Fixed missing fprintf argument.
[AROS.git] / rom / dos / match_old.c
1 matchfirst.c:
5 /*
6 Copyright © 1995-2001, The AROS Development Team. All rights reserved.
7 $Id$
9 Desc:
10 Lang: english
12 #include "dos_intern.h"
13 #include <proto/exec.h>
14 #include <exec/memory.h>
15 #include <exec/types.h>
16 #include <dos/dos.h>
18 /*****************************************************************************
20 NAME */
21 #include <dos/dosasl.h>
22 #include <proto/dos.h>
24 AROS_LH2(LONG, MatchFirst,
26 /* SYNOPSIS */
27 AROS_LHA(STRPTR , pat, D1),
28 AROS_LHA(struct AnchorPath *, AP , D2),
30 /* LOCATION */
31 struct DosLibrary *, DOSBase, 137, Dos)
35 Searches for the first file or directory that matches a given pattern.
36 MatchFirst() initializes the AnchorPath structure for you but you
37 must initilize the following fields: ap_Flags, ap_Strlen, ap_BreakBits
38 and ap_FoundBreak. The first call to MatchFirst() also passes you
39 the first matching file which you can examine in ap_Info and the directory
40 the files is in in ap_Current->an_Lock. After the first call to
41 MatchFirst() call MatchNext().
42 The search begins whereever the current directory is set to. See
43 CurrentDir();
44 For more info on patterns see ParsePattern().
47 pat - pattern to search for
48 AP - pointer to (initilized) AnchorPath structure
51 0 = success
52 other = DOS error code
59 Copying of the relative path to ap_Buf is not implemented yet
62 MatchNext(), MatchEnd(), ParsePattern(), Examine(), CurrentDir()
63 <dos/dosasl.h>
67 *****************************************************************************/
70 AROS_LIBBASE_EXT_DECL(struct DosLibrary *,DOSBase)
72 struct AChain * AC;
73 struct AChain * AC_Prev = NULL;
74 LONG PatLength;
75 STRPTR ParsedPattern;
76 BPTR firstlock;
78 bug("matchfirst\n");
80 if (!pat)
81 return FALSE;
83 AP->ap_Base = NULL;
84 AP->ap_Current = NULL;
86 PatLength = 2*strlen(pat)+2;
87 ParsedPattern = AllocMem(PatLength, MEMF_ANY);
90 if (NULL != ParsedPattern)
92 LONG PatStart = 0;
93 LONG PatEnd = 0;
94 BOOL AllDone = FALSE;
95 LONG index;
96 LONG success = FALSE;
97 BPTR origdir;
99 bug("matchfirst: ParsedPattern mem okay. Calling ParsePatternNoCase\n");
102 ** Put the preparsed string to some memory
103 ** If there are any wildcards then leave info
105 if (1 == ParsePatternNoCase(pat, ParsedPattern, PatLength))
106 AP->ap_Flags |= (BYTE)APF_ITSWILD;
108 //bug("matchfirst: ParsePatternNoCase returned: pattern = \"%s\"\n", ParsedPattern);
111 ** First I search for the very first ':'. If a '/' comes along
112 ** before that I quit. The string before and including the ':'
113 ** is assumed to be an assigned directory, for example 'libs:'.
114 ** So I will start looking for the pattern in that directory.
116 while (TRUE)
118 if (ParsedPattern[PatEnd] == ':')
120 success = TRUE;
121 break;
123 else
125 if ( ParsedPattern[PatEnd] == '/' ||
126 ParsedPattern[PatEnd] == '\0' ||
127 (ParsedPattern[PatEnd] & 0x80) != 0
128 /* a token or nonprintable letter */)
130 PatEnd = 0;
131 break;
134 PatEnd++;
138 ** Only if success == TRUE an assigned dir was found.
140 if (TRUE == success)
143 ** try to create a lock to that assigned dir.
