.h   857;"   d
2262 OPERAND regexp.c        300;"   d       file:
2263 OPERAND_CMP     regexp.c        307;"   d       file:
2264 OPERAND_MAX     regexp.c        305;"   d       file:
2265 OPERAND_MIN     regexp.c        302;"   d       file:
2267 OPTIMIZE        Make_sas.mak    /^OPTIMIZE  = OPT$/;"   m
2268 OPTIONS Make_manx.mak   /^OPTIONS = -so$/;"     m
2269 OPTIONS xxd/Make_amiga.mak      /^OPTIONS = -so$/;"     m
2270 OPT_BOTH        option.c        44;"    d       file:
2271 OPT_FREE        vim.h   944;"   d
2272 OPT_GLOBAL      vim.h   945;"   d
2273 OPT_LOCAL       vim.h   946;"   d
2274 OPT_MODELINE    vim.h   947;"   d
2275 OPT_PRINT_BOT   globals.h       1055;"  d
2276 OPT_PRINT_COLLATE       globals.h       1065;"  d
2277 OPT_PRINT_DUPLEX        globals.h       1062;"  d
2278 OPT_PRINT_FORMFEED      globals.h       1067;"  d
2279 OPT_PRINT_HEADERHEIGHT  globals.h       1058;"  d
2280 OPT_PRINT_JOBSPLIT      globals.h       1066;"  d
2281 OPT_PRINT_LEFT  globals.h       1056;"  d
2282 OPT_PRINT_NUMBER        globals.h       1060;"  d
2283 OPT_PRINT_NUM_OPTIONS   globals.h       1069;"  d
2284 OPT_PRINT_PAPER globals.h       1064;"  d
2285 OPT_PRINT_PORTRAIT      globals.h       1063;"  d
2286 OPT_PRINT_RIGHT globals.h       1057;"  d
2287 OPT_PRINT_SYNTAX        globals.h       1059;"  d
2288 OPT_PRINT_TOP   globals.h       1054;"  d
2289 OPT_PRINT_WRAP  globals.h       1061;"  d
2290 OP_APPEND       vim.h   1121;"  d
2291 OP_CHANGE       vim.h   1106;"  d
2292 OP_COLON        vim.h   1113;"  d
2293 OP_DELETE       vim.h   1104;"  d
2294 OP_DELETE       vim.h   1753;"  d
2295 OP_FILTER       vim.h   1109;"  d
2296 OP_FOLD vim.h   1122;"  d
2297 OP_FOLDCLOSE    vim.h   1125;"  d
2298 OP_FOLDCLOSEREC vim.h   1126;"  d
2299 OP_FOLDDEL      vim.h   1127;"  d
2300 OP_FOLDDELREC   vim.h   1128;"  d
2301 OP_FOLDOPEN     vim.h   1123;"  d
2302 OP_FOLDOPENREC  vim.h   1124;"  d
2303 OP_FORMAT       vim.h   1112;"  d
2304 OP_FORMAT2      vim.h   1129;"  d
2305 OP_INDENT       vim.h   1111;"  d
2306 OP_INSERT       vim.h   1120;"  d
2307 OP_JOIN vim.h   1116;"  d
2308 OP_JOIN vim.h   1754;"  d
2309 OP_JOIN_NS      vim.h   1117;"  d
2310 OP_LOWER        vim.h   1115;"  d
2311 OP_LSHIFT       vim.h   1107;"  d
2312 OP_NOP  vim.h   1103;"  d
2313 OP_PENDING      vim.h   508;"   d
2314 OP_REPLACE      vim.h   1119;"  d
2315 OP_ROT13        vim.h   1118;"  d
2316 OP_RSHIFT       vim.h   1108;"  d
2317 OP_TILDE        vim.h   1110;"  d
2318 OP_UPPER        vim.h   1114;"  d
2319 OP_YANK vim.h   1105;"  d
2320 ORIGINAL_TEXT   edit.c  72;"    d       file:
2321 OS2     xxd/xxd.c       71;"    d       file:
2322 OUT_SIZE        term.c  2502;"  d       file:
2323 OUT_SIZE        term.c  2505;"  d       file:
2324 OUT_SIZE        term.c  2507;"  d       file:
2325 OUT_STR vim.h   1255;"  d
2326 OUT_STR_NF      vim.h   1256;"  d
2327 OW      farsi.h 160;"   d
2328 OW_OW   farsi.h 163;"   d
2329 O_EXTRA vim.h   1192;"  d
2330 O_EXTRA vim.h   1194;"  d
2331 P       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! P(num)$/;"  f
2332 PARAM_COUNT     option.c        2389;"  d       file:
2333 PATHSEP ascii.h 186;"   d
2334 PATHSEP ascii.h 190;"   d
2335 PATHSEP ascii.h 194;"   d
2336 PATHSEP ascii.h 197;"   d
2337 PATHSEPSTR      ascii.h 187;"   d
2338 PATHSEPSTR      ascii.h 191;"   d
2339 PATHSEPSTR      ascii.h 195;"   d
2340 PATHSEPSTR      ascii.h 198;"   d
2341 PATH_ESC_CHARS  vim.h   284;"   d
2342 PATH_SEP        xxd/xxd.c       155;"   d       file:
2343 PATH_SEP        xxd/xxd.c       157;"   d       file:
2344 PATH_SEP        xxd/xxd.c       165;"   d       file:
2345 PATH_SEP        xxd/xxd.c       172;"   d       file:
2346 PC      term.c  /^char *UP, *BC, PC;$/;"        v
2347 PC      termlib.c       /^char  PC = 0;               \/* Pad character, default NULL *\/$/;"   v
2348 PC_STATUS_LEFT  edit.c  1414;"  d       file:
2349 PC_STATUS_RIGHT edit.c  1413;"  d       file:
2350 PC_STATUS_SET   edit.c  1415;"  d       file:
2351 PC_STATUS_UNSET edit.c  1412;"  d       file:
2352 PE      farsi.h 113;"   d
2353 PERROR  vim.h   1266;"  d
2354 PERROR  vim.h   1268;"  d
2355 PLAN_CR screen.c        6901;"  d       file:
2356 PLAN_LE screen.c        6900;"  d       file:
2357 PLAN_NL screen.c        6902;"  d       file:
2358 PLAN_WRITE      screen.c        6903;"  d       file:
2359 PLUS    regexp.c        141;"   d       file:
2360 PLUS_REGISTER   ops.c   33;"    d       file:
2361 PLUS_REGISTER   ops.c   35;"    d       file:
2362 POUND   ascii.h 127;"   d
2363 POUND   ascii.h 42;"    d
2364 PRCOLOR_BLACK   ex_cmds2.c      2955;"  d       file:
2365 PRCOLOR_WHITE   ex_cmds2.c      2956;"  d       file:
2366 PRE     Make_dice.mak   /^PRE = -H${SYMS}=vim.h$/;"     m
2367 PRG     Make_aros.mak   /^PRG    = VIM$/;"      m
2368 PRG     Make_morph.mak  /^PRG =         Vim$/;" m
2369 PRINT   regexp.c        171;"   d       file:
2370 PRINT_NUMBER_WIDTH      structs.h       1900;"  d
2371 PRO     Make_agui.mak   /^PRO = \\$/;"  m
2372 PRO     Make_manx.mak   /^PRO = proto\/ \\$/;"        m
2373 PRO     Make_sas.mak    /^PRO = \\$/;"  m
2376 PRT_MEDIASIZE_LEN       ex_cmds2.c      3734;"  d       file:
2377 PRT_PROLOG_VERSION      ex_cmds2.c      3799;"  d       file:
2378 PRT_PS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE      ex_cmds2.c      3725;"  d       file:
2379 PRT_PS_DEFAULT_DPI      ex_cmds2.c      3723;"  d       file:
2380 PRT_PS_DEFAULT_FONTSIZE ex_cmds2.c      3724;"  d       file:
2381 PRT_PS_FONT_BOLD        ex_cmds2.c      3766;"  d       file:
2382 PRT_PS_FONT_BOLDOBLIQUE ex_cmds2.c      3768;"  d       file:
2383 PRT_PS_FONT_OBLIQUE     ex_cmds2.c      3767;"  d       file:
2384 PRT_PS_FONT_ROMAN       ex_cmds2.c      3765;"  d       file:
2385 PRT_PS_FONT_TO_USER     ex_cmds2.c      4075;"  d       file:
2386 PRT_RESOURCE_ENCODING   ex_cmds2.c      3814;"  d       file:
2387 PRT_RESOURCE_HEADER     ex_cmds2.c      3811;"  d       file:
2388 PRT_RESOURCE_PROCSET    ex_cmds2.c      3813;"  d       file:
2389 PRT_RESOURCE_RESOURCE   ex_cmds2.c      3812;"  d       file:
2390 PRT_RESOURCE_TITLE      ex_cmds2.c      3815;"  d       file:
2391 PRT_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENCODING      ex_cmds2.c      3789;"  d       file:
2392 PRT_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROCSET       ex_cmds2.c      3788;"  d       file:
2393 PRT_RESOURCE_VERSION    ex_cmds2.c      3816;"  d       file:
2394 PRT_UNIT_INCH   globals.h       1096;"  d
2395 PRT_UNIT_MM     globals.h       1097;"  d
2396 PRT_UNIT_NAMES  globals.h       1099;"  d
2397 PRT_UNIT_NONE   globals.h       1094;"  d
2398 PRT_UNIT_PERC   globals.h       1095;"  d
2399 PRT_UNIT_POINT  globals.h       1098;"  d
2400 PSCR    ex_cmds2.c      4182;"  d       file:
2401 PSLF    ex_cmds2.c      4181;"  d       file:
2402 PTR_BL  memline.c       /^typedef struct pointer_block  PTR_BL;     \/* contents of a pointer block *\/$/;"     t       typeref:struct:pointer_block    file:
2403 PTR_EN  memline.c       /^typedef struct pointer_entry  PTR_EN;     \/* block\/line-count pair *\/$/;"  t       typeref:struct:pointer_entry    file:
2404 PTR_ID  memline.c       67;"    d       file:
2405 PUT_CURSEND     vim.h   838;"   d
2406 PUT_FIXINDENT   vim.h   837;"   d
2407 PUT_LINE        vim.h   839;"   d
2408 PUT_LINE_FORWARD        vim.h   841;"   d
2409 PUT_LINE_SPLIT  vim.h   840;"   d
2410 PV_AI   option.c        /^    , PV_AI$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2411 PV_AR   option.c        /^    , PV_AR$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2412 PV_ARAB option.c        /^    , PV_ARAB$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2413 PV_BH   option.c        /^    , PV_BH$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2414 PV_BIN  option.c        /^    , PV_BIN$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2415 PV_BL   option.c        /^    , PV_BL$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2416 PV_BOMB option.c        /^    , PV_BOMB$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2417 PV_BOTH option.c        43;"    d       file:
2418 PV_BT   option.c        /^    , PV_BT$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2419 PV_CI   option.c        /^    , PV_CI$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2420 PV_CIN  option.c        /^    , PV_CIN$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2421 PV_CINK option.c        /^    , PV_CINK$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2422 PV_CINO option.c        /^    , PV_CINO$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2423 PV_CINW option.c        /^    , PV_CINW$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2424 PV_CMS  option.c        /^    , PV_CMS$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2425 PV_COM  option.c        /^    , PV_COM$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2426 PV_CPT  option.c        /^    , PV_CPT$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2427 PV_DEF  option.c        /^    , PV_DEF$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2428 PV_DICT option.c        /^    , PV_DICT$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2429 PV_DIFF option.c        /^    , PV_DIFF$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2430 PV_EFM  option.c        /^    , PV_EFM$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2431 PV_EOL  option.c        /^    , PV_EOL$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2432 PV_EP   option.c        /^    , PV_EP$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2433 PV_ET   option.c        /^    , PV_ET$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2434 PV_FDC  option.c        /^    , PV_FDC$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2435 PV_FDE  option.c        /^    , PV_FDE$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2436 PV_FDI  option.c        /^    , PV_FDI$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2437 PV_FDL  option.c        /^    , PV_FDL$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2438 PV_FDM  option.c        /^    , PV_FDM$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2439 PV_FDN  option.c        /^    , PV_FDN$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2440 PV_FDT  option.c        /^    , PV_FDT$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2441 PV_FEN  option.c        /^    , PV_FEN$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2442 PV_FENC option.c        /^    , PV_FENC$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2443 PV_FF   option.c        /^    , PV_FF$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2444 PV_FML  option.c        /^    , PV_FML$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2445 PV_FMR  option.c        /^    , PV_FMR$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2446 PV_FO   option.c        /^    , PV_FO$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2447 PV_FT   option.c        /^    , PV_FT$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2448 PV_GP   option.c        /^    , PV_GP$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2449 PV_IMI  option.c        /^    , PV_IMI$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2450 PV_IMS  option.c        /^    , PV_IMS$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2451 PV_INC  option.c        /^    , PV_INC$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2452 PV_INDE option.c        /^    , PV_INDE$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2453 PV_INDK option.c        /^    , PV_INDK$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2454 PV_INEX option.c        /^    , PV_INEX$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2455 PV_INF  option.c        /^    , PV_INF$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2456 PV_ISK  option.c        /^    , PV_ISK$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2457 PV_KEY  option.c        /^    , PV_KEY$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2458 PV_KMAP option.c        /^    , PV_KMAP$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2459 PV_KP   option.c        /^    , PV_KP$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2460 PV_LBR  option.c        /^    , PV_LBR$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2461 PV_LISP option.c        /^    , PV_LISP$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2462 PV_LIST option.c        /^    , PV_LIST$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2463 PV_MA   option.c        /^    , PV_MA$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2464 PV_ML   option.c        /^    , PV_ML$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2465 PV_MOD  option.c        /^    , PV_MOD$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2466 PV_MP   option.c        /^    , PV_MP$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2467 PV_MPS  option.c        /^    , PV_MPS$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2468 PV_NF   option.c        /^    , PV_NF$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2469 PV_NONE option.c        /^    PV_NONE = 0$/;"   e       enum:__anon9    file:
2470 PV_NU   option.c        /^    , PV_NU$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2471 PV_OFT  option.c        /^    , PV_OFT$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2472 PV_PATH option.c        /^    , PV_PATH$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2473 PV_PI   option.c        /^    , PV_PI$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2474 PV_PVW  option.c        /^    , PV_PVW$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2475 PV_RL   option.c        /^    , PV_RL$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2476 PV_RLC  option.c        /^    , PV_RLC$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2477 PV_RO   option.c        /^    , PV_RO$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2478 PV_SCBIND       option.c        /^    , PV_SCBIND$/;"   e       enum:__anon9    file:
2479 PV_SCROLL       option.c        /^    , PV_SCROLL$/;"   e       enum:__anon9    file:
2480 PV_SI   option.c        /^    , PV_SI$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2481 PV_SN   option.c        /^    , PV_SN$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2482 PV_STS  option.c        /^    , PV_STS$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2483 PV_SUA  option.c        /^    , PV_SUA$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2484 PV_SW   option.c        /^    , PV_SW$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2485 PV_SWF  option.c        /^    , PV_SWF$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2486 PV_SYN  option.c        /^    , PV_SYN$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2487 PV_TAGS option.c        /^    , PV_TAGS$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2488 PV_TS   option.c        /^    , PV_TS$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2489 PV_TSR  option.c        /^    , PV_TSR$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2490 PV_TW   option.c        /^    , PV_TW$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2491 PV_TX   option.c        /^    , PV_TX$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2492 PV_WFH  option.c        /^    , PV_WFH$/;"      e       enum:__anon9    file:
2493 PV_WM   option.c        /^    , PV_WM$/;"       e       enum:__anon9    file:
2494 PV_WRAP option.c        /^    , PV_WRAP$/;"     e       enum:__anon9    file:
2495 PWLEN   macros.h        213;"   d
2496 P_ALLOCED       option.c        269;"   d       file:
2497 P_BOOL  option.c        266;"   d       file:
2498 P_COMMA option.c        289;"   d       file:
2499 P_DEF_ALLOCED   option.c        275;"   d       file:
2500 P_EXPAND        option.c        272;"   d       file:
2501 P_FLAGLIST      option.c        291;"   d       file:
2502 P_GETTEXT       option.c        294;"   d       file:
2503 P_HID   option.h        491;"   d
2504 P_HID   option.h        493;"   d
2505 P_NFNAME        option.c        296;"   d       file:
2506 P_NODEFAULT     option.c        274;"   d       file:
2507 P_NODUP option.c        290;"   d       file:
2508 P_NOGLOB        option.c        295;"   d       file:
2509 P_NO_MKRC       option.c        278;"   d       file:
2510 P_NUM   option.c        267;"   d       file:
2511 P_RALL  option.c        286;"   d       file:
2512 P_RBUF  option.c        285;"   d       file:
2513 P_RCLR  option.c        287;"   d       file:
2514 P_RSTAT option.c        283;"   d       file:
2515 P_RWIN  option.c        284;"   d       file:
2516 P_SECURE        option.c        293;"   d       file:
2517 P_STRING        option.c        268;"   d       file:
2518 P_VIM   option.c        280;"   d       file:
2519 P_VI_DEF        option.c        279;"   d       file:
2520 P_WAS_SET       option.c        277;"   d       file:
2521 QF_WINHEIGHT    vim.h   1146;"  d
2522 R       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! R(jump, retval) abort$/;"       f
2523 R       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! R()$/;"     f
2524 R13_    ascii.h 105;"   d
2525 RANGE   ex_cmds.h       30;"    d
2526 RANGE   ex_cmds.h       33;"    d
2527 RE      farsi.h 122;"   d
2528 READBIN vim.h   1179;"  d
2529 READBIN vim.h   1183;"  d
2530 READ_BUFFER     vim.h   747;"   d
2531 READ_DUMMY      vim.h   748;"   d
2532 READ_FILTER     vim.h   745;"   d
2533 READ_NEW        vim.h   744;"   d
2534 READ_STDIN      vim.h   746;"   d
2535 REDRAW_TOP      vim.h   444;"   d
2536 REGEXP_ABBR     regexp.c        /^static char_u REGEXP_ABBR[] = "nrteb";$/;"    v       file:
2537 REGEXP_INRANGE  regexp.c        /^static char_u REGEXP_INRANGE[] = "]^-n\\\\";$/;"      v       file:
2538 REGMAGIC        regexp.c        259;"   d       file:
2539 REGSTR  ex_cmds.h       43;"    d
2540 REG_MULTI       regexp.c        2730;"  d       file:
2541 REG_NOPAREN     regexp.c        670;"   d       file:
2542 REG_NPAREN      regexp.c        673;"   d       file:
2543 REG_PAREN       regexp.c        671;"   d       file:
2544 REG_ZPAREN      regexp.c        672;"   d       file:
2545 REMAP_NONE      vim.h   726;"   d
2546 REMAP_SCRIPT    vim.h   727;"   d
2547 REMAP_SKIP      vim.h   728;"   d
2548 REMAP_YES       vim.h   725;"   d
2549 REN     Make_manx.mak   /^REN = $(SHELL) -c mv -f$/;"   m
2550 REPLACE vim.h   517;"   d
2551 REPLACE_FLAG    vim.h   516;"   d
2552 REPLACE_NORMAL  macros.h        231;"   d
2553 REPLACE_NORMAL  macros.h        233;"   d
2554 RESET_CHARTAB   charset.c       27;"    d       file:
2555 RETURN  testdir/test49.vim      /^command! -nargs=? RETURN$/;"  c
2556 RET_ERROR       vim.h   1098;"  d
2557 RET_WIN_BUF_CHARTABSIZE charset.c       760;"   d       file:
2558 REX_SET vim.h   787;"   d
2559 REX_USE vim.h   788;"   d
2560 RE_BOF  regexp.c        215;"   d       file:
2561 RE_BOTH vim.h   778;"   d
2562 RE_COL  regexp.c        220;"   d       file:
2563 RE_EOF  regexp.c        216;"   d       file:
2564 RE_LAST vim.h   779;"   d
2565 RE_LNUM regexp.c        219;"   d       file:
2566 RE_MAGIC        vim.h   782;"   d
2567 RE_SEARCH       vim.h   776;"   d
2568 RE_STRING       vim.h   783;"   d
2569 RE_SUBST        vim.h   777;"   d
2570 RE_VCOL regexp.c        221;"   d       file:
2571 RF_HASNL        regexp.c        604;"   d       file:
2572 RF_ICASE        regexp.c        602;"   d       file:
2573 RF_ICOMBINE     regexp.c        605;"   d       file:
2574 RF_LOOKBH       regexp.c        606;"   d       file:
2575 RF_NOICASE      regexp.c        603;"   d       file:
2576 RGB     gui_amiga.c     1257;"  d       file:
2577 RI_ALPHA        regexp.c        531;"   d       file:
2578 RI_DIGIT        regexp.c        526;"   d       file:
2579 RI_HEAD regexp.c        530;"   d       file:
2580 RI_HEX  regexp.c        527;"   d       file:
2581 RI_LOWER        regexp.c        532;"   d       file:
2582 RI_OCTAL        regexp.c        528;"   d       file:
2583 RI_UPPER        regexp.c        533;"   d       file:
2584 RI_WHITE        regexp.c        534;"   d       file:
2585 RI_WORD regexp.c        529;"   d       file:
2586 RLADDSUBFIX     ops.c   4733;"  d       file:
2587 RLADDSUBFIX     ops.c   4735;"  d       file:
2588 RL_MEMSET       screen.c        2065;"  d       file:
2589 RM      Make_aros.mak   /^RM     = rm$/;"       m
2590 RM      Make_morph.mak  /^RM =          rm$/;"  m
2591 RM_ABBR getchar.c       103;"   d       file:
2592 RM_NONE getchar.c       101;"   d       file:
2593 RM_SCRIPT       getchar.c       102;"   d       file:
2594 RM_YES  getchar.c       100;"   d       file:
2595 ROT13   ascii.h 106;"   d
2596 ROT13   ascii.h 22;"    d
2597 RP_DISCARD      ex_eval.c       690;"   d       file:
2598 RP_MAKE ex_eval.c       688;"   d       file:
2599 RP_RESUME       ex_eval.c       689;"   d       file:
2600 RUNTIME_DIRNAME feature.h       900;"   d
2601 R_OK    vim.h   1201;"  d
2602 Recording       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    Recording INIT(= FALSE);\/* TRUE when recording into a reg. *\/$/;"     v
2603 RedrawingDisabled       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    RedrawingDisabled INIT(= 0);$/;"        v
2604 ResetRedobuff   getchar.c       /^ResetRedobuff()$/;"   f
2605 Rows    globals.h       /^EXTERN long   Rows                    \/* nr of rows in the screen *\/$/;"    v
2606 S       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! S(n) abort$/;"      f
2607 SAD     farsi.h 127;"   d
2608 SBAR_BOTTOM     gui.h   132;"   d
2609 SBAR_HORIZ      gui.h   136;"   d
2610 SBAR_LEFT       gui.h   130;"   d
2611 SBAR_NONE       gui.h   129;"   d
2612 SBAR_RIGHT      gui.h   131;"   d
2613 SBAR_VERT       gui.h   135;"   d
2614 SBOXOK  ex_cmds.h       53;"    d
2615 SB_DEFAULT_WIDTH        gui.h   139;"   d
2616 SCREEN_LINE     screen.c        141;"   d       file:
2617 SCREEN_LINE     screen.c        144;"   d       file:
2618 SCRIPTS testdir/Make_amiga.mak  /^SCRIPTS = test1.out test3.out test4.out test5.out test6.out \\$/;"    m
2619 SCRIPT_DEV      ex_cmds2.c      2101;"  d       file:
2620 SCRIPT_INO      ex_cmds2.c      2102;"  d       file:
2621 SCRIPT_NAME     ex_cmds2.c      2100;"  d       file:
2622 SCRIPT_VARS     eval.c  68;"    d       file:
2623 SCROLL_PAST_END gui.c   42;"    d       file:
2624 SE      farsi.h 115;"   d
2625 SEARCH_ECHO     vim.h   683;"   d
2626 SEARCH_END      vim.h   688;"   d
2627 SEARCH_HIS      vim.h   687;"   d
2628 SEARCH_KEEP     vim.h   692;"   d
2629 SEARCH_MARK     vim.h   691;"   d
2630 SEARCH_MSG      vim.h   684;"   d
2631 SEARCH_NFMSG    vim.h   685;"   d
2632 SEARCH_NOOF     vim.h   689;"   d
2633 SEARCH_OPT      vim.h   686;"   d
2634 SEARCH_PEEK     vim.h   693;"   d
2635 SEARCH_REV      vim.h   682;"   d
2636 SEARCH_START    vim.h   690;"   d
2637 SEA_DIALOG      vim.h   960;"   d
2638 SEA_NONE        vim.h   959;"   d
2639 SEA_QUIT        vim.h   961;"   d
2640 SEA_RECOVER     vim.h   962;"   d
2641 SEEK_END        misc1.c 8344;"  d       file:
2642 SEEK_SET        misc1.c 8341;"  d       file:
2643 SELECT_CLEARED  vim.h   1491;"  d
2644 SELECT_DONE     vim.h   1493;"  d
2645 SELECT_IN_PROGRESS      vim.h   1492;"  d
2646 SELECT_MODE_CHAR        vim.h   1495;"  d
2647 SELECT_MODE_LINE        vim.h   1497;"  d
2648 SELECT_MODE_WORD        vim.h   1496;"  d
2649 SESSION_FILE    feature.h       817;"   d
2650 SETWSIZE        vim.h   527;"   d
2651 SET_CHARTAB     charset.c       26;"    d       file:
2652 SET_NUM_MOUSE_CLICKS    vim.h   1412;"  d
2653 SFNAME  regexp.c        170;"   d       file:
2654 SF_CCOMMENT     syntax.c        188;"   d       file:
2655 SF_MATCH        syntax.c        189;"   d       file:
2656 SG_CTERM        syntax.c        55;"    d       file:
2657 SG_GUI  syntax.c        56;"    d       file:
2658 SG_LINK syntax.c        57;"    d       file:
2659 SG_TERM syntax.c        54;"    d       file:
2660 SHAPE_BLOCK     structs.h       1688;"  d
2661 SHAPE_CURSOR    structs.h       1696;"  d
2662 SHAPE_HOR       structs.h       1689;"  d
2663 SHAPE_IDX_C     structs.h       1673;"  d
2664 SHAPE_IDX_CI    structs.h       1674;"  d
2665 SHAPE_IDX_CLINE structs.h       1678;"  d
2666 SHAPE_IDX_COUNT structs.h       1686;"  d
2667 SHAPE_IDX_CR    structs.h       1675;"  d
2668 SHAPE_IDX_I     structs.h       1671;"  d
2669 SHAPE_IDX_MORE  structs.h       1683;"  d
2670 SHAPE_IDX_MOREL structs.h       1684;"  d
2671 SHAPE_IDX_N     structs.h       1669;"  d
2672 SHAPE_IDX_O     structs.h       1676;"  d
2673 SHAPE_IDX_R     structs.h       1672;"  d
2674 SHAPE_IDX_SDRAG structs.h       1680;"  d
2675 SHAPE_IDX_SM    structs.h       1685;"  d
2676 SHAPE_IDX_STATUS        structs.h       1679;"  d
2677 SHAPE_IDX_V     structs.h       1670;"  d
2678 SHAPE_IDX_VDRAG structs.h       1682;"  d
2679 SHAPE_IDX_VE    structs.h       1677;"  d
2680 SHAPE_IDX_VSEP  structs.h       1681;"  d
2681 SHAPE_MOUSE     structs.h       1695;"  d
2682 SHAPE_VER       structs.h       1690;"  d
2683 SHELL   Make_manx.mak   /^SHELL = csh$/;"       m
2684 SHELL   Make_sas.mak    /^SHELL = csh$/;"       m
2685 SHELL_COOKED    vim.h   733;"   d
2686 SHELL_DOOUT     vim.h   734;"   d
2687 SHELL_EXPAND    vim.h   732;"   d
2688 SHELL_FILTER    vim.h   731;"   d
2689 SHELL_SILENT    vim.h   735;"   d
2690 SHIN    farsi.h 126;"   d
2691 SHM_A   option.h        187;"   d
2692 SHM_ALL option.h        196;"   d
2693 SHM_ATTENTION   option.h        194;"   d
2694 SHM_FILE        option.h        181;"   d
2695 SHM_INTRO       option.h        195;"   d
2696 SHM_LAST        option.h        182;"   d
2697 SHM_LINES       option.h        184;"   d
2698 SHM_MOD option.h        180;"   d
2699 SHM_NEW option.h        185;"   d
2700 SHM_OVER        option.h        191;"   d
2701 SHM_OVERALL     option.h        192;"   d
2702 SHM_RO  option.h        179;"   d
2703 SHM_SEARCH      option.h        193;"   d
2704 SHM_TEXT        option.h        183;"   d
2705 SHM_TRUNC       option.h        189;"   d
2706 SHM_TRUNCALL    option.h        190;"   d
2707 SHM_WRI option.h        186;"   d
2708 SHM_WRITE       option.h        188;"   d
2709 SHOWCMD_BUFLEN  normal.c        3463;"  d       file:
2710 SHOWCMD_BUFLEN  normal.c        3465;"  d       file:
2711 SHOWCMD_COLS    vim.h   1296;"  d
2712 SHOWMATCH       vim.h   530;"   d
2713 SIDENT  regexp.c        166;"   d       file:
2714 SID_CARG        vim.h   976;"   d
2715 SID_CMDARG      vim.h   975;"   d
2716 SID_ENV vim.h   977;"   d
2717 SID_MODELINE    vim.h   974;"   d
2718 SIGNCMD_DEFINE  ex_cmds.c       5590;"  d       file:
2719 SIGNCMD_JUMP    ex_cmds.c       5600;"  d       file:
2720 SIGNCMD_LAST    ex_cmds.c       5601;"  d       file:
2721 SIGNCMD_LIST    ex_cmds.c       5594;"  d       file:
2722 SIGNCMD_PLACE   ex_cmds.c       5596;"  d       file:
2723 SIGNCMD_UNDEFINE        ex_cmds.c       5592;"  d       file:
2724 SIGNCMD_UNPLACE ex_cmds.c       5598;"  d       file:
2725 SIGN_ANY        structs.h       528;"   d
2726 SIGN_BYTE       vim.h   1712;"  d
2727 SIGN_ICON       structs.h       530;"   d
2728 SIGN_LINEHL     structs.h       529;"   d
2729 SIGN_TEXT       structs.h       531;"   d
2730 SIMPLE  regexp.c        355;"   d       file:
2731 SIN     farsi.h 125;"   d
2732 SIN_CHANGED     vim.h   844;"   d
2733 SIN_INSERT      vim.h   845;"   d
2734 SIN_UNDO        vim.h   846;"   d
2735 SIZEOF_INT      vim.h   113;"   d
2736 SIZEOF_INT      vim.h   118;"   d
2737 SIZEOF_INT      vim.h   135;"   d
2738 SIZEOF_INT      vim.h   144;"   d
2739 SIZEOF_INT      vim.h   150;"   d
2740 SKIP    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! SKIP(x, n)$/;"      f
2741 SKIP_STOP       netbeans.c      1200;"  d       file:
2742 SKWORD  regexp.c        168;"   d       file:
2743 SMALL_MEM       misc2.c 728;"   d       file:
2744 SMBUFSIZE       fileio.c        37;"    d       file:
2745 SOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS      feature.h       514;"   d
2746 SPACE_IN_FILENAME       os_amiga.h      14;"    d
2747 SPEC_ABUF       ex_docmd.c      8234;"  d       file:
2748 SPEC_AFILE      ex_docmd.c      8232;"  d       file:
2749 SPEC_AMATCH     ex_docmd.c      8236;"  d       file:
2750 SPEC_CCWORD     ex_docmd.c      8225;"  d       file:
2751 SPEC_CFILE      ex_docmd.c      8227;"  d       file:
2752 SPEC_CLIENT     ex_docmd.c      8240;"  d       file:
2753 SPEC_COUNT      ex_docmd.c      8243;"  d       file:
2754 SPEC_CWORD      ex_docmd.c      8223;"  d       file:
2755 SPEC_HASH       ex_docmd.c      8221;"  d       file:
2756 SPEC_PERC       ex_docmd.c      8219;"  d       file:
2757 SPEC_SFILE      ex_docmd.c      8229;"  d       file:
2758 SPO_COUNT       syntax.c        115;"   d       file:
2759 SPO_HE_OFF      syntax.c        111;"   d       file:
2760 SPO_HS_OFF      syntax.c        110;"   d       file:
2761 SPO_LC_OFF      syntax.c        114;"   d       file:
2762 SPO_ME_OFF      syntax.c        109;"   d       file:
2763 SPO_MS_OFF      syntax.c        108;"   d       file:
2764 SPO_RE_OFF      syntax.c        113;"   d       file:
2765 SPO_RS_OFF      syntax.c        112;"   d       file:
2766 SPRINT  regexp.c        172;"   d       file:
2767 SPSTART regexp.c        356;"   d       file:
2768 SPTYPE_END      syntax.c        158;"   d       file:
2769 SPTYPE_MATCH    syntax.c        156;"   d       file:
2770 SPTYPE_SKIP     syntax.c        159;"   d       file:
2771 SPTYPE_START    syntax.c        157;"   d       file:
2772 SP_NOMOVE       eval.c  6163;"  d       file:
2773 SP_REPEAT       eval.c  6164;"  d       file:
2774 SP_RETCOUNT     eval.c  6165;"  d       file:
2775 SRC     Make_agui.mak   /^SRC = \\$/;"  m
2776 SRC     Make_dice.mak   /^SRC = \\$/;"  m
2777 SRC     Make_manx.mak   /^SRC = buffer.c \\$/;" m
2778 SRC     Make_morph.mak  /^SRC = buffer.c                                                \\$/;"  m
2779 SRC     Make_sas.mak    /^SRC = \\$/;"  m
2780 SRCS    Make_aros.mak   /^SRCS   = buffer.c charset.c diff.c digraph.c edit.c eval.c ex_cmds.c          \\$/;"  m
2781 SRC_CMD farsi.h 176;"   d
2782 SRC_EDT farsi.h 175;"   d
2783 SSOP_BLANK      option.h        631;"   d
2784 SSOP_BUFFERS    option.h        624;"   d
2785 SSOP_CURDIR     option.h        636;"   d
2786 SSOP_CURSOR     option.h        638;"   d
2787 SSOP_FOLDS      option.h        637;"   d
2788 SSOP_GLOBALS    option.h        632;"   d
2789 SSOP_HELP       option.h        630;"   d
2790 SSOP_LOCALOPTIONS       option.h        628;"   d
2791 SSOP_OPTIONS    option.h        629;"   d
2792 SSOP_RESIZE     option.h        626;"   d
2793 SSOP_SESDIR     option.h        635;"   d
2794 SSOP_SLASH      option.h        633;"   d
2795 SSOP_UNIX       option.h        634;"   d
2796 SSOP_WINPOS     option.h        625;"   d
2797 SSOP_WINSIZE    option.h        627;"   d
2798 SST_DIST        vim.h   677;"   d
2799 SST_FIX_STATES  vim.h   676;"   d
2800 SST_INVALID     vim.h   678;"   d
2801 SST_MAX_ENTRIES vim.h   672;"   d
2802 SST_MAX_ENTRIES vim.h   674;"   d
2803 SST_MIN_ENTRIES vim.h   670;"   d
2804 STACK_INCR      memline.c       171;"   d       file:
2805 STAR    regexp.c        139;"   d       file:
2806 STAR_REGISTER   ops.c   31;"    d       file:
2807 STATFS  memfile.c       49;"    d       file:
2808 STATFS  memfile.c       55;"    d       file:
2809 STATUS_HEIGHT   vim.h   1145;"  d
2810 STERM   ascii.h 125;"   d
2811 STERM   ascii.h 40;"    d
2812 STL_ALL option.h        267;"   d
2813 STL_ALTPERCENT  option.h        260;"   d
2814 STL_ARGLISTSTAT option.h        261;"   d
2815 STL_BUFNO       option.h        243;"   d
2816 STL_BYTEVAL     option.h        247;"   d
2817 STL_BYTEVAL_X   option.h        248;"   d
2818 STL_COLUMN      option.h        238;"   d
2819 STL_FILENAME    option.h        237;"   d
2820 STL_FILEPATH    option.h        235;"   d
2821 STL_FILETYPE    option.h        253;"   d
2822 STL_FILETYPE_ALT        option.h        254;"   d
2823 STL_FULLPATH    option.h        236;"   d
2824 STL_HELPFLAG    option.h        251;"   d
2825 STL_HELPFLAG_ALT        option.h        252;"   d
2826 STL_HIGHLIGHT   option.h        266;"   d
2827 STL_IN_ICON     globals.h       1038;"  d
2828 STL_IN_TITLE    globals.h       1039;"  d
2829 STL_KEYMAP      option.h        244;"   d
2830 STL_LINE        option.h        241;"   d
2831 STL_MAX_ITEM    vim.h   1297;"  d
2832 STL_MIDDLEMARK  option.h        264;"   d
2833 STL_MODIFIED    option.h        257;"   d
2834 STL_MODIFIED_ALT        option.h        258;"   d
2835 STL_NUMLINES    option.h        242;"   d
2836 STL_OFFSET      option.h        245;"   d
2837 STL_OFFSET_X    option.h        246;"   d
2838 STL_PAGENUM     option.h        262;"   d
2839 STL_PERCENTAGE  option.h        259;"   d
2840 STL_PREVIEWFLAG option.h        255;"   d
2841 STL_PREVIEWFLAG_ALT     option.h        256;"   d
2842 STL_ROFLAG      option.h        249;"   d
2843 STL_ROFLAG_ALT  option.h        250;"   d
2844 STL_TRUNCMARK   option.h        265;"   d
2845 STL_VIM_EXPR    option.h        263;"   d
2846 STL_VIRTCOL     option.h        239;"   d
2847 STL_VIRTCOL_ALT option.h        240;"   d
2848 STRCAT  vim.h   1242;"  d
2849 STRCMP  vim.h   1211;"  d
2850 STRCPY  vim.h   1209;"  d
2851 STRICMP vim.h   1214;"  d
2852 STRICMP vim.h   1217;"  d
2853 STRICMP vim.h   1219;"  d
2854 STRLEN  vim.h   1208;"  d
2855 STRLEN  vim.h   1751;"  d
2856 STRNCAT vim.h   1243;"  d
2857 STRNCMP vim.h   1212;"  d
2858 STRNCMP xxd/xxd.c       184;"   d       file:
2859 STRNCMP xxd/xxd.c       186;"   d       file:
2860 STRNCPY vim.h   1210;"  d
2861 STRNICMP        vim.h   1224;"  d
2862 STRNICMP        vim.h   1227;"  d
2863 STRNICMP        vim.h   1229;"  d
2864 STRPTR  gui_amiga.c     51;"    d       file:
2865 SUBPAT  regexp.c        147;"   d       file:
2866 SUBST   testdir/test49.vim      /^function! SUBST(x, n)$/;"     f
2867 SYMS    Make_dice.mak   /^SYMS = vim.syms$/;"   m
2868 SYMS    Make_manx.mak   /^SYMS = vim.syms$/;"   m
2869 SYNID_ALLBUT    syntax.c        234;"   d       file:
2870 SYNID_CLUSTER   syntax.c        237;"   d       file:
2871 SYNID_CONTAINED syntax.c        236;"   d       file:
2872 SYNID_TOP       syntax.c        235;"   d       file:
2873 SYNTAX_FNAME    os_amiga.h      124;"   d
2874 SYN_CLSTR       syntax.c        224;"   d       file:
2875 SYN_ITEMS       syntax.c        181;"   d       file:
2876 SYN_NAMELEN     syntax.c        105;"   d       file:
2877 SYN_STATE_P     syntax.c        191;"   d       file:
2878 SYS_GVIMRC_FILE os_amiga.h      97;"    d
2879 SYS_MENU_FILE   os_amiga.h      100;"   d
2880 SYS_OPTWIN_FILE feature.h       888;"   d
2881 SYS_VIMRC_FILE  os_amiga.h      94;"    d
2882 ScreenAttrs     globals.h       /^EXTERN sattr_T        *ScreenAttrs INIT(= NULL);$/;"  v
2883 ScreenLines     globals.h       /^EXTERN schar_T        *ScreenLines INIT(= NULL);$/;"  v
2884 ScreenLines2    globals.h       /^EXTERN schar_T        *ScreenLines2 INIT(= NULL);$/;" v
2885 ScreenLinesC1   globals.h       /^EXTERN u8char_T       *ScreenLinesC1 INIT(= NULL);    \/* first composing char *\/$/;"        v
2886 ScreenLinesC2   globals.h       /^EXTERN u8char_T       *ScreenLinesC2 INIT(= NULL);    \/* second composing char *\/$/;"       v
2887 ScreenLinesUC   globals.h       /^EXTERN u8char_T       *ScreenLinesUC INIT(= NULL);    \/* decoded UTF-8 characters *\/$/;"    v
2888 SearchedFile    search.c        /^typedef struct SearchedFile$/;"       s       file:
2889 SearchedFile    search.c        /^} SearchedFile;$/;"   t       typeref:struct:SearchedFile     file:
2890 SetAttrib       gui_amiga.h     15;"    d
2891 SetLineNumber   testdir/test49.vim      /^    command! -nargs=1 SetLineNumber$/;"       c
2892 ShS_NEUTRAL     gui_beval.h     /^    ShS_NEUTRAL,                      \/* nothing showing or pending *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon2
2893 ShS_PENDING     gui_beval.h     /^    ShS_PENDING,                      \/* data requested from debugger *\/$/;"        e       enum:__anon2
2894 ShS_SHOWING     gui_beval.h     /^    ShS_SHOWING                               \/* the balloon is being displayed *\/$/;"      e       enum:__anon2
2895 ShS_UPDATE_PENDING      gui_beval.h     /^    ShS_UPDATE_PENDING,                       \/* switching information displayed *\/$/;"     e       enum:__anon2
2896 SpecialKey      term.h  /^enum SpecialKey$/;"   g
2897 State   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    State INIT(= NORMAL);   \/* This is the current state of the$/;"        v
2898 T       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! T()$/;" f
2899 T       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! T(jump)$/;"     f
2900 T       testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! T(line)$/;"     f
2901 T       testdir/test49.vim      /^function! T(arg, line)$/;"    f
2902 T1      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! T1()$/;"    f
2903 T2      testdir/test49.vim      /^function! T2()$/;"    f
2904 TAB     ascii.h 111;"   d
2905 TAB     ascii.h 27;"    d
2906 TAGSTACKSIZE    structs.h       99;"    d
2907 TAG_CSCOPE      vim.h   899;"   d
2908 TAG_HELP        vim.h   894;"   d
2909 TAG_INS_COMP    vim.h   902;"   d
2910 TAG_KEEP_LANG   vim.h   903;"   d
2911 TAG_MANY        vim.h   905;"   d
2912 TAG_NAMES       vim.h   895;"   d
2913 TAG_NOIC        vim.h   897;"   d
2914 TAG_REGEXP      vim.h   896;"   d
2915 TAG_VERBOSE     vim.h   901;"   d
2916 TASH    farsi.h 164;"   d
2917 TBIS_LARGE      option.h        731;"   d
2918 TBIS_MEDIUM     option.h        730;"   d
2919 TBIS_SMALL      option.h        729;"   d
2920 TBIS_TINY       option.h        728;"   d
2921 TBUFSZ  vim.h   1166;"  d
2922 TBUFSZ  vim.h   1168;"  d
2923 TE      farsi.h 114;"   d
2924 TEAR_LEN        gui.h   162;"   d
2925 TEAR_STRING     gui.h   161;"   d
2926 TEE     farsi.h 143;"   d
2927 TEE_    farsi.h 27;"    d
2928 TEMPNAME        os_amiga.h      42;"    d
2929 TEMPNAMELEN     os_amiga.h      43;"    d
2930 TERMCAP2KEY     keymap.h        112;"   d
2931 TERMCAPFILE     termlib.c       58;"    d       file:
2932 TERMCAPFILE     termlib.c       61;"    d       file:
2933 TERMCAPFILE     termlib.c       63;"    d       file:
2934 TERMLIB Make_agui.mak   /^TERMLIB =$/;" m
2935 TERMLIB Make_dice.mak   /^TERMLIB = o\/termlib.o$/;"    m
2936 TERMLIB Make_manx.mak   /^TERMLIB =$/;" m
2937 TERMLIB Make_sas.mak    /^TERMLIB =$/;" m
2938 TERM_ATTR_ENTRY syntax.c        7334;"  d       file:
2939 TEXT_X  gui.h   112;"   d
2940 TEXT_X  gui.h   119;"   d
2941 TEXT_Y  gui.h   113;"   d
2942 TEXT_Y  gui.h   122;"   d
2943 TGETENT term.c  141;"   d       file:
2944 TGETSTR term.c  140;"   d       file:
2945 THR     testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! THR(n)$/;"      f
2946 THROW   testdir/test49.vim      /^function! THROW(x)$/;"        f
2947 THROW   testdir/test49.vim      /^function! THROW(x, n)$/;"     f
2948 THROW1  testdir/test49.vim      /^command! -nargs=? THROW1    throw <args> | throw 1$/;"        c
2949 THROW2  testdir/test49.vim      /^command! -nargs=? THROW2    try | throw <args> | endtry | throw 2$/;" c
2950 THROW3  testdir/test49.vim      /^command! -nargs=? THROW3    try | throw 3 | catch \/3\/ | throw <args> | endtry$/;"   c
2951 THROW4  testdir/test49.vim      /^command! -nargs=? THROW4    try | throw 4 | finally   | throw <args> | endtry$/;"     c
2952 THROW_ON_ERROR  ex_eval.c       63;"    d       file:
2953 THROW_ON_INTERRUPT      ex_eval.c       64;"    d       file:
2954 TILDE_REGISTER  ops.c   39;"    d       file:
2955 TIME_MSG        macros.h        225;"   d
2956 TIME_MSG        macros.h        227;"   d
2957 TMODE_COOK      term.h  154;"   d
2958 TMODE_RAW       term.h  156;"   d
2959 TMODE_SLEEP     term.h  155;"   d
2960 TMP     testdir/test49.vim      /^              aug TMP$/;"     a
2961 TMP     testdir/test49.vim      /^          aug TMP$/;" a
2962 TMP     testdir/test49.vim      /^    aug TMP$/;"       a
2963 TMP     testdir/test49.vim      /^augroup TMP$/;"       a
2964 TMPLEN  buffer.c        3140;"  d       file:
2965 TOLOWER_ASC     macros.h        76;"    d
2966 TOLOWER_ASC     macros.h        79;"    d
2967 TOLOWER_LOC     macros.h        62;"    d
2968 TOLOWER_LOC     macros.h        66;"    d
2969 TOLOWER_LOC     macros.h        69;"    d
2970 TOOLBAR_BORDER_HEIGHT   gui.h   172;"   d
2971 TOOLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT   gui.h   166;"   d
2972 TOOLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT   gui.h   169;"   d
2973 TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH    gui.h   167;"   d
2974 TOOLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH    gui.h   170;"   d
2975 TOOLBAR_HORIZ   option.h        720;"   d
2976 TOOLBAR_ICONS   option.h        718;"   d
2977 TOOLBAR_NAME_COUNT      menu.c  79;"    d       file:
2978 TOOLBAR_TEXT    option.h        717;"   d
2979 TOOLBAR_TOOLTIPS        option.h        719;"   d
2980 TOUPPER_ASC     macros.h        75;"    d
2981 TOUPPER_ASC     macros.h        78;"    d
2982 TOUPPER_LOC     macros.h        61;"    d
2983 TOUPPER_LOC     macros.h        65;"    d
2984 TOUPPER_LOC     macros.h        68;"    d
2985 TO_SPECIAL      keymap.h        126;"   d
2986 TPUTSFUNCAST    term.c  41;"    d       file:
2987 TPUTSFUNCAST    term.c  44;"    d       file:
2988 TPUTSFUNCAST    term.c  46;"    d       file:
2989 TRLBAR  ex_cmds.h       42;"    d
2990 TRUE    os_amiga.c      26;"    d       file:
2991 TRUE    os_amiga.c      54;"    d       file:
2992 TRUE    os_amiga.c      55;"    d       file:
2993 TRUE    vim.h   1092;"  d
2994 TRY_SEEK        xxd/xxd.c       204;"   d       file:
2995 TTYM_DEC        option.h        742;"   d
2996 TTYM_JSBTERM    option.h        744;"   d
2997 TTYM_NETTERM    option.h        743;"   d
2998 TTYM_PTERM      option.h        745;"   d
2999 TTYM_XTERM      option.h        740;"   d
3000 TTYM_XTERM2     option.h        741;"   d
3001 TYPELEN_INIT    getchar.c       109;"   d       file:
3002 TYPE_EQUAL      eval.c  /^    , TYPE_EQUAL      \/* == *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3003 TYPE_GEQUAL     eval.c  /^    , TYPE_GEQUAL     \/* >= *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3004 TYPE_GREATER    eval.c  /^    , TYPE_GREATER    \/* >  *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3005 TYPE_MATCH      eval.c  /^    , TYPE_MATCH      \/* =~ *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3006 TYPE_NEQUAL     eval.c  /^    , TYPE_NEQUAL     \/* != *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3007 TYPE_NOMATCH    eval.c  /^    , TYPE_NOMATCH    \/* !~ *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3008 TYPE_SEQUAL     eval.c  /^    , TYPE_SEQUAL     \/* <= *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3009 TYPE_SMALLER    eval.c  /^    , TYPE_SMALLER    \/* <  *\/$/;"  e       enum:__anon18   file:
3010 TYPE_UNKNOWN    eval.c  /^    TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0$/;"      e       enum:__anon18   file:
3011 T_AL    term.h  102;"   d
3012 T_BC    term.h  134;"   d
3013 T_CAB   term.h  142;"   d
3014 T_CAF   term.h  141;"   d
3015 T_CAL   term.h  103;"   d
3016 T_CCO   term.h  136;"   d
3017 T_CCS   term.h  135;"   d
3018 T_CD    term.h  109;"   d
3019 T_CDL   term.h  105;"   d
3020 T_CE    term.h  101;"   d
3021 T_CIE   term.h  146;"   d
3022 T_CIS   term.h  145;"   d
3023 T_CL    term.h  108;"   d
3024 T_CM    term.h  126;"   d
3025 T_CRI   term.h  128;"   d
3026 T_CRV   term.h  151;"   d
3027 T_CS    term.h  106;"   d
3028 T_CSB   term.h  138;"   d
3029 T_CSF   term.h  137;"   d
3030 T_CSV   term.h  107;"   d
3031 T_CWP   term.h  149;"   d
3032 T_CWS   term.h  150;"   d
3033 T_CZH   term.h  121;"   d
3034 T_CZR   term.h  122;"   d
3035 T_DA    term.h  111;"   d
3036 T_DB    term.h  112;"   d
3037 T_DL    term.h  104;"   d
3038 T_FS    term.h  148;"   d
3039 T_KE    term.h  131;"   d
3040 T_KS    term.h  130;"   d
3041 T_LE    term.h  143;"   d
3042 T_MB    term.h  140;"   d
3043 T_MD    term.h  118;"   d
3044 T_ME    term.h  116;"   d
3045 T_MR    term.h  117;"   d
3046 T_MS    term.h  125;"   d
3047 T_NAME  term.h  100;"   d
3048 T_ND    term.h  144;"   d
3049 T_OP    term.h  152;"   d
3050 T_SE    term.h  119;"   d
3051 T_SO    term.h  120;"   d
3052 T_SR    term.h  127;"   d
3053 T_TE    term.h  133;"   d
3054 T_TI    term.h  132;"   d
3055 T_TS    term.h  147;"   d
3056 T_UE    term.h  123;"   d
3057 T_US    term.h  124;"   d
3058 T_UT    term.h  110;"   d
3059 T_VB    term.h  129;"   d
3060 T_VE    term.h  114;"   d
3061 T_VI    term.h  113;"   d
3062 T_VS    term.h  115;"   d
3063 T_XS    term.h  139;"   d
3064 TextDimensions  gui_amiga.c     /^TextDimensions(void)$/;"      f       file:
3065 Throw   testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Throw()$/;"     f
3066 ThrowOnError    testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! ThrowOnError()$/;"      f
3067 ThrowOnInterrupt        testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! ThrowOnInterrupt()$/;"  f
3068 TimerIO gui_amiga.c     /^static struct timerequest *TimerIO;$/;"       v       typeref:struct:timerequest      file:
3069 TimerMP gui_amiga.c     /^static struct MsgPort   *TimerMP;$/;" v       typeref:struct:MsgPort  file:
3070 TimerSent       gui_amiga.c     /^static BOOL              TimerSent;$/;"       v       file:
3071 UBYTE   gui_amiga.c     53;"    d       file:
3072 UCHARAT regexp.c        312;"   d       file:
3073 UC_BUFFER       ex_docmd.c      40;"    d       file:
3074 UH_CHANGED      structs.h       264;"   d
3075 UH_EMPTYBUF     structs.h       265;"   d
3076 UNDERLI Make_agui.mak   /^UNDERLI = *e[4m$/;"   m
3077 UNIX    vim.h   68;"    d
3078 UNKNOWN fileio.c        242;"   d       file:
3079 UP      term.c  /^char *UP, *BC, PC;$/;"        v
3080 UP      termlib.c       /^char  *UP = 0, *BC = 0;     \/* Pointers to UP and BC strings from database *\/$/;"   v
3081 UPPER   regexp.c        189;"   d       file:
3082 URL_BACKSLASH   window.c        73;"    d       file:
3083 URL_SLASH       window.c        72;"    d       file:
3084 USECTRLV        ex_cmds.h       47;"    d
3085 USER_CMD        ex_docmd.c      44;"    d       file:
3086 USER_CMDIDX     ex_cmds.h       915;"   d
3087 USER_CMD_GA     ex_docmd.c      45;"    d       file:
3088 USER_HIGHLIGHT  globals.h       306;"   d
3089 USE_DLOPEN      feature.h       657;"   d
3090 USE_FNAME_CASE  os_amiga.h      15;"    d
3091 USE_FSTATFS     memfile.c       133;"   d       file:
3092 USE_ICONV       feature.h       605;"   d
3093 USE_IM_CONTROL  vim.h   387;"   d
3094 USE_INPUT_BUF   vim.h   1350;"  d
3095 USE_MCH_ACCESS  fileio.c        46;"    d       file:
3096 USE_MCH_ERRMSG  vim.h   1584;"  d
3097 USE_NL  screen.c        7423;"  d       file:
3098 USE_ON_FLY_SCROLL       gui.h   81;"    d
3099 USE_REDRAW      screen.c        7425;"  d       file:
3100 USE_TERM_CONSOLE        os_amiga.h      16;"    d
3101 USE_TMPNAM      os_amiga.h      68;"    d
3102 USE_T_AL        screen.c        7419;"  d       file:
3103 USE_T_CAL       screen.c        7417;"  d       file:
3104 USE_T_CD        screen.c        7424;"  d       file:
3105 USE_T_CDL       screen.c        7418;"  d       file:
3106 USE_T_CE        screen.c        7420;"  d       file:
3107 USE_T_DL        screen.c        7421;"  d       file:
3108 USE_T_SR        screen.c        7422;"  d       file:
3109 USE_UNICODE_DIGRAPHS    digraph.c       816;"   d       file:
3110 USE_X11R6_XIM   mbyte.c 4625;"  d       file:
3111 USE_XIM feature.h       620;"   d
3112 USE_XSMP        feature.h       948;"   d
3113 USE_XSMP_INTERACT       feature.h       951;"   d
3114 USR_EXRC_FILE   os_amiga.h      128;"   d
3115 USR_EXRC_FILE2  os_amiga.h      131;"   d
3116 USR_GVIMRC_FILE os_amiga.h      148;"   d
3117 USR_GVIMRC_FILE2        os_amiga.h      151;"   d
3118 USR_GVIMRC_FILE3        os_amiga.h      154;"   d
3119 USR_VIMRC_FILE  os_amiga.h      135;"   d
3120 USR_VIMRC_FILE2 os_amiga.h      138;"   d
3121 USR_VIMRC_FILE3 os_amiga.h      141;"   d
3122 UTF_COMPOSINGLIKE       macros.h        237;"   d
3123 UTF_COMPOSINGLIKE       macros.h        239;"   d
3124 V0      testdir/test49.vim      /^let V0 = 1$/;"        v
3125 VALID   vim.h   440;"   d
3126 VALID_BOTLINE   vim.h   479;"   d
3127 VALID_BOTLINE_AP        vim.h   480;"   d
3128 VALID_CHEIGHT   vim.h   477;"   d
3129 VALID_CROW      vim.h   478;"   d
3130 VALID_HEAD      vim.h   1444;"  d
3131 VALID_PATH      vim.h   1443;"  d
3132 VALID_STATE     syntax.c        315;"   d       file:
3133 VALID_TOPLINE   vim.h   481;"   d
3134 VALID_VIRTCOL   vim.h   476;"   d
3135 VALID_WCOL      vim.h   475;"   d
3136 VALID_WROW      vim.h   474;"   d
3137 VAR     eval.c  /^typedef var * VAR;$/;"        t       file:
3138 VAR_ENTRY       eval.c  71;"    d       file:
3139 VAR_FLAVOUR_DEFAULT     eval.c  /^    VAR_FLAVOUR_DEFAULT,$/;"  e       enum:__anon19   file:
3140 VAR_FLAVOUR_SESSION     eval.c  /^    VAR_FLAVOUR_SESSION,$/;"  e       enum:__anon19   file:
3141 VAR_FLAVOUR_VIMINFO     eval.c  /^    VAR_FLAVOUR_VIMINFO$/;"   e       enum:__anon19   file:
3142 VAR_GAP_ENTRY   eval.c  72;"    d       file:
3143 VAR_NUMBER      eval.c  54;"    d       file:
3144 VAR_STRING      eval.c  55;"    d       file:
3145 VAR_UNKNOWN     eval.c  53;"    d       file:
3146 VAR_WIN option.c        138;"   d       file:
3147 VE_ALL  option.h        770;"   d
3148 VE_BLOCK        option.h        768;"   d
3149 VE_INSERT       option.h        769;"   d
3150 VIEW_FILE       feature.h       812;"   d
3151 VIMENC_ATOM_NAME        vim.h   1488;"  d
3152 VIMINFO_FILE    os_amiga.h      159;"   d
3153 VIMPACKAGE      vim.h   163;"   d
3154 VIMPROG testdir/Make_amiga.mak  /^VIMPROG = \/vim$/;"   m
3155 VIMRC_FILE      os_amiga.h      168;"   d
3156 VIM_ALL vim.h   925;"   d
3157 VIM_ATOM_NAME   vim.h   1487;"  d
3158 VIM_BACKTICK    feature.h       201;"   d
3159 VIM_CANCEL      vim.h   924;"   d
3160 VIM_DEFAULT     option.c        261;"   d       file:
3161 VIM_DISCARDALL  vim.h   926;"   d
3162 VIM_ERROR       vim.h   912;"   d
3163 VIM_GENERIC     vim.h   911;"   d
3164 VIM_INFO        vim.h   914;"   d
3165 VIM_ISDIGIT     macros.h        116;"   d
3166 VIM_LAST_TYPE   vim.h   916;"   d
3167 VIM_LC_MESSAGES ex_cmds2.c      5585;"  d       file:
3168 VIM_MEMCMP      vim.h   1344;"  d
3169 VIM_NO  vim.h   923;"   d
3170 VIM_OK  vim.h   921;"   d
3171 VIM_QUESTION    vim.h   915;"   d
3172 VIM_VERSION_100 version.h       20;"    d
3173 VIM_VERSION_BUILD       version.h       22;"    d
3174 VIM_VERSION_BUILD_BCD   version.h       23;"    d
3175 VIM_VERSION_BUILD_STR   version.h       24;"    d
3176 VIM_VERSION_LONG        version.h       39;"    d
3177 VIM_VERSION_LONG_DATE   version.h       40;"    d
3178 VIM_VERSION_MAJOR       version.h       16;"    d
3179 VIM_VERSION_MAJOR_STR   version.h       17;"    d
3180 VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM      version.h       38;"    d
3181 VIM_VERSION_MINOR       version.h       18;"    d
3182 VIM_VERSION_MINOR_STR   version.h       19;"    d
3183 VIM_VERSION_NODOT       version.h       36;"    d
3184 VIM_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL  version.h       25;"    d
3185 VIM_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL_STR      version.h       26;"    d
3186 VIM_VERSION_RELEASE     version.h       28;"    d
3187 VIM_VERSION_SHORT       version.h       37;"    d
3188 VIM_WARNING     vim.h   913;"   d
3189 VIM_YES vim.h   922;"   d
3190 VIM__H  vim.h   10;"    d
3191 VISUAL  vim.h   507;"   d
3192 VI_DEFAULT      option.c        260;"   d       file:
3193 VIsual  globals.h       /^EXTERN pos_T  VIsual;         \/* start position of active Visual selection *\/$/;"   v
3194 VIsual_active   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    VIsual_active INIT(= FALSE);$/;"        v
3195 VIsual_mode     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    VIsual_mode INIT(= 'v');$/;"    v
3196 VIsual_reselect globals.h       /^EXTERN int    VIsual_reselect;$/;"    v
3197 VIsual_select   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    VIsual_select INIT(= FALSE);$/;"        v
3198 VREPLACE        vim.h   520;"   d
3199 VREPLACE_FLAG   vim.h   519;"   d
3200 VV_CC_FROM      vim.h   1462;"  d
3201 VV_CC_TO        vim.h   1463;"  d
3202 VV_CMDARG       vim.h   1468;"  d
3203 VV_CMDBANG      vim.h   1479;"  d
3204 VV_COMPAT       eval.c  187;"   d       file:
3205 VV_COUNT        vim.h   1447;"  d
3206 VV_COUNT1       vim.h   1448;"  d
3207 VV_CTYPE        vim.h   1461;"  d
3208 VV_DYING        vim.h   1475;"  d
3209 VV_ERRMSG       vim.h   1450;"  d
3210 VV_EXCEPTION    vim.h   1476;"  d
3211 VV_FNAME        vim.h   1458;"  d
3212 VV_FNAME_DIFF   vim.h   1467;"  d
3213 VV_FNAME_IN     vim.h   1464;"  d
3214 VV_FNAME_NEW    vim.h   1466;"  d
3215 VV_FNAME_OUT    vim.h   1465;"  d
3216 VV_FOLDDASHES   vim.h   1471;"  d
3217 VV_FOLDEND      vim.h   1470;"  d
3218 VV_FOLDLEVEL    vim.h   1472;"  d
3219 VV_FOLDSTART    vim.h   1469;"  d
3220 VV_LANG vim.h   1459;"  d
3221 VV_LC_TIME      vim.h   1460;"  d
3222 VV_LEN  vim.h   1480;"  d
3223 VV_LNUM vim.h   1456;"  d
3224 VV_PREVCOUNT    vim.h   1449;"  d
3225 VV_PROGNAME     vim.h   1473;"  d
3226 VV_REG  vim.h   1478;"  d
3227 VV_RO   eval.c  188;"   d       file:
3228 VV_SEND_SERVER  vim.h   1474;"  d
3229 VV_SHELL_ERROR  vim.h   1453;"  d
3230 VV_STATUSMSG    vim.h   1452;"  d
3231 VV_TERMRESPONSE vim.h   1457;"  d
3232 VV_THIS_SESSION vim.h   1454;"  d
3233 VV_THROWPOINT   vim.h   1477;"  d
3234 VV_VERSION      vim.h   1455;"  d
3235 VV_WARNINGMSG   vim.h   1451;"  d
3236 VW_POS_CENTER   gui.h   /^    VW_POS_CENTER,$/;"        e       enum:__anon21
3237 VW_POS_MOUSE    gui.h   /^    VW_POS_MOUSE,$/;" e       enum:__anon21
3238 VW_POS_TOP_CENTER       gui.h   /^    VW_POS_TOP_CENTER$/;"     e       enum:__anon21
3239 Version version.c       /^char  *Version = VIM_VERSION_SHORT;$/;"       v
3240 VimClipboard    vim.h   /^typedef int VimClipboard;     \/* This is required for the prototypes. *\/$/;"        t
3241 VimClipboard    vim.h   /^typedef struct VimClipboard$/;"       s
3242 VimClipboard    vim.h   /^} VimClipboard;$/;"   t       typeref:struct:VimClipboard
3243 VimMain main.c  /^VimMain$/;"   f
3244 VimMenu structs.h       /^struct VimMenu$/;"    s
3245 VimWindow       gui.h   /^    WindowPtr VimWindow;$/;"  m       struct:Gui
3246 WANT_X11        feature.h       935;"   d
3247 WARGCOUNT       structs.h       566;"   d
3248 WARGLIST        structs.h       562;"   d
3249 WAW     farsi.h 140;"   d
3250 WAW_H   farsi.h 167;"   d
3251 WBOLD   Make_agui.mak   /^WBOLD = *e[2m$/;"     m
3252 WHITE   regexp.c        173;"   d       file:
3253 WHITECHAR       edit.c  3848;"  d       file:
3254 WHITECHAR       edit.c  3850;"  d       file:
3255 WHOLEFOLD       ex_cmds.h       39;"    d
3256 WILD_ADD_SLASH  vim.h   618;"   d
3257 WILD_ALL        vim.h   611;"   d
3258 WILD_ESCAPE     vim.h   621;"   d
3259 WILD_EXPAND_FREE        vim.h   607;"   d
3260 WILD_EXPAND_KEEP        vim.h   608;"   d
3261 WILD_FREE       vim.h   606;"   d
3262 WILD_HOME_REPLACE       vim.h   615;"   d
3263 WILD_KEEP_ALL   vim.h   619;"   d
3264 WILD_LIST_NOTFOUND      vim.h   614;"   d
3265 WILD_LONGEST    vim.h   612;"   d
3266 WILD_NEXT       vim.h   609;"   d
3267 WILD_NO_BEEP    vim.h   617;"   d
3268 WILD_PREV       vim.h   610;"   d
3269 WILD_SILENT     vim.h   620;"   d
3270 WILD_USE_NL     vim.h   616;"   d
3271 WIM_FULL        option.h        270;"   d
3272 WIM_LIST        option.h        272;"   d
3273 WIM_LONGEST     option.h        271;"   d
3274 WIN32   mbyte.c 88;"    d       file:
3275 WIN3264 vim.h   105;"   d
3276 WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN     mbyte.c 84;"    d       file:
3277 WITH_NL regexp.c        192;"   d       file:
3278 WITH_OFF        screen.c        8266;"  d       file:
3279 WITH_WIDTH      screen.c        8267;"  d       file:
3280 WL_CMDLINE      screen.c        2574;"  d       file:
3281 WL_FOLD screen.c        2579;"  d       file:
3282 WL_LINE screen.c        2594;"  d       file:
3283 WL_NR   screen.c        2588;"  d       file:
3284 WL_SBR  screen.c        2590;"  d       file:
3285 WL_SIGN screen.c        2584;"  d       file:
3286 WL_START        screen.c        2572;"  d       file:
3287 WM_NETBEANS     vim.h   1505;"  d
3288 WM_OLE  vim.h   1501;"  d
3289 WM_SCROLLED     globals.h       957;"   d
3290 WM_SHOWN        globals.h       956;"   d
3291 WORD    regexp.c        181;"   d       file:
3292 WORD1   ex_cmds.h       57;"    d
3293 WORST   regexp.c        359;"   d       file:
3294 WRITEBIN        vim.h   1178;"  d
3295 WRITEBIN        vim.h   1182;"  d
3296 WSP_ABOVE       vim.h   937;"   d
3297 WSP_BELOW       vim.h   936;"   d
3298 WSP_BOT vim.h   934;"   d
3299 WSP_HELP        vim.h   935;"   d
3300 WSP_ROOM        vim.h   931;"   d
3301 WSP_TOP vim.h   933;"   d
3302 WSP_VERT        vim.h   932;"   d
3303 WT_ENV  nbdebug.h       /^              WT_ENV = 1,             \/* look for env var if set *\/$/;"     e       enum:__anon24
3304 WT_STOP nbdebug.h       /^              WT_STOP                 \/* look for ~\/.gvimstop if set *\/$/;"        e       enum:__anon24
3305 WT_WAIT nbdebug.h       /^              WT_WAIT,                \/* look for ~\/.gvimwait if set *\/$/;"        e       enum:__anon24
3306 WVAR_ENTRY      eval.c  74;"    d       file:
3307 WW_ALL  option.h        164;"   d
3308 W_CONV  farsi.h 183;"   d
3309 W_ENDCOL        vim.h   636;"   d
3310 W_ENDCOL        vim.h   641;"   d
3311 W_NEXT  globals.h       462;"   d
3312 W_NEXT  globals.h       467;"   d
3313 W_OK    vim.h   1198;"  d
3314 W_R_L   farsi.h 184;"   d
3315 W_STATUS_HEIGHT vim.h   645;"   d
3316 W_STATUS_HEIGHT vim.h   648;"   d
3317 W_VSEP_WIDTH    vim.h   637;"   d
3318 W_VSEP_WIDTH    vim.h   642;"   d
3319 W_WIDTH vim.h   635;"   d
3320 W_WIDTH vim.h   640;"   d
3321 W_WINCOL        vim.h   634;"   d
3322 W_WINCOL        vim.h   639;"   d
3323 W_WINROW        vim.h   646;"   d
3324 W_WINROW        vim.h   649;"   d
3325 WantQueryMouse  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    WantQueryMouse INIT(= 0);$/;"   v
3326 Widget  proto.h 25;"    d
3327 Window  os_amiga.c      19;"    d       file:
3328 WtWait  nbdebug.h       /^} WtWait;$/;" t       typeref:enum:__anon24
3329 XE      farsi.h 119;"   d
3330 XFILE   ex_cmds.h       36;"    d
3331 XIMPreeditDisable       mbyte.c 4227;"  d       file:
3332 XIMPreeditEnable        mbyte.c 4226;"  d       file:
3333 XIMPreeditUnKnown       mbyte.c 4225;"  d       file:
3334 XImage  proto.h 32;"    d
3335 XNPreeditState  mbyte.c 4228;"  d       file:
3336 XP_BS_NONE      structs.h       397;"   d
3337 XP_BS_ONE       structs.h       398;"   d
3338 XP_BS_THREE     structs.h       399;"   d
3339 XT_LEN  term.c  5167;"  d       file:
3340 X_2_COL gui.h   116;"   d
3341 X_2_COL gui.h   121;"   d
3342 X_DISPLAY       vim.h   1724;"  d
3343 X_DISPLAY       vim.h   1726;"  d
3344 X_DISPLAY       vim.h   1731;"  d
3345 X_DISPLAY       vim.h   1733;"  d
3346 X_DISPLAY       vim.h   1736;"  d
3347 Xcheck  testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Xcheck()$/;"    f
3348 Xcheck  testdir/test49.vim      /^com! -count       Xcheck      let Xresult = "*** Test " .$/;" c
3349 Xcomment        testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Xcomment(num)$/;"       f
3350 Xloop   testdir/test49.vim      /^    com! -count=1 -bar  Xloop exec "!echo " . (g:Xnext * <count>) . " >>" .$/;"       c
3351 Xloop   testdir/test49.vim      /^    com! -count=1 -bar  Xloop let g:Xpath = g:Xpath + g:Xnext * <count>$/;"   c
3352 Xloop   testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Xloop()$/;"     f
3353 XloopINIT       testdir/test49.vim      /^                \\ XloopINIT  let g:Xnext = <count> |$/;"     c
3354 Xout    testdir/test49.vim      /^    com! -nargs=+    Xout     exec "exec \\"!echo @R:'\\" ."$/;"      c
3355 Xout    testdir/test49.vim      /^    com! -nargs=+    Xout     exec 'let @R = "--- Test ' .$/;"        c
3356 Xpath   testdir/test49.vim      /^    aug Xpath$/;"     a
3357 Xpath   testdir/test49.vim      /^    com! -count -bar    Xpath exec "!echo <count> >>" . g:ExtraVimResult$/;"  c
3358 Xpath   testdir/test49.vim      /^    com! -count -bar    Xpath let g:Xpath = g:Xpath + <count>$/;"     c
3359 Xpath   testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Xpath(loopinit)$/;"     f
3360 Xpath   testdir/test49.vim      /^    let Xpath = Xpath + 2147483648            " X: 0$/;"      v
3361 Xsum    testdir/test49.vim      /^    function! Xsum()$/;"      f
3362 Xtest   testdir/test49.vim      /^let Xtest = 1$/;"     v
3363 YE      farsi.h 142;"   d
3364 YEE     farsi.h 145;"   d
3365 YEE_    farsi.h 63;"    d
3366 YE_     farsi.h 64;"    d
3367 Y_2_ROW gui.h   117;"   d
3368 Y_2_ROW gui.h   125;"   d
3369 ZAD     farsi.h 128;"   d
3370 ZAL     farsi.h 121;"   d
3371 ZCLOSE  regexp.c        204;"   d       file:
3372 ZDECODE macros.h        220;"   d
3373 ZE      farsi.h 123;"   d
3374 ZENCODE macros.h        217;"   d
3375 ZERO    testdir/test49.vim      /^function! ZERO()$/;"  f
3376 ZEROR   ex_cmds.h       46;"    d
3377 ZERO_BL memline.c       /^typedef struct block0         ZERO_BL;    \/* contents of the first block *\/$/;"     t       typeref:struct:block0   file:
3378 ZOPEN   regexp.c        202;"   d       file:
3379 ZREF    regexp.c        205;"   d       file:
3380 _       vim.h   1767;"  d
3381 _       vim.h   410;"   d
3382 _       vim.h   416;"   d
3383 _       vim.h   424;"   d
3384 _AYN    farsi.h 42;"    d
3385 _AYN_   farsi.h 43;"    d
3386 _BE     farsi.h 30;"    d
3387 _CHE    farsi.h 35;"    d
3388 _DEBUG  vim.h   1773;"  d
3389 _FE     farsi.h 48;"    d
3390 _GAF    farsi.h 51;"    d
3391 _GHAF   farsi.h 49;"    d
3392 _GHAYN  farsi.h 45;"    d
3393 _GHAYN_ farsi.h 46;"    d
3394 _HE     farsi.h 56;"    d
3395 _HE_    farsi.h 57;"    d
3396 _HE_J   farsi.h 36;"    d
3397 _IE     farsi.h 59;"    d
3398 _JIM    farsi.h 34;"    d
3399 _KAF    farsi.h 50;"    d
3400 _KAF_H  farsi.h 144;"   d
3401 _LAM    farsi.h 52;"    d
3402 _MIM    farsi.h 54;"    d
3403 _NOON   farsi.h 55;"    d
3404 _PE     farsi.h 31;"    d
3405 _PROTO_H        proto.h 249;"   d
3406 _REGEXP_H       regexp.h        14;"    d
3407 _SAD    farsi.h 40;"    d
3408 _SE     farsi.h 33;"    d
3409 _SHIN   farsi.h 39;"    d
3410 _SIN    farsi.h 38;"    d
3411 _TA     farsi.h 129;"   d
3412 _TE     farsi.h 32;"    d
3413 _XE     farsi.h 37;"    d
3414 _YE     farsi.h 58;"    d
3415 _YEE    farsi.h 62;"    d
3416 _ZA     farsi.h 130;"   d
3417 _ZAD    farsi.h 41;"    d
3418 __ARGS  regexp.c        /^typedef void (*(*fptr) __ARGS((char_u *, int)))();$/;"        t       file:
3419 __ARGS  regexp.c        5520;"  d       file:
3420 __ARGS  regexp.c        5521;"  d       file:
3421 __ARGS  vim.h   171;"   d
3422 __ARGS  vim.h   176;"   d
3423 __ARGS  vim.h   181;"   d
3424 __ARGS  vim.h   185;"   d
3425 __ARGS  vim.h   190;"   d
3426 __ARGS  vim.h   200;"   d
3427 __ARGS  vim.h   204;"   d
3428 __GUI_AMIGA__H  gui_amiga.h     13;"    d
3429 __P     xxd/xxd.c       113;"   d       file:
3430 __P     xxd/xxd.c       192;"   d       file:
3431 __P     xxd/xxd.c       194;"   d       file:
3432 __PARMS vim.h   212;"   d
3433 __USE_FIXED_PROTOTYPES__        xxd/xxd.c       100;"   d       file:
3434 __chkabort      os_amiga.c      /^void __regargs __chkabort(void)$/;"   f
3435 _addfmt termlib.c       /^_addfmt(buf, fmt, val)$/;"    f       file:
3436 _bauds  termlib.c       /^long _bauds[16]={$/;" v
3437 _cdecl  misc1.c 7786;"  d       file:
3438 _cdecl  misc1.c 7789;"  d       file:
3439 _find   termlib.c       /^_find(s, set)$/;"     f       file:
3440 _match  termlib.c       /^_match(s1, s2)                \/* returns length of text common to s1 and s2 *\/$/;"  f       file:
3441 _stati64        vim.h   1785;"  d
3442 a       regexp.c        /^    int a, b, c;$/;"  m       struct:__anon52 file:
3443 a0_var  eval.c  /^    var               a0_var;         \/* "a:0" variable *\/$/;"      m       struct:funccall file:
3444 a_AIN   arabic.h        59;"    d
3445 a_ALEF  arabic.h        41;"    d
3446 a_ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE      arabic.h        37;"    d
3447 a_ALEF_HAMZA_BELOW      arabic.h        39;"    d
3448 a_ALEF_MADDA    arabic.h        36;"    d
3449 a_ALEF_MAKSURA  arabic.h        70;"    d
3450 a_BEH   arabic.h        42;"    d
3451 a_BYTE_ORDER_MARK       arabic.h        255;"   d
3452 a_COMMA arabic.h        32;"    d
3453 a_DAD   arabic.h        56;"    d
3454 a_DAL   arabic.h        49;"    d
3455 a_DAMMA arabic.h        77;"    d
3456 a_DAMMATAN      arabic.h        74;"    d
3457 a_DECIMAL       arabic.h        97;"    d
3458 a_EIGHT arabic.h        94;"    d
3459 a_FATHA arabic.h        76;"    d
3460 a_FATHATAN      arabic.h        73;"    d
3461 a_FEH   arabic.h        62;"    d
3462 a_FIVE  arabic.h        91;"    d
3463 a_FOUR  arabic.h        90;"    d
3464 a_GHAIN arabic.h        60;"    d
3465 a_HAH   arabic.h        47;"    d
3466 a_HAMZA arabic.h        35;"    d
3467 a_HAMZA_ABOVE   arabic.h        83;"    d
3468 a_HAMZA_BELOW   arabic.h        84;"    d
3469 a_HEH   arabic.h        68;"    d
3470 a_JEEM  arabic.h        46;"    d
3471 a_KAF   arabic.h        64;"    d
3472 a_KASRA arabic.h        78;"    d
3473 a_KASRATAN      arabic.h        75;"    d
3474 a_KHAH  arabic.h        48;"    d
3475 a_LAM   arabic.h        65;"    d
3476 a_MADDA_ABOVE   arabic.h        82;"    d
3477 a_MEEM  arabic.h        66;"    d
3478 a_MINI_ALEF     arabic.h        100;"   d
3479 a_NINE  arabic.h        95;"    d
3480 a_NOON  arabic.h        67;"    d
3481 a_ONE   arabic.h        87;"    d
3482 a_PERCENT       arabic.h        96;"    d
3483 a_QAF   arabic.h        63;"    d
3484 a_QUESTION      arabic.h        34;"    d
3485 a_REH   arabic.h        51;"    d
3486 a_SAD   arabic.h        55;"    d
3487 a_SEEN  arabic.h        53;"    d
3488 a_SEMICOLON     arabic.h        33;"    d
3489 a_SEVEN arabic.h        93;"    d
3490 a_SHADDA        arabic.h        79;"    d
3491 a_SHEEN arabic.h        54;"    d
3492 a_SIX   arabic.h        92;"    d
3493 a_STAR  arabic.h        99;"    d
3494 a_SUKUN arabic.h        80;"    d
3495 a_TAH   arabic.h        57;"    d
3496 a_TATWEEL       arabic.h        61;"    d
3497 a_TEH   arabic.h        44;"    d
3498 a_TEH_MARBUTA   arabic.h        43;"    d
3499 a_THAL  arabic.h        50;"    d
3500 a_THEH  arabic.h        45;"    d
3501 a_THOUSANDS     arabic.h        98;"    d
3502 a_THREE arabic.h        89;"    d
3503 a_TWO   arabic.h        88;"    d
3504 a_WAW   arabic.h        69;"    d
3505 a_WAW_HAMZA     arabic.h        38;"    d
3506 a_YEH   arabic.h        71;"    d
3507 a_YEH_HAMZA     arabic.h        40;"    d
3508 a_ZAH   arabic.h        58;"    d
3509 a_ZAIN  arabic.h        52;"    d
3510 a_ZERO  arabic.h        86;"    d
3511 a_f_AIN arabic.h        203;"   d
3512 a_f_ALEF        arabic.h        143;"   d
3513 a_f_ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE    arabic.h        133;"   d
3514 a_f_ALEF_HAMZA_BELOW    arabic.h        137;"   d
3515 a_f_ALEF_MADDA  arabic.h        131;"   d
3516 a_f_ALEF_MAKSURA        arabic.h        241;"   d
3517 a_f_BEH arabic.h        145;"   d
3518 a_f_DAD arabic.h        191;"   d
3519 a_f_DAL arabic.h        171;"   d
3520 a_f_FEH arabic.h        211;"   d
3521 a_f_GHAIN       arabic.h        207;"   d
3522 a_f_HAH arabic.h        163;"   d
3523 a_f_HEH arabic.h        235;"   d
3524 a_f_JEEM        arabic.h        159;"   d
3525 a_f_KAF arabic.h        219;"   d
3526 a_f_KHAH        arabic.h        167;"   d
3527 a_f_LAM arabic.h        223;"   d
3528 a_f_LAM_ALEF    arabic.h        253;"   d
3529 a_f_LAM_ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE        arabic.h        249;"   d
3530 a_f_LAM_ALEF_HAMZA_BELOW        arabic.h        251;"   d
3531 a_f_LAM_ALEF_MADDA_ABOVE        arabic.h        247;"   d
3532 a_f_MEEM        arabic.h        227;"   d
3533 a_f_NOON        arabic.h        231;"   d
3534 a_f_QAF arabic.h        215;"   d
3535 a_f_REH arabic.h        175;"   d
3536 a_f_SAD arabic.h        187;"   d
3537 a_f_SEEN        arabic.h        179;"   d
3538 a_f_SHEEN       arabic.h        183;"   d
3539 a_f_TAH arabic.h        195;"   d
3540 a_f_TEH arabic.h        151;"   d
3541 a_f_TEH_MARBUTA arabic.h        149;"   d
3542 a_f_THAL        arabic.h        173;"   d
3543 a_f_THEH        arabic.h        155;"   d
3544 a_f_WAW arabic.h        239;"   d
3545 a_f_WAW_HAMZA   arabic.h        135;"   d
3546 a_f_YEH arabic.h        243;"   d
3547 a_f_YEH_HAMZA   arabic.h        139;"   d
3548 a_f_ZAH arabic.h        199;"   d
3549 a_f_ZAIN        arabic.h        177;"   d
3550 a_i_AIN arabic.h        204;"   d
3551 a_i_BEH arabic.h        146;"   d
3552 a_i_DAD arabic.h        192;"   d
3553 a_i_FEH arabic.h        212;"   d
3554 a_i_GHAIN       arabic.h        208;"   d
3555 a_i_HAH arabic.h        164;"   d
3556 a_i_HEH arabic.h        236;"   d
3557 a_i_JEEM        arabic.h        160;"   d
3558 a_i_KAF arabic.h        220;"   d
3559 a_i_KHAH        arabic.h        168;"   d
3560 a_i_LAM arabic.h        224;"   d
3561 a_i_MEEM        arabic.h        228;"   d
3562 a_i_NOON        arabic.h        232;"   d
3563 a_i_QAF arabic.h        216;"   d
3564 a_i_SAD arabic.h        188;"   d
3565 a_i_SEEN        arabic.h        180;"   d
3566 a_i_SHEEN       arabic.h        184;"   d
3567 a_i_TAH arabic.h        196;"   d
3568 a_i_TEH arabic.h        152;"   d
3569 a_i_THEH        arabic.h        156;"   d
3570 a_i_YEH arabic.h        244;"   d
3571 a_i_YEH_HAMZA   arabic.h        140;"   d
3572 a_i_ZAH arabic.h        200;"   d
3573 a_m_AIN arabic.h        205;"   d
3574 a_m_BEH arabic.h        147;"   d
3575 a_m_DAD arabic.h        193;"   d
3576 a_m_DAMMA       arabic.h        121;"   d
3577 a_m_FATHA       arabic.h        119;"   d
3578 a_m_FEH arabic.h        213;"   d
3579 a_m_GHAIN       arabic.h        209;"   d
3580 a_m_HAH arabic.h        165;"   d
3581 a_m_HEH arabic.h        237;"   d
3582 a_m_JEEM        arabic.h        161;"   d
3583 a_m_KAF arabic.h        221;"   d
3584 a_m_KASRA       arabic.h        123;"   d
3585 a_m_KHAH        arabic.h        169;"   d
3586 a_m_LAM arabic.h        225;"   d
3587 a_m_MEEM        arabic.h        229;"   d
3588 a_m_NOON        arabic.h        233;"   d
3589 a_m_QAF arabic.h        217;"   d
3590 a_m_SAD arabic.h        189;"   d
3591 a_m_SEEN        arabic.h        181;"   d
3592 a_m_SHADDA      arabic.h        125;"   d
3593 a_m_SHEEN       arabic.h        185;"   d
3594 a_m_SUKUN       arabic.h        127;"   d
3595 a_m_TAH arabic.h        197;"   d
3596 a_m_TATWEEL_FATHATAN    arabic.h        113;"   d
3597 a_m_TEH arabic.h        153;"   d
3598 a_m_THEH        arabic.h        157;"   d
3599 a_m_YEH arabic.h        245;"   d
3600 a_m_YEH_HAMZA   arabic.h        141;"   d
3601 a_m_ZAH arabic.h        201;"   d
3602 a_s_AIN arabic.h        202;"   d
3603 a_s_ALEF        arabic.h        142;"   d
3604 a_s_ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE    arabic.h        132;"   d
3605 a_s_ALEF_HAMZA_BELOW    arabic.h        136;"   d
3606 a_s_ALEF_MADDA  arabic.h        130;"   d
3607 a_s_ALEF_MAKSURA        arabic.h        240;"   d
3608 a_s_BEH arabic.h        144;"   d
3609 a_s_DAD arabic.h        190;"   d
3610 a_s_DAL arabic.h        170;"   d
3611 a_s_DAMMA       arabic.h        120;"   d
3612 a_s_DAMMATAN    arabic.h        114;"   d
3613 a_s_FATHA       arabic.h        118;"   d
3614 a_s_FATHATAN    arabic.h        112;"   d
3615 a_s_FEH arabic.h        210;"   d
3616 a_s_GHAIN       arabic.h        206;"   d
3617 a_s_HAH arabic.h        162;"   d
3618 a_s_HAMZA       arabic.h        129;"   d
3619 a_s_HEH arabic.h        234;"   d
3620 a_s_JEEM        arabic.h        158;"   d
3621 a_s_KAF arabic.h        218;"   d
3622 a_s_KASRA       arabic.h        122;"   d
3623 a_s_KASRATAN    arabic.h        116;"   d
3624 a_s_KHAH        arabic.h        166;"   d
3625 a_s_LAM arabic.h        222;"   d
3626 a_s_LAM_ALEF    arabic.h        252;"   d
3627 a_s_LAM_ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE        arabic.h        248;"   d
3628 a_s_LAM_ALEF_HAMZA_BELOW        arabic.h        250;"   d
3629 a_s_LAM_ALEF_MADDA_ABOVE        arabic.h        246;"   d
3630 a_s_MEEM        arabic.h        226;"   d
3631 a_s_NOON        arabic.h        230;"   d
3632 a_s_QAF arabic.h        214;"   d
3633 a_s_REH arabic.h        174;"   d
3634 a_s_SAD arabic.h        186;"   d
3635 a_s_SEEN        arabic.h        178;"   d
3636 a_s_SHADDA      arabic.h        124;"   d
3637 a_s_SHEEN       arabic.h        182;"   d
3638 a_s_SUKUN       arabic.h        126;"   d
3639 a_s_TAH arabic.h        194;"   d
3640 a_s_TEH arabic.h        150;"   d
3641 a_s_TEH_MARBUTA arabic.h        148;"   d
3642 a_s_THAL        arabic.h        172;"   d
3643 a_s_THEH        arabic.h        154;"   d
3644 a_s_WAW arabic.h        238;"   d
3645 a_s_WAW_HAMZA   arabic.h        134;"   d
3646 a_s_YEH arabic.h        242;"   d
3647 a_s_YEH_HAMZA   arabic.h        138;"   d
3648 a_s_ZAH arabic.h        198;"   d
3649 a_s_ZAIN        arabic.h        176;"   d
3650 aborted_in_try  ex_eval.c       /^aborted_in_try()$/;"  f
3651 aborting        ex_eval.c       /^aborting()$/;"        f
3652 accel_group     gui.h   /^    GtkAccelGroup *accel_group;$/;"   m       struct:Gui
3653 aco_save_T      structs.h       /^} aco_save_T;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:__anon42
3654 actext  structs.h       /^    char_u    *actext;            \/* accelerator text (after TAB) *\/$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
3655 active  gui_amiga.c     /^    BOOL      active;$/;"     m       struct:__anon26 file:
3656 addEventHandler gui_beval.c     /^addEventHandler(GtkWidget *target, BalloonEval *beval)$/;"    f       file:
3657 addEventHandler gui_beval.c     /^addEventHandler(target, beval)$/;"    f       file:
3658 add_buff        getchar.c       /^add_buff(buf, s, slen)$/;"    f       file:
3659 add_char2buf    edit.c  /^add_char2buf(c, s)$/;"        f
3660 add_char_buff   getchar.c       /^add_char_buff(buf, c)$/;"     f       file:
3661 add_keyword     syntax.c        /^add_keyword(name, id, flags, cont_in_list, next_list)$/;"     f       file:
3662 add_long_to_buf term.c  /^add_long_to_buf(val, dst)$/;" f
3663 add_map getchar.c       /^add_map(map, mode)$/;"        f
3664 add_menu_path   menu.c  /^add_menu_path(menu_path, menuarg, pri_tab, call_data$/;"      f       file:
3665 add_msg_hist    message.c       /^add_msg_hist(s, len, attr)$/;"        f       file:
3666 add_num_buff    getchar.c       /^add_num_buff(buf, n)$/;"      f       file:
3667 add_pathsep     misc1.c /^add_pathsep(p)$/;"    f
3668 add_termcap_entry       term.c  /^add_termcap_entry(name, force)$/;"    f
3669 add_termcode    term.c  /^add_termcode(name, string, use_8bit)$/;"      f
3670 add_to_history  ex_getln.c      /^add_to_history(histype, new_entry, in_map, sep)$/;"   f
3671 add_to_input_buf        ui.c    /^add_to_input_buf(s, len)$/;"  f
3672 add_to_input_buf_csi    ui.c    /^add_to_input_buf_csi(char_u *str, int len)$/;"        f
3673 add_to_showcmd  normal.c        /^add_to_showcmd(c)$/;" f
3674 add_to_showcmd_c        normal.c        /^add_to_showcmd_c(c)$/;"       f
3675 addfile misc1.c /^addfile(gap, f, flags)$/;"    f
3676 addpath testdir/test49.vim      /^    let addpath = ""$/;"      v
3677 addr    quickfix.c      /^    char_u        addr[FMT_PATTERNS]; \/* indices of used % patterns *\/$/;"  m       struct:eformat  file:
3678 addr_count      ex_cmds.h       /^    int               addr_count;     \/* the number of addresses given *\/$/;"       m       struct:exarg
3679 addsigntype     netbeans.c      /^addsigntype($/;"      f       file:
3680 addstar ex_getln.c      /^addstar(fname, len, context)$/;"      f
3681 adjust_clip_reg ops.c   /^adjust_clip_reg(rp)$/;"       f
3682 adjust_cursor_col       misc2.c /^adjust_cursor_col()$/;"       f
3683 adjust_for_sel  normal.c        /^adjust_for_sel(cap)$/;"       f       file:
3684 advance_reginput        regexp.c        /^advance_reginput()$/;"        f       file:
3685 ae_attr structs.h       /^    short         ae_attr;            \/* HL_BOLD, etc. *\/$/;"       m       struct:attr_entry
3686 ae_fname        structs.h       /^    char_u    *ae_fname;      \/* file name as specified *\/$/;"      m       struct:argentry
3687 ae_fnum structs.h       /^    int               ae_fnum;        \/* buffer number with expanded file name *\/$/;"       m       struct:argentry
3688 ae_u    structs.h       /^    } ae_u;$/;"       m       struct:attr_entry       typeref:union:attr_entry::__anon34
3689 aentry_T        structs.h       /^} aentry_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:argentry
3690 after_label     misc1.c /^after_label(l)$/;"    f       file:
3691 ai_col  globals.h       /^EXTERN colnr_T        ai_col INIT(= 0);$/;"   v
3692 al_ga   structs.h       /^    garray_T  al_ga;          \/* growarray with the array of file names *\/$/;"      m       struct:arglist
3693 al_refcount     structs.h       /^    int               al_refcount;    \/* number of windows using this arglist *\/$/;"        m       struct:arglist
3694 alist_T structs.h       /^} alist_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:arglist
3695 alist_add       ex_docmd.c      /^alist_add(al, fname, set_fnum)$/;"    f
3696 alist_add_list  ex_cmds2.c      /^alist_add_list(count, files, after)$/;"       f       file:
3697 alist_check_arg_idx     ex_cmds2.c      /^alist_check_arg_idx()$/;"     f       file:
3698 alist_clear     ex_docmd.c      /^alist_clear(al)$/;"   f       file:
3699 alist_expand    ex_docmd.c      /^alist_expand()$/;"    f
3700 alist_init      ex_docmd.c      /^alist_init(al)$/;"    f
3701 alist_name      buffer.c        /^alist_name(aep)$/;"   f
3702 alist_new       ex_docmd.c      /^alist_new()$/;"       f
3703 alist_set       ex_docmd.c      /^alist_set(al, count, files, use_curbuf)$/;"   f
3704 alist_slash_adjust      ex_docmd.c      /^alist_slash_adjust()$/;"      f
3705 alist_unlink    ex_docmd.c      /^alist_unlink(al)$/;"  f
3706 alloc   misc2.c /^alloc(size)$/;"       f
3707 alloc_check     misc2.c /^alloc_check(size)$/;" f
3708 alloc_clear     misc2.c /^alloc_clear(size)$/;" f
3709 alloc_cmdbuff   ex_getln.c      /^alloc_cmdbuff(len)$/;"        f       file:
3710 alloc_string_var        eval.c  /^alloc_string_var(s)$/;"       f       file:
3711 alloc_typebuf   getchar.c       /^alloc_typebuf()$/;"   f
3712 alloc_var       eval.c  /^alloc_var()$/;"       f       file:
3713 alloced gui_amiga.c     /^    BOOL alloced;$/;" m       struct:MyColor  file:
3714 allow_dirs      fileio.c        /^    char          allow_dirs;         \/* Pattern may match whole path *\/$/;"        m       struct:AutoPat  file:
3715 allow_keys      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    allow_keys INIT(= FALSE);   \/* allow key codes when no_mapping$/;"     v
3716 already_warned  fileio.c        /^static int already_warned = FALSE;$/;"        v       file:
3717 amount  ex_cmds.h       /^    int               amount;         \/* number of '>' or '<' for shift command *\/$/;"      m       struct:exarg
3718 app_context     globals.h       /^EXTERN XtAppContext app_context INIT(= (XtAppContext)NULL);$/;"       v
3719 append  ex_cmds.h       /^    int               append;         \/* TRUE with ":w >>file" command *\/$/;"       m       struct:exarg
3720 append_arg_number       buffer.c        /^append_arg_number(wp, buf, add_file, maxlen)$/;"      f
3721 append_redir    ex_cmds.c       /^append_redir(buf, opt, fname)$/;"     f
3722 appended_lines  misc1.c /^appended_lines(lnum, count)$/;"       f
3723 appended_lines_mark     misc1.c /^appended_lines_mark(lnum, count)$/;"  f
3724 apply_autocmds  fileio.c        /^apply_autocmds(event, fname, fname_io, force, buf)$/;"        f
3725 apply_autocmds_exarg    fileio.c        /^apply_autocmds_exarg(event, fname, fname_io, force, buf, eap)$/;"     f       file:
3726 apply_autocmds_group    fileio.c        /^apply_autocmds_group(event, fname, fname_io, force, group, buf, eap)$/;"      f       file:
3727 apply_autocmds_retval   fileio.c        /^apply_autocmds_retval(event, fname, fname_io, force, buf, retval)$/;" f
3728 approximate_botline_win move.c  /^approximate_botline_win(wp)$/;"       f
3729 arabic_combine  mbyte.c /^arabic_combine(one, two)$/;"  f
3730 arabic_maycombine       mbyte.c /^arabic_maycombine(two)$/;"    f
3731 arabic_shape    arabic.c        /^arabic_shape(c, ccp, c1p, prev_c, prev_c1, next_c)$/;"        f
3732 arg     ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    *arg;           \/* argument of the command *\/$/;"     m       struct:exarg
3733 arg     getchar.c       /^    char_u    *arg;$/;"       m       struct:initmap  file:
3734 arg     structs.h       /^    int               arg;            \/* extra argument from nv_cmds[] *\/$/;"       m       struct:cmdarg
3735 arg_all ex_docmd.c      /^arg_all()$/;" f       file:
3736 arg_had_last    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    arg_had_last INIT(= FALSE); \/* accessed last file in$/;"       v
3737 argcount        eval.c  /^    int               argcount;       \/* nr of arguments *\/$/;"     m       struct:funccall file:
3738 argentry        structs.h       /^typedef struct argentry$/;"   s
3739 arglist structs.h       /^typedef struct arglist$/;"    s
3740 args    eval.c  /^    garray_T  args;           \/* arguments *\/$/;"   m       struct:ufunc    file:
3741 argt    ex_cmds.h       /^    long      argt;           \/* flags for the command *\/$/;"       m       struct:exarg
3742 arguments       structs.h       /^    char_u    *arguments;$/;" m       struct:__anon45
3743 argvars eval.c  /^    VAR               argvars;        \/* arguments *\/$/;"   m       struct:funccall file:
3744 arrow_used      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    arrow_used;             \/* Normally FALSE, set to TRUE after$/;"       v
3745 ascii_font      gui.h   /^    PangoFont      *ascii_font;   \/* cached font for ASCII strings *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
3746 ascii_glyphs    gui.h   /^    PangoGlyphString *ascii_glyphs; \/* cached code point -> glyph map *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
3747 ask_yesno       misc1.c /^ask_yesno(str, direct)$/;"    f
3748 at_start        regexp.c        /^static int    at_start;       \/* True when on the first character *\/$/;"    v       file:
3749 atexitDoThis    gui_amiga.c     /^atexitDoThis(void)$/;"        f
3750 attr    message.c       /^    int                       attr;$/;"       m       struct:msg_hist file:
3751 attr    screen.c        /^    int               attr;   \/* attributes to be used for a match *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon1  file:
3752 attr_cur        screen.c        /^    int               attr_cur; \/* attributes currently active in win_line() *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon1  file:
3753 attr_entry      structs.h       /^typedef struct attr_entry$/;" s
3754 attrentry_T     structs.h       /^} attrentry_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:attr_entry
3755 au_cleanup      fileio.c        /^au_cleanup()$/;"      f       file:
3756 au_del_group    fileio.c        /^au_del_group(name)$/;"        f       file:
3757 au_exists       fileio.c        /^au_exists(name, name_end, pattern)$/;"        f
3758 au_find_group   fileio.c        /^au_find_group(name)$/;"       f       file:
3759 au_get_grouparg fileio.c        /^au_get_grouparg(argp)$/;"     f       file:
3760 au_need_clean   fileio.c        /^static int au_need_clean = FALSE;   \/* need to delete marked patterns *\/$/;"        v       file:
3761 au_new_curbuf   globals.h       /^EXTERN buf_T  *au_new_curbuf INIT(= NULL);$/;"        v
3762 au_new_group    fileio.c        /^au_new_group(name)$/;"        f       file:
3763 au_remove_cmds  fileio.c        /^au_remove_cmds(ap)$/;"        f       file:
3764 au_remove_pat   fileio.c        /^au_remove_pat(ap)$/;" f       file:
3765 aucmd_prepbuf   fileio.c        /^aucmd_prepbuf(aco, buf)$/;"   f
3766 aucmd_restbuf   fileio.c        /^aucmd_restbuf(aco)$/;"        f
3767 augroups        fileio.c        /^garray_T augroups = {0, 0, sizeof(char_u *), 10, NULL};$/;"   v
3768 auto_event      vim.h   /^enum auto_event$/;"   g
3769 auto_format     edit.c  /^auto_format(trailblank, prev_line)$/;"        f
3770 auto_next_pat   fileio.c        /^auto_next_pat(apc, stop_at_last)$/;"  f       file:
3771 autocmd_block   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    autocmd_block INIT(= 0);        \/* block all autocmds *\/$/;"  v
3772 autocmd_bufnr   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    autocmd_bufnr INIT(= 0);     \/* fnum for <abuf> on cmdline *\/$/;"     v
3773 autocmd_busy    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    autocmd_busy INIT(= FALSE);     \/* Is apply_autocmds() busy? *\/$/;"   v
3774 autocmd_fname   globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *autocmd_fname INIT(= NULL); \/* fname for <afile> on cmdline *\/$/;"   v
3775 autocmd_match   globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *autocmd_match INIT(= NULL); \/* name for <amatch> on cmdline *\/$/;"   v
3776 autocmd_nested  fileio.c        /^static int    autocmd_nested = FALSE;$/;"     v       file:
3777 autocmd_no_enter        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    autocmd_no_enter INIT(= FALSE); \/* *Enter autocmds disabled *\/$/;"    v
3778 autocmd_no_leave        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    autocmd_no_leave INIT(= FALSE); \/* *Leave autocmds disabled *\/$/;"    v
3779 autowrite       ex_cmds2.c      /^autowrite(buf, forceit)$/;"   f
3780 autowrite_all   ex_cmds2.c      /^autowrite_all()$/;"   f
3781 available       vim.h   /^    int               available;      \/* Is clipboard available? *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimClipboard
3782 b       regexp.c        /^    int a, b, c;$/;"  m       struct:__anon52 file:
3783 b0_dirty        memline.c       169;"   d       file:
3784 b0_fname        memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_fname[B0_FNAME_SIZE]; \/* name of file being edited *\/$/;"  m       struct:block0   file:
3785 b0_hname        memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_hname[B0_HNAME_SIZE]; \/* host name (if it has a name) *\/$/;"       m       struct:block0   file:
3786 b0_id   memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_id[2];       \/* id for block 0: BLOCK0_ID0 and BLOCK0_ID1 *\/$/;"   m       struct:block0   file:
3787 b0_ino  memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_ino[4];      \/* inode of b0_fname *\/$/;"   m       struct:block0   file:
3788 b0_magic_char   memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_magic_char;  \/* check for last char *\/$/;" m       struct:block0   file:
3789 b0_magic_int    memline.c       /^    int               b0_magic_int;   \/* check for byte order of int *\/$/;" m       struct:block0   file:
3790 b0_magic_long   memline.c       /^    long      b0_magic_long;  \/* check for byte order of long *\/$/;"        m       struct:block0   file:
3791 b0_magic_short  memline.c       /^    short     b0_magic_short; \/* check for byte order of short *\/$/;"       m       struct:block0   file:
3792 b0_magic_wrong  memline.c       /^b0_magic_wrong(b0p)$/;"       f       file:
3793 b0_mtime        memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_mtime[4];    \/* last modification time of file *\/$/;"      m       struct:block0   file:
3794 b0_page_size    memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_page_size[4];\/* number of bytes per page *\/$/;"    m       struct:block0   file:
3795 b0_pid  memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_pid[4];      \/* process id of creator (or 0) *\/$/;"        m       struct:block0   file:
3796 b0_uname        memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_uname[B0_UNAME_SIZE]; \/* name of user (uid if no name) *\/$/;"      m       struct:block0   file:
3797 b0_version      memline.c       /^    char_u    b0_version[10]; \/* Vim version string *\/$/;"  m       struct:block0   file:
3798 b_FSSpec        structs.h       /^    FSSpec    b_FSSpec;       \/* MacOS File Identification *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3799 b_block_head    structs.h       /^    mblock_T  b_block_head;   \/* head of allocated memory block list *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3800 b_changed       structs.h       /^    int               b_changed;      \/* 'modified': Set to TRUE if something in the$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3801 b_changedtick   structs.h       /^    int               b_changedtick;  \/* incremented for each change, also for undo *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3802 b_changelist    structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_changelist[JUMPLISTSIZE];$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3803 b_changelistlen structs.h       /^    int               b_changelistlen;        \/* number of active entries *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3804 b_chartab       structs.h       /^    char_u    b_chartab[32];$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3805 b_dev   structs.h       /^    int               b_dev;          \/* device number (-1 if not set) *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3806 b_did_warn      structs.h       /^    int               b_did_warn;     \/* Set to 1 if user has been warned on first$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3807 b_fab_mrs       structs.h       /^    unsigned int b_fab_mrs;   \/* Max record size  *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3808 b_fab_rat       structs.h       /^    char       b_fab_rat;     \/* Record attribute *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3809 b_fab_rfm       structs.h       /^    char       b_fab_rfm;     \/* Record format    *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3810 b_ffname        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_ffname;      \/* full path file name *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3811 b_first_abbr    structs.h       /^    mapblock_T        *b_first_abbr;$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3812 b_flags structs.h       /^    int               b_flags;        \/* various BF_ flags *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3813 b_fname structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_fname;       \/* current file name *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3814 b_fnum  structs.h       /^    int               b_fnum;         \/* buffer number for this file. *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3815 b_help  structs.h       /^    int               b_help;         \/* buffer for help file (when set b_p_bt is$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3816 b_ino   structs.h       /^    ino_t     b_ino;          \/* inode number *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3817 b_keywtab       structs.h       /^    keyentry_T        **b_keywtab;            \/* syntax keywords hash table *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3818 b_keywtab_ic    structs.h       /^    keyentry_T        **b_keywtab_ic;         \/* idem, ignore case *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3819 b_kmap_ga       structs.h       /^    garray_T  b_kmap_ga;      \/* the keymap table *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3820 b_kmap_state    structs.h       /^    short     b_kmap_state;   \/* using "lmap" mappings *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3821 b_last_change   structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_last_change;  \/* position of last change: '. mark *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3822 b_last_cursor   structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_last_cursor;  \/* cursor position when last unloading this$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3823 b_last_insert   structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_last_insert;  \/* where Insert mode was left *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3824 b_m_search      structs.h       /^    minfo_T   *b_m_search;    \/* pointer to chunk before previously$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3825 b_maphash       structs.h       /^    mapblock_T        *(b_maphash[256]);$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3826 b_marks_read    structs.h       /^    int               b_marks_read;   \/* Have we read viminfo marks yet? *\/$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3827 b_may_swap      structs.h       /^    int               b_may_swap;$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3828 b_mb_current    structs.h       /^    mblock_T  *b_mb_current;  \/* block where m_search points in *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3829 b_ml    structs.h       /^    memline_T b_ml;           \/* associated memline (also contains line$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3830 b_mod_bot       structs.h       /^    linenr_T  b_mod_bot;      \/* lnum below last changed line, AFTER the$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3831 b_mod_set       structs.h       /^    int               b_mod_set;      \/* TRUE when there are changes since the last$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3832 b_mod_top       structs.h       /^    linenr_T  b_mod_top;      \/* topmost lnum that was changed *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3833 b_mod_xlines    structs.h       /^    long      b_mod_xlines;   \/* number of extra buffer lines inserted;$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3834 b_mtime structs.h       /^    long      b_mtime;        \/* last change time of original file *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3835 b_mtime_read    structs.h       /^    long      b_mtime_read;   \/* last change time when reading *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3836 b_namedm        structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_namedm[NMARKS]; \/* current named marks (mark.c) *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3837 b_netbeans_file structs.h       /^    int               b_netbeans_file;    \/* TRUE when buffer is owned by NetBeans *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3838 b_new_change    structs.h       /^    int               b_new_change;           \/* set by u_savecommon() *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3839 b_next  structs.h       /^    buf_T     *b_next;        \/* links in list of buffers *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3840 b_next  structs.h       /^    struct buffblock  *b_next;        \/* pointer to next buffblock *\/$/;"   m       struct:buffblock        typeref:struct:buffblock::buffblock
3841 b_nwindows      structs.h       /^    int               b_nwindows;     \/* nr of windows open on this buffer *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3842 b_op_end        structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_op_end;$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3843 b_op_start      structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_op_start;$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3844 b_orig_mode     structs.h       /^    int               b_orig_mode;    \/* mode of original file *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3845 b_orig_size     structs.h       /^    size_t    b_orig_size;    \/* size of original file in bytes *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3846 b_p_ai  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ai;         \/* 'autoindent' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3847 b_p_ai_nopaste  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ai_nopaste; \/* b_p_ai saved for paste mode *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3848 b_p_ar  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ar;         \/* 'autoread' local value *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3849 b_p_bh  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_bh;        \/* 'bufhidden' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3850 b_p_bin structs.h       /^    int               b_p_bin;        \/* 'binary' *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3851 b_p_bl  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_bl;         \/* 'buflisted' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3852 b_p_bomb        structs.h       /^    int               b_p_bomb;       \/* 'bomb' *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3853 b_p_bt  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_bt;        \/* 'buftype' *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3854 b_p_ci  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ci;         \/* 'copyindent' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3855 b_p_cin structs.h       /^    int               b_p_cin;        \/* 'cindent' *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3856 b_p_cink        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_cink;      \/* 'cinkeys' *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3857 b_p_cino        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_cino;      \/* 'cinoptions' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3858 b_p_cinw        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_cinw;      \/* 'cinwords' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3859 b_p_cms structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_cms;       \/* 'commentstring' *\/$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3860 b_p_com structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_com;       \/* 'comments' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3861 b_p_cpt structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_cpt;       \/* 'complete' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3862 b_p_def structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_def;       \/* 'define' local value *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3863 b_p_dict        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_dict;      \/* 'dictionary' local value *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3864 b_p_efm structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_efm;       \/* 'errorformat' local value *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3865 b_p_eol structs.h       /^    int               b_p_eol;        \/* 'endofline' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3866 b_p_ep  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_ep;        \/* 'equalprg' local value *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3867 b_p_et  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_et;         \/* 'expandtab' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3868 b_p_et_nobin    structs.h       /^    int               b_p_et_nobin;   \/* b_p_et saved for binary mode *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3869 b_p_fenc        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_fenc;      \/* 'fileencoding' *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3870 b_p_ff  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_ff;        \/* 'fileformat' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3871 b_p_fo  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_fo;        \/* 'formatoptions' *\/$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3872 b_p_ft  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_ft;        \/* 'filetype' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3873 b_p_gp  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_gp;        \/* 'grepprg' local value *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3874 b_p_iminsert    structs.h       /^    long      b_p_iminsert;   \/* input mode for insert *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3875 b_p_imsearch    structs.h       /^    long      b_p_imsearch;   \/* input mode for search *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3876 b_p_inc structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_inc;       \/* 'include' *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3877 b_p_inde        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_inde;      \/* 'indentexpr' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3878 b_p_indk        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_indk;      \/* 'indentkeys' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3879 b_p_inex        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_inex;      \/* 'includeexpr' *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3880 b_p_inf structs.h       /^    int               b_p_inf;        \/* 'infercase' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3881 b_p_initialized structs.h       /^    int               b_p_initialized;        \/* set when options initialized *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3882 b_p_isk structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_isk;       \/* 'iskeyword' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3883 b_p_key structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_key;       \/* 'key' *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3884 b_p_keymap      structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_keymap;    \/* 'keymap' *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3885 b_p_kp  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_kp;        \/* 'keywordprg' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3886 b_p_lisp        structs.h       /^    int               b_p_lisp;       \/* 'lisp' *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3887 b_p_ma  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ma;         \/* 'modifiable' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3888 b_p_ml  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ml;         \/* 'modeline' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3889 b_p_ml_nobin    structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ml_nobin;   \/* b_p_ml saved for binary mode *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3890 b_p_mp  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_mp;        \/* 'makeprg' local value *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3891 b_p_mps structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_mps;       \/* 'matchpairs' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3892 b_p_nf  structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_nf;        \/* 'nrformats' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3893 b_p_oft structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_oft;       \/* 'osfiletype' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3894 b_p_path        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_path;      \/* 'path' local value *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3895 b_p_pi  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_pi;         \/* 'preserveindent' *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3896 b_p_ro  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_ro;         \/* 'readonly' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3897 b_p_si  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_si;         \/* 'smartindent' *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3898 b_p_sn  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_sn;         \/* 'shortname' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3899 b_p_sts structs.h       /^    long      b_p_sts;        \/* 'softtabstop' *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3900 b_p_sts_nopaste structs.h       /^    long      b_p_sts_nopaste; \/* b_p_sts saved for paste mode *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3901 b_p_sua structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_sua;       \/* 'suffixesadd' *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3902 b_p_sw  structs.h       /^    long      b_p_sw;         \/* 'shiftwidth' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3903 b_p_swf structs.h       /^    int               b_p_swf;        \/* 'swapfile' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3904 b_p_syn structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_syn;       \/* 'syntax' *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3905 b_p_tags        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_tags;      \/* 'tags' local value *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3906 b_p_ts  structs.h       /^    long      b_p_ts;         \/* 'tabstop' *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3907 b_p_tsr structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_p_tsr;       \/* 'thesaurus' local value *\/$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3908 b_p_tw  structs.h       /^    long      b_p_tw;         \/* 'textwidth' *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3909 b_p_tw_nobin    structs.h       /^    long      b_p_tw_nobin;   \/* b_p_tw saved for binary mode *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3910 b_p_tw_nopaste  structs.h       /^    long      b_p_tw_nopaste; \/* b_p_tw saved for paste mode *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3911 b_p_tx  structs.h       /^    int               b_p_tx;         \/* 'textmode' *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3912 b_p_wm  structs.h       /^    long      b_p_wm;         \/* 'wrapmargin' *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3913 b_p_wm_nobin    structs.h       /^    long      b_p_wm_nobin;   \/* b_p_wm saved for binary mode *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3914 b_p_wm_nopaste  structs.h       /^    long      b_p_wm_nopaste; \/* b_p_wm saved for paste mode *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3915 b_prev  structs.h       /^    buf_T     *b_prev;$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3916 b_saving        structs.h       /^    int               b_saving;       \/* Set to TRUE if we are in the middle of$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3917 b_scanned       structs.h       /^    int               b_scanned;      \/* ^N\/^P have scanned this buffer *\/$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3918 b_sfname        structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_sfname;      \/* short file name *\/$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3919 b_shortname     structs.h       /^    int               b_shortname;    \/* this file has an 8.3 file name *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3920 b_signlist      structs.h       /^    signlist_T        *b_signlist;    \/* list of signs to draw *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3921 b_sniff structs.h       /^    int               b_sniff;        \/* file was loaded through Sniff *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3922 b_sst_array     structs.h       /^    synstate_T        *b_sst_array;$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3923 b_sst_check_lnum        structs.h       /^    linenr_T  b_sst_check_lnum;$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3924 b_sst_first     structs.h       /^    synstate_T        *b_sst_first;$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3925 b_sst_firstfree structs.h       /^    synstate_T        *b_sst_firstfree;$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3926 b_sst_freecount structs.h       /^    int               b_sst_freecount;$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3927 b_sst_lasttick  structs.h       /^    short_u   b_sst_lasttick; \/* last display tick *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3928 b_sst_len       structs.h       /^    int               b_sst_len;$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3929 b_start_eol     structs.h       /^    int               b_start_eol;    \/* last line had eol when it was read *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3930 b_start_fenc    structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_start_fenc;  \/* 'fileencoding' when edit started or NULL *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3931 b_start_ffc     structs.h       /^    int               b_start_ffc;    \/* first char of 'ff' when edit started *\/$/;"        m       struct:file_buffer
3932 b_str   structs.h       /^    char_u            b_str[1];       \/* contents (actually longer) *\/$/;"  m       struct:buffblock
3933 b_syn_clusters  structs.h       /^    garray_T  b_syn_clusters;         \/* table for syntax clusters *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3934 b_syn_containedin       structs.h       /^    int               b_syn_containedin;      \/* TRUE when there is an item with a$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3935 b_syn_folditems structs.h       /^    int               b_syn_folditems;        \/* number of patterns with the HL_FOLD$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3936 b_syn_ic        structs.h       /^    int               b_syn_ic;               \/* ignore case for :syn cmds *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3937 b_syn_linecont_ic       structs.h       /^    int               b_syn_linecont_ic;      \/* ignore-case flag for above *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3938 b_syn_linecont_pat      structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_syn_linecont_pat;    \/* line continuation pattern *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3939 b_syn_linecont_prog     structs.h       /^    regprog_T *b_syn_linecont_prog;   \/* line continuation program *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3940 b_syn_patterns  structs.h       /^    garray_T  b_syn_patterns;         \/* table for syntax patterns *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3941 b_syn_sync_flags        structs.h       /^    int               b_syn_sync_flags;       \/* flags about how to sync *\/$/;"     m       struct:file_buffer
3942 b_syn_sync_id   structs.h       /^    short     b_syn_sync_id;          \/* group to sync on *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3943 b_syn_sync_linebreaks   structs.h       /^    long      b_syn_sync_linebreaks;  \/* offset for multi-line pattern *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3944 b_syn_sync_maxlines     structs.h       /^    long      b_syn_sync_maxlines;    \/* maximal sync lines offset *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3945 b_syn_sync_minlines     structs.h       /^    long      b_syn_sync_minlines;    \/* minimal sync lines offset *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3946 b_syn_topgrp    structs.h       /^    int               b_syn_topgrp;           \/* for ":syntax include" *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3947 b_u_curhead     structs.h       /^    u_header_T        *b_u_curhead;   \/* pointer to current header *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3948 b_u_line_colnr  structs.h       /^    colnr_T   b_u_line_colnr; \/* optional column number *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3949 b_u_line_lnum   structs.h       /^    linenr_T  b_u_line_lnum;  \/* line number of line in u_line *\/$/;"       m       struct:file_buffer
3950 b_u_line_ptr    structs.h       /^    char_u    *b_u_line_ptr;  \/* saved line for "U" command *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3951 b_u_newhead     structs.h       /^    u_header_T        *b_u_newhead;   \/* pointer to newest header *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3952 b_u_numhead     structs.h       /^    int               b_u_numhead;    \/* current number of headers *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
3953 b_u_oldhead     structs.h       /^    u_header_T        *b_u_oldhead;   \/* pointer to oldest header *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3954 b_u_synced      structs.h       /^    int               b_u_synced;     \/* entry lists are synced *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3955 b_ucmds structs.h       /^    garray_T  b_ucmds;$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3956 b_vars  structs.h       /^    garray_T  b_vars;         \/* internal variables, local to buffer *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3957 b_visual_curswant       structs.h       /^    colnr_T   b_visual_curswant;   \/* MAXCOL from w_curswant *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3958 b_visual_end    structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_visual_end;   \/* end position of last VIsual *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3959 b_visual_mode   structs.h       /^    int               b_visual_mode;  \/* VIsual_mode of last VIsual *\/$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
3960 b_visual_mode_eval      structs.h       /^    int               b_visual_mode_eval;  \/* b_visual_mode for visualmode() *\/$/;" m       struct:file_buffer
3961 b_visual_start  structs.h       /^    pos_T     b_visual_start; \/* start pos of last VIsual *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3962 b_was_netbeans_file     structs.h       /^    int               b_was_netbeans_file;\/* TRUE if b_netbeans_file was once set *\/$/;"    m       struct:file_buffer
3963 b_wininfo       structs.h       /^    wininfo_T *b_wininfo;     \/* list of last used info for each window *\/$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
3964 back_gc gui.h   /^    GC                back_gc;$/;"    m       struct:Gui
3965 back_in_line    search.c        /^back_in_line()$/;"    f       file:
3966 back_pixel      gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        back_pixel;         \/* Color of background *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
3967 background_argument     globals.h       /^EXTERN char   *background_argument INIT(= NULL);$/;"  v
3968 backslash_halve charset.c       /^backslash_halve(p)$/;"        f
3969 backslash_halve_save    charset.c       /^backslash_halve_save(p)$/;"   f
3970 backslash_trans regexp.c        /^backslash_trans(c)$/;"        f       file:
3971 backspace_until_column  edit.c  /^backspace_until_column(col)$/;"       f
3972 balloonEval     netbeans.c      /^BalloonEval   *balloonEval = NULL;$/;"        v
3973 balloonLabel    gui_beval.h     /^    GtkWidget         *balloonLabel;$/;"      m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
3974 balloonShell    gui_beval.h     /^    GtkWidget         *balloonShell;$/;"      m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
3975 balloon_draw_cb gui_beval.c     /^balloon_draw_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *area, gpointer data)$/;"     f       file:
3976 balloon_expose_event_cb gui_beval.c     /^balloon_expose_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data)$/;"  f       file:
3977 bangredo        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    bangredo INIT(= FALSE);     \/* set to TRUE whith ! command *\/$/;"     v
3978 bbox_max_y      ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               bbox_max_y;$/;" m       struct:prt_ps_font_S    file:
3979 bbox_min_y      ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               bbox_min_y;$/;" m       struct:prt_ps_font_S    file:
3980 bck_word        search.c        /^bck_word(count, bigword, stop)$/;"    f
3981 bckend_word     search.c        /^bckend_word(count, bigword, eol)$/;"  f
3982 beep_count      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    beep_count INIT(= 0);   \/* nr of beeps since last char typed *\/$/;"   v
3983 beep_flush      misc1.c /^beep_flush()$/;"      f
3984 beginline       edit.c  /^beginline(flags)$/;"  f
3985 behind_pos      regexp.c        /^static regsave_T behind_pos;$/;"      v       file:
3986 bg_color        structs.h       /^          char_u          bg_color;   \/* background color number *\/$/;"     m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon36
3987 bg_color        structs.h       /^          guicolor_T      bg_color;   \/* background color handle *\/$/;"     m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon37
3988 bg_color        structs.h       /^    long_u    bg_color;$/;"   m       struct:__anon44
3989 bg_colour       gui.h   /^    int               bg_colour;$/;"  m       struct:Gui
3990 bgcolor gui.h   /^    GdkColor  *bgcolor;           \/* GDK-styled background color *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
3991 bh_bnum structs.h       /^    blocknr_T bh_bnum;                \/* block number *\/$/;"        m       struct:block_hdr
3992 bh_curr structs.h       /^    struct buffblock  *bh_curr;       \/* buffblock for appending *\/$/;"     m       struct:buffheader       typeref:struct:buffheader::buffblock
3993 bh_data structs.h       /^    char_u    *bh_data;           \/* pointer to memory (for used block) *\/$/;"      m       struct:block_hdr
3994 bh_first        structs.h       /^    struct buffblock  bh_first;       \/* first (dummy) block of list *\/$/;" m       struct:buffheader       typeref:struct:buffheader::buffblock
3995 bh_flags        structs.h       /^    char      bh_flags;           \/* BH_DIRTY or BH_LOCKED *\/$/;"   m       struct:block_hdr
3996 bh_hash_next    structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *bh_hash_next;      \/* next block_hdr in hash list *\/$/;"     m       struct:block_hdr
3997 bh_hash_prev    structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *bh_hash_prev;      \/* previous block_hdr in hash list *\/$/;" m       struct:block_hdr
3998 bh_index        structs.h       /^    int                       bh_index;       \/* index for reading *\/$/;"   m       struct:buffheader
3999 bh_next structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *bh_next;           \/* next block_hdr in free or used list *\/$/;"     m       struct:block_hdr
4000 bh_page_count   structs.h       /^    int               bh_page_count;      \/* number of pages in this block *\/$/;"   m       struct:block_hdr
4001 bh_prev structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *bh_prev;           \/* previous block_hdr in used list *\/$/;" m       struct:block_hdr
4002 bh_space        structs.h       /^    int                       bh_space;       \/* space in bh_curr for appending *\/$/;"      m       struct:buffheader
4003 bhdr_T  structs.h       /^typedef struct block_hdr    bhdr_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:block_hdr
4004 bindtextdomain  vim.h   412;"   d
4005 bindtextdomain  vim.h   427;"   d
4006 bindtextdomain  vim.h   429;"   d
4007 bkc_flags       option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned       bkc_flags;$/;"  v
4008 bl_maxval       regexp.c        /^static long   bl_maxval;$/;"  v       file:
4009 bl_minval       regexp.c        /^static long   bl_minval;$/;"  v       file:
4010 blank_pointer   gui.h   /^    Cursor    blank_pointer;      \/* Blank pointer *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
4011 blank_pointer   gui.h   /^    GdkCursor *blank_pointer;     \/* Blank pointer *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
4012 blinkoff        structs.h       /^    long      blinkoff;       \/* blinking, off time *\/$/;"  m       struct:cursor_entry
4013 blinkon structs.h       /^    long      blinkon;        \/* blinking, on time *\/$/;"   m       struct:cursor_entry
4014 blinkwait       structs.h       /^    long      blinkwait;      \/* blinking, wait time before blinking starts *\/$/;"  m       struct:cursor_entry
4015 block0  memline.c       /^struct block0$/;"     s       file:
4016 block_def       ops.c   /^struct block_def$/;"  s       file:
4017 block_hdr       structs.h       /^struct block_hdr$/;"  s
4018 block_insert    ops.c   /^block_insert(oap, s, b_insert, bdp)$/;"       f       file:
4019 block_mode      structs.h       /^    int               block_mode;     \/* current operator is Visual block mode *\/$/;"       m       struct:oparg
4020 block_prep      ops.c   /^block_prep(oap, bdp, lnum, is_del)$/;"        f       file:
4021 block_redo      getchar.c       /^static int    block_redo = FALSE;$/;" v       file:
4022 blocknr_T       structs.h       /^typedef long              blocknr_T;$/;"      t
4023 blue    gui_amiga.c     /^      UBYTE           blue;$/;"       m       struct:guicolor_tTable  file:
4024 bold    structs.h       /^    int               bold;$/;"       m       struct:__anon44
4025 bold_font       gui.h   /^    GuiFont   bold_font;          \/* Bold font *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
4026 boldital_font   gui.h   /^    GuiFont   boldital_font;      \/* Bold-Italic font *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
4027 bomb_size       mbyte.c /^bomb_size()$/;"       f
4028 bool    vim.h   1780;"  d
4029 boolvar testdir/test49.vim      /^let boolvar = 1$/;"   v
4030 border_offset   gui.h   /^    int               border_offset;      \/* Total pixel offset for all borders *\/$/;"      m       struct:Gui
4031 border_width    gui.h   /^    int               border_width;       \/* Width of our border around text area *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
4032 bot_top_msg     search.c        /^static char_u *bot_top_msg = (char_u *)N_("search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP");$/;"        v       file:
4033 botline_forw    move.c  /^botline_forw(lp)$/;"  f       file:
4034 botline_topline move.c  /^botline_topline(lp)$/;"       f       file:
4035 bottom_sbar     gui.h   /^    scrollbar_T bottom_sbar;      \/* Bottom scrollbar *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
4036 bottommsg       tag.c   /^static char_u *bottommsg = (char_u *)N_("E555: at bottom of tag stack");$/;"  v       file:
4037 brace_count     regexp.c        /^static int    brace_count[10]; \/* Current counts for complex brace repeats *\/$/;"   v       file:
4038 brace_max       regexp.c        /^static long   brace_max[10];  \/* Maximums for complex brace repeats *\/$/;"  v       file:
4039 brace_min       regexp.c        /^static long   brace_min[10];  \/* Minimums for complex brace repeats *\/$/;"  v       file:
4040 break_err       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let break_err = 1$/;"       v
4041 breakat_flags   globals.h       /^EXTERN char   breakat_flags[256];     \/* which characters are in 'breakat' *\/$/;"   v
4042 breakcheck_count        misc1.c /^static int    breakcheck_count = 0;$/;"       v       file:
4043 breakpoint      eval.c  /^    linenr_T  breakpoint;     \/* next line with breakpoint or zero *\/$/;"   m       struct:funccall file:
4044 breakpoint      ex_cmds2.c      /^    linenr_T  breakpoint;     \/* next line with breakpoint or zero *\/$/;"   m       struct:source_cookie    file:
4045 browse  structs.h       /^    int               browse;                 \/* TRUE to invoke file dialog *\/$/;"  m       struct:__anon31
4046 browse_fname    gui.h   /^    char_u    *browse_fname;      \/* file name from filedlg *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
4047 browse_save_fname       ex_cmds2.c      /^browse_save_fname(buf)$/;"    f
4048 bs_extmatch     structs.h       /^    reg_extmatch_T *bs_extmatch; \/* external matches from start pattern *\/$/;"      m       struct:buf_state
4049 bs_flags        structs.h       /^    long          bs_flags;    \/* flags for pattern *\/$/;"  m       struct:buf_state
4050 bs_idx  structs.h       /^    int                   bs_idx;      \/* index of pattern *\/$/;"   m       struct:buf_state
4051 bt_dontwrite    quickfix.c      /^bt_dontwrite(buf)$/;" f
4052 bt_dontwrite_msg        quickfix.c      /^bt_dontwrite_msg(buf)$/;"     f
4053 bt_entry        term.c  /^    int               bt_entry;$/;"   m       struct:builtin_term     file:
4054 bt_nofile       quickfix.c      /^bt_nofile(buf)$/;"    f
4055 bt_quickfix     quickfix.c      /^bt_quickfix(buf)$/;"  f
4056 bt_string       term.c  /^    char      *bt_string;$/;" m       struct:builtin_term     file:
4057 buf     screen.c        /^    buf_T     *buf;   \/* the buffer to search for a match *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon1  file:
4058 bufIsChanged    undo.c  /^bufIsChanged(buf)$/;" f
4059 buf_T   structs.h       /^typedef struct file_buffer buf_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:file_buffer
4060 buf_addsign     buffer.c        /^buf_addsign(buf, id, lnum, typenr)$/;"        f
4061 buf_change_sign_type    buffer.c        /^buf_change_sign_type(buf, markId, typenr)$/;" f
4062 buf_check_timestamp     fileio.c        /^buf_check_timestamp(buf, focus)$/;"   f
4063 buf_clear_file  buffer.c        /^buf_clear_file(buf)$/;"       f
4064 buf_contents_changed    buffer.c        /^buf_contents_changed(buf)$/;" f
4065 buf_copy_options        option.c        /^buf_copy_options(buf, flags)$/;"      f
4066 buf_delete_all_signs    buffer.c        /^buf_delete_all_signs()$/;"    f
4067 buf_delete_signs        buffer.c        /^buf_delete_signs(buf)$/;"     f       file:
4068 buf_delsign     buffer.c        /^buf_delsign(buf, id)$/;"      f
4069 buf_findsign    buffer.c        /^buf_findsign(buf, id)$/;"     f
4070 buf_findsign_id buffer.c        /^buf_findsign_id(buf, lnum)$/;"        f
4071 buf_findsigntype_id     buffer.c        /^buf_findsigntype_id(buf, lnum, typenr)$/;"    f
4072 buf_freeall     buffer.c        /^buf_freeall(buf, del_buf, wipe_buf)$/;"       f
4073 buf_getsigntype buffer.c        /^buf_getsigntype(buf, lnum, type)$/;"  f
4074 buf_hide        quickfix.c      /^buf_hide(buf)$/;"     f
4075 buf_init_chartab        charset.c       /^buf_init_chartab(buf, global)$/;"     f
4076 buf_jump_open_win       window.c        /^buf_jump_open_win(buf)$/;"    f
4077 buf_list        netbeans.c      /^static nbbuf_T *buf_list = 0;$/;"     v       file:
4078 buf_list_size   netbeans.c      /^int buf_list_size = 0;        \/* size of buf_list *\/$/;"    v
4079 buf_list_used   netbeans.c      /^int buf_list_used = 0;        \/* nr of entries in buf_list actually in use *\/$/;"   v
4080 buf_modname     fileio.c        /^buf_modname(shortname, fname, ext, prepend_dot)$/;"   f
4081 buf_name_changed        buffer.c        /^buf_name_changed(buf)$/;"     f
4082 buf_same_ino    buffer.c        /^buf_same_ino(buf, stp)$/;"    f       file:
4083 buf_setino      buffer.c        /^buf_setino(buf)$/;"   f
4084 buf_signcount   buffer.c        /^buf_signcount(buf, lnum)$/;"  f
4085 buf_spname      buffer.c        /^buf_spname(buf)$/;"   f
4086 buf_state       structs.h       /^typedef struct buf_state$/;"  s
4087 buf_store_time  fileio.c        /^buf_store_time(buf, st, fname)$/;"    f
4088 buf_valid       buffer.c        /^buf_valid(buf)$/;"    f
4089 buf_write       fileio.c        /^buf_write(buf, fname, sfname, start, end, eap, append, forceit,$/;"   f
4090 buf_write_all   ex_cmds2.c      /^buf_write_all(buf, forceit)$/;"       f
4091 buf_write_bytes fileio.c        /^buf_write_bytes(ip)$/;"       f       file:
4092 bufempty        macros.h        51;"    d
4093 buffblock       structs.h       /^struct buffblock$/;"  s
4094 buffer  netbeans.c      /^    char_u        *buffer;$/;"        m       struct:cmdqueue file:
4095 buffheader      structs.h       /^struct buffheader$/;" s
4096 buflist_add     buffer.c        /^buflist_add(fname, flags)$/;" f
4097 buflist_altfpos buffer.c        /^buflist_altfpos()$/;" f
4098 buflist_findfpos        buffer.c        /^buflist_findfpos(buf)$/;"     f
4099 buflist_findlnum        buffer.c        /^buflist_findlnum(buf)$/;"     f
4100 buflist_findname        buffer.c        /^buflist_findname(ffname)$/;"  f
4101 buflist_findname_stat   buffer.c        /^buflist_findname_stat(ffname, stp)$/;"        f       file:
4102 buflist_findnr  buffer.c        /^buflist_findnr(nr)$/;"        f
4103 buflist_findpat buffer.c        /^buflist_findpat(pattern, pattern_end, unlisted, diffmode)$/;" f
4104 buflist_getfile buffer.c        /^buflist_getfile(n, lnum, options, forceit)$/;"        f
4105 buflist_getfpos buffer.c        /^buflist_getfpos()$/;" f
4106 buflist_list    buffer.c        /^buflist_list(eap)$/;" f
4107 buflist_list    ex_docmd.c      104;"   d       file:
4108 buflist_match   buffer.c        /^buflist_match(prog, buf)$/;"  f       file:
4109 buflist_name_nr buffer.c        /^buflist_name_nr(fnum, fname, lnum)$/;"        f
4110 buflist_new     buffer.c        /^buflist_new(ffname, sfname, lnum, flags)$/;"  f
4111 buflist_nr2name buffer.c        /^buflist_nr2name(n, fullname, helptail)$/;"    f
4112 buflist_setfpos buffer.c        /^buflist_setfpos(buf, win, lnum, col, copy_options)$/;"        f       file:
4113 buflist_slash_adjust    buffer.c        /^buflist_slash_adjust()$/;"    f
4114 bufp    netbeans.c      /^    buf_T             *bufp;$/;"      m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
4115 bufstate_T      structs.h       /^} bufstate_T;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:buf_state
4116 build_drop_cmd  main.c  /^build_drop_cmd(filec, filev, sendReply)$/;"   f       file:
4117 build_stl_str_hl        buffer.c        /^build_stl_str_hl(wp, out, outlen, fmt, fillchar, maxwidth, hl)$/;"    f
4118 builtin_term    term.c  /^struct builtin_term$/;"       s       file:
4119 builtin_termcaps        term.c  /^struct builtin_term builtin_termcaps[] =$/;"  v       typeref:struct:builtin_term
4120 button  misc2.c /^    int           button;             \/* Which mouse button is it? *\/$/;"   m       struct:mousetable       file:
4121 bw_buf  fileio.c        /^    char_u    *bw_buf;        \/* buffer with data to be written *\/$/;"      m       struct:bw_info  file:
4122 bw_conv_buf     fileio.c        /^    char_u    *bw_conv_buf;   \/* buffer for writing converted chars *\/$/;"  m       struct:bw_info  file:
4123 bw_conv_buflen  fileio.c        /^    int               bw_conv_buflen; \/* size of bw_conv_buf *\/$/;" m       struct:bw_info  file:
4124 bw_conv_error   fileio.c        /^    int               bw_conv_error;  \/* set for conversion error *\/$/;"    m       struct:bw_info  file:
4125 bw_fd   fileio.c        /^    int               bw_fd;          \/* file descriptor *\/$/;"     m       struct:bw_info  file:
4126 bw_first        fileio.c        /^    int               bw_first;       \/* first write call *\/$/;"    m       struct:bw_info  file:
4127 bw_flags        fileio.c        /^    int               bw_flags;       \/* FIO_ flags *\/$/;"  m       struct:bw_info  file:
4128 bw_iconv_fd     fileio.c        /^    iconv_t   bw_iconv_fd;    \/* descriptor for iconv() or -1 *\/$/;"        m       struct:bw_info  file:
4129 bw_info fileio.c        /^struct bw_info$/;"    s       file:
4130 bw_len  fileio.c        /^    int               bw_len; \/* lenght of data *\/$/;"      m       struct:bw_info  file:
4131 bw_rest fileio.c        /^    char_u    bw_rest[CONV_RESTLEN]; \/* not converted bytes *\/$/;"  m       struct:bw_info  file:
4132 bw_restlen      fileio.c        /^    int               bw_restlen;     \/* nr of bytes in bw_rest[] *\/$/;"    m       struct:bw_info  file:
4133 byte2cells      charset.c       /^byte2cells(b)$/;"     f
4134 bytes_printed   ex_cmds2.c      /^    long_u    bytes_printed;      \/* bytes printed so far *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon10 file:
4135 c       regexp.c        /^    int a, b, c;$/;"  m       struct:__anon52 file:
4136 calc_hist_idx   ex_getln.c      /^calc_hist_idx(histype, num)$/;"       f       file:
4137 call_func       eval.c  /^call_func(name, len, retvar, argcount, argvars, firstline, lastline,$/;"      f       file:
4138 call_shell      misc2.c /^call_shell(cmd, opt)$/;"      f
4139 call_user_func  eval.c  /^call_user_func(fp, argcount, argvars, retvar, firstline, lastline)$/;"        f       file:
4140 call_vim_function       eval.c  /^call_vim_function(func, argc, argv, safe)$/;" f
4141 called_emsg     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    called_emsg;                \/* always set by emsg() *\/$/;"    v
4142 calls   eval.c  /^    int               calls;          \/* nr of active calls *\/$/;"  m       struct:ufunc    file:
4143 calls   testdir/test49.vim      /^    let calls = ""$/;"        v
4144 calls   testdir/test49.vim      /^let calls = 0$/;"     v
4145 canF_Ljoin      farsi.c /^canF_Ljoin(c)$/;"     f       file:
4146 canF_Rjoin      farsi.c /^canF_Rjoin(c)$/;"     f       file:
4147 can_abandon     ex_cmds2.c      /^can_abandon(buf, forceit)$/;" f
4148 can_bs  option.c        /^can_bs(what)$/;"      f
4149 can_cindent     edit.c  /^static int    can_cindent;            \/* may do cindenting on this line *\/$/;"      v       file:
4150 can_clear       screen.c        /^can_clear(p)$/;"      f
4151 can_f_submatch  regexp.c        /^static int can_f_submatch = FALSE;    \/* TRUE when submatch() can be used *\/$/;"    v       file:
4152 can_si  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    can_si INIT(= FALSE);$/;"       v
4153 can_si_back     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    can_si_back INIT(= FALSE);$/;"  v
4154 can_update_cursor       gui.c   /^static int can_update_cursor = TRUE; \/* can display the cursor *\/$/;"       v       file:
4155 cancelBalloon   gui_beval.c     /^cancelBalloon(BalloonEval *beval)$/;" f       file:
4156 cancelBalloon   gui_beval.c     /^cancelBalloon(beval)$/;"      f       file:
4157 canon   mbyte.c /^{   char *name;               int canon;}$/;" m       struct:__anon12 file:
4158 case_args       syntax.c        /^static char *(case_args[]) = {"match", "ignore", NULL};$/;"   v       file:
4159 cat_func_name   eval.c  /^cat_func_name(buf, fp)$/;"    f       file:
4160 cat_prefix_varname      eval.c  /^cat_prefix_varname(prefix, name)$/;"  f       file:
4161 catch_exception ex_eval.c       /^catch_exception(excp)$/;"     f       file:
4162 caught  structs.h       /^    except_T          *caught;        \/* next exception on the caught stack *\/$/;"  m       struct:vim_exception
4163 caught  testdir/test49.vim      /^              let caught = 0$/;"      v
4164 caught  testdir/test49.vim      /^              let caught = 1$/;"      v
4165 caught  testdir/test49.vim      /^          let caught = 0$/;"  v
4166 caught  testdir/test49.vim      /^          let caught = 1$/;"  v
4167 caught  testdir/test49.vim      /^      let caught = 0$/;"      v
4168 caught_stack    globals.h       /^EXTERN except_T *caught_stack INIT(= NULL);$/;"       v
4169 cause_abort     ex_eval.c       /^static int cause_abort = FALSE;$/;"   v       file:
4170 cause_errthrow  ex_eval.c       /^cause_errthrow(mesg, severe, ignore)$/;"      f
4171 cb      structs.h       /^    void      (*cb)();            \/* Call-back routine *\/$/;"       m       struct:VimMenu
4172 ccheck_abbr     ex_getln.c      /^ccheck_abbr(c)$/;"    f       file:
4173 ccline  ex_getln.c      /^static struct cmdline_info ccline;    \/* current cmdline_info *\/$/;"        v       typeref:struct:cmdline_info     file:
4174 cedit_key       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cedit_key INIT(= -1);   \/* key value of 'cedit' option *\/$/;" v
4175 change_compatible       option.c        /^change_compatible(on)$/;"     f
4176 change_indent   edit.c  /^change_indent(type, amount, round, replaced)$/;"      f
4177 change_warning  misc1.c /^change_warning(col)$/;"       f
4178 changed misc1.c /^changed()$/;" f
4179 changedOneline  misc1.c /^changedOneline(lnum)$/;"      f       file:
4180 changed_bytes   misc1.c /^changed_bytes(lnum, col)$/;"  f
4181 changed_cline_bef_curs  move.c  /^changed_cline_bef_curs()$/;"  f
4182 changed_cline_bef_curs_win      move.c  /^changed_cline_bef_curs_win(wp)$/;"    f
4183 changed_common  misc1.c /^changed_common(lnum, col, lnume, xtra)$/;"    f       file:
4184 changed_line_abv_curs   move.c  /^changed_line_abv_curs()$/;"   f
4185 changed_line_abv_curs_win       move.c  /^changed_line_abv_curs_win(wp)$/;"     f
4186 changed_lines   misc1.c /^changed_lines(lnum, col, lnume, xtra)$/;"     f
4187 changed_window_setting  move.c  /^changed_window_setting()$/;"  f
4188 changed_window_setting_win      move.c  /^changed_window_setting_win(wp)$/;"    f
4189 char1   digraph.c       /^    char_u    char1;$/;"      m       struct:digraph  file:
4190 char2   digraph.c       /^    char_u    char2;$/;"      m       struct:digraph  file:
4191 char2cells      charset.c       /^char2cells(c)$/;"     f
4192 charEventHandler        gui_amiga.c     /^charEventHandler(int wtime)$/;"       f       file:
4193 char_ascent     gui.h   /^    int               char_ascent;        \/* Ascent of char in pixels *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
4194 char_avail      getchar.c       /^char_avail()$/;"      f
4195 char_height     gui.h   /^    int               char_height;        \/* Height of char in pixels + 'linespace' *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
4196 char_needs_redraw       screen.c        /^char_needs_redraw(off_from, off_to, cols)$/;" f       file:
4197 char_to_long    memline.c       /^char_to_long(s)$/;"   f       file:
4198 char_u  term.h  /^typedef unsigned char char_u;$/;"     t
4199 char_u  vim.h   /^typedef unsigned char char_u;$/;"     t
4200 char_width      gui.h   /^    int               char_width;         \/* Width of char in pixels *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
4201 characterHeight gui_amiga.c     /^static int characterHeight = -1;$/;"  v       file:
4202 characterWidth  gui_amiga.c     /^static int characterWidth = -1;$/;"   v       file:
4203 chars_per_line  structs.h       /^    int               chars_per_line;$/;"     m       struct:__anon45
4204 chartab globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u chartab[256];           \/* table used in charset.c; See$/;"    v
4205 chartab_initialized     charset.c       /^static int    chartab_initialized = FALSE;$/;"        v       file:
4206 chartabsize     charset.c       /^chartabsize(p, col)$/;"       f
4207 chdir   vim.h   221;"   d
4208 checkCloseRec   fold.c  /^checkCloseRec(gap, lnum, level)$/;"   f       file:
4209 checkEventHandler       gui_amiga.c     /^checkEventHandler(void)$/;"   f       file:
4210 checkSmall      fold.c  /^checkSmall(wp, fp, lnum_off)$/;"      f       file:
4211 check_abbr      getchar.c       /^check_abbr(c, ptr, col, mincol)$/;"   f
4212 check_arg_idx   ex_cmds2.c      /^check_arg_idx(win)$/;"        f
4213 check_auto_format       edit.c  /^check_auto_format(end_insert)$/;"     f       file:
4214 check_buf_options       option.c        /^check_buf_options(buf)$/;"    f
4215 check_cedit     option.c        /^check_cedit()$/;"     f       file:
4216 check_changed   ex_cmds2.c      /^check_changed(buf, checkaw, mult_win, forceit, allbuf)$/;"    f
4217 check_changed_any       ex_cmds2.c      /^check_changed_any(hidden)$/;" f
4218 check_clipboard_option  option.c        /^check_clipboard_option()$/;"  f       file:
4219 check_closed    fold.c  /^check_closed(win, fp, use_levelp, level, maybe_smallp, lnum_off)$/;"  f       file:
4220 check_col       ui.c    /^check_col(col)$/;"    f
4221 check_connection        eval.c  /^check_connection()$/;"        f       file:
4222 check_cstack    globals.h       /^EXTERN int check_cstack INIT(= FALSE);$/;"    v
4223 check_cursor    misc2.c /^check_cursor()$/;"    f
4224 check_cursor_col        misc2.c /^check_cursor_col()$/;"        f
4225 check_cursor_lnum       misc2.c /^check_cursor_lnum()$/;"       f
4226 check_cursor_moved      move.c  /^check_cursor_moved(wp)$/;"    f
4227 check_ei        fileio.c        /^check_ei()$/;"        f
4228 check_ff_value  option.c        /^check_ff_value(p)$/;" f
4229 check_fname     ex_cmds2.c      /^check_fname()$/;"     f
4230 check_for_bom   fileio.c        /^check_for_bom(p, size, lenp, flags)$/;"       f       file:
4231 check_for_codes term.c  /^static int    check_for_codes = FALSE;        \/* check for key code reponse *\/$/;"  v       file:
4232 check_for_codes_from_term       term.c  /^check_for_codes_from_term()$/;"       f       file:
4233 check_for_cryptkey      fileio.c        /^check_for_cryptkey(cryptkey, ptr, sizep, filesizep, newfile)$/;"      f       file:
4234 check_for_delay screen.c        /^check_for_delay(check_msg_scroll)$/;" f
4235 check_keepend   syntax.c        /^check_keepend()$/;"   f       file:
4236 check_keyword_id        syntax.c        /^check_keyword_id(line, startcol, endcolp, flagsp, next_listp, cur_si)$/;"     f       file:
4237 check_linecomment       search.c        /^check_linecomment(line)$/;"   f       file:
4238 check_lnums     window.c        /^check_lnums(do_curwin)$/;"    f
4239 check_map       getchar.c       /^check_map(keys, mode, exact)$/;"      f
4240 check_map_keycodes      getchar.c       /^check_map_keycodes()$/;"      f
4241 check_mark      mark.c  /^check_mark(pos)$/;"   f
4242 check_marks_read        fileio.c        /^check_marks_read()$/;"        f       file:
4243 check_more      ex_docmd.c      /^check_more(message, forceit)$/;"      f       file:
4244 check_mtime     fileio.c        /^check_mtime(buf, st)$/;"      f       file:
4245 check_need_swap memline.c       /^check_need_swap(newfile)$/;"  f
4246 check_nextcmd   ex_docmd.c      /^check_nextcmd(p)$/;"  f
4247 check_opt_strings       option.c        /^check_opt_strings(val, values, list)$/;"      f       file:
4248 check_opt_wim   option.c        /^check_opt_wim()$/;"   f       file:
4249 check_options   option.c        /^check_options()$/;"   f
4250 check_overwrite ex_cmds.c       /^check_overwrite(eap, buf, fname, ffname, other)$/;"   f       file:
4251 check_prevcol   search.c        /^check_prevcol(linep, col, ch, prevcol)$/;"    f       file:
4252 check_readonly  ex_cmds.c       /^check_readonly(forceit, buf)$/;"      f       file:
4253 check_redraw    option.c        /^check_redraw(flags)$/;"       f       file:
4254 check_restricted        ex_cmds.c       /^check_restricted()$/;"        f
4255 check_row       ui.c    /^check_row(row)$/;"    f
4256 check_scrollbind        normal.c        /^check_scrollbind(topline_diff, leftcol_diff)$/;"      f
4257 check_secure    ex_cmds.c       /^check_secure()$/;"    f
4258 check_shellsize term.c  /^check_shellsize()$/;" f
4259 check_snapshot_rec      window.c        /^check_snapshot_rec(sn, fr)$/;"        f       file:
4260 check_state_ends        syntax.c        /^check_state_ends()$/;"        f       file:
4261 check_status    misc1.c /^check_status(buf)$/;" f
4262 check_stl_option        option.c        /^check_stl_option(s)$/;"       f
4263 check_string_option     option.c        /^check_string_option(pp)$/;"   f       file:
4264 check_swap_exists_action        main.c  /^check_swap_exists_action()$/;"        f       file:
4265 check_termcode  term.c  /^check_termcode(max_offset, buf, buflen)$/;"   f
4266 check_timestamps        fileio.c        /^check_timestamps(focus)$/;"   f
4267 check_top_offset        move.c  /^check_top_offset()$/;"        f       file:
4268 check_topfill   move.c  /^check_topfill(wp, down)$/;"   f
4269 check_visual_highlight  normal.c        /^check_visual_highlight()$/;"  f
4270 check_win_options       option.c        /^check_win_options(win)$/;"    f
4271 check_winopt    option.c        /^check_winopt(wop)$/;" f
4272 checkclearop    normal.c        /^checkclearop(oap)$/;" f       file:
4273 checkclearopq   normal.c        /^checkclearopq(oap)$/;"        f       file:
4274 checkforcmd     ex_docmd.c      /^checkforcmd(pp, cmd, len)$/;" f       file:
4275 checkpcmark     mark.c  /^checkpcmark()$/;"     f
4276 checkupdate     fold.c  /^checkupdate(wp)$/;"   f       file:
4277 chg_c_a2f       arabic.c        /^chg_c_a2f(cur_c)$/;"  f       file:
4278 chg_c_a2i       arabic.c        /^chg_c_a2i(cur_c)$/;"  f       file:
4279 chg_c_a2m       arabic.c        /^chg_c_a2m(cur_c)$/;"  f       file:
4280 chg_c_a2s       arabic.c        /^chg_c_a2s(cur_c)$/;"  f       file:
4281 chg_c_f2m       arabic.c        /^chg_c_f2m(cur_c)$/;"  f       file:
4282 chg_c_i2m       arabic.c        /^chg_c_i2m(cur_c)$/;"  f       file:
4283 chg_c_laa2f     arabic.c        /^chg_c_laa2f(hid_c)$/;"        f       file:
4284 chg_c_laa2i     arabic.c        /^chg_c_laa2i(hid_c)$/;"        f       file:
4285 chg_c_toX_orX   farsi.c /^chg_c_toX_orX()$/;"   f       file:
4286 chg_c_to_X_orX_ farsi.c /^chg_c_to_X_orX_()$/;" f       file:
4287 chg_c_to_X_or_X farsi.c /^chg_c_to_X_or_X ()$/;"        f       file:
4288 chg_l_toXor_X   farsi.c /^chg_l_toXor_X ()$/;"  f       file:
4289 chg_l_to_X_orX_ farsi.c /^chg_l_to_X_orX_ ()$/;"        f       file:
4290 chg_r_to_Xor_X_ farsi.c /^chg_r_to_Xor_X_()$/;" f       file:
4291 children        structs.h       /^    vimmenu_T *children;          \/* Children of sub-menu *\/$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
4292 chk_modeline    buffer.c        /^chk_modeline(lnum)$/;"        f       file:
4293 chunksize_T     structs.h       /^} chunksize_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:ml_chunksize
4294 cin_ends_in     misc1.c /^cin_ends_in(s, find, ignore)$/;"      f       file:
4295 cin_first_id_amount     misc1.c /^cin_first_id_amount()$/;"     f       file:
4296 cin_get_equal_amount    misc1.c /^cin_get_equal_amount(lnum)$/;"        f       file:
4297 cin_is_cinword  misc1.c /^cin_is_cinword(line)$/;"      f       file:
4298 cin_is_cpp_baseclass    misc1.c /^cin_is_cpp_baseclass(line, col)$/;"   f       file:
4299 cin_isbreak     misc1.c /^cin_isbreak(p)$/;"    f       file:
4300 cin_iscase      misc1.c /^cin_iscase(s)$/;"     f
4301 cin_iscomment   misc1.c /^cin_iscomment(p)$/;"  f       file:
4302 cin_isdefault   misc1.c /^cin_isdefault(s)$/;"  f       file:
4303 cin_isdo        misc1.c /^cin_isdo(p)$/;"       f       file:
4304 cin_iselse      misc1.c /^cin_iselse(p)$/;"     f       file:
4305 cin_isfuncdecl  misc1.c /^cin_isfuncdecl(sp, first_lnum)$/;"    f       file:
4306 cin_isif        misc1.c /^cin_isif(p)$/;"       f       file:
4307 cin_isinit      misc1.c /^cin_isinit(void)$/;"  f       file:
4308 cin_islabel     misc1.c /^cin_islabel(ind_maxcomment)           \/* XXX *\/$/;" f
4309 cin_islabel_skip        misc1.c /^cin_islabel_skip(s)$/;"       f       file:
4310 cin_islinecomment       misc1.c /^cin_islinecomment(p)$/;"      f       file:
4311 cin_ispreproc   misc1.c /^cin_ispreproc(s)$/;"  f       file:
4312 cin_ispreproc_cont      misc1.c /^cin_ispreproc_cont(pp, lnump)$/;"     f       file:
4313 cin_isscopedecl misc1.c /^cin_isscopedecl(s)$/;"        f
4314 cin_isterminated        misc1.c /^cin_isterminated(s, incl_open, incl_comma)$/;"        f       file:
4315 cin_iswhileofdo misc1.c /^cin_iswhileofdo(p, lnum, ind_maxparen)            \/* XXX *\/$/;"     f       file:
4316 cin_nocode      misc1.c /^cin_nocode(s)$/;"     f       file:
4317 cin_skip2pos    misc1.c /^cin_skip2pos(trypos)$/;"      f       file:
4318 cin_skipcomment misc1.c /^cin_skipcomment(s)$/;"        f       file:
4319 cindent_on      edit.c  /^cindent_on()$/;"      f       file:
4320 class_tab       regexp.c        /^static short  class_tab[256];$/;"     v       file:
4321 cleanup_T       structs.h       /^typedef struct cleanup_stuff cleanup_T;$/;"   t       typeref:struct:cleanup_stuff
4322 cleanup_conditionals    ex_eval.c       /^cleanup_conditionals(cstack, searched_cond, inclusive)$/;"    f
4323 cleanup_help_tags       ex_getln.c      /^cleanup_help_tags(num_file, file)$/;" f       file:
4324 cleanup_jumplist        mark.c  /^cleanup_jumplist()$/;"        f       file:
4325 cleanup_stuff   structs.h       /^struct cleanup_stuff$/;"      s
4326 cleanup_subexpr regexp.c        /^cleanup_subexpr()$/;" f       file:
4327 cleanup_zsubexpr        regexp.c        /^cleanup_zsubexpr()$/;"        f       file:
4328 clearFolding    fold.c  /^clearFolding(win)$/;" f
4329 clear_cmdline   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    clear_cmdline INIT(= FALSE);    \/* cmdline must be cleared *\/$/;"     v
4330 clear_current_state     syntax.c        /^clear_current_state()$/;"     f       file:
4331 clear_oparg     ops.c   /^clear_oparg(oap)$/;"  f
4332 clear_showcmd   normal.c        /^clear_showcmd()$/;"   f
4333 clear_snapshot  window.c        /^clear_snapshot()$/;"  f       file:
4334 clear_snapshot_rec      window.c        /^clear_snapshot_rec(fr)$/;"    f       file:
4335 clear_string_option     option.c        /^clear_string_option(pp)$/;"   f
4336 clear_syn_state syntax.c        /^clear_syn_state(p)$/;"        f       file:
4337 clear_termcodes term.c  /^clear_termcodes()$/;" f
4338 clear_termoptions       option.c        /^clear_termoptions()$/;"       f
4339 clear_var       eval.c  /^clear_var(varp)$/;"   f       file:
4340 clear_wininfo   buffer.c        /^clear_wininfo(buf)$/;"        f       file:
4341 clear_winopt    option.c        /^clear_winopt(wop)$/;" f
4342 clearop normal.c        /^clearop(oap)$/;"      f       file:
4343 clearopbeep     normal.c        /^clearopbeep(oap)$/;"  f       file:
4344 clientData      gui_beval.h     /^    void              *clientData;    \/* For callback *\/$/;"        m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
4345 clientWindow    globals.h       /^EXTERN HWND   clientWindow INIT(= 0);$/;"     v
4346 clientWindow    globals.h       /^EXTERN Window clientWindow INIT(= None);$/;"  v
4347 clip_auto_select        ui.c    /^clip_auto_select()$/;"        f
4348 clip_autoselect option.h        /^EXTERN int    clip_autoselect INIT(= FALSE);$/;"      v
4349 clip_autoselectml       option.h        /^EXTERN int    clip_autoselectml INIT(= FALSE);$/;"    v
4350 clip_clear_selection    ui.c    /^clip_clear_selection()$/;"    f
4351 clip_compare_pos        ui.c    /^clip_compare_pos(row1, col1, row2, col2)$/;"  f       file:
4352 clip_convert_selection  ops.c   /^clip_convert_selection(str, len, cbd)$/;"     f
4353 clip_copy_modeless_selection    ui.c    /^clip_copy_modeless_selection(both)$/;"        f
4354 clip_copy_selection     ui.c    /^clip_copy_selection()$/;"     f
4355 clip_exclude_prog       option.h        /^EXTERN regprog_T *clip_exclude_prog INIT(= NULL);$/;" v
4356 clip_free_selection     ops.c   /^clip_free_selection(cbd)$/;"  f
4357 clip_gen_lose_selection ui.c    /^clip_gen_lose_selection(cbd)$/;"      f
4358 clip_gen_own_selection  ui.c    /^clip_gen_own_selection(cbd)$/;"       f
4359 clip_gen_request_selection      ui.c    /^clip_gen_request_selection(cbd)$/;"   f
4360 clip_gen_set_selection  ui.c    /^clip_gen_set_selection(cbd)$/;"       f
4361 clip_get_line_end       ui.c    /^clip_get_line_end(row)$/;"    f       file:
4362 clip_get_selection      ops.c   /^clip_get_selection(cbd)$/;"   f
4363 clip_get_word_boundaries        ui.c    /^clip_get_word_boundaries(cb, row, col)$/;"    f       file:
4364 clip_init       ui.c    /^clip_init(can_use)$/;"        f
4365 clip_invert_area        ui.c    /^clip_invert_area(row1, col1, row2, col2, how)$/;"     f       file:
4366 clip_invert_rectangle   ui.c    /^clip_invert_rectangle(row, col, height, width, invert)$/;"    f       file:
4367 clip_isautosel  ui.c    /^clip_isautosel()$/;"  f
4368 clip_lose_selection     ui.c    /^clip_lose_selection(cbd)$/;"  f
4369 clip_may_clear_selection        ui.c    /^clip_may_clear_selection(row1, row2)$/;"      f
4370 clip_may_redraw_selection       ui.c    /^clip_may_redraw_selection(row, col, len)$/;"  f
4371 clip_mch_lose_selection gui_amiga.c     /^clip_mch_lose_selection(VimClipboard *cbd)$/;"        f
4372 clip_mch_own_selection  gui_amiga.c     /^clip_mch_own_selection(VimClipboard *cbd)$/;" f
4373 clip_mch_request_selection      gui_amiga.c     /^clip_mch_request_selection(VimClipboard *cbd)$/;"     f
4374 clip_mch_set_selection  gui_amiga.c     /^clip_mch_set_selection(VimClipboard *cbd)$/;" f
4375 clip_modeless   ui.c    /^clip_modeless(button, is_click, is_drag)$/;"  f
4376 clip_own_selection      ui.c    /^clip_own_selection(cbd)$/;"   f
4377 clip_plus       globals.h       /^EXTERN VimClipboard clip_plus;        \/* CLIPBOARD selection in X11 *\/$/;"  v
4378 clip_plus       globals.h       448;"   d
4379 clip_process_selection  ui.c    /^clip_process_selection(button, col, row, repeated_click)$/;"  f
4380 clip_scroll_selection   ui.c    /^clip_scroll_selection(rows)$/;"       f
4381 clip_star       globals.h       /^EXTERN VimClipboard clip_star;        \/* PRIMARY selection in X11 *\/$/;"    v
4382 clip_start_selection    ui.c    /^clip_start_selection(col, row, repeated_click)$/;"    f
4383 clip_unnamed    option.h        /^EXTERN int    clip_unnamed INIT(= FALSE);$/;" v
4384 clip_update_modeless_selection  ui.c    /^clip_update_modeless_selection(cb, row1, col1, row2, col2)$/;"        f       file:
4385 clip_update_selection   ui.c    /^clip_update_selection()$/;"   f
4386 clip_x11_convert_selection_cb   ui.c    /^clip_x11_convert_selection_cb(w, sel_atom, target, type, value, length, format)$/;"   f       file:
4387 clip_x11_lose_ownership_cb      ui.c    /^clip_x11_lose_ownership_cb(w, sel_atom)$/;"   f       file:
4388 clip_x11_lose_selection ui.c    /^clip_x11_lose_selection(myShell, cbd)$/;"     f
4389 clip_x11_own_selection  ui.c    /^clip_x11_own_selection(myShell, cbd)$/;"      f
4390 clip_x11_request_selection      ui.c    /^clip_x11_request_selection(myShell, dpy, cbd)$/;"     f
4391 clip_x11_request_selection_cb   ui.c    /^clip_x11_request_selection_cb(w, success, sel_atom, type, value, length,$/;"  f       file:
4392 clip_x11_set_selection  ui.c    /^clip_x11_set_selection(cbd)$/;"       f
4393 clip_yank_selection     ops.c   /^clip_yank_selection(type, str, len, cbd)$/;"  f
4394 cloneFoldGrowArray      fold.c  /^cloneFoldGrowArray(from, to)$/;"      f
4395 closeFold       fold.c  /^closeFold(lnum, count)$/;"    f
4396 closeFoldRecurse        fold.c  /^closeFoldRecurse(lnum)$/;"    f
4397 close_buffer    buffer.c        /^close_buffer(win, buf, action)$/;"    f
4398 close_others    window.c        /^close_others(message, forceit)$/;"    f
4399 close_redir     ex_docmd.c      /^close_redir()$/;"     f       file:
4400 close_win       os_amiga.c      /^static int            close_win = FALSE;  \/* set if Vim opened the window *\/$/;"    v       file:
4401 close_windows   window.c        /^close_windows(buf)$/;"        f
4402 closescript     getchar.c       /^closescript()$/;"     f       file:
4403 clr_history     ex_getln.c      /^clr_history(histype)$/;"      f
4404 clrallmarks     mark.c  /^clrallmarks(buf)$/;"  f
4405 cls     search.c        /^cls()$/;"     f       file:
4406 cls_bigword     search.c        /^static int    cls_bigword;    \/* TRUE for "W", "B" or "E" *\/$/;"    v       file:
4407 cmd     ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    *cmd;           \/* the name of the command (except for :make) *\/$/;"  m       struct:exarg
4408 cmd     fileio.c        /^    char_u        *cmd;               \/* The command to be executed (NULL$/;"        m       struct:AutoCmd  file:
4409 cmd     testdir/test49.vim      /^              let cmd = ""$/;"        v
4410 cmd     testdir/test49.vim      /^              let cmd = "unlet"$/;"   v
4411 cmd     testdir/test49.vim      /^    let cmd = "let"$/;"       v
4412 cmd_arg normal.c        /^    short     cmd_arg;        \/* value for ca.arg *\/$/;"    m       struct:nv_cmd   file:
4413 cmd_argt        ex_cmds.h       /^    long_u    cmd_argt;       \/* flags declared above *\/$/;"        m       struct:cmdname
4414 cmd_char        normal.c        /^    int               cmd_char;       \/* (first) command character *\/$/;"   m       struct:nv_cmd   file:
4415 cmd_exists      ex_docmd.c      /^cmd_exists(name)$/;"  f
4416 cmd_fkmap       ex_getln.c      /^static int    cmd_fkmap = 0;  \/* Farsi mapping during command line *\/$/;"   v       file:
4417 cmd_flags       normal.c        /^    short_u   cmd_flags;      \/* NV_ flags *\/$/;"   m       struct:nv_cmd   file:
4418 cmd_func        ex_cmds.h       /^    ex_func_T   cmd_func;     \/* function for this command *\/$/;"   m       struct:cmdname
4419 cmd_func        normal.c        /^    nv_func_T   cmd_func;     \/* function for this command *\/$/;"   m       struct:nv_cmd   file:
4420 cmd_gchar       ex_getln.c      /^cmd_gchar(offset)$/;" f
4421 cmd_hkmap       ex_getln.c      /^static int    cmd_hkmap = 0;  \/* Hebrew mapping during command line *\/$/;"  v       file:
4422 cmd_name        ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    *cmd_name;      \/* name of the command *\/$/;" m       struct:cmdname
4423 cmd_pchar       ex_getln.c      /^cmd_pchar(c, offset)$/;"      f
4424 cmd_runtime     ex_cmds2.c      /^cmd_runtime(name, all)$/;"    f
4425 cmd_showtail    ex_getln.c      /^static int    cmd_showtail;           \/* Only show path tail in lists ? *\/$/;"      v       file:
4426 cmd_silent      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cmd_silent INIT(= FALSE); \/* don't echo the command line *\/$/;"       v
4427 cmd_source      ex_cmds2.c      /^cmd_source(fname, eap)$/;"    f       file:
4428 cmdarg  structs.h       /^typedef struct cmdarg$/;"     s
4429 cmdarg_T        structs.h       /^} cmdarg_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:cmdarg
4430 cmdattr ex_getln.c      /^    int               cmdattr;        \/* attributes for prompt *\/$/;"       m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4431 cmdbuff ex_getln.c      /^    char_u    *cmdbuff;       \/* pointer to command line buffer *\/$/;"      m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4432 cmdbufflen      ex_getln.c      /^    int               cmdbufflen;     \/* length of cmdbuff *\/$/;"   m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4433 cmdchar structs.h       /^    int               cmdchar;        \/* command character *\/$/;"   m       struct:cmdarg
4434 cmdfirstc       ex_getln.c      /^    int               cmdfirstc;      \/* ':', '\/', '?', '=' or NUL *\/$/;"  m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4435 cmdidx  ex_cmds.h       /^    cmdidx_T  cmdidx;         \/* the index for the command *\/$/;"   m       struct:exarg
4436 cmdidx_T        ex_cmds.h       /^typedef enum CMD_index cmdidx_T;$/;"  t       typeref:enum:CMD_index
4437 cmdidxs ex_docmd.c      /^cmdidx_T cmdidxs[27] =$/;"    v
4438 cmdindent       ex_getln.c      /^    int               cmdindent;      \/* number of spaces before cmdline *\/$/;"     m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4439 cmdl_fkmap      farsi.c /^cmdl_fkmap(c)$/;"     f
4440 cmdlen  ex_getln.c      /^    int               cmdlen;         \/* number of chars in command line *\/$/;"     m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4441 cmdline_at_end  ex_getln.c      /^cmdline_at_end()$/;"  f
4442 cmdline_charsize        ex_getln.c      /^cmdline_charsize(idx)$/;"     f       file:
4443 cmdline_del     ex_getln.c      /^cmdline_del(from)$/;" f       file:
4444 cmdline_getvcol_cursor  ex_getln.c      /^cmdline_getvcol_cursor()$/;"  f
4445 cmdline_info    ex_getln.c      /^struct cmdline_info$/;"       s       file:
4446 cmdline_overstrike      ex_getln.c      /^cmdline_overstrike()$/;"      f
4447 cmdline_paste   ex_getln.c      /^cmdline_paste(regname, literally)$/;" f       file:
4448 cmdline_paste_reg       ops.c   /^cmdline_paste_reg(regname, literally)$/;"     f
4449 cmdline_paste_str       ex_getln.c      /^cmdline_paste_str(s, literally)$/;"   f
4450 cmdline_row     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cmdline_row;$/;"        v
4451 cmdline_star    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cmdline_star INIT(= FALSE);     \/* cmdline is crypted *\/$/;"  v
4452 cmdlinep        ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    **cmdlinep;     \/* pointer to pointer of allocated cmdline *\/$/;"     m       struct:exarg
4453 cmdmod  globals.h       /^EXTERN cmdmod_T       cmdmod;                 \/* Ex command modifiers *\/$/;"        v
4454 cmdmod_T        structs.h       /^} cmdmod_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:__anon31
4455 cmdmsg_rl       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cmdmsg_rl INIT(= FALSE);    \/* cmdline is drawn right to left *\/$/;"  v
4456 cmdname ex_cmds.h       /^static struct cmdname$/;"     s
4457 cmdnames        ex_cmds.h       /^cmdnames[] =$/;"      v       typeref:struct:cmdname
4458 cmdno   netbeans.c      /^static int cmdno;                     \/* current command number for reply *\/$/;"    v       file:
4459 cmdpos  ex_getln.c      /^    int               cmdpos;         \/* current cursor position *\/$/;"     m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4460 cmdprompt       ex_getln.c      /^    char_u    *cmdprompt;     \/* message in front of cmdline *\/$/;" m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4461 cmdqueue        netbeans.c      /^struct cmdqueue$/;"   s       file:
4462 cmds    fileio.c        /^    AutoCmd       *cmds;              \/* list of commands to do *\/$/;"      m       struct:AutoPat  file:
4463 cmdspos ex_getln.c      /^    int               cmdspos;        \/* cursor column on screen *\/$/;"     m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
4464 cmdsrv_main     main.c  /^cmdsrv_main(argc, argv, serverName_arg, serverStr)$/;"        f       file:
4465 cmdwin_result   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cmdwin_result INIT(= 0); \/* result of cmdline window or 0 *\/$/;"      v
4466 cmdwin_type     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cmdwin_type INIT(= 0);  \/* type of cmdline window or 0 *\/$/;" v
4467 cmp_flags       option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned       cmp_flags;$/;"  v
4468 code    term.c  /^    char_u  *code;        \/* terminal code (in allocated memory) *\/$/;"     m       struct:termcode file:
4469 codepage        mbyte.c /^{   char *name;               int prop;               int codepage;}$/;"      m       struct:__anon11 file:
4470 col     gui.h   /^    int               col;                \/* Current cursor column in GUI display *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
4471 col     structs.h       /^    colnr_T   col;    \/* column number *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon28
4472 col     structs.h       /^    colnr_T   col;    \/* column number *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon29
4473 col_adjust      mark.c  1031;"  d       file:
4474 col_print       buffer.c        /^col_print(buf, col, vcol)$/;" f
4475 coladd  structs.h       /^    colnr_T   coladd;$/;"     m       struct:__anon28
4476 coladvance      misc2.c /^coladvance(wcol)$/;"  f
4477 coladvance2     misc2.c /^coladvance2(pos, addspaces, finetune, wcol)$/;"       f       file:
4478 coladvance_force        misc2.c /^coladvance_force(wcol)$/;"    f
4479 colnr_T structs.h       /^typedef unsigned      colnr_T;$/;"    t
4480 colnr_T vim.h   /^typedef unsigned    colnr_T;          \/* column number type *\/$/;"  t
4481 cologne testdir/test49.vim      /^    let cologne = 4711$/;"    v
4482 coloncmd        netbeans.c      /^coloncmd(char *cmd, ...)$/;"  f       file:
4483 color   gui_amiga.c     /^      unsigned long    color;$/;"     m       struct:guicolor_tTable  file:
4484 color_approx    gui.h   /^    Bool      color_approx;       \/* Some color was approximated *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
4485 color_name2handle       syntax.c        /^color_name2handle(name)$/;"   f       file:
4486 column  ex_cmds2.c      /^    colnr_T   column;             \/* byte column *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon10 file:
4487 commProperty    globals.h       /^EXTERN Atom   commProperty INIT(= None);$/;"  v
4488 commWindow      globals.h       /^EXTERN Window commWindow INIT(= None);$/;"    v
4489 command tag.c   /^    char_u    *command;       \/* first char of command *\/$/;"       m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
4490 command_complete        ex_docmd.c      /^} command_complete[] =$/;"    v       typeref:struct:__anon23 file:
4491 command_end     tag.c   /^    char_u    *command_end;   \/* first char after command *\/$/;"    m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
4492 command_height  window.c        /^command_height(old_p_ch)$/;"  f
4493 comp_botline    move.c  /^comp_botline(wp)$/;"  f       file:
4494 comp_col        option.c        /^comp_col()$/;"        f
4495 comp_textwidth  edit.c  /^comp_textwidth(ff)$/;"        f
4496 compatible_set  option.c        /^compatible_set()$/;"  f       file:
4497 complete_col    edit.c  /^static colnr_T                    complete_col = 0;   \/* column where the text starts$/;"    v       file:
4498 complete_direction      edit.c  /^static int                complete_direction = FORWARD;$/;"   v       file:
4499 complete_pat    edit.c  /^static char_u             *complete_pat = NULL;$/;"   v       file:
4500 complete_xp     edit.c  /^static expand_T                   complete_xp;$/;"    v       file:
4501 completion_interrupted  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    completion_interrupted INIT(= FALSE);$/;"       v
4502 completion_length       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    completion_length INIT(= 0);$/;"        v
4503 completion_matches      edit.c  /^static int                completion_matches = 0;$/;" v       file:
4504 completion_pending      edit.c  /^static int                completion_pending = FALSE;$/;"     v       file:
4505 composing_hangul        globals.h       /^EXTERN int            composing_hangul INIT(= 0);$/;" v
4506 composing_hangul_buffer globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u         composing_hangul_buffer[5];$/;" v
4507 compound_text_atom      ui.c    /^static Atom   compound_text_atom;$/;" v       file:
4508 compute_cmdrow  ex_getln.c      /^compute_cmdrow()$/;"  f
4509 concat_esc      gui.c   /^concat_esc(gap, text, what)$/;"       f       file:
4510 concat_fnames   misc1.c /^concat_fnames(fname1, fname2, sep)$/;"        f
4511 condstack       structs.h       /^struct condstack$/;"  s
4512 confirm structs.h       /^    int               confirm;                \/* TRUE to invoke yes\/no dialog *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon31
4513 confirm_msg     message.c       /^static char_u *confirm_msg = NULL;            \/* ":confirm" message *\/$/;"  v       file:
4514 confirm_msg_tail        message.c       /^static char_u *confirm_msg_tail;              \/* tail of confirm_msg *\/$/;" v       file:
4515 confirm_msg_used        message.c       /^static int    confirm_msg_used = FALSE;       \/* displaying confirm_msg *\/$/;"      v       file:
4516 cont_in_list    structs.h       /^    short     *cont_in_list;  \/* group IDs, if non-zero *\/$/;"      m       struct:sp_syn
4517 continue_mode   edit.c  /^static int                continue_mode = 0;$/;"      v       file:
4518 continue_status globals.h       /^EXTERN int    continue_status   INIT(= 0);$/;"        v
4519 conv    ex_cmds2.c      /^    vimconv_T conv;           \/* type of conversion *\/$/;"  m       struct:source_cookie    file:
4520 conv_to_pstd    farsi.c /^conv_to_pstd()$/;"    f
4521 conv_to_pvim    farsi.c /^conv_to_pvim()$/;"    f
4522 convertStruct   mbyte.c /^} convertStruct;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:__anon13 file:
4523 convert_input   mbyte.c /^convert_input(ptr, len, maxlen)$/;"   f
4524 convert_input_safe      mbyte.c /^convert_input_safe(ptr, len, maxlen, restp, restlenp)$/;"     f
4525 convert_setup   mbyte.c /^convert_setup(vcp, from, to)$/;"      f
4526 cookie  ex_cmds.h       /^    void      *cookie;        \/* argument for getline() *\/$/;"      m       struct:exarg
4527 cookie  ex_docmd.c      /^    void      *cookie;$/;"    m       struct:while_cookie     file:
4528 copyFoldingState        fold.c  /^copyFoldingState(wp_from, wp_to)$/;"  f
4529 copy_char       message.c       /^copy_char(from, to, lowercase)$/;"    f       file:
4530 copy_chars      misc2.c /^copy_chars(ptr, count, c)$/;" f
4531 copy_id_list    syntax.c        /^copy_id_list(list)$/;"        f       file:
4532 copy_indent     misc1.c /^copy_indent(size, src)$/;"    f       file:
4533 copy_jumplist   mark.c  /^copy_jumplist(from, to)$/;"   f
4534 copy_option_part        misc2.c /^copy_option_part(option, buf, maxlen, sep_chars)$/;"  f
4535 copy_redo       getchar.c       /^copy_redo(old_redo)$/;"       f       file:
4536 copy_spaces     misc2.c /^copy_spaces(ptr, count)$/;"   f
4537 copy_text_attr  screen.c        /^copy_text_attr(off, buf, len, attr)$/;"       f       file:
4538 copy_var        eval.c  /^copy_var(from, to)$/;"        f       file:
4539 copy_viminfo_marks      mark.c  /^copy_viminfo_marks(virp, fp_out, count, eof)$/;"      f
4540 copy_winopt     option.c        /^copy_winopt(from, to)$/;"     f
4541 copy_yank_reg   ops.c   /^copy_yank_reg(reg)$/;"        f       file:
4542 corr_ind_maxparen       misc1.c /^corr_ind_maxparen(ind_maxparen, startpos)$/;" f       file:
4543 correct_cmdspos ex_getln.c      /^correct_cmdspos(idx, cells)$/;"       f       file:
4544 correct_range   ex_docmd.c      /^correct_range(eap)$/;"        f       file:
4545 count0  structs.h       /^    long      count0;         \/* count before command, default 0 *\/$/;"     m       struct:cmdarg
4546 count1  structs.h       /^    long      count1;         \/* count before command, default 1 *\/$/;"     m       struct:cmdarg
4547 count_changed_buffers   netbeans.c      /^count_changed_buffers(void)$/;"       f       file:
4548 crc_32_tab      misc2.c /^ulg crc_32_tab[256];$/;"      v
4549 createBalloonEvalWindow gui_beval.c     /^createBalloonEvalWindow(BalloonEval *beval)$/;"       f       file:
4550 createBalloonEvalWindow gui_beval.c     /^createBalloonEvalWindow(beval)$/;"    f       file:
4551 crv_status      term.c  /^static int crv_status = CRV_GET;$/;"  v       file:
4552 crypt_init_keys misc2.c /^crypt_init_keys(passwd)$/;"   f
4553 cs_emsg_silent_list     structs.h       /^    eslist_T  *cs_emsg_silent_list;   \/* saved values of "emsg_silent" *\/$/;"       m       struct:condstack
4554 cs_exception    structs.h       606;"   d
4555 cs_flags        structs.h       /^    char      cs_flags[CSTACK_LEN];   \/* CSF_ flags *\/$/;"  m       struct:condstack
4556 cs_had_continue structs.h       /^    char      cs_had_continue;        \/* just found ":continue" *\/$/;"      m       struct:condstack
4557 cs_had_endwhile structs.h       /^    char      cs_had_endwhile;        \/* just found ":endwhile" *\/$/;"      m       struct:condstack
4558 cs_had_finally  structs.h       /^    char      cs_had_finally;         \/* just found ":finally" *\/$/;"       m       struct:condstack
4559 cs_had_while    structs.h       /^    char      cs_had_while;           \/* just found ":while" *\/$/;" m       struct:condstack
4560 cs_idx  structs.h       /^    int               cs_idx;                 \/* current entry, or -1 if none *\/$/;"        m       struct:condstack
4561 cs_line structs.h       /^    int               cs_line[CSTACK_LEN];    \/* line number of ":while" line *\/$/;"        m       struct:condstack
4562 cs_pend structs.h       /^    }         cs_pend;$/;"    m       struct:condstack        typeref:union:condstack::__anon32
4563 cs_pend_ex      structs.h       /^      void   *cs_pend_ex[CSTACK_LEN]; \/* exception for pending throw *\/$/;" m       union:condstack::__anon32
4564 cs_pend_rv      structs.h       /^      void   *cs_pend_rv[CSTACK_LEN]; \/* returnval for pending return *\/$/;"        m       union:condstack::__anon32
4565 cs_pending      structs.h       /^    char      cs_pending[CSTACK_LEN]; \/* CSTP_: what's pending in ":finally"*\/$/;"  m       struct:condstack
4566 cs_retvar       structs.h       605;"   d
4567 cs_trylevel     structs.h       /^    int               cs_trylevel;            \/* number of nested ":try"s *\/$/;"    m       struct:condstack
4568 cs_whilelevel   structs.h       /^    int               cs_whilelevel;          \/* number of nested ":while"s *\/$/;"  m       struct:condstack
4569 cstack  ex_cmds.h       /^    struct condstack *cstack; \/* condition stack for ":if" etc. *\/$/;"      m       struct:exarg    typeref:struct:exarg::condstack
4570 cstrchr regexp.c        /^cstrchr(s, c)$/;"     f       file:
4571 cstrncmp        regexp.c        /^cstrncmp(s1, s2, n)$/;"       f       file:
4572 cterm   structs.h       /^      } cterm;$/;"    m       union:attr_entry::__anon34      typeref:struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon36
4573 cterm_attr_table        syntax.c        /^garray_T      cterm_attr_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};$/;"      v
4574 cterm_color_16  ex_cmds2.c      /^static const long_u  cterm_color_16[16] =$/;" v       file:
4575 cterm_color_8   ex_cmds2.c      /^static const long_u  cterm_color_8[8] =$/;"   v       file:
4576 cterm_normal_bg_color   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cterm_normal_bg_color INIT(= 0);$/;"    v
4577 cterm_normal_fg_bold    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cterm_normal_fg_bold INIT(= 0);$/;"     v
4578 cterm_normal_fg_color   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cterm_normal_fg_color INIT(= 0);$/;"    v
4579 ctrl_c_interrupts       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    ctrl_c_interrupts INIT(= TRUE); \/* CTRL-C sets got_int *\/$/;" v
4580 ctrl_x_mode     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    ctrl_x_mode INIT(= 0);  \/* Which Ctrl-X mode are we in? *\/$/;"        v
4581 ctrl_x_msgs     edit.c  /^static char *ctrl_x_msgs[] =$/;"      v       file:
4582 curPCtype       netbeans.c      /^static int curPCtype = -1;$/;"        v       file:
4583 cur_fnum        structs.h       /^    int               cur_fnum;       \/* buffer number used for cur_match *\/$/;"    m       struct:taggy
4584 cur_match       structs.h       /^    int               cur_match;      \/* match number *\/$/;"        m       struct:taggy
4585 cur_tmode       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    cur_tmode INIT(= TMODE_COOK);   \/* input terminal mode *\/$/;" v
4586 curbuf  globals.h       /^EXTERN buf_T  *curbuf INIT(= NULL);   \/* currently active buffer *\/$/;"     v
4587 curbufIsChanged undo.c  /^curbufIsChanged()$/;" f
4588 curchr  regexp.c        /^static int    curchr;$/;"     v       file:
4589 curpat  fileio.c        /^    AutoPat   *curpat;        \/* next AutoPat to examine *\/$/;"     m       struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
4590 currBgColor     gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        currBgColor;        \/* Current background text color *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
4591 currFgColor     gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        currFgColor;        \/* Current foreground text color *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
4592 currFont        gui.h   /^    GuiFont   currFont;           \/* Current font *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
4593 curr_bg ex_cmds2.c      /^static long_u curr_bg;$/;"    v       file:
4594 curr_bold       ex_cmds2.c      /^static int    curr_bold;$/;"  v       file:
4595 curr_fg ex_cmds2.c      /^static long_u curr_fg;$/;"    v       file:
4596 curr_italic     ex_cmds2.c      /^static int    curr_italic;$/;"        v       file:
4597 curr_match      edit.c  /^static struct Completion    *curr_match = NULL;$/;"   v       typeref:struct:Completion       file:
4598 curr_underline  ex_cmds2.c      /^static int    curr_underline;$/;"     v       file:
4599 current gui_amiga.c     /^    int               current;$/;"    m       struct:__anon26 file:
4600 current_SID     globals.h       /^EXTERN scid_T current_SID INIT(= 0);      \/* ID of script being sourced or$/;"       v
4601 current_ScreenLine      screen.c        /^static schar_T        *current_ScreenLine;$/;"        v       file:
4602 current_attr    syntax.c        /^static int current_attr = 0;      \/* attr of current syntax word *\/$/;"     v       file:
4603 current_augroup fileio.c        /^static int current_augroup = AUGROUP_DEFAULT;$/;"     v       file:
4604 current_beval   gui_beval.c     /^static BalloonEval *current_beval = NULL;$/;" v       file:
4605 current_block   search.c        /^current_block(oap, count, include, what, other)$/;"   f
4606 current_col     syntax.c        /^static colnr_T        current_col = 0;        \/* column of current state *\/$/;"     v       file:
4607 current_exception       globals.h       /^EXTERN except_T *current_exception;$/;"       v
4608 current_finished        syntax.c        /^static int    current_finished = 0;   \/* current line has been finished *\/$/;"      v       file:
4609 current_font    gui.h   /^    GuiFont   current_font;$/;"       m       struct:Gui
4610 current_func_returned   eval.c  /^current_func_returned()$/;"   f
4611 current_funccal eval.c  /^struct funccall *current_funccal = NULL;$/;"  v       typeref:struct:funccall
4612 current_id      syntax.c        /^static int current_id = 0;        \/* ID of current char for syn_get_id() *\/$/;"     v       file:
4613 current_line    ex_docmd.c      /^    int               current_line;           \/* last read line from growarray *\/$/;"       m       struct:while_cookie     file:
4614 current_line_id syntax.c        /^static int    current_line_id = 0;    \/* unique number for current line *\/$/;"      v       file:
4615 current_lnum    syntax.c        /^static linenr_T current_lnum = 0;     \/* lnum of current state *\/$/;"       v       file:
4616 current_menu    globals.h       /^EXTERN vimmenu_T      *current_menu;$/;"      v
4617 current_next_flags      syntax.c        /^static int    current_next_flags = 0; \/* flags for current_next_list *\/$/;" v       file:
4618 current_next_list       syntax.c        /^static short  *current_next_list = NULL; \/* when non-zero, nextgroup list *\/$/;"    v       file:
4619 current_par     search.c        /^current_par(oap, count, include, type)$/;"    f
4620 current_scrollbar       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    current_scrollbar;$/;"  v
4621 current_sent    search.c        /^current_sent(oap, count, include)$/;" f
4622 current_state   syntax.c        /^static garray_T current_state         \/* current stack of state_items *\/$/;"        v       file:
4623 current_state_stored    syntax.c        /^static int    current_state_stored = 0; \/* TRUE if stored current state$/;"  v       file:
4624 current_syn_id  ex_cmds2.c      /^static int            current_syn_id;$/;"     v       file:
4625 current_syn_inc_tag     syntax.c        /^static int current_syn_inc_tag = 0;$/;"       v       file:
4626 current_trans_id        syntax.c        /^static int current_trans_id = 0;    \/* idem, transparancy removed *\/$/;"    v       file:
4627 current_word    search.c        /^current_word(oap, count, include, bigword)$/;"        f
4628 curs_columns    move.c  /^curs_columns(scroll)$/;"      f
4629 curs_rows       move.c  /^curs_rows(wp, do_botline)$/;" f       file:
4630 curscript       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    curscript INIT(= 0);        \/* index in scriptin[] *\/$/;"     v
4631 cursor  gui_amiga.c     /^} cursor =$/;"        v       typeref:struct:__anon26 file:
4632 cursor_col      gui.h   /^    int               cursor_col;         \/* Physical cursor column in GUI display *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
4633 cursor_correct  move.c  /^cursor_correct()$/;"  f
4634 cursor_down     edit.c  /^cursor_down(n, upd_topline)$/;"       f
4635 cursor_entry    structs.h       /^typedef struct cursor_entry$/;"       s
4636 cursor_is_off   term.c  /^static int cursor_is_off = FALSE;$/;" v       file:
4637 cursor_is_valid gui.h   /^    char      cursor_is_valid;    \/* There is a cursor at cursor_row\/col *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
4638 cursor_off      term.c  /^cursor_off()$/;"      f
4639 cursor_on       term.c  /^cursor_on()$/;"       f
4640 cursor_pos_info ops.c   /^cursor_pos_info()$/;" f
4641 cursor_row      gui.h   /^    int               cursor_row;         \/* Physical cursor row in GUI display *\/$/;"      m       struct:Gui
4642 cursor_start    structs.h       /^    pos_T     cursor_start;   \/* cursor position before motion for "gw" *\/$/;"      m       struct:oparg
4643 cursor_up       edit.c  /^cursor_up(n, upd_topline)$/;" f
4644 cursor_valid    move.c  /^cursor_valid()$/;"    f
4645 cursorcmd       ex_getln.c      /^cursorcmd()$/;"       f       file:
4646 cursorentry_T   structs.h       /^} cursorentry_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:cursor_entry
4647 curwin  globals.h       /^EXTERN win_T  *curwin;        \/* currently active window *\/$/;"     v
4648 curwin_col_off  move.c  /^curwin_col_off()$/;"  f
4649 curwin_col_off2 move.c  /^curwin_col_off2()$/;" f
4650 darken_rgb      ex_cmds2.c      /^darken_rgb(rgb)$/;"   f       file:
4651 data_block      memline.c       /^struct data_block$/;" s       file:
4652 db_free memline.c       /^    unsigned  db_free;        \/* free space available *\/$/;"        m       struct:data_block       file:
4653 db_id   memline.c       /^    short_u   db_id;          \/* ID for data block: DATA_ID *\/$/;"  m       struct:data_block       file:
4654 db_index        memline.c       /^    unsigned  db_index[1];    \/* index for start of line (actually bigger)$/;"       m       struct:data_block       file:
4655 db_line_count   memline.c       /^    linenr_T  db_line_count;  \/* number of lines in this block *\/$/;"       m       struct:data_block       file:
4656 db_txt_end      memline.c       /^    unsigned  db_txt_end;     \/* byte just after data block *\/$/;"  m       struct:data_block       file:
4657 db_txt_start    memline.c       /^    unsigned  db_txt_start;   \/* byte where text starts *\/$/;"      m       struct:data_block       file:
4658 dbcs_char2bytes mbyte.c /^dbcs_char2bytes(c, buf)$/;"   f       file:
4659 dbcs_char2cells mbyte.c /^dbcs_char2cells(c)$/;"        f       file:
4660 dbcs_char2len   mbyte.c /^dbcs_char2len(c)$/;"  f       file:
4661 dbcs_class      mbyte.c /^dbcs_class(lead, trail)$/;"   f
4662 dbcs_head_off   mbyte.c /^dbcs_head_off(base, p)$/;"    f
4663 dbcs_off2cells  mbyte.c /^dbcs_off2cells(off)$/;"       f
4664 dbcs_ptr2cells  mbyte.c /^dbcs_ptr2cells(p)$/;" f
4665 dbcs_ptr2char   mbyte.c /^dbcs_ptr2char(p)$/;"  f       file:
4666 dbcs_ptr2len_check      mbyte.c /^dbcs_ptr2len_check(p)$/;"     f       file:
4667 dbcs_screen_head_off    mbyte.c /^dbcs_screen_head_off(base, p)$/;"     f
4668 dbcs_screen_tail_off    mbyte.c /^dbcs_screen_tail_off(base, p)$/;"     f
4669 dbg_breakp      ex_cmds2.c      /^static garray_T dbg_breakp = {0, 0, sizeof(struct debuggy), 4, NULL};$/;"     v       file:
4670 dbg_breakpoint  ex_cmds2.c      /^dbg_breakpoint(name, lnum)$/;"        f
4671 dbg_check_breakpoint    ex_cmds2.c      /^dbg_check_breakpoint(eap)$/;" f
4672 dbg_check_skipped       ex_cmds2.c      /^dbg_check_skipped(eap)$/;"    f
4673 dbg_find_breakpoint     ex_cmds2.c      /^dbg_find_breakpoint(file, fname, after)$/;"   f
4674 dbg_lnum        ex_cmds2.c      /^    linenr_T  dbg_lnum;       \/* line number in function or file *\/$/;"     m       struct:debuggy  file:
4675 dbg_name        ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u    *dbg_name;      \/* function or file name *\/$/;"       m       struct:debuggy  file:
4676 dbg_nr  ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               dbg_nr;         \/* breakpoint number *\/$/;"   m       struct:debuggy  file:
4677 dbg_parsearg    ex_cmds2.c      /^dbg_parsearg(arg)$/;" f       file:
4678 dbg_prog        ex_cmds2.c      /^    regprog_T *dbg_prog;      \/* regexp program *\/$/;"      m       struct:debuggy  file:
4679 dbg_tick        eval.c  /^    int               dbg_tick;       \/* debug_tick when breakpoint was set *\/$/;"  m       struct:funccall file:
4680 dbg_tick        ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               dbg_tick;       \/* debug_tick when breakpoint was set *\/$/;"  m       struct:source_cookie    file:
4681 dbg_type        ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               dbg_type;       \/* DBG_FUNC or DBG_FILE *\/$/;"        m       struct:debuggy  file:
4682 debug_break_level       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    debug_break_level INIT(= -1);   \/* break below this level *\/$/;"      v
4683 debug_breakpoint_lnum   ex_cmds2.c      /^static linenr_T       debug_breakpoint_lnum;$/;"      v       file:
4684 debug_breakpoint_name   ex_cmds2.c      /^static char_u *debug_breakpoint_name = NULL;$/;"      v       file:
4685 debug_did_msg   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    debug_did_msg INIT(= FALSE);    \/* did "debug mode" message *\/$/;"    v
4686 debug_greedy    ex_cmds2.c      /^static int debug_greedy = FALSE;      \/* batch mode debugging: don't save$/;"        v       file:
4687 debug_skipped   ex_cmds2.c      /^static int    debug_skipped;$/;"      v       file:
4688 debug_skipped_name      ex_cmds2.c      /^static char_u *debug_skipped_name;$/;"        v       file:
4689 debug_tick      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    debug_tick INIT(= 0);           \/* breakpoint change count *\/$/;"     v
4690 debugfp globals.h       /^EXTERN FILE *debugfp INIT(= NULL);$/;"        v
4691 debuggy ex_cmds2.c      /^struct debuggy$/;"    s       file:
4692 dec     misc2.c /^dec(lp)$/;"   f
4693 dec_cursor      misc2.c /^dec_cursor()$/;"      f
4694 decl    misc2.c /^decl(lp)$/;"  f
4695 decomp_T        regexp.c        /^} decomp_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:__anon52 file:
4696 decomp_table    regexp.c        /^decomp_T decomp_table[0xfb4f-0xfb20+1] =$/;"  v
4697 decrypt_byte    misc2.c /^decrypt_byte()$/;"    f
4698 def_back_pixel  gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        def_back_pixel;     \/* default Color of background *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
4699 def_norm_pixel  gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        def_norm_pixel;     \/* default Color of normal text *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
4700 def_val option.c        /^    char_u    *def_val[2];    \/* default values for variable (vi and vim) *\/$/;"    m       struct:vimoption        file:
4701 default_fileformat      misc2.c /^default_fileformat()$/;"      f
4702 del_bytes       misc1.c /^del_bytes(count, fixpos)$/;"  f
4703 del_char        misc1.c /^del_char(fixpos)$/;"  f
4704 del_chars       misc1.c /^del_chars(count, fixpos)$/;"  f
4705 del_from_showcmd        normal.c        /^del_from_showcmd(len)$/;"     f       file:
4706 del_history_entry       ex_getln.c      /^del_history_entry(histype, str)$/;"   f
4707 del_history_idx ex_getln.c      /^del_history_idx(histype, idx)$/;"     f
4708 del_lines       misc1.c /^del_lines(nlines, undo)$/;"   f
4709 del_menutrans_vars      eval.c  /^del_menutrans_vars()$/;"      f
4710 del_mouse_termcode      term.c  /^del_mouse_termcode(n)$/;"     f
4711 del_termcode    term.c  /^del_termcode(name)$/;"        f
4712 del_termcode_idx        term.c  /^del_termcode_idx(idx)$/;"     f       file:
4713 del_trailing_spaces     misc2.c /^del_trailing_spaces(ptr)$/;"  f
4714 del_typebuf     getchar.c       /^del_typebuf(len, offset)$/;"  f
4715 delbuf_msg      ex_cmds.c       /^delbuf_msg(name)$/;"  f       file:
4716 deleteFold      fold.c  /^deleteFold(start, end, recursive, had_visual)$/;"     f
4717 deleteFoldEntry fold.c  /^deleteFoldEntry(gap, idx, recursive)$/;"      f       file:
4718 deleteFoldMarkers       fold.c  /^deleteFoldMarkers(fp, recursive, lnum_off)$/;"        f       file:
4719 deleteFoldRecurse       fold.c  /^deleteFoldRecurse(gap)$/;"    f
4720 deleted_lines   misc1.c /^deleted_lines(lnum, count)$/;"        f
4721 deleted_lines_mark      misc1.c /^deleted_lines_mark(lnum, count)$/;"   f
4722 detected_8bit   term.c  /^static int  detected_8bit = FALSE;    \/* detected 8-bit terminal *\/$/;"     v       file:
4723 dev     ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               dev;$/;"        m       struct:scriptstuff      file:
4724 dev_T   buffer.c        53;"    d       file:
4725 dev_T   buffer.c        55;"    d       file:
4726 df_count        diff.c  /^    linenr_T  df_count[DB_COUNT];     \/* nr of inserted\/changed lines *\/$/;"       m       struct:diffblock        file:
4727 df_lnum diff.c  /^    linenr_T  df_lnum[DB_COUNT];      \/* line number in buffer *\/$/;"       m       struct:diffblock        file:
4728 df_next diff.c  /^    diff_T    *df_next;$/;"   m       struct:diffblock        file:
4729 dialog_changed  ex_cmds2.c      /^dialog_changed(buf, checkall)$/;"     f
4730 dialog_msg      ex_docmd.c      /^dialog_msg(buff, format, fname)$/;"   f
4731 did_add_space   edit.c  /^static int    did_add_space = FALSE;  \/* auto_format() added an extra space$/;"      v       file:
4732 did_ai  globals.h       /^EXTERN int     did_ai INIT(= FALSE);$/;"      v
4733 did_check_timestamps    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_check_timestamps INIT(= FALSE); \/* did check timestamps$/;"        v
4734 did_emsg        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_emsg;                   \/* set by emsg() when the message$/;"      v
4735 did_endif       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_endif INIT(= FALSE);    \/* just had ":endif" *\/$/;"       v
4736 did_filetype    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_filetype INIT(= FALSE);     \/* FileType event found *\/$/;"        v
4737 did_match_already       syntax.c        /^did_match_already(idx, gap)$/;"       f       file:
4738 did_outofmem_msg        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_outofmem_msg INIT(= FALSE);$/;"     v
4739 did_set_string_option   option.c        /^did_set_string_option(opt_idx, varp, new_value_alloced, oldval, errbuf,$/;"   f       file:
4740 did_set_title   option.c        /^did_set_title(icon)$/;"       f       file:
4741 did_si  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_si INIT(= FALSE);$/;"       v
4742 did_swapwrite_msg       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_swapwrite_msg INIT(= FALSE);$/;"    v
4743 did_syncbind    globals.h       /^EXTERN int     did_syncbind INIT(= FALSE);$/;"        v
4744 did_throw       globals.h       /^EXTERN int did_throw INIT(= FALSE);$/;"       v
4745 did_wait_return globals.h       /^EXTERN int    did_wait_return INIT(= FALSE);  \/* wait_return() was used and$/;"      v
4746 didset_options  option.c        /^didset_options()$/;"  f       file:
4747 didset_vim      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    didset_vim INIT(= FALSE);   \/* did set $VIM ourselves *\/$/;"  v
4748 didset_vimruntime       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    didset_vimruntime INIT(= FALSE);   \/* idem for $VIMRUNTIME *\/$/;"     v
4749 diff_T  diff.c  /^typedef struct diffblock diff_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:diffblock        file:
4750 diff_a_works    diff.c  /^static int diff_a_works = MAYBE; \/* TRUE when "diff -a" works, FALSE when it$/;"     v       file:
4751 diff_alloc_new  diff.c  /^diff_alloc_new(dprev, dp)$/;" f       file:
4752 diff_bin_works  diff.c  /^static int diff_bin_works = MAYBE; \/* TRUE when "diff --binary" works, FALSE$/;"     v       file:
4753 diff_buf_add    diff.c  /^diff_buf_add(buf)$/;" f
4754 diff_buf_delete diff.c  /^diff_buf_delete(buf)$/;"      f
4755 diff_buf_idx    diff.c  /^diff_buf_idx(buf)$/;" f       file:
4756 diff_busy       diff.c  /^static int    diff_busy = FALSE;      \/* ex_diffgetput() is busy *\/$/;"     v       file:
4757 diff_check      diff.c  /^diff_check(wp, lnum)$/;"      f
4758 diff_check_fill diff.c  /^diff_check_fill(wp, lnum)$/;" f
4759 diff_check_sanity       diff.c  /^diff_check_sanity(dp)$/;"     f       file:
4760 diff_check_unchanged    diff.c  /^diff_check_unchanged(dp)$/;"  f       file:
4761 diff_clear      diff.c  /^diff_clear()$/;"      f       file:
4762 diff_cmp        diff.c  /^diff_cmp(s1, s2)$/;"  f       file:
4763 diff_context    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    diff_context INIT(= 6); \/* context for folds *\/$/;"   v
4764 diff_copy_entry diff.c  /^diff_copy_entry(dprev, dp, idx_orig, idx_new)$/;"     f       file:
4765 diff_equal_entry        diff.c  /^diff_equal_entry(dp, idx1, idx2)$/;"  f       file:
4766 diff_file       diff.c  /^diff_file(tmp_orig, tmp_new, tmp_diff)$/;"    f       file:
4767 diff_find_change        diff.c  /^diff_find_change(wp, lnum, startp, endp)$/;"  f
4768 diff_flags      diff.c  /^static int    diff_flags = DIFF_FILLER;$/;"   v       file:
4769 diff_fold_update        diff.c  /^diff_fold_update(dp, skip_idx)$/;"    f       file:
4770 diff_infold     diff.c  /^diff_infold(wp, lnum)$/;"     f
4771 diff_invalid    diff.c  /^static int    diff_invalid = TRUE;    \/* list of diffs is outdated *\/$/;"   v       file:
4772 diff_invalidate diff.c  /^diff_invalidate()$/;" f
4773 diff_lnum_win   diff.c  /^diff_lnum_win(lnum, wp)$/;"   f
4774 diff_mark_adjust        diff.c  /^diff_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after)$/;"      f
4775 diff_mode_buf   diff.c  /^diff_mode_buf(buf)$/;"        f
4776 diff_move_to    diff.c  /^diff_move_to(dir, count)$/;"  f
4777 diff_new_buffer diff.c  /^diff_new_buffer()$/;" f
4778 diff_read       diff.c  /^diff_read(idx_orig, idx_new, fname)$/;"       f       file:
4779 diff_redraw     diff.c  /^diff_redraw(dofold)$/;"       f       file:
4780 diff_set_topline        diff.c  /^diff_set_topline(fromwin, towin)$/;"  f
4781 diff_win_options        diff.c  /^diff_win_options(wp, addbuf)$/;"      f
4782 diff_write      diff.c  /^diff_write(buf, fname)$/;"    f       file:
4783 diffblock       diff.c  /^struct diffblock$/;"  s       file:
4784 diffbuf diff.c  /^static buf_T  *(diffbuf[DB_COUNT]);$/;"       v       file:
4785 diffopt_changed diff.c  /^diffopt_changed()$/;" f
4786 digr_T  digraph.c       /^} digr_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:digraph  file:
4787 digraph digraph.c       /^typedef struct digraph$/;"    s       file:
4788 digraphdefault  digraph.c       /^digr_T        digraphdefault[] =$/;"  v
4789 dir     search.c        /^    int               dir;            \/* search direction *\/$/;"    m       struct:soffset  file:
4790 dir_stack       quickfix.c      /^static struct dir_stack_T   *dir_stack = NULL;$/;"    v       typeref:struct:dir_stack_T      file:
4791 dir_stack_T     quickfix.c      /^struct dir_stack_T$/;"        s       file:
4792 dirname quickfix.c      /^    char_u            *dirname;$/;"   m       struct:dir_stack_T      file:
4793 dis_msg ops.c   /^dis_msg(p, skip_esc)$/;"      f       file:
4794 disallow_gui    globals.h       /^EXTERN short disallow_gui     INIT(= FALSE);$/;"      v
4795 discard_current_exception       ex_eval.c       /^discard_current_exception()$/;"       f
4796 discard_exception       ex_eval.c       /^discard_exception(excp, was_finished)$/;"     f       file:
4797 discard_pending_return  eval.c  /^discard_pending_return(retvar)$/;"    f
4798 display_confirm_msg     message.c       /^display_confirm_msg()$/;"     f
4799 display_dollar  edit.c  /^display_dollar(col)$/;"       f
4800 display_errors  gui.c   /^display_errors()$/;"  f
4801 display_errors  vim.h   1581;"  d
4802 display_showcmd normal.c        /^display_showcmd()$/;" f       file:
4803 display_tick    globals.h       /^EXTERN disptick_T     display_tick INIT(= 0);$/;"     v
4804 displayname     netbeans.c      /^    char              *displayname;$/;"       m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
4805 disptick_T      vim.h   /^typedef unsigned short disptick_T;    \/* display tick type *\/$/;"   t
4806 dname   structs.h       /^    char_u    *dname;             \/* Displayed Name (without '&') *\/$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
4807 dnd_yank_drag_data      ops.c   /^dnd_yank_drag_data(str, len)$/;"      f
4808 do_Lower        regexp.c        /^do_Lower(d, c)$/;"    f       file:
4809 do_Upper        regexp.c        /^do_Upper(d, c)$/;"    f       file:
4810 do_addsub       ops.c   /^do_addsub(command, Prenum1)$/;"       f
4811 do_arg_all      buffer.c        /^do_arg_all(count, forceit)$/;"        f
4812 do_argfile      ex_cmds2.c      /^do_argfile(eap, argn)$/;"     f
4813 do_arglist      ex_cmds2.c      /^do_arglist(str, what, after)$/;"      f       file:
4814 do_ascii        ex_cmds.c       /^do_ascii(eap)$/;"     f
4815 do_augroup      fileio.c        /^do_augroup(arg, del_group)$/;"        f
4816 do_autocmd      fileio.c        /^do_autocmd(arg, forceit)$/;"  f
4817 do_autocmd_event        fileio.c        /^do_autocmd_event(event, pat, nested, cmd, forceit, group)$/;" f       file:
4818 do_bang ex_cmds.c       /^do_bang(addr_count, eap, forceit, do_in, do_out)$/;"  f
4819 do_browse       message.c       /^do_browse(saving, title, dflt, ext, initdir, filter, buf)$/;" f
4820 do_bufdel       buffer.c        /^do_bufdel(command, arg, addr_count, start_bnr, end_bnr, forceit)$/;"  f
4821 do_buffer       buffer.c        /^do_buffer(action, start, dir, count, forceit)$/;"     f
4822 do_c_expr_indent        misc1.c /^do_c_expr_indent()$/;"        f
4823 do_check_scrollbind     normal.c        /^do_check_scrollbind(check)$/;"        f
4824 do_cmdline      ex_docmd.c      /^do_cmdline(cmdline, getline, cookie, flags)$/;"       f
4825 do_cmdline_cmd  ex_docmd.c      /^do_cmdline_cmd(cmd)$/;"       f
4826 do_cscope       ex_docmd.c      216;"   d       file:
4827 do_cstag        ex_docmd.c      218;"   d       file:
4828 do_debug        ex_cmds2.c      /^do_debug(cmd)$/;"     f
4829 do_dialog       message.c       /^do_dialog(type, title, message, buttons, dfltbutton, textfield)$/;"   f
4830 do_dialog       vim.h   1603;"  d
4831 do_digraph      digraph.c       /^do_digraph(c)$/;"     f
4832 do_do_join      ops.c   /^do_do_join(count, insert_space)$/;"   f
4833 do_doautocmd    fileio.c        /^do_doautocmd(arg, do_msg)$/;" f
4834 do_ecmd ex_cmds.c       /^do_ecmd(fnum, ffname, sfname, eap, newlnum, flags)$/;"        f
4835 do_ecmd_cmd     ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    *do_ecmd_cmd;   \/* +command arg to be used in edited file *\/$/;"      m       struct:exarg
4836 do_ecmd_lnum    ex_cmds.h       /^    linenr_T  do_ecmd_lnum;   \/* the line number in an edited file *\/$/;"   m       struct:exarg
4837 do_errthrow     ex_eval.c       /^do_errthrow(cstack, cmdname)$/;"      f
4838 do_execreg      ops.c   /^do_execreg(regname, colon, addcr)$/;" f
4839 do_exedit       ex_docmd.c      /^do_exedit(eap, old_curwin)$/;"        f
4840 do_exmap        ex_docmd.c      /^do_exmap(eap, isabbrev)$/;"   f       file:
4841 do_exmode       ex_docmd.c      /^do_exmode(improved)$/;"       f
4842 do_filter       ex_cmds.c       /^do_filter(line1, line2, eap, cmd, do_in, do_out)$/;"  f       file:
4843 do_finish       ex_cmds2.c      /^do_finish(eap, reanimate)$/;" f
4844 do_fixdel       ex_cmds.c       /^do_fixdel(eap)$/;"    f
4845 do_highlight    syntax.c        /^do_highlight(line, forceit, init)$/;" f
4846 do_in_runtimepath       ex_cmds2.c      /^do_in_runtimepath(name, all, callback)$/;"    f
4847 do_intro_line   version.c       /^do_intro_line(row, mesg, add_version, attr)$/;"       f       file:
4848 do_intthrow     ex_eval.c       /^do_intthrow(cstack)$/;"       f
4849 do_join ops.c   /^do_join(insert_space)$/;"     f
4850 do_lower        regexp.c        /^do_lower(d, c)$/;"    f       file:
4851 do_map  getchar.c       /^do_map(maptype, arg, mode, abbrev)$/;"        f
4852 do_marks        mark.c  /^do_marks(eap)$/;"     f
4853 do_modelines    buffer.c        /^do_modelines()$/;"    f
4854 do_mouse        normal.c        /^do_mouse(oap, c, dir, count, fixindent)$/;"   f
4855 do_move ex_cmds.c       /^do_move(line1, line2, dest)$/;"       f
4856 do_nv_ident     normal.c        /^do_nv_ident(c1, c2)$/;"       f
4857 do_one_arg      ex_cmds2.c      /^do_one_arg(str)$/;"   f
4858 do_one_cmd      ex_docmd.c      /^do_one_cmd(cmdlinep, sourcing,$/;"    f       file:
4859 do_outofmem_msg misc2.c /^do_outofmem_msg(size)$/;"     f
4860 do_pending_operator     normal.c        /^do_pending_operator(cap, old_col, gui_yank)$/;"       f
4861 do_put  ops.c   /^do_put(regname, dir, count, flags)$/;"        f
4862 do_record       ops.c   /^do_record(c)$/;"      f
4863 do_redraw       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    do_redraw INIT(= FALSE);    \/* extra redraw once *\/$/;"       v
4864 do_return       eval.c  /^do_return(eap, reanimate, is_cmd, value)$/;"  f
4865 do_scscope      ex_docmd.c      217;"   d       file:
4866 do_search       search.c        /^do_search(oap, dirc, pat, count, options)$/;" f
4867 do_set  option.c        /^do_set(arg, opt_flags)$/;"    f
4868 do_shell        ex_cmds.c       /^do_shell(cmd, flags)$/;"      f
4869 do_sleep        ex_docmd.c      /^do_sleep(msec)$/;"    f
4870 do_source       ex_cmds2.c      /^do_source(fname, check_other, is_vimrc)$/;"   f
4871 do_string_sub   eval.c  /^do_string_sub(str, pat, sub, flags)$/;"       f
4872 do_sub  ex_cmds.c       /^do_sub(eap)$/;"       f
4873 do_sub_msg      ex_cmds.c       /^do_sub_msg()$/;"      f       file:
4874 do_syntax       structs.h       /^    int               do_syntax;$/;"  m       struct:__anon45
4875 do_tag  tag.c   /^do_tag(tag, type, count, forceit, verbose)$/;"        f
4876 do_tags tag.c   /^do_tags(eap)$/;"      f
4877 do_throw        ex_eval.c       /^do_throw(cstack)$/;"  f
4878 do_ucmd ex_docmd.c      /^do_ucmd(eap)$/;"      f       file:
4879 do_unlet        eval.c  /^do_unlet(name)$/;"    f
4880 do_upper        regexp.c        /^do_upper(d, c)$/;"    f       file:
4881 do_viminfo      ex_cmds.c       /^do_viminfo(fp_in, fp_out, want_info, want_marks, force_read)$/;"      f       file:
4882 do_window       window.c        /^do_window(nchar, Prenum, xchar)$/;"   f
4883 do_wqall        ex_cmds.c       /^do_wqall(eap)$/;"     f
4884 do_write        ex_cmds.c       /^do_write(eap)$/;"     f
4885 dofork  gui.h   /^    int               dofork;             \/* Use fork() when GUI is starting *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
4886 dollar_command  ex_docmd.c      /^static char_u dollar_command[2] = {'$', 0};$/;"       v       file:
4887 dollar_vcol     globals.h       /^EXTERN colnr_T        dollar_vcol INIT(= 0);$/;"      v
4888 dont_release    memfile.c       /^static int    dont_release = FALSE;   \/* don't release blocks *\/$/;"        v       file:
4889 dont_scroll     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    dont_scroll INIT(= FALSE);\/* don't use scrollbars when TRUE *\/$/;"    v
4890 dos2    os_amiga.c      /^int                   dos2 = FALSE;       \/* Amiga DOS 2.0x or higher *\/$/;"        v
4891 dos_expandpath  misc1.c /^dos_expandpath($/;"   f       file:
4892 dos_packet      os_amiga.c      /^dos_packet(pid, action, arg)$/;"      f       file:
4893 dpy     gui.h   /^    Display   *dpy;               \/* X display *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
4894 drag_sep_line   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    drag_sep_line INIT(= FALSE);    \/* dragging vert separator *\/$/;"     v
4895 drag_status_line        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    drag_status_line INIT(= FALSE); \/* dragging the status line *\/$/;"    v
4896 dragged_sb      gui.h   /^    int               dragged_sb;         \/* Which scrollbar being dragged, if any? *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
4897 dragged_wp      gui.h   /^    win_T     *dragged_wp;        \/* Which WIN's sb being dragged, if any? *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
4898 drawBalloon     gui_beval.c     /^drawBalloon(BalloonEval *beval)$/;"   f       file:
4899 drawBalloon     gui_beval.c     /^drawBalloon(beval)$/;"        f       file:
4900 drawBox gui_amiga.c     /^drawBox(enum DrawBoxMode mode, unsigned short col, unsigned short row, int w, int h, guicolor_T color)$/;"    f       file:
4901 draw_cmdline    ex_getln.c      /^draw_cmdline(start, len)$/;"  f       file:
4902 draw_feedback   globals.h       /^EXTERN char           *draw_feedback INIT(= NULL);$/;"        v
4903 draw_signcolumn screen.c        /^draw_signcolumn(wp)$/;"       f       file:
4904 draw_vsep_win   screen.c        /^draw_vsep_win(wp, row)$/;"    f       file:
4905 drawarea        gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *drawarea;          \/* the "text" area *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
4906 dummy   testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let dummy = 0$/;"   v
4907 duplex  structs.h       /^    int               duplex;$/;"     m       struct:__anon45
4908 dy_flags        option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned       dy_flags;$/;"   v
4909 dying   gui.h   /^    int               dying;              \/* Is vim dying? Then output to terminal *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
4910 e_abort globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_abort[]               INIT(=N_("E470: Command aborted"));$/;" v
4911 e_argreq        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_argreq[]      INIT(=N_("E471: Argument required"));$/;"       v
4912 e_backslash     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_backslash[]   INIT(=N_("E10: \\\\ should be followed by \/, ? or &"));$/;"    v
4913 e_cmdwin        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_cmdwin[]      INIT(=N_("E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits"));$/;"      v
4914 e_curdir        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_curdir[]      INIT(=N_("E12: Command not allowed from exrc\/vimrc in current dir or tag search"));$/;"        v
4915 e_endif globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_endif[]               INIT(=N_("E171: Missing :endif"));$/;"  v
4916 e_endtry        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_endtry[]      INIT(=N_("E600: Missing :endtry"));$/;" v
4917 e_endwhile      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_endwhile[]    INIT(=N_("E170: Missing :endwhile"));$/;"       v
4918 e_exists        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_exists[]      INIT(=N_("E13: File exists (add ! to override)"));$/;"  v
4919 e_failed        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_failed[]      INIT(=N_("E472: Command failed"));$/;"  v
4920 e_font  globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_font[]                INIT(=N_("E235: Unknown font: %s"));$/;"        v
4921 e_fontset       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_fontset[]     INIT(=N_("E234: Unknown fontset: %s"));$/;"     v
4922 e_fontwidth     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_fontwidth[]   INIT(=N_("E236: Font \\"%s\\" is not fixed-width"));$/;"        v
4923 e_guarded       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_guarded[]     INIT(=N_("E463: Region is guarded, cannot modify"));$/;"        v
4924 e_hitend        edit.c  /^static char_u e_hitend[] = N_("Hit end of paragraph");$/;"    v       file:
4925 e_internal      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_internal[]    INIT(=N_("E473: Internal error"));$/;"  v
4926 e_interr        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_interr[]      INIT(=N_("Interrupted"));$/;"   v
4927 e_invaddr       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_invaddr[]     INIT(=N_("E14: Invalid address"));$/;"  v
4928 e_invarg        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_invarg[]      INIT(=N_("E474: Invalid argument"));$/;"        v
4929 e_invarg2       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_invarg2[]     INIT(=N_("E475: Invalid argument: %s"));$/;"    v
4930 e_invcmd        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_invcmd[]      INIT(=N_("E476: Invalid command"));$/;" v
4931 e_invexpr2      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_invexpr2[]    INIT(=N_("E15: Invalid expression: %s"));$/;"   v
4932 e_invexprmsg    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_invexprmsg[]  INIT(=N_("E449: Invalid expression received"));$/;"     v
4933 e_invrange      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_invrange[]    INIT(=N_("E16: Invalid range"));$/;"    v
4934 e_isadir2       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_isadir2[]     INIT(=N_("E17: \\"%s\\" is a directory"));$/;"  v
4935 e_letunexp      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_letunexp[]    INIT(=N_("E18: Unexpected characters before '='"));$/;" v
4936 e_libcall       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_libcall[]     INIT(=N_("E364: Library call failed for \\"%s()\\""));$/;"      v
4937 e_loadfunc      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_loadfunc[]    INIT(=N_("E448: Could not load library function %s"));$/;"      v
4938 e_loadlib       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_loadlib[]     INIT(=N_("E370: Could not load library %s"));$/;"       v
4939 e_longname      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_longname[]    INIT(=N_("E75: Name too long"));$/;"    v
4940 e_markinval     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_markinval[]   INIT(=N_("E19: Mark has invalid line number"));$/;"     v
4941 e_marknotset    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_marknotset[]  INIT(=N_("E20: Mark not set"));$/;"     v
4942 e_modifiable    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_modifiable[]  INIT(=N_("E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off"));$/;" v
4943 e_nesting       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nesting[]     INIT(=N_("E22: Scripts nested too deep"));$/;"  v
4944 e_noabbr        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noabbr[]      INIT(=N_("E24: No such abbreviation"));$/;"     v
4945 e_noalt globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noalt[]               INIT(=N_("E23: No alternate file"));$/;"        v
4946 e_noarabic      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noarabic[]    INIT(=N_("E800: Arabic cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time\\n"));$/;"   v
4947 e_nobang        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nobang[]      INIT(=N_("E477: No ! allowed"));$/;"    v
4948 e_nofarsi       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nofarsi[]     INIT(=N_("E27: Farsi cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time\\n"));$/;"     v
4949 e_nofold        fold.c  /^static char *e_nofold = N_("E490: No fold found");$/;"        v       file:
4950 e_nogroup       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nogroup[]     INIT(=N_("E28: No such highlight group name: %s"));$/;" v
4951 e_nogvim        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nogvim[]      INIT(=N_("E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time"));$/;"  v
4952 e_nohebrew      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nohebrew[]    INIT(=N_("E26: Hebrew cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time\\n"));$/;"    v
4953 e_noinstext     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noinstext[]   INIT(=N_("E29: No inserted text yet"));$/;"     v
4954 e_nolastcmd     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nolastcmd[]   INIT(=N_("E30: No previous command line"));$/;" v
4955 e_nomap globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nomap[]               INIT(=N_("E31: No such mapping"));$/;"  v
4956 e_nomatch       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nomatch[]     INIT(=N_("E479: No match"));$/;"        v
4957 e_nomatch2      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nomatch2[]    INIT(=N_("E480: No match: %s"));$/;"    v
4958 e_nomenu        menu.c  /^static char_u e_nomenu[] = N_("E329: No menu of that name");$/;"      v       file:
4959 e_noname        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noname[]      INIT(=N_("E32: No file name"));$/;"     v
4960 e_nopresub      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nopresub[]    INIT(=N_("E33: No previous substitute regular expression"));$/;"        v
4961 e_noprev        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noprev[]      INIT(=N_("E34: No previous command"));$/;"      v
4962 e_noprevre      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noprevre[]    INIT(=N_("E35: No previous regular expression"));$/;"   v
4963 e_norange       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_norange[]     INIT(=N_("E481: No range allowed"));$/;"        v
4964 e_noroom        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noroom[]      INIT(=N_("E36: Not enough room"));$/;"  v
4965 e_noserver      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_noserver[]    INIT(=N_("E247: no registered server named \\"%s\\""));$/;"     v
4966 e_notcreate     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_notcreate[]   INIT(=N_("E482: Can't create file %s"));$/;"    v
4967 e_notmp globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_notmp[]               INIT(=N_("E483: Can't get temp file name"));$/;"        v
4968 e_notopen       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_notopen[]     INIT(=N_("E484: Can't open file %s"));$/;"      v
4969 e_notread       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_notread[]     INIT(=N_("E485: Can't read file %s"));$/;"      v
4970 e_notsubmenu    menu.c  /^static char_u e_notsubmenu[] = N_("E327: Part of menu-item path is not sub-menu");$/;"        v       file:
4971 e_nowrtmsg      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_nowrtmsg[]    INIT(=N_("E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)"));$/;"   v
4972 e_null  globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_null[]                INIT(=N_("E38: Null argument"));$/;"    v
4973 e_number_exp    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_number_exp[]  INIT(=N_("E39: Number expected"));$/;"  v
4974 e_opendisp      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_opendisp[]    INIT(=N_("E233: cannot open display"));$/;"     v
4975 e_openerrf      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_openerrf[]    INIT(=N_("E40: Can't open errorfile %s"));$/;"  v
4976 e_othermode     menu.c  /^static char_u e_othermode[] = N_("E328: Menu only exists in another mode");$/;"       v       file:
4977 e_outofmem      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_outofmem[]    INIT(=N_("E41: Out of memory!"));$/;"   v
4978 e_overthespot   mbyte.c /^static char e_overthespot[] = N_("E290: over-the-spot style requires fontset");$/;"   v       file:
4979 e_patnotf       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_patnotf[]     INIT(=N_("Pattern not found"));$/;"     v
4980 e_patnotf2      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_patnotf2[]    INIT(=N_("E486: Pattern not found: %s"));$/;"   v
4981 e_positive      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_positive[]    INIT(=N_("E487: Argument must be positive"));$/;"       v
4982 e_prev_dir      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_prev_dir[]    INIT(=N_("E459: Cannot go back to previous directory"));$/;"    v
4983 e_quickfix      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_quickfix[]    INIT(=N_("E42: No Errors"));$/;"        v
4984 e_re_corr       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_re_corr[]     INIT(=N_("E44: Corrupted regexp program"));$/;" v
4985 e_re_damg       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_re_damg[]     INIT(=N_("E43: Damaged match string"));$/;"     v
4986 e_readerrf      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_readerrf[]    INIT(=N_("E47: Error while reading errorfile"));$/;"    v
4987 e_readonly      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_readonly[]    INIT(=N_("E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)"));$/;"     v
4988 e_readonlyvar   globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_readonlyvar[] INIT(=N_("E46: Cannot set read-only variable \\"%s\\""));$/;"   v
4989 e_sandbox       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_sandbox[]     INIT(=N_("E48: Not allowed in sandbox"));$/;"   v
4990 e_screenmode    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_screenmode[]  INIT(=N_("E359: Screen mode setting not supported"));$/;"       v
4991 e_scroll        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_scroll[]      INIT(=N_("E49: Invalid scroll size"));$/;"      v
4992 e_secure        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_secure[]      INIT(=N_("E523: Not allowed here"));$/;"        v
4993 e_shellempty    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_shellempty[]  INIT(=N_("E91: 'shell' option is empty"));$/;"  v
4994 e_signdata      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_signdata[]    INIT(=N_("E255: Couldn't read in sign data!"));$/;"     v
4995 e_swapclose     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_swapclose[]   INIT(=N_("E72: Close error on swap file"));$/;" v
4996 e_tagstack      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_tagstack[]    INIT(=N_("E73: tag stack empty"));$/;"  v
4997 e_toocompl      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_toocompl[]    INIT(=N_("E74: Command too complex"));$/;"      v
4998 e_toomany       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_toomany[]     INIT(=N_("E77: Too many file names"));$/;"      v
4999 e_toomsbra      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_toomsbra[]    INIT(=N_("E76: Too many ["));$/;"       v
5000 e_trailing      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_trailing[]    INIT(=N_("E488: Trailing characters"));$/;"     v
5001 e_umark globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_umark[]               INIT(=N_("E78: Unknown mark"));$/;"     v
5002 e_usingsid      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_usingsid[]    INIT(=N_("E81: Using <SID> not in a script context"));$/;"      v
5003 e_while globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_while[]               INIT(=N_("E588: :endwhile without :while"));$/;"        v
5004 e_wildexpand    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_wildexpand[]  INIT(=N_("E79: Cannot expand wildcards"));$/;"  v
5005 e_winheight     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_winheight[]   INIT(=N_("E591: 'winheight' cannot be smaller than 'winminheight'"));$/;"       v
5006 e_winwidth      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_winwidth[]    INIT(=N_("E592: 'winwidth' cannot be smaller than 'winminwidth'"));$/;" v
5007 e_write globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_write[]               INIT(=N_("E80: Error while writing"));$/;"      v
5008 e_xim   mbyte.c /^static char e_xim[] = N_("E285: Failed to create input context");$/;" v       file:
5009 e_zerocount     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u e_zerocount[]   INIT(=N_("Zero count"));$/;"    v
5010 ebcdic2ascii    charset.c       /^ebcdic2ascii(buffer, len)$/;" f
5011 ebcdic2ascii_tab        charset.c       /^static char_u ebcdic2ascii_tab[256] =$/;"     v       file:
5012 echeck_abbr     edit.c  /^echeck_abbr(c)$/;"    f       file:
5013 echo_attr       eval.c  /^static int echo_attr = 0;   \/* attributes used for ":echo" *\/$/;"   v       file:
5014 echo_wid_arg    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    echo_wid_arg INIT(= FALSE);     \/* --echo-wid argument *\/$/;" v
5015 edit    edit.c  /^edit(cmdchar, startln, count)$/;"     f
5016 edit_putchar    edit.c  /^edit_putchar(c, highlight)$/;"        f
5017 edit_submode    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *edit_submode INIT(= NULL); \/* msg for CTRL-X submode *\/$/;"  v
5018 edit_submode_extra      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *edit_submode_extra INIT(= NULL);\/* appended to edit_submode *\/$/;"   v
5019 edit_submode_highl      globals.h       /^EXTERN enum hlf_value edit_submode_highl; \/* highl. method for extra info *\/$/;"    v       typeref:enum:hlf_value
5020 edit_submode_pre        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *edit_submode_pre INIT(= NULL); \/* prepended to edit_submode *\/$/;"   v
5021 edit_unputchar  edit.c  /^edit_unputchar()$/;"  f
5022 eformat quickfix.c      /^struct eformat$/;"    s       file:
5023 empty   structs.h       /^    int               empty;          \/* op_start and op_end the same (only used by$/;"      m       struct:oparg
5024 empty_option    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *empty_option INIT(= (char_u *)"");$/;" v
5025 emsg    message.c       /^emsg(s)$/;"   f
5026 emsg2   message.c       /^emsg2(s, a1)$/;"      f
5027 emsg3   message.c       /^emsg3(s, a1, a2)$/;"  f
5028 emsg_off        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    emsg_off INIT(= 0);         \/* don't display errors for now,$/;"       v
5029 emsg_on_display globals.h       /^EXTERN int    emsg_on_display INIT(= FALSE);  \/* there is an error message *\/$/;"   v
5030 emsg_severe     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    emsg_severe INIT(=FALSE);   \/* use message of next of several$/;"      v
5031 emsg_silent     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    emsg_silent INIT(= 0);  \/* don't print error messages *\/$/;"  v
5032 emsg_skip       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    emsg_skip INIT(= 0);        \/* don't display errors for$/;"    v
5033 emsgn   message.c       /^emsgn(s, n)$/;"       f
5034 enabled structs.h       /^    int               enabled;            \/* for which modes the menu is enabled *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimMenu
5035 enc_alias_search        mbyte.c /^enc_alias_search(name)$/;"    f       file:
5036 enc_alias_table mbyte.c /^enc_alias_table[] =$/;"       v       typeref:struct:__anon12 file:
5037 enc_canon_props mbyte.c /^enc_canon_props(name)$/;"     f
5038 enc_canon_search        mbyte.c /^enc_canon_search(name)$/;"    f       file:
5039 enc_canon_table mbyte.c /^enc_canon_table[] =$/;"       v       typeref:struct:__anon11 file:
5040 enc_canonize    mbyte.c /^enc_canonize(enc)$/;" f
5041 enc_codepage    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    enc_codepage INIT(= -1);$/;"    v
5042 enc_dbcs        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    enc_dbcs INIT(= 0);             \/* One of DBCS_xxx values if$/;"       v
5043 enc_locale      mbyte.c /^enc_locale()$/;"      f
5044 enc_skip        mbyte.c /^enc_skip(p)$/;"       f
5045 enc_unicode     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    enc_unicode INIT(= 0);  \/* 2: UCS-2 or UTF-16, 4: UCS-4 *\/$/;"        v
5046 enc_utf8        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    enc_utf8 INIT(= FALSE);         \/* UTF-8 encoded Unicode *\/$/;"       v
5047 encname2codepage        mbyte.c /^encname2codepage(name)$/;"    f
5048 end     fold.c  /^    int               end;            \/* level of fold that is forced to end below$/;"       m       struct:__anon15 file:
5049 end     search.c        /^    int               end;            \/* search set cursor at end *\/$/;"    m       struct:soffset  file:
5050 end     structs.h       /^    pos_T     end;            \/* end of the operator *\/$/;" m       struct:oparg
5051 end     vim.h   /^    pos_T     end;            \/* End of selected area *\/$/;"        m       struct:VimClipboard
5052 end_adjusted    structs.h       /^    int               end_adjusted;   \/* backuped b_op_end one char (only used by$/;"        m       struct:oparg
5053 end_char_vcols  ops.c   /^    colnr_T   end_char_vcols; \/* number of vcols of post-block char *\/$/;"  m       struct:block_def        file:
5054 end_comment_pending     globals.h       /^EXTERN int     end_comment_pending INIT(= NUL);$/;"   v
5055 end_search_hl   screen.c        /^end_search_hl()$/;"   f       file:
5056 end_vcol        ops.c   /^    colnr_T   end_vcol;       \/* start col of 1st char wholly after block *\/$/;"    m       struct:block_def        file:
5057 end_vcol        structs.h       /^    colnr_T   end_vcol;       \/* end col for block mode operator *\/$/;"     m       struct:oparg
5058 end_visual_mode normal.c        /^end_visual_mode()$/;" f
5059 end_word        search.c        /^end_word(count, bigword, stop, empty)$/;"     f
5060 endcol  screen.c        /^    colnr_T   endcol;  \/* in win_line() points to char where HL ends *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon1  file:
5061 endp    regexp.h        /^    char_u            *endp[NSUBEXP];$/;"     m       struct:__anon4
5062 endpos  regexp.h        /^    lpos_T            endpos[NSUBEXP];$/;"    m       struct:__anon5
5063 ends_excmd      ex_docmd.c      /^ends_excmd(c)$/;"     f
5064 ends_in_white   ops.c   /^ends_in_white(lnum)$/;"       f       file:
5065 endspaces       ops.c   /^    int               endspaces;      \/* 'extra' cols of first char *\/$/;"  m       struct:block_def        file:
5066 enter_buffer    buffer.c        /^enter_buffer(buf)$/;" f
5067 enter_cleanup   ex_eval.c       /^enter_cleanup(csp)$/;"        f
5068 envsize misc2.c /^static int  envsize = -1;     \/* current size of environment *\/$/;" v       file:
5069 equalpos        macros.h        32;"    d
5070 equalpos        macros.h        38;"    d
5071 errcaught       testdir/test49.vim      /^              let errcaught = 1$/;"   v
5072 errcaught       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let errcaught = 0$/;"       v
5073 errcaught       testdir/test49.vim      /^      let errcaught = 0$/;"   v
5074 errcaught       testdir/test49.vim      /^      let errcaught = 1$/;"   v
5075 errmsg  ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    *errmsg;        \/* returned error message *\/$/;"      m       struct:exarg
5076 error   ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               error;          \/* TRUE if LF found after CR-LF *\/$/;"        m       struct:source_cookie    file:
5077 errorHandler    nbdebug.c       /^errorHandler($/;"     f       file:
5078 error_ga        globals.h       /^EXTERN garray_T error_ga$/;"  v
5079 escape_chars    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *escape_chars INIT(= (char_u *)" \\t\\\\\\"|");$/;"     v
5080 eslist_T        structs.h       /^typedef struct eslist_elem eslist_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:eslist_elem
5081 eslist_elem     structs.h       /^struct eslist_elem$/;"        s
5082 etoa64  xxd/xxd.c       /^static unsigned char etoa64[] =$/;"   v       file:
5083 ev_CloseWindow  gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_CloseWindow,$/;"       e       enum:event
5084 ev_GadgetDown   gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_GadgetDown,$/;"        e       enum:event
5085 ev_GadgetHelp   gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_GadgetHelp,$/;"        e       enum:event
5086 ev_GadgetUp     gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_GadgetUp,$/;"  e       enum:event
5087 ev_Ignore       gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_Ignore$/;"     e       enum:event
5088 ev_IntuiTicks   gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_IntuiTicks,$/;"        e       enum:event
5089 ev_KeyStroke    gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_KeyStroke,$/;" e       enum:event
5090 ev_MenuHelp     gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_MenuHelp,$/;"  e       enum:event
5091 ev_MenuPick     gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_MenuPick,$/;"  e       enum:event
5092 ev_MenuVerify   gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_MenuVerify,$/;"        e       enum:event
5093 ev_MouseButtons gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_MouseButtons,$/;"      e       enum:event
5094 ev_MouseMove    gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_MouseMove,$/;" e       enum:event
5095 ev_NewSize      gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_NewSize,$/;"   e       enum:event
5096 ev_NullEvent    gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_NullEvent,$/;" e       enum:event
5097 ev_RefreshWindow        gui_amiga.h     /^    ev_RefreshWindow,$/;"     e       enum:event
5098 eval0   eval.c  /^eval0(arg, retvar, nextcmd, evaluate)$/;"     f       file:
5099 eval1   eval.c  /^eval1(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"      f       file:
5100 eval2   eval.c  /^eval2(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"      f       file:
5101 eval3   eval.c  /^eval3(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"      f       file:
5102 eval4   eval.c  /^eval4(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"      f       file:
5103 eval5   eval.c  /^eval5(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"      f       file:
5104 eval6   eval.c  /^eval6(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"      f       file:
5105 eval7   eval.c  /^eval7(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"      f       file:
5106 eval_charconvert        eval.c  /^eval_charconvert(enc_from, enc_to, fname_from, fname_to)$/;"  f
5107 eval_client_expr_to_string      main.c  /^eval_client_expr_to_string(expr)$/;"  f
5108 eval_diff       eval.c  /^eval_diff(origfile, newfile, outfile)$/;"     f
5109 eval_fname_script       eval.c  /^eval_fname_script(p)$/;"      f       file:
5110 eval_fname_sid  eval.c  /^eval_fname_sid(p)$/;" f       file:
5111 eval_foldexpr   eval.c  /^eval_foldexpr(arg, cp)$/;"    f
5112 eval_includeexpr        window.c        /^eval_includeexpr(ptr, len)$/;"        f       file:
5113 eval_isnamec    eval.c  /^eval_isnamec(c)$/;"   f       file:
5114 eval_patch      eval.c  /^eval_patch(origfile, difffile, outfile)$/;"   f
5115 eval_printexpr  eval.c  /^eval_printexpr(fname, args)$/;"       f
5116 eval_to_bool    eval.c  /^eval_to_bool(arg, error, nextcmd, skip)$/;"   f
5117 eval_to_number  eval.c  /^eval_to_number(expr)$/;"      f
5118 eval_to_string  eval.c  /^eval_to_string(arg, nextcmd)$/;"      f
5119 eval_to_string_safe     eval.c  /^eval_to_string_safe(arg, nextcmd)$/;" f
5120 eval_to_string_skip     eval.c  /^eval_to_string_skip(arg, nextcmd, skip)$/;"   f
5121 eval_vars       ex_docmd.c      /^eval_vars(src, usedlen, lnump, errormsg, srcstart)$/;"        f
5122 event   fileio.c        /^    EVENT_T   event;          \/* current event *\/$/;"       m       struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
5123 event   fileio.c        /^    EVENT_T   event;  \/* event number *\/$/;"        m       struct:event_name       file:
5124 event   gui_amiga.h     /^enum event {$/;"      g
5125 event_buffer    gui.h   /^    PhEvent_t *event_buffer;$/;"      m       struct:Gui
5126 event_ignored   fileio.c        /^event_ignored(event)$/;"      f       file:
5127 event_name      fileio.c        /^static struct event_name$/;"  s       file:
5128 event_name2nr   fileio.c        /^event_name2nr(start, end)$/;" f       file:
5129 event_names     fileio.c        /^} event_names[] =$/;" v       typeref:struct:event_name       file:
5130 event_nr2name   fileio.c        /^event_nr2name(event)$/;"      f       file:
5131 ex_X    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_X(eap)$/;" f       file:
5132 ex_X    ex_docmd.c      383;"   d       file:
5133 ex_abbreviate   ex_docmd.c      /^ex_abbreviate(eap)$/;"        f       file:
5134 ex_abclear      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_abclear(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5135 ex_align        ex_cmds.c       /^ex_align(eap)$/;"     f
5136 ex_align        ex_docmd.c      290;"   d       file:
5137 ex_all  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_all(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5138 ex_all  ex_docmd.c      152;"   d       file:
5139 ex_append       ex_cmds.c       /^ex_append(eap)$/;"    f
5140 ex_argadd       ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_argadd(eap)$/;"    f
5141 ex_argadd       ex_docmd.c      180;"   d       file:
5142 ex_argdelete    ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_argdelete(eap)$/;" f
5143 ex_argdelete    ex_docmd.c      181;"   d       file:
5144 ex_argedit      ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_argedit(eap)$/;"   f
5145 ex_argedit      ex_docmd.c      179;"   d       file:
5146 ex_args ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_args(eap)$/;"      f
5147 ex_argument     ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_argument(eap)$/;"  f
5148 ex_at   ex_docmd.c      /^ex_at(eap)$/;"        f       file:
5149 ex_autocmd      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_autocmd(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5150 ex_autocmd      ex_docmd.c      84;"    d       file:
5151 ex_bang ex_docmd.c      /^ex_bang(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5152 ex_behave       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_behave(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5153 ex_blast        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_blast(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5154 ex_blast        ex_docmd.c      103;"   d       file:
5155 ex_bmodified    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_bmodified(eap)$/;" f       file:
5156 ex_bmodified    ex_docmd.c      99;"    d       file:
5157 ex_bnext        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_bnext(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5158 ex_bnext        ex_docmd.c      100;"   d       file:
5159 ex_bprevious    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_bprevious(eap)$/;" f       file:
5160 ex_bprevious    ex_docmd.c      101;"   d       file:
5161 ex_break        ex_docmd.c      322;"   d       file:
5162 ex_break        ex_eval.c       /^ex_break(eap)$/;"     f
5163 ex_breakadd     ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_breakadd(eap)$/;"  f
5164 ex_breakadd     ex_docmd.c      407;"   d       file:
5165 ex_breakdel     ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_breakdel(eap)$/;"  f
5166 ex_breakdel     ex_docmd.c      409;"   d       file:
5167 ex_breaklist    ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_breaklist(eap)$/;" f
5168 ex_breaklist    ex_docmd.c      410;"   d       file:
5169 ex_brewind      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_brewind(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5170 ex_brewind      ex_docmd.c      102;"   d       file:
5171 ex_buffer       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_buffer(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5172 ex_buffer       ex_docmd.c      98;"    d       file:
5173 ex_buffer_all   buffer.c        /^ex_buffer_all(eap)$/;"        f
5174 ex_buffer_all   ex_docmd.c      108;"   d       file:
5175 ex_bunload      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_bunload(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5176 ex_bunload      ex_docmd.c      97;"    d       file:
5177 ex_call eval.c  /^ex_call(eap)$/;"      f
5178 ex_call ex_docmd.c      316;"   d       file:
5179 ex_catch        ex_docmd.c      326;"   d       file:
5180 ex_catch        ex_eval.c       /^ex_catch(eap)$/;"     f
5181 ex_cc   ex_docmd.c      115;"   d       file:
5182 ex_cc   quickfix.c      /^ex_cc(eap)$/;"        f
5183 ex_cclose       ex_docmd.c      123;"   d       file:
5184 ex_cclose       quickfix.c      /^ex_cclose(eap)$/;"    f
5185 ex_cd   ex_docmd.c      /^ex_cd(eap)$/;"        f       file:
5186 ex_cfile        ex_docmd.c      117;"   d       file:
5187 ex_cfile        quickfix.c      /^ex_cfile(eap)$/;"     f
5188 ex_change       ex_cmds.c       /^ex_change(eap)$/;"    f
5189 ex_changes      ex_docmd.c      418;"   d       file:
5190 ex_changes      mark.c  /^ex_changes(eap)$/;"   f
5191 ex_checkpath    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_checkpath(eap)$/;" f       file:
5192 ex_checkpath    ex_docmd.c      301;"   d       file:
5193 ex_checktime    ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_checktime(eap)$/;" f
5194 ex_checktime    ex_docmd.c      105;"   d       file:
5195 ex_close        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_close(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5196 ex_close        ex_docmd.c      150;"   d       file:
5197 ex_cnext        ex_docmd.c      116;"   d       file:
5198 ex_cnext        quickfix.c      /^ex_cnext(eap)$/;"     f
5199 ex_colorscheme  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_colorscheme(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5200 ex_comclear     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_comclear(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5201 ex_comclear     ex_docmd.c      57;"    d       file:
5202 ex_command      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_command(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5203 ex_command      ex_docmd.c      56;"    d       file:
5204 ex_compiler     ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_compiler(eap)$/;"  f
5205 ex_compiler     ex_docmd.c      346;"   d       file:
5206 ex_continue     ex_docmd.c      321;"   d       file:
5207 ex_continue     ex_eval.c       /^ex_continue(eap)$/;"  f
5208 ex_copen        ex_docmd.c      124;"   d       file:
5209 ex_copen        quickfix.c      /^ex_copen(eap)$/;"     f
5210 ex_copy ex_cmds.c       /^ex_copy(line1, line2, n)$/;"  f
5211 ex_copymove     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_copymove(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5212 ex_cquit        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_cquit(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5213 ex_cwindow      ex_docmd.c      125;"   d       file:
5214 ex_cwindow      quickfix.c      /^ex_cwindow(eap)$/;"   f
5215 ex_debug        ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_debug(eap)$/;"     f
5216 ex_debug        ex_docmd.c      406;"   d       file:
5217 ex_debuggreedy  ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_debuggreedy(eap)$/;"       f
5218 ex_debuggreedy  ex_docmd.c      408;"   d       file:
5219 ex_delcommand   ex_docmd.c      /^ex_delcommand(eap)$/;"        f       file:
5220 ex_delcommand   ex_docmd.c      58;"    d       file:
5221 ex_delfunction  eval.c  /^ex_delfunction(eap)$/;"       f
5222 ex_delfunction  ex_docmd.c      333;"   d       file:
5223 ex_diffgetput   diff.c  /^ex_diffgetput(eap)$/;"        f
5224 ex_diffgetput   ex_docmd.c      363;"   d       file:
5225 ex_diffpatch    diff.c  /^ex_diffpatch(eap)$/;" f
5226 ex_diffpatch    ex_docmd.c      362;"   d       file:
5227 ex_diffsplit    diff.c  /^ex_diffsplit(eap)$/;" f
5228 ex_diffsplit    ex_docmd.c      364;"   d       file:
5229 ex_diffthis     diff.c  /^ex_diffthis(eap)$/;"  f
5230 ex_diffthis     ex_docmd.c      365;"   d       file:
5231 ex_diffupdate   diff.c  /^ex_diffupdate(eap)$/;"        f
5232 ex_diffupdate   ex_docmd.c      366;"   d       file:
5233 ex_digraphs     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_digraphs(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5234 ex_display      ops.c   /^ex_display(eap)$/;"   f
5235 ex_doautoall    ex_docmd.c      86;"    d       file:
5236 ex_doautoall    fileio.c        /^ex_doautoall(eap)$/;" f
5237 ex_doautocmd    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_doautocmd(eap)$/;" f       file:
5238 ex_doautocmd    ex_docmd.c      85;"    d       file:
5239 ex_drop ex_cmds.c       /^ex_drop(eap)$/;"      f
5240 ex_drop ex_docmd.c      189;"   d       file:
5241 ex_echo eval.c  /^ex_echo(eap)$/;"      f
5242 ex_echo ex_docmd.c      313;"   d       file:
5243 ex_echohl       eval.c  /^ex_echohl(eap)$/;"    f
5244 ex_echohl       ex_docmd.c      314;"   d       file:
5245 ex_edit ex_docmd.c      /^ex_edit(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5246 ex_else ex_docmd.c      319;"   d       file:
5247 ex_else ex_eval.c       /^ex_else(eap)$/;"      f
5248 ex_emenu        ex_docmd.c      76;"    d       file:
5249 ex_emenu        menu.c  /^ex_emenu(eap)$/;"     f
5250 ex_endfunction  ex_docmd.c      329;"   d       file:
5251 ex_endfunction  ex_eval.c       /^ex_endfunction(eap)$/;"       f
5252 ex_endif        ex_docmd.c      318;"   d       file:
5253 ex_endif        ex_eval.c       /^ex_endif(eap)$/;"     f
5254 ex_endtry       ex_docmd.c      328;"   d       file:
5255 ex_endtry       ex_eval.c       /^ex_endtry(eap)$/;"    f
5256 ex_endwhile     ex_docmd.c      323;"   d       file:
5257 ex_endwhile     ex_eval.c       /^ex_endwhile(eap)$/;"  f
5258 ex_equal        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_equal(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5259 ex_execute      eval.c  /^ex_execute(eap)$/;"   f
5260 ex_execute      ex_docmd.c      315;"   d       file:
5261 ex_exit ex_docmd.c      /^ex_exit(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5262 ex_file ex_cmds.c       /^ex_file(eap)$/;"      f
5263 ex_filetype     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_filetype(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5264 ex_filetype     ex_docmd.c      358;"   d       file:
5265 ex_finally      ex_docmd.c      327;"   d       file:
5266 ex_finally      ex_eval.c       /^ex_finally(eap)$/;"   f
5267 ex_find ex_docmd.c      /^ex_find(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5268 ex_findpat      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_findpat(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5269 ex_findpat      ex_docmd.c      300;"   d       file:
5270 ex_finish       ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_finish(eap)$/;"    f
5271 ex_finish       ex_docmd.c      312;"   d       file:
5272 ex_fold ex_docmd.c      /^ex_fold(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5273 ex_fold ex_docmd.c      390;"   d       file:
5274 ex_folddo       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_folddo(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5275 ex_folddo       ex_docmd.c      392;"   d       file:
5276 ex_foldopen     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_foldopen(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5277 ex_foldopen     ex_docmd.c      391;"   d       file:
5278 ex_func_T       ex_cmds.h       /^typedef void (*ex_func_T) __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));$/;" t
5279 ex_function     eval.c  /^ex_function(eap)$/;"  f
5280 ex_function     ex_docmd.c      332;"   d       file:
5281 ex_global       ex_cmds.c       /^ex_global(eap)$/;"    f
5282 ex_goto ex_docmd.c      /^ex_goto(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5283 ex_goto ex_docmd.c      173;"   d       file:
5284 ex_gui  ex_docmd.c      192;"   d       file:
5285 ex_gui  gui.c   /^ex_gui(eap)$/;"       f
5286 ex_hardcopy     ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_hardcopy(eap)$/;"  f
5287 ex_hardcopy     ex_docmd.c      23;"    d       file:
5288 ex_help ex_cmds.c       /^ex_help(eap)$/;"      f
5289 ex_helpfind     ex_docmd.c      213;"   d       file:
5290 ex_helpgrep     ex_docmd.c      120;"   d       file:
5291 ex_helpgrep     quickfix.c      /^ex_helpgrep(eap)$/;"  f
5292 ex_helptags     ex_cmds.c       /^ex_helptags(eap)$/;"  f
5293 ex_helptags     ex_docmd.c      294;"   d       file:
5294 ex_hide ex_docmd.c      /^ex_hide(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5295 ex_highlight    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_highlight(eap)$/;" f       file:
5296 ex_history      ex_docmd.c      414;"   d       file:
5297 ex_history      ex_getln.c      /^ex_history(eap)$/;"   f
5298 ex_if   ex_docmd.c      317;"   d       file:
5299 ex_if   ex_eval.c       /^ex_if(eap)$/;"        f
5300 ex_intro        version.c       /^ex_intro(eap)$/;"     f
5301 ex_join ex_docmd.c      /^ex_join(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5302 ex_jumps        ex_docmd.c      417;"   d       file:
5303 ex_jumps        mark.c  /^ex_jumps(eap)$/;"     f
5304 ex_language     ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_language(eap)$/;"  f
5305 ex_language     ex_docmd.c      396;"   d       file:
5306 ex_last ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_last(eap)$/;"      f
5307 ex_let  eval.c  /^ex_let(eap)$/;"       f
5308 ex_let  ex_docmd.c      330;"   d       file:
5309 ex_listdo       ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_listdo(eap)$/;"    f
5310 ex_listdo       ex_docmd.c      182;"   d       file:
5311 ex_loadkeymap   digraph.c       /^ex_loadkeymap(eap)$/;"        f
5312 ex_loadkeymap   ex_docmd.c      245;"   d       file:
5313 ex_loadview     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_loadview(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5314 ex_loadview     ex_docmd.c      343;"   d       file:
5315 ex_make ex_docmd.c      114;"   d       file:
5316 ex_make quickfix.c      /^ex_make(eap)$/;"      f
5317 ex_map  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_map(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5318 ex_mapclear     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_mapclear(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5319 ex_mark ex_docmd.c      /^ex_mark(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5320 ex_match        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_match(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5321 ex_match        ex_docmd.c      378;"   d       file:
5322 ex_menu ex_docmd.c      77;"    d       file:
5323 ex_menu menu.c  /^ex_menu(eap)$/;"      f
5324 ex_menutranslate        ex_docmd.c      78;"    d       file:
5325 ex_menutranslate        menu.c  /^ex_menutranslate(eap)$/;"     f
5326 ex_messages     message.c       /^ex_messages(eap)$/;"  f
5327 ex_mkrc ex_docmd.c      /^ex_mkrc(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5328 ex_mode ex_docmd.c      /^ex_mode(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5329 ex_nesting_level        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    ex_nesting_level INIT(= 0);     \/* nesting level *\/$/;"       v
5330 ex_next ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_next(eap)$/;"      f
5331 ex_ni   ex_docmd.c      /^ex_ni(eap)$/;"        f
5332 ex_no_reprint   globals.h       /^EXTERN int ex_no_reprint INIT(= FALSE); \/* no need to print after z or p *\/$/;"     v
5333 ex_nogui        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_nogui(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5334 ex_nohlsearch   ex_docmd.c      /^ex_nohlsearch(eap)$/;"        f       file:
5335 ex_nohlsearch   ex_docmd.c      377;"   d       file:
5336 ex_normal       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_normal(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5337 ex_normal       ex_docmd.c      289;"   d       file:
5338 ex_normal_busy  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    ex_normal_busy INIT(= 0); \/* recursivenes of ex_normal() *\/$/;"       v
5339 ex_only ex_docmd.c      /^ex_only(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5340 ex_only ex_docmd.c      151;"   d       file:
5341 ex_operators    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_operators(eap)$/;" f       file:
5342 ex_options      ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_options(eap)$/;"   f
5343 ex_options      ex_docmd.c      371;"   d       file:
5344 ex_pclose       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_pclose(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5345 ex_pclose       ex_docmd.c      162;"   d       file:
5346 ex_pedit        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_pedit(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5347 ex_pedit        ex_docmd.c      164;"   d       file:
5348 ex_perl ex_docmd.c      224;"   d       file:
5349 ex_perldo       ex_docmd.c      225;"   d       file:
5350 ex_popup        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_popup(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5351 ex_popup        ex_docmd.c      203;"   d       file:
5352 ex_preserve     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_preserve(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5353 ex_pressedreturn        ex_docmd.c      /^static int    ex_pressedreturn = FALSE;$/;"   v       file:
5354 ex_previous     ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_previous(eap)$/;"  f
5355 ex_print        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_print(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5356 ex_psearch      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_psearch(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5357 ex_psearch      ex_docmd.c      306;"   d       file:
5358 ex_ptag ex_docmd.c      /^ex_ptag(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5359 ex_ptag ex_docmd.c      163;"   d       file:
5360 ex_put  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_put(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5361 ex_pwd  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_pwd(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5362 ex_pyfile       ex_docmd.c      229;"   d       file:
5363 ex_python       ex_docmd.c      228;"   d       file:
5364 ex_quit ex_docmd.c      /^ex_quit(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5365 ex_quit_all     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_quit_all(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5366 ex_read ex_docmd.c      /^ex_read(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5367 ex_recover      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_recover(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5368 ex_redir        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_redir(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5369 ex_redo ex_docmd.c      /^ex_redo(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5370 ex_redraw       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_redraw(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5371 ex_redrawstatus ex_docmd.c      /^ex_redrawstatus(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5372 ex_resize       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_resize(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5373 ex_resize       ex_docmd.c      153;"   d       file:
5374 ex_retab        ex_cmds.c       /^ex_retab(eap)$/;"     f
5375 ex_retab        ex_docmd.c      291;"   d       file:
5376 ex_return       eval.c  /^ex_return(eap)$/;"    f
5377 ex_return       ex_docmd.c      334;"   d       file:
5378 ex_rewind       ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_rewind(eap)$/;"    f
5379 ex_ruby ex_docmd.c      237;"   d       file:
5380 ex_rubydo       ex_docmd.c      238;"   d       file:
5381 ex_rubyfile     ex_docmd.c      239;"   d       file:
5382 ex_runtime      ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_runtime(eap)$/;"   f
5383 ex_script_ni    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_script_ni(eap)$/;" f       file:
5384 ex_scriptencoding       ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_scriptencoding(eap)$/;"    f
5385 ex_scriptnames  ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_scriptnames(eap)$/;"       f
5386 ex_scriptnames  ex_docmd.c      311;"   d       file:
5387 ex_set  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_set(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5388 ex_setfiletype  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_setfiletype(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5389 ex_setfiletype  ex_docmd.c      359;"   d       file:
5390 ex_shell        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_shell(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5391 ex_sign ex_cmds.c       /^ex_sign(eap)$/;"      f
5392 ex_sign ex_docmd.c      399;"   d       file:
5393 ex_simalt       ex_docmd.c      206;"   d       file:
5394 ex_sleep        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_sleep(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5395 ex_sniff        ex_docmd.c      242;"   d       file:
5396 ex_source       ex_cmds2.c      /^ex_source(eap)$/;"    f
5397 ex_splitview    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_splitview(eap)$/;" f
5398 ex_splitview    ex_docmd.c      154;"   d       file:
5399 ex_stag ex_docmd.c      /^ex_stag(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5400 ex_stag ex_docmd.c      155;"   d       file:
5401 ex_startinsert  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_startinsert(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5402 ex_startinsert  ex_docmd.c      292;"   d       file:
5403 ex_stop ex_docmd.c      /^ex_stop(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5404 ex_stopinsert   ex_docmd.c      /^ex_stopinsert(eap)$/;"        f       file:
5405 ex_stopinsert   ex_docmd.c      293;"   d       file:
5406 ex_submagic     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_submagic(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5407 ex_swapname     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_swapname(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5408 ex_syncbind     ex_docmd.c      /^ex_syncbind(eap)$/;"  f       file:
5409 ex_syntax       ex_docmd.c      221;"   d       file:
5410 ex_syntax       syntax.c        /^ex_syntax(eap)$/;"    f
5411 ex_tag  ex_docmd.c      /^ex_tag(eap)$/;"       f       file:
5412 ex_tag_cmd      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_tag_cmd(eap, name)$/;"     f       file:
5413 ex_tcl  ex_docmd.c      232;"   d       file:
5414 ex_tcldo        ex_docmd.c      233;"   d       file:
5415 ex_tclfile      ex_docmd.c      234;"   d       file:
5416 ex_tearoff      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_tearoff(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5417 ex_tearoff      ex_docmd.c      198;"   d       file:
5418 ex_throw        ex_docmd.c      324;"   d       file:
5419 ex_throw        ex_eval.c       /^ex_throw(eap)$/;"     f
5420 ex_try  ex_docmd.c      325;"   d       file:
5421 ex_try  ex_eval.c       /^ex_try(eap)$/;"       f
5422 ex_undo ex_docmd.c      /^ex_undo(eap)$/;"      f       file:
5423 ex_unlet        eval.c  /^ex_unlet(eap)$/;"     f
5424 ex_unlet        ex_docmd.c      331;"   d       file:
5425 ex_unmap        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_unmap(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5426 ex_update       ex_cmds.c       /^ex_update(eap)$/;"    f
5427 ex_version      version.c       /^ex_version(eap)$/;"   f
5428 ex_viminfo      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_viminfo(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5429 ex_viminfo      ex_docmd.c      351;"   d       file:
5430 ex_while        ex_docmd.c      320;"   d       file:
5431 ex_while        ex_eval.c       /^ex_while(eap)$/;"     f
5432 ex_win_close    ex_docmd.c      /^ex_win_close(eap, win)$/;"    f       file:
5433 ex_wincmd       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_wincmd(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5434 ex_wincmd       ex_docmd.c      259;"   d       file:
5435 ex_window       ex_getln.c      /^ex_window()$/;"       f       file:
5436 ex_winpos       ex_docmd.c      /^ex_winpos(eap)$/;"    f       file:
5437 ex_winpos       ex_docmd.c      264;"   d       file:
5438 ex_winsize      ex_docmd.c      /^ex_winsize(eap)$/;"   f       file:
5439 ex_wnext        ex_cmds.c       /^ex_wnext(eap)$/;"     f
5440 ex_write        ex_cmds.c       /^ex_write(eap)$/;"     f
5441 ex_wrongmodifier        ex_docmd.c      /^ex_wrongmodifier(eap)$/;"     f       file:
5442 ex_wsverb       ex_docmd.c      402;"   d       file:
5443 ex_z    ex_cmds.c       /^ex_z(eap)$/;" f
5444 exarg   ex_cmds.h       /^struct exarg$/;"      s
5445 exarg_T ex_cmds.h       /^typedef struct exarg exarg_T;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:exarg
5446 except_T        structs.h       /^typedef struct vim_exception except_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:vim_exception
5447 exception       structs.h       /^    except_T *exception;      \/* exception value *\/$/;"     m       struct:cleanup_stuff
5448 exception       testdir/test49.vim      /^              let exception  = v:exception$/;"        v
5449 exception       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let exception  = v:exception$/;"    v
5450 exception       testdir/test49.vim      /^      let exception  = v:exception$/;"        v
5451 exception       testdir/test49.vim      /^    let exception  = v:exception$/;"  v
5452 exe_name        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *exe_name;              \/* the name of the executable *\/$/;"  v
5453 execBase        gui_amiga.c     /^struct ExecBase               *execBase;$/;"  v       typeref:struct:ExecBase
5454 exec_from_reg   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    exec_from_reg INIT(= FALSE);    \/* executing register *\/$/;"  v
5455 exit_delay      netbeans.c      /^static int exit_delay = 2;            \/* exit delay in seconds *\/$/;"       v       file:
5456 exit_with_usage xxd/xxd.c       /^exit_with_usage(pname)$/;"    f       file:
5457 exiting globals.h       /^EXTERN int    exiting INIT(= FALSE);$/;"      v
5458 exmode_active   globals.h       /^EXTERN int exmode_active INIT(= 0);   \/* zero, EXMODE_NORMAL or EXMODE_VIM *\/$/;"   v
5459 expand  ex_docmd.c      /^    int           expand;$/;" m       struct:__anon23 file:
5460 expand  structs.h       /^typedef struct expand$/;"     s
5461 expand_T        structs.h       /^} expand_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:expand
5462 expand_backtick misc1.c /^expand_backtick(gap, pat, flags)$/;"  f       file:
5463 expand_buffer   getchar.c       /^static int    expand_buffer = FALSE;$/;"      v       file:
5464 expand_cmdline  ex_getln.c      /^expand_cmdline(xp, str, col, matchcount, matches)$/;" f
5465 expand_emenu    menu.c  /^static int            expand_emenu;   \/* TRUE for ":emenu" command *\/$/;"   v       file:
5466 expand_env      misc1.c /^expand_env(src, dst, dstlen)$/;"      f
5467 expand_env_esc  misc1.c /^expand_env_esc(src, dst, dstlen, esc)$/;"     f
5468 expand_env_save misc1.c /^expand_env_save(src)$/;"      f
5469 expand_filename ex_docmd.c      /^expand_filename(eap, cmdlinep, errormsgp)$/;" f
5470 expand_isabbrev getchar.c       /^static int    expand_isabbrev = 0;$/;"        v       file:
5471 expand_mapmodes getchar.c       /^static int    expand_mapmodes = 0;$/;"        v       file:
5472 expand_menu     menu.c  /^static vimmenu_T      *expand_menu = NULL;$/;"        v       file:
5473 expand_modes    menu.c  /^static int            expand_modes = 0x0;$/;" v       file:
5474 expand_option_flags     option.c        /^static int expand_option_flags = 0;$/;"       v       file:
5475 expand_option_idx       option.c        /^static int expand_option_idx = -1;$/;"        v       file:
5476 expand_option_name      option.c        /^static char_u expand_option_name[5] = {'t', '_', NUL, NUL, NUL};$/;"  v       file:
5477 expand_sfile    ex_docmd.c      /^expand_sfile(arg)$/;" f
5478 expand_showtail ex_getln.c      /^expand_showtail(xp)$/;"       f       file:
5479 expand_tag_fname        tag.c   /^expand_tag_fname(fname, tag_fname, expand)$/;"        f       file:
5480 expand_tags     tag.c   /^expand_tags(tagnames, pat, num_file, file)$/;"        f
5481 expand_what     syntax.c        /^} expand_what;$/;"    v       typeref:enum:__anon7    file:
5482 expand_wildcards        misc1.c /^expand_wildcards(num_pat, pat, num_file, file, flags)$/;"     f
5483 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^    let expected = ""$/;"     v
5484 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^    let expected = "E1T1E2T2S3(3)S4(5s)S4(7t)T4U6(1)U6(2)U9(4)U9(5t)T9T10"$/;"        v
5485 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^    let expected = "F1T1F2T2T3G4T4G5T5"$/;"   v
5486 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^    let expected = "G1EF1E(1)F1E(2)F1E(3)G2EF2E(1)G3IF3I(1)G4TF4T(1)G5AF5A(1)"$/;"    v
5487 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^    let expected = "T1T2T3T4T5"$/;"   v
5488 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^    let expected = 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256$/;"   v
5489 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^let expected = "E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9E10"$/;"    v
5490 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^let expected = 16  + 256 + 1024 + 16384 + 0   + 0   + 2097152 + 8388608$/;"   v
5491 expected        testdir/test49.vim      /^let expected = expected + 33554432 + 134217728$/;"    v
5492 expr_line       ops.c   /^static char_u *expr_line = NULL;$/;"  v       file:
5493 exptype_T       eval.c  /^} exptype_T;$/;"      t       typeref:enum:__anon18   file:
5494 extra_char      structs.h       /^    int               extra_char;     \/* yet another character (optional) *\/$/;"    m       struct:cmdarg
5495 extract_modifiers       misc2.c /^extract_modifiers(key, modp)$/;"      f
5496 f_append        eval.c  /^f_append(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5497 f_argc  eval.c  /^f_argc(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5498 f_argidx        eval.c  /^f_argidx(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5499 f_argv  eval.c  /^f_argv(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5500 f_browse        eval.c  /^f_browse(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5501 f_bufexists     eval.c  /^f_bufexists(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5502 f_buflisted     eval.c  /^f_buflisted(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5503 f_bufloaded     eval.c  /^f_bufloaded(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5504 f_bufname       eval.c  /^f_bufname(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5505 f_bufnr eval.c  /^f_bufnr(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5506 f_bufwinnr      eval.c  /^f_bufwinnr(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5507 f_byte2line     eval.c  /^f_byte2line(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5508 f_char2nr       eval.c  /^f_char2nr(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5509 f_cindent       eval.c  /^f_cindent(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5510 f_col   eval.c  /^f_col(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5511 f_confirm       eval.c  /^f_confirm(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5512 f_cscope_connection     eval.c  /^f_cscope_connection(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5513 f_cursor        eval.c  /^f_cursor(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5514 f_delete        eval.c  /^f_delete(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5515 f_did_filetype  eval.c  /^f_did_filetype(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5516 f_escape        eval.c  /^f_escape(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5517 f_eventhandler  eval.c  /^f_eventhandler(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5518 f_executable    eval.c  /^f_executable(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5519 f_exists        eval.c  /^f_exists(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5520 f_expand        eval.c  /^f_expand(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5521 f_filereadable  eval.c  /^f_filereadable(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5522 f_filewritable  eval.c  /^f_filewritable(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5523 f_fnamemodify   eval.c  /^f_fnamemodify(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5524 f_foldclosed    eval.c  /^f_foldclosed(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5525 f_foldclosedend eval.c  /^f_foldclosedend(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5526 f_foldlevel     eval.c  /^f_foldlevel(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5527 f_foldtext      eval.c  /^f_foldtext(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5528 f_foreground    eval.c  /^f_foreground(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5529 f_func  eval.c  /^    void      (*f_func) __ARGS((VAR args, VAR rvar)); \/* impl. function *\/$/;"      m       struct:fst      file:
5530 f_getbufvar     eval.c  /^f_getbufvar(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5531 f_getchar       eval.c  /^f_getchar(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5532 f_getcharmod    eval.c  /^f_getcharmod(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5533 f_getcmdline    eval.c  /^f_getcmdline(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5534 f_getcmdpos     eval.c  /^f_getcmdpos(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5535 f_getcwd        eval.c  /^f_getcwd(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5536 f_getfsize      eval.c  /^f_getfsize(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5537 f_getftime      eval.c  /^f_getftime(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5538 f_getline       eval.c  /^f_getline(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5539 f_getreg        eval.c  /^f_getreg(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5540 f_getregtype    eval.c  /^f_getregtype(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5541 f_getwinposx    eval.c  /^f_getwinposx(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5542 f_getwinposy    eval.c  /^f_getwinposy(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5543 f_getwinvar     eval.c  /^f_getwinvar(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5544 f_glob  eval.c  /^f_glob(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5545 f_globpath      eval.c  /^f_globpath(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5546 f_has   eval.c  /^f_has(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5547 f_hasmapto      eval.c  /^f_hasmapto(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5548 f_histadd       eval.c  /^f_histadd(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5549 f_histdel       eval.c  /^f_histdel(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5550 f_histget       eval.c  /^f_histget(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5551 f_histnr        eval.c  /^f_histnr(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5552 f_hlID  eval.c  /^f_hlID(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5553 f_hlexists      eval.c  /^f_hlexists(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5554 f_hostname      eval.c  /^f_hostname(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5555 f_iconv eval.c  /^f_iconv(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5556 f_indent        eval.c  /^f_indent(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5557 f_input eval.c  /^f_input(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5558 f_inputdialog   eval.c  /^f_inputdialog(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5559 f_inputrestore  eval.c  /^f_inputrestore(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5560 f_inputsave     eval.c  /^f_inputsave(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5561 f_inputsecret   eval.c  /^f_inputsecret(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5562 f_isdirectory   eval.c  /^f_isdirectory(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5563 f_last_buffer_nr        eval.c  /^f_last_buffer_nr(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5564 f_libcall       eval.c  /^f_libcall(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5565 f_libcallnr     eval.c  /^f_libcallnr(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5566 f_line  eval.c  /^f_line(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5567 f_line2byte     eval.c  /^f_line2byte(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5568 f_lispindent    eval.c  /^f_lispindent(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5569 f_localtime     eval.c  /^f_localtime(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5570 f_maparg        eval.c  /^f_maparg(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5571 f_mapcheck      eval.c  /^f_mapcheck(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5572 f_match eval.c  /^f_match(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5573 f_matchend      eval.c  /^f_matchend(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5574 f_matchstr      eval.c  /^f_matchstr(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5575 f_max_argc      eval.c  /^    char      f_max_argc;     \/* maximal number of arguments *\/$/;" m       struct:fst      file:
5576 f_min_argc      eval.c  /^    char      f_min_argc;     \/* minimal number of arguments *\/$/;" m       struct:fst      file:
5577 f_mode  eval.c  /^f_mode(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5578 f_name  eval.c  /^    char      *f_name;        \/* function name *\/$/;"       m       struct:fst      file:
5579 f_nextnonblank  eval.c  /^f_nextnonblank(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5580 f_nr2char       eval.c  /^f_nr2char(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5581 f_prevnonblank  eval.c  /^f_prevnonblank(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5582 f_remote_expr   eval.c  /^f_remote_expr(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5583 f_remote_foreground     eval.c  /^f_remote_foreground(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5584 f_remote_peek   eval.c  /^f_remote_peek(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5585 f_remote_read   eval.c  /^f_remote_read(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5586 f_remote_send   eval.c  /^f_remote_send(argvars, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
5587 f_rename        eval.c  /^f_rename(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5588 f_resolve       eval.c  /^f_resolve(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5589 f_search        eval.c  /^f_search(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5590 f_searchpair    eval.c  /^f_searchpair(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5591 f_server2client eval.c  /^f_server2client(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5592 f_serverlist    eval.c  /^f_serverlist(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5593 f_setbufvar     eval.c  /^f_setbufvar(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5594 f_setcmdpos     eval.c  /^f_setcmdpos(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5595 f_setline       eval.c  /^f_setline(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5596 f_setreg        eval.c  /^f_setreg(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5597 f_setwinvar     eval.c  /^f_setwinvar(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5598 f_simplify      eval.c  /^f_simplify(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5599 f_strftime      eval.c  /^f_strftime(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5600 f_stridx        eval.c  /^f_stridx(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5601 f_strlen        eval.c  /^f_strlen(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5602 f_strpart       eval.c  /^f_strpart(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5603 f_strridx       eval.c  /^f_strridx(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5604 f_strtrans      eval.c  /^f_strtrans(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5605 f_submatch      eval.c  /^f_submatch(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5606 f_substitute    eval.c  /^f_substitute(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5607 f_synID eval.c  /^f_synID(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5608 f_synIDattr     eval.c  /^f_synIDattr(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5609 f_synIDtrans    eval.c  /^f_synIDtrans(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5610 f_system        eval.c  /^f_system(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5611 f_tempname      eval.c  /^f_tempname(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5612 f_tolower       eval.c  /^f_tolower(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5613 f_toupper       eval.c  /^f_toupper(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5614 f_type  eval.c  /^f_type(argvars, retvar)$/;"   f       file:
5615 f_virtcol       eval.c  /^f_virtcol(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5616 f_visualmode    eval.c  /^f_visualmode(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5617 f_winbufnr      eval.c  /^f_winbufnr(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5618 f_wincol        eval.c  /^f_wincol(argvars, retvar)$/;" f       file:
5619 f_winheight     eval.c  /^f_winheight(argvars, retvar)$/;"      f       file:
5620 f_winline       eval.c  /^f_winline(argvars, retvar)$/;"        f       file:
5621 f_winnr eval.c  /^f_winnr(argvars, retvar)$/;"  f       file:
5622 f_winrestcmd    eval.c  /^f_winrestcmd(argvars, retvar)$/;"     f       file:
5623 f_winwidth      eval.c  /^f_winwidth(argvars, retvar)$/;"       f       file:
5624 farsi_fkey      farsi.c /^farsi_fkey(cap)$/;"   f
5625 farsi_text_1    farsi.h /^EXTERN char_u farsi_text_1[]$/;"      v
5626 farsi_text_2    farsi.h /^EXTERN char_u farsi_text_2[]$/;"      v
5627 farsi_text_3    farsi.h /^EXTERN char_u farsi_text_3[]$/;"      v
5628 farsi_text_5    farsi.h /^EXTERN char_u farsi_text_5[]$/;"      v
5629 fast_breakcheck misc1.c /^fast_breakcheck()$/;" f
5630 fd_flags        fold.c  /^    char      fd_flags;       \/* see below *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon14 file:
5631 fd_len  fold.c  /^    linenr_T  fd_len;         \/* number of lines in the fold *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon14 file:
5632 fd_nested       fold.c  /^    garray_T  fd_nested;      \/* array of nested folds *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon14 file:
5633 fd_small        fold.c  /^    char      fd_small;       \/* TRUE, FALSE or MAYBE: fold smaller than$/;" m       struct:__anon14 file:
5634 fd_top  fold.c  /^    linenr_T  fd_top;         \/* first line of fold; for nested fold$/;"     m       struct:__anon14 file:
5635 fdo_flags       option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned       fdo_flags;$/;"  v
5636 fdtofh  memfile.c       /^fdtofh(int filedescriptor)$/;"        f       file:
5637 features        version.c       /^static char *(features[]) =$/;"       v       file:
5638 ff      ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               ff;                 \/* seen form feed character *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon10 file:
5639 ff_check_visited        misc2.c /^ff_check_visited(visited_list, fname$/;"      f       file:
5640 ff_clear        misc2.c /^ff_clear()$/;"        f       file:
5641 ff_create_stack_element misc2.c /^ff_create_stack_element(fix_part,$/;" f       file:
5642 ff_expand_buffer        misc2.c /^static char_u         *ff_expand_buffer = NULL;$/;"   v       file:
5643 ff_free_stack_element   misc2.c /^ff_free_stack_element(ctx)$/;"        f       file:
5644 ff_free_visited_list    misc2.c /^ff_free_visited_list(vl)$/;"  f       file:
5645 ff_get_visited_list     misc2.c /^ff_get_visited_list(filename, list_headp)$/;" f       file:
5646 ff_path_in_stoplist     misc2.c /^ff_path_in_stoplist(path, path_len, stopdirs_v)$/;"   f       file:
5647 ff_pop  misc2.c /^ff_pop()$/;"  f       file:
5648 ff_push misc2.c /^ff_push(ctx)$/;"      f       file:
5649 ff_search_ctx   misc2.c /^static ff_search_ctx_T *ff_search_ctx = NULL;$/;"     v       file:
5650 ff_search_ctx_T misc2.c /^typedef struct ff_search_ctx_T$/;"    s       file:
5651 ff_search_ctx_T misc2.c /^}ff_search_ctx_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5652 ff_stack        misc2.c /^typedef struct ff_stack$/;"   s       file:
5653 ff_stack_T      misc2.c /^} ff_stack_T;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:ff_stack file:
5654 ff_visited      misc2.c /^typedef struct ff_visited$/;" s       file:
5655 ff_visited_T    misc2.c /^} ff_visited_T;$/;"   t       typeref:struct:ff_visited       file:
5656 ff_visited_list_hdr     misc2.c /^typedef struct ff_visited_list_hdr$/;"        s       file:
5657 ff_visited_list_hdr_T   misc2.c /^} ff_visited_list_hdr_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:ff_visited_list_hdr      file:
5658 ff_wc_equal     misc2.c /^ff_wc_equal(s1, s2)$/;"       f       file:
5659 ffs_filearray   misc2.c /^    char_u            **ffs_filearray;$/;"    m       struct:ff_stack file:
5660 ffs_filearray_cur       misc2.c /^    char_u            ffs_filearray_cur;   \/* needed for partly handled dirs *\/$/;" m       struct:ff_stack file:
5661 ffs_filearray_size      misc2.c /^    int                       ffs_filearray_size;$/;" m       struct:ff_stack file:
5662 ffs_fix_path    misc2.c /^    char_u            *ffs_fix_path;$/;"      m       struct:ff_stack file:
5663 ffs_level       misc2.c /^    int                       ffs_level;$/;"  m       struct:ff_stack file:
5664 ffs_prev        misc2.c /^    struct ff_stack   *ffs_prev;$/;"  m       struct:ff_stack typeref:struct:ff_stack::ff_stack       file:
5665 ffs_stage       misc2.c /^    int                       ffs_stage;$/;"  m       struct:ff_stack file:
5666 ffs_star_star_empty     misc2.c /^    int                       ffs_star_star_empty;$/;"        m       struct:ff_stack file:
5667 ffs_wc_path     misc2.c /^    char_u            *ffs_wc_path;$/;"       m       struct:ff_stack file:
5668 ffsc_dir_visited_list   misc2.c /^     ff_visited_list_hdr_T    *ffsc_dir_visited_list;$/;"     m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5669 ffsc_dir_visited_lists_list     misc2.c /^     ff_visited_list_hdr_T    *ffsc_dir_visited_lists_list;$/;"       m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5670 ffsc_file_to_search     misc2.c /^     char_u                   *ffsc_file_to_search;$/;"       m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5671 ffsc_fix_path   misc2.c /^     char_u                   *ffsc_fix_path;$/;"     m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5672 ffsc_level      misc2.c /^     int                      ffsc_level;$/;" m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5673 ffsc_need_dir   misc2.c /^     int                      ffsc_need_dir;$/;"      m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5674 ffsc_stack_ptr  misc2.c /^     ff_stack_T                       *ffsc_stack_ptr;$/;"    m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5675 ffsc_start_dir  misc2.c /^     char_u                   *ffsc_start_dir;$/;"    m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5676 ffsc_stopdirs_v misc2.c /^     char_u                   **ffsc_stopdirs_v;$/;"  m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5677 ffsc_visited_list       misc2.c /^     ff_visited_list_hdr_T    *ffsc_visited_list;$/;" m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5678 ffsc_visited_lists_list misc2.c /^     ff_visited_list_hdr_T    *ffsc_visited_lists_list;$/;"   m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5679 ffsc_wc_path    misc2.c /^     char_u                   *ffsc_wc_path;$/;"      m       struct:ff_search_ctx_T  file:
5680 ffv_dev misc2.c /^    int                       ffv_dev;        \/* device number (-1 if not set) *\/$/;"       m       struct:ff_visited       file:
5681 ffv_fname       misc2.c /^    char_u            ffv_fname[1];   \/* actually longer *\/$/;"     m       struct:ff_visited       file:
5682 ffv_ino misc2.c /^    ino_t             ffv_ino;        \/* inode number *\/$/;"        m       struct:ff_visited       file:
5683 ffv_next        misc2.c /^    struct ff_visited *ffv_next;$/;"  m       struct:ff_visited       typeref:struct:ff_visited::ff_visited   file:
5684 ffv_wc_path     misc2.c /^    char_u            *ffv_wc_path;$/;"       m       struct:ff_visited       file:
5685 ffvl_filename   misc2.c /^    char_u                    *ffvl_filename;$/;"     m       struct:ff_visited_list_hdr      file:
5686 ffvl_next       misc2.c /^    struct ff_visited_list_hdr        *ffvl_next;$/;" m       struct:ff_visited_list_hdr      typeref:struct:ff_visited_list_hdr::ff_visited_list_hdr file:
5687 ffvl_visited_list       misc2.c /^    ff_visited_T              *ffvl_visited_list;$/;" m       struct:ff_visited_list_hdr      file:
5688 fg_color        structs.h       /^          char_u          fg_color;   \/* foreground color number *\/$/;"     m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon36
5689 fg_color        structs.h       /^          guicolor_T      fg_color;   \/* foreground color handle *\/$/;"     m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon37
5690 fg_color        structs.h       /^    long_u    fg_color;$/;"   m       struct:__anon44
5691 fg_colour       gui.h   /^    int               fg_colour;              \/* in 0xBBGGRR format *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
5692 fgcolor gui.h   /^    GdkColor  *fgcolor;           \/* GDK-styled foreground color *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
5693 fgets_cr        ex_cmds2.c      /^fgets_cr(s, n, stream)$/;"    f
5694 fi_level        structs.h       /^    int               fi_level;       \/* level of the fold; when this is zero the$/;"        m       struct:foldinfo
5695 fi_lnum structs.h       /^    int               fi_lnum;        \/* line number where fold starts *\/$/;"       m       struct:foldinfo
5696 fi_low_level    structs.h       /^    int               fi_low_level;   \/* lowest fold level that starts in the same$/;"       m       struct:foldinfo
5697 file    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let file = tempname()$/;"       v
5698 file    testdir/test49.vim      /^    let file = tempname()$/;" v
5699 file_buffer     structs.h       /^struct file_buffer$/;"        s
5700 file_ff_differs option.c        /^file_ff_differs(buf)$/;"      f
5701 file_line       ex_cmds2.c      /^    linenr_T  file_line;          \/* line nr in the buffer *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon10 file:
5702 file_name_at_cursor     window.c        /^file_name_at_cursor(options, count)$/;"       f
5703 file_name_in_line       window.c        /^file_name_in_line(line, col, options, count, rel_fname)$/;"   f
5704 file_owned      main.c  /^file_owned(fname)$/;" f       file:
5705 file_pat_to_reg_pat     fileio.c        /^file_pat_to_reg_pat(pat, pat_end, allow_dirs, no_bslash)$/;"  f
5706 filedlg gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *filedlg;           \/* file selection dialog *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
5707 fileformat      ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               fileformat;     \/* EOL_UNKNOWN, EOL_UNIX or EOL_DOS *\/$/;"    m       struct:source_cookie    file:
5708 fileinfo        buffer.c        /^fileinfo(fullname, shorthelp, dont_truncate)$/;"      f
5709 filemark        structs.h       /^typedef struct filemark$/;"   s
5710 filemess        fileio.c        /^filemess(buf, name, s, attr)$/;"      f
5711 filename        ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u  filename[MAXPATHL + 1];$/;"       m       struct:prt_ps_resource_S        file:
5712 fileno  xxd/xxd.c       89;"    d       file:
5713 filetype_detect ex_docmd.c      /^static int filetype_detect = FALSE;$/;"       v       file:
5714 filetype_indent ex_docmd.c      /^static int filetype_indent = FALSE;$/;"       v       file:
5715 filetype_plugin ex_docmd.c      /^static int filetype_plugin = FALSE;$/;"       v       file:
5716 fill    move.c  /^    int                   fill;       \/* filler lines *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon46 file:
5717 fill_breakat_flags      option.c        /^fill_breakat_flags()$/;"      f       file:
5718 fill_diff       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    fill_diff INIT(= '-');$/;"      v
5719 fill_fold       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    fill_fold INIT(= '-');$/;"      v
5720 fill_foldcolumn screen.c        /^fill_foldcolumn(p, wp, closed, lnum)$/;"      f       file:
5721 fill_input_buf  ui.c    /^fill_input_buf(exit_on_error)$/;"     f
5722 fill_mouse_coord        gui.c   /^fill_mouse_coord(p, col, row)$/;"     f       file:
5723 fill_stl        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    fill_stl INIT(= ' ');$/;"       v
5724 fill_stlnc      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    fill_stlnc INIT(= ' ');$/;"     v
5725 fill_vert       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    fill_vert INIT(= ' ');$/;"      v
5726 fillchar_status screen.c        /^fillchar_status(attr, is_curwin)$/;"  f       file:
5727 fillchar_vsep   screen.c        /^fillchar_vsep(attr)$/;"       f       file:
5728 find_buffer     eval.c  /^find_buffer(avar)$/;" f       file:
5729 find_builtin_term       term.c  /^find_builtin_term(term)$/;"   f       file:
5730 find_command    ex_docmd.c      /^find_command(eap, full)$/;"   f       file:
5731 find_command    normal.c        /^find_command(cmdchar)$/;"     f       file:
5732 find_directory_in_path  misc2.c /^find_directory_in_path(ptr, len, options, rel_fname)$/;"      f
5733 find_end_event  fileio.c        /^find_end_event(arg, have_group)$/;"   f       file:
5734 find_end_of_word        normal.c        /^find_end_of_word(pos)$/;"     f       file:
5735 find_endpos     syntax.c        /^find_endpos(idx, startpos, m_endpos, hl_endpos, flagsp, end_endpos,$/;"       f       file:
5736 find_extra      tag.c   /^find_extra(pp)$/;"    f       file:
5737 find_file_in_path       misc2.c /^find_file_in_path(ptr, len, options, first, rel_fname)$/;"    f
5738 find_file_in_path_option        misc2.c /^find_file_in_path_option(ptr, len, options, first, path_option, need_dir, rel_fname)$/;"      f       file:
5739 find_file_name_in_path  window.c        /^find_file_name_in_path(ptr, len, options, count, rel_fname)$/;"       f
5740 find_first_blank        search.c        /^find_first_blank(posp)$/;"    f       file:
5741 find_func       eval.c  /^find_func(name)$/;"   f       file:
5742 find_help_tags  ex_cmds.c       /^find_help_tags(arg, num_matches, matches, keep_lang)$/;"      f
5743 find_ident_at_pos       normal.c        /^find_ident_at_pos(wp, lnum, startcol, string, find_type)$/;"  f
5744 find_ident_under_cursor normal.c        /^find_ident_under_cursor(string, find_type)$/;"        f
5745 find_internal_func      eval.c  /^find_internal_func(name)$/;"  f       file:
5746 find_is_eval_item       normal.c        /^find_is_eval_item(ptr, colp, bnp, dir)$/;"    f       file:
5747 find_key_option option.c        /^find_key_option(arg)$/;"      f       file:
5748 find_last_paren misc1.c /^find_last_paren(l, start, end)$/;"    f       file:
5749 find_line_comment       misc1.c /^find_line_comment() \/* XXX *\/$/;"   f       file:
5750 find_match      misc1.c /^find_match(lookfor, ourscope, ind_maxparen, ind_maxcomment)$/;"       f       file:
5751 find_match_paren        misc1.c /^find_match_paren(ind_maxparen, ind_maxcomment)            \/* XXX *\/$/;"     f       file:
5752 find_name_end   eval.c  /^find_name_end(arg, expr_start, expr_end)$/;"  f       file:
5753 find_nextcmd    ex_docmd.c      /^find_nextcmd(p)$/;"   f
5754 find_option_end eval.c  /^find_option_end(arg, opt_flags)$/;"   f       file:
5755 find_pattern_in_path    search.c        /^find_pattern_in_path(ptr, dir, len, whole, skip_comments,$/;" f
5756 find_some_match eval.c  /^find_some_match(argvars, retvar, type)$/;"    f       file:
5757 find_special_key        misc2.c /^find_special_key(srcp, modp, keycode)$/;"     f
5758 find_special_key_in_table       misc2.c /^find_special_key_in_table(c)$/;"      f
5759 find_start_brace        misc1.c /^find_start_brace(ind_maxcomment)          \/* XXX *\/$/;"     f       file:
5760 find_start_comment      misc1.c /^find_start_comment(ind_maxcomment)        \/* XXX *\/$/;"     f
5761 find_start_of_word      normal.c        /^find_start_of_word(pos)$/;"   f       file:
5762 find_tags       tag.c   /^find_tags(pat, num_matches, matchesp, flags, mincount, buf_ffname)$/;"        f
5763 find_term_bykeys        term.c  /^find_term_bykeys(src)$/;"     f
5764 find_termcode   term.c  /^find_termcode(name)$/;"       f
5765 find_var        eval.c  /^find_var(name, writing)$/;"   f       file:
5766 find_var_ga     eval.c  /^find_var_ga(name, varname)$/;"        f       file:
5767 find_var_in_ga  eval.c  /^find_var_in_ga(gap, varname)$/;"      f       file:
5768 find_vim_var    eval.c  /^find_vim_var(name, len)$/;"   f       file:
5769 find_viminfo_parameter  option.c        /^find_viminfo_parameter(type)$/;"      f
5770 find_win_by_nr  eval.c  /^find_win_by_nr(vp)$/;"        f       file:
5771 find_wininfo    buffer.c        /^find_wininfo(buf)$/;" f       file:
5772 find_wl_entry   fold.c  /^find_wl_entry(win, lnum)$/;"  f
5773 find_word_end   edit.c  /^find_word_end(ptr)$/;"        f
5774 find_word_start edit.c  /^find_word_start(ptr)$/;"      f
5775 findenv misc2.c /^findenv(name)$/;"     f       file:
5776 findmatch       search.c        /^findmatch(oap, initc)$/;"     f
5777 findmatchlimit  search.c        /^findmatchlimit(oap, initc, flags, maxtravel)$/;"      f
5778 findoption      option.c        /^findoption(arg)$/;"   f       file:
5779 findpar search.c        /^findpar(oap, dir, count, what, both)$/;"      f
5780 findsent        search.c        /^findsent(dir, count)$/;"      f
5781 findsent_forward        search.c        /^findsent_forward(count, at_start_sent)$/;"    f       file:
5782 findswapname    memline.c       /^findswapname(buf, dirp, old_fname)$/;"        f       file:
5783 finish_exception        ex_eval.c       /^finish_exception(excp)$/;"    f       file:
5784 finish_op       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    finish_op INIT(= FALSE);\/* TRUE while an operator is pending *\/$/;"   v
5785 finish_viminfo_history  ex_getln.c      /^finish_viminfo_history()$/;"  f
5786 finished        ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               finished;       \/* ":finish" used *\/$/;"      m       struct:source_cookie    file:
5787 fireChanges     netbeans.c      /^    unsigned int       fireChanges:1;$/;"     m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
5788 first   mbyte.c /^    unsigned short first;$/;" m       struct:interval file:
5789 first_abbr      getchar.c       /^static mapblock_T     *first_abbr = NULL; \/* first entry in abbrlist *\/$/;" v       file:
5790 first_autopat   fileio.c        /^static AutoPat *first_autopat[NUM_EVENTS] =$/;"       v       file:
5791 first_diff      diff.c  /^static diff_T *first_diff = NULL;$/;" v       file:
5792 first_lnum      screen.c        /^    linenr_T  first_lnum;     \/* first lnum to search for multi-line pat *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon1  file:
5793 first_match     edit.c  /^static struct Completion    *first_match = NULL;$/;"  v       typeref:struct:Completion       file:
5794 first_msg_hist  message.c       /^static struct msg_hist *first_msg_hist = NULL;$/;"    v       typeref:struct:msg_hist file:
5795 first_sign      ex_cmds.c       /^static sign_T *first_sign = NULL;$/;" v       file:
5796 first_submatch  search.c        /^first_submatch(rp)$/;"        f       file:
5797 firstbuf        globals.h       /^EXTERN buf_T  *firstbuf INIT(= NULL); \/* first buffer *\/$/;"        v
5798 firstfunc       eval.c  /^ufunc_T               *firstfunc = NULL;$/;"  v
5799 firstline       eval.c  /^    var               firstline;      \/* "a:firstline" variable *\/$/;"      m       struct:funccall file:
5800 firstwin        globals.h       /^EXTERN win_T  *firstwin;              \/* first window *\/$/;"        v
5801 firstwin        globals.h       465;"   d
5802 fix_fname       buffer.c        /^fix_fname(fname)$/;"  f
5803 fix_help_buffer ex_cmds.c       /^fix_help_buffer()$/;" f
5804 fix_indent      edit.c  /^fix_indent()$/;"      f
5805 fix_input_buffer        getchar.c       /^fix_input_buffer(buf, len, script)$/;"        f
5806 fixthisline     edit.c  /^fixthisline(get_the_indent)$/;"       f
5807 fkmap   farsi.c /^fkmap(c)$/;"  f
5808 flag    syntax.c        /^    int               flag;$/;"       m       struct:name_list        file:
5809 flags   eval.c  /^    char      flags;          \/* VV_COMPAT and VV_RO *\/$/;" m       struct:vimvar   file:
5810 flags   eval.c  /^    int               flags;$/;"      m       struct:ufunc    file:
5811 flags   option.c        /^    long_u    flags;          \/* see below *\/$/;"   m       struct:vimoption        file:
5812 flags   quickfix.c      /^    char_u        flags;      \/* additional flags given in prefix *\/$/;"    m       struct:eformat  file:
5813 flags   structs.h       /^    short     flags;          \/* see syntax.c *\/$/;"        m       struct:keyentry
5814 fline_T fold.c  /^} fline_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:__anon15 file:
5815 flush_buffers   getchar.c       /^flush_buffers(typeahead)$/;"  f
5816 fm_getname      mark.c  /^fm_getname(fmark, lead_len)$/;"       f
5817 fmark   structs.h       /^    fmark_T   fmark;          \/* cursor position BEFORE ":tag" *\/$/;"       m       struct:taggy
5818 fmark   structs.h       /^    fmark_T   fmark;$/;"      m       struct:xfilemark
5819 fmark_T structs.h       /^} fmark_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:filemark
5820 fmarks_check_names      mark.c  /^fmarks_check_names(buf)$/;"   f
5821 fmarks_check_one        mark.c  /^fmarks_check_one(fm, name, buf)$/;"   f       file:
5822 fmt_check_par   ops.c   /^fmt_check_par(lnum)$/;"       f       file:
5823 fmt_check_par   ops.c   /^fmt_check_par(lnum, leader_len, leader_flags, do_comments)$/;"        f       file:
5824 fname   edit.c  /^    char_u            *fname;   \/* file containing the match *\/$/;" m       struct:Completion       file:
5825 fname   ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u    *fname;         \/* name of sourced file *\/$/;"        m       struct:source_cookie    file:
5826 fname   fileio.c        /^    char_u    *fname;         \/* fname to match with *\/$/;" m       struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
5827 fname   structs.h       /^    char_u    *fname;         \/* file name, used when fnum == 0 *\/$/;"      m       struct:xfilemark
5828 fname   tag.c   /^    char_u    *fname;         \/* first char of file name *\/$/;"     m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
5829 fname2fnum      mark.c  /^fname2fnum(fm)$/;"    f       file:
5830 fname_case      os_amiga.c      /^fname_case(name, len)$/;"     f
5831 fname_end       tag.c   /^    char_u    *fname_end;     \/* char after file name *\/$/;"        m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
5832 fname_expand    buffer.c        /^fname_expand(buf, ffname, sfname)$/;" f
5833 fname_match     buffer.c        /^fname_match(prog, name)$/;"   f       file:
5834 fnamecmp        vim.h   1320;"  d
5835 fnamecmp        vim.h   1323;"  d
5836 fnamecmp        vim.h   1327;"  d
5837 fnamecmp_ino    memline.c       /^fnamecmp_ino(fname_c, fname_s, ino_block0)$/;"        f       file:
5838 fnamencmp       vim.h   1321;"  d
5839 fnamencmp       vim.h   1324;"  d
5840 fnamencmp       vim.h   1328;"  d
5841 fnum    structs.h       /^    int               fnum;           \/* file number *\/$/;" m       struct:filemark
5842 foldAddMarker   fold.c  /^foldAddMarker(lnum, marker, markerlen)$/;"    f       file:
5843 foldAdjustCursor        fold.c  /^foldAdjustCursor()$/;"        f
5844 foldAdjustVisual        fold.c  /^foldAdjustVisual()$/;"        f
5845 foldCase        mbyte.c /^convertStruct foldCase[] =$/;"        v
5846 foldCheckClose  fold.c  /^foldCheckClose()$/;"  f
5847 foldCreate      fold.c  /^foldCreate(start, end)$/;"    f
5848 foldCreateMarkers       fold.c  /^foldCreateMarkers(start, end)$/;"     f       file:
5849 foldDelMarker   fold.c  /^foldDelMarker(lnum, marker, markerlen)$/;"    f       file:
5850 foldFind        fold.c  /^foldFind(gap, lnum, fpp)$/;"  f       file:
5851 foldInitWin     fold.c  /^foldInitWin(newwin)$/;"       f
5852 foldInsert      fold.c  /^foldInsert(gap, i)$/;"        f       file:
5853 foldLevel       fold.c  /^foldLevel(lnum)$/;"   f
5854 foldLevelWin    fold.c  /^foldLevelWin(wp, lnum)$/;"    f       file:
5855 foldManualAllowed       fold.c  /^foldManualAllowed(create)$/;" f
5856 foldMarkAdjust  fold.c  /^foldMarkAdjust(wp, line1, line2, amount, amount_after)$/;"    f
5857 foldMarkAdjustRecurse   fold.c  /^foldMarkAdjustRecurse(gap, line1, line2, amount, amount_after)$/;"    f       file:
5858 foldMerge       fold.c  /^foldMerge(fp1, gap, fp2)$/;"  f       file:
5859 foldMoveTo      fold.c  /^foldMoveTo(updown, dir, count)$/;"    f
5860 foldOpenCursor  fold.c  /^foldOpenCursor()$/;"  f
5861 foldOpenNested  fold.c  /^foldOpenNested(fpr)$/;"       f       file:
5862 foldRemove      fold.c  /^foldRemove(gap, top, bot)$/;" f       file:
5863 foldSplit       fold.c  /^foldSplit(gap, i, top, bot)$/;"       f       file:
5864 foldUpdate      fold.c  /^foldUpdate(wp, top, bot)$/;"  f
5865 foldUpdateAll   fold.c  /^foldUpdateAll(win)$/;"        f
5866 foldUpdateIEMS  fold.c  /^foldUpdateIEMS(wp, top, bot)$/;"      f       file:
5867 foldUpdateIEMSRecurse   fold.c  /^foldUpdateIEMSRecurse(gap, level, startlnum, flp, getlevel, bot, topflags)$/;"        f       file:
5868 fold_T  fold.c  /^} fold_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:__anon14 file:
5869 fold_changed    fold.c  /^static int fold_changed;$/;"  v       file:
5870 fold_line       screen.c        /^fold_line(wp, fold_count, foldinfo, lnum, row)$/;"    f       file:
5871 foldclosed_both eval.c  /^foldclosed_both(argvars, retvar, end)$/;"     f       file:
5872 foldedCount     fold.c  /^foldedCount(win, lnum, infop)$/;"     f
5873 foldendmarker   fold.c  /^static char_u *foldendmarker;$/;"     v       file:
5874 foldendmarkerlen        fold.c  /^static int foldendmarkerlen;$/;"      v       file:
5875 foldinfo        structs.h       /^typedef struct foldinfo$/;"   s
5876 foldinfo_T      structs.h       /^} foldinfo_T;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:foldinfo
5877 foldlevelDiff   fold.c  /^foldlevelDiff(flp)$/;"        f       file:
5878 foldlevelExpr   fold.c  /^foldlevelExpr(flp)$/;"        f       file:
5879 foldlevelIndent fold.c  /^foldlevelIndent(flp)$/;"      f       file:
5880 foldlevelMarker fold.c  /^foldlevelMarker(flp)$/;"      f       file:
5881 foldlevelSyntax fold.c  /^foldlevelSyntax(flp)$/;"      f       file:
5882 foldmethodIsDiff        fold.c  /^foldmethodIsDiff(wp)$/;"      f
5883 foldmethodIsExpr        fold.c  /^foldmethodIsExpr(wp)$/;"      f
5884 foldmethodIsIndent      fold.c  /^foldmethodIsIndent(wp)$/;"    f
5885 foldmethodIsManual      fold.c  /^foldmethodIsManual(wp)$/;"    f
5886 foldmethodIsMarker      fold.c  /^foldmethodIsMarker(wp)$/;"    f
5887 foldmethodIsSyntax      fold.c  /^foldmethodIsSyntax(wp)$/;"    f
5888 foldstartmarkerlen      fold.c  /^static int foldstartmarkerlen;$/;"    v       file:
5889 foldtext_cleanup        fold.c  /^foldtext_cleanup(str)$/;"     f
5890 font    structs.h       /^          GuiFont         font;       \/* font handle *\/$/;" m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon37
5891 font_argument   globals.h       /^EXTERN char   *font_argument INIT(= NULL);$/;"        v
5892 font_can_bold   gui.h   /^    int               font_can_bold;      \/* Whether norm_font supports bold weight.$/;"     m       struct:Gui
5893 font_name2handle        syntax.c        /^font_name2handle(name)$/;"    f       file:
5894 fontdlg gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *fontdlg;           \/* font selection dialog window *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
5895 fontname        gui.h   /^    char_u    *fontname;          \/* font name from font selection dialog *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
5896 fontset gui.h   /^    GuiFontset        fontset;            \/* set of fonts for multi-byte chars *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
5897 fontset structs.h       /^          GuiFontset      fontset;    \/* fontset handle *\/$/;"      m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon37
5898 fontset_name2handle     syntax.c        /^fontset_name2handle(name, fixed_width)$/;"    f       file:
5899 footer_height   gui.h   /^    int               footer_height;      \/* height of the message footer *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
5900 fopen_noinh_readbin     ex_cmds2.c      /^fopen_noinh_readbin(filename)$/;"     f       file:
5901 force_abort     globals.h       /^EXTERN int force_abort INIT(= FALSE);$/;"     v
5902 force_bin       ex_cmds.h       /^    int               force_bin;      \/* 0, FORCE_BIN or FORCE_NOBIN *\/$/;" m       struct:exarg
5903 force_enc       ex_cmds.h       /^    int               force_enc;      \/* forced 'encoding' (index in cmd[]) *\/$/;"  m       struct:exarg
5904 force_ff        ex_cmds.h       /^    int               force_ff;       \/* forced 'fileformat' (index in cmd[]) *\/$/;"        m       struct:exarg
5905 force_menu_update       globals.h       /^EXTERN int force_menu_update INIT(= FALSE);$/;"       v
5906 forceit ex_cmds.h       /^    int               forceit;        \/* TRUE if ! present *\/$/;"   m       struct:exarg
5907 foreground_argument     globals.h       /^EXTERN char   *foreground_argument INIT(= NULL);$/;"  v
5908 format  vim.h   /^    int_u     format;         \/* Vim's own special clipboard format *\/$/;"  m       struct:VimClipboard
5909 format_lines    ops.c   /^format_lines(line_count)$/;"  f
5910 format_raw      vim.h   /^    int_u     format_raw;     \/* Vim's raw text clipboard format *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimClipboard
5911 formwin gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *formwin;           \/* manages all the windows below *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
5912 forward_slash   fileio.c        /^forward_slash(fname)$/;"      f
5913 found_reverse_arg       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    found_reverse_arg INIT(= FALSE);$/;"    v
5914 found_tagfile_cb        tag.c   /^found_tagfile_cb(fname)$/;"   f       file:
5915 fp      ex_cmds2.c      /^    FILE      *fp;            \/* opened file for sourcing *\/$/;"    m       struct:source_cookie    file:
5916 fp      search.c        /^    FILE      *fp;            \/* File pointer *\/$/;"        m       struct:SearchedFile     file:
5917 fr_child        structs.h       /^    frame_T   *fr_child;      \/* first contained frame *\/$/;"       m       struct:frame
5918 fr_height       structs.h       /^    int               fr_height;$/;"  m       struct:frame
5919 fr_layout       structs.h       /^    char      fr_layout;      \/* FR_LEAF, FR_COL or FR_ROW *\/$/;"   m       struct:frame
5920 fr_newheight    structs.h       /^    int               fr_newheight;   \/* new height used in win_equal_rec() *\/$/;"  m       struct:frame
5921 fr_next structs.h       /^    frame_T   *fr_next;       \/* frame right or below in same parent, NULL$/;"       m       struct:frame
5922 fr_parent       structs.h       /^    frame_T   *fr_parent;     \/* containing frame or NULL *\/$/;"    m       struct:frame
5923 fr_prev structs.h       /^    frame_T   *fr_prev;       \/* frame left or above in same parent, NULL$/;"        m       struct:frame
5924 fr_width        structs.h       /^    int               fr_width;$/;"   m       struct:frame
5925 fr_win  structs.h       /^    win_T     *fr_win;        \/* window that fills this frame *\/$/;"        m       struct:frame
5926 frame   structs.h       /^struct frame$/;"      s
5927 frame2win       window.c        /^frame2win(frp)$/;"    f       file:
5928 frame_T structs.h       /^typedef struct frame  frame_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:frame
5929 frame_add_height        window.c        /^frame_add_height(frp, n)$/;"  f       file:
5930 frame_add_statusline    window.c        /^frame_add_statusline(frp)$/;" f       file:
5931 frame_add_vsep  window.c        /^frame_add_vsep(frp)$/;"       f       file:
5932 frame_append    window.c        /^frame_append(after, frp)$/;"  f       file:
5933 frame_comp_pos  window.c        /^frame_comp_pos(topfrp, row, col)$/;"  f       file:
5934 frame_fix_height        window.c        /^frame_fix_height(wp)$/;"      f       file:
5935 frame_fix_width window.c        /^frame_fix_width(wp)$/;"       f       file:
5936 frame_fixed_height      window.c        /^frame_fixed_height(frp)$/;"   f       file:
5937 frame_has_win   window.c        /^frame_has_win(frp, wp)$/;"    f       file:
5938 frame_insert    window.c        /^frame_insert(before, frp)$/;" f       file:
5939 frame_minheight window.c        /^frame_minheight(topfrp, next_curwin)$/;"      f       file:
5940 frame_minwidth  window.c        /^frame_minwidth(topfrp, next_curwin)$/;"       f       file:
5941 frame_new_height        window.c        /^frame_new_height(topfrp, height, topfirst, wfh)$/;"   f       file:
5942 frame_new_width window.c        /^frame_new_width(topfrp, width, leftfirst)$/;" f       file:
5943 frame_remove    window.c        /^frame_remove(frp)$/;" f       file:
5944 frame_setheight window.c        /^frame_setheight(curfrp, height)$/;"   f       file:
5945 frame_setwidth  window.c        /^frame_setwidth(curfrp, width)$/;"     f       file:
5946 free_buf_options        buffer.c        /^free_buf_options(buf, free_p_ff)$/;"  f
5947 free_buff       getchar.c       /^free_buff(buf)$/;"    f
5948 free_buffer     buffer.c        /^free_buffer(buf)$/;"  f       file:
5949 free_buffer_stuff       buffer.c        /^free_buffer_stuff(buf, free_options)$/;"      f       file:
5950 free_cmdlines   ex_docmd.c      /^free_cmdlines(gap)$/;"        f       file:
5951 free_highlight_fonts    syntax.c        /^free_highlight_fonts()$/;"    f
5952 free_jumplist   mark.c  /^free_jumplist(wp)$/;" f
5953 free_keywtab    syntax.c        /^free_keywtab(ktabp)$/;"       f       file:
5954 free_menu       menu.c  /^free_menu(menup)$/;"  f       file:
5955 free_menu_string        menu.c  /^free_menu_string(menu, idx)$/;"       f       file:
5956 free_msglist    ex_eval.c       /^free_msglist(l)$/;"   f       file:
5957 free_string_option      option.c        /^free_string_option(p)$/;"     f
5958 free_typebuf    getchar.c       /^free_typebuf()$/;"    f
5959 free_var        eval.c  /^free_var(varp)$/;"    f       file:
5960 free_yank       ops.c   /^free_yank(n)$/;"      f       file:
5961 free_yank_all   ops.c   /^free_yank_all()$/;"   f       file:
5962 from    digraph.c       /^    char_u    *from;$/;"      m       struct:__anon20 file:
5963 from    menu.c  /^    char_u    *from;          \/* English name *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon47 file:
5964 from_noamp      menu.c  /^    char_u    *from_noamp;    \/* same, without '&' *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon47 file:
5965 fst     eval.c  /^static struct fst$/;" s       file:
5966 fstatfs memfile.c       51;"    d       file:
5967 fstatfs memfile.c       58;"    d       file:
5968 ftell   tag.c   100;"   d       file:
5969 full_screen     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    full_screen INIT(= FALSE);$/;"  v
5970 fullname        option.c        /^    char      *fullname;      \/* full option name *\/$/;"    m       struct:vimoption        file:
5971 fullpathcmp     misc1.c /^fullpathcmp(s1, s2, checkname)$/;"    f
5972 func    eval.c  /^    ufunc_T   *func;          \/* function being called *\/$/;"       m       struct:funccall file:
5973 func    syntax.c        /^    void    (*func)__ARGS((exarg_T *, int));  \/* function to call *\/$/;"    m       struct:subcommand       file:
5974 func_breakpoint eval.c  /^func_breakpoint(cookie)$/;"   f
5975 func_dbg_tick   eval.c  /^func_dbg_tick(cookie)$/;"     f
5976 func_has_abort  eval.c  /^func_has_abort(cookie)$/;"    f
5977 func_has_ended  eval.c  /^func_has_ended(cookie)$/;"    f
5978 func_level      eval.c  /^func_level(cookie)$/;"        f
5979 func_name       eval.c  /^func_name(cookie)$/;" f
5980 funccall        eval.c  /^struct funccall$/;"   s       file:
5981 functions       eval.c  /^} functions[] =$/;"   v       typeref:struct:fst      file:
5982 fwd_word        search.c        /^fwd_word(count, bigword, eol)$/;"     f
5983 g:arg   testdir/test49.vim      /^              let g:arg = "brrrr"$/;" v
5984 g:arg   testdir/test49.vim      /^          let g:arg = "autsch"$/;"    v
5985 g:jump  testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let g:jump = "finish"$/;"   v
5986 g:jump  testdir/test49.vim      /^              let g:jump = "throw"$/;"        v
5987 g:jump  testdir/test49.vim      /^          let g:jump = "interrupt"$/;"        v
5988 g:jump  testdir/test49.vim      /^      let g:jump = "error"$/;"        v
5989 g:jump  testdir/test49.vim      /^    let g:jump = "break"$/;"  v
5990 g:jump  testdir/test49.vim      /^    let g:jump = "continue"$/;"       v
5991 g:jump  testdir/test49.vim      /^    let g:jump = "finish"$/;" v
5992 g:line  testdir/test49.vim      /^              let g:line = 8$/;"      v
5993 g:line  testdir/test49.vim      /^          let g:line = 6$/;"  v
5994 g:taken testdir/test49.vim      /^          let g:taken = g:taken . "T" . t$/;" v
5995 g_do_tagpreview globals.h       /^EXTERN int    g_do_tagpreview INIT(= 0);  \/* for tag preview commands:$/;"   v
5996 ga_append       misc2.c /^ga_append(gap, c)$/;" f
5997 ga_clear        misc2.c /^ga_clear(gap)$/;"     f
5998 ga_clear_strings        misc2.c /^ga_clear_strings(gap)$/;"     f
5999 ga_concat       misc2.c /^ga_concat(gap, s)$/;" f
6000 ga_data structs.h       /^    void    *ga_data;             \/* pointer to the first item *\/$/;"       m       struct:growarray
6001 ga_grow misc2.c /^ga_grow(gap, n)$/;"   f
6002 ga_growsize     structs.h       /^    int           ga_growsize;            \/* number of items to grow each time *\/$/;"       m       struct:growarray
6003 ga_init misc2.c /^ga_init(gap)$/;"      f
6004 ga_init2        misc2.c /^ga_init2(gap, itemsize, growsize)$/;" f
6005 ga_itemsize     structs.h       /^    int           ga_itemsize;            \/* sizeof one item *\/$/;" m       struct:growarray
6006 ga_len  structs.h       /^    int           ga_len;                 \/* current number of items used *\/$/;"    m       struct:growarray
6007 ga_room structs.h       /^    int           ga_room;                \/* number of unused items at the end *\/$/;"       m       struct:growarray
6008 ga_scripts      eval.c  /^static garray_T           ga_scripts = {0, 0, sizeof(garray_T), 4, NULL};$/;" v       file:
6009 ga_userinput    eval.c  /^static garray_T           ga_userinput = {0, 0, sizeof(tasave_T), 4, NULL};$/;"       v       file:
6010 garray_T        structs.h       /^} garray_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:growarray
6011 gather_termleader       term.c  /^gather_termleader()$/;"       f       file:
6012 gboolean        mbyte.c 4009;"  d       file:
6013 gboolean        mbyte.c 4021;"  d       file:
6014 gchar_cursor    misc1.c /^gchar_cursor()$/;"    f
6015 gchar_pos       misc1.c /^gchar_pos(pos)$/;"    f
6016 gen_expand_wildcards    misc1.c /^gen_expand_wildcards(num_pat, pat, num_file, file, flags)$/;" f
6017 gen_expand_wildcards    vim.h   653;"   d
6018 geom    gui.h   /^    char_u    *geom;              \/* Geometry, eg "80x24" *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
6019 getConnInfo     netbeans.c      /^getConnInfo(char *file, char **host, char **port, char **auth)$/;"    f       file:
6020 getDeepestNesting       fold.c  /^getDeepestNesting()$/;"       f
6021 getDeepestNestingRecurse        fold.c  /^getDeepestNestingRecurse(gap)$/;"     f       file:
6022 getMenu gui_amiga.c     /^getMenu(struct RastPort *rast, int left, STRPTR name)$/;"     f       file:
6023 get_address     ex_docmd.c      /^get_address(ptr, skip, to_other_file)$/;"     f       file:
6024 get_attr_entry  syntax.c        /^get_attr_entry(table, aep)$/;"        f       file:
6025 get_augroup_name        fileio.c        /^get_augroup_name(xp, idx)$/;" f
6026 get_buf_size    netbeans.c      /^get_buf_size(buf_T *bufp)$/;" f       file:
6027 get_buf_var     eval.c  /^get_buf_var(avar)$/;" f       file:
6028 get_buffcont    getchar.c       /^get_buffcont(buffer, dozero)$/;"      f       file:
6029 get_bytes_from_buf      term.c  /^get_bytes_from_buf(buf, bytes, num_bytes)$/;" f       file:
6030 get_c_indent    misc1.c /^get_c_indent()$/;"    f
6031 get_ccline_ptr  ex_getln.c      /^get_ccline_ptr()$/;"  f       file:
6032 get_cmd_output  misc1.c /^get_cmd_output(cmd, flags)$/;"        f
6033 get_cmdline_pos ex_getln.c      /^get_cmdline_pos()$/;" f
6034 get_cmdline_str ex_getln.c      /^get_cmdline_str()$/;" f
6035 get_command_name        ex_docmd.c      /^get_command_name(xp, idx)$/;" f
6036 get_crypt_key   misc2.c /^get_crypt_key(store, twice)$/;"       f
6037 get_digraph     digraph.c       /^get_digraph(cmdline)$/;"      f
6038 get_emsg_lnum   message.c       /^get_emsg_lnum(other)$/;"      f       file:
6039 get_emsg_source message.c       /^get_emsg_source(other)$/;"    f       file:
6040 get_env_len     eval.c  /^get_env_len(arg)$/;"  f       file:
6041 get_env_name    misc1.c /^get_env_name(xp, idx)$/;"     f
6042 get_env_var     eval.c  /^get_env_var(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"        f       file:
6043 get_equalprg    option.c        /^get_equalprg()$/;"    f
6044 get_event_name  fileio.c        /^get_event_name(xp, idx)$/;"   f
6045 get_expr_indent misc1.c /^get_expr_indent()$/;" f
6046 get_expr_line   ops.c   /^get_expr_line()$/;"   f
6047 get_expr_name   eval.c  /^get_expr_name(xp, idx)$/;"    f
6048 get_expr_register       ops.c   /^get_expr_register()$/;"       f
6049 get_extra_op_char       ops.c   /^get_extra_op_char(optype)$/;" f
6050 get_fib os_amiga.c      /^get_fib(fname)$/;"    f       file:
6051 get_file_in_dir memline.c       /^get_file_in_dir(fname, dname)$/;"     f
6052 get_fileformat  misc2.c /^get_fileformat(buf)$/;"       f
6053 get_fileformat_force    misc2.c /^get_fileformat_force(buf, eap)$/;"    f
6054 get_find_dialog_text    gui.c   /^get_find_dialog_text(arg, wwordp, mcasep)$/;" f
6055 get_fio_flags   fileio.c        /^get_fio_flags(ptr)$/;"        f       file:
6056 get_fpos_of_mouse       ui.c    /^get_fpos_of_mouse(mpos)$/;"   f
6057 get_func_len    eval.c  /^get_func_len(arg, alias, evaluate)$/;"        f       file:
6058 get_func_line   eval.c  /^get_func_line(c, cookie, indent)$/;"  f
6059 get_func_var    eval.c  /^get_func_var(name, len, retvar, arg, firstline, lastline, doesrange, evaluate)$/;"    f       file:
6060 get_function_name       eval.c  /^get_function_name(xp, idx)$/;"        f
6061 get_group_name  syntax.c        /^get_group_name(arg, name_end)$/;"     f       file:
6062 get_highlight_default   option.c        /^get_highlight_default()$/;"   f
6063 get_highlight_name      syntax.c        /^get_highlight_name(xp, idx)$/;"       f
6064 get_history_entry       ex_getln.c      /^get_history_entry(histype, idx)$/;"   f
6065 get_history_idx ex_getln.c      /^get_history_idx(histype)$/;"  f
6066 get_histtype    ex_getln.c      /^get_histtype(name)$/;"        f
6067 get_id_len      eval.c  /^get_id_len(arg)$/;"   f       file:
6068 get_id_list     syntax.c        /^get_id_list(arg, keylen, list)$/;"    f       file:
6069 get_indent      misc1.c /^get_indent()$/;"      f
6070 get_indent_buf  misc1.c /^get_indent_buf(buf, lnum)$/;" f
6071 get_indent_lnum misc1.c /^get_indent_lnum(lnum)$/;"     f
6072 get_indent_nolabel      misc1.c /^get_indent_nolabel(lnum)              \/* XXX *\/$/;" f       file:
6073 get_indent_str  misc1.c /^get_indent_str(ptr, ts)$/;"   f       file:
6074 get_input_buf   ui.c    /^get_input_buf()$/;"   f
6075 get_inserted    getchar.c       /^get_inserted()$/;"    f
6076 get_key_name    misc2.c /^get_key_name(i)$/;"   f
6077 get_keymap_str  screen.c        /^get_keymap_str(wp, buf, len)$/;"      f
6078 get_keystroke   misc1.c /^get_keystroke()$/;"   f
6079 get_lang_arg    ex_cmds2.c      /^get_lang_arg(xp, idx)$/;"     f
6080 get_last_insert edit.c  /^get_last_insert()$/;" f
6081 get_last_insert_save    edit.c  /^get_last_insert_save()$/;"    f
6082 get_leader_len  misc1.c /^get_leader_len(line, flags, backward)$/;"     f
6083 get_lisp_indent misc1.c /^get_lisp_indent()$/;" f
6084 get_list_range  ex_getln.c      /^get_list_range(str, num1, num2)$/;"   f
6085 get_lit_string_var      eval.c  /^get_lit_string_var(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;" f       file:
6086 get_literal     edit.c  /^get_literal()$/;"     f
6087 get_locale_val  ex_cmds2.c      /^get_locale_val(what)$/;"      f       file:
6088 get_long_from_buf       term.c  /^get_long_from_buf(buf, val)$/;"       f       file:
6089 get_mac_fio_flags       fileio.c        /^get_mac_fio_flags(ptr)$/;"    f       file:
6090 get_map_mode    getchar.c       /^get_map_mode(cmdp, forceit)$/;"       f
6091 get_maparg      eval.c  /^get_maparg(argvars, retvar, exact)$/;"        f       file:
6092 get_mef_name    quickfix.c      /^get_mef_name()$/;"    f       file:
6093 get_menu_cmd_modes      menu.c  /^get_menu_cmd_modes(cmd, forceit, noremap, unmenu)$/;" f       file:
6094 get_menu_index  menu.c  /^get_menu_index(menu, state)$/;"       f
6095 get_menu_mode   menu.c  /^get_menu_mode()$/;"   f       file:
6096 get_menu_name   menu.c  /^get_menu_name(xp, idx)$/;"    f
6097 get_menu_names  menu.c  /^get_menu_names(xp, idx)$/;"   f
6098 get_mess_env    ex_cmds2.c      /^get_mess_env()$/;"    f       file:
6099 get_mess_lang   ex_cmds2.c      /^get_mess_lang()$/;"   f
6100 get_mouse_button        misc2.c /^get_mouse_button(code, is_click, is_drag)$/;" f
6101 get_mouse_class normal.c        /^get_mouse_class(p)$/;"        f       file:
6102 get_nolist_virtcol      edit.c  /^get_nolist_virtcol()$/;"      f       file:
6103 get_number      misc1.c /^get_number(colon)$/;" f
6104 get_number_arg  main.c  /^get_number_arg(p, idx, def)$/;"       f       file:
6105 get_number_indent       misc1.c /^get_number_indent(lnum)$/;"   f
6106 get_off_or_lnum netbeans.c      /^get_off_or_lnum(buf_T *buf, char_u **argp)$/;"        f       file:
6107 get_one_sourceline      ex_cmds2.c      /^get_one_sourceline(sp)$/;"    f       file:
6108 get_op_char     ops.c   /^get_op_char(optype)$/;"       f
6109 get_op_type     ops.c   /^get_op_type(char1, char2)$/;" f
6110 get_option_value        option.c        /^get_option_value(name, numval, stringval, opt_flags)$/;"      f
6111 get_option_var  eval.c  /^get_option_var(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"     f       file:
6112 get_past_head   misc1.c /^get_past_head(path)$/;"       f
6113 get_printer_page_num    ex_cmds2.c      /^get_printer_page_num()$/;"    f
6114 get_pseudo_mouse_code   misc2.c /^get_pseudo_mouse_code(button, is_click, is_drag)$/;"  f
6115 get_real_state  misc2.c /^get_real_state()$/;"  f
6116 get_recorded    getchar.c       /^get_recorded()$/;"    f
6117 get_reg_contents        ops.c   /^get_reg_contents(regname, allowexpr)$/;"      f
6118 get_reg_type    ops.c   /^get_reg_type(regname, reglen)$/;"     f
6119 get_register    ops.c   /^get_register(name, copy)$/;"  f
6120 get_register_name       ops.c   /^get_register_name(num)$/;"    f
6121 get_rel_pos     buffer.c        /^get_rel_pos(wp, str)$/;"      f
6122 get_return_cmd  eval.c  /^get_return_cmd(retvar)$/;"    f
6123 get_scriptname  ex_cmds2.c      /^get_scriptname(id)$/;"        f
6124 get_scroll_overlap      move.c  /^get_scroll_overlap(lp, dir)$/;"       f       file:
6125 get_search_arg  eval.c  /^get_search_arg(varp, flagsp)$/;"      f       file:
6126 get_search_pat  search.c        /^get_search_pat()$/;"  f
6127 get_shape_idx   misc2.c /^get_shape_idx(mouse)$/;"      f
6128 get_short_pathname      eval.c  /^get_short_pathname(fnamep, bufp, fnamelen)$/;"        f       file:
6129 get_spec_reg    ops.c   /^get_spec_reg(regname, argp, allocated, errmsg)$/;"    f
6130 get_special_key_code    misc2.c /^get_special_key_code(name)$/;"        f
6131 get_special_key_name    misc2.c /^get_special_key_name(c, modifiers)$/;"        f
6132 get_string_var  eval.c  /^get_string_var(arg, retvar, evaluate)$/;"     f       file:
6133 get_syn_options syntax.c        /^get_syn_options(arg, flagsp, keyword, sync_idx, cont_list,$/;"        f       file:
6134 get_syn_pattern syntax.c        /^get_syn_pattern(arg, ci)$/;"  f       file:
6135 get_syntax_attr syntax.c        /^get_syntax_attr(col)$/;"      f
6136 get_syntax_name syntax.c        /^get_syntax_name(xp, idx)$/;"  f
6137 get_tagfname    tag.c   /^get_tagfname(first, buf)$/;"  f       file:
6138 get_term_code   option.c        /^get_term_code(tname)$/;"      f
6139 get_termcode    term.c  /^get_termcode(i)$/;"   f
6140 get_user_cmd_complete   ex_docmd.c      /^get_user_cmd_complete(xp, idx)$/;"    f
6141 get_user_cmd_flags      ex_docmd.c      /^get_user_cmd_flags(xp, idx)$/;"       f
6142 get_user_cmd_nargs      ex_docmd.c      /^get_user_cmd_nargs(xp, idx)$/;"       f
6143 get_user_command_name   ex_docmd.c      /^get_user_command_name(idx)$/;"        f       file:
6144 get_user_commands       ex_docmd.c      /^get_user_commands(xp, idx)$/;"        f
6145 get_user_func_name      eval.c  /^get_user_func_name(xp, idx)$/;"       f
6146 get_user_name   misc2.c /^get_user_name(buf, len)$/;"   f
6147 get_user_var_name       eval.c  /^get_user_var_name(xp, idx)$/;"        f
6148 get_var_lnum    eval.c  /^get_var_lnum(argvars)$/;"     f       file:
6149 get_var_number  eval.c  /^get_var_number(varp)$/;"      f       file:
6150 get_var_string  eval.c  /^get_var_string(varp)$/;"      f       file:
6151 get_var_string_buf      eval.c  /^get_var_string_buf(varp, buf)$/;"     f       file:
6152 get_var_value   eval.c  /^get_var_value(name)$/;"       f
6153 get_var_var     eval.c  /^get_var_var(name, len, retvar)$/;"    f       file:
6154 get_varp        option.c        /^get_varp(p)$/;"       f       file:
6155 get_varp_scope  option.c        /^get_varp_scope(p, opt_flags)$/;"      f       file:
6156 get_view_file   ex_docmd.c      /^get_view_file(c)$/;"  f       file:
6157 get_vim_var_nr  eval.c  /^get_vim_var_nr(idx)$/;"       f
6158 get_viminfo_parameter   option.c        /^get_viminfo_parameter(type)$/;"       f
6159 get_visual_text normal.c        /^get_visual_text(cap, pp, lenp)$/;"    f       file:
6160 get_while_line  ex_docmd.c      /^get_while_line(c, cookie, indent)$/;" f       file:
6161 get_win_fio_flags       fileio.c        /^get_win_fio_flags(ptr)$/;"    f       file:
6162 get_winopts     buffer.c        /^get_winopts(buf)$/;"  f
6163 get_yank_register       ops.c   /^get_yank_register(regname, writing)$/;"       f
6164 getaltfname     buffer.c        /^getaltfname(errmsg)$/;"       f
6165 getargcmd       ex_docmd.c      /^getargcmd(argp)$/;"   f       file:
6166 getargopt       ex_docmd.c      /^getargopt(eap)$/;"    f       file:
6167 getchr  regexp.c        /^getchr()$/;"  f       file:
6168 getcmdline      ex_getln.c      /^getcmdline(firstc, count, indent)$/;" f
6169 getcmdline_prompt       ex_getln.c      /^getcmdline_prompt(firstc, prompt, attr)$/;"   f
6170 getcwd  vim.h   220;"   d
6171 getdigits       charset.c       /^getdigits(pp)$/;"     f
6172 getdigraph      digraph.c       /^getdigraph(char1, char2, meta)$/;"    f
6173 getent  termlib.c       /^getent(tbuf, term, termcap, buflen)$/;"       f       file:
6174 getexactdigraph digraph.c       /^getexactdigraph(char1, char2, meta)$/;"       f       file:
6175 getexline       ex_getln.c      /^getexline(c, dummy, indent)$/;"       f
6176 getexmodeline   ex_getln.c      /^getexmodeline(c, dummy, indent)$/;"   f
6177 getfile ex_cmds.c       /^getfile(fnum, ffname, sfname, setpm, lnum, forceit)$/;"       f
6178 getline ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    *(*getline) __ARGS((int, void *, int));$/;"     m       struct:exarg
6179 getline ex_docmd.c      /^    char_u    *(*getline) __ARGS((int, void *, int));$/;"     m       struct:while_cookie     file:
6180 getline_cookie  ex_docmd.c      /^getline_cookie(getline, cookie)$/;"   f
6181 getline_equal   ex_docmd.c      /^getline_equal(getline, cookie, func)$/;"      f
6182 getlinecol      term.c  /^getlinecol(cp, rp)$/;"        f
6183 getmark mark.c  /^getmark(c, changefile)$/;"    f
6184 getnextac       fileio.c        /^getnextac(c, cookie, indent)$/;"      f       file:
6185 getnextcomp     misc1.c /^getnextcomp(fname)$/;"        f
6186 getnextmark     mark.c  /^getnextmark(startpos, dir, begin_line)$/;"    f
6187 getout  main.c  /^getout(exitval)$/;"   f
6188 getout_preserve_modified        main.c  /^getout_preserve_modified(exitval)$/;" f
6189 getrealcolor    gui_amiga.c     /^static UBYTE getrealcolor(guicolor_T i)$/;"   f       file:
6190 getsourceline   ex_cmds2.c      /^getsourceline(c, cookie, indent)$/;"  f
6191 gettail misc1.c /^gettail(fname)$/;"    f
6192 gettext_lang    ex_cmds2.c      /^gettext_lang(char_u *name)$/;"        f       file:
6193 gettimeofday    main.c  /^gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, char *dummy)$/;"     f
6194 getvcol charset.c       /^getvcol(wp, pos, start, cursor, end)$/;"      f
6195 getvcol_nolist  charset.c       /^getvcol_nolist(posp)$/;"      f
6196 getvcols        charset.c       /^getvcols(wp, pos1, pos2, left, right)$/;"     f
6197 getviscol       misc2.c /^getviscol()$/;"       f
6198 getviscol2      misc2.c /^getviscol2(col, coladd)$/;"   f
6199 getvpos misc2.c /^getvpos(pos, wcol)$/;"        f
6200 getvvcol        charset.c       /^getvvcol(wp, pos, start, cursor, end)$/;"     f
6201 getvvcol        vim.h   1594;"  d
6202 gfp_buffer      gui.c   /^static char_u *gfp_buffer;$/;"        v       file:
6203 gfp_setname     gui.c   /^gfp_setname(fname)$/;"        f       file:
6204 gfxBase gui_amiga.c     /^struct GFXBase                *gfxBase;$/;"   v       typeref:struct:GFXBase
6205 gg      testdir/test49.vim      /^      normal! gg$/;"  m
6206 give_warning    message.c       /^give_warning(message, hl)$/;" f
6207 global_alist    globals.h       /^EXTERN alist_T        global_alist;   \/* global argument list *\/$/;"        v
6208 global_busy     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    global_busy INIT(= 0);      \/* set when :global is executing *\/$/;"   v
6209 global_changedtick      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    global_changedtick INIT(= 0);   \/* incremented for each$/;"    v
6210 global_exe      ex_cmds.c       /^global_exe(cmd)$/;"   f
6211 global_need_beginline   ex_cmds.c       /^static int    global_need_beginline;  \/* call beginline() after ":g" *\/$/;" v       file:
6212 globaldir       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *globaldir INIT(= NULL);$/;"    v
6213 globalsignmap   netbeans.c      /^static char **globalsignmap;$/;"      v       file:
6214 globalsignmaplen        netbeans.c      /^static int globalsignmaplen;$/;"      v       file:
6215 globalsignmapused       netbeans.c      /^static int globalsignmapused;$/;"     v       file:
6216 globpath        ex_getln.c      /^globpath(path, file)$/;"      f
6217 got_code_from_term      term.c  /^got_code_from_term(code, len)$/;"     f       file:
6218 got_int globals.h       /^EXTERN int    got_int INIT(= FALSE);      \/* set to TRUE when interrupt$/;"  v
6219 gotchars        getchar.c       /^gotchars(s, len)$/;"  f       file:
6220 goto_buffer     buffer.c        /^goto_buffer(eap, start, dir, count)$/;"       f
6221 goto_byte       memline.c       /^goto_byte(cnt)$/;"    f
6222 goto_im misc1.c /^goto_im()$/;" f
6223 gotocmdline     ex_getln.c      /^gotocmdline(clr)$/;"  f
6224 green   gui_amiga.c     /^      UBYTE           green;$/;"      m       struct:guicolor_tTable  file:
6225 greyed_out      structs.h       /^    int               greyed_out;         \/* Flag *\/$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
6226 group   fileio.c        /^    int                   group;              \/* group ID *\/$/;"    m       struct:AutoPat  file:
6227 group   fileio.c        /^    int               group;          \/* group being used *\/$/;"    m       struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
6228 growarray       structs.h       /^typedef struct growarray$/;"  s
6229 gtk_sel_atom    vim.h   /^    GdkAtom     gtk_sel_atom; \/* PRIMARY\/CLIPBOARD selection ID *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimClipboard
6230 gtk_socket_id   globals.h       /^EXTERN guint32        gtk_socket_id INIT(= 0);$/;"    v
6231 gui     gui.c   /^gui_T gui;$/;"        v
6232 gui     structs.h       /^      } gui;$/;"      m       union:attr_entry::__anon34      typeref:struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon37
6233 guiMenu gui_amiga.h     /^    vimmenu_T *guiMenu;$/;"   m       struct:MyMenuItem
6234 gui_T   gui.h   /^} gui_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:Gui
6235 gui_add_tearoff menu.c  /^gui_add_tearoff(tearpath, pri_tab, pri_idx)$/;"       f       file:
6236 gui_attr_table  syntax.c        /^garray_T      gui_attr_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};$/;"        v
6237 gui_bg_default  option.c        /^gui_bg_default()$/;"  f       file:
6238 gui_can_update_cursor   gui.c   /^gui_can_update_cursor()$/;"   f
6239 gui_check_colors        gui.c   /^gui_check_colors()$/;"        f
6240 gui_check_pos   gui.c   /^gui_check_pos()$/;"   f       file:
6241 gui_clear_block gui.c   /^gui_clear_block(row1, col1, row2, col2)$/;"   f
6242 gui_create_initial_menus        menu.c  /^gui_create_initial_menus(menu)$/;"    f
6243 gui_create_scrollbar    gui.c   /^gui_create_scrollbar(sb, type, wp)$/;"        f
6244 gui_create_tearoffs_recurse     menu.c  /^gui_create_tearoffs_recurse(menu, pname, pri_tab, pri_idx)$/;"        f       file:
6245 gui_delete_lines        gui.c   /^gui_delete_lines(row, count)$/;"      f       file:
6246 gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse    menu.c  /^gui_destroy_tearoffs_recurse(menu)$/;"        f       file:
6247 gui_do_findrepl gui.c   /^gui_do_findrepl(flags, find_text, repl_text, down)$/;"        f
6248 gui_do_horiz_scroll     gui.c   /^gui_do_horiz_scroll()$/;"     f
6249 gui_do_one_color        syntax.c        /^gui_do_one_color(idx, do_menu, do_tooltip)$/;"        f       file:
6250 gui_do_scroll   gui.c   /^gui_do_scroll()$/;"   f
6251 gui_do_scrollbar        gui.c   /^gui_do_scrollbar(wp, which, enable)$/;"       f       file:
6252 gui_dont_update_cursor  gui.c   /^gui_dont_update_cursor()$/;"  f
6253 gui_drag_scrollbar      gui.c   /^gui_drag_scrollbar(sb, value, still_dragging)$/;"     f
6254 gui_exit        gui.c   /^gui_exit(rc)$/;"      f
6255 gui_find_bitmap gui.c   /^gui_find_bitmap(name, buffer, ext)$/;"        f
6256 gui_find_iconfile       gui.c   /^gui_find_iconfile(name, buffer, ext)$/;"      f
6257 gui_find_menu   menu.c  /^gui_find_menu(path_name)$/;"  f
6258 gui_find_scrollbar      gui.c   /^gui_find_scrollbar(ident)$/;" f
6259 gui_focus_change        gui.c   /^gui_focus_change(in_focus)$/;"        f
6260 gui_get_base_height     gui.c   /^gui_get_base_height()$/;"     f
6261 gui_get_base_width      gui.c   /^gui_get_base_width()$/;"      f
6262 gui_get_color   gui.c   /^gui_get_color(name)$/;"       f
6263 gui_get_lightness       gui.c   /^gui_get_lightness(pixel)$/;"  f
6264 gui_get_shellsize       gui.c   /^gui_get_shellsize()$/;"       f
6265 gui_get_wide_font       gui.c   /^gui_get_wide_font()$/;"       f
6266 gui_handle_drop gui.c   /^gui_handle_drop(x, y, modifiers, fnames, count)$/;"   f
6267 gui_init        gui.c   /^gui_init()$/;"        f
6268 gui_init_check  gui.c   /^gui_init_check()$/;"  f
6269 gui_init_font   gui.c   /^gui_init_font(font_list, fontset)$/;" f
6270 gui_init_which_components       gui.c   /^gui_init_which_components(oldval)$/;" f
6271 gui_insert_lines        gui.c   /^gui_insert_lines(row, count)$/;"      f       file:
6272 gui_is_menu_shortcut    menu.c  /^gui_is_menu_shortcut(key)$/;" f
6273 gui_may_resize_shell    gui.c   /^gui_may_resize_shell()$/;"    f
6274 gui_mch_add_menu        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_add_menu(vimmenu_T *menu, int idx)$/;"        f
6275 gui_mch_add_menu_item   gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_add_menu_item(vimmenu_T *menu, int idx)$/;"   f
6276 gui_mch_adjust_charsize gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_adjust_charsize()$/;" f
6277 gui_mch_beep    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_beep(void)$/;"        f
6278 gui_mch_clear_all       gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_clear_all(void)$/;"   f
6279 gui_mch_clear_block     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_clear_block(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2)$/;"       f
6280 gui_mch_create_beval_area       gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_create_beval_area(target, mesg, mesgCB, clientData)$/;"       f
6281 gui_mch_create_scrollbar        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_create_scrollbar(scrollbar_T *sb, int orient)$/;"     f
6282 gui_mch_currently_showing_beval gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_currently_showing_beval()$/;" f
6283 gui_mch_delete_lines    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_delete_lines(int row, int num_lines)$/;"      f
6284 gui_mch_destroy_beval_area      gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_destroy_beval_area(beval)$/;" f
6285 gui_mch_destroy_menu    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_destroy_menu(vimmenu_T *menu)$/;"     f
6286 gui_mch_destroy_scrollbar       gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_destroy_scrollbar(scrollbar_T *sb)$/;"        f
6287 gui_mch_disable_beval_area      gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_disable_beval_area(beval)$/;" f
6288 gui_mch_draw_hollow_cursor      gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_draw_hollow_cursor(guicolor_T color)$/;"      f
6289 gui_mch_draw_menubar    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_draw_menubar(void)$/;"        f
6290 gui_mch_draw_part_cursor        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_draw_part_cursor( int w, int h, guicolor_T color)$/;" f
6291 gui_mch_draw_string     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_draw_string(int row, int col, char_u *s, int len, int flags)$/;"      f
6292 gui_mch_enable_beval_area       gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_enable_beval_area(beval)$/;"  f
6293 gui_mch_enable_menu     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_enable_menu(int flag)$/;"     f
6294 gui_mch_enable_scrollbar        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_enable_scrollbar(scrollbar_T *sb, int flag)$/;"       f
6295 gui_mch_exit    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_exit(int returnCode)$/;"      f
6296 gui_mch_find_dialog     ex_docmd.c      209;"   d       file:
6297 gui_mch_flash   gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_flash(int msec)$/;"   f
6298 gui_mch_flush   gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_flush(void)$/;"       f
6299 gui_mch_free_font       gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_free_font(GuiFont font)$/;"   f
6300 gui_mch_get_beval_info  gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_get_beval_info(beval, filename, line, text, idx)$/;"  f
6301 gui_mch_get_color       gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_get_color(char_u *name)$/;"   f
6302 gui_mch_get_font        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_get_font( char_u *name, int giveErrorIfMissing)$/;"   f
6303 gui_mch_get_mouse_x     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_get_mouse_x()$/;"     f
6304 gui_mch_get_mouse_y     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_get_mouse_y()$/;"     f
6305 gui_mch_get_rgb gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_get_rgb(guicolor_T pixel)$/;" f
6306 gui_mch_get_screen_dimensions   gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_get_screen_dimensions(int *screen_w, int *screen_h)$/;"       f
6307 gui_mch_get_winpos      gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_get_winpos(int *x, int *y)$/;"        f
6308 gui_mch_haskey  gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_haskey(char_u *name)$/;"      f
6309 gui_mch_iconify gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_iconify(void)$/;"     f
6310 gui_mch_init    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_init(void)$/;"        f
6311 gui_mch_init_check      gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_init_check(void)$/;"  f
6312 gui_mch_init_font       gui_amiga.c     /^int gui_mch_init_font(char_u *font_name, int fontset)$/;"     f
6313 gui_mch_insert_lines    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_insert_lines(int row, int num_lines)$/;"      f
6314 gui_mch_invert_rectangle        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_invert_rectangle( int r, int c, int nr, int nc)$/;"   f
6315 gui_mch_menu_grey       gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_menu_grey(vimmenu_T *menu, int grey)$/;"      f
6316 gui_mch_menu_hidden     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_menu_hidden(vimmenu_T *menu, int hidden)$/;"  f
6317 gui_mch_new_colors      gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_new_colors(void)$/;"  f
6318 gui_mch_open    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_open(void)$/;"        f
6319 gui_mch_post_balloon    gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_post_balloon(beval, mesg)$/;" f
6320 gui_mch_prepare gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_prepare(int *argc, char **argv)$/;"   f
6321 gui_mch_replace_dialog  ex_docmd.c      210;"   d       file:
6322 gui_mch_set_bg_color    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_bg_color(guicolor_T color)$/;"    f
6323 gui_mch_set_blinking    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_blinking(long wait, long on, long off)$/;"        f
6324 gui_mch_set_colors      gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_colors(guicolor_T fg, guicolor_T bg)$/;"  f
6325 gui_mch_set_fg_color    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_fg_color(guicolor_T color)$/;"    f
6326 gui_mch_set_font        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_font(GuiFont font)$/;"    f
6327 gui_mch_set_foreground  gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_foreground()$/;"  f
6328 gui_mch_set_menu_pos    gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_menu_pos(int x, int y, int w, int h)$/;"  f
6329 gui_mch_set_scrollbar_pos       gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_scrollbar_pos(scrollbar_T *sb, int x, int y, int w, int h)$/;"    f
6330 gui_mch_set_scrollbar_thumb     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_scrollbar_thumb(scrollbar_T *sb, long val, long size, long max)$/;"       f
6331 gui_mch_set_shellsize   gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_shellsize(int width, int height,$/;"      f
6332 gui_mch_set_text_area_pos       gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_text_area_pos(int x, int y, int w, int h)$/;"     f
6333 gui_mch_set_winpos      gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_set_winpos(int x, int y)$/;"  f
6334 gui_mch_setmouse        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_setmouse(x, y)$/;"    f
6335 gui_mch_settitle        gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_settitle(char_u  *title, char_u  *icon)$/;"   f
6336 gui_mch_show_popupmenu  gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_show_popupmenu(vimmenu_T *menu)$/;"   f
6337 gui_mch_start_blink     gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_start_blink(void)$/;" f
6338 gui_mch_stop_blink      gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_stop_blink(void)$/;"  f
6339 gui_mch_toggle_tearoffs gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_toggle_tearoffs(enable)$/;"   f
6340 gui_mch_toggle_tearoffs menu.c  /^gui_mch_toggle_tearoffs(int enable)$/;"       f
6341 gui_mch_unpost_balloon  gui_beval.c     /^gui_mch_unpost_balloon(beval)$/;"     f
6342 gui_mch_update  gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_update(void)$/;"      f
6343 gui_mch_wait_for_chars  gui_amiga.c     /^gui_mch_wait_for_chars(int wtime)$/;" f
6344 gui_menu_cb     gui.c   /^gui_menu_cb(menu)$/;" f
6345 gui_mouse_correct       gui.c   /^gui_mouse_correct()$/;"       f
6346 gui_mouse_moved gui.c   /^gui_mouse_moved(x, y)$/;"     f
6347 gui_new_scrollbar_colors        gui.c   /^gui_new_scrollbar_colors()$/;"        f
6348 gui_new_shellsize       gui.c   /^gui_new_shellsize()$/;"       f
6349 gui_outstr      gui.c   /^gui_outstr(s, len)$/;"        f       file:
6350 gui_outstr_nowrap       gui.c   /^gui_outstr_nowrap(s, len, flags, fg, bg, back)$/;"    f
6351 gui_position_components gui.c   /^gui_position_components(total_width)$/;"      f       file:
6352 gui_position_menu       gui.c   /^gui_position_menu()$/;"       f
6353 gui_prepare     gui.c   /^gui_prepare(argc, argv)$/;"   f
6354 gui_prev_topfill        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    gui_prev_topfill INIT(= 0);$/;" v
6355 gui_prev_topline        globals.h       /^EXTERN linenr_T gui_prev_topline INIT(= 0);$/;"       v
6356 gui_redraw      gui.c   /^gui_redraw(x, y, w, h)$/;"    f
6357 gui_redraw_block        gui.c   /^gui_redraw_block(row1, col1, row2, col2, flags)$/;"   f
6358 gui_reset_scroll_region gui.c   /^gui_reset_scroll_region()$/;" f
6359 gui_resize_shell        gui.c   /^gui_resize_shell(pixel_width, pixel_height)$/;"       f
6360 gui_screenchar  gui.c   /^gui_screenchar(off, flags, fg, bg, back)$/;"  f       file:
6361 gui_screenstr   gui.c   /^gui_screenstr(off, len, flags, fg, bg, back)$/;"      f       file:
6362 gui_send_mouse_event    gui.c   /^gui_send_mouse_event(button, x, y, repeated_click, modifiers)$/;"     f
6363 gui_set_bg_color        gui.c   /^gui_set_bg_color(name)$/;"    f
6364 gui_set_cursor  gui.c   /^gui_set_cursor(row, col)$/;"  f
6365 gui_set_fg_color        gui.c   /^gui_set_fg_color(name)$/;"    f
6366 gui_set_shellsize       gui.c   /^gui_set_shellsize(mustset, fit_to_display)$/;"        f
6367 gui_shell_closed        gui.c   /^gui_shell_closed()$/;"        f
6368 gui_show_popupmenu      menu.c  /^gui_show_popupmenu()$/;"      f
6369 gui_start       gui.c   /^gui_start()$/;"       f
6370 gui_start_highlight     gui.c   /^gui_start_highlight(mask)$/;" f
6371 gui_stop_highlight      gui.c   /^gui_stop_highlight(mask)$/;"  f
6372 gui_undraw_cursor       gui.c   /^gui_undraw_cursor()$/;"       f
6373 gui_update_cursor       gui.c   /^gui_update_cursor(force, clear_selection)$/;" f
6374 gui_update_cursor_later gui.c   /^gui_update_cursor_later()$/;" f
6375 gui_update_horiz_scrollbar      gui.c   /^gui_update_horiz_scrollbar(force)$/;" f       file:
6376 gui_update_menus        menu.c  /^gui_update_menus(modes)$/;"   f
6377 gui_update_menus_recurse        menu.c  /^gui_update_menus_recurse(menu, mode)$/;"      f       file:
6378 gui_update_screen       gui.c   /^gui_update_screen()$/;"       f
6379 gui_update_scrollbars   gui.c   /^gui_update_scrollbars(force)$/;"      f
6380 gui_wait_for_chars      gui.c   /^gui_wait_for_chars(wtime)$/;" f
6381 gui_win_pos_T   gui.h   /^gui_win_pos_T;$/;"    t       typeref:enum:__anon21
6382 gui_win_x       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    gui_win_x INIT(= -1);$/;"       v
6383 gui_win_y       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    gui_win_y INIT(= -1);$/;"       v
6384 gui_wingoto_xy  gui.c   /^gui_wingoto_xy(x, y)$/;"      f       file:
6385 gui_write       gui.c   /^gui_write(s, len)$/;" f
6386 gui_xy2colrow   gui.c   /^gui_xy2colrow(x, y, colp)$/;" f
6387 guicolor_T      gui.h   /^typedef long      guicolor_T; \/* handle for a GUI color; for X11 this should$/;"     t
6388 guicolor_T      structs.h       86;"    d
6389 guicolor_tTable gui_amiga.c     /^    typedef struct guicolor_tTable$/;"        s       file:
6390 guicolor_tTable gui_amiga.c     /^    } guicolor_tTable;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:guicolor_tTable  file:
6391 hIconvDLL       mbyte.c /^HINSTANCE hIconvDLL = 0;$/;"  v
6392 hMsvcrtDLL      mbyte.c /^HINSTANCE hMsvcrtDLL = 0;$/;" v
6393 had_end fold.c  /^    int               had_end;        \/* level of fold that is forced to end above$/;"       m       struct:__anon15 file:
6394 had_endbrace    regexp.c        /^static char_u had_endbrace[NSUBEXP];  \/* flags, TRUE if end of () found *\/$/;"      v       file:
6395 had_eol regexp.c        /^static int    had_eol;        \/* TRUE when EOL found by vim_regcomp() *\/$/;"        v       file:
6396 half_shape      arabic.c        /^half_shape(c)$/;"     f       file:
6397 halfpage        move.c  /^halfpage(flag, Prenum)$/;"    f
6398 handle_drop     ex_docmd.c      /^handle_drop(filec, filev, split)$/;"  f
6399 handle_key_queue        netbeans.c      /^handle_key_queue(void)$/;"    f       file:
6400 handle_swap_exists      buffer.c        /^handle_swap_exists(old_curbuf)$/;"    f
6401 handler_id      gui.h   /^    unsigned long handler_id;   \/* Id of "value_changed" signal handler *\/$/;"      m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6402 hardcopy_line   ex_cmds2.c      /^hardcopy_line(psettings, page_line, ppos)$/;" f       file:
6403 hasAnyFolding   fold.c  /^hasAnyFolding(win)$/;"        f
6404 hasFolding      fold.c  /^hasFolding(lnum, firstp, lastp)$/;"   f
6405 hasFoldingWin   fold.c  /^hasFoldingWin(win, lnum, firstp, lastp, cache, infop)$/;"     f
6406 has_autocmd     fileio.c        /^has_autocmd(event, sfname)$/;"        f
6407 has_color       structs.h       /^    int               has_color;$/;"  m       struct:__anon45
6408 has_cursorhold  fileio.c        /^has_cursorhold()$/;"  f
6409 has_format_option       option.c        /^has_format_option(x)$/;"      f
6410 has_mbyte       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    has_mbyte INIT(= 0);            \/* any multi-byte encoding *\/$/;"     v
6411 has_mouse_termcode      term.c  /^static int has_mouse_termcode = 0;$/;"        v       file:
6412 has_patch       version.c       /^has_patch(n)$/;"      f
6413 has_while_cmd   ex_eval.c       /^has_while_cmd(p)$/;"  f
6414 hasnum  structs.h       /^    int               hasnum;$/;"     m       struct:__anon43
6415 haveConnection  netbeans.c      /^static int haveConnection = FALSE;    \/* socket is connected and$/;" v       file:
6416 head    netbeans.c      /^static queue_T head;  \/* dummy node, header for circular queue *\/$/;"       v       file:
6417 head    tag.c   /^    char_u    *head;          \/* start of pattern head *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon8  file:
6418 headlen tag.c   /^    int               headlen;        \/* length of head[] *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon8  file:
6419 height  ex_cmds2.c      /^    float     height;$/;"     m       struct:prt_mediasize_S  file:
6420 height  gui.h   /^    int               height;         \/* Current height of scroll bar in rows *\/$/;"        m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6421 height  move.c  /^    int                   height;     \/* height of added line *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon46 file:
6422 heightCharToPoint       gui_amiga.c     /^heightCharToPoint(int height)$/;"     f       file:
6423 heightPointToChar       gui_amiga.c     /^heightPointToChar(int height)$/;"     f       file:
6424 help_compare    ex_cmds.c       /^help_compare(s1, s2)$/;"      f       file:
6425 help_heuristic  ex_cmds.c       /^help_heuristic(matched_string, offset, wrong_case)$/;"        f
6426 helptags_one    ex_cmds.c       /^helptags_one(dir, ext, tagfname)$/;"  f       file:
6427 hex2nr  charset.c       /^hex2nr(c)$/;" f
6428 hexhex2nr       charset.c       /^hexhex2nr(p)$/;"      f
6429 hexx    xxd/xxd.c       /^char hexxa[] = "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF", *hexx = hexxa;$/;" v
6430 hexxa   xxd/xxd.c       /^char hexxa[] = "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF", *hexx = hexxa;$/;" v
6431 hidden  structs.h       /^    int               hidden;$/;"     m       struct:VimMenu
6432 hide    structs.h       /^    int               hide;                   \/* TRUE when ":hide" was used *\/$/;"  m       struct:__anon31
6433 highest_patch   version.c       /^highest_patch()$/;"   f
6434 highlight_attr  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    highlight_attr[HLF_COUNT];  \/* Highl. attr for each context. *\/$/;"   v
6435 highlight_changed       syntax.c        /^highlight_changed()$/;"       f
6436 highlight_clear syntax.c        /^highlight_clear(idx)$/;"      f       file:
6437 highlight_color syntax.c        /^highlight_color(id, what, modec)$/;"  f
6438 highlight_exists        syntax.c        /^highlight_exists(name)$/;"    f
6439 highlight_ga    syntax.c        /^static garray_T highlight_ga; \/* highlight groups for 'highlight' option *\/$/;"     v       file:
6440 highlight_gui_color_rgb syntax.c        /^highlight_gui_color_rgb(id, fg)$/;"   f
6441 highlight_gui_started   syntax.c        /^highlight_gui_started()$/;"   f
6442 highlight_has_attr      syntax.c        /^highlight_has_attr(id, flag, modec)$/;"       f
6443 highlight_init_both     syntax.c        /^static char *(highlight_init_both[]) =$/;"    v       file:
6444 highlight_init_dark     syntax.c        /^static char *(highlight_init_dark[]) =$/;"    v       file:
6445 highlight_init_light    syntax.c        /^static char *(highlight_init_light[]) =$/;"   v       file:
6446 highlight_list  syntax.c        /^highlight_list()$/;"  f       file:
6447 highlight_list_arg      syntax.c        /^highlight_list_arg(id, didh, type, iarg, sarg, name)$/;"      f       file:
6448 highlight_list_one      syntax.c        /^highlight_list_one(id)$/;"    f       file:
6449 highlight_list_two      syntax.c        /^highlight_list_two(cnt, attr)$/;"     f       file:
6450 highlight_mask  gui.h   /^    int               highlight_mask;     \/* Highlight attribute mask *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
6451 highlight_match globals.h       /^EXTERN int    highlight_match INIT(= FALSE);  \/* show search match pos *\/$/;"       v
6452 highlight_stlnc globals.h       /^EXTERN int    highlight_stlnc[9];             \/* On top of user *\/$/;"      v
6453 highlight_user  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    highlight_user[9];              \/* User[1-9] attributes *\/$/;"        v
6454 hisidx  ex_getln.c      /^static int    hisidx[HIST_COUNT] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1};  \/* lastused entry *\/$/;"  v       file:
6455 hislen  ex_getln.c      /^static int    hislen = 0;             \/* actual length of history tables *\/$/;"     v       file:
6456 hisnum  ex_getln.c      /^    int               hisnum;         \/* identifying number *\/$/;"  m       struct:hist_entry       file:
6457 hisnum  ex_getln.c      /^static int    hisnum[HIST_COUNT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};$/;"       v       file:
6458 hisstr  ex_getln.c      /^    char_u    *hisstr;        \/* actual entry, separator char after the NUL *\/$/;"  m       struct:hist_entry       file:
6459 hist_char2type  ex_getln.c      /^hist_char2type(c)$/;" f       file:
6460 hist_entry      ex_getln.c      /^typedef struct hist_entry$/;" s       file:
6461 hist_type2char  ex_getln.c      /^hist_type2char(type, use_question)$/;"        f       file:
6462 histentry_T     ex_getln.c      /^} histentry_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:hist_entry       file:
6463 history ex_getln.c      /^static histentry_T *(history[HIST_COUNT]) = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};$/;"       v       file:
6464 history_names   ex_getln.c      /^static char *(history_names[]) =$/;"  v       file:
6465 hit_return_msg  message.c       /^hit_return_msg()$/;"  f       file:
6466 hkmap   edit.c  /^hkmap(c)$/;"  f
6467 hl_attr vim.h   1366;"  d
6468 hl_attr_table   syntax.c        /^static int hl_attr_table[] =$/;"      v       file:
6469 hl_do_font      syntax.c        /^hl_do_font(idx, arg, do_normal, do_menu, do_tooltip)$/;"      f       file:
6470 hl_get_font_name        syntax.c        /^hl_get_font_name()$/;"        f
6471 hl_group        syntax.c        /^struct hl_group$/;"   s       file:
6472 hl_has_settings syntax.c        /^hl_has_settings(idx, check_link)$/;"  f       file:
6473 hl_name_table   syntax.c        /^static char *(hl_name_table[]) =$/;"  v       file:
6474 hl_set_bg_color_name    syntax.c        /^hl_set_bg_color_name(name)$/;"        f
6475 hl_set_fg_color_name    syntax.c        /^hl_set_fg_color_name(name)$/;"        f
6476 hl_set_font_name        syntax.c        /^hl_set_font_name(font_name)$/;"       f
6477 hlf_value       vim.h   /^enum hlf_value$/;"    g
6478 hold_gui_events globals.h       /^EXTERN int    hold_gui_events INIT(= 0);$/;"  v
6479 home_replace    misc1.c /^home_replace(buf, src, dst, dstlen, one)$/;"  f
6480 home_replace_save       misc1.c /^home_replace_save(buf, src)$/;"       f
6481 homedir misc1.c /^static char_u *homedir = NULL;$/;"    v       file:
6482 huntype xxd/xxd.c       /^huntype(fpi, fpo, fperr, pname, cols, hextype, base_off)$/;"  f       file:
6483 i       testdir/test49.vim      /^      let i = i + 1$/;"       v
6484 i       testdir/test49.vim      /^    let i = 0$/;"     v
6485 icon_builtin    structs.h       /^    int               icon_builtin;       \/* icon names is BuiltIn{nr} *\/$/;"       m       struct:VimMenu
