3 libbasetype struct IntHIDDGraphicsBase
8 classptr_field hdg_csd.gfxhwclass
9 classdatatype struct HWGfxData
10 oopbase_field hdg_csd.cs_OOPBase
11 seglist_field hdg_csd.cs_SegList
16 #include "gfx_intern.h"
33 classptr_field hdg_csd.gfxhiddclass
34 classdatatype struct HiddGfxData
80 classid CLID_Hidd_BitMap
82 classptr_field hdg_csd.bitmapclass
83 classdatatype struct HIDDBitMapData
92 .interface Hidd_BitMap
150 SetRGBConversionFunction
162 classptr_field hdg_csd.gcclass
163 classdatatype struct gc_data
182 classid CLID_Hidd_ColorMap
184 classptr_field hdg_csd.colormapclass
185 classdatatype struct colormap_data
193 .interface Hidd_ColorMap
206 classptr_field hdg_csd.pixfmtclass
207 classdatatype struct pixfmt_data
214 #.interface PixFmt (is an empty interface needed ?)
224 classptr_field hdg_csd.syncclass
225 classdatatype struct sync_data
234 #.interface Sync (is an empty interface needed ?)
244 classid CLID_Hidd_PlanarBM
245 superclass CLID_Hidd_BitMap
246 classptr_field hdg_csd.planarbmclass
247 classdatatype struct planarbm_data
255 .interface Hidd_BitMap
261 .interface Hidd_PlanarBM
273 classid CLID_Hidd_ChunkyBM
274 superclass CLID_Hidd_BitMap
275 classptr_field hdg_csd.chunkybmclass
276 classdatatype struct chunkybm_data
285 .interface Hidd_BitMap
302 interfaceid hidd.gfx.driver
303 interfacename Hidd_Gfx
305 methodbase HiddGfxBase
306 attributebase HiddGfxAttrBase
309 ##begin attributelist
310 struct TagItem *MemoryAttribs #[..G] query information about the gfx devices memory.
311 struct List *DisplayList # [..G] Returns a list of Display objects (if supported)
312 OOP_Object *DisplayDefault # [..G] Find the primary Display. If DisplayList == NULL, DisplayDefault = the only available display.
313 BOOL IsWindowed # [..G] Whether the HIDD is using host's window system
314 ULONG DPMSLevel # [ISG] DPMS level
315 struct TagItem * PixFmtTags # [I..]
316 struct TagItem * SyncTags # [I..]
317 struct TagItem * ModeTags # [I..] Display modes description
318 ULONG NumSyncs # [..G] The number of different syncs the gfxcard can do
319 BOOL SupportsHWCursor # [..G] SupportsHWCursor (obsolete)
320 BOOL NoFrameBuffer # [..G] if the hidd does not need a framebuffer
321 UBYTE HWSpriteTypes # [..G] Supported types of hardware sprites
322 ULONG MemorySize # [..G] Size of video card's memory in bytes
323 ULONG MemoryClock # [..G] A video card's memory clock in Hz
324 STRPTR DriverName # [..G] A name of driver for CyberGraphX
325 APTR ActiveCallBack # [.S.] Display activation callback function
326 APTR ActiveCallBackData # [.S.] User data for activation callback
327 OOP_Object * DefaultGC # [..G] Default GC for copy operations
328 UBYTE FrameBufferType # [I.G] Framebuffer type
329 BOOL SupportsGamma # [..G] Supports gamma correction table
333 VOID NominalDimensions(UWORD *width, UWORD *height, UBYTE *depth);
334 OOP_Object * CreateObject(OOP_Class *cl, struct TagItem *attrList)