145 char Remember = ParsedPattern[PatEnd+1];
146 PatEnd++;
147 ParsedPattern[PatEnd] = '\0';
148 firstlock = Lock(ParsedPattern, ACCESS_READ);
149 origdir = CurrentDir(firstlock);
152 ** check whether an error occurred
154 if (NULL == firstlock)
156 FreeMem(ParsedPattern, PatLength);
157 return IoErr(); // ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND; /* !!! hope that's the right error code... */
161 ** I have the correct lock.
163 ParsedPattern[PatEnd] = Remember;
164 PatStart=PatEnd;
166 } /* if (TRUE == success) */
167 else
170 ** Create a lock to the current dir.
172 origdir = CurrentDir(NULL);
173 firstlock = DupLock(origdir);
174 if (!firstlock)
176 FreeMem(ParsedPattern, PatLength);
177 return IoErr();
180 (void)CurrentDir(firstlock);
183 bug("MatchFirst: origdir = %x\n", origdir);
184 bug("MatchFirst: firstlock = %x\n", firstlock);
187 ** Allocate an AChain structure for the original directory.
189 AC = (struct AChain *)AllocVec(sizeof(struct AChain), MEMF_CLEAR);
190 if (NULL == AC)
193 ** No more memory
195 FreeMem(ParsedPattern, PatLength);
196 UnLock(firstlock);
197 CurrentDir(origdir);
202 AC->an_Lock = origdir;
203 AC->an_Flags = DDF_Completed|DDF_Single;
204 AC_Prev = AC;
207 AP->ap_Base = AC;
210 ** Build the Anchor Chain. For every subdirectory I allocate
211 ** an AChain structure and link them all together
213 while (FALSE == AllDone)
216 ** Search for the next '/' in the pattern and everything behind
217 ** the previous '/' and before this '/' will go to an_String
219 while (TRUE)
221 if (ParsedPattern[PatEnd] == '\0')
223 AllDone = TRUE;
224 PatEnd--;
225 break;
227 if (ParsedPattern[PatEnd] == '/')
229 PatEnd--;
230 break;
232 PatEnd++;
234 } /* while(TRUE) */
236 AC = AllocVec(sizeof(struct AChain)+(PatEnd-PatStart+2), MEMF_CLEAR);
237 if (NULL == AC)
239 /* not so bad if this was not the very first AC. */
240 if (NULL == AP->ap_Base)
243 ** oops, it was the very first one. I really cannot do anything for
244 ** you. - sorry
246 FreeMem(ParsedPattern, PatLength);
248 UnLock(AP->ap_Base->an_Lock);
249 CurrentDir(origdir); /* stegerg */
250 FreeMem(AP->ap_Base, sizeof(struct AChain));
256 ** let me out of here. I will at least try to do something for you.
257 ** I can check the first few subdirs but that's gonna be it.
259 AP->ap_Flags |= APF_NOMEMERR;
260 break;
262 } /* if (NULL == AC) */
264 if (NULL == AP->ap_Base)
265 AP->ap_Base = AC;
267 if (NULL == AP->ap_Current)
268 AP->ap_Current = AC;
271 if (NULL != AC_Prev)
272 AC_Prev->an_Child = AC;
274 AC->an_Parent = AC_Prev;
275 AC_Prev = AC;
278 ** copy the part of the pattern to the end of the AChain.
280 index = 0;
281 while (PatStart <= PatEnd)
283 AC->an_String[index] = ParsedPattern[PatStart];
284 index++;
285 PatStart++;
289 ** Put PatStart and PetEnd behind the '/' that was found.
291 PatStart = PatEnd + 2;
292 PatEnd += 2;
295 ** the trailing '\0' is there automatically as I allocated enough store
296 ** with MEMF_CLEAR
299 } /* while (FALSE == AllDone) */
302 ** Free the pattern since it has been distributed now
304 FreeMem(ParsedPattern, PatLength);
307 ** The AnchorChain to work with is the second one.