6486 iconfile        structs.h       /^    char_u    *iconfile;          \/* name of file for icon or NULL *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
6487 iconidx structs.h       /^    int               iconidx;            \/* icon index (-1 if not set) *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimMenu
6488 iconv   globals.h       /^EXTERN size_t (*iconv) (iconv_t cd, const char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);$/;"        v
6489 iconv_close     globals.h       /^EXTERN int (*iconv_close) (iconv_t cd);$/;"   v
6490 iconv_enabled   mbyte.c /^iconv_enabled(verbose)$/;"    f
6491 iconv_end       mbyte.c /^iconv_end()$/;"       f
6492 iconv_errno     globals.h       /^EXTERN int* (*iconv_errno) (void);$/;"        v
6493 iconv_open      globals.h       /^EXTERN iconv_t (*iconv_open) (const char *tocode, const char *fromcode);$/;"  v
6494 iconv_string    mbyte.c /^iconv_string(vcp, str, slen, unconvlenp)$/;"  f       file:
6495 iconv_t structs.h       /^typedef struct _iconv_t *iconv_t;$/;" t       typeref:struct:_iconv_t
6496 iconv_t structs.h       /^typedef void *iconv_t;$/;"    t
6497 iconvctl        globals.h       /^EXTERN int (*iconvctl) (iconv_t cd, int request, void *argument);$/;" v
6498 id      gui.h   /^    ControlHandle id;         \/* A handle to the scrollbar *\/$/;"   m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6499 id      gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *id;            \/* Id of real scroll bar *\/$/;"       m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6500 id      gui.h   /^    HWND      id;             \/* Id of real scroll bar *\/$/;"       m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6501 id      gui.h   /^    PtWidget_t        *id;$/;"        m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6502 id      gui.h   /^    VimScrollBar *id;         \/* Pointer to real scroll bar *\/$/;"  m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6503 id      gui.h   /^    Widget    id;             \/* Id of real scroll bar *\/$/;"       m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6504 id      gui.h   /^    int               id;             \/* Window handle of scrollbar window *\/$/;"   m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6505 id      structs.h       /^    BMenuItem *id;                \/* Id of menu item *\/$/;" m       struct:VimMenu
6506 id      structs.h       /^    GtkWidget *id;                \/* Manage this to enable item *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimMenu
6507 id      structs.h       /^    PtWidget_t        *id;$/;"        m       struct:VimMenu
6508 id      structs.h       /^    UINT      id;                 \/* Id of menu item *\/$/;" m       struct:VimMenu
6509 id      structs.h       /^    Widget    id;                 \/* Manage this to enable item *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimMenu
6510 id      structs.h       /^    int                   id;             \/* unused by the amiga, but used in the$/;"        m       struct:VimMenu
6511 id      structs.h       /^    int               *id;                \/* Not used, but gui.c needs it *\/$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
6512 id      structs.h       /^    int               id;             \/* highlight group ID *\/$/;"  m       struct:cursor_entry
6513 id      structs.h       /^    int               id;             \/* unique identifier for each placed sign *\/$/;"      m       struct:signlist
6514 id      structs.h       /^    short     id;             \/* highlight group ID of item *\/$/;"  m       struct:sp_syn
6515 id_lm   structs.h       /^    int               id_lm;          \/* highlight group ID for :lmap mode *\/$/;"   m       struct:cursor_entry
6516 ident   gui.h   /^    long      ident;          \/* Unique identifier for each scrollbar *\/$/;"        m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6517 idopt_T option.c        /^} idopt_T;$/;"        t       typeref:enum:__anon9    file:
6518 if_level        ex_docmd.c      /^static int    if_level = 0;           \/* depth in :if *\/$/;"        v       file:
6519 ignorecase      search.c        /^ignorecase(pat)$/;"   f
6520 illegal_char    option.c        /^illegal_char(errbuf, c)$/;"   f       file:
6521 illegal_slash   misc2.c /^illegal_slash(name)$/;"       f
6522 im_activatekey_keyval   mbyte.c /^static unsigned int  im_activatekey_keyval = GDK_VoidSymbol;$/;"      v       file:
6523 im_activatekey_state    mbyte.c /^static unsigned int  im_activatekey_state  = 0;$/;"   v       file:
6524 im_add_to_input mbyte.c /^im_add_to_input(char_u *str, int len)$/;"     f       file:
6525 im_commit_cb    mbyte.c /^im_commit_cb(GtkIMContext *context, const gchar *str, gpointer data)$/;"      f       file:
6526 im_commit_handler_id    mbyte.c /^static unsigned long im_commit_handler_id  = 0;$/;"   v       file:
6527 im_correct_cursor       mbyte.c /^im_correct_cursor(int num_move_back)$/;"      f       file:
6528 im_delete_preedit       mbyte.c /^im_delete_preedit(void)$/;"   f       file:
6529 im_get_feedback_attr    mbyte.c /^im_get_feedback_attr(int col)$/;"     f
6530 im_get_status   mbyte.c /^im_get_status()$/;"   f
6531 im_get_status   mbyte.c /^im_get_status(void)$/;"       f
6532 im_is_active    mbyte.c /^static int im_is_active              = FALSE; \/* IM is enabled for current mode    *\/$/;"   v       file:
6533 im_is_preediting        mbyte.c /^im_is_preediting()$/;"        f
6534 im_preedit_changed_cb   mbyte.c /^im_preedit_changed_cb(GtkIMContext *context, gpointer data)$/;"       f       file:
6535 im_preedit_cursor       mbyte.c /^static int im_preedit_cursor   = 0;   \/* cursor offset in characters       *\/$/;"   v       file:
6536 im_preedit_end_cb       mbyte.c /^im_preedit_end_cb(GtkIMContext *context, gpointer data)$/;"   f       file:
6537 im_preedit_start_cb     mbyte.c /^im_preedit_start_cb(GtkIMContext *context, gpointer data)$/;" f       file:
6538 im_preedit_trailing     mbyte.c /^static int im_preedit_trailing = 0;   \/* number of characters after cursor *\/$/;"   v       file:
6539 im_save_status  ui.c    /^im_save_status(psave)$/;"     f
6540 im_set_active   mbyte.c /^im_set_active(active)$/;"     f
6541 im_set_active   mbyte.c /^im_set_active(int active)$/;" f
6542 im_set_position mbyte.c /^im_set_position(int row, int col)$/;" f
6543 im_set_position mbyte.c /^im_set_position(row, col)$/;" f
6544 im_show_info    mbyte.c /^im_show_info(void)$/;"        f       file:
6545 im_shutdown     mbyte.c /^im_shutdown(void)$/;" f
6546 im_string_to_keyval     mbyte.c /^im_string_to_keyval(const char *str, unsigned int *keyval, unsigned int *state)$/;"   f       file:
6547 im_synthesize_keypress  mbyte.c /^im_synthesize_keypress(unsigned int keyval, unsigned int state)$/;"   f       file:
6548 im_xim_isvalid_imactivate       mbyte.c /^im_xim_isvalid_imactivate()$/;"       f
6549 im_xim_isvalid_imactivate       mbyte.c /^im_xim_isvalid_imactivate(void)$/;"   f
6550 im_xim_send_event_imactivate    mbyte.c /^im_xim_send_event_imactivate()$/;"    f       file:
6551 im_xim_str2keycode      mbyte.c /^im_xim_str2keycode(code, state)$/;"   f       file:
6552 image   structs.h       /^    Pixmap    image;              \/* Toolbar image *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
6553 image_ins       structs.h       /^    Pixmap    image_ins;          \/* Toolbar image insensitive *\/$/;"       m       struct:VimMenu
6554 inAtomic        netbeans.c      /^static int inAtomic = 0;$/;"  v       file:
6555 in_cinkeys      edit.c  /^in_cinkeys(keytyped, when, line_is_empty)$/;" f
6556 in_focus        gui.h   /^    int               in_focus;           \/* Vim has input focus *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
6557 in_history      ex_getln.c      /^in_history(type, str, move_to_front)$/;"      f       file:
6558 in_id_list      syntax.c        /^in_id_list(cur_si, list, ssp, contained)$/;"  f       file:
6559 in_use  gui.h   /^    int               in_use;             \/* Is the GUI being used? *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
6560 in_win_border   charset.c       /^in_win_border(wp, vcol)$/;"   f
6561 inbuf   ui.c    /^static char_u inbuf[INBUFLEN + MAX_KEY_CODE_LEN];$/;" v       file:
6562 inbufcount      ui.c    /^static int    inbufcount = 0;     \/* number of chars in inbuf[] *\/$/;"      v       file:
6563 inc     misc2.c /^inc(lp)$/;"   f
6564 inc_cursor      misc2.c /^inc_cursor()$/;"      f
6565 inc_tag structs.h       /^    int               inc_tag;        \/* ":syn include" unique tag *\/$/;"   m       struct:sp_syn
6566 inchar  getchar.c       /^inchar(buf, maxlen, wait_time, tb_change_cnt)$/;"     f
6567 incl    misc2.c /^incl(lp)$/;"  f
6568 include_default syntax.c        /^static int include_default = FALSE;   \/* include "default" for expansion *\/$/;"     v       file:
6569 include_groups  fileio.c        /^static int include_groups = FALSE;$/;"        v       file:
6570 include_link    syntax.c        /^static int include_link = FALSE;      \/* include "link" for expansion *\/$/;"        v       file:
6571 included_patches        version.c       /^static int included_patches[] =$/;"   v       file:
6572 inclusive       structs.h       /^    int               inclusive;      \/* TRUE if char motion is inclusive (only$/;"  m       struct:oparg
6573 indir   option.c        /^    idopt_T   indir;          \/* global option: PV_NONE;$/;" m       struct:vimoption        file:
6574 infile  testdir/test49.vim      /^      let infile = tempname()$/;"     v
6575 info_message    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    info_message INIT(= FALSE); \/* printing informative message *\/$/;"    v
6576 info_pointer    structs.h       /^typedef struct info_pointer$/;"       s
6577 infoptr_T       structs.h       /^} infoptr_T;  \/* block\/index pair *\/$/;"   t       typeref:struct:info_pointer
6578 inindent        misc1.c /^inindent(extra)$/;"   f
6579 initDone        netbeans.c      /^    unsigned int       initDone:1;$/;"        m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
6580 init_chartab    charset.c       /^init_chartab()$/;"    f
6581 init_class_tab  regexp.c        /^init_class_tab()$/;"  f       file:
6582 init_gui_options        option.c        /^init_gui_options()$/;"        f
6583 init_highlight  syntax.c        /^init_highlight(both, reset)$/;"       f
6584 init_history    ex_getln.c      /^init_history()$/;"    f       file:
6585 init_homedir    misc1.c /^init_homedir()$/;"    f
6586 init_mappings   getchar.c       /^init_mappings()$/;"   f
6587 init_normal_cmds        normal.c        /^init_normal_cmds()$/;"        f
6588 init_preedit_start_col  mbyte.c /^init_preedit_start_col(void)$/;"      f       file:
6589 init_syn_patterns       syntax.c        /^init_syn_patterns()$/;"       f       file:
6590 init_typebuf    getchar.c       /^init_typebuf()$/;"    f       file:
6591 init_yank       ops.c   /^init_yank()$/;"       f
6592 initchr regexp.c        /^initchr(str)$/;"      f       file:
6593 initial_pos     edit.c  /^static pos_T              initial_pos;$/;"    v       file:
6594 initmap getchar.c       /^static struct initmap$/;"     s       file:
6595 initmappings    getchar.c       /^} initmappings[] =$/;"        v       typeref:struct:initmap  file:
6596 inmacro search.c        /^inmacro(opt, s)$/;"   f       file:
6597 ino     ex_cmds2.c      /^    ino_t     ino;$/;"        m       struct:scriptstuff      file:
6598 inputHandler    netbeans.c      /^static XtInputId inputHandler;                \/* Cookie for input *\/$/;"    v       file:
6599 inputHandler    netbeans.c      /^static gint inputHandler;             \/* Cookie for input *\/$/;"    v       file:
6600 inputHandler    netbeans.c      /^static int  inputHandler = -1;                \/* simply ret.value of WSAAsyncSelect() *\/$/;"        v       file:
6601 input_available getchar.c       /^input_available()$/;" f
6602 input_conv      globals.h       /^EXTERN vimconv_T input_conv;                  \/* type of input conversion *\/$/;"    v
6603 input_style     mbyte.c /^static XIMStyle       input_style;$/;"        v       file:
6604 inputsecret_flag        eval.c  /^static int inputsecret_flag = 0;$/;"  v       file:
6605 ins_bs  edit.c  /^ins_bs(c, mode, inserted_space_p)$/;" f       file:
6606 ins_bytes       misc1.c /^ins_bytes(p)$/;"      f
6607 ins_bytes_len   misc1.c /^ins_bytes_len(p, len)$/;"     f
6608 ins_char        misc1.c /^ins_char(c)$/;"       f
6609 ins_char_bytes  misc1.c /^ins_char_bytes(buf, charlen)$/;"      f
6610 ins_compl_add   edit.c  /^ins_compl_add(str, len, fname, dir, reuse)$/;"        f       file:
6611 ins_compl_add_infercase edit.c  /^ins_compl_add_infercase(str, len, fname, dir, reuse)$/;"      f
6612 ins_compl_add_matches   edit.c  /^ins_compl_add_matches(num_matches, matches, dir)$/;"  f       file:
6613 ins_compl_check_keys    edit.c  /^ins_compl_check_keys()$/;"    f
6614 ins_compl_clear edit.c  /^ins_compl_clear()$/;" f       file:
6615 ins_compl_delete        edit.c  /^ins_compl_delete()$/;"        f       file:
6616 ins_compl_dictionaries  edit.c  /^ins_compl_dictionaries(dict, pat, dir, flags, thesaurus)$/;"  f       file:
6617 ins_compl_free  edit.c  /^ins_compl_free()$/;"  f       file:
6618 ins_compl_get_exp       edit.c  /^ins_compl_get_exp(ini, dir)$/;"       f       file:
6619 ins_compl_insert        edit.c  /^ins_compl_insert()$/;"        f       file:
6620 ins_compl_make_cyclic   edit.c  /^ins_compl_make_cyclic()$/;"   f       file:
6621 ins_compl_next  edit.c  /^ins_compl_next(allow_get_expansion)$/;"       f       file:
6622 ins_compl_next_buf      edit.c  /^ins_compl_next_buf(buf, flag)$/;"     f       file:
6623 ins_compl_prep  edit.c  /^ins_compl_prep(c)$/;" f       file:
6624 ins_complete    edit.c  /^ins_complete(c)$/;"   f       file:
6625 ins_copychar    edit.c  /^ins_copychar(lnum)$/;"        f       file:
6626 ins_ctrl_       edit.c  /^ins_ctrl_()$/;"       f       file:
6627 ins_ctrl_g      edit.c  /^ins_ctrl_g()$/;"      f       file:
6628 ins_ctrl_v      edit.c  /^ins_ctrl_v()$/;"      f       file:
6629 ins_del edit.c  /^ins_del()$/;" f       file:
6630 ins_digraph     edit.c  /^ins_digraph()$/;"     f       file:
6631 ins_down        edit.c  /^ins_down(startcol)$/;"        f       file:
6632 ins_drop        edit.c  /^ins_drop()$/;"        f       file:
6633 ins_end edit.c  /^ins_end(c)$/;"        f       file:
6634 ins_eol edit.c  /^ins_eol(c)$/;"        f       file:
6635 ins_esc edit.c  /^ins_esc(count, cmdchar)$/;"   f       file:
6636 ins_home        edit.c  /^ins_home(c)$/;"       f       file:
6637 ins_horscroll   edit.c  /^ins_horscroll()$/;"   f
6638 ins_left        edit.c  /^ins_left()$/;"        f       file:
6639 ins_mouse       edit.c  /^ins_mouse(c)$/;"      f       file:
6640 ins_mousescroll edit.c  /^ins_mousescroll(up)$/;"       f       file:
6641 ins_need_undo   edit.c  /^static int    ins_need_undo;          \/* call u_save() before inserting a$/;"        v       file:
6642 ins_pagedown    edit.c  /^ins_pagedown()$/;"    f       file:
6643 ins_pageup      edit.c  /^ins_pageup()$/;"      f       file:
6644 ins_redraw      edit.c  /^ins_redraw()$/;"      f       file:
6645 ins_reg edit.c  /^ins_reg()$/;" f       file:
6646 ins_right       edit.c  /^ins_right()$/;"       f       file:
6647 ins_s_left      edit.c  /^ins_s_left()$/;"      f       file:
6648 ins_s_right     edit.c  /^ins_s_right()$/;"     f       file:
6649 ins_scroll      edit.c  /^ins_scroll()$/;"      f
6650 ins_shift       edit.c  /^ins_shift(c, lastc)$/;"       f       file:
6651 ins_start_select        edit.c  /^ins_start_select(c)$/;"       f       file:
6652 ins_str misc1.c /^ins_str(s)$/;"        f
6653 ins_tab edit.c  /^ins_tab()$/;" f       file:
6654 ins_try_si      edit.c  /^ins_try_si(c)$/;"     f       file:
6655 ins_typebuf     getchar.c       /^ins_typebuf(str, noremap, offset, nottyped, silent)$/;"       f
6656 ins_up  edit.c  /^ins_up(startcol)$/;"  f       file:
6657 insert_reg      ops.c   /^insert_reg(regname, literally)$/;"    f
6658 insert_sign     buffer.c        /^insert_sign(buf, prev, next, id, lnum, typenr)$/;"    f       file:
6659 insert_special  edit.c  /^insert_special(c, allow_modmask, ctrlv)$/;"   f       file:
6660 insertchar      edit.c  /^insertchar(c, flags, second_indent)$/;"       f
6661 instr   vim.h   1776;"  d
6662 int_u   vim.h   /^typedef unsigned int  int_u;$/;"      t
6663 intable mbyte.c /^intable(table, size, c)$/;"   f       file:
6664 intcaught       testdir/test49.vim      /^              let intcaught = 1$/;"   v
6665 intcaught       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let intcaught = 0$/;"       v
6666 intcaught       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let intcaught = 1$/;"       v
6667 interval        mbyte.c /^struct interval$/;"   s       file:
6668 intr_char       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    intr_char INIT(= 0);        \/* extra interrupt character *\/$/;"       v
6669 intro_message   version.c       /^intro_message(colon)$/;"      f
6670 invalid_bot     fold.c  /^static linenr_T invalid_bot = (linenr_T)0;$/;"        v       file:
6671 invalid_range   ex_docmd.c      /^invalid_range(eap)$/;"        f       file:
6672 invalid_top     fold.c  /^static linenr_T invalid_top = (linenr_T)0;$/;"        v       file:
6673 invalidate_botline      move.c  /^invalidate_botline()$/;"      f
6674 invalidate_botline_win  move.c  /^invalidate_botline_win(wp)$/;"        f
6675 invalidate_current_state        syntax.c        /^invalidate_current_state()$/;"        f       file:
6676 invert_gc       gui.h   /^    GC                invert_gc;$/;"  m       struct:Gui
6677 invoke_edit     normal.c        /^invoke_edit(cap, repl, cmd, startln)$/;"      f       file:
6678 ip_bnum structs.h       /^    blocknr_T ip_bnum;        \/* block number *\/$/;"        m       struct:info_pointer
6679 ip_high structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ip_high;        \/* highest lnum in this block *\/$/;"  m       struct:info_pointer
6680 ip_index        structs.h       /^    int               ip_index;       \/* index for block with current lnum *\/$/;"   m       struct:info_pointer
6681 ip_low  structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ip_low;         \/* lowest lnum in this block *\/$/;"   m       struct:info_pointer
6682 ireg_ic regexp.c        /^static int    ireg_ic;$/;"    v       file:
6683 ireg_icombine   regexp.c        /^static int    ireg_icombine;$/;"      v       file:
6684 isNetbeansBuffer        netbeans.c      /^isNetbeansBuffer(buf_T *bufp)$/;"     f
6685 isNetbeansModified      netbeans.c      /^isNetbeansModified(buf_T *bufp)$/;"   f
6686 is_MAX  ops.c   /^    int               is_MAX;         \/* TRUE if curswant==MAXCOL when starting *\/$/;"      m       struct:block_def        file:
6687 is_Magic        regexp.c        230;"   d       file:
6688 is_VIsual       structs.h       /^    int               is_VIsual;      \/* operator on Visual area *\/$/;"     m       struct:oparg
6689 is_click        misc2.c /^    int           is_click;           \/* Is it a mouse button click event? *\/$/;"   m       struct:mousetable       file:
6690 is_drag misc2.c /^    int           is_drag;            \/* Is it a mouse drag event? *\/$/;"   m       struct:mousetable       file:
6691 is_etag tag.c   /^    int               is_etag;        \/* TRUE for emacs tag *\/$/;"  m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
6692 is_oneChar      ops.c   /^    int               is_oneChar;     \/* TRUE if block within one character *\/$/;"  m       struct:block_def        file:
6693 is_short        ops.c   /^    int               is_short;       \/* TRUE if line is too short to fit in block *\/$/;"   m       struct:block_def        file:
6694 istermoption    option.c        /^istermoption(p)$/;"   f       file:
6695 ital_font       gui.h   /^    GuiFont   ital_font;          \/* Italic font *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
6696 italic  structs.h       /^    int               italic;$/;"     m       struct:__anon44
6697 jobname structs.h       /^    char_u    *jobname;$/;"   m       struct:__anon45
6698 jump_to_mouse   ui.c    /^jump_to_mouse(flags, inclusive, which_button)$/;"     f
6699 jumpto_tag      tag.c   /^jumpto_tag(lbuf, forceit, keep_help)$/;"      f       file:
6700 k_syn   structs.h       /^    struct sp_syn k_syn;      \/* struct passed to in_id_list() *\/$/;"       m       struct:keyentry typeref:struct:keyentry::sp_syn
6701 keep_filetype   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    keep_filetype INIT(= FALSE);    \/* value for did_filetype when$/;"     v
6702 keep_help_flag  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    keep_help_flag INIT(= FALSE); \/* doing :ta from help file *\/$/;"      v
6703 keep_msg        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *keep_msg INIT(= NULL);     \/* msg to be shown after redraw *\/$/;"    v
6704 keep_msg_attr   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    keep_msg_attr INIT(= 0);    \/* highlight attr for keep_msg *\/$/;"     v
6705 keepend_level   syntax.c        /^static int keepend_level = -1;$/;"    v       file:
6706 keepjumps       structs.h       /^    int               keepjumps;              \/* TRUE when ":keepjumps" was used *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon31
6707 keepmarks       structs.h       /^    int               keepmarks;              \/* TRUE when ":keepmarks" was used *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon31
6708 key     misc2.c /^    int           key;        \/* Special key code or ascii value *\/$/;"     m       struct:key_name_entry   file:
6709 key     netbeans.c      /^    int                    key;$/;"   m       struct:keyqueue file:
6710 keyHead netbeans.c      /^static keyQ_T keyHead; \/* dummy node, header for circular queue *\/$/;"      v       file:
6711 keyQ_T  netbeans.c      /^typedef struct keyqueue keyQ_T;$/;"   t       typeref:struct:keyqueue file:
6712 key_event       gui_beval.c     /^key_event(BalloonEval *beval, unsigned keyval, int is_keypress)$/;"   f       file:
6713 key_extra       keymap.h        /^enum key_extra$/;"    g
6714 key_name_entry  misc2.c /^static struct key_name_entry$/;"      s       file:
6715 key_names       term.c  /^static char *(key_names[]) =$/;"      v       file:
6716 key_names_table misc2.c /^} key_names_table[] =$/;"     v       typeref:struct:key_name_entry   file:
6717 key_press_event_queue   mbyte.c /^static GSList *key_press_event_queue = NULL;$/;"      v       file:
6718 key_sym gui_amiga.c     /^    unsigned int  key_sym;$/;"        m       struct:__anon25 file:
6719 keyentry        structs.h       /^struct keyentry$/;"   s
6720 keyentry_T      structs.h       /^typedef struct keyentry keyentry_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:keyentry
6721 keymap_init     digraph.c       /^keymap_init()$/;"     f
6722 keymap_unload   digraph.c       /^keymap_unload()$/;"   f       file:
6723 keyqueue        netbeans.c      /^struct keyqueue$/;"   s       file:
6724 keys    misc2.c /^static ulg keys[3]; \/* keys defining the pseudo-random sequence *\/$/;"      v       file:
6725 keyword structs.h       /^    char_u    keyword[1];     \/* actually longer *\/$/;"     m       struct:keyentry
6726 km_startsel     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    km_startsel INIT(= FALSE);$/;"  v
6727 km_stopsel      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    km_stopsel INIT(= FALSE);$/;"   v
6728 kmap_T  digraph.c       /^} kmap_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:__anon20 file:
6729 kprintf gui_amiga.c     132;"   d       file:
6730 ksmd_str        term.c  /^static char ksmd_str[20];$/;" v       file:
6731 ksme_str        term.c  /^static char ksme_str[20];$/;" v       file:
6732 ksmr_str        term.c  /^static char ksmr_str[20];$/;" v       file:
6733 l_vars  eval.c  /^    garray_T  l_vars;         \/* local function variables *\/$/;"    m       struct:funccall file:
6734 label   structs.h       /^    GtkWidget   *label;                   \/* Used by "set wak=" code. *\/$/;"        m       struct:VimMenu
6735 lalloc  misc2.c /^lalloc(size, message)$/;"     f
6736 lalloc_clear    misc2.c /^lalloc_clear(size, message)$/;"       f
6737 langmap_init    option.c        /^langmap_init()$/;"    f       file:
6738 langmap_mapchar globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u langmap_mapchar[256];   \/* mapping for language keys *\/$/;"   v
6739 langmap_set     option.c        /^langmap_set()$/;"     f       file:
6740 last    fileio.c        /^    char          last;               \/* last command in list *\/$/;"        m       struct:AutoCmd  file:
6741 last    fileio.c        /^    char          last;               \/* last pattern for apply_autocmds() *\/$/;"   m       struct:AutoPat  file:
6742 last    mbyte.c /^    unsigned short last;$/;"  m       struct:interval file:
6743 last_breakp     ex_cmds2.c      /^static int last_breakp = 0;   \/* nr of last defined breakpoint *\/$/;"       v       file:
6744 last_cmdline    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *last_cmdline INIT(= NULL); \/* last command line (for ":) *\/$/;"      v
6745 last_event      fileio.c        /^static EVENT_T        last_event;$/;" v       file:
6746 last_group      fileio.c        /^static int    last_group;$/;" v       file:
6747 last_idx        search.c        /^static int last_idx = 0;      \/* index in spats[] for RE_LAST *\/$/;"        v       file:
6748 last_insert     edit.c  /^static char_u *last_insert = NULL;    \/* the text of the previous insert,$/;"        v       file:
6749 last_insert_skip        edit.c  /^static int    last_insert_skip; \/* nr of chars in front of previous insert *\/$/;"   v       file:
6750 last_maptick    ex_getln.c      /^static int    last_maptick = -1;      \/* last seen maptick *\/$/;"   v       file:
6751 last_matchgroup syntax.c        /^static int  last_matchgroup;$/;"      v       file:
6752 last_msg_hist   message.c       /^static struct msg_hist *last_msg_hist = NULL;$/;"     v       typeref:struct:msg_hist file:
6753 last_pat_prog   search.c        /^last_pat_prog(regmatch)$/;"   f
6754 last_recorded_len       getchar.c       /^static int    last_recorded_len = 0;  \/* number of last recorded chars *\/$/;"       v       file:
6755 last_search_pat search.c        /^last_search_pat()$/;" f
6756 last_sign_typenr        ex_cmds.c       /^static int    last_sign_typenr = MAX_TYPENR;  \/* is decremented *\/$/;"      v       file:
6757 last_sourcing_lnum      message.c       /^static int    last_sourcing_lnum = 0;$/;"     v       file:
6758 last_sourcing_name      message.c       /^static char_u   *last_sourcing_name = NULL;$/;"       v       file:
6759 last_status     window.c        /^last_status(morewin)$/;"      f
6760 last_status_rec window.c        /^last_status_rec(fr, statusline)$/;"   f       file:
6761 lastbuf globals.h       /^EXTERN buf_T  *lastbuf INIT(= NULL);  \/* last buffer *\/$/;" v
6762 lasticon        buffer.c        /^static char_u *lasticon = NULL;$/;"   v       file:
6763 lastline        eval.c  /^    var               lastline;       \/* "a:lastline" variable *\/$/;"       m       struct:funccall file:
6764 lasttitle       buffer.c        /^static char_u *lasttitle = NULL;$/;"  v       file:
6765 lastwin globals.h       /^EXTERN win_T  *lastwin;               \/* last window *\/$/;" v
6766 lastwin globals.h       466;"   d
6767 latin_char2bytes        mbyte.c /^latin_char2bytes(c, buf)$/;"  f
6768 latin_char2cells        mbyte.c /^latin_char2cells(c)$/;"       f
6769 latin_char2len  mbyte.c /^latin_char2len(c)$/;" f
6770 latin_head_off  mbyte.c /^latin_head_off(base, p)$/;"   f
6771 latin_off2cells mbyte.c /^latin_off2cells(off)$/;"      f
6772 latin_ptr2cells mbyte.c /^latin_ptr2cells(p)$/;"        f
6773 latin_ptr2char  mbyte.c /^latin_ptr2char(p)$/;" f
6774 latin_ptr2len_check     mbyte.c /^latin_ptr2len_check(p)$/;"    f
6775 layersBase      gui_amiga.c     /^struct LayersBase     *layersBase;$/;"        v       typeref:struct:LayersBase
6776 lbr_chartabsize charset.c       /^lbr_chartabsize(s, col)$/;"   f
6777 lbr_chartabsize_adv     charset.c       /^lbr_chartabsize_adv(s, col)$/;"       f
6778 lc_active       globals.h       /^EXTERN int lc_active INIT(= FALSE); \/* TRUE when lc_jump_env is valid. *\/$/;"       v
6779 lc_jump_env     globals.h       /^EXTERN JMP_BUF lc_jump_env;   \/* argument to SETJMP() *\/$/;"        v
6780 lc_signal       globals.h       /^EXTERN int lc_signal;         \/* catched signal number, 0 when no was signal$/;"     v
6781 lcs_eol globals.h       /^EXTERN int    lcs_eol INIT(= '$');$/;"        v
6782 lcs_ext globals.h       /^EXTERN int    lcs_ext INIT(= NUL);$/;"        v
6783 lcs_prec        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    lcs_prec INIT(= NUL);$/;"       v
6784 lcs_tab1        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    lcs_tab1 INIT(= NUL);$/;"       v
6785 lcs_tab2        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    lcs_tab2 INIT(= NUL);$/;"       v
6786 lcs_trail       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    lcs_trail INIT(= NUL);$/;"      v
6787 lead_spaces     ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               lead_spaces;        \/* remaining spaces for a TAB *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon10 file:
6788 leave_cleanup   ex_eval.c       /^leave_cleanup(csp)$/;"        f
6789 left_sbar_x     gui.h   /^    int               left_sbar_x;        \/* Calculated x coord for left scrollbar *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
6790 leftcol_changed misc2.c /^leftcol_changed()$/;" f
6791 len     eval.c  /^    int               len;            \/* length of name *\/$/;"      m       struct:vimvar   file:
6792 len     tag.c   /^    int               len;            \/* length of pat[] *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon8  file:
6793 len     term.c  /^    int           len;            \/* STRLEN(code) *\/$/;"    m       struct:termcode file:
6794 level   eval.c  /^    int               level;          \/* top nesting level of executed function *\/$/;"      m       struct:funccall file:
6795 level   ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               level;          \/* top nesting level of sourced file *\/$/;"   m       struct:source_cookie    file:
6796 libcall_common  eval.c  /^libcall_common(argvars, retvar, type)$/;"     f       file:
6797 limit_pos       syntax.c        /^limit_pos(pos, limit)$/;"     f       file:
6798 limit_pos_zero  syntax.c        /^limit_pos_zero(pos, limit)$/;"        f       file:
6799 line    ex_docmd.c      /^    char_u    *line;          \/* command line *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon22 file:
6800 line    search.c        /^    int               line;           \/* search has line offset *\/$/;"      m       struct:soffset  file:
6801 line1   ex_cmds.h       /^    linenr_T  line1;          \/* the first line number *\/$/;"       m       struct:exarg
6802 line2   ex_cmds.h       /^    linenr_T  line2;          \/* the second line number or count *\/$/;"     m       struct:exarg
6803 lineFolded      fold.c  /^lineFolded(win, lnum)$/;"     f
6804 line_breakcheck misc1.c /^line_breakcheck()$/;" f
6805 line_count      structs.h       /^    long      line_count;     \/* number of lines from op_start to op_end$/;" m       struct:oparg
6806 line_count_info ops.c   /^line_count_info(line, wc, limit, eol_size)$/;"        f       file:
6807 lineclear       screen.c        /^lineclear(off, width)$/;"     f       file:
6808 linecopy        screen.c        /^linecopy(to, from, wp)$/;"    f       file:
6809 lineempty       macros.h        46;"    d
6810 lineinvalid     screen.c        /^lineinvalid(off, width)$/;"   f       file:
6811 linelen ex_cmds.c       /^linelen(has_tab)$/;"  f       file:
6812 linenr  eval.c  /^    int               linenr;         \/* next line to be executed *\/$/;"    m       struct:funccall file:
6813 linenr_T        structs.h       /^typedef long          linenr_T;$/;"   t
6814 linenr_T        vim.h   /^typedef long      linenr_T;           \/* line number type *\/$/;"    t
6815 lineoff_T       move.c  /^} lineoff_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:__anon46 file:
6816 lines   eval.c  /^    garray_T  lines;          \/* function lines *\/$/;"      m       struct:ufunc    file:
6817 lines_gap       ex_docmd.c      /^    garray_T  *lines_gap;             \/* growarray with line info *\/$/;"    m       struct:while_cookie     file:
6818 lines_left      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    lines_left INIT(= -1);      \/* lines left for listing *\/$/;"  v
6819 lines_per_page  structs.h       /^    int               lines_per_page;$/;"     m       struct:__anon45
6820 linetabsize     charset.c       /^linetabsize(s)$/;"    f
6821 linewhite       search.c        /^linewhite(lnum)$/;"   f
6822 lisp_match      misc1.c /^lisp_match(p)$/;"     f       file:
6823 list_func_head  eval.c  /^list_func_head(fp, indent)$/;"        f       file:
6824 list_one_var    eval.c  /^list_one_var(v, prefix)$/;"   f       file:
6825 list_one_var_a  eval.c  /^list_one_var_a(prefix, name, type, string)$/;"        f       file:
6826 list_version    version.c       /^list_version()$/;"    f
6827 list_vim_var    eval.c  /^list_vim_var(i)$/;"   f       file:
6828 listcmd_busy    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    listcmd_busy INIT(= FALSE); \/* set when :argdo, :windo or$/;"  v
6829 listdigraphs    digraph.c       /^listdigraphs()$/;"    f
6830 lnum    ex_docmd.c      /^    linenr_T  lnum;           \/* sourcing_lnum of the line *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon22 file:
6831 lnum    fold.c  /^    linenr_T  lnum;           \/* current line number *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon15 file:
6832 lnum    move.c  /^    linenr_T      lnum;       \/* line number *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon46 file:
6833 lnum    screen.c        /^    linenr_T  lnum;   \/* the line to search for a match *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon1  file:
6834 lnum    search.c        /^    linenr_T  lnum;           \/* Line we were up to in file *\/$/;"  m       struct:SearchedFile     file:
6835 lnum    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  lnum;           \/* line number which has this sign *\/$/;"     m       struct:signlist
6836 lnum    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  lnum;   \/* line number *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon28
6837 lnum    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  lnum;   \/* line number *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon29
6838 lnum_save       fold.c  /^    linenr_T  lnum_save;      \/* line nr used by foldUpdateIEMSRecurse() *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon15 file:
6839 load_colors     syntax.c        /^load_colors(p)$/;"    f
6840 load_current_state      syntax.c        /^load_current_state(from)$/;"  f       file:
6841 lock2name       os_amiga.c      /^lock2name(lock, buf, len)$/;" f       file:
6842 lockmarks       structs.h       /^    int               lockmarks;              \/* TRUE when ":lockmarks" was used *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon31
6843 longVersion     version.c       /^char  *longVersion = VIM_VERSION_LONG;$/;"    v
6844 longVersion     version.c       /^char  *longVersion = VIM_VERSION_LONG_DATE __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")";$/;"     v
6845 longVersion     version.c       /^char  longVersion[sizeof(VIM_VERSION_LONG_DATE) + sizeof(__DATE__)$/;"        v
6846 long_to_char    memline.c       /^long_to_char(n, s)$/;"        f       file:
6847 long_u  vim.h   /^typedef unsigned __int64 long_u;$/;"  t
6848 long_u  vim.h   /^typedef unsigned long long_u;$/;"     t
6849 longest_lnum    gui.c   /^static linenr_T longest_lnum = 0;$/;" v       file:
6850 lookup  nbdebug.c       /^lookup($/;"   f       file:
6851 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let loops = loops - 1$/;"   v
6852 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^              let loops = loops - 1$/;"       v
6853 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^          let loops = -1$/;"  v
6854 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^          let loops = loops - 1$/;"   v
6855 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^      let loops = loops - 1$/;"       v
6856 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^    let loops = 3$/;" v
6857 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^    let loops = loops - 1$/;" v
6858 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^let loops = 2$/;"     v
6859 loops   testdir/test49.vim      /^let loops = 3$/;"     v
6860 lowest_marked   memline.c       /^static linenr_T       lowest_marked = 0;$/;"  v       file:
6861 lpos_T  structs.h       /^} lpos_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:__anon29
6862 lrF_sub farsi.c /^lrF_sub(ibuf)$/;"     f
6863 lrFswap farsi.c /^lrFswap(cmdbuf, len)$/;"      f
6864 lrswap  farsi.c /^lrswap(ibuf)$/;"      f
6865 lrswapbuf       farsi.c /^lrswapbuf(buf, len)$/;"       f       file:
6866 lt      macros.h        22;"    d
6867 lt      macros.h        34;"    d
6868 ltoreq  macros.h        41;"    d
6869 ltp     macros.h        27;"    d
6870 ltp     macros.h        36;"    d
6871 lvl     fold.c  /^    int               lvl;            \/* current level (-1 for undefined) *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon15 file:
6872 lvl_next        fold.c  /^    int               lvl_next;       \/* level used for next line *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon15 file:
6873 m_block structs.h       /^struct m_block$/;"    s
6874 m_info  structs.h       /^struct m_info$/;"     s
6875 m_keylen        structs.h       /^    int               m_keylen;       \/* strlen(m_keys) *\/$/;"      m       struct:mapblock
6876 m_keys  structs.h       /^    char_u    *m_keys;        \/* mapped from *\/$/;" m       struct:mapblock
6877 m_mode  structs.h       /^    int               m_mode;         \/* valid mode *\/$/;"  m       struct:mapblock
6878 m_next  structs.h       /^    mapblock_T        *m_next;        \/* next mapblock in list *\/$/;"       m       struct:mapblock
6879 m_next  structs.h       /^    minfo_T   *m_next;        \/* pointer to next free chunk in the list *\/$/;"      m       struct:m_info
6880 m_noremap       structs.h       /^    int               m_noremap;      \/* if non-zero no re-mapping for m_str *\/$/;" m       struct:mapblock
6881 m_silent        structs.h       /^    char      m_silent;       \/* <silent> used, don't echo commands *\/$/;"  m       struct:mapblock
6882 m_size  structs.h       /^    long_u    m_size;         \/* size of the chunk (including m_info) *\/$/;"        m       struct:m_info
6883 m_str   structs.h       /^    char_u    *m_str;         \/* mapped to *\/$/;"   m       struct:mapblock
6884 mac_string_convert      mbyte.c /^mac_string_convert(ptr, len, lenp, fail_on_error, from, to, unconvlenp)$/;"   f       file:
6885 magic   search.c        /^    int                   magic;      \/* magicness of the pattern *\/$/;"    m       struct:spat     file:
6886 main    xxd/xxd.c       /^main(argc, argv)$/;"  f
6887 main_errors     main.c  /^static char *(main_errors[]) =$/;"    v       file:
6888 main_loop       main.c  /^main_loop(cmdwin)$/;" f
6889 main_msg        main.c  /^main_msg(s)$/;"       f       file:
6890 main_start_gui  main.c  /^main_start_gui()$/;"  f       file:
6891 mainerr main.c  /^mainerr(n, str)$/;"   f       file:
6892 mainerr_arg_missing     main.c  /^mainerr_arg_missing(str)$/;"  f
6893 mainwin gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *mainwin;           \/* top level GTK window *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
6894 mainwin_event_cb        gui_beval.c     /^mainwin_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)$/;"       f       file:
6895 make_bom        fileio.c        /^make_bom(buf, name)$/;"       f       file:
6896 make_connection eval.c  /^make_connection()$/;" f       file:
6897 make_crc_tab    misc2.c /^make_crc_tab()$/;"    f       file:
6898 make_expanded_name      eval.c  /^make_expanded_name(in_start, expr_start, expr_end, in_end)$/;"        f       file:
6899 make_extmatch   regexp.c        /^make_extmatch()$/;"   f       file:
6900 make_filter_cmd ex_cmds.c       /^make_filter_cmd(cmd, itmp, otmp)$/;"  f
6901 make_percent_swname     memline.c       /^make_percent_swname(dir, name)$/;"    f       file:
6902 make_snapshot   window.c        /^make_snapshot()$/;"   f       file:
6903 make_snapshot_rec       window.c        /^make_snapshot_rec(fr, frp)$/;"        f       file:
6904 make_version    version.c       /^make_version()$/;"    f
6905 make_windows    window.c        /^make_windows(count, vertical)$/;"     f
6906 makefoldset     option.c        /^makefoldset(fd)$/;"   f
6907 makemap getchar.c       /^makemap(fd, buf)$/;"  f
6908 makeopens       ex_docmd.c      /^makeopens(fd, dirnow)$/;"     f       file:
6909 makeset option.c        /^makeset(fd, opt_flags, local_only)$/;"        f
6910 makeswapname    memline.c       /^makeswapname(buf, dir_name)$/;"       f       file:
6911 maketitle       buffer.c        /^maketitle()$/;"       f
6912 map_clear       getchar.c       /^map_clear(cmdp, arg, forceit, abbr)$/;"       f
6913 map_clear_int   getchar.c       /^map_clear_int(buf, mode, local, abbr)$/;"     f
6914 map_free        getchar.c       /^map_free(mpp)$/;"     f       file:
6915 map_to_exists   getchar.c       /^map_to_exists(str, modechars)$/;"     f
6916 map_to_exists_mode      getchar.c       /^map_to_exists_mode(rhs, mode)$/;"     f
6917 mapblock        structs.h       /^struct mapblock$/;"   s
6918 mapblock_T      structs.h       /^typedef struct mapblock mapblock_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:mapblock
6919 maphash getchar.c       /^static mapblock_T     *(maphash[256]);$/;"    v       file:
6920 maphash_valid   getchar.c       /^static int            maphash_valid = FALSE;$/;"      v       file:
6921 mapped_ctrl_c   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    mapped_ctrl_c INIT(= FALSE); \/* CTRL-C is mapped *\/$/;"       v
6922 mapsigntype     netbeans.c      /^mapsigntype(nbbuf_T *buf, int localsigntype)$/;"      f       file:
6923 maptick globals.h       /^EXTERN int    maptick INIT(= 0);      \/* tick for each non-mapped char *\/$/;"       v
6924 mark    structs.h       /^    pos_T     mark;           \/* cursor position *\/$/;"     m       struct:filemark
6925 mark_adjust     mark.c  /^mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after)$/;"   f
6926 mark_col_adjust mark.c  /^mark_col_adjust(lnum, mincol, lnum_amount, col_amount)$/;"    f
6927 mark_line       mark.c  /^mark_line(mp, lead_len)$/;"   f       file:
6928 match   testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let match = MATCH(0, thrmsg, 'E106', "Unknown variable")$/;"        v
6929 match   testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let match = MATCH(0, thrmsg, 'E108', "No such variable")$/;"        v
6930 match_T screen.c        /^} match_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:__anon1  file:
6931 match_file_list fileio.c        /^match_file_list(list, sfname, ffname)$/;"     f
6932 match_file_pat  fileio.c        /^match_file_pat(pattern, fname, sfname, tail, allow_dirs)$/;"  f
6933 match_hl        screen.c        /^static match_T match_hl;      \/* used for ":match" highlight matching *\/$/;"        v       file:
6934 match_suffix    misc1.c /^match_suffix(fname)$/;"       f
6935 matched search.c        /^    int               matched;        \/* Found a match in this file *\/$/;"  m       struct:SearchedFile     file:
6936 matches regexp.h        /^    char_u            *matches[NSUBEXP];$/;"  m       struct:__anon6
6937 max     gui.h   /^    long      max;            \/* Number of lines in buffer *\/$/;"   m       struct:GuiScrollbar
6938 max_topfill     move.c  /^max_topfill()$/;"     f       file:
6939 may_get_selection       ops.c   /^may_get_selection(regname)$/;"        f
6940 may_req_termresponse    term.c  /^may_req_termresponse()$/;"    f       file:
6941 may_set_selection       ops.c   /^may_set_selection()$/;"       f       file:
6942 may_start_select        normal.c        /^may_start_select(c)$/;"       f
6943 may_sync_undo   getchar.c       /^may_sync_undo()$/;"   f       file:
6944 mb_adjust_cursor        mbyte.c /^mb_adjust_cursor()$/;"        f
6945 mb_adjust_opend ops.c   /^mb_adjust_opend(oap)$/;"      f       file:
6946 mb_adjustpos    mbyte.c /^mb_adjustpos(lp)$/;"  f
6947 mb_bytelen_tab  globals.h       /^EXTERN char   mb_bytelen_tab[256];$/;"        v
6948 mb_charlen      mbyte.c /^mb_charlen(str)$/;"   f
6949 mb_decompose    regexp.c        /^mb_decompose(c, c1, c2, c3)$/;"       f       file:
6950 mb_fix_col      mbyte.c /^mb_fix_col(col, row)$/;"      f
6951 mb_get_class    mbyte.c /^mb_get_class(p)$/;"   f
6952 mb_info structs.h       /^    minfo_T   mb_info;        \/* head of free chuck list for this block *\/$/;"      m       struct:m_block
6953 mb_init mbyte.c /^mb_init()$/;" f
6954 mb_lefthalve    mbyte.c /^mb_lefthalve(row, col)$/;"    f
6955 mb_next structs.h       /^    mblock_T  *mb_next;       \/* pointer to next allocated block *\/$/;"     m       struct:m_block
6956 mb_off_next     mbyte.c /^mb_off_next(base, p)$/;"      f
6957 mb_prevptr      mbyte.c /^mb_prevptr(line, p)$/;"       f
6958 mb_ptr2char_adv mbyte.c /^mb_ptr2char_adv(pp)$/;"       f
6959 mb_replace_pop_ins      edit.c  /^mb_replace_pop_ins(cc)$/;"    f       file:
6960 mb_size structs.h       /^    size_t    mb_size;        \/* total size of all chunks in this block *\/$/;"      m       struct:m_block
6961 mb_strnicmp     mbyte.c /^mb_strnicmp(s1, s2, n)$/;"    f
6962 mb_tail_off     mbyte.c /^mb_tail_off(base, p)$/;"      f
6963 mb_unescape     mbyte.c /^mb_unescape(pp)$/;"   f
6964 mblock_T        structs.h       /^typedef struct m_block mblock_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:m_block
6965 mch_FullName    os_amiga.c      /^mch_FullName(fname, buf, len, force)$/;"      f
6966 mch_access      macros.h        148;"   d
6967 mch_access      macros.h        156;"   d
6968 mch_avail_mem   os_amiga.c      /^mch_avail_mem(special)$/;"    f
6969 mch_breakcheck  os_amiga.c      /^mch_breakcheck()$/;"  f
6970 mch_call_shell  os_amiga.c      /^mch_call_shell(cmd, options)$/;"      f
6971 mch_can_exe     os_amiga.c      /^mch_can_exe(name)$/;" f
6972 mch_can_restore_icon    os_amiga.c      /^mch_can_restore_icon()$/;"    f
6973 mch_can_restore_title   os_amiga.c      /^mch_can_restore_title()$/;"   f
6974 mch_char_avail  os_amiga.c      /^mch_char_avail()$/;"  f
6975 mch_chdir       os_amiga.h      200;"   d
6976 mch_check_win   os_amiga.c      /^mch_check_win(argc, argv)$/;" f
6977 mch_delay       os_amiga.c      /^mch_delay(msec, ignoreinput)$/;"      f
6978 mch_dirname     os_amiga.c      /^mch_dirname(buf, len)$/;"     f
6979 mch_early_init  os_amiga.c      /^mch_early_init()$/;"  f
6980 mch_errmsg      message.c       /^mch_errmsg(str)$/;"   f
6981 mch_errmsg      message.c       2199;"  d       file:
6982 mch_errmsg      vim.h   1580;"  d
6983 mch_exit        os_amiga.c      /^mch_exit(r)$/;"       f
6984 mch_expandpath  misc1.c /^mch_expandpath($/;"   f
6985 mch_expandpath  os_amiga.c      /^mch_expandpath(gap, pat, flags)$/;"   f
6986 mch_fopen       macros.h        150;"   d
6987 mch_fopen       macros.h        159;"   d
6988 mch_fstat       macros.h        151;"   d
6989 mch_fstat       macros.h        161;"   d
6990 mch_get_host_name       os_amiga.c      /^mch_get_host_name(s, len)$/;" f
6991 mch_get_pid     os_amiga.c      /^mch_get_pid()$/;"     f
6992 mch_get_shellsize       os_amiga.c      /^mch_get_shellsize()$/;"       f
6993 mch_get_user_name       os_amiga.c      /^mch_get_user_name(s, len)$/;" f
6994 mch_getenv      os_amiga.c      /^mch_getenv(var)$/;"   f
6995 mch_getperm     os_amiga.c      /^mch_getperm(name)$/;" f
6996 mch_has_exp_wildcard    os_amiga.c      /^mch_has_exp_wildcard(p)$/;"   f
6997 mch_has_wildcard        os_amiga.c      /^mch_has_wildcard(p)$/;"       f
6998 mch_hide        os_amiga.c      /^mch_hide(name)$/;"    f
6999 mch_inchar      os_amiga.c      /^mch_inchar(buf, maxlen, time, tb_change_cnt)$/;"      f
7000 mch_init        os_amiga.c      /^mch_init()$/;"        f
7001 mch_input_isatty        os_amiga.c      /^mch_input_isatty()$/;"        f
7002 mch_isFullName  os_amiga.c      /^mch_isFullName(fname)$/;"     f
7003 mch_isdir       os_amiga.c      /^mch_isdir(name)$/;"   f
7004 mch_lstat       macros.h        162;"   d
7005 mch_memmove     misc2.c /^mch_memmove(dst_arg, src_arg, len)$/;"        f
7006 mch_memmove     vim.h   1308;"  d
7007 mch_mkdir       os_amiga.c      /^mch_mkdir(name)$/;"   f
7008 mch_msg message.c       /^mch_msg(str)$/;"      f
7009 mch_msg message.c       2202;"  d       file:
7010 mch_msg vim.h   1582;"  d
7011 mch_new_shellsize       os_amiga.c      /^mch_new_shellsize()$/;"       f
7012 mch_nodetype    os_amiga.c      /^mch_nodetype(name)$/;"        f
7013 mch_open        macros.h        178;"   d
7014 mch_open        macros.h        186;"   d
7015 mch_open        macros.h        189;"   d
7016 mch_open_rw     macros.h        196;"   d
7017 mch_open_rw     macros.h        199;"   d
7018 mch_open_rw     macros.h        201;"   d
7019 mch_print_begin ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_begin(psettings)$/;"        f
7020 mch_print_begin_page    ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_begin_page(str)$/;" f
7021 mch_print_blank_page    ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_blank_page()$/;"    f
7022 mch_print_cleanup       ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_cleanup()$/;"       f
7023 mch_print_end   ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_end(psettings)$/;"  f
7024 mch_print_end_page      ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_end_page()$/;"      f
7025 mch_print_init  ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_init(psettings, jobname, forceit)$/;"       f
7026 mch_print_set_bg        ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_set_bg(bgcol)$/;"   f
7027 mch_print_set_fg        ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_set_fg(fgcol)$/;"   f
7028 mch_print_set_font      ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_set_font(iBold, iItalic, iUnderline)$/;"    f
7029 mch_print_start_line    ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_start_line(margin, page_line)$/;"   f
7030 mch_print_text_out      ex_cmds2.c      /^mch_print_text_out(p, len)$/;"        f
7031 mch_remove      os_amiga.h      198;"   d
7032 mch_rename      os_amiga.h      199;"   d
7033 mch_restore_title       os_amiga.c      /^mch_restore_title(which)$/;"  f
7034 mch_screenmode  os_amiga.c      /^mch_screenmode(arg)$/;"       f
7035 mch_set_shellsize       os_amiga.c      /^mch_set_shellsize()$/;"       f
7036 mch_setenv      os_amiga.c      /^mch_setenv(var, value, x)$/;" f
7037 mch_setmouse    gui_amiga.c     /^mch_setmouse(int  on)$/;"     f
7038 mch_setperm     os_amiga.c      /^mch_setperm(name, perm)$/;"   f
7039 mch_settitle    os_amiga.c      /^mch_settitle(title, icon)$/;" f
7040 mch_settmode    os_amiga.c      /^mch_settmode(tmode)$/;"       f
7041 mch_stat        macros.h        153;"   d
7042 mch_stat        macros.h        164;"   d
7043 mch_stat        macros.h        169;"   d
7044 mch_stat        macros.h        171;"   d
7045 mch_suspend     os_amiga.c      /^mch_suspend()$/;"     f
7046 mch_write       os_amiga.c      /^mch_write(p, len)$/;" f
7047 mediumVersion   version.c       /^char  *mediumVersion = VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM;$/;"        v
7048 mem_allocated   misc2.c /^static long_u mem_allocated;$/;"      v       file:
7049 mem_allocs      misc2.c /^static long_u mem_allocs[MEM_SIZES];$/;"      v       file:
7050 mem_freed       misc2.c /^static long_u mem_freed;$/;"  v       file:
7051 mem_frees       misc2.c /^static long_u mem_frees[MEM_SIZES];$/;"       v       file:
7052 mem_peak        misc2.c /^static long_u mem_peak;$/;"   v       file:
7053 mem_post_alloc  misc2.c /^mem_post_alloc(pp, size)$/;"  f       file:
7054 mem_pre_alloc_l misc2.c /^mem_pre_alloc_l(sizep)$/;"    f       file:
7055 mem_pre_alloc_s misc2.c /^mem_pre_alloc_s(sizep)$/;"    f       file:
7056 mem_pre_free    misc2.c /^mem_pre_free(pp)$/;"  f       file:
7057 mem_realloc     misc2.c /^mem_realloc(ptr, size)$/;"    f
7058 memfile structs.h       /^struct memfile$/;"    s
7059 memfile_T       structs.h       /^typedef struct memfile            memfile_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:memfile
7060 memline structs.h       /^typedef struct memline$/;"    s
7061 memline_T       structs.h       /^} memline_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:memline
7062 menu    gui.h   /^    struct Menu         *menu;                \/* a pointer to the first menu *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui      typeref:struct:Gui::Menu
7063 menuItem        gui_amiga.h     /^    struct MenuItem menuItem;$/;"     m       struct:MyMenuItem       typeref:struct:MyMenuItem::MenuItem
7064 menuItem        gui_amiga.h     /^    struct MenuItem menuItem;$/;"     m       union:myMenuItemUnion   typeref:struct:myMenuItemUnion::MenuItem
7065 menuItemPtr     structs.h       /^    struct MenuItem *menuItemPtr;$/;" m       struct:VimMenu  typeref:struct:VimMenu::MenuItem
7066 menuPtr structs.h       /^    struct Menu           *menuPtr;$/;"       m       struct:VimMenu  typeref:struct:VimMenu::Menu
7067 menu_bg_pixel   gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        menu_bg_pixel;          \/* Same in Pixel format *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
7068 menu_def_bg_pixel       gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        menu_def_bg_pixel;  \/* Default menu background *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
7069 menu_def_fg_pixel       gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        menu_def_fg_pixel;  \/* Default menu foreground *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
7070 menu_fg_pixel   gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        menu_fg_pixel;          \/* Same in Pixel format *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
7071 menu_font       gui.h   /^    GuiFont   menu_font;          \/* menu item font *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
7072 menu_fontset    gui.h   /^    GuiFontset        menu_fontset;       \/* set of fonts for multi-byte chars *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
7073 menu_handle     structs.h       /^    MenuHandle        menu_handle;$/;"        m       struct:VimMenu
7074 menu_height     gui.h   /^    int               menu_height;        \/* Height of the menu bar *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
7075 menu_height_fixed       gui.h   /^    char      menu_height_fixed;  \/* TRUE if menu height fixed *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
7076 menu_id structs.h       /^    short     menu_id;            \/* the menu id to which this item belong *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
7077 menu_is_active  gui.h   /^    char      menu_is_active;     \/* TRUE if menu is present *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
7078 menu_is_child_of_popup  menu.c  /^menu_is_child_of_popup(menu)$/;"      f
7079 menu_is_hidden  menu.c  /^menu_is_hidden(name)$/;"      f       file:
7080 menu_is_menubar menu.c  /^menu_is_menubar(name)$/;"     f
7081 menu_is_popup   menu.c  /^menu_is_popup(name)$/;"       f
7082 menu_is_separator       menu.c  /^menu_is_separator(name)$/;"   f
7083 menu_is_tearoff menu.c  /^menu_is_tearoff(name)$/;"     f       file:
7084 menu_is_toolbar menu.c  /^menu_is_toolbar(name)$/;"     f
7085 menu_mode_chars menu.c  /^static char_u menu_mode_chars[] = {'n', 'v', 'o', 'i', 'c', 't'};$/;" v       file:
7086 menu_nable_recurse      menu.c  /^menu_nable_recurse(menu, name, modes, enable)$/;"     f       file:
7087 menu_name_equal menu.c  /^menu_name_equal(name, menu)$/;"       f       file:
7088 menu_name_skip  menu.c  /^menu_name_skip(name)$/;"      f
7089 menu_namecmp    menu.c  /^menu_namecmp(name, mname)$/;" f       file:
7090 menu_skip_part  menu.c  /^menu_skip_part(p)$/;" f       file:
7091 menu_text       menu.c  /^menu_text(str, mnemonic, actext)$/;"  f       file:
7092 menu_width      gui.h   /^    int               menu_width;         \/* Width of the menu bar *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
7093 menubar gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *menubar;           \/* menubar *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
7094 menubar_h       gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *menubar_h;         \/* menubar handle *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
7095 menutrans_T     menu.c  /^} menutrans_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:__anon47 file:
7096 menutrans_ga    menu.c  /^static garray_T menutrans_ga = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};$/;"        v       file:
7097 menutrans_lookup        menu.c  /^menutrans_lookup(name, len)$/;"       f       file:
7098 messageFromNetbeansW32  netbeans.c      /^messageFromNetbeansW32()$/;"  f
7099 messages        structs.h       /^    struct msglist    *messages;      \/* message(s) causing error exception *\/$/;"  m       struct:vim_exception    typeref:struct:vim_exception::msglist
7100 messages        testdir/test49.vim      /^    let messages = g:messages . "D"$/;"       v
7101 messages        testdir/test49.vim      /^let messages = ""$/;" v
7102 messaging       screen.c        /^messaging()$/;"       f
7103 mf_alloc_bhdr   memfile.c       /^mf_alloc_bhdr(mfp, page_count)$/;"    f       file:
7104 mf_blocknr_max  structs.h       /^    blocknr_T mf_blocknr_max;         \/* highest positive block number + 1*\/$/;"    m       struct:memfile
7105 mf_blocknr_min  structs.h       /^    blocknr_T mf_blocknr_min;         \/* lowest negative block number - 1 *\/$/;"    m       struct:memfile
7106 mf_close        memfile.c       /^mf_close(mfp, del_file)$/;"   f
7107 mf_close_file   memfile.c       /^mf_close_file(buf, getlines)$/;"      f
7108 mf_dirty        structs.h       /^    int               mf_dirty;               \/* TRUE if there are dirty blocks *\/$/;"      m       struct:memfile
7109 mf_do_open      memfile.c       /^mf_do_open(mfp, fname, flags)$/;"     f       file:
7110 mf_fd   structs.h       /^    int               mf_fd;                  \/* file descriptor *\/$/;"     m       struct:memfile
7111 mf_ffname       structs.h       /^    char_u    *mf_ffname;             \/* idem, full path *\/$/;"     m       struct:memfile
7112 mf_find_hash    memfile.c       /^mf_find_hash(mfp, nr)$/;"     f       file:
7113 mf_fname        structs.h       /^    char_u    *mf_fname;              \/* name of the file *\/$/;"    m       struct:memfile
7114 mf_free memfile.c       /^mf_free(mfp, hp)$/;"  f
7115 mf_free_bhdr    memfile.c       /^mf_free_bhdr(hp)$/;"  f       file:
7116 mf_free_first   structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *mf_free_first;         \/* first block_hdr in free list *\/$/;"        m       struct:memfile
7117 mf_fullname     memfile.c       /^mf_fullname(mfp)$/;"  f
7118 mf_get  memfile.c       /^mf_get(mfp, nr, page_count)$/;"       f
7119 mf_hash structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *mf_hash[MEMHASHSIZE];  \/* array of hash lists *\/$/;" m       struct:memfile
7120 mf_infile_count structs.h       /^    blocknr_T mf_infile_count;        \/* number of pages in the file *\/$/;" m       struct:memfile
7121 mf_ins_free     memfile.c       /^mf_ins_free(mfp, hp)$/;"      f       file:
7122 mf_ins_hash     memfile.c       /^mf_ins_hash(mfp, hp)$/;"      f       file:
7123 mf_ins_used     memfile.c       /^mf_ins_used(mfp, hp)$/;"      f       file:
7124 mf_need_trans   memfile.c       /^mf_need_trans(mfp)$/;"        f
7125 mf_neg_count    structs.h       /^    blocknr_T mf_neg_count;           \/* number of negative blocks numbers *\/$/;"   m       struct:memfile
7126 mf_new  memfile.c       /^mf_new(mfp, negative, page_count)$/;" f
7127 mf_new_page_size        memfile.c       /^mf_new_page_size(mfp, new_size)$/;"   f
7128 mf_open memfile.c       /^mf_open(fname, flags)$/;"     f
7129 mf_open_file    memfile.c       /^mf_open_file(mfp, fname)$/;"  f
7130 mf_page_size    structs.h       /^    unsigned  mf_page_size;           \/* number of bytes in a page *\/$/;"   m       struct:memfile
7131 mf_put  memfile.c       /^mf_put(mfp, hp, dirty, infile)$/;"    f
7132 mf_read memfile.c       /^mf_read(mfp, hp)$/;"  f       file:
7133 mf_release      memfile.c       /^mf_release(mfp, page_count)$/;"       f       file:
7134 mf_release_all  memfile.c       /^mf_release_all()$/;"  f
7135 mf_rem_free     memfile.c       /^mf_rem_free(mfp)$/;"  f       file:
7136 mf_rem_hash     memfile.c       /^mf_rem_hash(mfp, hp)$/;"      f       file:
7137 mf_rem_used     memfile.c       /^mf_rem_used(mfp, hp)$/;"      f       file:
7138 mf_set_ffname   memfile.c       /^mf_set_ffname(mfp)$/;"        f
7139 mf_sync memfile.c       /^mf_sync(mfp, flags)$/;"       f
7140 mf_trans        structs.h       /^    NR_TRANS  *mf_trans[MEMHASHSIZE]; \/* array of trans lists *\/$/;"        m       struct:memfile
7141 mf_trans_add    memfile.c       /^mf_trans_add(mfp, hp)$/;"     f       file:
7142 mf_trans_del    memfile.c       /^mf_trans_del(mfp, old_nr)$/;" f
7143 mf_used_count   structs.h       /^    unsigned  mf_used_count;          \/* number of pages in used list *\/$/;"        m       struct:memfile
7144 mf_used_count_max       structs.h       /^    unsigned  mf_used_count_max;      \/* maximum number of pages in memory *\/$/;"   m       struct:memfile
7145 mf_used_first   structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *mf_used_first;         \/* mru block_hdr in used list *\/$/;"  m       struct:memfile
7146 mf_used_last    structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *mf_used_last;          \/* lru block_hdr in used list *\/$/;"  m       struct:memfile
7147 mf_write        memfile.c       /^mf_write(mfp, hp)$/;" f       file:
7148 mfd_save        testdir/test49.vim      /^      let mfd_save = &mfd$/;" v
7149 min_rows        window.c        /^min_rows()$/;"        f
7150 minfo_T structs.h       /^typedef struct m_info minfo_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:m_info
7151 mksession_nl    ex_docmd.c      /^static int mksession_nl = FALSE;    \/* use NL only in put_eol() *\/$/;"      v       file:
7152 ml_add_stack    memline.c       /^ml_add_stack(buf)$/;" f       file:
7153 ml_append       memline.c       /^ml_append(lnum, line, len, newfile)$/;"       f
7154 ml_append_int   memline.c       /^ml_append_int(buf, lnum, line, len, newfile, mark)$/;"        f       file:
7155 ml_chunksize    structs.h       /^    chunksize_T *ml_chunksize;$/;"    m       struct:memline
7156 ml_chunksize    structs.h       /^typedef struct ml_chunksize$/;"       s
7157 ml_clearmarked  memline.c       /^ml_clearmarked()$/;"  f
7158 ml_close        memline.c       /^ml_close(buf, del_file)$/;"   f
7159 ml_close_all    memline.c       /^ml_close_all(del_file)$/;"    f
7160 ml_close_notmod memline.c       /^ml_close_notmod()$/;" f
7161 ml_delete       memline.c       /^ml_delete(lnum, message)$/;"  f
7162 ml_delete_int   memline.c       /^ml_delete_int(buf, lnum, message)$/;" f       file:
7163 ml_find_line    memline.c       /^ml_find_line(buf, lnum, action)$/;"   f       file:
7164 ml_find_line_or_offset  memline.c       /^ml_find_line_or_offset(buf, line, offp)$/;"   f
7165 ml_firstmarked  memline.c       /^ml_firstmarked()$/;"  f
7166 ml_flags        structs.h       /^    int               ml_flags;$/;"   m       struct:memline
7167 ml_flush_line   memline.c       /^ml_flush_line(buf)$/;"        f       file:
7168 ml_get  memline.c       /^ml_get(lnum)$/;"      f
7169 ml_get_buf      memline.c       /^ml_get_buf(buf, lnum, will_change)$/;"        f
7170 ml_get_curline  memline.c       /^ml_get_curline()$/;"  f
7171 ml_get_cursor   memline.c       /^ml_get_cursor()$/;"   f
7172 ml_get_pos      memline.c       /^ml_get_pos(pos)$/;"   f
7173 ml_line_alloced memline.c       /^ml_line_alloced()$/;" f
7174 ml_line_count   structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ml_line_count;  \/* number of lines in the buffer *\/$/;"       m       struct:memline
7175 ml_line_lnum    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ml_line_lnum;   \/* line number of cached line, 0 if not valid *\/$/;"  m       struct:memline
7176 ml_line_ptr     structs.h       /^    char_u    *ml_line_ptr;   \/* pointer to cached line *\/$/;"      m       struct:memline
7177 ml_lineadd      memline.c       /^ml_lineadd(buf, count)$/;"    f       file:
7178 ml_locked       structs.h       /^    bhdr_T    *ml_locked;     \/* block used by last ml_get *\/$/;"   m       struct:memline
7179 ml_locked_high  structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ml_locked_high; \/* last line in ml_locked *\/$/;"      m       struct:memline
7180 ml_locked_lineadd       structs.h       /^    int               ml_locked_lineadd;  \/* number of lines inserted in ml_locked *\/$/;"   m       struct:memline
7181 ml_locked_low   structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ml_locked_low;  \/* first line in ml_locked *\/$/;"     m       struct:memline
7182 ml_mfp  structs.h       /^    memfile_T *ml_mfp;        \/* pointer to associated memfile *\/$/;"       m       struct:memline
7183 ml_new_data     memline.c       /^ml_new_data(mfp, negative, page_count)$/;"    f       file:
7184 ml_new_ptr      memline.c       /^ml_new_ptr(mfp)$/;"   f       file:
7185 ml_numchunks    structs.h       /^    int               ml_numchunks;$/;"       m       struct:memline
7186 ml_open memline.c       /^ml_open()$/;" f
7187 ml_open_file    memline.c       /^ml_open_file(buf)$/;" f
7188 ml_open_files   memline.c       /^ml_open_files()$/;"   f
7189 ml_preserve     memline.c       /^ml_preserve(buf, message)$/;" f
7190 ml_recover      memline.c       /^ml_recover()$/;"      f
7191 ml_replace      memline.c       /^ml_replace(lnum, line, copy)$/;"      f
7192 ml_setdirty     memline.c       /^ml_setdirty(buf, flag)$/;"    f
7193 ml_setmarked    memline.c       /^ml_setmarked(lnum)$/;"        f
7194 ml_setname      memline.c       /^ml_setname(buf)$/;"   f
7195 ml_stack        structs.h       /^    infoptr_T *ml_stack;      \/* stack of pointer blocks (array of IPTRs) *\/$/;"    m       struct:memline
7196 ml_stack_size   structs.h       /^    int               ml_stack_size;  \/* total number of entries in ml_stack *\/$/;" m       struct:memline
7197 ml_stack_top    structs.h       /^    int               ml_stack_top;   \/* current top if ml_stack *\/$/;"     m       struct:memline
7198 ml_sync_all     memline.c       /^ml_sync_all(check_file, check_char)$/;"       f
7199 ml_timestamp    memline.c       /^ml_timestamp(buf)$/;" f
7200 ml_updatechunk  memline.c       /^ml_updatechunk(buf, line, len, updtype)$/;"   f       file:
7201 ml_usedchunks   structs.h       /^    int               ml_usedchunks;$/;"      m       struct:memline
7202 mlcs_numlines   structs.h       /^    int               mlcs_numlines;$/;"      m       struct:ml_chunksize
7203 mlcs_totalsize  structs.h       /^    long      mlcs_totalsize;$/;"     m       struct:ml_chunksize
7204 mnemonic        structs.h       /^    int               mnemonic;           \/* mnemonic key (after '&') *\/$/;"        m       struct:VimMenu
7205 mod_flag        misc2.c /^    short     mod_flag;       \/* Bit(s) for particular key modifier *\/$/;"  m       struct:modmasktable     file:
7206 mod_mask        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    mod_mask INIT(= 0x0);           \/* current key modifiers *\/$/;"       v
7207 mod_mask        misc2.c /^    short     mod_mask;       \/* Bit-mask for particular key modifier *\/$/;"        m       struct:modmasktable     file:
7208 mod_mask_table  misc2.c /^} mod_mask_table[] =$/;"      v       typeref:struct:modmasktable     file:
7209 mode    getchar.c       /^    int               mode;$/;"       m       struct:initmap  file:
7210 mode    vim.h   /^    short_u   mode;           \/* Select by char, word, or line. *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimClipboard
7211 modec   structs.h       /^    int               modec;$/;"      m       struct:__anon45
7212 modes   structs.h       /^    int               modes;              \/* Which modes is this menu visible for? *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
7213 modified        netbeans.c      /^    unsigned int       modified:1;$/;"        m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
7214 modified_was_set        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    modified_was_set;               \/* did ":set modified" *\/$/;" v
7215 modifier_keys_table     misc2.c /^static char_u modifier_keys_table[] =$/;"     v       file:
7216 modify_fname    eval.c  /^modify_fname(src, usedlen, fnamep, bufp, fnamelen)$/;"        f
7217 modmasktable    misc2.c /^static struct modmasktable$/;"        s       file:
7218 modname fileio.c        /^modname(fname, ext, prepend_dot)$/;"  f
7219 more_back       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    more_back INIT(= 0);        \/* 'b' or 'u' at "--more--" msg *\/$/;"    v
7220 more_back_used  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    more_back_used INIT(= FALSE); \/* using more_back *\/$/;"       v
7221 moreenv misc2.c /^moreenv()$/;" f       file:
7222 motion_force    structs.h       /^    int               motion_force;   \/* force motion type: 'v', 'V' or CTRL-V *\/$/;"       m       struct:oparg
7223 motion_type     structs.h       /^    int               motion_type;    \/* type of the current cursor motion *\/$/;"   m       struct:oparg
7224 mouse_col       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    mouse_col;$/;"  v
7225 mouse_comp_pos  ui.c    /^mouse_comp_pos(win, rowp, colp, lnump)$/;"    f
7226 mouse_dragging  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    mouse_dragging INIT(= 0);       \/* extending Visual area with$/;"      v
7227 mouse_find_win  ui.c    /^mouse_find_win(rowp, colp)$/;"        f
7228 mouse_has       term.c  /^mouse_has(c)$/;"      f
7229 mouse_model_popup       term.c  /^mouse_model_popup()$/;"       f
7230 mouse_past_bottom       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    mouse_past_bottom INIT(= FALSE);\/* mouse below last line *\/$/;"       v
7231 mouse_past_eol  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    mouse_past_eol INIT(= FALSE);   \/* mouse right of line *\/$/;" v
7232 mouse_row       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    mouse_row;$/;"  v
7233 mouse_table     misc2.c /^} mouse_table[] =$/;" v       typeref:struct:mousetable       file:
7234 mousetable      misc2.c /^static struct mousetable$/;"  s       file:
7235 move_lines      fileio.c        /^move_lines(frombuf, tobuf)$/;"        f       file:
7236 movechangelist  mark.c  /^movechangelist(count)$/;"     f
7237 movemark        mark.c  /^movemark(count)$/;"   f
7238 movetail        tag.c   3192;"  d       file:
7239 mr_pattern      search.c        /^static char_u     *mr_pattern = NULL; \/* pattern used by search_regcomp() *\/$/;"    v       file:
7240 mr_pattern_alloced      search.c        /^static int        mr_pattern_alloced = FALSE; \/* mr_pattern was allocated *\/$/;"    v       file:
7241 msg     gui_beval.h     /^    char_u            *msg;$/;"       m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
7242 msg     message.c       /^    char_u            *msg;$/;"       m       struct:msg_hist file:
7243 msg     message.c       /^msg(s)$/;"    f
7244 msg     structs.h       /^    char_u            *msg;           \/* original message *\/$/;"    m       struct:msglist
7245 msgCB   gui_beval.h     /^    void              (*msgCB)__ARGS((struct BalloonEvalStruct *, int));$/;"  m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
7246 msg_add_eol     fileio.c        /^msg_add_eol()$/;"     f       file:
7247 msg_add_fileformat      fileio.c        /^msg_add_fileformat(eol_type)$/;"      f       file:
7248 msg_add_fname   fileio.c        /^msg_add_fname(buf, fname)$/;" f       file:
7249 msg_add_lines   fileio.c        /^msg_add_lines(insert_space, lnum, nchars)$/;" f       file:
7250 msg_advance     message.c       /^msg_advance(col)$/;"  f
7251 msg_attr        message.c       /^msg_attr(s, attr)$/;" f
7252 msg_attr_keep   message.c       /^msg_attr_keep(s, attr, keep)$/;"      f
7253 msg_buf globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u msg_buf[MSG_BUF_LEN];   \/* small buffer for messages *\/$/;"   v
7254 msg_check       message.c       /^msg_check()$/;"       f
7255 msg_check_screen        message.c       /^msg_check_screen()$/;"        f       file:
7256 msg_clr_cmdline message.c       /^msg_clr_cmdline()$/;" f
7257 msg_clr_eos     message.c       /^msg_clr_eos()$/;"     f
7258 msg_clr_eos_force       message.c       /^msg_clr_eos_force()$/;"       f
7259 msg_col globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_col;$/;"    v
7260 msg_didany      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_didany INIT(= FALSE);   \/* msg_outstr() was used at all *\/$/;"    v
7261 msg_didout      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_didout INIT(= FALSE);   \/* msg_outstr() was used in line *\/$/;"   v
7262 msg_end message.c       /^msg_end()$/;" f
7263 msg_end_prompt  message.c       /^msg_end_prompt()$/;"  f       file:
7264 msg_hist        message.c       /^struct msg_hist$/;"   s       file:
7265 msg_hist_len    message.c       /^static int msg_hist_len = 0;$/;"      v       file:
7266 msg_hist_off    message.c       /^static int msg_hist_off = FALSE;      \/* don't add messages to history *\/$/;"       v       file:
7267 msg_home_replace        message.c       /^msg_home_replace(fname)$/;"   f
7268 msg_home_replace_attr   message.c       /^msg_home_replace_attr(fname, attr)$/;"        f       file:
7269 msg_home_replace_hl     message.c       /^msg_home_replace_hl(fname)$/;"        f
7270 msg_list        globals.h       /^EXTERN struct msglist **msg_list INIT(= NULL);$/;"    v       typeref:struct:
7271 msg_make        message.c       /^msg_make(arg)$/;"     f
7272 msg_may_trunc   message.c       /^msg_may_trunc(force, s)$/;"   f
7273 msg_moremsg     message.c       /^msg_moremsg(full)$/;" f
7274 msg_no_more     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_no_more INIT(= FALSE);  \/* don't use more prompt, truncate$/;"     v
7275 msg_nowait      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_nowait INIT(= FALSE);   \/* don't wait for this msg *\/$/;" v
7276 msg_outnum      message.c       /^msg_outnum(n)$/;"     f
7277 msg_outtrans    message.c       /^msg_outtrans(str)$/;" f
7278 msg_outtrans_attr       message.c       /^msg_outtrans_attr(str, attr)$/;"      f
7279 msg_outtrans_len        message.c       /^msg_outtrans_len(str, len)$/;"        f
7280 msg_outtrans_len_attr   message.c       /^msg_outtrans_len_attr(msgstr, len, attr)$/;"  f
7281 msg_outtrans_one        message.c       /^msg_outtrans_one(p, attr)$/;" f
7282 msg_outtrans_special    message.c       /^msg_outtrans_special(strstart, from)$/;"      f
7283 msg_pos_mode    screen.c        /^msg_pos_mode()$/;"    f       file:
7284 msg_prt_line    message.c       /^msg_prt_line(s)$/;"   f
7285 msg_putchar     message.c       /^msg_putchar(c)$/;"    f
7286 msg_putchar_attr        message.c       /^msg_putchar_attr(c, attr)$/;" f
7287 msg_puts        message.c       /^msg_puts(s)$/;"       f
7288 msg_puts_attr   message.c       /^msg_puts_attr(s, attr)$/;"    f
7289 msg_puts_attr_len       message.c       /^msg_puts_attr_len(str, maxlen, attr)$/;"      f       file:
7290 msg_puts_long   message.c       /^msg_puts_long(longstr)$/;"    f
7291 msg_puts_long_attr      message.c       /^msg_puts_long_attr(longstr, attr)$/;" f
7292 msg_puts_long_len_attr  message.c       /^msg_puts_long_len_attr(longstr, len, attr)$/;"        f
7293 msg_puts_title  message.c       /^msg_puts_title(s)$/;" f
7294 msg_row globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_row;$/;"    v
7295 msg_screen_putchar      message.c       /^msg_screen_putchar(c, attr)$/;"       f       file:
7296 msg_scroll      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_scroll INIT(= FALSE);   \/* msg_start() will scroll *\/$/;" v
7297 msg_scrolled    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_scrolled;   \/* Number of screen lines that windows have$/;"        v
7298 msg_scrolled_ign        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_scrolled_ign INIT(= FALSE);$/;"     v
7299 msg_show_console_dialog message.c       /^msg_show_console_dialog(message, buttons, dfltbutton)$/;"     f       file:
7300 msg_silent      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    msg_silent INIT(= 0);   \/* don't print messages *\/$/;"        v
7301 msg_start       message.c       /^msg_start()$/;"       f
7302 msg_starthere   message.c       /^msg_starthere()$/;"   f
7303 msg_str misc2.c /^msg_str(s, arg)$/;"   f
7304 msg_strtrunc    message.c       /^msg_strtrunc(s)$/;"   f
7305 msg_trunc_attr  message.c       /^msg_trunc_attr(s, force, attr)$/;"    f
7306 msg_use_printf  message.c       /^msg_use_printf()$/;"  f
7307 msgfile testdir/test49.vim      /^let msgfile = tempname()$/;"  v
7308 msglist structs.h       /^struct msglist$/;"    s
7309 msgmore misc1.c /^msgmore(n)$/;"        f
7310 mshape  structs.h       /^    int               mshape;         \/* one of the MSHAPE defines *\/$/;"   m       struct:cursor_entry
7311 mshape_names    misc2.c /^static char * mshape_names[] =$/;"    v       file:
7312 mt_names        tag.c   /^static char   *mt_names[MT_COUNT\/2] =$/;"    v       file:
7313 must_redraw     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    must_redraw INIT(= 0);      \/* type of redraw necessary *\/$/;"        v
7314 myMenuItem      gui_amiga.h     /^    struct MyMenuItem myMenuItem;$/;" m       union:myMenuItemUnion   typeref:struct:myMenuItemUnion::MyMenuItem
7315 myMenuItemUnion gui_amiga.h     /^union myMenuItemUnion {$/;"   u
7316 my_iconv_open   mbyte.c /^my_iconv_open(to, from)$/;"   f
7317 n_collated_copies       structs.h       /^    int               n_collated_copies;$/;"  m       struct:__anon45
7318 n_opencmd       normal.c        /^n_opencmd(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7319 n_start_visual_mode     normal.c        /^n_start_visual_mode(c)$/;"    f       file:
7320 n_swapchar      normal.c        /^n_swapchar(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7321 n_uncollated_copies     structs.h       /^    int               n_uncollated_copies;$/;"        m       struct:__anon45
7322 name    eval.c  /^    char      *name;          \/* name of variable, without v: *\/$/;"        m       struct:vimvar   file:
7323 name    eval.c  /^    char_u    *name;          \/* name of function; can start with <SNR>123_$/;"      m       struct:ufunc    file:
7324 name    ex_cmds2.c      /^    char      *name;$/;"      m       struct:prt_mediasize_S  file:
7325 name    ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u    *name;$/;"      m       struct:scriptstuff      file:
7326 name    ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u  name[64];$/;"     m       struct:prt_ps_resource_S        file:
7327 name    ex_docmd.c      /^    char    *name;$/;"        m       struct:__anon23 file:
7328 name    fileio.c        /^    char      *name;  \/* event name *\/$/;"  m       struct:event_name       file:
7329 name    gui_amiga.c     /^      char        *name;$/;"  m       struct:guicolor_tTable  file:
7330 name    mbyte.c /^{   char *name;               int canon;}$/;" m       struct:__anon12 file:
7331 name    mbyte.c /^{   char *name;               int prop;               int codepage;}$/;"      m       struct:__anon11 file:
7332 name    misc2.c /^    char_u    name;           \/* Single letter name of modifier *\/$/;"      m       struct:modmasktable     file:
7333 name    misc2.c /^    char_u  *name;    \/* Name of key *\/$/;" m       struct:key_name_entry   file:
7334 name    search.c        /^    char_u    *name;          \/* Full name of file *\/$/;"   m       struct:SearchedFile     file:
7335 name    structs.h       /^    char      *name;          \/* mode name (fixed) *\/$/;"   m       struct:cursor_entry
7336 name    structs.h       /^    char_u    *name;              \/* Name of menu *\/$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
7337 name    structs.h       /^    const char        *name;$/;"      m       struct:__anon43
7338 name    syntax.c        /^    char      *name;$/;"      m       struct:name_list        file:
7339 name    syntax.c        /^    char    *name;                            \/* subcommand name *\/$/;"     m       struct:subcommand       file:
7340 name    term.c  /^    char_u  name[2];      \/* termcap name of entry *\/$/;"   m       struct:termcode file:
7341 name_list       syntax.c        /^struct name_list$/;"  s       file:
7342 name_to_mod_mask        misc2.c /^name_to_mod_mask(c)$/;"       f
7343 namedfm mark.c  /^static xfmark_T namedfm[NMARKS + EXTRA_MARKS];                \/* marks with file nr *\/$/;"  v       file:
7344 namelowcpy      misc1.c /^namelowcpy($/;"       f       file:
7345 nb_bufp2nbbuf_fire      netbeans.c      /^nb_bufp2nbbuf_fire(buf_T *bufp, int *bufnop)$/;"      f       file:
7346 nb_debug        nbdebug.c       /^FILE          *nb_debug = NULL;$/;"   v
7347 nb_dlevel       nbdebug.c       /^u_int          nb_dlevel = 0;         \/* nb_debug verbosity level *\/$/;"    v
7348 nb_do_cmd       netbeans.c      /^nb_do_cmd($/;"        f       file:
7349 nb_get_buf      netbeans.c      /^nb_get_buf(int bufno)$/;"     f       file:
7350 nb_getbufno     netbeans.c      /^nb_getbufno(buf_T *bufp)$/;"  f       file:
7351 nb_init_graphics        netbeans.c      /^nb_init_graphics(void)$/;"    f       file:
7352 nb_parse_cmd    netbeans.c      /^nb_parse_cmd(char_u *cmd)$/;" f       file:
7353 nb_parse_messages       netbeans.c      /^nb_parse_messages(void)$/;"   f       file:
7354 nb_quote        netbeans.c      /^nb_quote(char_u *txt)$/;"     f       file:
7355 nb_reply_nil    netbeans.c      /^nb_reply_nil(int cmdno)$/;"   f       file:
7356 nb_reply_nr     netbeans.c      /^nb_reply_nr(int cmdno, long result)$/;"       f       file:
7357 nb_reply_text   netbeans.c      /^nb_reply_text(int cmdno, char_u *result)$/;"  f       file:
7358 nb_send netbeans.c      /^nb_send(char *buf, char *fun)$/;"     f       file:
7359 nb_unquote      netbeans.c      /^nb_unquote(char_u *p, char_u **endp)$/;"      f       file:
7360 nbbuf_T netbeans.c      /^typedef struct nbbuf_struct nbbuf_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
7361 nbbuf_struct    netbeans.c      /^struct nbbuf_struct$/;"       s       file:
7362 nbdbg   nbdebug.c       /^nbdbg($/;"    f
7363 nbdbg   nbdebug.h       /^nbdbg($/;"    f
7364 nbdebug nbdebug.h       26;"    d
7365 nbdebug vim.h   1743;"  d
7366 nbdebug_log_init        nbdebug.c       /^nbdebug_log_init($/;" f
7367 nbdebug_wait    nbdebug.c       /^void nbdebug_wait($/;"        f
7368 nbtrace nbdebug.c       /^nbtrace($/;"  f
7369 nbtrace nbdebug.h       /^nbtrace($/;"  f
7370 nchar   structs.h       /^    int               nchar;          \/* next command character (optional) *\/$/;"   m       struct:cmdarg
7371 ncharC1 structs.h       /^    int               ncharC1;        \/* first composing character (optional) *\/$/;"        m       struct:cmdarg
7372 ncharC2 structs.h       /^    int               ncharC2;        \/* second composing character (optional) *\/$/;"       m       struct:cmdarg
7373 need_check_timestamps   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    need_check_timestamps INIT(= FALSE); \/* need to check file$/;" v
7374 need_clear_subexpr      regexp.c        /^static int    need_clear_subexpr;     \/* subexpressions still need to be$/;" v       file:
7375 need_clear_zsubexpr     regexp.c        /^static int    need_clear_zsubexpr = FALSE;    \/* extmatch subexpressions$/;" v       file:
7376 need_fileinfo   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    need_fileinfo INIT(= FALSE);\/* do fileinfo() after redraw *\/$/;"      v
7377 need_gather     term.c  /^static int    need_gather = FALSE;            \/* need to fill termleader[] *\/$/;"   v       file:
7378 need_highlight_changed  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    need_highlight_changed INIT(= TRUE);$/;"        v
7379 need_maketitle  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    need_maketitle INIT(= TRUE); \/* call maketitle() soon *\/$/;"  v
7380 need_mouse_correct      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    need_mouse_correct INIT(= FALSE);$/;"   v
7381 need_rethrow    globals.h       /^EXTERN int need_rethrow INIT(= FALSE);$/;"    v
7382 need_start_insertmode   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    need_start_insertmode INIT(= FALSE);$/;"        v
7383 need_wait_return        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    need_wait_return INIT(= 0); \/* need to wait for return later *\/$/;"   v
7384 needupdate      netbeans.c      /^static int needupdate = 0;$/;"        v       file:
7385 nested  fileio.c        /^    char          nested;             \/* If autocommands nest here *\/$/;"   m       struct:AutoCmd  file:
7386 netbeansArg     globals.h       /^EXTERN char *netbeansArg INIT(= NULL);        \/* the -nb[:host:port:passwd] arg *\/$/;"      v
7387 netbeansCloseFile       globals.h       /^EXTERN int netbeansCloseFile INIT(= 0);       \/* send killed if != 0 *\/$/;" v
7388 netbeansFireChanges     globals.h       /^EXTERN int netbeansFireChanges INIT(= 1); \/* send buffer changes if != 0 *\/$/;"     v
7389 netbeansForcedQuit      globals.h       /^EXTERN int netbeansForcedQuit INIT(= 0);\/* don't write modified files *\/$/;"        v
7390 netbeansOpenFile        globals.h       /^EXTERN int netbeansOpenFile INIT(= 1);        \/* send fileOpened if != 0 *\/$/;"     v
7391 netbeansReadFile        globals.h       /^EXTERN int netbeansReadFile INIT(= 1);        \/* OK to read from disk if != 0 *\/$/;"        v
7392 netbeansSuppressNoLines globals.h       /^EXTERN int netbeansSuppressNoLines INIT(= 0); \/* skip "No lines in buffer" *\/$/;"   v
7393 netbeans_Xt_connect     netbeans.c      /^netbeans_Xt_connect(void *context)$/;"        f
7394 netbeans_beval_cb       netbeans.c      /^netbeans_beval_cb($/;"        f       file:
7395 netbeans_button_release netbeans.c      /^netbeans_button_release(int button)$/;"       f
7396 netbeans_connect        netbeans.c      /^netbeans_connect(void)$/;"    f       file:
7397 netbeans_deleted_all_lines      netbeans.c      /^netbeans_deleted_all_lines(buf_T *bufp)$/;"   f
7398 netbeans_disconnect     netbeans.c      /^netbeans_disconnect(void)$/;" f       file:
7399 netbeans_draw_multisign_indicator       netbeans.c      /^netbeans_draw_multisign_indicator(int row)$/;"        f
7400 netbeans_end    netbeans.c      /^netbeans_end(void)$/;"        f
7401 netbeans_file_closed    netbeans.c      /^netbeans_file_closed(buf_T *bufp)$/;" f
7402 netbeans_file_opened    netbeans.c      /^netbeans_file_opened(char *filename)$/;"      f
7403 netbeans_frame_moved    netbeans.c      /^netbeans_frame_moved(int new_x, int new_y)$/;"        f
7404 netbeans_gtk_connect    netbeans.c      /^netbeans_gtk_connect(void)$/;"        f
7405 netbeans_gutter_click   netbeans.c      /^netbeans_gutter_click(linenr_T lnum)$/;"      f
7406 netbeans_inserted       netbeans.c      /^netbeans_inserted($/;"        f
7407 netbeans_is_guarded     netbeans.c      /^netbeans_is_guarded(linenr_T top, linenr_T bot)$/;"   f
7408 netbeans_keycommand     netbeans.c      /^netbeans_keycommand(int key)$/;"      f