335 HIDDT_ModeID * QueryModeIDs(struct TagItem *queryTags)
336 VOID ReleaseModeIDs(HIDDT_ModeID *modeIDs)
337 HIDDT_ModeID NextModeID(HIDDT_ModeID modeID, OOP_Object **syncPtr, OOP_Object **pixFmtPtr)
338 BOOL GetMode(HIDDT_ModeID modeID, OOP_Object **syncPtr, OOP_Object **pixFmtPtr)
339 BOOL CheckMode(HIDDT_ModeID modeID, OOP_Object *sync, OOP_Object *pixFmt)
340 OOP_Object * GetPixFmt(HIDDT_StdPixFmt stdPixFmt)
341 BOOL SetCursorShape(OOP_Object *shape, WORD xoffset, WORD yoffset)
342 BOOL SetCursorPos(WORD x, WORD y)
343 VOID SetCursorVisible(BOOL visible)
344 BOOL SetMode(OOP_Object *sync)
345 OOP_Object *Show(OOP_Object *bitMap, ULONG flags)
346 VOID CopyBox(OOP_Object *src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, OOP_Object *dest, WORD destX, WORD destY, UWORD width, UWORD height, OOP_Object *gc)
347 VOID ShowImminentReset() # Obsolete
348 ULONG ModeProperties(HIDDT_ModeID modeID, struct HIDD_ModeProperties *props, ULONG propsLen)
349 ULONG ShowViewPorts(struct HIDD_ViewPortData *Data)
350 OOP_Object *GetSync(ULONG num)
351 BOOL GetGamma(UBYTE *Red, UBYTE *Green, UBYTE *Blue)
352 BOOL SetGamma(UBYTE *Red, UBYTE *Green, UBYTE *Blue)
353 BOOL QueryHardware3D(OOP_Object *pixFmt)
354 BOOL GetMaxSpriteSize(ULONG Type, ULONG *Width, ULONG *Height)
355 OOP_Object * NewOverlay(struct TagItem *attrList)
356 void DisposeOverlay(OOP_Object *Overlay)
357 ULONG MakeViewPort(struct HIDD_ViewPortData *Data)
358 void CleanViewPort(struct HIDD_ViewPortData *Data)
359 ULONG PrepareViewPorts(struct HIDD_ViewPortData *Data, struct View *view)
360 BOOL CopyBoxMasked(OOP_Object *src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, OOP_Object *dest, WORD destX, WORD destY, UWORD width, UWORD height, PLANEPTR mask, OOP_Object *gc)
366 interfaceid hidd.gfx.bitmap
367 interfacename Hidd_BitMap
369 methodbase HiddBitMapBase
370 attributebase HiddBitMapAttrBase
373 ##begin attributelist
374 OOP_Object *GfxHidd # [..G] Pointer to the gfxhidd object this bitmap was created with
375 WORD LeftEdge # [.SG] Left edge position of the bitmap
376 WORD TopEdge # [.SG] Top edge position of the bitmap
377 UWORD Width # [ISG] Bitmap width
378 UWORD Height # [ISG] Bitmap height
379 UWORD Align # [I..] Number of pixels to align bitmap data width to
380 UWORD Depth # [..G] Bitmap depth
382 BOOL IsLinearMem # [..G] Is the bitmap memory contiguous
383 ULONG BytesPerRow # [..G] Number of bytes in a row
384 OOP_Object *ColorMap # [..G] Colormap of the bitmap
385 struct BitMap *BMStruct # [I.G] BitMap object's associated struct BitMap
386 OOP_Object *Friend # [I.G] Friend bitmap.
387 HIDDT_StdPixFmt StdPixFmt # [I..] What stdpixel format the bitmap should have.
388 OOP_Object * PixFmt # [..G] This is complete pixfmt of a bitmap
389 HIDDT_StdPixFmt SpritePixFmt # [..G] Prefered pixel format attached sprites should have (for vHidd_SpriteType_DirectColor)