309 AP->ap_Base = AP->ap_Base->an_Child;
310 AC = AP->ap_Base;
312 AC->an_Lock = firstlock;
314 (void)Examine(AC->an_Lock, &AC->an_Info);
316 return followpattern(AP, AC, DOSBase);
318 } /* if (NULL != ParsedPattern) */
319 else
324 return 0;
328 } /* MatchFirst */
335 matchnext.c:
344 (C) 1995-96 AROS - The Amiga Research OS
345 $Id$
347 Desc:
348 Lang: english
350 #include <exec/memory.h>
351 #include <exec/types.h>
352 #include <dos/dos.h>
353 #include <proto/exec.h>
354 #include "dos_intern.h"
356 /*****************************************************************************
358 NAME */
359 #include <dos/dosasl.h>
360 #include <proto/dos.h>
362 AROS_LH1(LONG, MatchNext,
364 /* SYNOPSIS */
365 AROS_LHA(struct AnchorPath *, AP, D1),
367 /* LOCATION */
368 struct DosLibrary *, DOSBase, 138, Dos)
371 Find next file or directory that matches a given pattern.
372 See <dos/dosasl.h> for more docs and how to control MatchNext().
376 AP - pointer to Anchor Path structure which had been passed to
377 MatchFirst() before.
385 BUGS
386 Copying of the relative path to ap_Buf is not implemented yet
390 MatchFirst() MatchEnd() CurrentDir() Examine() ExNext()
391 ParsePattern() <dos/dosasl.h>
395 *****************************************************************************/
398 AROS_LIBBASE_EXT_DECL(struct DosLibrary *,DOSBase)
401 ** If the user says I am supposed to enter the directory then I first check
402 ** whether it is a directory...
405 struct AChain * AC = AP->ap_Current;
406 BOOL success;
407 struct Task * task = FindTask(NULL);
409 bug("matchnext\n");
411 AP->ap_BreakBits &= (SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C|
416 if (0 != (AP->ap_Flags & APF_DODIR ))
418 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set\n");
419 if (AC->an_Info.fib_DirEntryType >= 0 /* &&
420 AC->an_Info.fib_DirEntryType != ST_SOFTLINK */)
422 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory.\n");
424 /* Ok, it seems to be a directory so I will enter it. */
425 /* See whether there's a AnchorChain for that dir... */
426 if (NULL == AC->an_Child)
428 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory. Has no child. Creating temp AChain\n");
429 AC->an_Child = (struct AChain *)
430 AllocVec(sizeof(struct AChain)+1, MEMF_CLEAR);
432 if (AC->an_Child)
434 AC->an_Child->an_Parent = AC;
436 AC->an_Child->an_String[0] = P_ANY;
437 AC->an_Child->an_Flags = DDF_PatternBit;
440 bug("matchnext: Created temporary AChain structure: %x!\n", AC->an_Child);
443 if (NULL != AC->an_Child)
445 BPTR newdir;
447 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory. Has child.\n");
449 /* Ok, we're all set. */
450 /* Lock the director by it's name. */
451 AP->ap_Current = AC->an_Child;
453 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory. Has child. Locking \"%s\"\n", AC->an_Info.fib_FileName);
455 newdir = Lock(AC->an_Info.fib_FileName, ACCESS_READ);
456 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory. Has child. Lock = %x\n", newdir);
458 if (!newdir) /* stegerg */
460 AC = AC->an_Child;
461 return IoErr();
462 } /* end stegerg */
464 //kprintf("CurrentDir()ing %x\n",AC->an_Info.fib_FileName);
465 (void)CurrentDir(newdir);
466 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory. Has child. CurrentDir()ed to lock\n");
468 AC = AC->an_Child;
469 AC->an_Lock = newdir;
470 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory. Has child. Calling Examine\n");
471 Examine(AC->an_Lock, &AC->an_Info);
472 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Is a directory. Has child. Called Examine\n");
474 else
476 bug("matchnext: APF_DODIR is set. Could not alloc temp AChain. Returnin ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE\n");
480 } /* if (AC->an_Info.fib_DirEntryType >= 0 ... */
482 } /* if (0 != (AP->ap_Flags & APF_DODIR )) */
484 AP->ap_Flags &= ~(BYTE)(APF_DODIR|APF_DIDDIR);
486 bug("matchnext 2\n");
489 ** AC points to the current AnchorChain
491 while (TRUE)
495 ULONG breakbits;
497 ** Check for a break signal CTRL C/D/E/F
499 breakbits = (AP->ap_BreakBits & SetSignal(0, 0)); /* task->tc_SigRecvd */
501 if (0 != breakbits)
504 ** Finish right here... there might be a problem when/if the
505 ** algorithm is resumed the next time... Gotta test that.