7409 netbeans_keyname        netbeans.c      /^netbeans_keyname(int key, char *buf)$/;"      f       file:
7410 netbeans_removed        netbeans.c      /^netbeans_removed($/;" f
7411 netbeans_save_buffer    netbeans.c      /^netbeans_save_buffer(buf_T *bufp)$/;" f
7412 netbeans_startup_done   netbeans.c      /^netbeans_startup_done(void)$/;"       f
7413 netbeans_unmodified     netbeans.c      /^netbeans_unmodified(buf_T *bufp)$/;"  f
7414 netbeans_w32_connect    netbeans.c      /^netbeans_w32_connect(void)$/;"        f
7415 newFoldLevel    fold.c  /^newFoldLevel()$/;"    f
7416 newFoldLevelWin fold.c  /^newFoldLevelWin(wp)$/;"       f       file:
7417 new_cmdpos      ex_getln.c      /^static int    new_cmdpos;     \/* position set by set_cmdline_pos() *\/$/;"   v       file:
7418 new_curbuf      structs.h       /^    buf_T     *new_curbuf;    \/* buffer to be used *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon42
7419 new_curwin      structs.h       /^    win_T     *new_curwin;    \/* new curwin if save_curwin != NULL *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon42
7420 new_insert_skip edit.c  /^static int    new_insert_skip;  \/* nr of chars in front of current insert *\/$/;"    v       file:
7421 new_last_cmdline        globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *new_last_cmdline INIT(= NULL); \/* new value for last_cmdline *\/$/;"  v
7422 new_pixel_height        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    new_pixel_height INIT(= 0);$/;" v
7423 new_pixel_width globals.h       /^EXTERN int    new_pixel_width INIT(= 0);$/;"  v
7424 new_script_vars eval.c  /^new_script_vars(id)$/;"       f
7425 newenv  misc2.c /^newenv()$/;"  f       file:
7426 newline_on_exit globals.h       /^EXTERN int    newline_on_exit INIT(= FALSE);  \/* did msg in altern. screen *\/$/;"   v
7427 next    edit.c  /^    struct Completion *next;$/;"      m       struct:Completion       typeref:struct:Completion::Completion   file:
7428 next    eval.c  /^    ufunc_T   *next;          \/* next function in list *\/$/;"       m       struct:ufunc    file:
7429 next    fileio.c        /^    struct AutoCmd  *next;            \/* Next AutoCmd in list *\/$/;"        m       struct:AutoCmd  typeref:struct:AutoCmd::AutoCmd file:
7430 next    fileio.c        /^    struct AutoPat  *next;            \/* next AutoPat in AutoPat list *\/$/;"        m       struct:AutoPat  typeref:struct:AutoPat::AutoPat file:
7431 next    message.c       /^    struct msg_hist   *next;$/;"      m       struct:msg_hist typeref:struct:msg_hist::msg_hist       file:
7432 next    netbeans.c      /^    struct cmdqueue *next;$/;"        m       struct:cmdqueue typeref:struct:cmdqueue::cmdqueue       file:
7433 next    netbeans.c      /^    struct keyqueue *next;$/;"        m       struct:keyqueue typeref:struct:keyqueue::keyqueue       file:
7434 next    quickfix.c      /^    struct dir_stack_T        *next;$/;"      m       struct:dir_stack_T      typeref:struct:dir_stack_T::dir_stack_T file:
7435 next    quickfix.c      /^    struct eformat  *next;    \/* pointer to next (NULL if last) *\/$/;"      m       struct:eformat  typeref:struct:eformat::eformat file:
7436 next    structs.h       /^    eslist_T  *next;                  \/* next element on the list *\/$/;"    m       struct:eslist_elem
7437 next    structs.h       /^    keyentry_T        *next;          \/* next keyword in the hash list *\/$/;"       m       struct:keyentry
7438 next    structs.h       /^    signlist_T        *next;          \/* next signlist entry *\/$/;" m       struct:signlist
7439 next    structs.h       /^    struct msglist    *next;          \/* next of several messages in a row *\/$/;"   m       struct:msglist  typeref:struct:msglist::msglist
7440 next    structs.h       /^    vimmenu_T *next;              \/* Next item in menu *\/$/;"       m       struct:VimMenu
7441 next_fenc       fileio.c        /^next_fenc(pp)$/;"     f       file:
7442 next_list       structs.h       /^    short     *next_list;     \/* ID list for next match (if non-zero) *\/$/;"        m       struct:keyentry
7443 next_match_col  syntax.c        /^static int next_match_col;            \/* column for start of next match *\/$/;"      v       file:
7444 next_match_end_idx      syntax.c        /^static int next_match_end_idx;                \/* ID of group for end pattn or zero *\/$/;"   v       file:
7445 next_match_eoe_pos      syntax.c        /^static lpos_T next_match_eoe_pos;     \/* pos. for end of end pattern *\/$/;" v       file:
7446 next_match_eos_pos      syntax.c        /^static lpos_T next_match_eos_pos;     \/* end of start pattn (start region) *\/$/;"   v       file:
7447 next_match_extmatch     syntax.c        /^static reg_extmatch_T *next_match_extmatch = NULL;$/;"        v       file:
7448 next_match_flags        syntax.c        /^static long next_match_flags;         \/* flags for next match *\/$/;"        v       file:
7449 next_match_h_endpos     syntax.c        /^static lpos_T next_match_h_endpos;    \/* pos. for highl. end of next match *\/$/;"   v       file:
7450 next_match_h_startpos   syntax.c        /^static lpos_T next_match_h_startpos;  \/* pos. for highl. start of next match *\/$/;" v       file:
7451 next_match_idx  syntax.c        /^static int next_match_idx;            \/* index of matched item *\/$/;"       v       file:
7452 next_match_m_endpos     syntax.c        /^static lpos_T next_match_m_endpos;    \/* position for end of next match *\/$/;"      v       file:
7453 next_search_hl  screen.c        /^next_search_hl(win, shl, lnum, mincol)$/;"    f       file:
7454 nextchr regexp.c        /^static int    nextchr;    \/* used for ungetchr() *\/$/;"     v       file:
7455 nextcmd ex_cmds.h       /^    char_u    *nextcmd;       \/* next command (NULL if none) *\/$/;" m       struct:exarg
7456 nextcmd fileio.c        /^    AutoCmd   *nextcmd;       \/* next AutoCmd to execute *\/$/;"     m       struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
7457 nextent termlib.c       /^nextent(tbuf, termcap, buflen)                \/* Read 1 entry from TERMCAP file *\/$/;"      f       file:
7458 nextline        ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u      *nextline;      \/* if not NULL: line that was read ahead *\/$/;"     m       struct:source_cookie    file:
7459 nextwild        ex_getln.c      /^nextwild(xp, type, options)$/;"       f       file:
7460 no_Magic        regexp.c        /^no_Magic(x)$/;"       f       file:
7461 no_abbr globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_abbr INIT(= TRUE);   \/* TRUE when no abbreviations loaded *\/$/;"   v
7462 no_check_timestamps     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_check_timestamps INIT(= 0);  \/* Don't check timestamps *\/$/;"      v
7463 no_console_input        gui.c   /^no_console_input()$/;"        f
7464 no_hlsearch     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_hlsearch INIT(= FALSE);$/;"  v
7465 no_lines_msg    globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u no_lines_msg[]  INIT(= N_("--No lines in buffer--"));$/;"       v
7466 no_mapping      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_mapping INIT(= FALSE);   \/* currently no mapping allowed *\/$/;"    v
7467 no_scs  search.c        /^    int                   no_scs;     \/* no smarcase for this pattern *\/$/;"        m       struct:spat     file:
7468 no_smartcase    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_smartcase INIT(= FALSE);     \/* don't use 'smartcase' once *\/$/;"  v
7469 no_u_sync       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_u_sync INIT(= 0);    \/* Don't call u_sync() *\/$/;" v
7470 no_viminfo      ex_cmds.c       /^no_viminfo()$/;"      f       file:
7471 no_wait_return  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_wait_return INIT(= 0);   \/* don't wait for return for now *\/$/;"   v
7472 no_zero_mapping globals.h       /^EXTERN int    no_zero_mapping INIT(= 0);  \/* mapping zero not allowed *\/$/;"        v
7473 nofile_fname    tag.c   /^static char_u *nofile_fname = NULL;   \/* fname for NOTAGFILE error *\/$/;"   v       file:
7474 noremap structs.h       /^    int               noremap[MENU_MODES]; \/* A REMAP_ flag for each mode *\/$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
7475 noremapbuf_init getchar.c       /^static char_u noremapbuf_init[TYPELEN_INIT];  \/* initial typebuf.tb_noremap *\/$/;"  v       file:
7476 norm_font       gui.h   /^    GuiFont   norm_font;          \/* Normal font *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
7477 norm_pixel      gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        norm_pixel;         \/* Color of normal text *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
7478 normal_cmd      normal.c        /^normal_cmd(oap, toplevel)$/;" f
7479 normal_search   normal.c        /^normal_search(cap, dir, pat, opt)$/;" f       file:
7480 not_exiting     ex_docmd.c      /^not_exiting()$/;"     f
7481 not_writing     ex_cmds.c       /^not_writing()$/;"     f
7482 nr2hex  charset.c       /^nr2hex(c)$/;" f       file:
7483 nr_trans        structs.h       /^struct nr_trans$/;"   s
7484 nt_new_bnum     structs.h       /^    blocknr_T nt_new_bnum;            \/* new, positive, number *\/$/;"       m       struct:nr_trans
7485 nt_next structs.h       /^    NR_TRANS  *nt_next;               \/* next nr_trans in hash list *\/$/;"  m       struct:nr_trans
7486 nt_old_bnum     structs.h       /^    blocknr_T nt_old_bnum;            \/* old, negative, number *\/$/;"       m       struct:nr_trans
7487 nt_prev structs.h       /^    NR_TRANS  *nt_prev;               \/* previous nr_trans in hash list *\/$/;"      m       struct:nr_trans
7488 num_alloc       misc2.c /^static long_u num_alloc;$/;"  v       file:
7489 num_cols        gui.h   /^    int               num_cols;           \/* Number of columns *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
7490 num_complex_braces      regexp.c        /^static int    num_complex_braces; \/* Complex \\{...} count *\/$/;"   v       file:
7491 num_freed       misc2.c /^static long_u num_freed;$/;"  v       file:
7492 num_rows        gui.h   /^    int               num_rows;           \/* Number of rows *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
7493 number  edit.c  /^    int                       number;   \/* sequence number *\/$/;"   m       struct:Completion       file:
7494 number  structs.h       /^    long      number;$/;"     m       struct:__anon43
7495 number  structs.h       /^    prt_text_attr_T number;$/;"       m       struct:__anon45
7496 nv_Replace      normal.c        /^nv_Replace(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7497 nv_Undo normal.c        /^nv_Undo(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7498 nv_Zet  normal.c        /^nv_Zet(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7499 nv_abbrev       normal.c        /^nv_abbrev(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7500 nv_addsub       normal.c        /^nv_addsub(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7501 nv_at   normal.c        /^nv_at(cap)$/;"        f       file:
7502 nv_bck_word     normal.c        /^nv_bck_word(cap)$/;"  f       file:
7503 nv_beginline    normal.c        /^nv_beginline(cap)$/;" f       file:
7504 nv_brace        normal.c        /^nv_brace(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7505 nv_brackets     normal.c        /^nv_brackets(cap)$/;"  f       file:
7506 nv_clear        normal.c        /^nv_clear(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7507 nv_cmd  normal.c        /^static const struct nv_cmd$/;"        s       file:
7508 nv_cmd_idx      normal.c        /^static short nv_cmd_idx[NV_CMDS_SIZE];$/;"    v       file:
7509 nv_cmds normal.c        /^} nv_cmds[] =$/;"     v       typeref:struct:nv_cmd   file:
7510 nv_colon        normal.c        /^nv_colon(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7511 nv_compare      normal.c        /^nv_compare(s1, s2)$/;"        f       file:
7512 nv_csearch      normal.c        /^nv_csearch(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7513 nv_ctrlg        normal.c        /^nv_ctrlg(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7514 nv_ctrlh        normal.c        /^nv_ctrlh(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7515 nv_ctrlo        normal.c        /^nv_ctrlo(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7516 nv_cursormark   normal.c        /^nv_cursormark(cap, flag, pos)$/;"     f       file:
7517 nv_diffgetput   diff.c  /^nv_diffgetput(put)$/;"        f
7518 nv_dollar       normal.c        /^nv_dollar(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7519 nv_dot  normal.c        /^nv_dot(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7520 nv_down normal.c        /^nv_down(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7521 nv_drop normal.c        /^nv_drop(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7522 nv_edit normal.c        /^nv_edit(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7523 nv_end  normal.c        /^nv_end(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7524 nv_error        normal.c        /^nv_error(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7525 nv_esc  normal.c        /^nv_esc(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7526 nv_exmode       normal.c        /^nv_exmode(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7527 nv_findpar      normal.c        /^nv_findpar(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7528 nv_func_T       normal.c        /^typedef void (*nv_func_T) __ARGS((cmdarg_T *cap));$/;"        t       file:
7529 nv_g_cmd        normal.c        /^nv_g_cmd(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7530 nv_gd   normal.c        /^nv_gd(oap, nchar)$/;" f       file:
7531 nv_gomark       normal.c        /^nv_gomark(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7532 nv_goto normal.c        /^nv_goto(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7533 nv_gotofile     normal.c        /^nv_gotofile(cap)$/;"  f       file:
7534 nv_halfpage     normal.c        /^nv_halfpage(cap)$/;"  f       file:
7535 nv_hat  normal.c        /^nv_hat(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7536 nv_help normal.c        /^nv_help(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7537 nv_home normal.c        /^nv_home(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7538 nv_hor_scrollbar        normal.c        /^nv_hor_scrollbar(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7539 nv_ident        normal.c        /^nv_ident(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7540 nv_ignore       normal.c        /^nv_ignore(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7541 nv_join normal.c        /^nv_join(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7542 nv_kundo        normal.c        /^nv_kundo(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7543 nv_left normal.c        /^nv_left(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7544 nv_lineop       normal.c        /^nv_lineop(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7545 nv_mark normal.c        /^nv_mark(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7546 nv_max_linear   normal.c        /^static int nv_max_linear;$/;" v       file:
7547 nv_mouse        normal.c        /^nv_mouse(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7548 nv_mousescroll  normal.c        /^nv_mousescroll(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7549 nv_nbcmd        normal.c        /^nv_nbcmd(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7550 nv_next normal.c        /^nv_next(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7551 nv_normal       normal.c        /^nv_normal(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7552 nv_object       normal.c        /^nv_object(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7553 nv_open normal.c        /^nv_open(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7554 nv_operator     normal.c        /^nv_operator(cap)$/;"  f       file:
7555 nv_optrans      normal.c        /^nv_optrans(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7556 nv_page normal.c        /^nv_page(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7557 nv_pcmark       normal.c        /^nv_pcmark(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7558 nv_percent      normal.c        /^nv_percent(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7559 nv_pipe normal.c        /^nv_pipe(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7560 nv_put  normal.c        /^nv_put(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7561 nv_record       normal.c        /^nv_record(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7562 nv_redo normal.c        /^nv_redo(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7563 nv_regname      normal.c        /^nv_regname(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7564 nv_replace      normal.c        /^nv_replace(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7565 nv_right        normal.c        /^nv_right(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7566 nv_screengo     normal.c        /^nv_screengo(oap, dir, dist)$/;"       f       file:
7567 nv_scroll       normal.c        /^nv_scroll(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7568 nv_scroll_line  normal.c        /^nv_scroll_line(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7569 nv_search       normal.c        /^nv_search(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7570 nv_select       normal.c        /^nv_select(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7571 nv_sniff        normal.c        /^nv_sniff(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7572 nv_subst        normal.c        /^nv_subst(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7573 nv_suspend      normal.c        /^nv_suspend(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7574 nv_tagpop       normal.c        /^nv_tagpop(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7575 nv_tilde        normal.c        /^nv_tilde(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7576 nv_undo normal.c        /^nv_undo(cap)$/;"      f       file:
7577 nv_up   normal.c        /^nv_up(cap)$/;"        f       file:
7578 nv_ver_scrollbar        normal.c        /^nv_ver_scrollbar(cap)$/;"     f       file:
7579 nv_visual       normal.c        /^nv_visual(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7580 nv_vreplace     normal.c        /^nv_vreplace(cap)$/;"  f       file:
7581 nv_window       normal.c        /^nv_window(cap)$/;"    f       file:
7582 nv_wordcmd      normal.c        /^nv_wordcmd(cap)$/;"   f       file:
7583 nv_zet  normal.c        /^nv_zet(cap)$/;"       f       file:
7584 oap     structs.h       /^    oparg_T   *oap;           \/* Operator arguments *\/$/;"  m       struct:cmdarg
7585 off     fold.c  /^    linenr_T  off;            \/* offset between lnum and real line number *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon15 file:
7586 off     search.c        /^    long      off;            \/* line or char offset *\/$/;" m       struct:soffset  file:
7587 off     search.c        /^    struct soffset  off;$/;"  m       struct:spat     typeref:struct:spat::soffset    file:
7588 off2pos netbeans.c      /^off2pos(buf_T *buf, long offset)$/;"  f       file:
7589 offTime gui_amiga.c     /^    int               offTime;$/;"    m       struct:__anon26 file:
7590 off_t   os_amiga.h      /^typedef long off_t;$/;"       t
7591 offset  mbyte.c /^    int offset;$/;"   m       struct:__anon13 file:
7592 oldFire netbeans.c      /^static int oldFire = 1;$/;"   v       file:
7593 old_char        getchar.c       /^static int old_char = -1;     \/* character put back by vungetc() *\/$/;"     v       file:
7594 old_indent      edit.c  /^static int    old_indent = 0;         \/* for ^^D command in insert mode *\/$/;"      v       file:
7595 old_mod_mask    getchar.c       /^static int old_mod_mask;      \/* mod_mask for ungotten character *\/$/;"     v       file:
7596 old_mouse_shape misc2.c /^static int old_mouse_shape = 0;$/;"   v       file:
7597 old_redobuff    getchar.c       /^static struct buffheader old_redobuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};$/;"      v       typeref:struct:buffheader       file:
7598 old_showcmd_buf normal.c        /^static char_u old_showcmd_buf[SHOWCMD_BUFLEN];  \/* For push_showcmd() *\/$/;"        v       file:
7599 old_sub ex_cmds.c       /^static char_u *old_sub = NULL;        \/* previous substitute pattern *\/$/;" v       file:
7600 oldwindowtitle  os_amiga.c      /^static char_u         *oldwindowtitle = NULL;$/;"     v       file:
7601 onTime  gui_amiga.c     /^    int               onTime;$/;"     m       struct:__anon26 file:
7602 one_adjust      mark.c  835;"   d       file:
7603 one_adjust_nodel        mark.c  850;"   d       file:
7604 one_exactly     regexp.c        /^static int    one_exactly = FALSE;    \/* only do one char for EXACTLY *\/$/;"        v       file:
7605 oneleft edit.c  /^oneleft()$/;" f
7606 onepage move.c  /^onepage(dir, count)$/;"       f
7607 oneright        edit.c  /^oneright()$/;"        f
7608 only_one_window window.c        /^only_one_window()$/;" f
7609 opFoldRange     fold.c  /^opFoldRange(first, last, opening, recurse, had_visual)$/;"    f
7610 op_change       ops.c   /^op_change(oap)$/;"    f
7611 op_colon        normal.c        /^op_colon(oap)$/;"     f       file:
7612 op_delete       ops.c   /^op_delete(oap)$/;"    f
7613 op_format       ops.c   /^op_format(oap, keep_cursor)$/;"       f
7614 op_insert       ops.c   /^op_insert(oap, count1)$/;"    f
7615 op_on_lines     ops.c   /^op_on_lines(op)$/;"   f
7616 op_reindent     ops.c   /^op_reindent(oap, how)$/;"     f
7617 op_replace      ops.c   /^op_replace(oap, c)$/;"        f
7618 op_shift        ops.c   /^op_shift(oap, curs_top, amount)$/;"   f
7619 op_tilde        ops.c   /^op_tilde(oap)$/;"     f
7620 op_type structs.h       /^    int               op_type;        \/* current pending operator type *\/$/;"       m       struct:oparg
7621 op_yank ops.c   /^op_yank(oap, deleting, mess)$/;"      f
7622 oparg   structs.h       /^typedef struct oparg$/;"      s
7623 oparg_T structs.h       /^} oparg_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:oparg
7624 opchars ops.c   /^static char opchars[][3] =$/;"        v       file:
7625 opcount structs.h       /^    long      opcount;        \/* count before an operator *\/$/;"    m       struct:cmdarg
7626 openFold        fold.c  /^openFold(lnum, count)$/;"     f
7627 openFoldRecurse fold.c  /^openFoldRecurse(lnum)$/;"     f
7628 open_app_context        ui.c    /^open_app_context()$/;"        f
7629 open_buffer     buffer.c        /^open_buffer(read_stdin, eap)$/;"      f
7630 open_exfile     ex_docmd.c      /^open_exfile(fname, forceit, mode)$/;" f
7631 open_line       misc1.c /^open_line(dir, flags, old_indent)$/;" f
7632 openscript      getchar.c       /^openscript(name, directly)$/;"        f
7633 opt_strings_flags       option.c        /^opt_strings_flags(val, values, flagp, list)$/;"       f       file:
7634 option_expand   option.c        /^option_expand(opt_idx, val)$/;"       f       file:
7635 option_table_T  structs.h       /^} option_table_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:__anon43
7636 option_value2string     option.c        /^option_value2string(opp, opt_flags)$/;"       f       file:
7637 option_was_set  option.c        /^option_was_set(name)$/;"      f
7638 options option.c        /^      options[] =$/;" v       typeref:struct:_far     file:
7639 optval_default  option.c        /^optval_default(p, varp)$/;"   f       file:
7640 orig_line_count globals.h       /^EXTERN int    orig_line_count INIT(= 0);  \/* Line count when "gR" started *\/$/;"    v
7641 orig_topfill    term.c  /^static int orig_topfill = 0;$/;"      v       file:
7642 orig_topline    term.c  /^static linenr_T orig_topline = 0;$/;" v       file:
7643 origin_end_col  vim.h   /^    short_u   origin_end_col;$/;"     m       struct:VimClipboard
7644 origin_row      vim.h   /^    short_u   origin_row;$/;" m       struct:VimClipboard
7645 origin_start_col        vim.h   /^    short_u   origin_start_col;$/;"   m       struct:VimClipboard
7646 original        edit.c  /^    int                       original; \/* ORIGINAL_TEXT, CONT_S_IPOS or FREE_FNAME *\/$/;"  m       struct:Completion       file:
7647 original_text   edit.c  /^static char_u             *original_text = NULL;  \/* text before completion *\/$/;"  v       file:
7648 ospeed  term.c  /^short ospeed;$/;"     v
7649 ospeed  termlib.c       /^short ospeed;               \/* Baud rate (1-16, 1=300, 16=19200), as in stty *\/$/;" v
7650 osver   xxd/xxd.c       /^char osver[] = " (Win32)";$/;"        v
7651 osver   xxd/xxd.c       /^char osver[] = " (dos 16 bit)";$/;"   v
7652 osver   xxd/xxd.c       /^char osver[] = " (dos 32 bit)";$/;"   v
7653 osver   xxd/xxd.c       /^char osver[] = "";$/;"        v
7654 otherfile       buffer.c        /^otherfile(ffname)$/;" f
7655 otherfile_buf   buffer.c        /^otherfile_buf(buf, ffname$/;" f       file:
7656 out_buf term.c  /^static char_u         out_buf[OUT_SIZE + 1];$/;"      v       file:
7657 out_char        term.c  /^out_char(c)$/;"       f
7658 out_char_nf     term.c  /^out_char_nf(c)$/;"    f       file:
7659 out_flush       term.c  /^out_flush()$/;"       f
7660 out_flush_check term.c  /^out_flush_check()$/;" f
7661 out_num os_amiga.c      /^out_num(n)$/;"        f       file:
7662 out_of_stack    regexp.c        /^static int    out_of_stack;   \/* TRUE when ran out of stack space *\/$/;"    v       file:
7663 out_pos term.c  /^static int            out_pos = 0;    \/* number of chars in out_buf *\/$/;"  v       file:
7664 out_str term.c  /^out_str(s)$/;"        f
7665 out_str_nf      term.c  /^out_str_nf(s)$/;"     f
7666 out_trash       term.c  /^out_trash()$/;"       f
7667 outfile structs.h       /^    char_u    *outfile;$/;"   m       struct:__anon45
7668 output_conv     globals.h       /^EXTERN vimconv_T output_conv;                 \/* type of output conversion *\/$/;"   v
7669 overstrike      ex_getln.c      /^    int               overstrike;     \/* Typing mode on the command line.  Shared by$/;"     m       struct:cmdline_info     file:
7670 owned   vim.h   /^    int               owned;          \/* Flag: do we own the selection? *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimClipboard
7671 p       testdir/test49.vim      /^              let p = 0$/;"   v
7672 p       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let p = 1$/;"       v
7673 p       testdir/test49.vim      /^      let p = 0$/;"   v
7674 p       testdir/test49.vim      /^    let p = 1$/;"     v
7675 p_acd   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_acd;          \/* 'autochdir' *\/$/;" v
7676 p_ai    option.c        /^static int    p_ai;$/;"       v       file:
7677 p_ai_nopaste    option.c        /^static int    p_ai_nopaste;$/;"       v       file:
7678 p_aleph option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_aleph;        \/* 'aleph' *\/$/;"     v
7679 p_altkeymap     option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_altkeymap;    \/* 'altkeymap' *\/$/;" v
7680 p_ambw  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ambw;        \/* 'ambiwidth' *\/$/;" v
7681 p_ambw_values   option.c        /^static char *(p_ambw_values[]) = {"single", "double", NULL};$/;"      v       file:
7682 p_antialias     option.h        /^EXTERN int    *p_antialias;   \/* 'antialias' *\/$/;" v
7683 p_ar    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ar;           \/* 'autoread' *\/$/;"  v
7684 p_ari   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ari;          \/* 'allowrevins' *\/$/;"       v
7685 p_arshape       option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_arshape;      \/* 'arabicshape' *\/$/;"       v
7686 p_aw    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_aw;           \/* 'autowrite' *\/$/;" v
7687 p_awa   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_awa;          \/* 'autowriteall' *\/$/;"      v
7688 p_bdir  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_bdir;        \/* 'backupdir' *\/$/;" v
7689 p_bdlay option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_bdlay;        \/* 'balloondelay' *\/$/;"      v
7690 p_beval option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_beval;        \/* 'ballooneval' *\/$/;"       v
7691 p_bex   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_bex;         \/* 'backupext' *\/$/;" v
7692 p_bg    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_bg;          \/* 'background' *\/$/;"        v
7693 p_bg_values     option.c        /^static char *(p_bg_values[]) = {"light", "dark", NULL};$/;"   v       file:
7694 p_bh    option.c        /^static char_u *p_bh;$/;"      v       file:
7695 p_bin   option.c        /^static int    p_bin;$/;"      v       file:
7696 p_biosk option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_biosk;        \/* 'bioskey' *\/$/;"   v
7697 p_bk    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_bk;           \/* 'backup' *\/$/;"    v
7698 p_bkc   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_bkc;         \/* 'backupcopy' *\/$/;"        v
7699 p_bkc_values    option.h        /^static char *(p_bkc_values[]) = {"yes", "auto", "no", "breaksymlink", "breakhardlink", NULL};$/;"     v
7700 p_bl    option.c        /^static int    p_bl;$/;"       v       file:
7701 p_bomb  option.c        /^static int    p_bomb;$/;"     v       file:
7702 p_breakat       option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_breakat;     \/* 'breakat' *\/$/;"   v
7703 p_bs    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_bs;          \/* 'backspace' *\/$/;" v
7704 p_bs_values     option.c        /^static char *(p_bs_values[]) = {"indent", "eol", "start", NULL};$/;"  v       file:
7705 p_bsdir option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_bsdir;       \/* 'browsedir' *\/$/;" v
7706 p_bsdir_values  option.c        /^static char *(p_bsdir_values[]) = {"current", "last", "buffer", NULL};$/;"    v       file:
7707 p_bsk   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_bsk;         \/* 'backupskip' *\/$/;"        v
7708 p_bt    option.c        /^static char_u *p_bt;$/;"      v       file:
7709 p_bufhidden_values      option.c        /^static char *(p_bufhidden_values[]) = {"hide", "unload", "delete", "wipe", NULL};$/;" v       file:
7710 p_buftype_values        option.c        /^static char *(p_buftype_values[]) = {"nofile", "nowrite", "quickfix", "help", NULL};$/;"      v       file:
7711 p_cb    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_cb;          \/* 'clipboard' *\/$/;" v
7712 p_ccv   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ccv;         \/* 'charconvert' *\/$/;"       v
7713 p_cdpath        option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_cdpath;      \/* 'cdpath' *\/$/;"    v
7714 p_cedit option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_cedit;       \/* 'cedit' *\/$/;"     v
7715 p_ch    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ch;           \/* 'cmdheight' *\/$/;" v
7716 p_ch_used       window.c        /^static long p_ch_used = 1L;           \/* value of 'cmdheight' when frame$/;" v       file:
7717 p_ci    option.c        /^static int    p_ci;$/;"       v       file:
7718 p_cin   option.c        /^static int    p_cin;$/;"      v       file:
7719 p_cink  option.c        /^static char_u *p_cink;$/;"    v       file:
7720 p_cino  option.c        /^static char_u *p_cino;$/;"    v       file:
7721 p_cinw  option.c        /^static char_u *p_cinw;$/;"    v       file:
7722 p_cmp   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_cmp;         \/* 'casemap' *\/$/;"   v
7723 p_cmp_values    option.h        /^static char *(p_cmp_values[]) = {"internal", "keepascii", NULL};$/;"  v
7724 p_cms   option.c        /^static char_u *p_cms;$/;"     v       file:
7725 p_com   option.c        /^static char_u *p_com;$/;"     v       file:
7726 p_confirm       option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_confirm;      \/* 'confirm' *\/$/;"   v
7727 p_consk option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_consk;        \/* 'conskey' *\/$/;"   v
7728 p_cp    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_cp;           \/* 'compatible' *\/$/;"        v
7729 p_cpo   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_cpo;         \/* 'cpoptions' *\/$/;" v
7730 p_cpt   option.c        /^static char_u *p_cpt;$/;"     v       file:
7731 p_cspc  option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_cspc;         \/* 'cscopepathcomp' *\/$/;"    v
7732 p_csprg option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_csprg;       \/* 'cscopeprg' *\/$/;" v
7733 p_csqf  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_csqf;        \/* 'cscopequickfix' *\/$/;"    v
7734 p_cst   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_cst;          \/* 'cscopetag' *\/$/;" v
7735 p_csto  option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_csto;         \/* 'cscopetagorder' *\/$/;"    v
7736 p_csverbose     option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_csverbose;    \/* 'cscopeverbose' *\/$/;"     v
7737 p_cwh   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_cwh;          \/* 'cmdwinheight' *\/$/;"      v
7738 p_debug option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_debug;       \/* 'debug' *\/$/;"     v
7739 p_debug_values  option.c        /^static char *(p_debug_values[]) = {"msg", NULL};$/;"  v       file:
7740 p_deco  option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_deco;         \/* 'delcombine' *\/$/;"        v
7741 p_def   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_def;         \/* 'define' *\/$/;"    v
7742 p_dex   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_dex;         \/* 'diffexpr' *\/$/;"  v
7743 p_dg    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_dg;           \/* 'digraph' *\/$/;"   v
7744 p_dict  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_dict;        \/* 'dictionary' *\/$/;"        v
7745 p_dip   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_dip;         \/* 'diffopt' *\/$/;"   v
7746 p_dir   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_dir;         \/* 'directory' *\/$/;" v
7747 p_dy    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_dy;          \/* 'display' *\/$/;"   v
7748 p_dy_values     option.h        /^static char *(p_dy_values[]) = {"lastline", "uhex", NULL};$/;"        v
7749 p_ea    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ea;           \/* 'equalalways' *\/$/;"       v
7750 p_ead   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ead;         \/* 'eadirection' *\/$/;"       v
7751 p_ead_values    option.c        /^static char *(p_ead_values[]) = {"both", "ver", "hor", NULL};$/;"     v       file:
7752 p_eb    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_eb;           \/* 'errorbells' *\/$/;"        v
7753 p_ed    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ed;           \/* 'edcompatible' *\/$/;"      v
7754 p_ef    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ef;          \/* 'errorfile' *\/$/;" v
7755 p_efm   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_efm;         \/* 'errorformat' *\/$/;"       v
7756 p_ei    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ei;          \/* 'eventignore' *\/$/;"       v
7757 p_ek    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ek;           \/* 'esckeys' *\/$/;"   v
7758 p_enc   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_enc;         \/* 'encoding' *\/$/;"  v
7759 p_eol   option.c        /^static int    p_eol;$/;"      v       file:
7760 p_ep    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ep;          \/* 'equalprg' *\/$/;"  v
7761 p_et    option.c        /^static int    p_et;$/;"       v       file:
7762 p_et_nobin      option.c        /^static int    p_et_nobin;$/;" v       file:
7763 p_exrc  option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_exrc;         \/* 'exrc' *\/$/;"      v
7764 p_fcl   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_fcl;         \/* 'foldclose' *\/$/;" v
7765 p_fcl_values    option.c        /^static char *(p_fcl_values[]) = {"all", NULL};$/;"    v       file:
7766 p_fcs   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_fcs;         \/* 'fillchar' *\/$/;"  v
7767 p_fdls  option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_fdls;         \/* 'foldlevelstart' *\/$/;"    v
7768 p_fdm_values    option.c        /^static char *(p_fdm_values[]) = {"manual", "expr", "marker", "indent", "syntax",$/;"  v       file:
7769 p_fdo   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_fdo;         \/* 'foldopen' *\/$/;"  v
7770 p_fdo_values    option.h        /^static char *(p_fdo_values[]) = {"all", "block", "hor", "mark", "percent",$/;"        v
7771 p_fenc  option.c        /^static char_u *p_fenc;$/;"    v       file:
7772 p_fencs option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_fencs;       \/* 'fileencodings' *\/$/;"     v
7773 p_ff    option.c        /^static char_u *p_ff;$/;"      v       file:
7774 p_ff_values     option.c        /^static char *(p_ff_values[]) = {FF_UNIX, FF_DOS, FF_MAC, NULL};$/;"   v       file:
7775 p_ffs   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ffs;         \/* 'fileformats' *\/$/;"       v
7776 p_fkmap option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_fkmap;        \/* 'fkmap' *\/$/;"     v
7777 p_fo    option.c        /^static char_u *p_fo;$/;"      v       file:
7778 p_fp    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_fp;          \/* 'formatprg' *\/$/;" v
7779 p_ft    option.c        /^static char_u *p_ft;$/;"      v       file:
7780 p_gd    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_gd;           \/* 'gdefault' *\/$/;"  v
7781 p_gefm  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_gefm;        \/* 'grepformat' *\/$/;"        v
7782 p_ghr   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ghr;          \/* 'guiheadroom' *\/$/;"       v
7783 p_go    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_go;          \/* 'guioptions' *\/$/;"        v
7784 p_gp    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_gp;          \/* 'grepprg' *\/$/;"   v
7785 p_guicursor     option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_guicursor;   \/* 'guicursor' *\/$/;" v
7786 p_guifont       option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_guifont;     \/* 'guifont' *\/$/;"   v
7787 p_guifontset    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_guifontset;  \/* 'guifontset' *\/$/;"        v
7788 p_guifontwide   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_guifontwide; \/* 'guifontwide' *\/$/;"       v
7789 p_guipty        option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_guipty;       \/* 'guipty' *\/$/;"    v
7790 p_header        option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_header;      \/* 'printheader' *\/$/;"       v
7791 p_hf    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_hf;          \/* 'helpfile' *\/$/;"  v
7792 p_hh    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_hh;           \/* 'helpheight' *\/$/;"        v
7793 p_hi    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_hi;           \/* 'history' *\/$/;"   v
7794 p_hid   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_hid;          \/* 'hidden' *\/$/;"    v
7795 p_hkmap option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_hkmap;        \/* 'hkmap' *\/$/;"     v
7796 p_hkmapp        option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_hkmapp;       \/* 'hkmapp' *\/$/;"    v
7797 p_hl    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_hl;          \/* 'highlight' *\/$/;" v
7798 p_hlg   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_hlg;         \/* 'helplang' *\/$/;"  v
7799 p_hls   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_hls;          \/* 'hlsearch' *\/$/;"  v
7800 p_ic    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ic;           \/* 'ignorecase' *\/$/;"        v
7801 p_icon  option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_icon;         \/* 'icon' *\/$/;"      v
7802 p_iconstring    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_iconstring;  \/* 'iconstring' *\/$/;"        v
7803 p_im    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_im;           \/* 'insertmode' *\/$/;"        v
7804 p_imak  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_imak;        \/* 'imactivatekey' *\/$/;"     v
7805 p_imcmdline     option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_imcmdline;    \/* 'imcmdline' *\/$/;" v
7806 p_imdisable     option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_imdisable;    \/* 'imdisable' *\/$/;" v
7807 p_iminsert      option.c        /^static long   p_iminsert;$/;" v       file:
7808 p_imsearch      option.c        /^static long   p_imsearch;$/;" v       file:
7809 p_inc   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_inc;$/;"     v
7810 p_inde  option.c        /^static char_u *p_inde;$/;"    v       file:
7811 p_indk  option.c        /^static char_u *p_indk;$/;"    v       file:
7812 p_inex  option.c        /^static char_u *p_inex;$/;"    v       file:
7813 p_inf   option.c        /^static int    p_inf;$/;"      v       file:
7814 p_is    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_is;           \/* 'incsearch' *\/$/;" v
7815 p_isf   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_isf;         \/* 'isfname' *\/$/;"   v
7816 p_isi   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_isi;         \/* 'isident' *\/$/;"   v
7817 p_isk   option.c        /^static char_u *p_isk;$/;"     v       file:
7818 p_isp   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_isp;         \/* 'isprint' *\/$/;"   v
7819 p_js    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_js;           \/* 'joinspaces' *\/$/;"        v
7820 p_key   option.c        /^static char_u *p_key;$/;"     v       file:
7821 p_keymap        option.c        /^static char_u *p_keymap;$/;"  v       file:
7822 p_km    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_km;          \/* 'keymodel' *\/$/;"  v
7823 p_km_values     option.c        /^static char *(p_km_values[]) = {"startsel", "stopsel", NULL};$/;"     v       file:
7824 p_kp    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_kp;          \/* 'keywordprg' *\/$/;"        v
7825 p_langmap       option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_langmap;     \/* 'langmap'*\/$/;"    v
7826 p_lcs   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_lcs;         \/* 'listchars' *\/$/;" v
7827 p_linespace     option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_linespace;    \/* 'linespace' *\/$/;" v
7828 p_lisp  option.c        /^static int    p_lisp;$/;"     v       file:
7829 p_lispwords     option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_lispwords;   \/* 'lispwords' *\/$/;" v
7830 p_lm    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_lm;          \/* 'langmenu' *\/$/;"  v
7831 p_lpl   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_lpl;          \/* 'loadplugins' *\/$/;"       v
7832 p_ls    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ls;           \/* 'laststatus' *\/$/;"        v
7833 p_lz    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_lz;           \/* 'lazyredraw' *\/$/;"        v
7834 p_ma    option.c        /^static int    p_ma;$/;"       v       file:
7835 p_magic option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_magic;        \/* 'magic' *\/$/;"     v
7836 p_mat   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mat;          \/* 'matchtime' *\/$/;" v
7837 p_mef   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_mef;         \/* 'makeef' *\/$/;"    v
7838 p_mfd   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mfd;          \/* 'maxfuncdepth' *\/$/;"      v
7839 p_mh    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_mh;           \/* 'mousehide' *\/$/;" v
7840 p_mis   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mis;          \/* 'menuitems' *\/$/;" v
7841 p_ml    option.c        /^static int    p_ml;$/;"       v       file:
7842 p_ml_nobin      option.c        /^static int    p_ml_nobin;$/;" v       file:
7843 p_mls   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mls;          \/* 'modelines' *\/$/;" v
7844 p_mm    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mm;           \/* 'maxmem' *\/$/;"    v
7845 p_mmd   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mmd;          \/* 'maxmapdepth' *\/$/;"       v
7846 p_mmt   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mmt;          \/* 'maxmemtot' *\/$/;" v
7847 p_mod   option.c        /^static int    p_mod;$/;"      v       file:
7848 p_more  option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_more;         \/* 'more' *\/$/;"      v
7849 p_mouse option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_mouse;       \/* 'mouse' *\/$/;"     v
7850 p_mousef        option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_mousef;       \/* 'mousefocus' *\/$/;"        v
7851 p_mousem        option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_mousem;      \/* 'mousemodel' *\/$/;"        v
7852 p_mousem_values option.c        /^static char *(p_mousem_values[]) = {"extend", "popup", "popup_setpos", "mac", NULL};$/;"      v       file:
7853 p_mouseshape    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_mouseshape;  \/* 'mouseshape' *\/$/;"        v
7854 p_mouset        option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_mouset;       \/* 'mousetime' *\/$/;" v
7855 p_mp    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_mp;          \/* 'makeprg' *\/$/;"   v
7856 p_mps   option.c        /^static char_u *p_mps;$/;"     v       file:
7857 p_nf    option.c        /^static char_u *p_nf;$/;"      v       file:
7858 p_nf_values     option.c        /^static char *(p_nf_values[]) = {"octal", "hex", "alpha", NULL};$/;"   v       file:
7859 p_oft   option.c        /^static char_u *p_oft;$/;"     v       file:
7860 p_para  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_para;        \/* 'paragraphs' *\/$/;"        v
7861 p_paste option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_paste;        \/* 'paste' *\/$/;"     v
7862 p_path  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_path;        \/* 'path' *\/$/;"      v
7863 p_pdev  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_pdev;        \/* 'printdevice' *\/$/;"       v
7864 p_penc  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_penc;        \/* 'printencoding' *\/$/;"     v
7865 p_pex   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_pex;         \/* 'patchexpr' *\/$/;" v
7866 p_pexpr option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_pexpr;       \/* 'printexpr' *\/$/;" v
7867 p_pfn   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_pfn;         \/* 'printfont' *\/$/;" v
7868 p_pi    option.c        /^static int    p_pi;$/;"       v       file:
7869 p_pm    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_pm;          \/* 'patchmode' *\/$/;" v
7870 p_popt  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_popt;        \/* 'printoptions' *\/$/;"      v
7871 p_pt    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_pt;          \/* 'pastetoggle' *\/$/;"       v
7872 p_pvh   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_pvh;          \/* 'previewheight' *\/$/;"     v
7873 p_remap option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_remap;        \/* 'remap' *\/$/;"     v
7874 p_report        option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_report;       \/* 'report' *\/$/;"    v
7875 p_ri    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ri;           \/* 'revins' *\/$/;"    v
7876 p_ro    option.c        /^static int    p_ro;$/;"       v       file:
7877 p_rs    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_rs;           \/* 'restorescreen' *\/$/;"     v
7878 p_rtp   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_rtp;         \/* 'runtimepath' *\/$/;"       v
7879 p_ru    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ru;           \/* 'ruler' *\/$/;"     v
7880 p_ruf   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ruf;         \/* 'rulerformat' *\/$/;"       v
7881 p_sb    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_sb;           \/* 'splitbelow' *\/$/;"        v
7882 p_sbo   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sbo;         \/* 'scrollopt' *\/$/;" v
7883 p_sbr   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sbr;         \/* 'showbreak' *\/$/;" v
7884 p_sc    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_sc;           \/* 'showcmd' *\/$/;"   v
7885 p_scbopt_values option.c        /^static char *(p_scbopt_values[]) = {"ver", "hor", "jump", NULL};$/;"  v       file:
7886 p_scs   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_scs;          \/* 'smartcase' *\/$/;" v
7887 p_sections      option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sections;    \/* 'sections' *\/$/;"  v
7888 p_secure        option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_secure;       \/* 'secure' *\/$/;"    v
7889 p_sel   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sel;         \/* 'selection' *\/$/;" v
7890 p_sel_values    option.c        /^static char *(p_sel_values[]) = {"inclusive", "exclusive", "old", NULL};$/;"  v       file:
7891 p_sft   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_sft;          \/* 'showfulltag' *\/$/;"       v
7892 p_sh    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sh;          \/* 'shell' *\/$/;"     v
7893 p_shcf  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_shcf;        \/* 'shellcmdflag' *\/$/;"      v
7894 p_shm   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_shm;         \/* 'shortmess' *\/$/;" v
7895 p_shq   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_shq;         \/* 'shellquote' *\/$/;"        v
7896 p_si    option.c        /^static int    p_si;$/;"       v       file:
7897 p_siso  option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_siso;         \/* 'sidescrolloff' *\/$/;"     v
7898 p_sj    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_sj;           \/* 'scrolljump' *\/$/;"        v
7899 p_slm   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_slm;         \/* 'selectmode' *\/$/;"        v
7900 p_slm_values    option.c        /^static char *(p_slm_values[]) = {"mouse", "key", "cmd", NULL};$/;"    v       file:
7901 p_sm    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_sm;           \/* 'showmatch' *\/$/;" v
7902 p_smd   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_smd;          \/* 'showmode' *\/$/;"  v
7903 p_sn    option.c        /^static int    p_sn;$/;"       v       file:
7904 p_so    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_so;           \/* 'scrolloff' *\/$/;" v
7905 p_sol   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_sol;          \/* 'startofline' *\/$/;"       v
7906 p_sp    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sp;          \/* 'shellpipe' *\/$/;" v
7907 p_spr   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_spr;          \/* 'splitright' *\/$/;"        v
7908 p_sr    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_sr;           \/* 'shiftround' *\/$/;"        v
7909 p_srr   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_srr;         \/* 'shellredir' *\/$/;"        v
7910 p_ss    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ss;           \/* 'sidescroll' *\/$/;"        v
7911 p_ssl   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ssl;          \/* 'shellslash' *\/$/;"        v
7912 p_ssop  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ssop;        \/* 'sessionoptions' *\/$/;"    v
7913 p_ssop_values   option.h        /^static char *(p_ssop_values[]) = {"buffers", "winpos", "resize", "winsize",$/;"       v
7914 p_st    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_st;           \/* 'shelltype' *\/$/;" v
7915 p_sta   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_sta;          \/* 'smarttab' *\/$/;"  v
7916 p_stl   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_stl;         \/* 'statusline' *\/$/;"        v
7917 p_sts   option.c        /^static long   p_sts;$/;"      v       file:
7918 p_sts_nopaste   option.c        /^static long   p_sts_nopaste;$/;"      v       file:
7919 p_su    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_su;          \/* 'suffixes' *\/$/;"  v
7920 p_sua   option.c        /^static char_u *p_sua;$/;"     v       file:
7921 p_sw    option.c        /^static long   p_sw;$/;"       v       file:
7922 p_swb   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_swb;         \/* 'switchbuf' *\/$/;" v
7923 p_swb_values    option.c        /^static char *(p_swb_values[]) = {"useopen", "split", NULL};$/;"       v       file:
7924 p_swf   option.c        /^static int    p_swf;$/;"      v       file:
7925 p_sws   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sws;         \/* 'swapsync' *\/$/;"  v
7926 p_sxq   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_sxq;         \/* 'shellxquote' *\/$/;"       v
7927 p_syn   option.c        /^static char_u *p_syn;$/;"     v       file:
7928 p_ta    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ta;           \/* 'textauto' *\/$/;"  v
7929 p_tags  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_tags;        \/* 'tags' *\/$/;"      v
7930 p_tbi   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_tbi;          \/* 'ttybuiltin' *\/$/;"        v
7931 p_tbidi option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_tbidi;        \/* 'termbidi' *\/$/;"  v
7932 p_tbis  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_tbis;        \/* 'toolbariconsize' *\/$/;"   v
7933 p_tbis_values   option.h        /^static char *(p_tbis_values[]) = {"tiny", "small", "medium", "large", NULL};$/;"      v
7934 p_tbs   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_tbs;          \/* 'tagbsearch' *\/$/;"        v
7935 p_tenc  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_tenc;        \/* 'termencoding' *\/$/;"      v
7936 p_term  option.c        2325;"  d       file:
7937 p_terse option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_terse;        \/* 'terse' *\/$/;"     v
7938 p_tf    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_tf;           \/* 'ttyfast' *\/$/;"   v
7939 p_tgst  option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_tgst;         \/* 'tagstack' *\/$/;"  v
7940 p_timeout       option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_timeout;      \/* 'timeout' *\/$/;"   v
7941 p_title option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_title;        \/* 'title' *\/$/;"     v
7942 p_titlelen      option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_titlelen;     \/* 'titlelen' *\/$/;"  v
7943 p_titleold      option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_titleold;    \/* 'titleold' *\/$/;"  v
7944 p_titlestring   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_titlestring; \/* 'titlestring' *\/$/;"       v
7945 p_tl    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_tl;           \/* 'taglength' *\/$/;" v
7946 p_tm    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_tm;           \/* 'timeoutlen' *\/$/;"        v
7947 p_to    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_to;           \/* 'tildeop' *\/$/;"   v
7948 p_toolbar       option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_toolbar;     \/* 'toolbar' *\/$/;"   v
7949 p_toolbar_values        option.h        /^static char *(p_toolbar_values[]) = {"text", "icons", "tooltips", "horiz", NULL};$/;" v
7950 p_tr    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_tr;           \/* 'tagrelative' *\/$/;"       v
7951 p_ts    option.c        /^static long   p_ts;$/;"       v       file:
7952 p_tsr   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_tsr;         \/* 'thesaurus' *\/$/;" v
7953 p_ttimeout      option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ttimeout;     \/* 'ttimeout' *\/$/;"  v
7954 p_ttm   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ttm;          \/* 'ttimeoutlen' *\/$/;"       v
7955 p_ttym  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ttym;        \/* 'ttymouse' *\/$/;"  v
7956 p_ttym_values   option.h        /^static char *(p_ttym_values[]) = {"xterm", "xterm2", "dec", "netterm", "jsbterm", "pterm", NULL};$/;" v
7957 p_ttyscroll     option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ttyscroll;    \/* 'ttyscroll' *\/$/;" v
7958 p_tw    option.c        /^static long   p_tw;$/;"       v       file:
7959 p_tw_nobin      option.c        /^static long   p_tw_nobin;$/;" v       file:
7960 p_tw_nopaste    option.c        /^static long   p_tw_nopaste;$/;"       v       file:
7961 p_tx    option.c        /^static int    p_tx;$/;"       v       file:
7962 p_uc    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_uc;           \/* 'updatecount' *\/$/;"       v
7963 p_ul    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ul;           \/* 'undolevels' *\/$/;"        v
7964 p_ut    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_ut;           \/* 'updatetime' *\/$/;"        v
7965 p_vb    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_vb;           \/* 'visualbell' *\/$/;"        v
7966 p_vdir  option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_vdir;        \/* 'viewdir' *\/$/;"   v
7967 p_ve    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ve;          \/* 'virtualedit' *\/$/;"       v
7968 p_ve_values     option.h        /^static char *(p_ve_values[]) = {"block", "insert", "all", NULL};$/;"  v
7969 p_verbose       option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_verbose;      \/* 'verbose' *\/$/;"   v
7970 p_viminfo       option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_viminfo;     \/* 'viminfo' *\/$/;"   v
7971 p_vop   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_vop;         \/* 'viewoptions' *\/$/;"       v
7972 p_wa    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_wa;           \/* 'writeany' *\/$/;"  v
7973 p_wak   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_wak;         \/* 'winaltkeys' *\/$/;"        v
7974 p_wak_values    option.c        /^static char *(p_wak_values[]) = {"yes", "menu", "no", NULL};$/;"      v       file:
7975 p_warn  option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_warn;         \/* 'warn' *\/$/;"      v
7976 p_wb    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_wb;           \/* 'writebackup' *\/$/;"       v
7977 p_wc    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_wc;           \/* 'wildchar' *\/$/;"  v
7978 p_wcm   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_wcm;          \/* 'wildcharm' *\/$/;" v
7979 p_wd    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_wd;           \/* 'writedelay' *\/$/;"        v
7980 p_wh    option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_wh;           \/* 'winheight' *\/$/;" v
7981 p_wig   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_wig;         \/* 'wildignore' *\/$/;"        v
7982 p_wim   option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_wim;         \/* 'wildmode' *\/$/;"  v
7983 p_wiv   option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_wiv;          \/* 'weirdinvert' *\/$/;"       v
7984 p_wiw   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_wiw;          \/* 'winwidth' *\/$/;"  v
7985 p_wm    option.c        /^static long   p_wm;$/;"       v       file:
7986 p_wm_nobin      option.c        /^static long   p_wm_nobin;$/;" v       file:
7987 p_wm_nopaste    option.c        /^static long   p_wm_nopaste;$/;"       v       file:
7988 p_wmh   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_wmh;          \/* 'winminheight' *\/$/;"      v
7989 p_wmnu  option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_wmnu;         \/* 'wildmenu' *\/$/;"  v
7990 p_wmw   option.h        /^EXTERN long   p_wmw;          \/* 'winminwidth' *\/$/;"       v
7991 p_write option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_write;        \/* 'write' *\/$/;"     v
7992 p_ws    option.h        /^EXTERN int    p_ws;           \/* 'wrapscan' *\/$/;"  v
7993 p_ww    option.h        /^EXTERN char_u *p_ww;          \/* 'whichwrap' *\/$/;" v
7994 page_count      ex_cmds2.c      /^static int    page_count;$/;" v       file:
7995 paragraph_start ops.c   /^paragraph_start(lnum)$/;"     f
7996 parent  structs.h       /^    vimmenu_T *parent;            \/* Parent of menu *\/$/;"  m       struct:VimMenu
7997 parseMarker     fold.c  /^parseMarker(wp)$/;"   f       file:
7998 parse_builtin_tcap      term.c  /^parse_builtin_tcap(term)$/;"  f       file:
7999 parse_list_options      misc2.c /^parse_list_options(option_str, table, table_size)$/;" f
8000 parse_match     tag.c   /^parse_match(lbuf, tagp)$/;"   f       file:
8001 parse_shape_opt misc2.c /^parse_shape_opt(what)$/;"     f
8002 parse_tag_line  tag.c   /^parse_tag_line(lbuf,$/;"      f       file:
8003 partial_line    netbeans.c      /^    char_u            *partial_line;$/;"      m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
8004 paste_option_changed    option.c        /^paste_option_changed()$/;"    f       file:
8005 pat     fileio.c        /^    char_u        *pat;               \/* pattern as typed (NULL when pattern$/;"     m       struct:AutoPat  file:
8006 pat     search.c        /^    char_u        *pat;       \/* the pattern (in allocated memory) or NULL *\/$/;"   m       struct:spat     file:
8007 pat     tag.c   /^    char_u    *pat;           \/* the pattern *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon8  file:
8008 pat_T   tag.c   /^} pat_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:__anon8  file:
8009 path_is_url     window.c        /^path_is_url(p)$/;"    f       file:
8010 path_with_url   window.c        /^path_with_url(fname)$/;"      f
8011 pathcmp misc2.c /^pathcmp(p, q)$/;"     f
8012 patlen  fileio.c        /^    int                   patlen;             \/* strlen() of pat *\/$/;"     m       struct:AutoPat  file:
8013 pb_count        memline.c       /^    short_u   pb_count;       \/* number of pointer in this block *\/$/;"     m       struct:pointer_block    file:
8014 pb_count_max    memline.c       /^    short_u   pb_count_max;   \/* maximum value for pb_count *\/$/;"  m       struct:pointer_block    file:
8015 pb_id   memline.c       /^    short_u   pb_id;          \/* ID for pointer block: PTR_ID *\/$/;"        m       struct:pointer_block    file:
8016 pb_pointer      memline.c       /^    PTR_EN    pb_pointer[1];  \/* list of pointers to blocks (actually longer)$/;"    m       struct:pointer_block    file:
8017 pc_attr edit.c  /^static int  pc_attr;$/;"      v       file:
8018 pc_bytes        edit.c  /^static char_u pc_bytes[2];            \/* saved bytes *\/$/;" v       file:
8019 pc_bytes        edit.c  /^static char_u pc_bytes[MB_MAXBYTES + 1]; \/* saved bytes *\/$/;"      v       file:
8020 pc_col  edit.c  /^static int  pc_col;$/;"       v       file:
8021 pc_row  edit.c  /^static int  pc_row;$/;"       v       file:
8022 pc_status       edit.c  /^static int  pc_status;$/;"    v       file:
8023 pchar   macros.h        16;"    d
8024 pchar_cursor    misc1.c /^pchar_cursor(c)$/;"   f
8025 pe_bnum memline.c       /^    blocknr_T pe_bnum;        \/* block number *\/$/;"        m       struct:pointer_entry    file:
8026 pe_line_count   memline.c       /^    linenr_T  pe_line_count;  \/* number of lines in this branch *\/$/;"      m       struct:pointer_entry    file:
8027 pe_old_lnum     memline.c       /^    linenr_T  pe_old_lnum;    \/* lnum for this block (for recovery) *\/$/;"  m       struct:pointer_entry    file:
8028 pe_page_count   memline.c       /^    int               pe_page_count;  \/* number of pages in block pe_bnum *\/$/;"    m       struct:pointer_entry    file:
8029 peekchr regexp.c        /^peekchr()$/;" f       file:
8030 pen     gui_amiga.c     /^    WORD pen;$/;"     m       struct:MyColor  file:
8031 pending structs.h       /^    int pending;              \/* error\/interrupt\/exception state *\/$/;"   m       struct:cleanup_stuff
8032 percentage      structs.h       /^    int               percentage;     \/* percentage of cell for bar *\/$/;"  m       struct:cursor_entry
8033 perl_private    structs.h       /^    void      *perl_private;$/;"      m       struct:file_buffer
8034 perl_private    structs.h       /^    void      *perl_private;$/;"      m       struct:window
8035 pixval  gui.h   /^    int               pixval;         \/* pixel count of value *\/$/;"        m       struct:GuiScrollbar
8036 plines  misc1.c /^plines(lnum)$/;"      f
8037 plines_m_win    misc1.c /^plines_m_win(wp, first, last)$/;"     f
8038 plines_nofill   misc1.c /^plines_nofill(lnum)$/;"       f
8039 plines_win      misc1.c /^plines_win(wp, lnum, winheight)$/;"   f
8040 plines_win_col  misc1.c /^plines_win_col(wp, lnum, column)$/;"  f
8041 plines_win_nofill       misc1.c /^plines_win_nofill(wp, lnum, winheight)$/;"    f
8042 plines_win_nofold       misc1.c /^plines_win_nofold(wp, lnum)$/;"       f
8043 pointerEvent    gui_beval.c     /^pointerEvent(beval, event)$/;"        f       file:
8044 pointerEventEH  gui_beval.c     /^pointerEventEH(w, client_data, event, unused)$/;"     f       file:
8045 pointer_block   memline.c       /^struct pointer_block$/;"      s       file:
8046 pointer_entry   memline.c       /^struct pointer_entry$/;"      s       file:
8047 pointer_event   gui_beval.c     /^pointer_event(BalloonEval *beval, int x, int y, unsigned state)$/;"   f       file:
8048 pointer_hidden  gui.h   /^    int               pointer_hidden;     \/* Is the mouse pointer hidden? *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
8049 pop_current_state       syntax.c        /^pop_current_state()$/;"       f       file:
8050 pop_showcmd     normal.c        /^pop_showcmd()$/;"     f
8051 popup_mode_name menu.c  /^popup_mode_name(name, idx)$/;"        f       file:
8052 pos     regexp.c        /^      lpos_T  pos;    \/* reginput pos, for multi-line regexp *\/$/;" m       union:__anon48::__anon49        file:
8053 pos     regexp.c        /^      lpos_T  pos;$/;"        m       union:__anon50::__anon51        file:
8054 pos2off netbeans.c      /^pos2off(buf_T *buf, pos_T *pos)$/;"   f       file:
8055 posHeightCharToPoint    gui_amiga.c     /^posHeightCharToPoint(int height)$/;"  f       file:
8056 posHeightPointToChar    gui_amiga.c     /^posHeightPointToChar(int height)$/;"  f       file:
8057 posWidthCharToPoint     gui_amiga.c     /^posWidthCharToPoint(int width)$/;"    f       file:
8058 posWidthPointToChar     gui_amiga.c     /^posWidthPointToChar(int width)$/;"    f       file:
8059 pos_T   structs.h       /^} pos_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:__anon28
8060 post    testdir/test49.vim      /^              let post = 0$/;"        v
8061 post    testdir/test49.vim      /^          let post = 0$/;"    v
8062 postpone_keycommand     netbeans.c      /^postpone_keycommand(int key)$/;"      f       file:
8063 postponed_mouseshape    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    postponed_mouseshape INIT(= FALSE); \/* postponed updating the$/;"      v
8064 postponed_split globals.h       /^EXTERN int    postponed_split INIT(= 0);  \/* for CTRL-W CTRL-] command *\/$/;"       v
8065 postponed_split_flags   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    postponed_split_flags INIT(= 0);  \/* args for win_split() *\/$/;"      v
8066 pre_whitesp     ops.c   /^    int               pre_whitesp;    \/* screen cols of ws before block *\/$/;"      m       struct:block_def        file:
8067 pre_whitesp_c   ops.c   /^    int               pre_whitesp_c;  \/* chars of ws before block *\/$/;"    m       struct:block_def        file:
8068 prechar structs.h       /^    int               prechar;        \/* prefix character (optional, always 'g') *\/$/;"     m       struct:cmdarg
8069 preedit_buf_len mbyte.c /^static int    preedit_buf_len = 0;$/;"        v       file:
8070 preedit_callback_setup  mbyte.c /^preedit_callback_setup(GdkIC *ic)$/;" f       file:
8071 preedit_caret_cbproc    mbyte.c /^preedit_caret_cbproc(XIC xic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)$/;"   f       file:
8072 preedit_done_cbproc     mbyte.c /^preedit_done_cbproc(XIC xic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)$/;"    f       file:
8073 preedit_draw_cbproc     mbyte.c /^preedit_draw_cbproc(XIC xic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)$/;"    f       file:
8074 preedit_end_col globals.h       /^EXTERN colnr_T                preedit_end_col INIT(= MAXCOL);$/;"     v
8075 preedit_start_cbproc    mbyte.c /^preedit_start_cbproc(XIC xic, XPointer client_data, XPointer call_data)$/;"   f       file:
8076 preedit_start_col       globals.h       /^EXTERN colnr_T                preedit_start_col INIT(= MAXCOL);$/;"   v
8077 prefix  quickfix.c      /^    char_u        prefix;     \/* prefix of this format line: *\/$/;" m       struct:eformat  file:
8078 prep_exarg      fileio.c        /^prep_exarg(eap, buf)$/;"      f
8079 prep_redo       normal.c        /^prep_redo(regname, num, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, cmd5)$/;"     f       file:
8080 prep_redo_cmd   normal.c        /^prep_redo_cmd(cap)$/;"        f       file:
8081 prepare_pats    tag.c   /^prepare_pats(pats, has_re)$/;"        f       file:
8082 prepare_search_hl       screen.c        /^prepare_search_hl(wp, lnum)$/;"       f       file:
8083 prepare_tagpreview      ex_cmds.c       /^prepare_tagpreview()$/;"      f
8084 prepare_to_exit misc1.c /^prepare_to_exit()$/;" f
8085 prepare_viminfo_history ex_getln.c      /^prepare_viminfo_history(asklen)$/;"   f
8086 preprocs_left   ops.c   /^preprocs_left()$/;"   f
8087 present structs.h       /^    int               present;$/;"    m       struct:__anon43
8088 preserve_exit   misc1.c /^preserve_exit()$/;"   f
8089 prev    edit.c  /^    struct Completion *prev;$/;"      m       struct:Completion       typeref:struct:Completion::Completion   file:
8090 prev    netbeans.c      /^    struct cmdqueue *prev;$/;"        m       struct:cmdqueue typeref:struct:cmdqueue::cmdqueue       file:
8091 prev    netbeans.c      /^    struct keyqueue *prev;$/;"        m       struct:keyqueue typeref:struct:keyqueue::keyqueue       file:
8092 prev    structs.h       /^    signlist_T  *prev;                \/* previous entry -- for easy reordering *\/$/;"       m       struct:signlist
8093 prev    vim.h   /^    pos_T     prev;           \/* Previous position *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimClipboard
8094 prev_at_start   regexp.c        /^static int    prev_at_start;  \/* True when on the second character *\/$/;"   v       file:
8095 prev_ccline     ex_getln.c      /^static struct cmdline_info  prev_ccline;$/;"  v       typeref:struct:cmdline_info     file:
8096 prev_ccline_used        ex_getln.c      /^static int                prev_ccline_used = FALSE;$/;"       v       file:
8097 prev_lnum       fold.c  /^static linenr_T prev_lnum = 0;$/;"    v       file:
8098 prev_lnum_lvl   fold.c  /^static int prev_lnum_lvl = -1;$/;"    v       file:
8099 prev_timeval    main.c  /^static struct timeval prev_timeval;$/;"       v       typeref:struct:timeval  file:
8100 prev_wrap       gui.h   /^    int               prev_wrap;          \/* For updating the horizontal scrollbar *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
8101 prevchr regexp.c        /^static int    prevchr;$/;"    v       file:
8102 prevchr_len     regexp.c        /^static int    prevchr_len;    \/* byte length of previous char *\/$/;"        v       file:
8103 previous_script edit.c  /^static short  previous_script = smRoman;$/;"  v       file:
8104 prevprevchr     regexp.c        /^static int    prevprevchr;$/;"        v       file:
8105 prevwin globals.h       /^EXTERN win_T  *prevwin INIT(= NULL);  \/* previous window *\/$/;"     v
8106 print_line      ex_cmds.c       /^print_line(lnum, use_number)$/;"      f
8107 print_line_no_prefix    ex_cmds.c       /^print_line_no_prefix(lnum, use_number)$/;"    f
8108 print_pos       ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               print_pos;          \/* virtual column for computing TABs *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon10 file:
8109 printdigraph    digraph.c       /^printdigraph(dp)$/;"  f       file:
8110 printer_opts    globals.h       /^EXTERN option_table_T printer_opts[OPT_PRINT_NUM_OPTIONS]$/;" v
8111 printer_page_num        ex_cmds2.c      /^static linenr_T printer_page_num;$/;" v       file:
8112 priority        structs.h       /^    int               priority;           \/* Menu order priority *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimMenu
8113 process_env     main.c  /^process_env(env, is_viminit)$/;"      f
8114 process_still_running   memline.c       /^static int process_still_running;$/;" v       file:
8115 processing_queued_event mbyte.c /^static gboolean processing_queued_event = FALSE;$/;"  v       file:
8116 prog    quickfix.c      /^    regprog_T     *prog;      \/* pre-formatted part of 'errorformat' *\/$/;" m       struct:eformat  file:
8117 prog_magic_wrong        regexp.c        /^prog_magic_wrong()$/;"        f       file:
8118 program regexp.h        /^    char_u            program[1];             \/* actually longer.. *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon3
8119 prop    mbyte.c /^{   char *name;               int prop;               int codepage;}$/;"      m       struct:__anon11 file:
8120 propGadget      gui_amiga.c     /^static struct Gadget propGadget = { NULL, -12, 15, 10, -28,$/;"       v       typeref:struct:Gadget   file:
8121 prt_add_resource        ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_add_resource(resource)$/;"        f       file:
8122 prt_attribute_change    ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_attribute_change;$/;"  v       file:
8123 prt_bgcol       ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_bgcol;$/;"     v       file:
8124 prt_bgcol_offset        ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_bgcol_offset;$/;"    v       file:
8125 prt_bottom_margin       ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_bottom_margin;$/;"   v       file:
8126 prt_char_width  ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_char_width;$/;"      v       file:
8127 prt_check_resource      ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_check_resource(resource, version)$/;"     f       file:
8128 prt_collate     ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_collate;$/;"   v       file:
8129 prt_conv        ex_cmds2.c      /^static vimconv_T prt_conv;$/;"        v       file:
8130 prt_def_font    ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_def_font(new_name, encoding, height, font)$/;"    f       file:
8131 prt_def_var     ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_def_var(name, value, prec)$/;"    f       file:
8132 prt_do_bgcol    ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_do_bgcol;$/;"  v       file:
8133 prt_do_conv     ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_do_conv;$/;"   v       file:
8134 prt_do_moveto   ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_do_moveto;$/;" v       file:
8135 prt_do_underline        ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_do_underline;$/;"      v       file:
8136 prt_dsc_atend   ex_cmds2.c      4361;"  d       file:
8137 prt_dsc_docmedia        ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_docmedia(paper_name, width, height, weight, colour, type)$/;" f       file:
8138 prt_dsc_ints    ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_ints(comment, count, ints)$/;"        f       file:
8139 prt_dsc_noarg   ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_noarg(comment)$/;"    f       file:
8140 prt_dsc_requirements    ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_requirements(duplex, tumble, collate, color, num_copies)$/;"  f       file:
8141 prt_dsc_resources       ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_resources(comment, type, count, strings)$/;"  f       file:
8142 prt_dsc_start   ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_start()$/;"   f       file:
8143 prt_dsc_text    ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_text(comment, text)$/;"       f       file:
8144 prt_dsc_textline        ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_dsc_textline(comment, text)$/;"   f       file:
8145 prt_duplex      ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_duplex;$/;"    v       file:
8146 prt_fgcol       ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_fgcol;$/;"     v       file:
8147 prt_file_error  ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_file_error;$/;"        v       file:
8148 prt_find_resource       ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_find_resource(name, resource)$/;" f       file:
8149 prt_first_line_height   ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_first_line_height;$/;"       v       file:
8150 prt_flush_buffer        ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_flush_buffer()$/;"        f       file:
8151 prt_font        ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_font;$/;"      v       file:
8152 prt_font_metrics        ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_font_metrics(font_scale)$/;"      f       file:
8153 prt_get_attr    ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_get_attr(hl_id, pattr, modec)$/;" f       file:
8154 prt_get_cpl     ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_get_cpl()$/;"     f       file:
8155 prt_get_lpp     ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_get_lpp()$/;"     f       file:
8156 prt_get_term_color      ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_get_term_color(colorindex)$/;"    f       file:
8157 prt_get_unit    ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_get_unit(idx)$/;" f
8158 prt_header      ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_header(psettings, pagenum, lnum)$/;"      f       file:
8159 prt_header_height       ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_header_height()$/;"       f
8160 prt_left_margin ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_left_margin;$/;"     v       file:
8161 prt_line_buffer ex_cmds2.c      /^static char_u prt_line_buffer[257];$/;"       v       file:
8162 prt_line_height ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_line_height;$/;"     v       file:
8163 prt_line_number ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_line_number(psettings, page_line, lnum)$/;"       f       file:
8164 prt_media       ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_media;$/;"     v       file:
8165 prt_mediasize   ex_cmds2.c      /^static struct prt_mediasize_S prt_mediasize[] =$/;"   v       typeref:struct:prt_mediasize_S  file:
8166 prt_mediasize_S ex_cmds2.c      /^struct prt_mediasize_S$/;"    s       file:
8167 prt_message     ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_message(s)$/;"    f       file:
8168 prt_need_bgcol  ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_need_bgcol;$/;"        v       file:
8169 prt_need_fgcol  ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_need_fgcol;$/;"        v       file:
8170 prt_need_font   ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_need_font;$/;" v       file:
8171 prt_need_moveto ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_need_moveto;$/;"       v       file:
8172 prt_need_underline      ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_need_underline;$/;"    v       file:
8173 prt_new_bgcol   ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_new_bgcol;$/;" v       file:
8174 prt_num_copies  ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_num_copies;$/;"        v       file:
8175 prt_number_width        ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_number_width;$/;"    v       file:
8176 prt_open_resource       ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_open_resource(resource)$/;"       f       file:
8177 prt_page_height ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_page_height;$/;"     v       file:
8178 prt_page_margins        ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_page_margins(width, height, left, right, top, bottom)$/;" f       file:
8179 prt_page_num    ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_page_num;$/;"  v       file:
8180 prt_page_width  ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_page_width;$/;"      v       file:
8181 prt_portrait    ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_portrait;$/;"  v       file:
8182 prt_pos_T       ex_cmds2.c      /^} prt_pos_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:__anon10 file:
8183 prt_pos_x       ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_pos_x = 0;$/;"       v       file:
8184 prt_pos_x_moveto        ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_pos_x_moveto = 0.0;$/;"      v       file:
8185 prt_pos_y       ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_pos_y = 0;$/;"       v       file:
8186 prt_pos_y_moveto        ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_pos_y_moveto = 0.0;$/;"      v       file:
8187 prt_ps_buffer   ex_cmds2.c      /^static garray_T prt_ps_buffer;$/;"    v       file:
8188 prt_ps_fd       ex_cmds2.c      /^static FILE *prt_ps_fd;$/;"   v       file:
8189 prt_ps_file_name        ex_cmds2.c      /^static char_u *prt_ps_file_name = NULL;$/;"   v       file:
8190 prt_ps_font     ex_cmds2.c      /^static struct prt_ps_font_S prt_ps_font =$/;" v       typeref:struct:prt_ps_font_S    file:
8191 prt_ps_font_S   ex_cmds2.c      /^struct prt_ps_font_S$/;"      s       file:
8192 prt_ps_resource_S       ex_cmds2.c      /^struct prt_ps_resource_S$/;"  s       file:
8193 prt_real_bits   ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_real_bits(real, precision, pinteger, pfraction)$/;"       f       file:
8194 prt_resource_name       ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_resource_name(filename)$/;"       f       file:
8195 prt_right_margin        ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_right_margin;$/;"    v       file:
8196 prt_set_bg      ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_set_bg(bg)$/;"    f       file:
8197 prt_set_fg      ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_set_fg(fg)$/;"    f       file:
8198 prt_set_font    ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_set_font(bold, italic, underline)$/;"     f       file:
8199 prt_settings_T  structs.h       /^} prt_settings_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:__anon45
8200 prt_text_attr_T structs.h       /^} prt_text_attr_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:__anon44
8201 prt_text_count  ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_text_count;$/;"        v       file:
8202 prt_top_margin  ex_cmds2.c      /^static float prt_top_margin;$/;"      v       file:
8203 prt_tumble      ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_tumble;$/;"    v       file:
8204 prt_underline   ex_cmds2.c      /^static int prt_underline;$/;" v       file:
8205 prt_use_number  ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_use_number()$/;"  f
8206 prt_write_boolean       ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_write_boolean(b)$/;"      f       file:
8207 prt_write_file  ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_write_file(buffer)$/;"    f       file:
8208 prt_write_file_len      ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_write_file_len(buffer, bytes)$/;" f       file:
8209 prt_write_file_raw_len  ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_write_file_raw_len(buffer, bytes)$/;"     f       file:
8210 prt_write_int   ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_write_int(i)$/;"  f       file:
8211 prt_write_real  ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_write_real(val, prec)$/;" f       file:
8212 prt_write_string        ex_cmds2.c      /^prt_write_string(s)$/;"       f       file:
8213 ps_fontname     ex_cmds2.c      /^    char      *(ps_fontname[4]);$/;"  m       struct:prt_ps_font_S    file:
8214 psepc   globals.h       /^EXTERN char   psepc INIT(= '\\\\');   \/* normal path separator character *\/$/;"     v
8215 psepcN  globals.h       /^EXTERN char   psepcN INIT(= '\/');    \/* abnormal path separator character *\/$/;"   v
8216 pseps   globals.h       /^EXTERN char   pseps[2]                \/* normal path separator string *\/$/;"        v
8217 psepsN  globals.h       /^EXTERN char   psepsN[2]               \/* abnormal path separator string *\/$/;"      v
8218 pseudo_code     misc2.c /^    int           pseudo_code;        \/* Code for pseudo mouse event *\/$/;" m       struct:mousetable       file:
8219 pstrcmp misc1.c /^pstrcmp(const void *a, const void *b)$/;"     f       file:
8220 ptag_entry      tag.c   /^static taggy_T ptag_entry = {NULL};$/;"       v       file:
8221 ptr     regexp.c        /^      char_u  *ptr;   \/* reginput pointer, for single-line regexp *\/$/;"    m       union:__anon48::__anon49        file:
8222 ptr     regexp.c        /^      char_u  *ptr;$/;"       m       union:__anon50::__anon51        file:
8223 ptr2cells       charset.c       /^ptr2cells(p)$/;"      f
8224 push_current_state      syntax.c        /^push_current_state(idx)$/;"   f       file:
8225 push_next_match syntax.c        /^push_next_match(cur_si)$/;"   f       file:
8226 push_raw_key    ui.c    /^push_raw_key (s, len)$/;"     f
8227 push_showcmd    normal.c        /^push_showcmd()$/;"    f
8228 put_and_redo    farsi.c /^put_and_redo(c)$/;"   f       file:
8229 put_curr_and_l_to_X     farsi.c /^put_curr_and_l_to_X(c)$/;"    f       file:
8230 put_eol ex_docmd.c      /^put_eol(fd)$/;"       f
8231 put_escstr      getchar.c       /^put_escstr(fd, strstart, what)$/;"    f
8232 put_foldopen_recurse    fold.c  /^put_foldopen_recurse(fd, gap, off)$/;"        f       file:
8233 put_folds       fold.c  /^put_folds(fd, wp)$/;" f
8234 put_folds_recurse       fold.c  /^put_folds_recurse(fd, gap, off)$/;"   f       file:
8235 put_id_list     syntax.c        /^put_id_list(name, list, attr)$/;"     f       file:
8236 put_in_typebuf  ops.c   /^put_in_typebuf(s, colon)$/;"  f       file:
8237 put_line        ex_docmd.c      /^put_line(fd, s)$/;"   f
8238 put_on_cmdline  ex_getln.c      /^put_on_cmdline(str, len, redraw)$/;"  f
8239 put_pattern     syntax.c        /^put_pattern(s, c, spp, attr)$/;"      f       file:
8240 put_reedit_in_typebuf   ops.c   /^put_reedit_in_typebuf()$/;"   f       file:
8241 put_register    ops.c   /^put_register(name, reg)$/;"   f
8242 put_setbool     option.c        /^put_setbool(fd, cmd, name, value)$/;" f       file:
8243 put_setnum      option.c        /^put_setnum(fd, cmd, name, valuep)$/;" f       file:
8244 put_setstring   option.c        /^put_setstring(fd, cmd, name, valuep, expand)$/;"      f       file:
8245 put_view        ex_docmd.c      /^put_view(fd, wp, add_edit, flagp)$/;" f       file:
8246 putcmdline      ex_getln.c      /^putcmdline(c, shift)$/;"      f
8247 putdigraph      digraph.c       /^putdigraph(str)$/;"   f
8248 putenv  misc2.c /^putenv(string)$/;"    f
8249 python_ref      structs.h       /^    void      *python_ref;    \/* The Python value referring to this buffer *\/$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
8250 python_ref      structs.h       /^    void      *python_ref;    \/* The Python value referring to this$/;"      m       struct:window
8251 qf_add_entry    quickfix.c      /^qf_add_entry(prevp, dir, fname, mesg, lnum, col, virt_col, nr, type, valid)$/;"       f       file:
8252 qf_age  ex_docmd.c      119;"   d       file:
8253 qf_age  quickfix.c      /^qf_age(eap)$/;"       f
8254 qf_clean_dir_stack      quickfix.c      /^qf_clean_dir_stack(stackptr)$/;"      f       file:
8255 qf_cleared      quickfix.c      /^    char_u         qf_cleared;\/* set to TRUE if line has been deleted *\/$/;"        m       struct:qf_line  file:
8256 qf_col  quickfix.c      /^    int                    qf_col;    \/* column where the error occurred *\/$/;"     m       struct:qf_line  file:
8257 qf_count        quickfix.c      /^    int  qf_count;            \/* number of errors (0 means no error list) *\/$/;"    m       struct:qf_list  file:
8258 qf_curlist      quickfix.c      /^static int    qf_curlist = 0; \/* current error list *\/$/;"  v       file:
8259 qf_current_entry        quickfix.c      /^qf_current_entry()$/;"        f
8260 qf_fill_buffer  quickfix.c      /^qf_fill_buffer()$/;"  f       file:
8261 qf_find_buf     quickfix.c      /^qf_find_buf()$/;"     f       file:
8262 qf_fmt_text     quickfix.c      /^qf_fmt_text(text, buf, bufsize)$/;"   f       file:
8263 qf_fnum quickfix.c      /^    int                    qf_fnum;   \/* file number for the line *\/$/;"    m       struct:qf_line  file:
8264 qf_free quickfix.c      /^qf_free(idx)$/;"      f       file:
8265 qf_get_fnum     quickfix.c      /^qf_get_fnum(directory, fname)$/;"     f       file:
8266 qf_guess_filepath       quickfix.c      /^qf_guess_filepath(filename)$/;"       f       file:
8267 qf_index        quickfix.c      /^    int  qf_index;            \/* current index in the error list *\/$/;"     m       struct:qf_list  file:
8268 qf_init quickfix.c      /^qf_init(efile, errorformat, newlist)$/;"      f
8269 qf_jump quickfix.c      /^qf_jump(dir, errornr, forceit)$/;"    f
8270 qf_line quickfix.c      /^struct qf_line$/;"    s       file:
8271 qf_list ex_docmd.c      118;"   d       file:
8272 qf_list quickfix.c      /^qf_list(eap)$/;"      f
8273 qf_list quickfix.c      /^struct qf_list$/;"    s       file:
8274 qf_listcount    quickfix.c      /^static int    qf_listcount = 0;   \/* current number of lists *\/$/;" v       file:
8275 qf_lists        quickfix.c      /^} qf_lists[LISTCOUNT];$/;"    v       typeref:struct:qf_list
8276 qf_lnum quickfix.c      /^    linenr_T       qf_lnum;   \/* line number where the error occurred *\/$/;"        m       struct:qf_line  file:
8277 qf_mark_adjust  quickfix.c      /^qf_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after)$/;"        f
8278 qf_msg  quickfix.c      /^qf_msg()$/;"  f       file:
8279 qf_new_list     quickfix.c      /^qf_new_list()$/;"     f       file:
8280 qf_next quickfix.c      /^    struct qf_line  *qf_next; \/* pointer to next error in the list *\/$/;"   m       struct:qf_line  typeref:struct:qf_line::qf_line file:
8281 qf_nonevalid    quickfix.c      /^    int  qf_nonevalid;                \/* TRUE if not a single valid entry found *\/$/;"      m       struct:qf_list  file:
8282 qf_nr   quickfix.c      /^    int                    qf_nr;     \/* error number *\/$/;"        m       struct:qf_line  file:
8283 qf_pop_dir      quickfix.c      /^qf_pop_dir(stackptr)$/;"      f       file:
8284 qf_prev quickfix.c      /^    struct qf_line  *qf_prev; \/* pointer to previous error in the list *\/$/;"       m       struct:qf_line  typeref:struct:qf_line::qf_line file:
8285 qf_ptr  quickfix.c      /^    struct qf_line *qf_ptr;   \/* pointer to the current error *\/$/;"        m       struct:qf_list  typeref:struct:qf_list::qf_line file:
8286 qf_push_dir     quickfix.c      /^qf_push_dir(dirbuf, stackptr)$/;"     f       file:
8287 qf_start        quickfix.c      /^    struct qf_line *qf_start; \/* pointer to the first error *\/$/;"  m       struct:qf_list  typeref:struct:qf_list::qf_line file:
8288 qf_text quickfix.c      /^    char_u        *qf_text;   \/* description of the error *\/$/;"    m       struct:qf_line  file:
8289 qf_type quickfix.c      /^    char_u         qf_type;   \/* type of the error (mostly 'E'); 1 for$/;"   m       struct:qf_line  file:
8290 qf_types        quickfix.c      /^qf_types(c, nr)$/;"   f       file:
8291 qf_update_buffer        quickfix.c      /^qf_update_buffer()$/;"        f       file:
8292 qf_valid        quickfix.c      /^    char_u         qf_valid;  \/* valid error message detected *\/$/;"        m       struct:qf_line  file:
8293 qf_virt_col     quickfix.c      /^    char_u         qf_virt_col; \/* set to TRUE if qf_col is screen column *\/$/;"    m       struct:qf_line  file:
8294 qf_win_pos_update       quickfix.c      /^qf_win_pos_update(old_qf_index)$/;"   f       file:
8295 qsort   misc2.c /^qsort(base, elm_count, elm_size, cmp)$/;"     f
8296 queue_T netbeans.c      /^typedef struct cmdqueue queue_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:cmdqueue file:
8297 quit_more       globals.h       /^EXTERN int    quit_more INIT(= FALSE);    \/* 'q' hit at "--more--" msg *\/$/;"       v
8298 quitmore        ex_docmd.c      /^static int    quitmore = 0;$/;"       v       file:
8299 quits_skipped   testdir/test49.vim      /^    let quits_skipped = 0$/;" v
8300 quote_meta      edit.c  /^quote_meta(dest, src, len)$/;"        f       file:
8301 rangeEnd        mbyte.c /^    int rangeEnd;$/;" m       struct:__anon13 file:
8302 rangeStart      mbyte.c /^    int rangeStart;$/;"       m       struct:__anon13 file:
8303 raw_in  os_amiga.c      /^static BPTR           raw_in = (BPTR)NULL;$/;"        v       file:
8304 raw_out os_amiga.c      /^static BPTR           raw_out = (BPTR)NULL;$/;"       v       file:
8305 rc_did_emsg     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    rc_did_emsg INIT(= FALSE);  \/* vim_regcomp() called emsg() *\/$/;"     v
8306 re_extmatch_in  globals.h       /^EXTERN reg_extmatch_T *re_extmatch_in INIT(= NULL); \/* Used by vim_regexec():$/;"    v
8307 re_extmatch_out globals.h       /^EXTERN reg_extmatch_T *re_extmatch_out INIT(= NULL); \/* Set by vim_regexec()$/;"     v
8308 re_has_z        regexp.c        /^static int    re_has_z;       \/* \\z item detected *\/$/;"   v       file:
8309 re_lookbehind   regexp.c        /^re_lookbehind(prog)$/;"       f
8310 re_multi_type   regexp.c        /^re_multi_type(c)$/;"  f       file:
8311 re_multiline    regexp.c        /^re_multiline(prog)$/;"        f
8312 re_num_cmp      regexp.c        /^re_num_cmp(val, scan)$/;"     f       file:
8313 re_put_long     regexp.c        /^re_put_long(p, val)$/;"       f       file:
8314 read_cmd_fd     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    read_cmd_fd INIT(= 0);      \/* fd to read commands from *\/$/;"        v
8315 read_error_exit ui.c    /^read_error_exit()$/;" f
8316 read_from_input_buf     ui.c    /^read_from_input_buf(buf, maxlen)$/;"  f
8317 read_limits     regexp.c        /^read_limits(minval, maxval)$/;"       f       file:
8318 read_redo       getchar.c       /^read_redo(init, old_redo)$/;" f       file:
8319 read_stuff      getchar.c       /^read_stuff(advance)$/;"       f       file:
8320 read_viminfo    ex_cmds.c       /^read_viminfo(file, want_info, want_marks, forceit)$/;"        f
8321 read_viminfo_bufferlist buffer.c        /^read_viminfo_bufferlist(virp, writing)$/;"    f
8322 read_viminfo_filemark   mark.c  /^read_viminfo_filemark(virp, force)$/;"        f
8323 read_viminfo_history    ex_getln.c      /^read_viminfo_history(virp)$/;"        f
8324 read_viminfo_register   ops.c   /^read_viminfo_register(virp, force)$/;"        f
8325 read_viminfo_search_pattern     search.c        /^read_viminfo_search_pattern(virp, force)$/;"  f
8326 read_viminfo_sub_string ex_cmds.c       /^read_viminfo_sub_string(virp, force)$/;"      f
8327 read_viminfo_up_to_marks        ex_cmds.c       /^read_viminfo_up_to_marks(virp, forceit, writing)$/;"  f       file:
8328 read_viminfo_varlist    eval.c  /^read_viminfo_varlist(virp, writing)$/;"       f
8329 readfile        fileio.c        /^readfile(fname, sfname, from, lines_to_skip, lines_to_read, eap, flags)$/;"   f
8330 readfile_charconvert    fileio.c        /^readfile_charconvert(fname, fenc, fdp)$/;"    f       file:
8331 readonlymode    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    readonlymode INIT(= FALSE); \/* Set to TRUE for "view" *\/$/;"  v
8332 realloc_cmdbuff ex_getln.c      /^realloc_cmdbuff(len)$/;"      f       file:
8333 received_from_client    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    received_from_client INIT(= FALSE);     \/* received text from$/;"      v
8334 recordbuff      getchar.c       /^static struct buffheader recordbuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};$/;"        v       typeref:struct:buffheader       file:
8335 recov_file_names        memline.c       /^recov_file_names(names, path, prepend_dot)$/;"        f       file:
8336 recover_names   memline.c       /^recover_names(fname, list, nr)$/;"    f
8337 recoverymode    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    recoverymode INIT(= FALSE); \/* Set to TRUE for "-r" option *\/$/;"     v
8338 red     gui_amiga.c     /^      UBYTE           red;$/;"        m       struct:guicolor_tTable  file:
8339 redir_fd        globals.h       /^EXTERN FILE *redir_fd INIT(= NULL);   \/* message redirection file *\/$/;"    v
8340 redir_off       globals.h       /^EXTERN int  redir_off INIT(= FALSE);  \/* no redirection for a moment *\/$/;" v
8341 redir_reg       globals.h       /^EXTERN int  redir_reg INIT(= 0);      \/* message redirection register *\/$/;"        v
8342 redir_write     message.c       /^redir_write(str, maxlen)$/;"  f       file:
8343 redo_VIsual_busy        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    redo_VIsual_busy INIT(= FALSE);$/;"     v
8344 redo_literal    edit.c  /^redo_literal(c)$/;"   f       file:
8345 redobuff        getchar.c       /^static struct buffheader redobuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};$/;"  v       typeref:struct:buffheader       file:
8346 redrawWinline   screen.c        /^redrawWinline(lnum, invalid)$/;"      f
8347 redraw_all_later        screen.c        /^redraw_all_later(type)$/;"    f
8348 redraw_block    screen.c        /^redraw_block(row, end, wp)$/;"        f       file:
8349 redraw_buf_later        screen.c        /^redraw_buf_later(buf, type)$/;"       f
8350 redraw_cmdline  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    redraw_cmdline INIT(= FALSE);   \/* cmdline must be redrawn *\/$/;"     v
8351 redraw_curbuf_later     screen.c        /^redraw_curbuf_later(type)$/;" f
8352 redraw_later    screen.c        /^redraw_later(type)$/;"        f
8353 redraw_later_clear      screen.c        /^redraw_later_clear()$/;"      f
8354 redraw_statuslines      screen.c        /^redraw_statuslines()$/;"      f
8355 redraw_win_later        screen.c        /^redraw_win_later(wp, type)$/;"        f
8356 redrawcmd       ex_getln.c      /^redrawcmd()$/;"       f
8357 redrawcmd_preedit       ex_getln.c      /^redrawcmd_preedit()$/;"       f       file:
8358 redrawcmdline   ex_getln.c      /^redrawcmdline()$/;"   f
8359 redrawcmdprompt ex_getln.c      /^redrawcmdprompt()$/;" f       file:
8360 redrawing       screen.c        /^redrawing()$/;"       f
8361 ref_extmatch    regexp.c        /^ref_extmatch(em)$/;"  f
8362 refcnt  regexp.h        /^    short             refcnt;$/;"     m       struct:__anon6
8363 refreshBorder   gui_amiga.c     /^refreshBorder(void)$/;"       f       file:
8364 reg     regexp.c        /^reg(paren, flagp)$/;" f       file:
8365 reg_buf regexp.c        /^static buf_T          *reg_buf;$/;"   v       file:
8366 reg_do_extmatch globals.h       /^EXTERN int    reg_do_extmatch INIT(= 0);  \/* Used when compiling regexp:$/;" v
8367 reg_endp        regexp.c        /^static char_u         **reg_endp = NULL;$/;"  v       file:
8368 reg_endpos      regexp.c        /^static lpos_T         *reg_endpos = NULL;$/;" v       file:
8369 reg_endzp       regexp.c        /^static char_u *reg_endzp[NSUBEXP];    \/*   and end of \\z(...\\) matches *\/$/;"     v       file:
8370 reg_endzpos     regexp.c        /^static lpos_T reg_endzpos[NSUBEXP];   \/* idem, end pos *\/$/;"       v       file:
8371 reg_extmatch_T  regexp.h        /^} reg_extmatch_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:__anon6
8372 reg_firstlnum   regexp.c        /^static linenr_T               reg_firstlnum;$/;"      v       file:
8373 reg_getline     regexp.c        /^reg_getline(lnum)$/;" f       file:
8374 reg_line_lbr    regexp.c        /^static int            reg_line_lbr;       \/* "\\n" in string is line break *\/$/;"   v       file:
8375 reg_magic       regexp.c        /^static int    reg_magic;      \/* magicness of the pattern: *\/$/;"   v       file:
8376 reg_match       regexp.c        /^static regmatch_T     *reg_match;$/;" v       file:
8377 reg_maxline     regexp.c        /^static linenr_T               reg_maxline;$/;"        v       file:
8378 reg_mmatch      regexp.c        /^static regmmatch_T    *reg_mmatch;$/;"        v       file:
8379 reg_nextline    regexp.c        /^reg_nextline()$/;"    f       file:
8380 reg_pat fileio.c        /^    char_u        *reg_pat;           \/* pattern converted to regexp *\/$/;" m       struct:AutoPat  file:
8381 reg_prev_class  regexp.c        /^reg_prev_class()$/;"  f       file:
8382 reg_prev_sub    regexp.c        /^static char_u         *reg_prev_sub;$/;"      v       file:
8383 reg_restore     regexp.c        /^reg_restore(save)$/;" f       file:
8384 reg_save        regexp.c        /^reg_save(save)$/;"    f       file:
8385 reg_save_equal  regexp.c        /^reg_save_equal(save)$/;"      f       file:
8386 reg_startp      regexp.c        /^static char_u         **reg_startp = NULL;$/;"        v       file:
8387 reg_startpos    regexp.c        /^static lpos_T         *reg_startpos = NULL;$/;"       v       file:
8388 reg_startzp     regexp.c        /^static char_u *reg_startzp[NSUBEXP];  \/* Workspace to mark beginning *\/$/;" v       file:
8389 reg_startzpos   regexp.c        /^static lpos_T reg_startzpos[NSUBEXP]; \/* idem, beginning pos *\/$/;" v       file:
8390 reg_string      regexp.c        /^static int    reg_string;     \/* matching with a string instead of a buffer$/;"      v       file:
8391 reg_submatch    regexp.c        /^reg_submatch(no)$/;"  f
8392 reg_syn globals.h       /^EXTERN int    reg_syn INIT(= 0);          \/* vim_regexec() used for syntax *\/$/;"   v
8393 reg_tofree      regexp.c        /^static char_u *reg_tofree;$/;"        v       file:
8394 reg_tofreelen   regexp.c        /^static unsigned       reg_tofreelen;$/;"      v       file:
8395 reg_win regexp.c        /^static win_T          *reg_win;$/;"   v       file:
8396 reganch regexp.h        /^    char_u            reganch;$/;"    m       struct:__anon3
8397 regatom regexp.c        /^regatom(flagp)$/;"    f       file:
8398 regbranch       regexp.c        /^regbranch(flagp)$/;"  f       file:
8399 regc    regexp.c        /^regc(b)$/;"   f       file:
8400 regcode regexp.c        /^static char_u *regcode;       \/* Code-emit pointer, or JUST_CALC_SIZE *\/$/;"        v       file:
8401 regcomp_start   regexp.c        /^regcomp_start(expr, re_flags)$/;"     f       file:
8402 regconcat       regexp.c        /^regconcat(flagp)$/;"  f       file:
8403 regdump regexp.c        /^regdump(pattern, r)$/;"       f       file:
8404 regflags        regexp.c        /^static unsigned       regflags;       \/* RF_ flags for prog *\/$/;"  v       file:
8405 regflags        regexp.h        /^    unsigned          regflags;$/;"   m       struct:__anon3
8406 reghasz regexp.h        /^    char_u            reghasz;$/;"    m       struct:__anon3
8407 reginput        regexp.c        /^static char_u *reginput;      \/* current input, points into "regline" *\/$/;"        v       file:
8408 reginsert       regexp.c        /^reginsert(op, opnd)$/;"       f       file:
8409 reginsert_limits        regexp.c        /^reginsert_limits(op, minval, maxval, opnd)$/;"        f       file:
8410 regline regexp.c        /^static char_u *regline;       \/* start of current line *\/$/;"       v       file:
8411 reglnum regexp.c        /^static linenr_T       reglnum;        \/* line number, relative to first line *\/$/;" v       file:
8412 regmatch        regexp.c        /^regmatch(scan)$/;"    f       file:
8413 regmatch        tag.c   /^    regmatch_T        regmatch;       \/* regexp program, may be NULL *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon8  file:
8414 regmatch_T      regexp.h        /^} regmatch_T;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:__anon4
8415 regmbc  regexp.c        /^regmbc(c)$/;" f       file:
8416 regmlen regexp.h        /^    int                       regmlen;$/;"    m       struct:__anon3
8417 regmmatch_T     regexp.h        /^} regmmatch_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:__anon5
8418 regmust regexp.h        /^    char_u            *regmust;$/;"   m       struct:__anon3
8419 regname ex_cmds.h       /^    int               regname;        \/* register name (NUL if none) *\/$/;" m       struct:exarg
8420 regname structs.h       /^    int               regname;        \/* register to use for the operator *\/$/;"    m       struct:oparg
8421 regnarrate      regexp.c        /^int           regnarrate = 0;$/;"     v
8422 regnext regexp.c        /^regnext(p)$/;"        f       file:
8423 regnode regexp.c        /^regnode(op)$/;"       f       file:
8424 regnpar regexp.c        /^static int    regnpar;        \/* () count. *\/$/;"   v       file:
8425 regnzpar        regexp.c        /^static int    regnzpar;       \/* \\z() count. *\/$/;"        v       file:
8426 regoptail       regexp.c        /^regoptail(p, val)$/;" f       file:
8427 regparse        regexp.c        /^static char_u *regparse;      \/* Input-scan pointer. *\/$/;" v       file:
8428 regpiece        regexp.c        /^regpiece(flagp)$/;"   f       file:
8429 regprog regexp.h        /^    regprog_T         *regprog;$/;"   m       struct:__anon4
8430 regprog regexp.h        /^    regprog_T         *regprog;$/;"   m       struct:__anon5
8431 regprog_T       regexp.h        /^} regprog_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:__anon3
8432 regprop regexp.c        /^regprop(op)$/;"       f       file:
8433 regrepeat       regexp.c        /^regrepeat(p, maxcount)$/;"    f       file:
8434 regsave_T       regexp.c        /^} regsave_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:__anon48 file:
8435 regsize regexp.c        /^static long   regsize;        \/* Code size. *\/$/;"  v       file:
8436 regstart        regexp.h        /^    int                       regstart;$/;"   m       struct:__anon3
8437 regtail regexp.c        /^regtail(p, val)$/;"   f       file:
8438 regtilde        regexp.c        /^regtilde(source, magic)$/;"   f
8439 regtry  regexp.c        /^regtry(prog, col)$/;" f       file:
8440 rem_backslash   charset.c       /^rem_backslash(str)$/;"        f
8441 remote_common   eval.c  /^remote_common(argvars, retvar, expr)$/;"      f       file:
8442 removable       mark.c  /^removable(name)$/;"   f
8443 removeEventHandler      gui_beval.c     /^removeEventHandler(BalloonEval *beval)$/;"    f       file:
8444 removeEventHandler      gui_beval.c     /^removeEventHandler(beval)$/;" f       file:
8445 remove_key_from_history ex_getln.c      /^remove_key_from_history()$/;" f
8446 remove_menu     menu.c  /^remove_menu(menup, name, modes, silent)$/;"   f       file:
8447 remove_tail     misc1.c /^remove_tail(p, pend, name)$/;"        f       file:
8448 remove_tail_with_ext    misc1.c /^remove_tail_with_ext(p, pend, ext)$/;"        f       file:
8449 repeat_cmdline  globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *repeat_cmdline INIT(= NULL); \/* command line for "." *\/$/;"  v
8450 repeat_message  message.c       /^repeat_message()$/;"  f
8451 repeating       ex_docmd.c      /^    int               repeating;              \/* TRUE when looping a second time *\/$/;"     m       struct:while_cookie     file:
8452 repl_cmdline    ex_docmd.c      /^repl_cmdline(eap, src, srclen, repl, cmdlinep)$/;"    f       file:
8453 replace_do_bs   edit.c  /^replace_do_bs()$/;"   f       file:
8454 replace_flush   edit.c  /^replace_flush()$/;"   f       file:
8455 replace_join    edit.c  /^replace_join(off)$/;" f       file:
8456 replace_offset  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    replace_offset INIT(= 0);   \/* offset for replace_push() *\/$/;"       v
8457 replace_pop     edit.c  /^replace_pop()$/;"     f       file:
8458 replace_pop_ins edit.c  /^replace_pop_ins()$/;" f       file:
8459 replace_push    edit.c  /^replace_push(c)$/;"   f
8460 replace_push_off        edit.c  /^replace_push_off(c)$/;"       f       file:
8461 replace_stack   edit.c  /^char_u        *replace_stack = NULL;$/;"      v
8462 replace_stack_len       edit.c  /^long  replace_stack_len = 0;      \/* max. number of entries *\/$/;"  v
8463 replace_stack_nr        edit.c  /^long  replace_stack_nr = 0;       \/* next entry in replace stack *\/$/;"     v
8464 replace_termcodes       term.c  /^replace_termcodes(from, bufp, from_part, do_lt)$/;"   f
8465 report_discard_pending  ex_eval.c       /^report_discard_pending(pending, value)$/;"    f
8466 report_make_pending     ex_eval.c       /^report_make_pending(pending, value)$/;"       f
8467 report_pending  ex_eval.c       /^report_pending(action, pending, value)$/;"    f       file:
8468 report_resume_pending   ex_eval.c       /^report_resume_pending(pending, value)$/;"     f
8469 req_codes_from_term     term.c  /^req_codes_from_term()$/;"     f       file:
8470 req_more_codes_from_term        term.c  /^req_more_codes_from_term()$/;"        f       file:
8471 requestBalloon  gui_beval.c     /^requestBalloon(beval)$/;"     f       file:
8472 resel_VIsual_col        normal.c        /^static colnr_T        resel_VIsual_col;               \/* nr of cols or end col *\/$/;"       v       file:
8473 resel_VIsual_line_count normal.c        /^static linenr_T       resel_VIsual_line_count;        \/* number of lines *\/$/;"     v       file:
8474 resel_VIsual_mode       normal.c        /^static int    resel_VIsual_mode = NUL;        \/* 'v', 'V', or Ctrl-V *\/$/;" v       file:
8475 reset_VIsual    normal.c        /^reset_VIsual()$/;"    f
8476 reset_VIsual_and_resel  normal.c        /^reset_VIsual_and_resel()$/;"  f
8477 reset_cterm_colors      screen.c        /^reset_cterm_colors()$/;"      f
8478 reset_last_sourcing     message.c       /^reset_last_sourcing()$/;"     f       file:
8479 reset_modifiable        option.c        /^reset_modifiable()$/;"        f
8480 reset_search_dir        search.c        /^reset_search_dir()$/;"        f
8481 reset_state_setup       mbyte.c /^reset_state_setup(GdkIC *ic)$/;"      f       file:
8482 resettitle      buffer.c        /^resettitle()$/;"      f
8483 resource_filename       ex_cmds2.c      /^static char_u *resource_filename;$/;" v       file:
8484 resource_types  ex_cmds2.c      /^static char *resource_types[] =$/;"   v       file:
8485 restart_VIsual_select   normal.c        /^static int    restart_VIsual_select = 0;$/;"  v       file:
8486 restart_edit    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    restart_edit INIT(= 0); \/* call edit when next cmd finished *\/$/;"    v
8487 restoreRedobuff getchar.c       /^restoreRedobuff()$/;" f
8488 restore_cmdline ex_getln.c      /^restore_cmdline(ccp)$/;"      f       file:
8489 restore_cterm_colors    syntax.c        /^restore_cterm_colors()$/;"    f
8490 restore_funccal eval.c  /^restore_funccal(fc)$/;"       f
8491 restore_se      regexp.c        2640;"  d       file:
8492 restore_search_patterns search.c        /^restore_search_patterns()$/;" f
8493 restore_snapshot        window.c        /^restore_snapshot(close_curwin)$/;"    f       file:
8494 restore_snapshot_rec    window.c        /^restore_snapshot_rec(sn, fr)$/;"      f       file:
8495 restore_typeahead       getchar.c       /^restore_typeahead(tp)$/;"     f
8496 restricted      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    restricted INIT(= FALSE);$/;"   v
8497 result  digraph.c       /^    result_T  result;$/;"     m       struct:digraph  file:
8498 result  testdir/test49.vim      /^          let result = exists('{EXPR("exists", 2)}')$/;"      v
8499 result  testdir/test49.vim      /^      let result = exists('*{EXPR("exists", 1)}')$/;" v
8500 result  testdir/test49.vim      /^      let result =$/;"        v
8501 result_T        digraph.c       /^typedef char_u result_T;$/;"  t       file:
8502 result_T        digraph.c       /^typedef int result_T;$/;"     t       file:
8503 retcode testdir/test49.vim      /^let retcode = I()$/;" v
8504 returned        eval.c  /^    int               returned;       \/* ":return" used *\/$/;"      m       struct:funccall file:
8505 retval  structs.h       /^    int               retval;         \/* return: CA_* values *\/$/;" m       struct:cmdarg
8506 retvar  eval.c  /^    VAR               retvar;         \/* return value variable *\/$/;"       m       struct:funccall file:
8507 reverse_line    ops.c   /^reverse_line(s)$/;"   f       file:
8508 reverse_text    search.c        /^reverse_text(s)$/;"   f       file:
8509 revins_chars    edit.c  /^int           revins_chars;           \/* how much to skip after edit *\/$/;" v
8510 revins_legal    edit.c  /^int           revins_legal;           \/* was the last char 'legal'? *\/$/;"  v
8511 revins_on       edit.c  /^int           revins_on;              \/* reverse insert mode on *\/$/;"      v
8512 revins_scol     edit.c  /^int           revins_scol;            \/* start column of revins session *\/$/;"      v
8513 rewind_conditionals     ex_eval.c       /^rewind_conditionals(cstack, idx, cond_type, cond_level)$/;"   f       file:
8514 ri_alpha        regexp.c        585;"   d       file:
8515 ri_alpha        regexp.c        595;"   d       file:
8516 ri_digit        regexp.c        580;"   d       file:
8517 ri_digit        regexp.c        590;"   d       file:
8518 ri_head regexp.c        584;"   d       file:
8519 ri_head regexp.c        594;"   d       file:
8520 ri_hex  regexp.c        581;"   d       file:
8521 ri_hex  regexp.c        591;"   d       file:
8522 ri_lower        regexp.c        586;"   d       file:
8523 ri_lower        regexp.c        596;"   d       file:
8524 ri_octal        regexp.c        582;"   d       file:
8525 ri_octal        regexp.c        592;"   d       file:
8526 ri_upper        regexp.c        587;"   d       file:
8527 ri_upper        regexp.c        597;"   d       file:
8528 ri_white        regexp.c        588;"   d       file:
8529 ri_white        regexp.c        598;"   d       file:
8530 ri_word regexp.c        583;"   d       file:
8531 ri_word regexp.c        593;"   d       file:
8532 right_sbar_x    gui.h   /^    int               right_sbar_x;       \/* Calculated x coord for right scrollbar *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
8533 rl_mirror       screen.c        /^rl_mirror(str)$/;"    f       file:
8534 rm      screen.c        /^    regmmatch_T       rm;     \/* points to the regexp program; contains last found$/;"       m       struct:__anon1  file:
8535 rm_ic   regexp.h        /^    int                       rm_ic;$/;"      m       struct:__anon4
8536 rmm_ic  regexp.h        /^    int                       rmm_ic;$/;"     m       struct:__anon5
8537 root_menu       globals.h       /^EXTERN vimmenu_T      *root_menu INIT(= NULL);$/;"    v
8538 row     gui.h   /^    int               row;                \/* Current cursor row in GUI display *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8539 rs_u    regexp.c        /^    } rs_u;$/;"       m       struct:__anon48 typeref:union:__anon48::__anon49        file:
8540 rsrc_bold_font_name     gui.h   /^    char_u    *rsrc_bold_font_name; \/* Resource bold font name *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8541 rsrc_boldital_font_name gui.h   /^    char_u    *rsrc_boldital_font_name;  \/* Resource bold-italic font name *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
8542 rsrc_font_name  gui.h   /^    char_u    *rsrc_font_name;    \/* Resource font name, used if 'guifont'$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8543 rsrc_input_method       gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_input_method;$/;" m       struct:Gui
8544 rsrc_ital_font_name     gui.h   /^    char_u    *rsrc_ital_font_name; \/* Resource italic font name *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
8545 rsrc_menu_bg_name       gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_menu_bg_name;     \/* Color of menu and dialog backgound *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
8546 rsrc_menu_fg_name       gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_menu_fg_name;     \/* Color of menu and dialog foregound *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
8547 rsrc_menu_font_name     gui.h   /^    char_u    *rsrc_menu_font_name;    \/* Resource menu Font name *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
8548 rsrc_preedit_type_name  gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_preedit_type_name;$/;"    m       struct:Gui
8549 rsrc_rev_video  gui.h   /^    Bool      rsrc_rev_video;     \/* Use reverse video? *\/$/;"      m       struct:Gui
8550 rsrc_scroll_bg_name     gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_scroll_bg_name;   \/* Color of scrollbar background *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8551 rsrc_scroll_fg_name     gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_scroll_fg_name;   \/* Color of scrollbar foreground *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8552 rsrc_tooltip_bg_name    gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_tooltip_bg_name;  \/* tooltip background color name *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8553 rsrc_tooltip_fg_name    gui.h   /^    char      *rsrc_tooltip_fg_name;  \/* tooltip foreground color name *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8554 rsrc_tooltip_font_name  gui.h   /^    char_u    *rsrc_tooltip_font_name; \/* tooltip font name *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
8555 ru_col  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    ru_col;         \/* column for ruler *\/$/;"    v
8556 ru_wid  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    ru_wid;         \/* 'rulerfmt' width of ruler when non-zero *\/$/;"     v
8557 ruby_ref        structs.h       /^    void      *ruby_ref;$/;"  m       struct:file_buffer
8558 ruby_ref        structs.h       /^    void      *ruby_ref;$/;"  m       struct:window
8559 running_syn_inc_tag     syntax.c        /^static int running_syn_inc_tag = 0;$/;"       v       file:
8560 s_tearoffs      menu.c  /^static int s_tearoffs = FALSE;$/;"    v       file:
8561 safe_vgetc      getchar.c       /^safe_vgetc()$/;"      f
8562 same_encoding   fileio.c        /^same_encoding(a, b)$/;"       f       file:
8563 same_leader     ops.c   /^same_leader(lnum, leader1_len, leader1_flags, leader2_len, leader2_flags)$/;" f       file:
8564 sandbox globals.h       /^EXTERN int    sandbox INIT(= 0);$/;"  v
8565 sattr_T vim.h   315;"   d
8566 save    netbeans.c      /^save(char_u *buf, int len)$/;"        f       file:
8567 saveRedobuff    getchar.c       /^saveRedobuff()$/;"    f
8568 save_buf        structs.h       /^    buf_T     *save_buf;      \/* saved curbuf *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon42
8569 save_cmdline    ex_getln.c      /^save_cmdline(ccp)$/;" f       file:
8570 save_cursor     structs.h       /^    pos_T     save_cursor;    \/* saved cursor pos of save_curwin *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon42
8571 save_curwin     structs.h       /^    win_T     *save_curwin;   \/* saved curwin, NULL if it didn't change *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon42
8572 save_file_ff    option.c        /^save_file_ff(buf)$/;" f
8573 save_funccal    eval.c  /^save_funccal()$/;"    f
8574 save_inputbuf   structs.h       /^    char_u            *save_inputbuf;$/;"     m       struct:__anon39
8575 save_level      getchar.c       /^static int save_level = 0;$/;"        v       file:
8576 save_level      search.c        /^static int save_level = 0;$/;"        v       file:
8577 save_old_redobuff       getchar.c       /^static struct buffheader save_old_redobuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};$/;" v       typeref:struct:buffheader       file:
8578 save_p_ls       globals.h       /^EXTERN int  save_p_ls INIT(= -1);     \/* Save 'laststatus' setting *\/$/;"   v
8579 save_p_wmh      globals.h       /^EXTERN int  save_p_wmh INIT(= -1);    \/* Save 'winminheight' setting *\/$/;" v
8580 save_re_pat     search.c        /^save_re_pat(idx, pat, magic)$/;"      f       file:
8581 save_redobuff   getchar.c       /^static struct buffheader save_redobuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};$/;"     v       typeref:struct:buffheader       file:
8582 save_se regexp.c        2636;"  d       file:
8583 save_se_T       regexp.c        /^} save_se_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:__anon50 file:
8584 save_se_multi   regexp.c        /^save_se_multi(savep, posp)$/;"        f       file:
8585 save_se_one     regexp.c        /^save_se_one(savep, pp)$/;"    f       file:
8586 save_search_patterns    search.c        /^save_search_patterns()$/;"    f
8587 save_sm edit.c  /^static int                save_sm;$/;"        v       file:
8588 save_stuffbuff  structs.h       /^    struct buffheader save_stuffbuff;$/;"     m       struct:__anon39 typeref:struct:__anon39::buffheader
8589 save_topfill    structs.h       /^    int               save_topfill;   \/* saved topfill of save_curwin *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon42
8590 save_topline    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  save_topline;   \/* saved topline of save_curwin *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon42
8591 save_typeahead  getchar.c       /^save_typeahead(tp)$/;"        f
8592 save_typebuf    getchar.c       /^save_typebuf()$/;"    f
8593 save_typebuf    structs.h       /^    typebuf_T         save_typebuf;$/;"       m       struct:__anon39
8594 saved_cursor    globals.h       /^EXTERN pos_T  saved_cursor            \/* w_cursor before formatting text. *\/$/;"    v
8595 saved_emsg_silent       structs.h       /^    int               saved_emsg_silent;      \/* saved value of "emsg_silent" *\/$/;"        m       struct:eslist_elem
8596 saved_gpath     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let saved_gpath = &g:path$/;"   v
8597 saved_last_idx  search.c        /^static int        saved_last_idx = 0;$/;"     v       file:
8598 saved_lpath     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let saved_lpath = &l:path$/;"   v
8599 saved_no_hlsearch       search.c        /^static int        saved_no_hlsearch = 0;$/;"  v       file:
8600 saved_spats     search.c        /^static struct spat  saved_spats[2];$/;"       v       typeref:struct:spat     file:
8601 saved_typebuf   getchar.c       /^static typebuf_T saved_typebuf[NSCRIPT];$/;"  v       file:
8602 sc_col  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    sc_col;         \/* column for shown command *\/$/;"    v
8603 schar_T vim.h   314;"   d
8604 scid_T  structs.h       /^typedef int           scid_T;         \/* script ID *\/$/;"   t
8605 scl_list        syntax.c        /^    short         *scl_list;      \/* IDs in this syntax cluster *\/$/;"      m       struct:syn_cluster      file:
8606 scl_name        syntax.c        /^    char_u        *scl_name;      \/* syntax cluster name *\/$/;"     m       struct:syn_cluster      file:
8607 scl_name_u      syntax.c        /^    char_u        *scl_name_u;    \/* uppercase of scl_name *\/$/;"   m       struct:syn_cluster      file:
8608 screen_Columns  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    screen_Columns INIT(= 0);   \/* actual size of ScreenLines[] *\/$/;"    v
8609 screen_Rows     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    screen_Rows INIT(= 0);      \/* actual size of ScreenLines[] *\/$/;"    v
8610 screen_attr     screen.c        /^static int    screen_attr = 0;$/;"    v       file:
8611 screen_char     screen.c        /^screen_char(off, row, col)$/;"        f       file:
8612 screen_char_2   screen.c        /^screen_char_2(off, row, col)$/;"      f       file:
8613 screen_char_attr        screen.c        /^static int screen_char_attr = 0;$/;"  v       file:
8614 screen_cleared  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    screen_cleared INIT(= FALSE);   \/* screen has been cleared *\/$/;"     v
8615 screen_cur_col  screen.c        /^static int    screen_cur_row, screen_cur_col; \/* last known cursor position *\/$/;"  v       file:
8616 screen_cur_row  screen.c        /^static int    screen_cur_row, screen_cur_col; \/* last known cursor position *\/$/;"  v       file:
8617 screen_del_lines        screen.c        /^screen_del_lines(off, row, line_count, end, force, wp)$/;"    f
8618 screen_down     screen.c        /^screen_down()$/;"     f
8619 screen_draw_rectangle   screen.c        /^screen_draw_rectangle(row, col, height, width, invert)$/;"    f
8620 screen_fill     screen.c        /^screen_fill(start_row, end_row, start_col, end_col, c1, c2, attr)$/;" f
8621 screen_getbytes screen.c        /^screen_getbytes(row, col, bytes, attrp)$/;"   f
8622 screen_height   gui_beval.h     /^    Dimension         screen_height;  \/* screen height in pixels *\/$/;"     m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
8623 screen_ins_lines        screen.c        /^screen_ins_lines(off, row, line_count, end, wp)$/;"   f       file:
8624 screen_line     screen.c        /^screen_line(row, coloff, endcol, clear_width$/;"      f       file:
8625 screen_putchar  screen.c        /^screen_putchar(c, row, col, attr)$/;" f
8626 screen_puts     screen.c        /^screen_puts(text, row, col, attr)$/;" f
8627 screen_puts_len screen.c        /^screen_puts_len(text, len, row, col, attr)$/;"        f
8628 screen_puts_mbyte       message.c       /^screen_puts_mbyte(s, l, attr)$/;"     f       file:
8629 screen_start    screen.c        /^screen_start()$/;"    f
8630 screen_start_highlight  screen.c        /^screen_start_highlight(attr)$/;"      f       file:
8631 screen_stop_highlight   screen.c        /^screen_stop_highlight()$/;"   f
8632 screen_valid    screen.c        /^screen_valid(clear)$/;"       f
8633 screen_width    gui_beval.h     /^    Dimension         screen_width;   \/* screen width in pixels *\/$/;"      m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
8634 screenalloc     screen.c        /^screenalloc(clear)$/;"        f
8635 screenclear     screen.c        /^screenclear()$/;"     f
8636 screenclear2    screen.c        /^screenclear2()$/;"    f       file:
8637 scriptC testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptC = MakeScript("C")                 " X: 1 + 4 + 8$/;"      v
8638 scriptException testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptException  = MakeScript("FuncException")$/;"        v
8639 scriptF testdir/test49.vim      /^    let scriptF = MakeScript("F")$/;" v
8640 scriptF testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptF = MakeScript("F")                 " X: 1 + 2 + 8 + 32$/;" v
8641 scriptF testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptF = MakeScript("F", scriptG)$/;"    v
8642 scriptG testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptG = MakeScript("G", scriptF)                " X: 128 + 512 + 1024$/;"       v
8643 scriptG testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptG = MakeScript("G", scriptT)$/;"    v
8644 scriptH testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptH = MakeScript("H", scriptG)                " X: 4096 + 8192 + 16384$/;"    v
8645 scriptID        fileio.c        /^    scid_T        scriptID;           \/* script ID where defined *\/$/;"     m       struct:AutoCmd  file:
8646 scriptID        option.c        /^    scid_T    scriptID;       \/* script in which the option was last set *\/$/;"     m       struct:vimoption        file:
8647 scriptT testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptT = MakeScript("T")$/;"     v
8648 scriptT1        testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptT1 = MakeScript("T1")                       " X: 16 + 64 + 16*16 + 64*16$/;"        v
8649 scriptT2        testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptT2 = MakeScript("T2", scriptT1)     " X: 4096 + 16384$/;"   v
8650 scriptThrowPoint        testdir/test49.vim      /^let scriptThrowPoint = MakeScript("FuncThrowpoint")$/;"       v
8651 script_ID       eval.c  /^    scid_T    script_ID;      \/* ID of script where function was defined,$/;"        m       struct:ufunc    file:
8652 script_get      ex_getln.c      /^script_get(eap, cmd)$/;"      f
8653 script_names    ex_cmds2.c      /^static garray_T script_names = {0, 0, sizeof(struct scriptstuff), 4, NULL};$/;"       v       file:
8654 scriptin        globals.h       /^EXTERN FILE   *scriptin[NSCRIPT];         \/* streams to read script from *\/$/;"     v
8655 scriptnames_slash_adjust        ex_cmds2.c      /^scriptnames_slash_adjust()$/;"        f
8656 scriptout       globals.h       /^EXTERN FILE   *scriptout  INIT(= NULL);   \/* stream to write script to *\/$/;"       v
8657 scriptstuff     ex_cmds2.c      /^struct scriptstuff$/;"        s       file:
8658 scroll_bg_pixel gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        scroll_bg_pixel;        \/* Same in Pixel format *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
8659 scroll_cursor_bot       move.c  /^scroll_cursor_bot(min_scroll, set_topbot)$/;" f
8660 scroll_cursor_halfway   move.c  /^scroll_cursor_halfway(atend)$/;"      f
8661 scroll_cursor_top       move.c  /^scroll_cursor_top(min_scroll, always)$/;"     f
8662 scroll_def_bg_pixel     gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        scroll_def_bg_pixel;  \/* Default scrollbar background *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
8663 scroll_def_fg_pixel     gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        scroll_def_fg_pixel;  \/* Default scrollbar foreground *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
8664 scroll_fg_pixel gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        scroll_fg_pixel;        \/* Same in Pixel format *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
8665 scroll_line_len gui.c   /^scroll_line_len(lnum)$/;"     f       file:
8666 scroll_redraw   normal.c        /^scroll_redraw(up, count)$/;"  f
8667 scroll_region   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    scroll_region INIT(= FALSE); \/* term supports scroll region *\/$/;"    v
8668 scroll_region_bot       gui.h   /^    int               scroll_region_bot;  \/* Bottom (last) line of scroll region *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
8669 scroll_region_left      gui.h   /^    int               scroll_region_left;  \/* Left (first) column of scroll region *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
8670 scroll_region_reset     term.c  /^scroll_region_reset()$/;"     f
8671 scroll_region_right     gui.h   /^    int               scroll_region_right;  \/* Right (last) col. of scroll region *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
8672 scroll_region_set       term.c  /^scroll_region_set(wp, off)$/;"        f
8673 scroll_region_top       gui.h   /^    int               scroll_region_top;  \/* Top (first) line of scroll region *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
8674 scroll_shift    gui.h   /^    int               scroll_shift;   \/* The scrollbar stuff can handle only up to$/;"       m       struct:GuiScrollbar
8675 scroll_start    term.c  /^scroll_start()$/;"    f
8676 scrollbar_T     gui.h   /^} scrollbar_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:GuiScrollbar
8677 scrollbar_height        gui.h   /^    int               scrollbar_height;   \/* Height of horizontal scrollbar *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
8678 scrollbar_value globals.h       /^EXTERN long_u scrollbar_value;$/;"    v
8679 scrollbar_width gui.h   /^    int               scrollbar_width;    \/* Width of vertical scrollbars *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
8680 scrolldown      move.c  /^scrolldown(line_count, byfold)$/;"    f
8681 scrolldown_clamp        move.c  /^scrolldown_clamp()$/;"        f
8682 scrollup        move.c  /^scrollup(line_count, byfold)$/;"      f
8683 scrollup_clamp  move.c  /^scrollup_clamp()$/;"  f
8684 sd      netbeans.c      /^static int sd = -1;                   \/* socket fd for Netbeans connection *\/$/;"   v       file:
8685 se_u    regexp.c        /^    } se_u;$/;"       m       struct:__anon50 typeref:union:__anon50::__anon51        file:
8686 search_for_exact_line   search.c        /^search_for_exact_line(buf, pos, dir, pat)$/;" f
8687 search_hl       screen.c        /^static match_T search_hl;     \/* used for 'hlsearch' highlight matching *\/$/;"      v       file:
8688 search_match_endcol     globals.h       /^EXTERN colnr_T        search_match_endcol;            \/* col nr of match end *\/$/;" v
8689 search_match_lines      globals.h       /^EXTERN linenr_T       search_match_lines;             \/* lines of of matched string *\/$/;"  v
8690 search_regcomp  search.c        /^search_regcomp(pat, pat_save, pat_use, options, regmatch)$/;" f
8691 searchbuf       structs.h       /^    char_u    *searchbuf;     \/* return: pointer to search pattern or NULL *\/$/;"   m       struct:cmdarg
8692 searchc search.c        /^searchc(cap, t_cmd)$/;"       f
8693 searchcmdlen    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    searchcmdlen;               \/* length of previous search cmd *\/$/;"   v
8694 searchit        search.c        /^searchit(win, buf, pos, dir, pat, count, options, pat_use)$/;"        f
8695 secure  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    secure INIT(= FALSE);$/;"       v
8696 sel_atom        vim.h   /^    Atom      sel_atom;       \/* PRIMARY\/CLIPBOARD selection ID *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimClipboard
8697 sensitive       structs.h       /^    int               sensitive;          \/* turn button on\/off *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimMenu
8698 separate_nextcmd        ex_docmd.c      /^separate_nextcmd(eap)$/;"     f
8699 serverDelayedStartName  globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *serverDelayedStartName INIT(= NULL);$/;"       v
8700 serverMakeName  main.c  /^serverMakeName(arg, cmd)$/;"  f       file:
8701 serverName      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *serverName INIT(= NULL);       \/* name of the server *\/$/;"  v
8702 server_to_input_buf     main.c  /^server_to_input_buf(str)$/;"  f
8703 ses_arglist     ex_docmd.c      /^ses_arglist(fd, cmd, gap, fullname, flagp)$/;"        f       file:
8704 ses_do_frame    ex_docmd.c      /^ses_do_frame(fr)$/;"  f       file:
8705 ses_do_win      ex_docmd.c      /^ses_do_win(wp)$/;"    f       file:
8706 ses_fname       ex_docmd.c      /^ses_fname(fd, buf, flagp)$/;" f       file:
8707 ses_put_fname   ex_docmd.c      /^ses_put_fname(fd, name, flagp)$/;"    f       file:
8708 ses_skipframe   ex_docmd.c      /^ses_skipframe(fr)$/;" f       file:
8709 ses_win_rec     ex_docmd.c      /^ses_win_rec(fd, fr)$/;"       f       file:
8710 ses_winsizes    ex_docmd.c      /^ses_winsizes(fd, restore_size)$/;"    f       file:
8711 setFoldRepeat   fold.c  /^setFoldRepeat(lnum, count, open)$/;"  f       file:
8712 setManualFold   fold.c  /^setManualFold(lnum, opening, recurse, donep)$/;"      f       file:
8713 setManualFoldWin        fold.c  /^setManualFoldWin(wp, lnum, opening, recurse, donep)$/;"       f       file:
8714 setSmallMaybe   fold.c  /^setSmallMaybe(gap)$/;"        f       file:
8715 set_arglist     ex_cmds2.c      /^set_arglist(str)$/;"  f
8716 set_b0_fname    memline.c       /^set_b0_fname(b0p, buf)$/;"    f       file:
8717 set_bool_option option.c        /^set_bool_option(opt_idx, varp, value, opt_flags)$/;"  f       file:
8718 set_buflisted   buffer.c        /^set_buflisted(on)$/;" f
8719 set_chars_option        option.c        /^set_chars_option(varp)$/;"    f       file:
8720 set_cmd_context ex_getln.c      /^set_cmd_context(xp, str, len, col)$/;"        f
8721 set_cmdarg      eval.c  /^set_cmdarg(eap, oldarg)$/;"   f
8722 set_cmdline_pos ex_getln.c      /^set_cmdline_pos(pos)$/;"      f
8723 set_cmdspos     ex_getln.c      /^set_cmdspos()$/;"     f       file:
8724 set_cmdspos_cursor      ex_getln.c      /^set_cmdspos_cursor()$/;"      f       file:
8725 set_color_count term.c  /^set_color_count(nr)$/;"       f       file:
8726 set_context_for_expression      eval.c  /^set_context_for_expression(xp, arg, cmdidx)$/;"       f
8727 set_context_in_autocmd  fileio.c        /^set_context_in_autocmd(xp, arg, doautocmd)$/;"        f
8728 set_context_in_highlight_cmd    syntax.c        /^set_context_in_highlight_cmd(xp, arg)$/;"     f
8729 set_context_in_map_cmd  getchar.c       /^set_context_in_map_cmd(xp, cmd, arg, forceit, isabbrev, isunmap, cmdidx)$/;"  f
8730 set_context_in_menu_cmd menu.c  /^set_context_in_menu_cmd(xp, cmd, arg, forceit)$/;"    f
8731 set_context_in_set_cmd  option.c        /^set_context_in_set_cmd(xp, arg, opt_flags)$/;"        f
8732 set_context_in_syntax_cmd       syntax.c        /^set_context_in_syntax_cmd(xp, arg)$/;"        f
8733 set_curbuf      buffer.c        /^set_curbuf(buf, action)$/;"   f
8734 set_empty_rows  move.c  /^set_empty_rows(wp, used)$/;"  f
8735 set_expand_context      ex_getln.c      /^set_expand_context(xp)$/;"    f       file:
8736 set_expr_line   ops.c   /^set_expr_line(new_line)$/;"   f
8737 set_file_time   fileio.c        /^set_file_time(fname, atime, mtime)$/;"        f       file:
8738 set_fileformat  misc2.c /^set_fileformat(t, opt_flags)$/;"      f
8739 set_group_colors        syntax.c        /^set_group_colors(name, fgp, bgp, do_menu, use_norm, do_tooltip)$/;"   f       file:
8740 set_guifontwide gui.c   /^set_guifontwide(name)$/;"     f       file:
8741 set_helplang_default    option.c        /^set_helplang_default(lang)$/;"        f
8742 set_hl_attr     syntax.c        /^set_hl_attr(idx)$/;"  f       file:
8743 set_iminsert_global     option.c        /^set_iminsert_global()$/;"     f
8744 set_imsearch_global     option.c        /^set_imsearch_global()$/;"     f
8745 set_indent      misc1.c /^set_indent(size, flags)$/;"   f
8746 set_init_1      option.c        /^set_init_1()$/;"      f
8747 set_init_2      option.c        /^set_init_2()$/;"      f
8748 set_init_3      option.c        /^set_init_3()$/;"      f
8749 set_input_buf   ui.c    /^set_input_buf(p)$/;"  f
8750 set_internal_string_var eval.c  /^set_internal_string_var(name, value)$/;"      f
8751 set_keep_msg    message.c       /^set_keep_msg(s)$/;"   f
8752 set_lang_var    ex_cmds2.c      /^set_lang_var()$/;"    f
8753 set_last_cursor mark.c  /^set_last_cursor(win)$/;"      f
8754 set_last_insert edit.c  /^set_last_insert(c)$/;"        f
8755 set_last_search_pat     search.c        /^set_last_search_pat(s, idx, magic, setlast)$/;"       f
8756 set_mouse_termcode      term.c  /^set_mouse_termcode(n, s)$/;"  f
8757 set_mouse_topline       term.c  /^set_mouse_topline(wp)$/;"     f
8758 set_normal_colors       syntax.c        /^set_normal_colors()$/;"       f
8759 set_num_option  option.c        /^set_num_option(opt_idx, varp, value, errbuf, opt_flags)$/;"   f       file:
8760 set_number_default      option.c        /^set_number_default(name, val)$/;"     f
8761 set_one_cmd_context     ex_docmd.c      /^set_one_cmd_context(xp, buff)$/;"     f
8762 set_option_default      option.c        /^set_option_default(opt_idx, opt_flags, compatible)$/;"        f       file:
8763 set_option_value        option.c        /^set_option_value(name, number, string, opt_flags)$/;" f
8764 set_options_bin option.c        /^set_options_bin(oldval, newval, opt_flags)$/;"        f
8765 set_options_default     option.c        /^set_options_default(opt_flags)$/;"    f       file:
8766 set_printable_label_text        gui_beval.c     /^set_printable_label_text(GtkLabel *label, char_u *msg)$/;"    f       file:
8767 set_reg_var     eval.c  /^set_reg_var(c)$/;"    f
8768 set_shellsize   term.c  /^set_shellsize(width, height, mustset)$/;"     f
8769 set_string_default      option.c        /^set_string_default(name, val)$/;"     f
8770 set_string_option       option.c        /^set_string_option(opt_idx, value, opt_flags)$/;"      f       file:
8771 set_string_option_direct        option.c        /^set_string_option_direct(name, opt_idx, val, opt_flags)$/;"   f
8772 set_string_option_global        option.c        /^set_string_option_global(opt_idx, varp)$/;"   f       file:
8773 set_term_defaults       option.c        /^set_term_defaults()$/;"       f
8774 set_term_option_alloced option.c        /^set_term_option_alloced(p)$/;"        f
8775 set_termname    term.c  /^set_termname(term)$/;"        f
8776 set_title_defaults      option.c        /^set_title_defaults()$/;"      f
8777 set_topline     move.c  /^set_topline(wp, lnum)$/;"     f
8778 set_var eval.c  /^set_var(name, varp)$/;"       f       file:
8779 set_vcount      eval.c  /^set_vcount(count, count1)$/;" f
8780 set_vim_var_nr  eval.c  /^set_vim_var_nr(idx, val)$/;"  f
8781 set_vim_var_string      eval.c  /^set_vim_var_string(idx, val, len)$/;" f
8782 setaltfname     buffer.c        /^setaltfname(ffname, sfname, lnum)$/;" f
8783 setcursor       screen.c        /^setcursor()$/;"       f
8784 setfname        buffer.c        /^setfname(buf, ffname, sfname, message)$/;"    f
8785 setmark mark.c  /^setmark(c)$/;"        f
8786 setmouse        term.c  /^setmouse()$/;"        f
8787 setpcmark       mark.c  /^setpcmark()$/;"       f
8788 settmode        term.c  /^settmode(tmode)$/;"   f
8789 sfile   testdir/test49.vim      /^    let sfile = expand("<sfile>")$/;" v
8790 sfname  fileio.c        /^    char_u    *sfname;        \/* sfname to match with *\/$/;"        m       struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
8791 sg_cterm        syntax.c        /^    int               sg_cterm;       \/* "cterm=" highlighting attr *\/$/;"  m       struct:hl_group file:
8792 sg_cterm_attr   syntax.c        /^    int               sg_cterm_attr;  \/* Screen attr for color term mode *\/$/;"     m       struct:hl_group file:
8793 sg_cterm_bg     syntax.c        /^    int               sg_cterm_bg;    \/* terminal bg color number + 1 *\/$/;"        m       struct:hl_group file:
8794 sg_cterm_bold   syntax.c        /^    int               sg_cterm_bold;  \/* bold attr was set for light color *\/$/;"   m       struct:hl_group file:
8795 sg_cterm_fg     syntax.c        /^    int               sg_cterm_fg;    \/* terminal fg color number + 1 *\/$/;"        m       struct:hl_group file:
8796 sg_font syntax.c        /^    GuiFont   sg_font;        \/* GUI font handle *\/$/;"     m       struct:hl_group file:
8797 sg_font_name    syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sg_font_name;  \/* GUI font or fontset name *\/$/;"    m       struct:hl_group file:
8798 sg_fontset      syntax.c        /^    GuiFontset        sg_fontset;     \/* GUI fontset handle *\/$/;"  m       struct:hl_group file:
8799 sg_gui  syntax.c        /^    int               sg_gui;         \/* "gui=" highlighting attributes *\/$/;"      m       struct:hl_group file:
8800 sg_gui_attr     syntax.c        /^    int               sg_gui_attr;    \/* Screen attr for GUI mode *\/$/;"    m       struct:hl_group file:
8801 sg_gui_bg       syntax.c        /^    guicolor_T        sg_gui_bg;      \/* GUI background color handle *\/$/;" m       struct:hl_group file:
8802 sg_gui_bg_name  syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sg_gui_bg_name;\/* GUI background color name *\/$/;"   m       struct:hl_group file:
8803 sg_gui_fg       syntax.c        /^    guicolor_T        sg_gui_fg;      \/* GUI foreground color handle *\/$/;" m       struct:hl_group file:
8804 sg_gui_fg_name  syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sg_gui_fg_name;\/* GUI foreground color name *\/$/;"   m       struct:hl_group file:
8805 sg_link syntax.c        /^    int               sg_link;        \/* link to this highlight group ID *\/$/;"     m       struct:hl_group file:
8806 sg_name syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sg_name;       \/* highlight group name *\/$/;"        m       struct:hl_group file:
8807 sg_name_u       syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sg_name_u;     \/* uppercase of sg_name *\/$/;"        m       struct:hl_group file:
8808 sg_set  syntax.c        /^    int               sg_set;         \/* combination of SG_* flags *\/$/;"   m       struct:hl_group file:
8809 sg_start        syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sg_start;      \/* terminal string for start highl *\/$/;"     m       struct:hl_group file:
8810 sg_stop syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sg_stop;       \/* terminal string for stop highl *\/$/;"      m       struct:hl_group file:
8811 sg_term syntax.c        /^    int               sg_term;        \/* "term=" highlighting attributes *\/$/;"     m       struct:hl_group file:
8812 sg_term_attr    syntax.c        /^    int               sg_term_attr;   \/* Screen attr for term mode *\/$/;"   m       struct:hl_group file:
8813 shape   structs.h       /^    int               shape;          \/* one of the SHAPE_ defines *\/$/;"   m       struct:cursor_entry
8814 shape_table     misc2.c /^cursorentry_T shape_table[SHAPE_IDX_COUNT] =$/;"      v
8815 shell_created   gui.h   /^    int               shell_created;      \/* Has the shell been created yet? *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
8816 shell_new_columns       window.c        /^shell_new_columns()$/;"       f
8817 shell_new_rows  window.c        /^shell_new_rows()$/;"  f
8818 shell_resized   term.c  /^shell_resized()$/;"   f
8819 shell_resized_check     term.c  /^shell_resized_check()$/;"     f
8820 shift_block     ops.c   /^shift_block(oap, amount)$/;"  f       file:
8821 shift_line      ops.c   /^shift_line(left, round, amount)$/;"   f
8822 short_u structs.h       /^typedef unsigned short        short_u;$/;"    t
8823 short_u vim.h   /^typedef unsigned short        short_u;$/;"    t
8824 shorten_filenames       fileio.c        /^shorten_filenames(fnames, count)$/;"  f
8825 shorten_fname   fileio.c        /^shorten_fname(full_path, dir_name)$/;"        f
8826 shorten_fnames  fileio.c        /^shorten_fnames(force)$/;"     f
8827 shortmess       option.c        /^shortmess(x)$/;"      f
8828 shortname       option.c        /^    char      *shortname;     \/* permissible abbreviation *\/$/;"    m       struct:vimoption        file:
8829 shortpath_for_invalid_fname     eval.c  /^shortpath_for_invalid_fname(fname, bufp, fnamelen)$/;"        f       file:
8830 shortpath_for_partial   eval.c  /^shortpath_for_partial(fnamep, bufp, fnamelen)$/;"     f       file:
8831 should_abort    ex_eval.c       /^should_abort(retcode)$/;"     f
8832 showState       gui_beval.h     /^    BeState           showState;      \/* tells us whats currently going on *\/$/;"   m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
8833 show_autocmd    fileio.c        /^show_autocmd(ap, event)$/;"   f       file:
8834 show_menus      menu.c  /^show_menus(path_name, modes)$/;"      f       file:
8835 show_menus_recursive    menu.c  /^show_menus_recursive(menu, modes, depth)$/;"  f       file:
8836 show_one_mark   mark.c  /^show_one_mark(c, arg, p, name, current)$/;"   f       file:
8837 show_one_termcode       term.c  /^show_one_termcode(name, code, printit)$/;"    f
8838 show_pat_in_path        search.c        /^show_pat_in_path(line, type, did_show, action, fp, lnum, count)$/;"   f       file:
8839 show_termcodes  term.c  /^show_termcodes()$/;"  f
8840 show_utf8       mbyte.c /^show_utf8()$/;"       f
8841 showcmd_buf     normal.c        /^static char_u showcmd_buf[SHOWCMD_BUFLEN];$/;"        v       file:
8842 showcmd_is_clear        normal.c        /^static int    showcmd_is_clear = TRUE;$/;"    v       file:
8843 showcmd_visual  normal.c        /^static int    showcmd_visual = FALSE;$/;"     v       file:
8844 showmap getchar.c       /^showmap(mp, local)$/;"        f       file:
8845 showmatch       search.c        /^showmatch(c)$/;"      f
8846 showmatches     ex_getln.c      /^showmatches(xp, wildmenu)$/;" f       file:
8847 showmode        screen.c        /^showmode()$/;"        f
8848 shown_direction edit.c  /^static int                shown_direction = FORWARD;$/;"      v       file:
8849 shown_match     edit.c  /^static struct Completion    *shown_match = NULL;$/;"  v       typeref:struct:Completion       file:
8850 showoneopt      option.c        /^showoneopt(p, opt_flags)$/;"  f       file:
8851 showoptions     option.c        /^showoptions(all, opt_flags)$/;"       f       file:
8852 showruler       screen.c        /^showruler(always)$/;" f
8853 si_attr syntax.c        /^    int               si_attr;                \/* attributes in this state *\/$/;"    m       struct:state_item       file:
8854 si_cont_list    syntax.c        /^    short     *si_cont_list;          \/* list of contained groups *\/$/;"    m       struct:state_item       file:
8855 si_end_idx      syntax.c        /^    int               si_end_idx;             \/* group ID for end pattern or zero *\/$/;"    m       struct:state_item       file:
8856 si_ends syntax.c        /^    int               si_ends;                \/* if match ends before si_m_endpos *\/$/;"    m       struct:state_item       file:
8857 si_eoe_pos      syntax.c        /^    lpos_T    si_eoe_pos;             \/* end position of end pattern *\/$/;" m       struct:state_item       file:
8858 si_extmatch     syntax.c        /^    reg_extmatch_T *si_extmatch;      \/* \\z(...\\) matches from start$/;"   m       struct:state_item       file:
8859 si_flags        syntax.c        /^    long      si_flags;               \/* HL_HAS_EOL flag in this state, and$/;"      m       struct:state_item       file:
8860 si_h_endpos     syntax.c        /^    lpos_T    si_h_endpos;            \/* end position of the highlighting *\/$/;"    m       struct:state_item       file:
8861 si_h_startpos   syntax.c        /^    lpos_T    si_h_startpos;          \/* start position of the highlighting *\/$/;"  m       struct:state_item       file:
8862 si_id   syntax.c        /^    int               si_id;                  \/* highlight group ID for keywords *\/$/;"     m       struct:state_item       file:
8863 si_idx  syntax.c        /^    int               si_idx;                 \/* index of syntax pattern *\/$/;"     m       struct:state_item       file:
8864 si_m_endpos     syntax.c        /^    lpos_T    si_m_endpos;            \/* just after end posn of the match *\/$/;"    m       struct:state_item       file:
8865 si_m_lnum       syntax.c        /^    int               si_m_lnum;              \/* lnum of the match *\/$/;"   m       struct:state_item       file:
8866 si_m_startcol   syntax.c        /^    int               si_m_startcol;          \/* starting column of the match *\/$/;"        m       struct:state_item       file:
8867 si_next_list    syntax.c        /^    short     *si_next_list;          \/* nextgroup IDs after this item ends *\/$/;"  m       struct:state_item       file:
8868 si_trans_id     syntax.c        /^    int               si_trans_id;            \/* idem, transparancy removed *\/$/;"  m       struct:state_item       file:
8869 sign    ex_cmds.c       /^struct sign$/;"       s       file:
8870 sign_T  ex_cmds.c       /^typedef struct sign sign_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:sign     file:
8871 sign_get_attr   ex_cmds.c       /^sign_get_attr(typenr, line)$/;"       f
8872 sign_get_image  ex_cmds.c       /^sign_get_image(typenr)$/;"    f
8873 sign_get_text   ex_cmds.c       /^sign_get_text(typenr)$/;"     f
8874 sign_gui_started        ex_cmds.c       /^sign_gui_started()$/;"        f
8875 sign_list_defined       ex_cmds.c       /^sign_list_defined(sp)$/;"     f       file:
8876 sign_list_placed        buffer.c        /^sign_list_placed(rbuf)$/;"    f
8877 sign_mark_adjust        buffer.c        /^sign_mark_adjust(line1, line2, amount, amount_after)$/;"      f
8878 sign_typenr2name        ex_cmds.c       /^sign_typenr2name(typenr)$/;"  f
8879 signlist        structs.h       /^struct signlist$/;"   s
8880 signlist_T      structs.h       /^typedef struct signlist signlist_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:signlist
8881 signmap netbeans.c      /^    int                       *signmap;$/;"   m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
8882 signmaplen      netbeans.c      /^    short_u            signmaplen;$/;"        m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
8883 signmapused     netbeans.c      /^    short_u            signmapused;$/;"       m       struct:nbbuf_struct     file:
8884 silent  structs.h       /^    char      silent[MENU_MODES]; \/* A silent flag for each mode *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimMenu
8885 silent_mode     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    silent_mode INIT(= FALSE);$/;"  v
8886 simplify_filename       tag.c   /^simplify_filename(filename)$/;"       f
8887 simplify_key    misc2.c /^simplify_key(key, modifiers)$/;"      f
8888 size    gui.h   /^    long      size;           \/* Size of scrollbar thumb *\/$/;"     m       struct:GuiScrollbar
8889 size_set        os_amiga.c      /^int                   size_set = FALSE;   \/* set to TRUE if window size was set *\/$/;"      v
8890 skip    ex_cmds.h       /^    int               skip;           \/* don't execute the command, only parse it *\/$/;"    m       struct:exarg
8891 skip_anyof      regexp.c        /^skip_anyof(p)$/;"     f       file:
8892 skip_chars      search.c        /^skip_chars(cclass, dir)$/;"   f       file:
8893 skip_class_name regexp.c        /^skip_class_name(pp)$/;"       f       file:
8894 skip_cmd_arg    ex_docmd.c      /^skip_cmd_arg(p, rembs)$/;"    f       file:
8895 skip_label      misc1.c /^skip_label(lnum, pp, ind_maxcomment)$/;"      f       file:
8896 skip_range      ex_docmd.c      /^skip_range(cmd, ctx)$/;"      f
8897 skip_redraw     globals.h       /^EXTERN int    skip_redraw INIT(= FALSE);  \/* skip redraw once *\/$/;"        v
8898 skip_regexp     regexp.c        /^skip_regexp(startp, dirc, magic, newp)$/;"    f
8899 skip_string     misc1.c /^skip_string(p)$/;"    f       file:
8900 skip_to_option_part     misc1.c /^skip_to_option_part(p)$/;"    f
8901 skipchr regexp.c        /^skipchr()$/;" f       file:
8902 skipchr_keepstart       regexp.c        /^skipchr_keepstart()$/;"       f       file:
8903 skipdigits      charset.c       /^skipdigits(p)$/;"     f
8904 skiptowhite     charset.c       /^skiptowhite(p)$/;"    f
8905 skiptowhite_esc charset.c       /^skiptowhite_esc(p)$/;"        f
8906 skipwhite       charset.c       /^skipwhite(p)$/;"      f
8907 sleep   netbeans.c      42;"    d       file:
8908 sm_gettail      ex_getln.c      /^sm_gettail(s)$/;"     f
8909 smsg    message.c       /^smsg(char_u *s, ...)$/;"      f
8910 smsg    message.c       /^smsg(s, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)$/;"  f
8911 smsg_attr       message.c       /^smsg_attr(attr, s, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)$/;"       f
8912 smsg_attr       message.c       /^smsg_attr(int attr, char_u *s, ...)$/;"       f
8913 sn_icon ex_cmds.c       /^    char_u    *sn_icon;       \/* name of pixmap *\/$/;"      m       struct:sign     file:
8914 sn_image        ex_cmds.c       /^    void      *sn_image;      \/* icon image *\/$/;"  m       struct:sign     file:
8915 sn_line_hl      ex_cmds.c       /^    int               sn_line_hl;     \/* highlight ID for line *\/$/;"       m       struct:sign     file:
8916 sn_name ex_cmds.c       /^    char_u    *sn_name;       \/* name of sign *\/$/;"        m       struct:sign     file:
8917 sn_next ex_cmds.c       /^    sign_T    *sn_next;       \/* next sign in list *\/$/;"   m       struct:sign     file:
8918 sn_text ex_cmds.c       /^    char_u    *sn_text;       \/* text used instead of pixmap *\/$/;" m       struct:sign     file:
8919 sn_text_hl      ex_cmds.c       /^    int               sn_text_hl;     \/* highlight ID for text *\/$/;"       m       struct:sign     file:
8920 sn_typenr       ex_cmds.c       /^    int               sn_typenr;      \/* type number of sign (negative if not equal$/;"      m       struct:sign     file:
8921 snapshot        window.c        /^static frame_T *snapshot = NULL;$/;"  v       file:
8922 sock_close      netbeans.c      41;"    d       file:
8923 sock_close      netbeans.c      53;"    d       file:
8924 sock_errno      netbeans.c      33;"    d       file:
8925 sock_errno      netbeans.c      50;"    d       file:
8926 sock_read       netbeans.c      40;"    d       file:
8927 sock_read       netbeans.c      52;"    d       file:
8928 sock_write      netbeans.c      39;"    d       file:
8929 sock_write      netbeans.c      51;"    d       file:
8930 soffset search.c        /^struct soffset$/;"    s       file:
8931 sort_compare    misc2.c /^sort_compare(s1, s2)$/;"      f       file:
8932 sort_strings    misc2.c /^sort_strings(files, count)$/;"        f
8933 sortcmp os_amiga.c      /^sortcmp(a, b)$/;"     f       file:
8934 source_breakpoint       ex_cmds2.c      /^source_breakpoint(cookie)$/;" f
8935 source_callback ex_cmds2.c      /^source_callback(fname)$/;"    f       file:
8936 source_cookie   ex_cmds2.c      /^struct source_cookie$/;"      s       file:
8937 source_dbg_tick ex_cmds2.c      /^source_dbg_tick(cookie)$/;"   f
8938 source_finished ex_cmds2.c      /^source_finished(getline, cookie)$/;"  f
8939 source_level    ex_cmds2.c      /^source_level(cookie)$/;"      f
8940 sourcing_lnum   globals.h       /^EXTERN linenr_T       sourcing_lnum INIT(= 0);    \/* line number of the source file *\/$/;"  v
8941 sourcing_name   globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *sourcing_name INIT( = NULL);\/* name of error message source *\/$/;"   v
8942 sp_cont_list    syntax.c        /^    short     *sp_cont_list;          \/* cont. group IDs, if non-zero *\/$/;"        m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8943 sp_flags        syntax.c        /^    short      sp_flags;              \/* see HL_ defines below *\/$/;"       m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8944 sp_ic   syntax.c        /^    int                sp_ic;                 \/* ignore-case flag for sp_prog *\/$/;"        m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8945 sp_line_id      syntax.c        /^    int                sp_line_id;            \/* ID of last line where tried *\/$/;" m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8946 sp_next_list    syntax.c        /^    short     *sp_next_list;          \/* next group IDs, if non-zero *\/$/;" m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8947 sp_off_flags    syntax.c        /^    short      sp_off_flags;          \/* see below *\/$/;"   m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8948 sp_offsets      syntax.c        /^    int                sp_offsets[SPO_COUNT]; \/* offsets *\/$/;"     m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8949 sp_pattern      syntax.c        /^    char_u    *sp_pattern;            \/* regexp to match, pattern *\/$/;"    m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8950 sp_prog syntax.c        /^    regprog_T *sp_prog;               \/* regexp to match, program *\/$/;"    m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8951 sp_startcol     syntax.c        /^    int                sp_startcol;           \/* next match in sp_line_id line *\/$/;"       m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8952 sp_syn  structs.h       /^struct sp_syn$/;"     s
8953 sp_syn  syntax.c        /^    struct sp_syn sp_syn;             \/* struct passed to in_id_list() *\/$/;"       m       struct:syn_pattern      typeref:struct:syn_pattern::sp_syn      file:
8954 sp_syn_match_id syntax.c        /^    short      sp_syn_match_id;       \/* highlight group ID of pattern *\/$/;"       m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8955 sp_sync_idx     syntax.c        /^    int                sp_sync_idx;           \/* sync item index (syncing only) *\/$/;"      m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8956 sp_syncing      syntax.c        /^    char       sp_syncing;            \/* this item used for syncing *\/$/;"  m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8957 sp_type syntax.c        /^    char       sp_type;               \/* see SPTYPE_ defines below *\/$/;"   m       struct:syn_pattern      file:
8958 spat    search.c        /^struct spat$/;"       s       file:
8959 spats   search.c        /^static struct spat spats[2] =$/;"     v       typeref:struct:spat     file:
8960 special_keys    gui_amiga.c     /^} special_keys[] =$/;"        v       typeref:struct:__anon25 file:
8961 split   structs.h       /^    int               split;                  \/* flags for win_split() *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon31
8962 spo_name_tab    syntax.c        /^static char *(spo_name_tab[SPO_COUNT]) =$/;"  v       file:
8963 ssop_flags      option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned       ssop_flags;$/;" v
8964 sst_change_lnum structs.h       /^    linenr_T  sst_change_lnum;\/* when non-zero, change in this line$/;"      m       struct:syn_state
8965 sst_ga  structs.h       /^      garray_T        sst_ga; \/* growarray for long state stack *\/$/;"      m       union:syn_state::__anon33
8966 sst_lnum        structs.h       /^    linenr_T  sst_lnum;       \/* line number for this state *\/$/;"  m       struct:syn_state
8967 sst_next        structs.h       /^    synstate_T        *sst_next;      \/* next entry in used or free list *\/$/;"     m       struct:syn_state
8968 sst_next_flags  structs.h       /^    int               sst_next_flags; \/* flags for sst_next_list *\/$/;"     m       struct:syn_state
8969 sst_next_list   structs.h       /^    short     *sst_next_list; \/* "nextgroup" list in this state$/;"  m       struct:syn_state
8970 sst_stack       structs.h       /^      bufstate_T      sst_stack[SST_FIX_STATES]; \/* short state stack *\/$/;"        m       union:syn_state::__anon33
8971 sst_stacksize   structs.h       /^    short     sst_stacksize;  \/* number of states on the stack *\/$/;"       m       struct:syn_state
8972 sst_tick        structs.h       /^    disptick_T        sst_tick;       \/* tick when last displayed *\/$/;"    m       struct:syn_state
8973 sst_union       structs.h       /^    } sst_union;$/;"  m       struct:syn_state        typeref:union:syn_state::__anon33
8974 start   fold.c  /^    int               start;          \/* number of folds that are forced to start at$/;"     m       struct:__anon15 file:
8975 start   structs.h       /^          char_u          *start;     \/* start escape sequence *\/$/;"       m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon35
8976 start   structs.h       /^    char_u    *start;$/;"     m       struct:stl_hlrec
8977 start   structs.h       /^    pos_T     start;          \/* start of the operator *\/$/;"       m       struct:oparg
8978 start   vim.h   /^    pos_T     start;          \/* Start of selected area *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimClipboard
8979 startPS search.c        /^startPS(lnum, para, both)$/;" f
8980 start_arrow     edit.c  /^start_arrow(end_insert_pos)$/;"       f       file:
8981 start_char_vcols        ops.c   /^    colnr_T   start_char_vcols; \/* number of vcols of pre-block char *\/$/;" m       struct:block_def        file:
8982 start_redo      getchar.c       /^start_redo(count, old_redo)$/;"       f
8983 start_redo_ins  getchar.c       /^start_redo_ins()$/;"  f
8984 start_search_hl screen.c        /^start_search_hl()$/;" f       file:
8985 start_selection normal.c        /^start_selection()$/;" f
8986 start_stuff     getchar.c       /^start_stuff()$/;"     f       file:
8987 start_vcol      ops.c   /^    colnr_T   start_vcol;     \/* start col of 1st char wholly inside block *\/$/;"   m       struct:block_def        file:
8988 start_vcol      structs.h       /^    colnr_T   start_vcol;     \/* start col for block mode operator *\/$/;"   m       struct:oparg
8989 startcol        screen.c        /^    colnr_T   startcol; \/* in win_line() points to char where HL starts *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon1  file:
8990 started_completion      edit.c  /^static int                started_completion = FALSE;$/;"     v       file:
8991 starting        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    starting INIT(= NO_SCREEN);$/;" v
8992 starting        gui.h   /^    int               starting;           \/* GUI will start in a little while *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui
8993 startp  regexp.h        /^    char_u            *startp[NSUBEXP];$/;"   m       struct:__anon4
8994 startpos        regexp.h        /^    lpos_T            startpos[NSUBEXP];$/;"  m       struct:__anon5
8995 startspaces     ops.c   /^    int               startspaces;    \/* 'extra' cols of first char *\/$/;"  m       struct:block_def        file:
8996 starttermcap    term.c  /^starttermcap()$/;"    f
8997 stat    vim.h   1553;"  d
8998 state   gui_amiga.c     /^    }         state;$/;"      m       struct:__anon26 typeref:enum:__anon26::__anon27 file:
8999 state   gui_beval.h     /^    unsigned int      state;          \/* Button\/Modifier key state *\/$/;"  m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
9000 state   vim.h   /^    short_u   state;          \/* Current selection state *\/$/;"     m       struct:VimClipboard
9001 state_item      syntax.c        /^typedef struct state_item$/;" s       file:
9002 stateitem_T     syntax.c        /^} stateitem_T;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:state_item       file:
9003 status_area_enabled     mbyte.c /^static int    status_area_enabled = TRUE;$/;" v       file:
9004 status_height   gui.h   /^    int               status_height;  \/* Height of status line *\/$/;"       m       struct:GuiScrollbar
9005 status_match_len        screen.c        /^status_match_len(xp, s)$/;"   f       file:
9006 status_redraw_all       screen.c        /^status_redraw_all()$/;"       f
9007 status_redraw_curbuf    screen.c        /^status_redraw_curbuf()$/;"    f
9008 step    mbyte.c /^    int step;$/;"     m       struct:__anon13 file:
9009 stl_connected   screen.c        /^stl_connected(wp)$/;" f
9010 stl_hlrec       structs.h       /^struct stl_hlrec$/;"  s
9011 stl_syntax      globals.h       /^EXTERN int      stl_syntax INIT(= 0);$/;"     v
9012 stop    structs.h       /^          char_u          *stop;      \/* stop escape sequence *\/$/;"        m       struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon35
9013 stop_arrow      edit.c  /^stop_arrow()$/;"      f
9014 stop_insert     edit.c  /^stop_insert(end_insert_pos, esc)$/;"  f       file:
9015 stop_insert_mode        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    stop_insert_mode;       \/* for ":stopinsert" and 'insertmode' *\/$/;"  v
9016 stop_redo_ins   getchar.c       /^stop_redo_ins()$/;"   f
9017 stoptermcap     term.c  /^stoptermcap()$/;"     f
9018 store_current_state     syntax.c        /^store_current_state(sp)$/;"   f       file:
9019 store_session_globals   eval.c  /^store_session_globals(fd)$/;" f
9020 store_while_line        ex_docmd.c      /^store_while_line(gap, line)$/;"       f       file:
9021 str     edit.c  /^    char_u            *str;     \/* matched text *\/$/;"      m       struct:Completion       file:
9022 str2special     message.c       /^str2special(sp, from)$/;"     f
9023 str2specialbuf  message.c       /^str2specialbuf(sp, buf, len)$/;"      f
9024 str_foldcase    charset.c       /^str_foldcase(str, len)$/;"    f
9025 str_to_reg      ops.c   /^str_to_reg(y_ptr, type, str, len, blocklen)$/;"       f       file:
9026 streq   netbeans.c      1201;"  d       file:
9027 string  structs.h       /^    char_u    *string;        \/* points into option string *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon43
9028 string_convert  mbyte.c /^string_convert(vcp, ptr, lenp)$/;"    f
9029 string_convert_ext      mbyte.c /^string_convert_ext(vcp, ptr, lenp, unconvlenp)$/;"    f
9030 string_to_key   option.c        /^string_to_key(arg)$/;"        f       file:
9031 strings structs.h       /^    char_u    *strings[MENU_MODES]; \/* Mapped string for each mode *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
9032 strlen  structs.h       /^    int               strlen;$/;"     m       struct:__anon43
9033 stuffReadbuff   getchar.c       /^stuffReadbuff(s)$/;"  f
9034 stuffReadbuffLen        getchar.c       /^stuffReadbuffLen(s, len)$/;"  f
9035 stuffReadbuffSpec       getchar.c       /^stuffReadbuffSpec(s)$/;"      f
9036 stuff_empty     getchar.c       /^stuff_empty()$/;"     f
9037 stuff_inserted  edit.c  /^stuff_inserted(c, count, no_esc)$/;"  f
9038 stuff_yank      ops.c   /^stuff_yank(regname, p)$/;"    f       file:
9039 stuffbuff       globals.h       /^EXTERN struct buffheader stuffbuff    \/* stuff buffer *\/$/;"        v       typeref:struct:buffheader
9040 stuffcharReadbuff       getchar.c       /^stuffcharReadbuff(c)$/;"      f
9041 stuffescaped    ops.c   /^stuffescaped(arg, literally)$/;"      f       file:
9042 stuffnumReadbuff        getchar.c       /^stuffnumReadbuff(n)$/;"       f
9043 sub_nlines      ex_cmds.c       /^static linenr_T       sub_nlines;     \/* total number of lines changed *\/$/;"       v       file:
9044 sub_nsubs       ex_cmds.c       /^static long   sub_nsubs;      \/* total number of substitutions *\/$/;"       v       file:
9045 subcommand      syntax.c        /^struct subcommand$/;" s       file:
9046 subcommands     syntax.c        /^static struct subcommand subcommands[] =$/;"  v       typeref:struct:subcommand       file:
9047 submatch_match  regexp.c        /^static regmatch_T     *submatch_match;$/;"    v       file:
9048 submatch_mmatch regexp.c        /^static regmmatch_T    *submatch_mmatch;$/;"   v       file:
9049 submenu_handle  structs.h       /^    MenuHandle        submenu_handle;$/;"     m       struct:VimMenu
9050 submenu_id      structs.h       /^    BMenu     *submenu_id;        \/* If this is submenu, add children here *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
9051 submenu_id      structs.h       /^    GtkWidget *submenu_id;        \/* If this is submenu, add children here *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
9052 submenu_id      structs.h       /^    HMENU     submenu_id;         \/* If this is submenu, add children here *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
9053 submenu_id      structs.h       /^    PtWidget_t        *submenu_id;$/;"        m       struct:VimMenu
9054 submenu_id      structs.h       /^    Widget    submenu_id;         \/* If this is submenu, add children here *\/$/;"   m       struct:VimMenu
9055 submenu_id      structs.h       /^    short     submenu_id;         \/* the menu id of the children (could be$/;"       m       struct:VimMenu
9056 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^              let sum = sum + 1$/;"   v
9057 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^          let sum = sum + 2$/;"       v
9058 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^          let sum = sum - R("interrupt", -128)$/;"    v
9059 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^          let sum = sum - R("throw", -256)$/;"        v
9060 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let sum = sum + 4$/;"   v
9061 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let sum = sum - R("error", -64)$/;"     v
9062 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^    let sum =  -R("continue", -8)$/;" v
9063 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^    let sum = sum + 16$/;"    v
9064 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^    let sum = sum + 8$/;"     v
9065 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^    let sum = sum - R("break", -16)$/;"       v
9066 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^    let sum = sum - R("return", -32)$/;"      v
9067 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^let sum            = F() + G() + H()  + I()   + J() + K() + L()     + M()$/;" v
9068 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^let sum            = sum      + N()      + O()$/;"    v
9069 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^let sum = (F() + 1) - 4*G() - 8*H()$/;"       v
9070 sum     testdir/test49.vim      /^let sum = 0$/;"       v
9071 suppress_alternate_input        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    suppress_alternate_input INIT(= FALSE);$/;"     v
9072 suppress_errthrow       globals.h       /^EXTERN int suppress_errthrow INIT(= FALSE);$/;"       v
9073 suspend_shell   ui.c    /^suspend_shell()$/;"   f
9074 swap_exists_action      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    swap_exists_action INIT(= 0);   \/* use dialog when swap file$/;"       v
9075 swapchar        ops.c   /^swapchar(op_type, pos)$/;"    f
9076 swapfile_info   memline.c       /^swapfile_info(fname)$/;"      f       file:
9077 swapping_screen term.c  /^swapping_screen()$/;" f
9078 switch_to_8bit  term.c  /^switch_to_8bit()$/;"  f       file:
9079 syn_add_cluster syntax.c        /^syn_add_cluster(name)$/;"     f       file:
9080 syn_add_end_off syntax.c        /^syn_add_end_off(result, regmatch, spp, idx, extra)$/;"        f       file:
9081 syn_add_group   syntax.c        /^syn_add_group(name)$/;"       f       file:
9082 syn_add_start_off       syntax.c        /^syn_add_start_off(result, regmatch, spp, idx, extra)$/;"      f       file:
9083 syn_buf syntax.c        /^static buf_T  *syn_buf;               \/* current buffer for highlighting *\/$/;"     v       file:
9084 syn_check_cluster       syntax.c        /^syn_check_cluster(pp, len)$/;"        f       file:
9085 syn_check_group syntax.c        /^syn_check_group(pp, len)$/;"  f
9086 syn_clear_cluster       syntax.c        /^syn_clear_cluster(buf, i)$/;" f       file:
9087 syn_clear_keyword       syntax.c        /^syn_clear_keyword(id, ktabp)$/;"      f       file:
9088 syn_clear_one   syntax.c        /^syn_clear_one(id, syncing)$/;"        f       file:
9089 syn_clear_pattern       syntax.c        /^syn_clear_pattern(buf, i)$/;" f       file:
9090 syn_cluster     syntax.c        /^struct syn_cluster$/;"        s       file:
9091 syn_cmd_case    syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_case(eap, syncing)$/;"        f       file:
9092 syn_cmd_clear   syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_clear(eap, syncing)$/;"       f       file:
9093 syn_cmd_cluster syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_cluster(eap, syncing)$/;"     f       file:
9094 syn_cmd_enable  syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_enable(eap, syncing)$/;"      f       file:
9095 syn_cmd_include syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_include(eap, syncing)$/;"     f       file:
9096 syn_cmd_keyword syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_keyword(eap, syncing)$/;"     f       file:
9097 syn_cmd_list    syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_list(eap, syncing)$/;"        f       file:
9098 syn_cmd_manual  syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_manual(eap, syncing)$/;"      f       file:
9099 syn_cmd_match   syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_match(eap, syncing)$/;"       f       file:
9100 syn_cmd_off     syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_off(eap, syncing)$/;" f       file:
9101 syn_cmd_on      syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_on(eap, syncing)$/;"  f       file:
9102 syn_cmd_onoff   syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_onoff(eap, name)$/;"  f       file:
9103 syn_cmd_region  syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_region(eap, syncing)$/;"      f       file:
9104 syn_cmd_reset   syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_reset(eap, syncing)$/;"       f       file:
9105 syn_cmd_sync    syntax.c        /^syn_cmd_sync(eap, syncing)$/;"        f       file:
9106 syn_cmdlinep    syntax.c        /^static char_u **syn_cmdlinep;$/;"     v       file:
9107 syn_combine_list        syntax.c        /^syn_combine_list(clstr1, clstr2, list_op)$/;" f       file:
9108 syn_compare_stub        syntax.c        /^syn_compare_stub(v1, v2)$/;"  f       file:
9109 syn_cterm_attr2entry    syntax.c        /^syn_cterm_attr2entry(attr)$/;"        f
9110 syn_current_attr        syntax.c        /^syn_current_attr(syncing, displaying)$/;"     f       file:
9111 syn_finish_line syntax.c        /^syn_finish_line(syncing)$/;"  f       file:
9112 syn_get_final_id        syntax.c        /^syn_get_final_id(hl_id)$/;"   f