390 HIDDT_ModeID ModeID # [I.G] Must be passed on initialization of aHidd_BitMap_Displayable=TRUE bitmaps.
391 BOOL Displayable # [I.G] Bitmap is displayable (default: FALSE)
392 BOOL Visible # [..G] Check if a bitmap is visible
393 BOOL Focus # [.S.] * PRIVATE * When set, the monitor for the display bitmap has been activated.
394 BOOL FrameBuffer # [I..] Allocate framebuffer
395 BOOL ModeChange # [I..] Supports mode ID change
396 BOOL Compositable # [ISG] Can be Displayed via Compositor (Mutually exclusive with Displayable)
397 .skip 10 # private attribs
398 OOP_Class *ClassPtr # [I..] Only used by subclasses of the gfx
399 CONST_STRPTR ClassID # [I..] Only used by subclasses of the gfx
403 BOOL SetColors(HIDDT_Color *colors, UWORD firstColor, UWORD numColors)
404 VOID PutPixel(WORD x, WORD y, HIDDT_Pixel pixel)
405 VOID DrawPixel(OOP_Object *gc, WORD x, WORD y)
406 VOID PutImage(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pixels, ULONG modulo, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, HIDDT_StdPixFmt pixFmt)
407 VOID PutAlphaImage(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pixels, ULONG modulo, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height)
408 VOID PutTemplate(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *masktemplate, ULONG modulo, WORD srcx, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, BOOL inverttemplate)
409 VOID PutAlphaTemplate(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *alpha, ULONG modulo, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, BOOL invertalpha)
410 VOID PutPattern(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pattern, WORD patternsrcx, WORD patternsrcy, WORD patternheight, WORD patterndepth, HIDDT_PixelLUT *patternlut, BOOL invertpattern, UBYTE *mask, ULONG maskmodulo, WORD masksrcx, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height)
411 VOID GetImage(UBYTE *pixels, ULONG modulo, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, HIDDT_StdPixFmt pixFmt)
412 HIDDT_Pixel GetPixel(WORD x, WORD y)
413 VOID DrawLine(OOP_Object *gc, WORD x1, WORD y1, WORD x2, WORD y2)
414 VOID DrawRect(OOP_Object *gc, WORD minX, WORD minY, WORD maxX, WORD maxY)
415 VOID FillRect(OOP_Object *gc, WORD minX, WORD minY, WORD maxX, WORD maxY)
416 VOID DrawEllipse(OOP_Object *gc, WORD x, WORD y, WORD rx, WORD ry)
417 VOID FillEllipse(OOP_Object *gc, WORD x, WORD y, WORD ry, WORD rx)
418 VOID DrawPolygon(OOP_Object *gc, UWORD n, WORD *coords)
419 VOID FillPolygon(OOP_Object *gc, UWORD n, WORD *coords)
420 VOID DrawText(OOP_Object *gc, WORD x, WORD y, STRPTR text, UWORD length)
421 VOID FillText(OOP_Object *gc, WORD x, WORD y, STRPTR text, UWORD length)
422 VOID FillSpan() # Obsolete
423 VOID Clear(OOP_Object *gc)
424 VOID BlitColorExpansion(OOP_Object *gc, OOP_Object *srcBitMap, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, WORD destX, WORD destY, UWORD width, UWORD height)
425 HIDDT_Pixel MapColor(HIDDT_Color *color)
426 VOID UnmapPixel(HIDDT_Pixel pixel, HIDDT_Color *color)
427 VOID PutImageLUT(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pixels, ULONG modulo, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, HIDDT_PixelLUT *pixlut)
428 VOID PutTranspImageLUT(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pixels, ULONG modulo, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, HIDDT_PixelLUT *pixlut, UBYTE transparent)
429 VOID GetImageLUT(UBYTE *pixels, ULONG modulo, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, HIDDT_PixelLUT *pixlut)
430 ULONG BytesPerLine(HIDDT_StdPixFmt pixFmt, UWORD width)
431 VOID ConvertPixels(APTR *srcPixels, HIDDT_PixelFormat *srcPixFmt, ULONG srcMod, APTR *dstBuf, HIDDT_PixelFormat *dstPixFmt, ULONG dstMod, UWORD width, UWORD height, HIDDT_PixelLUT *pixlut)
432 VOID FillMemRect8(APTR dstBuf, WORD minX, WORD minY, WORD maxX, WORD maxY, ULONG dstMod, UBYTE fill)
433 VOID FillMemRect16(APTR dstBuf, WORD minX, WORD minY, WORD maxX, WORD maxY, ULONG dstMod, UWORD fill)
434 VOID FillMemRect24(APTR dstBuf, WORD minX, WORD minY, WORD maxX, WORD maxY, ULONG dstMod, ULONG fill)
435 VOID FillMemRect32(APTR dstBuf, WORD minX, WORD minY, WORD maxX, WORD maxY, ULONG dstMod, ULONG fill)
436 VOID InvertMemRect(APTR dstBuf, WORD minX, WORD minY, WORD maxX, WORD maxY, ULONG dstMod)
437 VOID CopyMemBox8(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
438 VOID CopyMemBox16(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
439 VOID CopyMemBox24(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
440 VOID CopyMemBox32(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
441 VOID CopyLUTMemBox16(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod, HIDDT_PixelLUT *pixlut)
442 VOID CopyLUTMemBox24(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod, HIDDT_PixelLUT *pixlut)
443 VOID CopyLUTMemBox32(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod, HIDDT_PixelLUT *pixlut)
444 VOID PutMem32Image8(APTR src, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
445 VOID PutMem32Image16(APTR src, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
446 VOID PutMem32Image24(APTR src, APTR dst, WORD dstX, WORD dstY, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
447 VOID GetMem32Image8(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
448 VOID GetMem32Image16(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
449 VOID GetMem32Image24(APTR src, WORD srcX, WORD srcY, APTR dst, UWORD width, UWORD height, ULONG srcMod, ULONG dstMod)
450 VOID PutMemTemplate8(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *masktemplate, ULONG modulo, WORD srcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, BOOL inverttemplate)
451 VOID PutMemTemplate16(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *masktemplate, ULONG modulo, WORD srcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, BOOL inverttemplate)
452 VOID PutMemTemplate24(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *masktemplate, ULONG modulo, WORD srcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, BOOL inverttemplate)
453 VOID PutMemTemplate32(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *masktemplate, ULONG modulo, WORD srcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height, BOOL inverttemplate)
454 VOID PutMemPattern8(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pattern, WORD patternsrcx, WORD patternsrcy, WORD patternheight, WORD patterndepth, HIDDT_PixelLUT *patternlut, BOOL invertpattern, UBYTE *mask, ULONG maskmodulo, WORD masksrcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height)
455 VOID PutMemPattern16(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pattern, WORD patternsrcx, WORD patternsrcy, WORD patternheight, WORD patterndepth, HIDDT_PixelLUT *patternlut, BOOL invertpattern, UBYTE *mask, ULONG maskmodulo, WORD masksrcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height)
456 VOID PutMemPattern24(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pattern, WORD patternsrcx, WORD patternsrcy, WORD patternheight, WORD patterndepth, HIDDT_PixelLUT *patternlut, BOOL invertpattern, UBYTE *mask, ULONG maskmodulo, WORD masksrcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height)
457 VOID PutMemPattern32(OOP_Object *gc, UBYTE *pattern, WORD patternsrcx, WORD patternsrcy, WORD patternheight, WORD patterndepth, HIDDT_PixelLUT *patternlut, BOOL invertpattern, UBYTE *mask, ULONG maskmodulo, WORD masksrcx, APTR dst, ULONG dstMod, WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height)
458 OOP_Object * SetColorMap(OOP_Object *colorMap)
459 BOOL ObtainDirectAccess(UBYTE **addressReturn, ULONG *widthReturn, ULONG *heightReturn, ULONG *bankSizeReturn, ULONG *memSizeReturn)
460 VOID ReleaseDirectAccess()
461 VOID BitMapScale(OOP_Object *src, OOP_Object *dst, struct BitScaleArgs * bsa, OOP_Object *gc)
462 VOID PrivateSet() # Obsolete
463 HIDDT_RGBConversionFunction SetRGBConversionFunction(HIDDT_StdPixFmt srcPixFmt, HIDDT_StdPixFmt dstPixFmt, HIDDT_RGBConversionFunction function)
464 VOID UpdateRect(WORD x, WORD y, WORD width, WORD height)
470 interfaceid hidd.gfx.gc
471 interfacename Hidd_GC
473 methodbase HiddGCBase
474 attributebase HiddGCAttrBase
477 ##begin attributelist
478 .skip 1 # [...] IPTR Reserved0
479 .skip 1 # [...] IPTR Reserved1
480 Foreground Foreground # [.SG] Foreground color
481 Background Background # [.SG] Background color
482 Draw DrawMode # [.SG] Draw mode
483 .skip 1 # [...] IPTR Reserved2
484 ULONG ColorMask # [.SG] Prevents some color bits from changing
485 Pattern LinePattern # [.SG] Pattern for line drawing
486 Pattern LinePatternCnt # [.SG] Pattern start bit for line drawing
487 .skip 1 # [...] IPTR Reserved3
488 Mode ColorExpansionMode # [.SG] Mode for color expansion
492 VOID SetClipRect(WORD x1, WORD y1, WORD x2, WORD y2)
500 interfaceid hidd.gfx.pixfmt
501 interfacename Hidd_PixFmt
502 methodstub HIDD_PixFmt
503 methodbase HiddPixFmtBase
504 attributebase HiddPixFmtAttrBase
507 ##begin attributelist
508 HIDDT_ColorModel ColorModel
520 HIDDT_StdPixFmt StdPixFmt
523 HIDDT_BitMapType BitMapType
531 interfaceid hidd.gfx.bitmap.planarbm
532 interfacename Hidd_PlanarBM
533 methodstub HIDD_PlanarBM
534 methodbase HiddPlanarBMBase
535 attributebase HiddPlanarBMAttrBase
538 ##begin attributelist
540 struct BitMap *BitMap
544 BOOL SetBitMap(struct BitMap *bitMap)
545 BOOL GetBitMap(struct BitMap *bitMap)
551 interfaceid hidd.gfx.bitmap.chunkybm
552 interfacename Hidd_ChunkyBM
553 methodstub HIDD_ChunkyBM
554 methodbase HiddChunkyBMBase
555 attributebase HiddChunkyBMAttrBase
558 ##begin attributelist
565 interfaceid hidd.gfx.colormap
566 interfacename Hidd_ColorMap
568 methodbase HiddColorMapBase
569 attributebase HiddColorMapAttrBase
572 ##begin attributelist
573 ULONG NumEntries # [I.G] Number of colors in the colormap
577 BOOL SetColors(HIDDT_Color *colors, UWORD firstColor, UWORD numColors, OOP_Object *pixFmt)
578 HIDDT_Pixel GetPixel(ULONG pixelNo)
579 BOOL GetColor(ULONG colorNo, HIDDT_Color *colorReturn)
585 interfaceid hidd.gfx.sync
586 interfacename Hidd_Sync
588 methodbase HiddSyncBase
589 attributebase HiddSyncAttrBase
592 ##begin attributelist
593 ULONG PixelTime # [ISG] (obsolete) pixel clock in picoseconds (1E-12 second)
594 ULONG LeftMargin # [ISG] (obsolete)
595 ULONG RightMargin # [ISG] (obsolete)
596 ULONG HSyncLength # [ISG] (obsolete)
597 ULONG UpperMargin # [ISG] (obsolete)
598 ULONG LowerMargin # [ISG] (obsolete)
599 ULONG VSyncLength # [ISG] (obsolete)
600 ULONG PixelClock # [ISG] Pixel clock in Hz
601 ULONG HDisp # [I.G] displayed pixels per line
602 ULONG HSyncStart # [ISG] time to the start of the horizontal sync
603 ULONG HSyncEnd # [ISG] time to the end of the horizontal sync
604 ULONG HTotal # [ISG] total time to draw one line + the hsync time
605 ULONG VDisp # [I.G] displayed rows
606 ULONG VSyncStart # [ISG] rows to the start of the horizontal sync
607 ULONG VSyncEnd # [ISG] rows to the end of the horizontal sync
608 ULONG VTotal # [ISG] number of rows in the screen includeing vsync
609 STRPTR Description # [I.G] description
610 ULONG HMin # [ISG] minimum acceptable bitmap width
611 ULONG HMax # [ISG] maximum acceptable bitmap width
612 ULONG VMin # [ISG] minimum acceptable bitmap height
613 ULONG VMax # [ISG] maximum acceptable bitmap height
614 ULONG Flags # [I.G] mode tags
615 BOOL Variable # [I.G] data can be modified
616 struct MonitorSpec *MonitorSpec # [I.G] MonitorSpec structure
617 OOP_Object GfxHidd # [I.G] Driver to which the object belongs
618 ULONG BoardNumber # [I..] Number of board (for '%b' in description)
624 interfaceid hidd.gfx.overlay
625 interfacename Hidd_Overlay
628 ##begin attributelist
629 ULONG SrcWidth # [I..] Source width in pixels
630 ULONG SrcHeight # [I..] Source height in pixels
631 ULONG SrcFormat # [I..] Source pixel format
632 ULONG *Error # [I..] Points to location where error code will be placed