507 AP->ap_FoundBreak = breakbits;
508 bug("matchnext 2: break bits were set. Returning ERROR_BREAK\n");
510 return ERROR_BREAK;
513 success = ExNext (AC->an_Lock, &AC->an_Info);
516 while (DOSTRUE == success &&
517 DOSFALSE == MatchPatternNoCase(AC->an_String,
518 AC->an_Info.fib_FileName));
521 if (DOSFALSE == success)
523 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSFALSE (no matching file)\n");
525 ** No more entries in this dir that match. So I might have to
526 ** step back one directory. Unlock the current dir first.
529 //kprintf("Couldn't find a matching file.!\n");
531 if (AP->ap_Base == AC)
533 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSFALSE (no matching file). Unlocking %x\n", AC->an_Lock);
534 UnLock(AC->an_Lock);
535 AP->ap_Current = AC->an_Parent;
536 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSFALSE (no matching file). AP->ap_Current = %x\n", AP->ap_Current);
537 bug("matchnext 2: currentdiring to %x\n", AP->ap_Current->an_Lock);
538 CurrentDir(AP->ap_Current->an_Lock); /* stegerg */
539 bug("matchnext 2: Cannot step back dir. Returning ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES\n");
544 ** Are there any previous directories???
546 if (NULL != AC && NULL != AC->an_Parent)
548 LONG retval = 0;
550 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSFALSE. There is a Parent and AC is *not* NULL. Unlocking %x\n", AC->an_Lock);
552 UnLock(AC->an_Lock);
553 AC->an_Lock = NULL;
555 AC = AC->an_Parent;
556 AP->ap_Current = AC;
558 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSFALSE. There is a Parent and AC is *not* NULL. CurrentDir()ing %x\n", AC->an_Lock);
560 CurrentDir(AC->an_Lock);
562 if (AC->an_Child->an_Flags & DDF_PatternBit)
564 FreeVec(AC->an_Child);
565 AC->an_Child = NULL;
567 else
568 if (0 == (AC->an_Flags & DDF_PatternBit))
571 ** In this case I must silently follow the pattern again...
573 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSFALSE. DDF_PatternBit is *not* set. Leaving matchnext with result from followpattern()\n");
574 return followpattern(AP, AC, DOSBase);
577 AP->ap_Flags |= APF_DIDDIR;
579 ** I show this dir again as I come back from searching it
582 retval = createresult(AP, AC, DOSBase);
585 ** Step back to this directory and go on searching here
588 CurrentDir(AC->an_Lock);
590 if (NULL == AC->an_Parent)
593 bug("matchnext 2: returning retval\n", retval);
595 return retval;
597 } /* if (NULL != AC->an_Parent && NULL != AC) */
599 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSFALSE. There is no Parent and/or AC is NULL. Returning ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES\n");
602 ** No previous directory, so I am done here...
606 } /* if (DOSFALSE == success) */
607 else
609 bug("matchnext 2: success == DOSTRUE (found a match). Leaving matchnext wth result from createresult()\n");
610 /* Alright, I found a match... */
611 return createresult(AP, AC, DOSBase);
614 } /* while (TRUE) */
616 bug("matchnext 2: returning 0.\n");
618 return 0;
622 } /* MatchNext */
628 matchend.c:
636 (C) 1995-96 AROS - The Amiga Research OS
637 $Id$
639 Desc:
640 Lang: english
642 #include <proto/exec.h>
643 #include "dos_intern.h"
645 /*****************************************************************************
647 NAME */
648 #include <dos/dosasl.h>
649 #include <proto/dos.h>
651 AROS_LH1(void, MatchEnd,
653 /* SYNOPSIS */
654 AROS_LHA(struct AnchorPath *, AP, D1),
656 /* LOCATION */
657 struct DosLibrary *, DOSBase, 139, Dos)
660 Free the memory that was allocated by calls to MatchFirst() and
661 MatchNext()
664 AP - pointer to Anchor Path structure which had been passed to
665 MatchFirst() before.
668 Allocated memory is returned and filelocks are freed.
674 BUGS
680 *****************************************************************************/
683 AROS_LIBBASE_EXT_DECL(struct DosLibrary *,DOSBase)
685 /* Free the AChain and unlock all locks that are still there */
686 struct AChain * AC = AP->ap_Current;
687 struct AChain * AC_tmp;
689 /* Unlock everything */
690 if (NULL == AC)
691 return;
693 while (NULL != AC->an_Parent)
695 bug("MatchEnd: unlocking %x\n", AC->an_Lock);
696 UnLock(AC->an_Lock);
697 AC = AC->an_Parent;
700 bug("MatchEnd: CurrentDir(%x)\n", AC->an_Lock);
702 CurrentDir(AC->an_Lock);
704 /* AC points to the very first AChain obj. in the list */
705 /* Free the AChain List */
706 while (NULL != AC)
708 AC_tmp = AC->an_Child;
709 FreeVec(AC);
710 AC = AC_tmp;
713 /* Cleanup AP */
714 AP->ap_Base = NULL;
715 AP->ap_Current = NULL;
719 } /* MatchEnd */
729 match_misc.c:
731 #include <exec/types.h>
732 #include <proto/exec.h>
733 #include <proto/dos.h>
734 #include <dos/dosasl.h>
735 #include "dos_intern.h"
736 #include <string.h>
738 LONG followpattern(struct AnchorPath * AP,
739 struct AChain * AC,
740 struct DosLibrary * DOSBase)
742 LONG success;
744 bug("followpattern start\n");
747 ** If the user specified the pattern libs:#?/s#/
748 ** then I must enter that pattern before I return to the user.
750 while (TRUE)
754 success = ExNext (AC->an_Lock, &AC->an_Info);
756 while (DOSTRUE == success &&
757 DOSFALSE == MatchPatternNoCase(AC->an_String,
758 AC->an_Info.fib_FileName));
761 ** If no matching entry could be found here then I
762 ** step back one directory, unless this is the very
763 ** first directory already.
765 if (DOSFALSE == success)
767 bug("followpattern: success is DOSFALSE. Unlocking AC->an_Lock %x\n", AC->an_Lock);
768 UnLock(AC->an_Lock);
769 AC->an_Lock = NULL;
771 AC = AC->an_Parent;
772 bug("followpattern: success is DOSFALSE. AC now %x\n", AC);
774 AP->ap_Current = AC;
776 bug("followpattern: success is DOSFALSE. CurrentDir()ing to %x\n", AC->an_Lock);
778 CurrentDir(AC->an_Lock);
780 bug("followpattern: success is DOSFALSE. AC has parent = %s\n", AC->an_Parent ? "yes" : "no");
782 if (NULL == AC->an_Parent)
784 bug("followpattern: success is DOSFALSE. Has no parent. --> returning ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES\n");
788 else
790 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE.\n");
791 if (AC->an_Info.fib_DirEntryType >= 0 /* &&
792 AC->an_Info.fib_DirEntryType != ST_SOFTLINK */)
794 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory.\n");
796 ** I must silently enter this directory if there
797 ** are further patterns left, otherwise I return to the
798 ** user.
800 if (NULL != AC->an_Child)
803 ** Silently entering this dir according to the
804 ** pattern.
806 BPTR newdir;
808 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory. Has a child. Entering\n");
810 AP->ap_Current = AC->an_Child;
812 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory. Locking + CurrentDir()ing to %s\n", AC->an_Info.fib_FileName);
814 newdir = Lock(AC->an_Info.fib_FileName, ACCESS_READ);
815 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory. Locking done. Lock = %x\n", newdir);
816 (void)CurrentDir(newdir);
818 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory. CurrentDir()ing done\n");
820 AC = AC->an_Child;
821 AC->an_Lock = newdir;
823 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory. Examining lock %x\n", newdir);
825 Examine(AC->an_Lock, &AC->an_Info);
826 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory. Examining lock done\n");
828 else
830 bug("followpattern: success *not* DOSFALSE. Is a directory. Has now child. Leaving followpattern with result from createresult\n");
832 ** Ask the user whether to enter this dir or not
834 return createresult(AP, AC, DOSBase);
837 } /* is a directory */
838 else
841 ** This is a file. If there is pattern left to match then
842 ** I must not show this file because I must fulfill the pattern
843 ** first.
845 if (NULL == AC->an_Child)
847 bug("followpattern: is a file and has no child: leaving followpattern with result from createresult \n");
850 ** There's no pattern left!
852 return createresult(AP, AC, DOSBase);
854 else
855 bug("followpattern: Silently skipping file %s!\n",AC->an_Info.fib_FileName);
857 } /* is a file */
859 } /* if (DOSFALSE == success) */
861 } /* while (TRUE) */
863 #if 0
865 ** Hooray! A matching file was found. Also show the data in AP
867 createresult(AP, AC, DOSBase);
868 #endif
874 ** A file/directory has been found and now it must be written
875 ** into the relevant structures.
877 LONG createresult(struct AnchorPath * AP,
878 struct AChain * AC,
879 struct DosLibrary * DOSBase)
881 bug("createresult\n");
883 CopyMem(&AC->an_Info, &AP->ap_Info, sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
884 if (0 != AP->ap_Strlen)
886 if (FALSE == writeFullPath(AP))
888 bug("createresult: returning ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW\n");
893 bug("createresult: done\n");
895 return 0;
899 /* Function needed by MatchFirst/Next */
901 BOOL writeFullPath(struct AnchorPath * AP)
903 struct AChain * AC = AP->ap_Base;
904 BOOL end = FALSE;
905 char * LastPos = (char *)&AP->ap_Buf;
906 int copied = 0;
908 bug("writefullpath\n");
909 while (FALSE == end)
911 int len = strlen(AC->an_Info.fib_FileName);
912 if (copied+len > AP->ap_Strlen)
914 bug("writefullpath: not enough space\n");
915 return FALSE;
917 strcpy(&LastPos[copied], AC->an_Info.fib_FileName);
918 copied += len;
920 if (AC != AP->ap_Current)
922 /* also add a '/' */
923 if (copied+1 > AP->ap_Strlen)
925 bug("writefullpath: not enough space 2\n");
926 return FALSE;
928 LastPos[copied]='/';
929 copied++;
931 else
933 if (copied+1 > AP->ap_Strlen)
935 bug("writefullpath: not enough space 3\n");
936 return FALSE;
938 LastPos[copied]='\0';
939 end = TRUE;
942 AC = AC->an_Child;
945 bug("writefullpath: done\n");
947 return TRUE;