9113 syn_get_foldlevel       syntax.c        /^syn_get_foldlevel(wp, lnum)$/;"       f
9114 syn_get_id      syntax.c        /^syn_get_id(lnum, col, trans)$/;"      f
9115 syn_getcurline  syntax.c        /^syn_getcurline()$/;"  f       file:
9116 syn_gui_attr2entry      syntax.c        /^syn_gui_attr2entry(attr)$/;"  f
9117 syn_id2attr     syntax.c        /^syn_id2attr(hl_id)$/;"        f
9118 syn_id2colors   syntax.c        /^syn_id2colors(hl_id, fgp, bgp)$/;"    f
9119 syn_incl_toplevel       syntax.c        /^syn_incl_toplevel(id, flagsp)$/;"     f       file:
9120 syn_khash       syntax.c        /^syn_khash(p)$/;"      f       file:
9121 syn_lines_msg   syntax.c        /^syn_lines_msg()$/;"   f       file:
9122 syn_list_cluster        syntax.c        /^syn_list_cluster(id)$/;"      f       file:
9123 syn_list_flags  syntax.c        /^syn_list_flags(nl, flags, attr)$/;"   f       file:
9124 syn_list_header syntax.c        /^syn_list_header(did_header, outlen, id)$/;"   f       file:
9125 syn_list_keywords       syntax.c        /^syn_list_keywords(id, ktabp, did_header, attr)$/;"    f       file:
9126 syn_list_one    syntax.c        /^syn_list_one(id, syncing, link_only)$/;"      f       file:
9127 syn_match_linecont      syntax.c        /^syn_match_linecont(lnum)$/;"  f       file:
9128 syn_match_msg   syntax.c        /^syn_match_msg()$/;"   f       file:
9129 syn_name2id     syntax.c        /^syn_name2id(name)$/;" f
9130 syn_namen2id    syntax.c        /^syn_namen2id(linep, len)$/;"  f
9131 syn_pattern     syntax.c        /^typedef struct syn_pattern$/;"        s       file:
9132 syn_regexec     syntax.c        /^syn_regexec(rmp, lnum, col)$/;"       f       file:
9133 syn_remove_pattern      syntax.c        /^syn_remove_pattern(buf, idx)$/;"      f       file:
9134 syn_scl_name2id syntax.c        /^syn_scl_name2id(name)$/;"     f       file:
9135 syn_scl_namen2id        syntax.c        /^syn_scl_namen2id(linep, len)$/;"      f       file:
9136 syn_stack_alloc syntax.c        /^syn_stack_alloc()$/;" f       file:
9137 syn_stack_apply_changes syntax.c        /^syn_stack_apply_changes(buf)$/;"      f
9138 syn_stack_cleanup       syntax.c        /^syn_stack_cleanup()$/;"       f       file:
9139 syn_stack_equal syntax.c        /^syn_stack_equal(sp)$/;"       f       file:
9140 syn_stack_find_entry    syntax.c        /^syn_stack_find_entry(lnum)$/;"        f       file:
9141 syn_stack_free_all      syntax.c        /^syn_stack_free_all(buf)$/;"   f
9142 syn_stack_free_entry    syntax.c        /^syn_stack_free_entry(buf, p)$/;"      f       file:
9143 syn_start_line  syntax.c        /^syn_start_line()$/;"  f       file:
9144 syn_state       structs.h       /^struct syn_state$/;"  s
9145 syn_sync        syntax.c        /^syn_sync(wp, start_lnum, last_valid)$/;"      f       file:
9146 syn_term_attr2entry     syntax.c        /^syn_term_attr2entry(attr)$/;" f
9147 syn_unadd_group syntax.c        /^syn_unadd_group()$/;" f       file:
9148 syn_update_ends syntax.c        /^syn_update_ends(startofline)$/;"      f       file:
9149 syn_win syntax.c        /^static win_T  *syn_win;               \/* current window for highlighting *\/$/;"     v       file:
9150 synpat_T        syntax.c        /^} synpat_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:syn_pattern      file:
9151 synstate_T      structs.h       /^typedef struct syn_state synstate_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:syn_state
9152 syntax_check_changed    syntax.c        /^syntax_check_changed(lnum)$/;"        f
9153 syntax_clear    syntax.c        /^syntax_clear(buf)$/;" f
9154 syntax_end_parsing      syntax.c        /^syntax_end_parsing(lnum)$/;"  f
9155 syntax_present  syntax.c        /^syntax_present(buf)$/;"       f
9156 syntax_start    syntax.c        /^syntax_start(wp, lnum)$/;"    f
9157 syntax_sync_clear       syntax.c        /^syntax_sync_clear()$/;"       f       file:
9158 sys_menu        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    sys_menu INIT(= FALSE);$/;"     v
9159 t       testdir/test49.vim      /^      let t = 1$/;"   v
9160 t_colors        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    t_colors INIT(= 0);         \/* int value of T_CCO *\/$/;"      v
9161 t_puts  message.c       /^t_puts(t_col, t_s, s, attr)$/;"       f       file:
9162 ta_len  ui.c    /^static int ta_len;    \/* length of ta_str when it's not NULL*\/$/;"  v       file:
9163 ta_off  ui.c    /^static int ta_off;    \/* offset for next char to use when ta_str != NULL *\/$/;"     v       file:
9164 ta_str  ui.c    /^static char_u *ta_str = NULL;$/;"     v       file:
9165 table   gui_amiga.c     /^    static guicolor_tTable table[] =$/;"      v       file:
9166 tag_fgets       diff.c  83;"    d       file:
9167 tag_fgets       fileio.c        /^tag_fgets(buf, size, fp)$/;"  f
9168 tag_fgets       tag.c   973;"   d       file:
9169 tag_fname       tag.c   /^    char_u    *tag_fname;     \/* file name of the tags file *\/$/;"  m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
9170 tag_fnames      tag.c   /^static garray_T tag_fnames = GA_EMPTY;$/;"    v       file:
9171 tag_freematch   tag.c   /^tag_freematch()$/;"   f
9172 tag_full_fname  tag.c   /^tag_full_fname(tagp)$/;"      f       file:
9173 tag_pointers    tag.c   /^typedef struct tag_pointers$/;"       s       file:
9174 tag_strnicmp    tag.c   /^tag_strnicmp(s1, s2, len)$/;" f       file:
9175 taggy   structs.h       /^typedef struct taggy$/;"      s
9176 taggy_T structs.h       /^} taggy_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:taggy
9177 tagkind tag.c   /^    char_u    *tagkind;       \/* "kind:" value *\/$/;"       m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
9178 tagkind_end     tag.c   /^    char_u    *tagkind_end;   \/* end of tagkind *\/$/;"      m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
9179 taglen_advance  tag.c   /^taglen_advance(l)$/;" f       file:
9180 tagmatchname    tag.c   /^static char_u *tagmatchname = NULL;   \/* name of last used tag *\/$/;"       v       file:
9181 tagname structs.h       /^    char_u    *tagname;       \/* tag name *\/$/;"    m       struct:taggy
9182 tagname tag.c   /^    char_u    *tagname;       \/* start of tag name (skip "file:") *\/$/;"    m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
9183 tagname_end     tag.c   /^    char_u    *tagname_end;   \/* char after tag name *\/$/;" m       struct:tag_pointers     file:
9184 tagptrs_T       tag.c   /^} tagptrs_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:tag_pointers     file:
9185 tags    gui_amiga.c     /^struct TagItem tags[] =$/;"   v       typeref:struct:TagItem
9186 tail    fileio.c        /^    char_u    *tail;          \/* tail of fname *\/$/;"       m       struct:AutoPatCmd       file:
9187 taken   testdir/test49.vim      /^    let taken = ""$/;"        v
9188 taken   testdir/test49.vim      /^let taken = ""$/;"    v
9189 target  gui_beval.h     /^    GtkWidget         *target;        \/* widget we are monitoring *\/$/;"    m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
9190 target_event_cb gui_beval.c     /^target_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)$/;"        f       file:
9191 targets_atom    ui.c    /^static Atom   targets_atom;$/;"       v       file:
9192 tasave_T        structs.h       /^} tasave_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:__anon39
9193 tb_buf  structs.h       /^    char_u    *tb_buf;        \/* buffer for typed characters *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon38
9194 tb_buflen       structs.h       /^    int               tb_buflen;      \/* size of tb_buf[] *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon38
9195 tb_change_cnt   structs.h       /^    int               tb_change_cnt;  \/* nr of time tb_buf was changed; never zero *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon38
9196 tb_len  structs.h       /^    int               tb_len;         \/* number of valid bytes in tb_buf[] *\/$/;"   m       struct:__anon38
9197 tb_maplen       structs.h       /^    int               tb_maplen;      \/* nr of mapped bytes in tb_buf[] *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon38
9198 tb_no_abbr_cnt  structs.h       /^    int               tb_no_abbr_cnt; \/* nr of bytes without abbrev. in tb_buf[] *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon38
9199 tb_noremap      structs.h       /^    char_u    *tb_noremap;    \/* mapping flags for characters in tb_buf[] *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon38
9200 tb_off  structs.h       /^    int               tb_off;         \/* current position in tb_buf[] *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon38
9201 tb_silent       structs.h       /^    int               tb_silent;      \/* nr of silently mapped bytes in tb_buf[] *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon38
9202 tbis_flags      option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned tbis_flags;$/;"       v
9203 tc_len  term.c  /^static int  tc_len = 0;           \/* current number of entries in termcodes[] *\/$/;"        v       file:
9204 tc_max_len      term.c  /^static int  tc_max_len = 0; \/* number of entries that termcodes[] can hold *\/$/;"   v       file:
9205 tcl_ref structs.h       /^    void      *tcl_ref;$/;"   m       struct:file_buffer
9206 tcl_ref structs.h       /^    void      *tcl_ref;$/;"   m       struct:window
9207 tearoff_handle  structs.h       /^    GtkWidget *tearoff_handle;$/;"    m       struct:VimMenu
9208 tearoff_handle  structs.h       /^    HWND      tearoff_handle;     \/* hWnd of tearoff if created *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimMenu
9209 temp_count      fileio.c        /^static long   temp_count = 0;         \/* Temp filename counter. *\/$/;"      v       file:
9210 tent    termlib.c       /^char  *tent;                \/* Pointer to terminal entry, set by tgetent *\/$/;"     v
9211 term    structs.h       /^      } term;$/;"     m       union:attr_entry::__anon34      typeref:struct:attr_entry::__anon34::__anon35
9212 term_7to8bit    term.c  /^term_7to8bit(p)$/;"   f       file:
9213 term_append_lines       term.c  /^term_append_lines(line_count)$/;"     f
9214 term_attr_table syntax.c        /^garray_T      term_attr_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};$/;"       v
9215 term_bg_color   term.c  /^term_bg_color(n)$/;"  f
9216 term_color      term.c  /^term_color(s, n)$/;"  f       file:
9217 term_console    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    term_console INIT(= FALSE); \/* set to TRUE when console used *\/$/;"   v
9218 term_cursor_right       term.c  /^term_cursor_right(i)$/;"      f
9219 term_delete_lines       term.c  /^term_delete_lines(line_count)$/;"     f
9220 term_fg_color   term.c  /^term_fg_color(n)$/;"  f
9221 term_is_8bit    term.c  /^term_is_8bit(name)$/;"        f
9222 term_is_builtin term.c  /^term_is_builtin(name)$/;"     f       file:
9223 term_is_gui     term.c  /^term_is_gui(name)$/;" f
9224 term_is_xterm   globals.h       /^EXTERN int    term_is_xterm INIT(= FALSE);    \/* xterm-like 'term' *\/$/;"   v
9225 term_set_winpos term.c  /^term_set_winpos(x, y)$/;"     f
9226 term_set_winsize        term.c  /^term_set_winsize(width, height)$/;"   f
9227 term_settitle   term.c  /^term_settitle(title)$/;"      f
9228 term_str        vim.h   1367;"  d
9229 term_strings    term.c  /^char_u *(term_strings[(int)KS_LAST + 1]);$/;" v
9230 term_windgoto   term.c  /^term_windgoto(row, col)$/;"   f
9231 termcap_active  globals.h       /^EXTERN int    termcap_active INIT(= FALSE);   \/* set by starttermcap() *\/$/;"       v
9232 termcapinit     term.c  /^termcapinit(name)$/;" f
9233 termcode        term.c  /^struct termcode$/;"   s       file:
9234 termcodes       term.c  /^} *termcodes = NULL;$/;"      v       typeref:struct:termcode
9235 termleader      term.c  /^static char_u termleader[256 + 1];            \/* for check_termcode() *\/$/;"        v       file:
9236 test_for_current        tag.c   /^test_for_current(is_etag, fname, fname_end, tag_fname, buf_ffname)$/;"        f       file:
9237 test_for_static tag.c   /^test_for_static(tagp)$/;"     f       file:
9238 text_atom       ui.c    /^static Atom   text_atom;$/;"  v       file:
9239 text_context    gui.h   /^    PangoContext     *text_context; \/* the context used for all text *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
9240 text_gc gui.h   /^    GC                text_gc;$/;"    m       struct:Gui
9241 text_gc gui.h   /^    GdkGC     *text_gc;           \/* cached GC for normal text *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
9242 textcol ops.c   /^    colnr_T   textcol;        \/* cols of chars (at least part.) in block *\/$/;"     m       struct:block_def        file:
9243 textdomain      vim.h   413;"   d
9244 textdomain      vim.h   431;"   d
9245 textdomain      vim.h   433;"   d
9246 textfont        gui.h   /^    struct TextFont *textfont;                \/* a pointer to the font structure *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui      typeref:struct:Gui::TextFont
9247 textlen ops.c   /^    int               textlen;        \/* chars in block *\/$/;"      m       struct:block_def        file:
9248 textstart       ops.c   /^    char_u    *textstart;     \/* pointer to 1st char in block *\/$/;"        m       struct:block_def        file:
9249 tgetent termlib.c       /^tgetent(tbuf, term)$/;"       f
9250 tgetent_error   term.c  /^tgetent_error(tbuf, term)$/;" f       file:
9251 tgetflag        termlib.c       /^tgetflag(id)$/;"      f
9252 tgetnum termlib.c       /^tgetnum(id)$/;"       f
9253 tgetstr term.c  25;"    d       file:
9254 tgetstr term.c  51;"    d       file:
9255 tgetstr termlib.c       /^tgetstr(id, buf)$/;"  f
9256 tgoto   term.c  /^tgoto(cm, x, y)$/;"   f
9257 tgoto   termlib.c       /^tgoto(cm, col, line)$/;"      f
9258 thrmsg  testdir/test49.vim      /^          let thrmsg = ""$/;" v
9259 thrmsg  testdir/test49.vim      /^          let thrmsg = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim\\((\\a\\+)\\)\\=:', '', "")$/;"  v
9260 throw_exception ex_eval.c       /^throw_exception(value, type, cmdname)$/;"     f       file:
9261 throw_lnum      structs.h       /^    linenr_T          throw_lnum;     \/* line number of the throw point *\/$/;"      m       struct:vim_exception
9262 throw_msg       structs.h       /^    char_u            *throw_msg;     \/* msg to throw: usually original one *\/$/;"  m       struct:msglist
9263 throw_name      structs.h       /^    char_u            *throw_name;    \/* name of the throw point *\/$/;"     m       struct:vim_exception
9264 throwcount      testdir/test49.vim      /^let throwcount = 0$/;"        v
9265 throwpoint      testdir/test49.vim      /^              let throwpoint = v:throwpoint$/;"       v
9266 throwpoint      testdir/test49.vim      /^          let throwpoint = v:throwpoint$/;"   v
9267 throwpoint      testdir/test49.vim      /^      let throwpoint = v:throwpoint$/;"       v
9268 throwpoint      testdir/test49.vim      /^    let throwpoint = v:throwpoint$/;" v
9269 ti_change       buffer.c        /^ti_change(str, last)$/;"      f       file:
9270 tilde_replace   ex_getln.c      /^tilde_replace(orig_pat, num_files, files)$/;" f
9271 time_diff       main.c  /^time_diff(then, now)$/;"      f       file:
9272 time_differs    fileio.c        /^time_differs(t1, t2)$/;"      f       file:
9273 time_fd main.c  /^static FILE *time_fd = NULL;$/;"      v       file:
9274 time_msg        main.c  /^time_msg(msg, tv_start)$/;"   f
9275 time_pop        main.c  /^time_pop(tp)$/;"      f
9276 time_push       main.c  /^time_push(tv_rel, tv_start)$/;"       f
9277 timeout_cb      gui_beval.c     /^timeout_cb(gpointer data)$/;" f       file:
9278 timerID gui_beval.h     /^    unsigned int      timerID;        \/* timer for run *\/$/;"       m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
9279 timerRoutine    gui_beval.c     /^timerRoutine(dx, id)$/;"      f       file:
9280 tip     structs.h       /^    BalloonEval *tip;             \/* tooltip for this menu item *\/$/;"      m       struct:VimMenu
9281 title   ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u  title[256];$/;"   m       struct:prt_ps_resource_S        file:
9282 tltoa   term.c  /^tltoa(i)$/;"  f
9283 tmpfile testdir/test49.vim      /^          let tmpfile = tempname()$/;"        v
9284 tmpfile testdir/test49.vim      /^      let tmpfile = tempname()$/;"    v
9285 to      digraph.c       /^    char_u    *to;$/;"        m       struct:__anon20 file:
9286 to      menu.c  /^    char_u    *to;            \/* translated name *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon47 file:
9287 toF_Rjoin       farsi.c /^toF_Rjoin(c)$/;"      f       file:
9288 toF_TyA farsi.c /^toF_TyA(c)$/;"        f
9289 toF_TyB farsi.c /^toF_TyB(c)$/;"        f       file:
9290 toF_Xor_X_      farsi.c /^toF_Xor_X_(c)$/;"     f       file:
9291 toF_ending      farsi.c /^toF_ending(c)$/;"     f       file:
9292 toF_leading     farsi.c /^toF_leading(c)$/;"    f       file:
9293 toLower mbyte.c /^convertStruct toLower[] =$/;" v
9294 toUpper mbyte.c /^convertStruct toUpper[] =$/;" v
9295 to_device_units ex_cmds2.c      /^to_device_units(idx, physsize, def_number)$/;"        f       file:
9296 toggle_Magic    regexp.c        /^toggle_Magic(x)$/;"   f       file:
9297 tolower_tab     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u tolower_tab[256];       \/* table for tolower() *\/$/;" v
9298 toolbar gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *toolbar;           \/* toolbar *\/$/;" m       struct:Gui
9299 toolbar_flags   option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned toolbar_flags;$/;"    v
9300 toolbar_h       gui.h   /^    GtkWidget *toolbar_h;         \/* toolbar handle *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
9301 toolbar_height  gui.h   /^    int               toolbar_height;     \/* height of the toolbar *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
9302 toolbar_height  gui.h   /^    int               toolbar_height;$/;"     m       struct:Gui
9303 toolbar_names   menu.c  /^static const char *toolbar_names[] =$/;"      v       file:
9304 tooltip_bg_pixel        gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        tooltip_bg_pixel;       \/* tooltip background color *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
9305 tooltip_fg_pixel        gui.h   /^    guicolor_T        tooltip_fg_pixel;       \/* tooltip foreground color *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
9306 tooltip_fontset gui.h   /^    XFontSet  tooltip_fontset;        \/* tooltip fontset *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
9307 top     gui.h   /^    int               top;            \/* Top of scroll bar (chars from row 0) *\/$/;"        m       struct:GuiScrollbar
9308 top_bot_msg     search.c        /^static char_u *top_bot_msg = (char_u *)N_("search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM");$/;"        v       file:
9309 top_file_num    buffer.c        /^static int  top_file_num = 1;         \/* highest file number *\/$/;" v       file:
9310 topframe        globals.h       /^EXTERN frame_T        *topframe;      \/* top of the window frame tree *\/$/;"        v
9311 topline_back    move.c  /^topline_back(lp)$/;"  f       file:
9312 topline_botline move.c  /^topline_botline(lp)$/;"       f       file:
9313 topmsg  tag.c   /^static char_u *topmsg = (char_u *)N_("E556: at top of tag stack");$/;"        v       file:
9314 total_mem_used  memfile.c       /^static long_u total_mem_used = 0;     \/* total memory used for memfiles *\/$/;"      v       file:
9315 toupper_tab     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u toupper_tab[256];       \/* table for toupper() *\/$/;" v
9316 tputs   termlib.c       /^tputs(cp, affcnt, outc)$/;"   f
9317 trans_characters        charset.c       /^trans_characters(buf, bufsize)$/;"    f
9318 trans_function_name     eval.c  /^trans_function_name(pp, skip, internal)$/;"   f       file:
9319 trans_special   misc2.c /^trans_special(srcp, dst, keycode)$/;" f
9320 transchar       charset.c       /^transchar(c)$/;"      f
9321 transchar_buf   charset.c       /^static char_u transchar_buf[7];$/;"   v       file:
9322 transchar_byte  charset.c       /^transchar_byte(c)$/;" f
9323 transchar_byte  vim.h   1239;"  d
9324 transchar_hex   charset.c       /^transchar_hex(buf, c)$/;"     f
9325 transchar_nonprint      charset.c       /^transchar_nonprint(buf, c)$/;"        f
9326 translate_mapping       term.c  /^translate_mapping(str, expmap)$/;"    f
9327 translate_pango_attributes      mbyte.c /^translate_pango_attributes(PangoAttrIterator *iter)$/;"       f       file:
9328 transstr        charset.c       /^transstr(s)$/;"       f
9329 trash_input_buf ui.c    /^trash_input_buf()$/;" f
9330 trunc_string    message.c       /^trunc_string(s, buf, room)$/;"        f
9331 truncate_line   misc1.c /^truncate_line(fixpos)$/;"     f
9332 truncate_spaces edit.c  /^truncate_spaces(line)$/;"     f
9333 trylevel        globals.h       /^EXTERN int trylevel INIT(= 0);$/;"    v
9334 ts      gui_beval.h     /^    int                       ts;             \/* tabstop setting for this buffer *\/$/;"     m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
9335 ttest   term.c  /^ttest(pairs)$/;"      f
9336 ttym_flags      option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned ttym_flags;$/;"       v
9337 type    eval.c  /^    char      type;           \/* VAR_NUMBER or VAR_STRING *\/$/;"    m       struct:vimvar   file:
9338 type    ex_cmds2.c      /^    int     type;$/;" m       struct:prt_ps_resource_S        file:
9339 type    gui.h   /^    int               type;           \/* one of SBAR_{LEFT,RIGHT,BOTTOM} *\/$/;"     m       struct:GuiScrollbar
9340 type    structs.h       /^    int                       type;           \/* exception type *\/$/;"      m       struct:vim_exception
9341 typeahead_char  getchar.c       /^static int typeahead_char = 0;                \/* typeahead char that's not flushed *\/$/;"   v       file:
9342 typeahead_noflush       getchar.c       /^typeahead_noflush(c)$/;"      f
9343 typebuf globals.h       /^EXTERN typebuf_T typebuf              \/* typeahead buffer *\/$/;"    v
9344 typebuf_T       structs.h       /^} typebuf_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:__anon38
9345 typebuf_changed getchar.c       /^typebuf_changed(tb_change_cnt)$/;"    f
9346 typebuf_init    getchar.c       /^static char_u typebuf_init[TYPELEN_INIT];     \/* initial typebuf.tb_buf *\/$/;"      v       file:
9347 typebuf_maplen  getchar.c       /^typebuf_maplen()$/;"  f
9348 typebuf_typed   getchar.c       /^typebuf_typed()$/;"   f
9349 typebuf_valid   structs.h       /^    int                       typebuf_valid;      \/* TRUE when save_typebuf valid *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon39
9350 typenr  structs.h       /^    int               typenr;         \/* typenr of sign *\/$/;"      m       struct:signlist
9351 u8char_T        vim.h   /^typedef unsigned short u8char_T;$/;"  t
9352 u_alloc_line    undo.c  /^u_alloc_line(size)$/;"        f       file:
9353 u_blockalloc    undo.c  /^u_blockalloc(size)$/;"        f       file:
9354 u_blockfree     undo.c  /^u_blockfree(buf)$/;"  f
9355 u_clearall      undo.c  /^u_clearall(buf)$/;"   f
9356 u_clearline     undo.c  /^u_clearline()$/;"     f
9357 u_doit  undo.c  /^u_doit(count)$/;"     f       file:
9358 u_entry structs.h       /^struct u_entry$/;"    s
9359 u_entry_T       structs.h       /^typedef struct u_entry u_entry_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:u_entry
9360 u_free_line     undo.c  /^u_free_line(ptr, keep)$/;"    f       file:
9361 u_freeentry     undo.c  /^u_freeentry(uep, n)$/;"       f       file:
9362 u_freelist      undo.c  /^u_freelist(uhp)$/;"   f       file:
9363 u_get_headentry undo.c  /^u_get_headentry()$/;" f       file:
9364 u_getbot        undo.c  /^u_getbot()$/;"        f       file:
9365 u_header        structs.h       /^struct u_header$/;"   s
9366 u_header_T      structs.h       /^typedef struct u_header u_header_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:u_header
9367 u_inssub        undo.c  /^u_inssub(lnum)$/;"    f
9368 u_newcount      undo.c  /^static long   u_newcount, u_oldcount;$/;"     v       file:
9369 u_oldcount      undo.c  /^static long   u_newcount, u_oldcount;$/;"     v       file:
9370 u_redo  undo.c  /^u_redo(count)$/;"     f
9371 u_save  undo.c  /^u_save(top, bot)$/;"  f
9372 u_save_cursor   undo.c  /^u_save_cursor()$/;"   f
9373 u_save_line     undo.c  /^u_save_line(lnum)$/;" f       file:
9374 u_savecommon    undo.c  /^u_savecommon(top, bot, newbot)$/;"    f       file:
9375 u_savedel       undo.c  /^u_savedel(lnum, nlines)$/;"   f
9376 u_saveline      undo.c  /^u_saveline(lnum)$/;"  f
9377 u_savesub       undo.c  /^u_savesub(lnum)$/;"   f
9378 u_sync  undo.c  /^u_sync()$/;"  f
9379 u_unchanged     undo.c  /^u_unchanged(buf)$/;"  f
9380 u_undo  undo.c  /^u_undo(count)$/;"     f
9381 u_undo_end      undo.c  /^u_undo_end()$/;"      f       file:
9382 u_undoline      undo.c  /^u_undoline()$/;"      f
9383 u_undoredo      undo.c  /^u_undoredo()$/;"      f       file:
9384 uc_add_command  ex_docmd.c      /^uc_add_command(name, name_len, rep, argt, def, flags, compl, compl_arg, force)$/;"    f       file:
9385 uc_argt ex_docmd.c      /^    long_u    uc_argt;        \/* The argument type *\/$/;"   m       struct:ucmd     file:
9386 uc_check_code   ex_docmd.c      /^uc_check_code(code, len, buf, cmd, eap, split_buf, split_len)$/;"     f       file:
9387 uc_clear        ex_docmd.c      /^uc_clear(gap)$/;"     f
9388 uc_compl        ex_docmd.c      /^    int               uc_compl;       \/* completion type *\/$/;"     m       struct:ucmd     file:
9389 uc_compl_arg    ex_docmd.c      /^    char_u    *uc_compl_arg;  \/* completion argument if any *\/$/;"  m       struct:ucmd     file:
9390 uc_def  ex_docmd.c      /^    long      uc_def;         \/* The default value for a range\/count *\/$/;"        m       struct:ucmd     file:
9391 uc_fun_cmd      ex_docmd.c      /^uc_fun_cmd()$/;"      f       file:
9392 uc_list ex_docmd.c      /^uc_list(name, name_len)$/;"   f       file:
9393 uc_name ex_docmd.c      /^    char_u    *uc_name;       \/* The command name *\/$/;"    m       struct:ucmd     file:
9394 uc_rep  ex_docmd.c      /^    char_u    *uc_rep;        \/* The command's replacement string *\/$/;"    m       struct:ucmd     file:
9395 uc_scan_attr    ex_docmd.c      /^uc_scan_attr(attr, len, argt, def, flags, compl, compl_arg)$/;"       f       file:
9396 uc_scriptID     ex_docmd.c      /^    scid_T    uc_scriptID;    \/* SID where the command was defined *\/$/;"   m       struct:ucmd     file:
9397 uc_split_args   ex_docmd.c      /^uc_split_args(arg, lenp)$/;"  f       file:
9398 ucmd    ex_docmd.c      /^typedef struct ucmd$/;"       s       file:
9399 ucmd_T  ex_docmd.c      /^} ucmd_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:ucmd     file:
9400 ucmds   ex_docmd.c      /^garray_T ucmds = {0, 0, sizeof(ucmd_T), 4, NULL};$/;" v
9401 ucs2bytes       fileio.c        /^ucs2bytes(c, pp, flags)$/;"   f       file:
9402 ue_array        structs.h       /^    char_u    **ue_array;     \/* array of lines in undo block *\/$/;"        m       struct:u_entry
9403 ue_bot  structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ue_bot;         \/* number of line below undo block *\/$/;"     m       struct:u_entry
9404 ue_lcount       structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ue_lcount;      \/* linecount when u_save called *\/$/;"        m       struct:u_entry
9405 ue_next structs.h       /^    u_entry_T *ue_next;       \/* pointer to next entry in list *\/$/;"       m       struct:u_entry
9406 ue_size structs.h       /^    long      ue_size;        \/* number of lines in ue_array *\/$/;" m       struct:u_entry
9407 ue_top  structs.h       /^    linenr_T  ue_top;         \/* number of line above undo block *\/$/;"     m       struct:u_entry
9408 ufunc   eval.c  /^struct ufunc$/;"      s       file:
9409 ufunc_T eval.c  /^typedef struct ufunc ufunc_T;$/;"     t       typeref:struct:ufunc    file:
9410 uh_cursor       structs.h       /^    pos_T     uh_cursor;      \/* cursor position before saving *\/$/;"       m       struct:u_header
9411 uh_cursor_vcol  structs.h       /^    long      uh_cursor_vcol;$/;"     m       struct:u_header
9412 uh_entry        structs.h       /^    u_entry_T *uh_entry;      \/* pointer to first entry *\/$/;"      m       struct:u_header
9413 uh_flags        structs.h       /^    int               uh_flags;       \/* see below *\/$/;"   m       struct:u_header
9414 uh_getbot_entry structs.h       /^    u_entry_T *uh_getbot_entry; \/* pointer to where ue_bot must be set *\/$/;"       m       struct:u_header
9415 uh_namedm       structs.h       /^    pos_T     uh_namedm[NMARKS];      \/* marks before undo\/after redo *\/$/;"       m       struct:u_header
9416 uh_next structs.h       /^    u_header_T        *uh_next;       \/* pointer to next header in list *\/$/;"      m       struct:u_header
9417 uh_prev structs.h       /^    u_header_T        *uh_prev;       \/* pointer to previous header in list *\/$/;"  m       struct:u_header
9418 ui_breakcheck   ui.c    /^ui_breakcheck()$/;"   f
9419 ui_char_avail   ui.c    /^ui_char_avail()$/;"   f
9420 ui_cursor_shape ui.c    /^ui_cursor_shape()$/;" f
9421 ui_delay        ui.c    /^ui_delay(msec, ignoreinput)$/;"       f
9422 ui_focus_change ui.c    /^ui_focus_change(in_focus)$/;" f
9423 ui_get_shellsize        ui.c    /^ui_get_shellsize()$/;"        f
9424 ui_inchar       ui.c    /^ui_inchar(buf, maxlen, wtime, tb_change_cnt)$/;"      f
9425 ui_inchar_undo  ui.c    /^ui_inchar_undo(s, len)$/;"    f
9426 ui_new_shellsize        ui.c    /^ui_new_shellsize()$/;"        f
9427 ui_set_shellsize        ui.c    /^ui_set_shellsize(mustset)$/;" f
9428 ui_suspend      ui.c    /^ui_suspend()$/;"      f
9429 ui_write        ui.c    /^ui_write(s, len)$/;"  f
9430 ulg     misc2.c /^typedef unsigned long  ulg;   \/* unsigned 32-bit value *\/$/;"       t       file:
9431 uline_offset    ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               uline_offset;$/;"       m       struct:prt_ps_font_S    file:
9432 uline_width     ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               uline_width;$/;"        m       struct:prt_ps_font_S    file:
9433 un_Magic        regexp.c        229;"   d       file:
9434 unadjust_for_sel        normal.c        /^unadjust_for_sel()$/;"        f       file:
9435 unchanged       misc1.c /^unchanged(buf, ff)$/;"        f
9436 underline       structs.h       /^    int               underline;$/;"  m       struct:__anon44
9437 undisplay_dollar        edit.c  /^undisplay_dollar()$/;"        f       file:
9438 undo_off        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    undo_off INIT(= FALSE);     \/* undo switched off for now *\/$/;"       v
9439 undo_undoes     undo.c  /^static int    undo_undoes = FALSE;$/;"        v       file:
9440 undrawBalloon   gui_beval.c     /^undrawBalloon(BalloonEval *beval)$/;" f       file:
9441 undrawBalloon   gui_beval.c     /^undrawBalloon(beval)$/;"      f       file:
9442 ungetchr        regexp.c        /^ungetchr()$/;"        f       file:
9443 unputcmdline    ex_getln.c      /^unputcmdline()$/;"    f
9444 unref_extmatch  regexp.c        /^unref_extmatch(em)$/;"        f
9445 unshift_special normal.c        /^unshift_special(cap)$/;"      f       file:
9446 unshowmode      screen.c        /^unshowmode(force)$/;" f
9447 updateWindow    screen.c        /^updateWindow(wp)$/;"  f
9448 update_curbuf   screen.c        /^update_curbuf(type)$/;"       f
9449 update_curswant move.c  /^update_curswant()$/;" f
9450 update_debug_sign       screen.c        /^update_debug_sign(buf, lnum)$/;"      f
9451 update_finish   screen.c        /^update_finish()$/;"   f       file:
9452 update_force_abort      ex_eval.c       /^update_force_abort()$/;"      f
9453 update_keys     misc2.c /^update_keys(c)$/;"    f
9454 update_mouseshape       misc2.c /^update_mouseshape(shape_idx)$/;"      f
9455 update_prepare  screen.c        /^update_prepare()$/;"  f       file:
9456 update_screen   screen.c        /^update_screen(type)$/;"       f
9457 update_si_attr  syntax.c        /^update_si_attr(idx)$/;"       f       file:
9458 update_si_end   syntax.c        /^update_si_end(sip, startcol, force)$/;"       f       file:
9459 update_tcap     term.c  /^update_tcap(attr)$/;" f
9460 update_topline  move.c  /^update_topline()$/;"  f
9461 update_topline_cursor   ex_docmd.c      /^update_topline_cursor()$/;"   f
9462 update_topline_redraw   move.c  /^update_topline_redraw()$/;"   f
9463 updatescript    getchar.c       /^updatescript(c)$/;"   f
9464 updating_screen globals.h       /^EXTERN int    updating_screen INIT(= FALSE);$/;"      v
9465 usage   main.c  /^usage()$/;"   f       file:
9466 use_gvimrc      globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *use_gvimrc INIT(= NULL);       \/* "-U" cmdline argument *\/$/;"       v
9467 use_reg_one     structs.h       /^    int               use_reg_one;    \/* TRUE if delete uses reg 1 even when not$/;" m       struct:oparg
9468 use_status_area mbyte.c /^static gboolean       use_status_area = 0;$/;"        v       file:
9469 use_viminfo     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *use_viminfo INIT(= NULL);  \/* name of viminfo file to use *\/$/;"     v
9470 used_for        structs.h       /^    char      used_for;       \/* SHAPE_MOUSE and\/or SHAPE_CURSOR *\/$/;"    m       struct:cursor_entry
9471 usefilter       ex_cmds.h       /^    int               usefilter;      \/* TRUE with ":w !command" and ":r!command" *\/$/;"    m       struct:exarg
9472 user_abort      structs.h       /^    int               user_abort;$/;" m       struct:__anon45
9473 user_digraphs   digraph.c       /^static garray_T       user_digraphs = {0, 0, sizeof(digr_T), 10, NULL};$/;"   v       file:
9474 userhl  structs.h       /^    int               userhl;$/;"     m       struct:stl_hlrec
9475 useridx ex_cmds.h       /^    int               useridx;        \/* user command index *\/$/;"  m       struct:exarg
9476 ush     misc2.c /^typedef unsigned short ush;   \/* unsigned 16-bit value *\/$/;"       t       file:
9477 usingNetbeans   globals.h       /^EXTERN int usingNetbeans INIT(= 0);   \/* set if -nb flag is used *\/$/;"     v
9478 using_script    getchar.c       /^using_script()$/;"    f
9479 utf8len_tab     mbyte.c /^static char utf8len_tab[256] =$/;"    v       file:
9480 utf_byte2len    mbyte.c /^utf_byte2len(b)$/;"   f
9481 utf_char2bytes  mbyte.c /^utf_char2bytes(c, buf)$/;"    f
9482 utf_char2cells  mbyte.c /^utf_char2cells(c)$/;" f
9483 utf_char2len    mbyte.c /^utf_char2len(c)$/;"   f
9484 utf_class       mbyte.c /^utf_class(c)$/;"      f
9485 utf_composinglike       mbyte.c /^utf_composinglike(p1, p2)$/;" f
9486 utf_convert     mbyte.c /^utf_convert(a, table, tableSize)$/;"  f       file:
9487 utf_fold        mbyte.c /^utf_fold(a)$/;"       f
9488 utf_head_off    mbyte.c /^utf_head_off(base, p)$/;"     f
9489 utf_iscomposing mbyte.c /^utf_iscomposing(c)$/;"        f
9490 utf_islower     mbyte.c /^utf_islower(a)$/;"    f
9491 utf_isupper     mbyte.c /^utf_isupper(a)$/;"    f
9492 utf_off2cells   mbyte.c /^utf_off2cells(off)$/;"        f
9493 utf_printable   mbyte.c /^utf_printable(c)$/;"  f
9494 utf_ptr2cells   mbyte.c /^utf_ptr2cells(p)$/;"  f
9495 utf_ptr2char    mbyte.c /^utf_ptr2char(p)$/;"   f
9496 utf_ptr2len_check       mbyte.c /^utf_ptr2len_check(p)$/;"      f
9497 utf_ptr2len_check_len   mbyte.c /^utf_ptr2len_check_len(p, size)$/;"    f
9498 utf_tolower     mbyte.c /^utf_tolower(a)$/;"    f
9499 utf_toupper     mbyte.c /^utf_toupper(a)$/;"    f
9500 utf_valid_string        mbyte.c /^utf_valid_string(s, end)$/;"  f
9501 utfc_char2bytes mbyte.c /^utfc_char2bytes(off, buf)$/;" f
9502 utfc_ptr2char   mbyte.c /^utfc_ptr2char(p, p1, p2)$/;"  f
9503 utfc_ptr2char_len       mbyte.c /^utfc_ptr2char_len(p, p1, p2, maxlen)$/;"      f
9504 utfc_ptr2len_check      mbyte.c /^utfc_ptr2len_check(p)$/;"     f
9505 utfc_ptr2len_check_len  mbyte.c /^utfc_ptr2len_check_len(p, size)$/;"   f
9506 v       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let v{ERR(t) + CONT(t)} = 0$/;"     v
9507 v       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let v{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}$/;" v
9508 v       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let v{novar + CONT(t)} = 0$/;"      v
9509 v       testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let v{novar + CONT(t)}$/;"  v
9510 v_exception     eval.c  /^v_exception(oldval)$/;"       f
9511 v_swap_corners  normal.c        /^v_swap_corners(cmdchar)$/;"   f       file:
9512 v_throwpoint    eval.c  /^v_throwpoint(oldval)$/;"      f
9513 v_visop normal.c        /^v_visop(cap)$/;"      f       file:
9514 val     eval.c  /^    char_u    *val;           \/* current value (can also be a number!) *\/$/;"       m       struct:vimvar   file:
9515 valid_yank_reg  ops.c   /^valid_yank_reg(regname, writing)$/;"  f
9516 validate_botline        move.c  /^validate_botline()$/;"        f
9517 validate_botline_win    move.c  /^validate_botline_win(wp)$/;"  f       file:
9518 validate_cheight        move.c  /^validate_cheight()$/;"        f       file:
9519 validate_cline_row      move.c  /^validate_cline_row()$/;"      f
9520 validate_current_state  syntax.c        /^validate_current_state()$/;"  f       file:
9521 validate_cursor move.c  /^validate_cursor()$/;" f
9522 validate_cursor_col     move.c  /^validate_cursor_col()$/;"     f
9523 validate_maphash        getchar.c       /^validate_maphash()$/;"        f       file:
9524 validate_virtcol        move.c  /^validate_virtcol()$/;"        f
9525 validate_virtcol_win    move.c  /^validate_virtcol_win(wp)$/;"  f
9526 value   gui.h   /^    long      value;          \/* Represents top line number visible *\/$/;"  m       struct:GuiScrollbar
9527 value   structs.h       /^    char_u            *value;         \/* exception value *\/$/;"     m       struct:vim_exception
9528 var     eval.c  /^} var;$/;"    t       typeref:struct:__anon16 file:
9529 var     option.c        /^    char_u    *var;           \/* global option: pointer to variable;$/;"     m       struct:vimoption        file:
9530 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let var = exists('v{ERR(t) + CONT(t)}')$/;" v
9531 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^                  let var = exists('v{novar + CONT(t)}')$/;"  v
9532 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var = F(4712, "return-var", 2)$/;"  v
9533 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var = G("except3", "throw3", 5)$/;" v
9534 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var = substitute("not", "sub", '\\=THROW("substitute()n", 11)', '')$/;"     v
9535 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var = substitute("sub", "sub", '\\=THROW("substitute()y", 10)', '')$/;"     v
9536 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var{THROW("var3")} = 4711$/;"       v
9537 var     testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var{THROW("var4")} var{ADDPATH("T2")} | call ADDPATH("T3")$/;"      v
9538 var1    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var1 = "let(" . THROW("var1") . ")"$/;"     v
9539 var1    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var1 = {NAME(THROW("name", 1), 1)}(ARG(4711, 1), 1)$/;"     v
9540 var2    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var2 = "let(" . THROW("var2"). ")"$/;"      v
9541 var2    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var2 = "old_value"$/;"      v
9542 var2    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var2 = {NAME("F", 2)}(ARG(THROW("arg", 2), 2), 2)$/;"       v
9543 var2fpos        eval.c  /^var2fpos(varp, lnum)$/;"      f       file:
9544 var3    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var3 = {NAME("THROW", 3)}(ARG("call", 3), 3)$/;"    v
9545 var4    testdir/test49.vim      /^      let var4 = {NAME("F", 4)}(ARG(4711, 4), 4)$/;"  v
9546 var_clear       eval.c  /^var_clear(gap)$/;"    f
9547 var_flavour     eval.c  /^var_flavour(varname)$/;"      f       file:
9548 var_flavour_T   eval.c  /^} var_flavour_T;$/;"  t       typeref:enum:__anon19   file:
9549 var_free_one    eval.c  /^var_free_one(v)$/;"   f       file:
9550 var_init        eval.c  /^var_init(gap)$/;"     f
9551 var_name        eval.c  /^    char_u    *var_name;      \/* name of variable *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon16 file:
9552 var_number      eval.c  /^      varnumber_T     var_number;   \/* number value *\/$/;"  m       union:__anon16::__anon17        file:
9553 var_string      eval.c  /^      char_u          *var_string;  \/* string value (Careful: can be NULL!) *\/$/;"  m       union:__anon16::__anon17        file:
9554 var_type        eval.c  /^    char      var_type;       \/* VAR_NUMBER or VAR_STRING *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon16 file:
9555 var_val eval.c  /^    } var_val;$/;"    m       struct:__anon16 typeref:union:__anon16::__anon17        file:
9556 varargs eval.c  /^    int               varargs;        \/* variable nr of arguments *\/$/;"    m       struct:ufunc    file:
9557 variables       eval.c  /^garray_T      variables = {0, 0, sizeof(var), 4, NULL};$/;"   v
9558 varnamebuf      eval.c  /^static char_u *varnamebuf = NULL;$/;" v       file:
9559 varnamebuflen   eval.c  /^static int    varnamebuflen = 0;$/;"  v       file:
9560 varnumber_T     eval.c  /^typedef int   varnumber_T;$/;"        t       file:
9561 varnumber_T     eval.c  /^typedef long  varnumber_T;$/;"        t       file:
9562 vc_cpfrom       structs.h       /^    int               vc_cpfrom;      \/* codepage to convert from (CONV_CODEPAGE) *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon40
9563 vc_cpto structs.h       /^    int               vc_cpto;        \/* codepage to convert to (CONV_CODEPAGE) *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon40
9564 vc_factor       structs.h       /^    int               vc_factor;      \/* max. expansion factor *\/$/;"       m       struct:__anon40
9565 vc_fail structs.h       /^    int               vc_fail;        \/* fail for invalid char, don't use '?' *\/$/;"        m       struct:__anon40
9566 vc_fd   structs.h       /^    iconv_t   vc_fd;          \/* for CONV_ICONV *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon40
9567 vc_type structs.h       /^    int               vc_type;        \/* zero or one of the CONV_ values *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon40
9568 vcol2col        ui.c    /^vcol2col(wp, lnum, vcol)$/;"  f
9569 vdcmp   gui.h   /^    int               vdcmp;              \/* Vim Direct Communication Message Port *\/$/;"   m       struct:Gui
9570 ve_flags        option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned ve_flags;$/;" v
9571 version ex_cmds2.c      /^    char_u  version[256];$/;" m       struct:prt_ps_resource_S        file:
9572 version xxd/xxd.c       /^char version[] = "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert";$/;"  v
9573 version_msg     version.c       /^version_msg(s)$/;"    f       file:
9574 vgetc   getchar.c       /^vgetc()$/;"   f
9575 vgetc_busy      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    vgetc_busy INIT(= FALSE);   \/* inside vgetc() now *\/$/;"      v
9576 vgetc_im_active globals.h       /^EXTERN int    vgetc_im_active;        \/* Input Method was active for last$/;"        v
9577 vgetorpeek      getchar.c       /^vgetorpeek(advance)$/;"       f       file:
9578 vimApp  gui.h   /^    VimApp     *vimApp;$/;"   m       struct:Gui
9579 vimContainer    gui.h   /^    PtWidget_t        *vimContainer;          \/* PtPanel *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
9580 vimForm gui.h   /^    VimFormView *vimForm;$/;" m       struct:Gui
9581 vimMenuBar      gui.h   /^    PtWidget_t        *vimMenuBar;$/;"        m       struct:Gui
9582 vimNewWindow    gui_amiga.c     /^static struct NewWindow vimNewWindow =$/;"    v       typeref:struct:NewWindow        file:
9583 vimTextArea     gui.h   /^    PtWidget_t        *vimTextArea;           \/* PtRaw *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
9584 vimTextArea     gui.h   /^    VimTextAreaView *vimTextArea;$/;" m       struct:Gui
9585 vimToolBar      gui.h   /^    PtWidget_t        *vimToolBar;$/;"        m       struct:Gui
9586 vimToolBarGroup gui.h   /^    PtWidget_t        *vimToolBarGroup;$/;"   m       struct:Gui
9587 vimWindow       gui.h   /^    PtWidget_t        *vimWindow;             \/* PtWindow *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
9588 vimWindow       gui.h   /^    VimWindow  *vimWindow;$/;"        m       struct:Gui
9589 vim_FullName    window.c        /^vim_FullName(fname, buf, len, force)$/;"      f
9590 vim_acl_T       vim.h   /^typedef void      *vim_acl_T;         \/* dummy to pass an ACL to a function *\/$/;"  t
9591 vim_atom        ui.c    /^static Atom   vim_atom;       \/* Vim's own special selection format *\/$/;"  v       file:
9592 vim_backtick    misc1.c /^vim_backtick(p)$/;"   f       file:
9593 vim_beep        misc1.c /^vim_beep()$/;"        f
9594 vim_chdir       misc2.c /^vim_chdir(new_dir)$/;"        f
9595 vim_chdirfile   misc2.c /^vim_chdirfile(fname)$/;"      f
9596 vim_code0       gui_amiga.c     /^    char_u  vim_code0;$/;"    m       struct:__anon25 file:
9597 vim_code1       gui_amiga.c     /^    char_u  vim_code1;$/;"    m       struct:__anon25 file:
9598 vim_deltempdir  fileio.c        /^vim_deltempdir()$/;"  f
9599 vim_dialog_yesno        message.c       /^vim_dialog_yesno(type, title, message, dflt)$/;"      f
9600 vim_dialog_yesnoallcancel       message.c       /^vim_dialog_yesnoallcancel(type, title, message, dflt)$/;"     f
9601 vim_dialog_yesnocancel  message.c       /^vim_dialog_yesnocancel(type, title, message, dflt)$/;"        f
9602 vim_exception   structs.h       /^struct vim_exception$/;"      s
9603 vim_fexists     misc1.c /^vim_fexists(fname)$/;"        f
9604 vim_fgets       fileio.c        /^vim_fgets(buf, size, fp)$/;"  f
9605 vim_findfile    misc2.c /^vim_findfile(search_ctx)$/;"  f
9606 vim_findfile_cleanup    misc2.c /^vim_findfile_cleanup(ctx)$/;" f
9607 vim_findfile_free_visited       misc2.c /^vim_findfile_free_visited(search_ctx)$/;"     f
9608 vim_findfile_free_visited_list  misc2.c /^vim_findfile_free_visited_list(list_headp)$/;"        f       file:
9609 vim_findfile_init       misc2.c /^vim_findfile_init(path, filename, stopdirs, level, free_visited, need_dir,$/;"        f
9610 vim_findfile_stopdir    misc2.c /^vim_findfile_stopdir(buf)$/;" f
9611 vim_fnamecmp    misc1.c /^vim_fnamecmp(x, y)$/;"        f
9612 vim_fnamencmp   misc1.c /^vim_fnamencmp(x, y, len)$/;"  f
9613 vim_free        misc2.c /^vim_free(x)$/;"       f
9614 vim_free_in_input_buf   ui.c    /^vim_free_in_input_buf()$/;"   f
9615 vim_getenv      misc1.c /^vim_getenv(name, mustfree)$/;"        f
9616 vim_isAbsName   window.c        /^vim_isAbsName(name)$/;"       f
9617 vim_isIDc       charset.c       /^vim_isIDc(c)$/;"      f
9618 vim_is_ctrl_x_key       edit.c  /^vim_is_ctrl_x_key(c)$/;"      f
9619 vim_is_input_buf_empty  ui.c    /^vim_is_input_buf_empty()$/;"  f
9620 vim_is_input_buf_full   ui.c    /^vim_is_input_buf_full()$/;"   f
9621 vim_isblankline charset.c       /^vim_isblankline(lbuf)$/;"     f
9622 vim_isbreak     macros.h        141;"   d
9623 vim_isdigit     charset.c       /^vim_isdigit(c)$/;"    f
9624 vim_isfilec     charset.c       /^vim_isfilec(c)$/;"    f
9625 vim_ispathlistsep       misc1.c /^vim_ispathlistsep(c)$/;"      f
9626 vim_ispathsep   misc1.c /^vim_ispathsep(c)$/;"  f
9627 vim_isprintc    charset.c       /^vim_isprintc(c)$/;"   f
9628 vim_isprintc_strict     charset.c       /^vim_isprintc_strict(c)$/;"    f
9629 vim_isspace     misc2.c /^vim_isspace(x)$/;"    f
9630 vim_iswhite     vim.h   1373;"  d
9631 vim_iswordc     charset.c       /^vim_iswordc(c)$/;"    f
9632 vim_iswordc_buf charset.c       /^vim_iswordc_buf(p, buf)$/;"   f
9633 vim_iswordp     charset.c       /^vim_iswordp(p)$/;"    f
9634 vim_isxdigit    charset.c       /^vim_isxdigit(c)$/;"   f
9635 vim_mem_profile_dump    misc2.c /^vim_mem_profile_dump()$/;"    f
9636 vim_memcmp      misc2.c /^vim_memcmp(b1, b2, len)$/;"   f
9637 vim_memcmp      vim.h   1338;"  d
9638 vim_memcmp      vim.h   1341;"  d
9639 vim_memset      misc2.c /^vim_memset(ptr, c, size)$/;"  f
9640 vim_memset      vim.h   1332;"  d
9641 vim_mkdir       os_amiga.h      201;"   d
9642 vim_read        vim.h   1356;"  d
9643 vim_read        vim.h   1359;"  d
9644 vim_realloc     vim.h   1635;"  d
9645 vim_realloc     vim.h   1637;"  d
9646 vim_regcomp     regexp.c        /^vim_regcomp(expr, re_flags)$/;"       f
9647 vim_regcomp_had_eol     regexp.c        /^vim_regcomp_had_eol()$/;"     f
9648 vim_regexec     regexp.c        /^vim_regexec(rmp, line, col)$/;"       f
9649 vim_regexec_both        regexp.c        /^vim_regexec_both(line_arg, col_arg)$/;"       f       file:
9650 vim_regexec_multi       regexp.c        /^vim_regexec_multi(rmp, win, buf, lnum, col)$/;"       f
9651 vim_regexec_nl  regexp.c        /^vim_regexec_nl(rmp, line, col)$/;"    f
9652 vim_regsub      regexp.c        /^vim_regsub(rmp, source, dest, copy, magic, backslash)$/;"     f
9653 vim_regsub_both regexp.c        /^vim_regsub_both(source, dest, copy, magic, backslash)$/;"     f       file:
9654 vim_regsub_multi        regexp.c        /^vim_regsub_multi(rmp, lnum, source, dest, copy, magic, backslash)$/;" f
9655 vim_rename      fileio.c        /^vim_rename(from, to)$/;"      f
9656 vim_setenv      misc1.c /^vim_setenv(name, val)$/;"     f
9657 vim_str2nr      charset.c       /^vim_str2nr(start, hexp, len, dooct, dohex, nptr, unptr)$/;"   f
9658 vim_strchr      misc2.c /^vim_strchr(string, c)$/;"     f
9659 vim_stricmp     misc2.c /^vim_stricmp(s1, s2)$/;"       f
9660 vim_strncpy     misc2.c /^vim_strncpy(to, from, len)$/;"        f
9661 vim_strnicmp    misc2.c /^vim_strnicmp(s1, s2, len)$/;" f
9662 vim_strnsave    misc2.c /^vim_strnsave(string, len)$/;" f
9663 vim_strnsave_up misc2.c /^vim_strnsave_up(string, len)$/;"      f
9664 vim_strnsize    charset.c       /^vim_strnsize(s, len)$/;"      f
9665 vim_strpbrk     misc2.c /^vim_strpbrk(s, charset)$/;"   f
9666 vim_strpbrk     misc2.c 1493;"  d       file:
9667 vim_strpbrk     vim.h   1246;"  d
9668 vim_strrchr     misc2.c /^vim_strrchr(string, c)$/;"    f
9669 vim_strsave     misc2.c /^vim_strsave(string)$/;"       f
9670 vim_strsave_escaped     misc2.c /^vim_strsave_escaped(string, esc_chars)$/;"    f
9671 vim_strsave_escaped_ext misc2.c /^vim_strsave_escaped_ext(string, esc_chars, bsl)$/;"   f
9672 vim_strsave_up  misc2.c /^vim_strsave_up(string)$/;"    f
9673 vim_strsize     charset.c       /^vim_strsize(s)$/;"    f
9674 vim_strup       misc2.c /^vim_strup(p)$/;"      f
9675 vim_tempdir     globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u *vim_tempdir INIT(= NULL); \/* Name of Vim's own temp dir.$/;"  v
9676 vim_tempname    fileio.c        /^vim_tempname(extra_char)$/;"  f
9677 vim_tgetstr     term.c  /^vim_tgetstr(s, pp)$/;"        f       file:
9678 vim_used_in_input_buf   ui.c    /^vim_used_in_input_buf()$/;"   f
9679 vim_version_dir misc1.c /^vim_version_dir(vimdir)$/;"   f       file:
9680 vim_write       vim.h   1357;"  d
9681 vim_write       vim.h   1360;"  d
9682 vimconv_T       structs.h       /^} vimconv_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:__anon40
9683 vimenc_atom     ui.c    /^static Atom   vimenc_atom;    \/* Vim's extended selection format *\/$/;"     v       file:
9684 viminfo_add_at_front    ex_getln.c      /^static int    viminfo_add_at_front = FALSE;$/;"       v       file:
9685 viminfo_encoding        ex_cmds.c       /^viminfo_encoding(virp)$/;"    f       file:
9686 viminfo_errcnt  ex_cmds.c       /^static int  viminfo_errcnt;$/;"       v       file:
9687 viminfo_error   ex_cmds.c       /^viminfo_error(errnum, message, line)$/;"      f
9688 viminfo_filename        ex_cmds.c       /^viminfo_filename(file)$/;"    f       file:
9689 viminfo_hisidx  ex_getln.c      /^static int    viminfo_hisidx[HIST_COUNT] = {0, 0, 0, 0};$/;"  v       file:
9690 viminfo_hislen  ex_getln.c      /^static int    viminfo_hislen[HIST_COUNT] = {0, 0, 0, 0};$/;"  v       file:
9691 viminfo_history ex_getln.c      /^static char_u **viminfo_history[HIST_COUNT] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};$/;"   v       file:
9692 viminfo_readline        ex_cmds.c       /^viminfo_readline(virp)$/;"    f
9693 viminfo_readstring      ex_cmds.c       /^viminfo_readstring(virp, off, convert)$/;"    f
9694 viminfo_writestring     ex_cmds.c       /^viminfo_writestring(fd, p)$/;"        f
9695 vimmenu_T       structs.h       /^typedef int vimmenu_T;$/;"    t
9696 vimmenu_T       structs.h       /^typedef struct VimMenu vimmenu_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:VimMenu
9697 vimoption       option.c        /^struct vimoption$/;"  s       file:
9698 vimpty_getenv   misc2.c /^vimpty_getenv(string)$/;"     f
9699 vimrc_found     option.c        /^vimrc_found()$/;"     f
9700 vimvar  eval.c  /^struct vimvar$/;"     s       file:
9701 vimvars eval.c  /^} vimvars[VV_LEN] =$/;"       v       typeref:struct:vimvar
9702 vir_T   structs.h       /^} vir_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:__anon41
9703 vir_conv        structs.h       /^    vimconv_T vir_conv;       \/* encoding conversion *\/$/;" m       struct:__anon41
9704 vir_fd  structs.h       /^    FILE      *vir_fd;        \/* file descriptor *\/$/;"     m       struct:__anon41
9705 vir_line        structs.h       /^    char_u    *vir_line;      \/* text of the current line *\/$/;"    m       struct:__anon41
9706 virtual_active  misc2.c /^virtual_active()$/;"  f
9707 virtual_active  vim.h   1595;"  d
9708 virtual_op      globals.h       /^EXTERN int    virtual_op INIT(= MAYBE);$/;"   v
9709 virtual_op      vim.h   1596;"  d
9710 visibility      gui.h   /^    int               visibility;         \/* Is shell partially\/fully obscured? *\/$/;"     m       struct:Gui
9711 visibility      gui.h   /^    int               visibility;         \/* Is window partially\/fully obscured? *\/$/;"    m       struct:Gui
9712 vmode   vim.h   /^    int               vmode;          \/* Visual mode character *\/$/;"       m       struct:VimClipboard
9713 vop_flags       option.h        /^EXTERN unsigned       vop_flags;      \/* uses SSOP_ flags *\/$/;"    v
9714 vpeekc  getchar.c       /^vpeekc()$/;"  f
9715 vpeekc_any      getchar.c       /^vpeekc_any()$/;"      f
9716 vpeekc_nomap    getchar.c       /^vpeekc_nomap()$/;"    f
9717 vr_lines_changed        globals.h       /^EXTERN int    vr_lines_changed INIT(= 0); \/* #Lines changed by "gR" so far *\/$/;"   v
9718 vungetc getchar.c       /^vungetc(c)    \/* unget one character (can only be done once!) *\/$/;"        f
9719 w_alist structs.h       /^    alist_T   *w_alist;           \/* pointer to arglist for this window *\/$/;"      m       struct:window
9720 w_allbuf_opt    structs.h       /^    winopt_T  w_allbuf_opt;$/;"       m       struct:window
9721 w_alt_fnum      structs.h       /^    int               w_alt_fnum;         \/* alternate file (for # and CTRL-^) *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9722 w_arg_idx       structs.h       /^    int               w_arg_idx;          \/* current index in argument list (can be$/;"      m       struct:window
9723 w_arg_idx_invalid       structs.h       /^    int               w_arg_idx_invalid;  \/* editing another file than w_arg_idx *\/$/;"     m       struct:window
9724 w_botfill       structs.h       /^    int               w_botfill;          \/* TRUE when filler lines are actually$/;" m       struct:window
9725 w_botline       structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_botline;          \/* number of the line below the bottom of$/;"      m       struct:window
9726 w_buffer        structs.h       /^    buf_T     *w_buffer;          \/* buffer we are a window into (used$/;"   m       struct:window
9727 w_changelistidx structs.h       /^    int               w_changelistidx;        \/* current position in b_changelist *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9728 w_cline_folded  structs.h       /^    int               w_cline_folded;     \/* cursor line is folded *\/$/;"   m       struct:window
9729 w_cline_height  structs.h       /^    int               w_cline_height;     \/* current size of cursor line *\/$/;"     m       struct:window
9730 w_cline_row     structs.h       /^    int               w_cline_row;        \/* starting row of the cursor line *\/$/;" m       struct:window
9731 w_cursor        structs.h       /^    pos_T     w_cursor;           \/* cursor position in buffer *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9732 w_curswant      structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_curswant;         \/* The column we'd like to be at.  This is$/;"     m       struct:window
9733 w_empty_rows    structs.h       /^    int               w_empty_rows;       \/* number of ~ rows in window *\/$/;"      m       struct:window
9734 w_farsi structs.h       /^    int               w_farsi;        \/* for the window dependent Farsi functions *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9735 w_filler_rows   structs.h       /^    int               w_filler_rows;      \/* number of filler rows at the end of the$/;"     m       struct:window
9736 w_fold_manual   structs.h       /^    char      w_fold_manual;      \/* when TRUE: some folds are opened\/closed$/;"    m       struct:window
9737 w_foldinvalid   structs.h       /^    char      w_foldinvalid;      \/* when TRUE: folding needs to be$/;"      m       struct:window
9738 w_folds structs.h       /^    garray_T  w_folds;            \/* array of nested folds *\/$/;"   m       struct:window
9739 w_fraction      structs.h       /^    int               w_fraction;$/;" m       struct:window
9740 w_frame structs.h       /^    frame_T   *w_frame;           \/* frame containing this window *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9741 w_height        structs.h       /^    int               w_height;           \/* number of rows in window, excluding$/;" m       struct:window
9742 w_jumplist      structs.h       /^    xfmark_T  w_jumplist[JUMPLISTSIZE];$/;"   m       struct:window
9743 w_jumplistidx   structs.h       /^    int               w_jumplistidx;          \/* current position *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9744 w_jumplistlen   structs.h       /^    int               w_jumplistlen;          \/* number of active entries *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9745 w_leftcol       structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_leftcol;          \/* window column number of the left most$/;"       m       struct:window
9746 w_line  structs.h       /^typedef struct w_line$/;"     s
9747 w_lines structs.h       /^    wline_T   *w_lines;$/;"   m       struct:window
9748 w_lines_valid   structs.h       /^    int               w_lines_valid;      \/* number of valid entries *\/$/;" m       struct:window
9749 w_localdir      structs.h       /^    char_u    *w_localdir;        \/* absolute path of local directory or$/;" m       struct:window
9750 w_match structs.h       /^    regmmatch_T       w_match;        \/* regexp program for ":match" *\/$/;" m       struct:window
9751 w_match_id      structs.h       /^    int               w_match_id;     \/* highlight ID for ":match" *\/$/;"   m       struct:window
9752 w_next  structs.h       /^    win_T     *w_next;            \/* link to next window *\/$/;"     m       struct:window
9753 w_old_botfill   structs.h       /^    int               w_old_botfill;      \/* w_botfill at last redraw *\/$/;"        m       struct:window
9754 w_old_cursor_fcol       structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_old_cursor_fcol;  \/* first column for block visual part *\/$/;"      m       struct:window
9755 w_old_cursor_lcol       structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_old_cursor_lcol;  \/* last column for block visual part *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9756 w_old_cursor_lnum       structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_old_cursor_lnum;  \/* last known end of visual part *\/$/;"   m       struct:window
9757 w_old_curswant  structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_old_curswant;     \/* last known value of Curswant *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9758 w_old_topfill   structs.h       /^    int               w_old_topfill;      \/* w_topfill at last redraw *\/$/;"        m       struct:window
9759 w_old_visual_lnum       structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_old_visual_lnum;  \/* last known start of visual part *\/$/;" m       struct:window
9760 w_old_visual_mode       structs.h       /^    char      w_old_visual_mode;  \/* last known VIsual_mode *\/$/;"  m       struct:window
9761 w_onebuf_opt    structs.h       /^    winopt_T  w_onebuf_opt;$/;"       m       struct:window
9762 w_p_arab        structs.h       134;"   d
9763 w_p_diff        structs.h       138;"   d
9764 w_p_fdc structs.h       142;"   d
9765 w_p_fde structs.h       157;"   d
9766 w_p_fdi structs.h       146;"   d
9767 w_p_fdl structs.h       148;"   d
9768 w_p_fdm structs.h       150;"   d
9769 w_p_fdn structs.h       154;"   d
9770 w_p_fdt structs.h       159;"   d
9771 w_p_fen structs.h       144;"   d
9772 w_p_fml structs.h       152;"   d
9773 w_p_fmr structs.h       162;"   d
9774 w_p_lbr structs.h       166;"   d
9775 w_p_list        structs.h       169;"   d
9776 w_p_nu  structs.h       171;"   d
9777 w_p_pvw structs.h       178;"   d
9778 w_p_rl  structs.h       182;"   d
9779 w_p_rlc structs.h       184;"   d
9780 w_p_scb structs.h       190;"   d
9781 w_p_scr structs.h       187;"   d
9782 w_p_wfh structs.h       174;"   d
9783 w_p_wrap        structs.h       193;"   d
9784 w_pcmark        structs.h       /^    pos_T     w_pcmark;       \/* previous context mark *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9785 w_prev  structs.h       /^    win_T     *w_prev;            \/* link to previous window *\/$/;" m       struct:window
9786 w_prev_fraction_row     structs.h       /^    int               w_prev_fraction_row;$/;"        m       struct:window
9787 w_prev_pcmark   structs.h       /^    pos_T     w_prev_pcmark;  \/* previous w_pcmark *\/$/;"   m       struct:window
9788 w_redr_status   structs.h       /^    int               w_redr_status;      \/* if TRUE status line must be redrawn *\/$/;"     m       struct:window
9789 w_redr_type     structs.h       /^    int               w_redr_type;        \/* type of redraw to be performed on win *\/$/;"   m       struct:window
9790 w_redraw_bot    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_redraw_bot;       \/* when != 0: last line needing redraw *\/$/;"     m       struct:window
9791 w_redraw_top    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_redraw_top;       \/* when != 0: first line needing redraw *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9792 w_ru_cursor     structs.h       /^    pos_T     w_ru_cursor;        \/* cursor position shown in ruler *\/$/;"  m       struct:window
9793 w_ru_empty      structs.h       /^    char      w_ru_empty;         \/* TRUE if ruler shows 0-1 (empty line) *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9794 w_ru_line_count structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_ru_line_count;    \/* line count used for ruler *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9795 w_ru_topfill    structs.h       /^    int               w_ru_topfill;       \/* topfill shown in ruler *\/$/;"  m       struct:window
9796 w_ru_topline    structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_ru_topline;       \/* topline shown in ruler *\/$/;"  m       struct:window
9797 w_ru_virtcol    structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_ru_virtcol;       \/* virtcol shown in ruler *\/$/;"  m       struct:window
9798 w_scbind_pos    structs.h       /^    long      w_scbind_pos;$/;"       m       struct:window
9799 w_scrollbars    structs.h       /^    scrollbar_T       w_scrollbars[2];        \/* vert. Scrollbars for this window *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9800 w_set_curswant  structs.h       /^    int               w_set_curswant;     \/* If set, then update w_curswant the next$/;"     m       struct:window
9801 w_skipcol       structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_skipcol;          \/* starting column when a single line$/;"  m       struct:window
9802 w_status_height structs.h       /^    int               w_status_height;    \/* number of status lines (0 or 1) *\/$/;" m       struct:window
9803 w_tagstack      structs.h       /^    taggy_T   w_tagstack[TAGSTACKSIZE];       \/* the tag stack *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9804 w_tagstackidx   structs.h       /^    int               w_tagstackidx;          \/* idx just below activ entry *\/$/;"  m       struct:window
9805 w_tagstacklen   structs.h       /^    int               w_tagstacklen;          \/* number of tags on stack *\/$/;"     m       struct:window
9806 w_topfill       structs.h       /^    int               w_topfill;          \/* number of filler lines above w_topline *\/$/;"  m       struct:window
9807 w_topline       structs.h       /^    linenr_T  w_topline;          \/* buffer line number of the line at the$/;"       m       struct:window
9808 w_upd_rows      structs.h       /^    int               w_upd_rows;         \/* number of window lines to update when$/;"       m       struct:window
9809 w_valid structs.h       /^    int               w_valid;$/;"    m       struct:window
9810 w_valid_cursor  structs.h       /^    pos_T     w_valid_cursor;     \/* last known position of w_cursor, used$/;"       m       struct:window
9811 w_valid_leftcol structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_valid_leftcol;    \/* last known w_leftcol *\/$/;"    m       struct:window
9812 w_vars  structs.h       /^    garray_T  w_vars;         \/* internal variables, local to window *\/$/;" m       struct:window
9813 w_virtcol       structs.h       /^    colnr_T   w_virtcol;          \/* column number of the cursor in the$/;"  m       struct:window
9814 w_vsep_width    structs.h       /^    int               w_vsep_width;       \/* Number of separator columns (0 or 1).$/;"       m       struct:window
9815 w_wcol  structs.h       /^    int               w_wrow, w_wcol;     \/* cursor position in window *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9816 w_width structs.h       /^    int               w_width;            \/* Width of window, excluding separation.$/;"      m       struct:window
9817 w_wincol        structs.h       /^    int               w_wincol;           \/* Leftmost column of window in screen.$/;"        m       struct:window
9818 w_winrow        structs.h       /^    int               w_winrow;           \/* first row of window in screen *\/$/;"   m       struct:window
9819 w_wrow  structs.h       /^    int               w_wrow, w_wcol;     \/* cursor position in window *\/$/;"       m       struct:window
9820 waitTime        gui_amiga.c     /^    int               waitTime;$/;"   m       struct:__anon26 file:
9821 wait_return     message.c       /^wait_return(redraw)$/;"       f
9822 wb_window       os_amiga.c      /^static struct Window  *wb_window;$/;" v       typeref:struct:Window   file:
9823 wc_use_keyname  option.c        /^wc_use_keyname(varp, wcp)$/;" f       file:
9824 wcmd_T  ex_docmd.c      /^} wcmd_T;$/;" t       typeref:struct:__anon22 file:
9825 where_paste_started     globals.h       /^EXTERN pos_T  where_paste_started;$/;"        v
9826 which_scrollbars        gui.h   /^    int               which_scrollbars[3];\/* Which scrollbar boxes are active? *\/$/;"       m       struct:Gui
9827 while_cookie    ex_docmd.c      /^struct while_cookie$/;"       s       file:
9828 wi_fold_manual  structs.h       /^    int               wi_fold_manual; \/* copy of w_fold_manual *\/$/;"       m       struct:wininfo
9829 wi_folds        structs.h       /^    garray_T  wi_folds;       \/* clone of w_folds *\/$/;"    m       struct:wininfo
9830 wi_fpos structs.h       /^    pos_T     wi_fpos;        \/* last cursor position in the file *\/$/;"    m       struct:wininfo
9831 wi_next structs.h       /^    wininfo_T *wi_next;       \/* next entry or NULL for last entry *\/$/;"   m       struct:wininfo
9832 wi_opt  structs.h       /^    winopt_T  wi_opt;         \/* local window options *\/$/;"        m       struct:wininfo
9833 wi_optset       structs.h       /^    int               wi_optset;      \/* TRUE when wi_opt has useful values *\/$/;"  m       struct:wininfo
9834 wi_prev structs.h       /^    wininfo_T *wi_prev;       \/* previous entry or NULL for first entry *\/$/;"      m       struct:wininfo
9835 wi_win  structs.h       /^    win_T     *wi_win;        \/* pointer to window that did set wi_lnum *\/$/;"      m       struct:wininfo
9836 wid     gui.h   /^    Window    wid;                \/* Window id of text area *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
9837 wid     gui.h   /^    WindowPtr wid;                \/* Window id of text area *\/$/;"  m       struct:Gui
9838 wide_WindowProc globals.h       /^EXTERN int    wide_WindowProc INIT(= FALSE);  \/* use wide WindowProc() *\/$/;"       v
9839 wide_font       gui.h   /^    GuiFont   wide_font;          \/* 'guifontwide' font *\/$/;"      m       struct:Gui
9840 width   ex_cmds2.c      /^    float     width;          \/* width and height in points for portrait *\/$/;"     m       struct:prt_mediasize_S  file:
9841 width   gui.h   /^    int               width;          \/* Current width of scroll bar in cols *\/$/;" m       struct:GuiScrollbar
9842 widthCharToPoint        gui_amiga.c     /^widthCharToPoint(int width)$/;"       f       file:
9843 widthPointToChar        gui_amiga.c     /^widthPointToChar(int width)$/;"       f       file:
9844 wild_menu_showing       globals.h       /^EXTERN int  wild_menu_showing INIT(= 0);$/;"  v
9845 wim_flags       globals.h       /^EXTERN char_u wim_flags[4];$/;"       v
9846 win_T   structs.h       /^typedef struct window win_T;$/;"      t       typeref:struct:window
9847 win_alloc       window.c        /^win_alloc(after)$/;"  f       file:
9848 win_alloc_first window.c        /^win_alloc_first()$/;" f
9849 win_alloc_lines window.c        /^win_alloc_lines(wp)$/;"       f
9850 win_altframe    window.c        /^win_altframe(win)$/;" f       file:
9851 win_append      window.c        /^win_append(after, wp)$/;"     f       file:
9852 win_chartabsize charset.c       /^win_chartabsize(wp, p, col)$/;"       f       file:
9853 win_close       window.c        /^win_close(win, free_buf)$/;"  f
9854 win_col_off     move.c  /^win_col_off(wp)$/;"   f
9855 win_col_off2    move.c  /^win_col_off2(wp)$/;"  f
9856 win_comp_pos    window.c        /^win_comp_pos()$/;"    f       file:
9857 win_comp_scroll window.c        /^win_comp_scroll(wp)$/;"       f
9858 win_copy_options        option.c        /^win_copy_options(wp_from, wp_to)$/;"  f
9859 win_count       window.c        /^win_count()$/;"       f
9860 win_del_lines   screen.c        /^win_del_lines(wp, row, line_count, invalid, mayclear)$/;"     f
9861 win_do_lines    screen.c        /^win_do_lines(wp, row, line_count, mayclear, del)$/;"  f       file:
9862 win_drag_status_line    window.c        /^win_drag_status_line(dragwin, offset)$/;"     f
9863 win_drag_vsep_line      window.c        /^win_drag_vsep_line(dragwin, offset)$/;"       f
9864 win_draw_end    screen.c        /^win_draw_end(wp, c1, c2, row, endrow, hl)$/;" f       file:
9865 win_enter       window.c        /^win_enter(wp, undo_sync)$/;"  f
9866 win_enter_ext   window.c        /^win_enter_ext(wp, undo_sync, curwin_invalid)$/;"      f       file:
9867 win_equal       window.c        /^win_equal(next_curwin, current, dir)$/;"      f
9868 win_equal_rec   window.c        /^win_equal_rec(next_curwin, current, topfr, dir, col, row, width, height)$/;"  f       file:
9869 win_exchange    window.c        /^win_exchange(Prenum)$/;"      f       file:
9870 win_find_nr     window.c        /^win_find_nr(winnr)$/;"        f
9871 win_foldinfo    screen.c        /^static foldinfo_T win_foldinfo;       \/* info for 'foldcolumn' *\/$/;"       v       file:
9872 win_free        window.c        /^win_free(wp)$/;"      f       file:
9873 win_free_lsize  window.c        /^win_free_lsize(wp)$/;"        f
9874 win_goto        window.c        /^win_goto(wp)$/;"      f
9875 win_goto_hor    window.c        /^win_goto_hor(left, count)$/;" f       file:
9876 win_goto_ver    window.c        /^win_goto_ver(up, count)$/;"   f       file:
9877 win_hasvertsplit        window.c        /^win_hasvertsplit()$/;"        f
9878 win_init        window.c        /^win_init(wp)$/;"      f
9879 win_ins_lines   screen.c        /^win_ins_lines(wp, row, line_count, invalid, mayclear)$/;"     f
9880 win_lbr_chartabsize     charset.c       /^win_lbr_chartabsize(wp, s, col, headp)$/;"    f
9881 win_line        screen.c        /^win_line(wp, lnum, startrow, endrow)$/;"      f       file:
9882 win_linetabsize charset.c       /^win_linetabsize(wp, p, len)$/;"       f
9883 win_minheight   window.c        /^win_minheight(wp)$/;" f       file:
9884 win_move_after  window.c        /^win_move_after(win1, win2)$/;"        f
9885 win_new_height  window.c        /^win_new_height(wp, height)$/;"        f       file:
9886 win_new_shellsize       term.c  /^win_new_shellsize()$/;"       f
9887 win_new_width   window.c        /^win_new_width(wp, width)$/;"  f       file:
9888 win_nolbr_chartabsize   charset.c       /^win_nolbr_chartabsize(wp, s, col, headp)$/;"  f       file:
9889 win_redr_custom screen.c        /^win_redr_custom(wp, Ruler)$/;"        f       file:
9890 win_redr_ruler  screen.c        /^win_redr_ruler(wp, always)$/;"        f       file:
9891 win_redr_status screen.c        /^win_redr_status(wp)$/;"       f
9892 win_redr_status_matches screen.c        /^win_redr_status_matches(xp, num_matches, matches, match, showtail)$/;"        f
9893 win_redraw_last_status  screen.c        /^win_redraw_last_status(frp)$/;"       f
9894 win_remove      window.c        /^win_remove(wp)$/;"    f       file:
9895 win_resize_off  os_amiga.c      /^win_resize_off()$/;"  f
9896 win_resize_on   os_amiga.c      /^win_resize_on()$/;"   f
9897 win_rest_invalid        screen.c        /^win_rest_invalid(wp)$/;"      f       file:
9898 win_rotate      window.c        /^win_rotate(upwards, count)$/;"        f       file:
9899 win_setheight   window.c        /^win_setheight(height)$/;"     f
9900 win_setheight_win       window.c        /^win_setheight_win(height, win)$/;"    f
9901 win_setminheight        window.c        /^win_setminheight()$/;"        f
9902 win_setwidth    window.c        /^win_setwidth(width)$/;"       f
9903 win_setwidth_win        window.c        /^win_setwidth_win(width, wp)$/;"       f
9904 win_size_restore        window.c        /^win_size_restore(gap)$/;"     f
9905 win_size_save   window.c        /^win_size_save(gap)$/;"        f
9906 win_split       window.c        /^win_split(size, flags)$/;"    f
9907 win_split_ins   window.c        /^win_split_ins(size, flags, newwin, dir)$/;"   f       file:
9908 win_totop       window.c        /^win_totop(size, flags)$/;"    f       file:
9909 win_update      screen.c        /^win_update(wp)$/;"    f       file:
9910 win_valid       window.c        /^win_valid(win)$/;"    f
9911 windgoto        screen.c        /^windgoto(row, col)$/;"        f
9912 window  gui.h   /^    struct Window *window;            \/* a handle to the amiga window *\/$/;"        m       struct:Gui      typeref:struct:Gui::Window
9913 window  structs.h       /^struct window$/;"     s
9914 window_handle   gui.h   /^    int               window_handle;$/;"      m       struct:Gui
9915 window_title    gui.h   /^    char_u    *window_title;$/;"      m       struct:Gui
9916 window_title_size       gui.h   /^    int               window_title_size;$/;"  m       struct:Gui
9917 winframe_remove window.c        /^winframe_remove(win, dirp)$/;"        f       file:
9918 wininfo structs.h       /^struct wininfo$/;"    s
9919 wininfo_T       structs.h       /^typedef struct wininfo        wininfo_T;$/;"  t       typeref:struct:wininfo
9920 winopt_T        structs.h       /^} winopt_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:__anon30
9921 wipe_buffer     buffer.c        /^wipe_buffer(buf, aucmd)$/;"   f
9922 wl_folded       structs.h       /^    char      wl_folded;      \/* TRUE when this is a range of folded lines *\/$/;"   m       struct:w_line
9923 wl_lastlnum     structs.h       /^    linenr_T  wl_lastlnum;    \/* last buffer line number for logical line *\/$/;"    m       struct:w_line
9924 wl_lnum structs.h       /^    linenr_T  wl_lnum;        \/* buffer line number for logical line *\/$/;" m       struct:w_line
9925 wl_size structs.h       /^    short_u   wl_size;        \/* height in screen lines *\/$/;"      m       struct:w_line
9926 wl_valid        structs.h       /^    char      wl_valid;       \/* TRUE values are valid for text in buffer *\/$/;"    m       struct:w_line
9927 wline_T structs.h       /^} wline_T;$/;"        t       typeref:struct:w_line
9928 wo_arab structs.h       /^    int               wo_arab;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9929 wo_diff structs.h       /^    int               wo_diff;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9930 wo_fdc  structs.h       /^    long      wo_fdc;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9931 wo_fde  structs.h       /^    char_u    *wo_fde;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9932 wo_fdi  structs.h       /^    char_u    *wo_fdi;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9933 wo_fdl  structs.h       /^    long      wo_fdl;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9934 wo_fdm  structs.h       /^    char_u    *wo_fdm;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9935 wo_fdn  structs.h       /^    long      wo_fdn;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9936 wo_fdt  structs.h       /^    char_u    *wo_fdt;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9937 wo_fen  structs.h       /^    int               wo_fen;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9938 wo_fml  structs.h       /^    long      wo_fml;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9939 wo_fmr  structs.h       /^    char_u    *wo_fmr;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9940 wo_lbr  structs.h       /^    int               wo_lbr;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9941 wo_list structs.h       /^    int               wo_list;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9942 wo_nu   structs.h       /^    int               wo_nu;$/;"      m       struct:__anon30
9943 wo_pvw  structs.h       /^    int               wo_pvw;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9944 wo_rl   structs.h       /^    int               wo_rl;$/;"      m       struct:__anon30
9945 wo_rlc  structs.h       /^    char_u    *wo_rlc;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9946 wo_scb  structs.h       /^    int               wo_scb;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9947 wo_scr  structs.h       /^    long      wo_scr;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9948 wo_wfh  structs.h       /^    int               wo_wfh;$/;"     m       struct:__anon30
9949 wo_wrap structs.h       /^    int               wo_wrap;$/;"    m       struct:__anon30
9950 word_end_col    vim.h   /^    short_u   word_end_col;$/;"       m       struct:VimClipboard
9951 word_start_col  vim.h   /^    short_u   word_start_col;$/;"     m       struct:VimClipboard
9952 wp      fold.c  /^    win_T     *wp;            \/* window *\/$/;"      m       struct:__anon15 file:
9953 wp      gui.h   /^    struct window *wp;                \/* Scrollbar's window, NULL for bottom *\/$/;" m       struct:GuiScrollbar     typeref:struct:GuiScrollbar::window
9954 write_lnum_adjust       fileio.c        /^write_lnum_adjust(offset)$/;" f
9955 write_no_eol_lnum       fileio.c        /^static linenr_T       write_no_eol_lnum = 0;  \/* non-zero lnum when last line of$/;" v       file:
9956 write_one_filemark      mark.c  /^write_one_filemark(fp, fm, c1, c2)$/;"        f       file:
9957 write_one_mark  mark.c  /^write_one_mark(fp_out, c, pos)$/;"    f       file:
9958 write_reg_contents      ops.c   /^write_reg_contents(name, str, maxlen, must_append)$/;"        f
9959 write_reg_contents_ex   ops.c   /^write_reg_contents_ex(name, str, maxlen, must_append, yank_type, block_len)$/;"       f
9960 write_viminfo   ex_cmds.c       /^write_viminfo(file, forceit)$/;"      f
9961 write_viminfo_bufferlist        buffer.c        /^write_viminfo_bufferlist(fp)$/;"      f
9962 write_viminfo_filemarks mark.c  /^write_viminfo_filemarks(fp)$/;"       f
9963 write_viminfo_history   ex_getln.c      /^write_viminfo_history(fp)$/;" f
9964 write_viminfo_marks     mark.c  /^write_viminfo_marks(fp_out)$/;"       f
9965 write_viminfo_registers ops.c   /^write_viminfo_registers(fp)$/;"       f
9966 write_viminfo_search_pattern    search.c        /^write_viminfo_search_pattern(fp)$/;"  f
9967 write_viminfo_sub_string        ex_cmds.c       /^write_viminfo_sub_string(fp)$/;"      f
9968 write_viminfo_varlist   eval.c  /^write_viminfo_varlist(fp)$/;" f
9969 wvsp_one        search.c        /^wvsp_one(fp, idx, s, sc)$/;"  f       file:
9970 wx      ex_cmds2.c      /^    int               wx;$/;" m       struct:prt_ps_font_S    file:
9971 x       gui_beval.h     /^    int                       x;$/;"  m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
9972 x       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let x = "a"$/;"     v
9973 x       testdir/test49.vim      /^          let x = x . "b" . append(1, "s") . H()$/;"  v
9974 x       testdir/test49.vim      /^      let x = novar   " error E121\/E15; exception: E121$/;"  v
9975 x11_export_final_selection      ops.c   /^x11_export_final_selection()$/;"      f
9976 x11_setup_atoms ui.c    /^x11_setup_atoms(dpy)$/;"      f
9977 x_force_connect globals.h       /^EXTERN int    x_force_connect INIT(= FALSE); \/* Do connect to X server.$/;"  v
9978 x_jump_env      globals.h       /^EXTERN JMP_BUF x_jump_env;$/;"        v
9979 x_no_connect    globals.h       /^EXTERN int    x_no_connect INIT(= FALSE); \/* don't connect to X server *\/$/;"       v
9980 xfilemark       structs.h       /^typedef struct xfilemark$/;"  s
9981 xfmark_T        structs.h       /^} xfmark_T;$/;"       t       typeref:struct:xfilemark
9982 xic     globals.h       /^EXTERN GdkIC          *xic INIT(= NULL);$/;"  v
9983 xic     globals.h       /^EXTERN GtkIMContext   *xic INIT(= NULL);$/;"  v
9984 xic     globals.h       /^EXTERN XIC            xic INIT(= NULL);$/;"   v
9985 xic_attr        globals.h       /^EXTERN GdkICAttr      *xic_attr INIT(= NULL);$/;"     v
9986 xim_back_delete mbyte.c /^xim_back_delete(int n)$/;"    f       file:
9987 xim_bg_color    globals.h       /^EXTERN guicolor_T     xim_bg_color INIT(= INVALCOLOR);$/;"    v
9988 xim_can_preediting      mbyte.c /^static int    xim_can_preediting INIT(= FALSE);       \/* XIM in showmode() *\/$/;"   v       file:
9989 xim_changed_while_preediting    globals.h       /^EXTERN int            xim_changed_while_preediting INIT(= FALSE);$/;" v
9990 xim_decide_input_style  mbyte.c /^xim_decide_input_style()$/;"  f
9991 xim_destroy_cb  mbyte.c /^xim_destroy_cb(im, client_data, call_data)$/;"        f       file:
9992 xim_expected_char       mbyte.c /^static int xim_expected_char = NUL;$/;"       v       file:
9993 xim_fg_color    globals.h       /^EXTERN guicolor_T     xim_fg_color INIT(= INVALCOLOR);$/;"    v
9994 xim_get_status_area_height      mbyte.c /^xim_get_status_area_height()$/;"      f
9995 xim_has_focus   mbyte.c /^static int    xim_has_focus = FALSE;  \/* XIM is really being used for Vim *\/$/;"    v       file:
9996 xim_has_preediting      mbyte.c /^static int xim_has_preediting INIT(= FALSE);  \/* IM current status *\/$/;"   v       file:
9997 xim_ignored_char        mbyte.c /^static int xim_ignored_char = FALSE;$/;"      v       file:
9998 xim_init        mbyte.c /^xim_init()$/;"        f
9999 xim_init        mbyte.c /^xim_init(void)$/;"    f
10000 xim_input_style mbyte.c /^static int    xim_input_style;$/;"    v       file:
10001 xim_instantiate_cb      mbyte.c /^xim_instantiate_cb(display, client_data, call_data)$/;"       f       file:
10002 xim_is_active   mbyte.c /^static int    xim_is_active = FALSE;  \/* XIM should be active in the current$/;"     v       file:
10003 xim_log mbyte.c /^xim_log(char *s, ...)$/;"     f       file:
10004 xim_queue_key_press_event       mbyte.c /^xim_queue_key_press_event(GdkEventKey *event, int down)$/;"   f
10005 xim_real_init   mbyte.c /^xim_real_init(x11_window, x11_display)$/;"    f       file:
10006 xim_reset       mbyte.c /^xim_reset(void)$/;"   f
10007 xim_set_focus   mbyte.c /^xim_set_focus(focus)$/;"      f
10008 xim_set_focus   mbyte.c /^xim_set_focus(int focus)$/;"  f
10009 xim_set_preedit mbyte.c /^xim_set_preedit()$/;" f
10010 xim_set_status_area     mbyte.c /^xim_set_status_area()$/;"     f
10011 xp_arg  structs.h       /^    char_u    *xp_arg;                \/* completion function *\/$/;" m       struct:expand
10012 xp_backslash    structs.h       /^    int               xp_backslash;           \/* one of the XP_BS_ values *\/$/;"    m       struct:expand
10013 xp_context      structs.h       /^    int               xp_context;             \/* type of expansion *\/$/;"   m       struct:expand
10014 xp_files        structs.h       /^    char_u    **xp_files;             \/* list of files *\/$/;"       m       struct:expand
10015 xp_numfiles     structs.h       /^    int               xp_numfiles;            \/* number of files found by$/;"        m       struct:expand
10016 xp_pattern      structs.h       /^    char_u    *xp_pattern;            \/* start of item to expand *\/$/;"     m       struct:expand
10017 xp_scriptID     structs.h       /^    int               xp_scriptID;            \/* SID for completion function *\/$/;" m       struct:expand
10018 xsmp_icefd      globals.h       /^EXTERN int xsmp_icefd INIT(= -1);   \/* The actual connection *\/$/;" v
10019 xt_index_in     term.c  /^static int xt_index_in = 0;$/;"       v       file:
10020 xt_index_out    term.c  /^static int xt_index_out = 0;$/;"      v       file:
10021 xterm_display   globals.h       /^EXTERN char   *xterm_display INIT(= NULL);    \/* xterm display name *\/$/;"  v
10022 xterm_dpy       globals.h       /^EXTERN Display        *xterm_dpy INIT(= NULL);        \/* xterm display pointer *\/$/;"       v
10023 xxdline xxd/xxd.c       /^xxdline(fp, l, nz)$/;"        f       file:
10024 xy2win  gui.c   /^xy2win(x, y)$/;"      f       file:
10025 y       gui_beval.h     /^    int                       y;$/;"  m       struct:BalloonEvalStruct
10026 y_append        ops.c   /^static int            y_append;           \/* TRUE when appending *\/$/;"     v       file:
10027 y_array ops.c   /^    char_u    **y_array;      \/* pointer to array of line pointers *\/$/;"   m       struct:yankreg  file:
10028 y_current       ops.c   /^static struct yankreg *y_current;         \/* ptr to current yankreg *\/$/;"  v       typeref:struct:yankreg  file:
10029 y_previous      ops.c   /^static struct yankreg *y_previous = NULL; \/* ptr to last written yankreg *\/$/;"     v       typeref:struct:yankreg  file:
10030 y_regs  ops.c   /^} y_regs[NUM_REGISTERS];$/;"  v       typeref:struct:yankreg  file:
10031 y_size  ops.c   /^    linenr_T  y_size;         \/* number of lines in y_array *\/$/;"  m       struct:yankreg  file:
10032 y_type  ops.c   /^    char_u    y_type;         \/* MLINE, MCHAR or MBLOCK *\/$/;"      m       struct:yankreg  file:
10033 y_width ops.c   /^    colnr_T   y_width;        \/* only set if y_type == MBLOCK *\/$/;"        m       struct:yankreg  file:
10034 yank_copy_line  ops.c   /^yank_copy_line(bd, y_idx)$/;" f       file:
10035 yank_register_mline     ops.c   /^yank_register_mline(regname)$/;"      f
10036 yankreg ops.c   /^static struct yankreg$/;"     s       file: